State-of-Ascension-Report-42: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-42, December 19, 2011

About Chakras, LBP, Kundalini, Ascended Masters, and End Time Scenario in 2012

December 17, 2011

Dear George,

Regarding your conversation with Joe (Report-41) about frequency levels I remember the work of Dr. David R. Hawkins (Institute of Advanced Spiritual Research) that defines a range of values called the Map of Consciousness and which is a profile of the human condition allowing an analysis of the emotional and spiritual development of the individual in relation to society and in relation to the whole of the human race walking Earth.

They call it a comprehensive way to understand where one is on the ladder of spiritual enlightenment and this is explained in many accompanying books.

I looked it up to see if it fits Joe’s explanation. This institute is not specifically talking about octaves. They say that the values are a developed system spanning a 20 years research with the experience of over 250.000 Kinesiologic Calibrations. So this is their scale or Map of Consciousness. Levels up to 1000, where 600 stands for Illumination and 700-1000 stands for pure consciousness.

The 600 level is characterized as follows: “This energy field is associated with the state designated by such terms as illumination, enlightenment, self-realization and God consciousness. Distinction between subject and object disappears and there is no specific focal point of perception. Some individuals at this level remove themselves from this world as the state of bliss precludes ordinary activities.”

I understand that this scale is developed for at the least about 16 years ago and does not cover (in my opinion) certain aspects of progression and development we have been going through since then and still are. The game changes and influences abide.

Nevertheless, the reason why I share this is because I am aware of the fact that this information of Dr. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness has been going around New Age society for a long time and more so in fractured and/or misinterpreted ways than the original text intended to. Only the numbers (values) are used by many instead of values with the accompanying explanations within the whole of the context of the studies.

In my opinion, this Map which has many steps, is indeed a good reference for the individual to follow up in progression to his own development when used in combination with the context of the books. It says much about how one should look at things, like in recognizing the steps in the process, the kind of emotion, life-view, God-view. I think the way Dr. Hawkins meant for this Map to be used, was to stimulate people to try to see the relations between all different aspects and not just to look at any numbers or values.

In my further opinion, numbers – and in fact of any frequency scale – are not saying enough. The individual is better served with explanations about recognizable behavior and emotional patterns. And on top of that, I think it is difficult to have a scale that fits every kind of soul on this earth. I believe that many individuals can be on a higher frequency for a greater part of their daily doings, while in the meantime they’re still busy working out some minor processes connected to lower level frequencies. This alone is already reason enough for possible misinterpretation of values when one projects his situation to such a scale.

I think that when we reach certain levels of consciousness, we see that it does not need further explanation or confirmation and in such way does not need to be organized in scales. Having said this, the logical next thing to say is that when we have not come to those levels yet, that these scales from whatever source can not only attract the individual into curiosity but can also counteract the development of the individual when the scale and explanations are not placed in the perspective as was intended by the author or when the individual uses it only as a reference to ‘force’ himself into a convenient place on this ladder of consciousness. I have seen this many times and it is part of behavior patterns to deny issues that still need to be worked on. It has the risk to ‘keep’ people into a lazy and sometimes ego attitude.

In my own experience I don’t really need to know what frequency I am at because for me it has no measurable meaning whatsoever as it rides its course based on the efforts I put into it. But it does show in daily life who and what you are and how you stand in life.

Man’s progression is measured by his deeds and not by numbers or values.
Warm wishes,
Dear Rob,

Thank you very much for furnishing the scientific background of the numerical scale of evolution, suggested by Joe, as well as for your valuable comments on its use in daily life and during the LBP. What is the most important information for me from your presentation is that this scale was developed more than 15 years ago, before the actual LBP started on this planet, so that this study could not have taken into consideration the human experience of the current LBP, which is unique, not only on this planet, but throughout the whole universe.

I fully agree with you about the limited applicability of such scales in assessing the individual progression, where even the purported octave range as a substitute for frequency range becomes meaningless in the context of individual challenges and psycho-mental problems, which the incarnated human entity must surmount in this incarnation. The reason for this is that these hurdles are always associated with past karmic experiences and parallel incarnations of the over-soul in other solar systems and galaxies that escape any kind of earthly quantification.

Such a scale could only be a very rough means for assessing the progression of the LBP. In fact, I would only use the 144-octave as a basic borderline between planetary ascension and cosmic ascension. The latter has been defined by myself as early as 2000 in my book “The Evolution Leap of Mankind” as transliminal ´(boundless) souls.

Most of my elaborations on the LBP in my gnostic books are directly associated to this cosmic ascension beyond the 144-octave, which is a different experience than that which the vast majority of ascending human beings will have during mass ascension in Dec 2012 to the lower second level of the 5th dimension, where there will be still some kind of physicality and the creation potential of most human entities will be rather limited at the beginning.

transliminal soul will be a powerful creator being similar to an Elohim and will operate from all dimensions pertaining to the Source – from the 12th to the 3rd dimension.

This kind of quantitative distinction cannot be made by any human test belonging to the current earthly empirical science, as it must first develop a correct perception of these transcendental physical realities. This would say that present-day science must first accept the new Theory of the Universal Law based on the Primary Term of our consciousness, respectively, of any awareness in All-That-Is, which will be the next mental revolution of humanity in 2012 and beyond.

But I am sure that Joe and many other readers of this website will hugely profit from your additional explanation which was not known to me. Therefore, I will publish it in the next report-42.

In love and light
December 17, 2011

Hi Georgi,

in your last update you write:

“There are many myths in the New Age and kundalini is one of them. If something is repeated x-times, it becomes reality at certain point in time. But maybe you are more lucky than me and can find somebody who can describe you exactly how kundalini feels and how it arises in the body and what role it plays in the LBP. I have not found this credible source yet and I do not personally need it as I have finished my LBP without kundalini.”

Well, for me the building of the light body is unthinkable without “kundalini”. I understand the light body as a sphere of light, in which the body appears. This sphere is built through the rising of kundalini  in the spine and reaching her goal with the Divine, the 8th or higher chakra, ultimately a place “infinitely above” the head, a term which is not based on 3D thinking.  From there it is moving down the frontal line, ultimately to the feet, building a circular movement. This movement is extremely powerful and felt literally and tangible in the body. There are enough ancient sacred texts available, describing this process.

The New Age movement doesn’t know much about it. Therefore this movement is mainly an enterprise of the mind. The ancient Indian wisdom teachings (which origins are in the ancient Maya culture) call it the “Shakti”, the Goddess or Divine Mother. She is the true delight and companion of the human being. Shakti is not a myth but a reality and is my own daily experience, and I know many who have this experience too.

How would you rise your light quotient, and how would you rise your frequency altogether significantly without it. The Great Masters of humanity are Great because they radiate their own Shakti, which in turn awakens the Shakti in their disciples. It is called “Shaktipat”, and it is absolutely real. People, when they come close to somebody who is able to give Shaktipat, experience “Kriyas”, unvoluntary body-movements, mudras, and all kinds of sometimes extreme body expressions, and extraordinary Divine revelations in consciousness, all signs of the purifying power of kundalini. I have experienced such myself. Everybody experiences it differently, so there is no “general” description. But all agree, once you experience it, you never again want to miss it! It is the source of happiness and bliss, beauty and ecstasy – and it overwhelms the mind.

Swami Muktananda is one of the modern Teachers who described in an exemplary way his own kundalini process with his Teacher Nityandada in his book: “Play of Consciousness”, also available in German: “Spiel des Bewusstseins”. If somebody wants to know more about the kundalini process I warmly recommend this book.

Dear Ute,

Thank you for this information, but I still miss your personal experience there. It is too theoretical and it maybe that different energies are put together under the same term “kundalini”. I can personally differentiate at least 20 different energy qualities coming from the higher dimensions during the LBP, all of them passing  through my higher chakras, 8th to 14th and entering my body through the left brain portal, and none of them assimilates the kundalini, which as you say is unique and individual in each person. In this case, how do they know that it is the same energy quality? You see where the bug is?

The real high frequency energies come from the higher chakras associated with the 6th to 12th dimensions and not from the lower ones and they suppress the lower chakras so that no kundalini can come high. This holds true for all those that have opened their left brain portal as is the case with many members of the PAT. None of them speaks of kundalini and they are the most evolved human beings in this universe and also with respect to the LBP on earth. I have noticed that those that have barely entered the LBP talk much about kundalini. Hence my great sceptics in this respect.

Now let me tell you a basic knowledge which you seem not to get in all our discussions. All past information on earth from ancient times until 2000 is irrelevant as the energies we feel today have nothing to do with past experiences when earth and humanity vibrated with very low frequencies. In this case all your Asian and other quotations are merely “literarische Beigaben ohne praktische Bedeutung” ((literary ornaments without any practical relevance).

In love and light
Dear Georgi,

I disagree whole heartedly with several statements you make. Kundalini is the process in an individual, ignited by cosmic energy. It is not of importance which energy it is, I also differentiate innumerable different energy sources, But this is not the point. But what is important is one’s own purification and enlightening process, based on the potential of the cosmic energy, dormant in the human body. And this process follows the inherent law of the spiritualization of the human body-mind. The “lower” chacras are in that process also purified and after that they are not “lower” chakras anymore,  as this is a 3D concept, they change their quality. In this kundalini process everything goes through the process of apotheosis. And then there is no above or below, low or high left, as all is ONE, and everything is Divine.

Higher Frequencies and Light coming from even above higher dimensions, you mention, and even above the highest dimensions, do not “block” lower chacras from being integrated, this is my own experience. There is nothing to “block”, it is an idea in your mind and therefore this purification did not seem to happen in your case.

I also do not feel, with due respect, that the PAT members are the most evolved humans on earth. I have met people who are very much more evolved. I guess you are inventing your own spiritual world, separated from the rest, and claiming also, that you are the only ones, unsurpassed by all others. This is a big mistake, dear Georgi. It is all in the mind and wishful thinking. Be very careful about what you are doing and what you put in the heads of others, I really mean it.

I am also sorry to say, that I do not agree with you regarding your evaluation of the ancient tradition. This is another error. Of course, now there are coming new energies to this planet and solar system, but they are not “new” for those who did or who are doing a spiritual practice based on “ancient” teachings. They have been dealing with these energies all the while. The newly incoming energies are “new” for the planet and humanity, but they are not “new” energies, just now created somewhere in the universe.  Masters of the past have only done already what humans do in a greater number now. The only difference then is that there are now more people who are going through that process. And anyway, the Ultimate Divine Source, from where we all come, before we decided to become a player in these worlds and universes, has not changed either. It is always the same Source. And that Source Energy does not neglect the “lower” chacras in the awakening process, because It does not know low or high, because it Is all things and beings.

My own kundalini process is too personal and precious to discuss  in this environment. About the technicality you can read everywhere descriptions.

But let me tell you this: It opens your being to the Greatness  and Divinity of Existence which can only be felt and not “thought”, because thinking does the separation thing. It opens you to an all encompassing and deeply felt embrace of the Core of All-That-Is, which remains no longer an idea, but authenticates itself in your own heart. There is a space in the right side of the heart which is the doorway to the Ultimate Radiant Love-Bliss Being which only can be felt and not thought and not “proven” but can only be experienced.Because the Divine can only be felt and not thought. It is our own very True Divine Nature. It does not “think”. It proves that human beings are feeling and not thinking beings.  And it is unspeakable  Beauty, Bliss, Ecstasy, Freedom and an awakening of natural Devotion and Love, and your heart starts to worship in awe what it feels and sees. These are qualities one cannot even dream of, they are beyond what the mind can imagine.  Language becomes poetry because of the fullness felt, and scientific language would kill.  When I try to “think”, to “scientifically dissect” the experience, which I only can do, when I separate myself from the process, it stops! The inherent presence and fire of Divine Shakti, expanding in consciousness in the system subsides, because it cannot be measured. And it cannot really be described with a 3D language, because it transcends all dimensions.

Yes, there are many evolved civilizations in the universe who have a sophisticated and highly developed science and technology, but there are also beings who are more evolved, and they do not depend on any science and technology. They just do not need these things, they only exist as consciousness.

I am sure that your response to all of my explanation would be a scientific effort to prove me wrong in all I say. But I can only say that this approach would  not meet the mark.
So I propose that we agree that we disagree!

Translation from German:

Dear Ute,

I will not delve any further into this unyielding discussion. Instead I would like to make you aware of another very important fact. The promiscuity of your channeling sources is rather ominous, and I cannot escape the forceful impression that you are under the influence of dubious sources. Besides, it is an ample fact that these sources do not give you any new information, which could help us here on earth, but repeat instead  the same stupid stuff that many other channeling sources do:

If you wish I am ready to engage myself and perform a structural analysis of the content of your latest channelings, as to show you that you are obviously mis-used by these dubious sources and that this has nothing to do with the purity, which you yourself adamantly advocate. If I were at your place, I would immediately stop receiving this kind of channeling and would instead begin to rely exclusively on the inner voice.

As far as the progress in the individual LBP is concerned, this will be proven very soon. Those, who will ascend first and show up on earth will be undoubtedly the most advanced human beings. If you are the first to ascend, you will be also correct with your view in this ongoing discussion. If however  myself and some other members of the PAT will be the first ascended masters, as I firmly believe, then you live under a much greater blunder than the one under which you are now living with respect to your channeling activities. Or as the Americans say: ” The proof of the pudding is in the eating”

I am making this recommendation in love and compassion for you and you should not discard it immediately, but should analyse it thoroughly first. I deliberately say “analyse” and not “follow” as I do not expect anybody to follow my recommendations. Any kind of advice in this universe is only an offer, which can be accepted or rejected with all consequences for the individual.

In love and light
Original German email:

Liebe Ute,

ich werde diese unergiebige Diskussion beiseite lassen, aber ich muß dich auf eine viel wichtige Tatsache aufmerksam machen, Die Promiskuität deiner Channeling Quellen ist richtig bedenklich, und ich kann mich nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, dass du von dubiosen Quellen regelrecht missbrauchst wirst. Außerdem ist es eine offenkundige Tatsache, dass sie dir absolut keine neue Information mitteilen, die uns hier auf der Erde helfen könnte, sondern nur denselben Schwachsinn wiederholen, den auch viele anderen Quellen von sich geben.

Wenn du willst, bin ich bereit mir die Mühe zu machen, eine inhaltliche und Struktur-Analyse deiner letzten Channelings zu machen, um dir zu zeigen, dass du zur Zeit regelrecht missbrauchst wirst und dass das wirklich mit spiritueller Reinheit, die du so in den Vordergrund stellst, nichts zu tun hat. Ich würde an deiner Stelle sofort mit dieser Art von Channeling aufhören und mich ausschließlich auf die eigene innere Stimme verlassen.

Was den Fortschritt im individuellen LKP angelangt, dies wird sich sehr bald zeigen.  Diejenigen, die zuerst aufsteigen und sich hier auf der Erde zeigen, werden am meisten fortgeschritten sein. Wenn du dabei als erste sein wirst, wirst du auch in dieser Diskussion Recht gehabt haben. Wenn ich und manche anderen vom PAT die ersten aufgestiegenen Meister sein werden, wie ich fest glaube, dann lebst du in einem noch größeren  Irrtum, als derjenige, in dem du im Augenblick im Bezug auf dein Channeling bist. Oder wie die Amerikaner sagen: “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

Diese Stellungnahme ist in Liebe und Sorge um dich gemacht und du solltest sie nicht sofort ablehnen, sondern dich richtig mit ihr auseinandersetzen. Ich sage bewusst “auseinandersetzen” und nicht “folgen”, denn ich erwarte nicht, dass irgend jemand meine Empfehlungen folgt. Jede Art  von Empfehlung in diesem Universum ist stets nur ein Angebot, das akzeptiert oder abgelehnt werden kann, mit allen Konsequenzen für das Individuum.

Liebe Grüße
December 17, 2011

Dear GeorgeI forgot to mention that I totally agree with your description of kundalini – as orgasm.  It is inconceivable to me that the same sensation can be transferred to the upper chakras.  This is evident if for no other reason that the higher one ‘s frequency, the lesser the importance of the duality of sexuality.  When an individual has merged with the Soul and the causal body has burned up, kundalini/orgasm is relegated to the back seat in the presence of the bliss which accompanies the beholding of the monad.In many ashram situations, there seems to be an unhealthy emphasis on sex and sexual energy which inhibits the initiate from finding their true self. The Alchemykal Marriage has nothing to do with sexuality as experienced in the lower chakras. I am beginning to think that there are not many out there who have achieved this knowledge thus far. Maybe this is why they are emphasising the only thing they know, which is kundalini/orgasm???Callista
Dear Callista,

This is also my view. By the way. we had already a discussion on this issue with X. who also confirmed my experience. In the last years of my LBP the energies entering my body through the left brain portal are so powerful that they over-ride the lower three chakras, which lose their function as a sexual dynamo in human life. The whole pattern of sexuality changes dramatically during the LBP and this is the reason why “kundalini” plays no role in it.

I have been sexually very active during  my whole life, but the quality of the orgasm, as X. also confirmed to me confidentially, has almost vanished in the last years due to the complete reshuffling of my seven body chakras, which are now unified and vibrate at a much higher frequency than the expanded sexual orgasm described as “kundalini”.

The latter can open the upper three chakras in those individuals, who are not yet in the LBP and have normally closed 6th and 7th chakras and thus causes a short-lived excitation of all chakras of the individual.

One must bear in mind that most of the human beings currently on earth have only one or two partially opened chakras, predominantly the lower three ones, while the others are still closed. Even among light workers most of their chakras are closed. This explains the overwhelming and prolonged discussion around the opening of the 4th heart chakra in this small human population by all channels in the last 2-3 years as can be read in Internet.

This is the ultimate proof that even most light workers have to cope with their still closed 4th to 7th chakras and have not yet fully entered the LBP, which begins only after the 8th to 14th upper chakras of the causal body are fully opened and the left brain portal is fully functional, as is the case with many members of the PAT as they have presented their experience to me in their emails.

The short-lived unification with the higher self during the sexual act, described as “orgasm” by the normal people and as “kundalini” by most esoteric impostors is the actual experience, which the latter praise as a great spiritual revelation. Whereas in fact it is only a poor substitute for the cosmic bliss within the numerous limitations of their still closed human body chakras. This experience is completely reversed when the LBP truly begins.

Therefore, such a discussion is for me a litmus test that the person who sustains the view that “kundalini” is vital for the LBP is somebody who has not yet entered the process fully. It is as simple as that and all literary ornaments, which Ute puts forward to back up her lost case, do not help much, but sound rather clumsy and ridiculous to the LBP-specialist.

In love and light
December 17, 2011

Dearest George/ Internet Freud:)

I hope this email finds you and your family well. I would like to validate the reports of other PAT members through my own recent experiences. As you know, I find it very satisfying and energizing to know that as a group we are leaving a coherent “energetic trail”, as you put it.  Also, as I read the reports and your comments I am divinely inspired and guided to I delve deeper into myself to see what issues still need to be illuminated. This is the real beauty of your reports.

I wish to breech a subject, yet I´m afraid it is a rather long email. If you have the time or inclination to continue, I would be most thankful.

In my most recent wave of developments crested a few days ago with night-time attacks in the dream state two nights in a row. The timing is very similar to Callista´s accounts, it seems.   I woke up heart racing and was not even able to turn on the light for quite a while, never mind get up the courage to begin the decrees.  I am quite embarrassed to tell you this, as you recently write how the cosmic joke of psychic attacks is something that we can laugh at, obviously knowing that it is all part of this game of illusion here- it kind of comes with the territory. An occupational hazard, if you will.  Pre 11.11 when I was working with the decree for coherent Christ light I felt much more empowered and despite having turned on the hot water (the attacks became more vicious, and then insidious) I still continued the decrees.  Now I am not so sure I want to open up the water hydrant again, so to speak.

But now it gets interesting. Some 20  minutes after the attack, I was able to center myself again and felt compelled to meditate. I sat up in bed and with the light on and almost immediately began to experience another portal run-through, like pre 11.11.   I got very hot, then I held the space for a while and my heart chakra was very active and emitting great heat.  I was climbing higher and higher and then I just hit a wall of psychic interference.  I had maybe 10 minutes of successful holding of space, then lost the “high”.  I felt that if I had been able to continue, I might have been able to ascend- like the opportunity had genuinely presented itself.

I will now try to be brief. This is the 2nd time I have had such an experience.  I am concerned I have an implant in my nasal cavity or 3rd eye. I  had similar interference while I was trying to ascend on Nov 12 as I am bombarded with very vivid negative images. Sometimes violent, other times quite paranoid. But they come in right as I am getting to the “heart” of my meditation and then it becomes a silly practice, with much energy leakage and I am hardly able to hold any concentration.  On Nov 12 as I was approaching the ascension threshold, a blue sword was hurdled at me in the astral realms. It startled me and I reacted without thinking, grabbing hold of it in my mind´s eye and preventing it from piercing my solar plexus. It felt like an attempt at Crucifixion that would have split me in two. Yet now I am not sure if it was an attack or a way for me to leave behind the lower realms (lower chakras) with the Earth.

I can vividly recall having an astral experience (right when the Arab spring began) of having an implant shoved up my nose(by Greys) I was asleep and I fought against them so hard, I was at least 2 metres tall with a huge golden energetic body. But they were 4 or 5 and they exhausted me and I was overpowered.  Since 11.11 I have had visions of eyes watching me and postmen delivering unsolicited parcels when I meditate- my HS warned that my decision to ascend should be spontaneous and not planned.

I believe I can override this interference but am curious if you or Callista have any input on this topic. I apologize for the long email but this email has been “brewing” for some weeks now to get it just right.

PS.  In your last email you mentioned me getting to know the “inner soul”.via creativity.  It has got me thinking. Perhaps it is lazy of me to ask you what exactly is the “inner” soul? Callista often writes about her monad.  Would you be able to comment?

With very much love,


Dear Debra,

I read your email twice very carefully and I would like to shed some light on some of your interpretations of your experiences with dark influences. These experiences are real and this is the main reason why we are still here – we have to eliminate their influence to the very last moment. Many of these encounters may be perceived as fierce battles.

And here I differ from your interpretation: I do not believe that the Greys have manipulated your body and have put an implant as they are not allowed to do this with star seeds or with anybody else who has not given explicitly his permission and this can only be the case if this individual has been embroiled with these dark ones throughout this life or has given his consent prior to incarnation, which cannot be the case with star seeds. I would say that you have over-interpreted a vivid dream.

Today (Dec 16), for instance, I was very tired in the afternoon and had to sleep. Since I woke up in the morning, I had some very negative energies in my field which I immediately recognized as such and I knew that it will be a very hard day. I always know this when I wake up in the morning. After I contained these negative energies, the day was relatively calm, but tainted with nasty sensations. I was telepathically switched onto the mentality of the dark ones and had to cleanse them the whole day. This mentality was very disgusting, abominable, and there was no possibility to escape this brutal feeling.

I was so tired at 15.00 o’clock that I had to go to bed and slept for three hours, which is unusual for me.  During this time I had one repeating dream how I eliminated the rest dross of the dark ones on earth. It was a hard job and I woke up even more exhausted than before I went to bed. As I had an email exchange with Callista in the morning concerning this issue, my dream was associated with my discussion with her. After this cleansing wave, I have now entered a headache-wave (cc-wave) which is a recurrent pattern in my case.

What I want to highlight with this presentation is that we are now in the last efforts to eliminate this dark influences on earth and we are thrown in the battle without any safety net, as they (the higher realms) need our help on the ground at any price.

There is another important portal at 21.12 and the cleansing for this portal begins for us, star seeds, usually 3-4 days earlier to prepare the ground for the others to follow. As far as I am informed, this portal – a third in a row since 11.11.11 and 12.12 last week – will trigger the final elimination of the dark Orion entities from earth and their energetic influence. What will remain however are the dark human minions of the Orion system, who are still in power. Their ousting from power will begin in 2012.

So, please, do me a favour and do not try to personalize these negative experiences which you definitely have undergone in the past, while cleansing dark energy patterns. Consider them as regular skirmishes which leave personal memory traces in your lucid consciousness.

These dark ones have no influence on our ascension, as we are the ones who have decided to stay still on earth and finish the job. There  are very few of us and we shoulder the bulk of the burden.

When  I speak of inner soul, inner self, inner intuition or higher self, it is one and the same. These are the inner impulses that give us the most important information in a non-verbal form.

For instance I knew after 11.11.11 with an absolute certainty that this year there will be no major events, but the more so after January 1. I know that next year there will be a greater shift than planned for 11.11.11, but then postponed, and after that the two timelines will divide, so that those who will ascend will not experience most of the calamities others will go through.

The shift will not occur later than spring as around August-September the GF will show up. Therefore we will ascend earlier as to prepare humanity for this event. In the last four months before mass ascension in Dec 2012 many new technologies will be introduced immediately and will transform everyday life of humanity beyond imagination. In this respect, we are talking about a completely new society that will emerge next year after the shift.

Now, if the shift occurs in March-April at the latest, and we appear shortly thereafter, so that the GF can show up in late August, the new technologies will be implemented on a grand scale in September at the latest. Their introduction will begin with the first ascended masters in late spring and early summer. Only the ascending part of the human population will benefit from them.

The system will collapse between end of January and June and the crash will be accelerated by our appearance. After that many governments will collapse and we, the new ascended masters, will take over the leadership of humanity. It will be a very swift take-over. This event will not be experienced by those humans who will stay on the catastrophic earth B. They will be the hardest hit by the events – by the physical catastrophes after the shift and the concomitant economic collapse.

This is my concise forecast for the coming months that was intended to lift up your spirit and give you a simple straight forward road map.

In love and light
December 17, 2011

Dear George,

I spent some time looking around Rayelan’s website this morning and there are lots of interesting insights which I must admit I am astonished to find in the public arena. There is also some interesting information on the soul-catcher device which was situated on the moon and misused by the PTB to recycle souls.  I have just ordered her book, “The Obergon Chronicles” as it sounds like a good read.  She is an amazing woman – when you read her story  you can;t help but consider D Willcock et al to be cringing winging  wimps.

I am interested in your article on the multidimensional character of human history – is it in English?
love and light
Dear Callista,

I just read the Rayelan’s bio and found it quite interesting, but also somewhat confusing. There are gaps and turns in her life that are not explained and harbour some disturbing questions. But what she does, qualifies her as a warrior.


PS. To Rayelan. Info: Kurt Waldheim was a former Nazi and responsible for the death of 30 000 Jews from Thessaloniki during WW2. When he was elected as Austrian president this became known and he stubbornly stayed on this position instead of resigning. This paralysed the whole foreign policy of Austria for 5 years as nobody wanted to meet with him. He was persona non grata in politics. The funny thing is that I knew this before he became president. Before that he was General Secretary of UN and subsequently he belonged to the Reptilian/Orion Elite. He also behaved like this. If he was the Godfather of the husband of Rayelan, this is the worst recommendation she can have. I wonder why she writes this in her story.

The so called Templar Knights society in Salzburg which allegedly helped them – it is very doubtful if it exists at all and if so it has nothing to do with spirituality and enlightenment. I have always been suspicious for good reasons about such societies and have not seen any good  coming out of them whatsoever. This all makes the background of this women for me highly suspicious. Unfortunately the Americans have no political background and do not know these facts which is another proof for their lack of judgment. They are completely ahistorical. I am sometimes tired to expose all the time such blunders, which one should assume should be evident to the people. They are not! And here lies the tragedy of these End Times.
December 17, 2011

Dear George,

I have read your latest report, and noticed you were writing about Cold Fusion.

I can assure you CF is a reality because I’ve seen it with my eyes in an Experimental House in Milan, Italy, working for more than a month in a row, producing enough electrical energy to run four independent houses with all electric equipment switched on. I’m not sure if Rossi’s invention is something interesting, but I’m sure that Physics researchers Emilio del Giudice, G. Preparata, R. Germano and many others that work in their teams did the real deal. I’m sure not only because I’ve seen it, but also because Preparata passed away because of his activity, in the same way Fleishmann did: a fulminant intestinal micro tumor induced by a mistery radioactive paperclip found on his studio chair. Emilio, received many subtle death warnings by both the Israeli gov’t and the Mossad.

They discovered CF for not being a chemical reaction, but an electromagnetic chain reaction. It’s not the reaction by a two chemical compounds but a chain reaction between different fields of different chemical compounds, an energy exchange, that’s why mainstream science can’t understand it. Anyway, I don’t know who Rossi is, but I’m sure I’ve heard about Focardi once during a scientific meeting, but can’t remember if in a positive or negative way, I should ask. Anyway, as I’ve seen and proved CF can be achieved in short time (hours) and with maximum 300 €…  May I ask for some blueprint for your reader?

L & L
Dear Fabrizio,

Thank you for this important information. If these Italian scientists were so successful with their version of cold fusion, what happened with their invention in the meantime? Is there any effort to produce it on a large scale and distribute it in Italy, which is energetically a very poor country and would profit hugely from this invention?

In love and light
Dear George,

the first experiment done and successfully accomplished of these scientists is dated 1996-1997. Report, an Italian self called “investigating” tv program, dedicated a part of an episode these years to those scientists, filming a successful experiment in prime time. A quarter of the Italian population have seen it with their own eyes. Strong powers after that transmission made the authors of the program swallow back their words and stop talking about that issue. They are virtually ready to start a distribution on large scale, but the problem is that people don’t know the possibility to create their own energy at home, industries don’t have any interest in producing such a thing, scientists dismiss their success any if it can be verified as it is not a pure theoretical issue but a reality.Those scientists anyway blink their eyes to private people that want to build their own device and rebel against the system. They have no other choice but waiting for the people to rebel and demand their freedom. It is not their only invention that PTB have suppressed, so they work more on the side of educating people, but they are very very fed up with the situation.
Anyway I was thinking about building a device on my own, I could confirm you the real possibility for anyone to make it himself.
Love and light

December 18, 2011

Dear Piotr,

read this on Wilcock:


Dear George,
Thanks. I know Mr Finioans story. It is interesting he commented on this. I am not sure about the factual reality of the threat but I felt he was sincere with all the crying as if he believed it to be quite real; unless he is an excellent actor and faking that would be pretty manipulative and unsightly on his part.
To say one is protected from such things when one does not delve into the other side is not too precise as there seems to be a fluid area between the two to operate in even while merely providing information.
I like the guy but I think he indeed was a “patsy” to cry like that. I hear many people, not even remotely as popular as him, having it far worse and dealing with it. I have not been threatened like that in this incarnation, so it is not my place to judge. On the other hand preaching no fear and clearly acting upon it does not look good. Then again it is not like we are already even close to perfect in carbon based bodies.
He probably does what he thinks is right, in his own way and in the realm of his… capabilities. As you do. As well as Mr Finioan does. I guess there is more “grey” in this situation than even Mr Finioan presents. Duality strikes again, truth hides its gold in the average, in the middle, in different and always restricted representations of reality. That might just be one of the major hardships of this world. A certainty of miscommunication because of limited tools, senses, knowledge.
I try to refrain from calling actions disgusting. There is already few of us in the light here and throwing mud seems wasteful. Maybe I just can’t help to try to be nice. ^^
Dear Piotr,I do not share the opinion of this guy and I do not like what he has written about Wilcock either. i am just pointing at the reactions which David’s behaviour has triggered. We live in times, where it is increasingly difficult to hide your motivation as everything becomes more and more transparent.I have  no problem to assume that David Wilcock believed that he was seriously threatened and had angst as he does not impress me to be a very courageous person. That is not the point.The real “monkey theatre” lies in the naive belief of many people that one could make a revelation and file a legal suit and the whole house of cards will crumble because the legal system, which is now fully in the hands of the Orion/Reptilian empire, will all of sudden decide against its masters. There is a German saying which goes like this: “More stupid than the police permits”.

Why don’t the people see the scam that has started with Fulford who plays the dubious advocate of a murky Asian mafia group against another and promises whole heartedly the prosperity of whole mankind if some hidden money, the existence of which is not sure at all, will be distributed all of a sudden among the world population. And what for? And who will do this? And who has given the authority to this clandestine Asian group to speak on behalf of humanity – me, you? Can you name a single person who has authorized this group? Is it so difficult to see the whole scam behind this monkey theatre, where David only plays the role of Harlequin?

If the US-dark ones had the money, they would not be in such perils as they are now and would not operate on fraud until this camouflage also becomes transparent soon. But this will happen not through the weeping of David Wilcock, through the dubious connections of Fulford, the naive compassion of mired light workers for them, and the “honest” decision of a manipulated civil US-court, but because the system is bankrupt and the forces of light will no longer support it as this has been the case in the last three years since the crash in 2008.

In love and light

Dear George,
The change is occurring. If we assume the group is real and the gold is real and their intentions are not only real but what they are described… then why would they Not use a law suit? If they have power to enforce it who cares how they will do it. The case whether they have the ability to do this is another matter. Till we are subdued by the system we operate in its boundaries even if severely bending the rules. If they want to enforce a change they can either do it using the system or they need to tear a part of it down to create something new out of the rubble. I don’t pretend to know what kind of tearing down that would be or what other means of enforcing change still using the systems ways are possible. Tearing down however means chaos, disturbance and everything that revolutions more often than not brought in their wake in the course of history. I have observed that radical change has not been recently favoured and never is easily implanted.
Smoke and mirrors. Often used phrase by our favourite 4th dimension channellers as a double edged sword. Make us eat smoke when pretending to warn us against mirrors. Mimicry also as you said. Truth does seem sometimes irritatingly like the Schroedinger’s cat.
I see no reason why there would be no way to change something using a stupid law suit. On the other hand for example what Fulford says strongly implies that the monetary system actually would have worked had the manipulators not drained it, repeatedly crashed it, stole our money and spent it im sorry but on whoring with their ideas of power and world dominance and whatnot. That could even mean that its a new despicable, devious, covert way to crash it all and then come back to power restarting the whole process under a different name.
Does that mean that one idea is wrong and the other is false? One is more true and the other less? Both are crap because there is actually a third sickeningly artful master plan underneath, behind the backs of those behind our backs, in face of which all previous ones are irrelevant, tasteless or implanted as a distraction? Would the existence of the third master plan completely dissolve previous ideas as truth or only partly? What if there are even more layers to that or simultaneous alternatives to all concepts?
How can we even begin to untangle such a grey net of secret arrangements? We might poke here and there but ultimately to know the essence of it would be close to impossible.
Is pondering such eventualities an unnecessary distraction? Does that mean we should discard all or most attempts at change in the system and focus solely on our personal development and enforce the change this way? Are they mutually exclusive or complementing each other? To what extent? This is crazy.
Dear Piotr,This is a good pledge for a lost cause. I do not advocate seclusion and personal evolution away from the society, but a true revolution from the roots. Neither Wilcock nor Fulford support or pledge for this idea,If you remember I was the first writer in the New Age who discussed the need for a true revolution in the USA instead of following esoteric charlatans and gurus like Wilcock and Steve Beckow, before the Occupy Wall Street movement appeared on the scene. It came later and was so to say anticipated by myself.These charlatans as Fulford and Wilcock want to change the system with the same obscure means with which it has been created. This is stupid and unrealistic, and this effort is still part of this dark system. It will lead to nowhere.

Those people who put too much energy in this monkey theatre as witnesses and supporters only diverge their mental power from the real theatre of action – ascension and total collapse, irrespectively of human actions. They display a complete lack of discernment, And this is what I criticize.

In love and light

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