The Creation of the Three Spiritual World Centres of Ascension – Part II

Chronicle of the Energetic Events, August 15 – September 14, 2016

Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, September 15, 2016

August 17, 2016

I dream the whole night that I am teaching humanity the new theory of the Universal Law. As the people could not grasp the high level of abstraction of this theory I developed a set of questions with which I could forge and assess their growing ability of grasping abstract ideas and scientific contents. In this way my students achieved quick progress in understanding the Universal Law and its implications for life and society.

August 18, 2016

This night I dreamt all the time that I was the Source, within the Source, and I was blasting huge amounts of energy to Carla who was on the ground and was distributing these energies to the people while gauging their level of awakening. This procedure had to do with the opening of the people for the introduction of the new Theory of the Universal Law within our protuberance field. This activity continued without any interruption for many hours throughout the night and even after I woke up and went to the washroom, and was associated with the powerful Sturgeon (blood) full moon portal on August 18th.

As the events described below will show, my dream that night was of prophetic character and that we always know when the anticipated events arrive. This day was of particular significance. Only two days ago we learnt that the boys would leave us during the weekend as they had found all of a sudden new hockey teams to play with.

Under this sudden new development we realized that this is the last opportunity to have a final family gathering and decided to have the “Last Supper’ on that day with the boys and Carla’s mother. Carla drove to White Rock to pick her up from the senior residence and I cooked the meals the whole afternoon. We had an early dinner around 6 p.m. and then we drove Carla’s mother back to the senior residence. From there we went to our Infinity portal. When we arrived there, the weather became very hot all of a sudden due to a powerful but very steady hot and dry wind from west-northwest direction. The wind was already very strong along the coastline and when we walked on the pier its speed increased to about 60-80 km per hour, almost a storm. Carla told me that she had never experienced such a wind in her more than 30 years sojourn in this area and it is absolutely unusual that this hot and dry wind would be coming from the ocean as all winds from that direction are humid and cold.

I told her that this wind reminded me of the famous scirocco in Cote d’Azur and in other places along the Mediterranean coast which is a very hot, dry and steady wind from Sahara and can reach the speed of a tempest. It can last for more than 5 days at the worst. During this time the beach holiday is spoiled and there is little one can do outside as the exposure to this wind is very unpleasant because scirocco blasts steadily like a monstrous hairdryer all the time and is very exhausting. Remarkably, the air temperature rose suddenly several degrees to 27 degree Celsius when we were at the pier. The wind was heading exactly towards Mount Baker that protruded majestically above the golden-violet horizon of the setting sun to the East. This was on purpose as we learnt later on.

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When we drove away along the coastline and stopped a few miles away to watch the spectacular rise of the Sturgeon (blood) full moon on that day, the temperature dropped all of a sudden to 22 degrees and the wind stopped blowing although one would expect that it would increase as the coast was flat and completely open in northwest direction from where the wind came.

We knew that we had just experienced something unusual. This impression was reinforced by the fact that we both felt very heavy and stiff in our bodies and knew that we have been massively charged with source energies and codes. This was very often the case when we visited the Infinity portal in the past and needed to perform an important energetic function. We came back home very tired and a massive cc-wave with a severe headache hit me before going to bed. This was not a good sign as I very seldom get a cc-wave in the evening and then I am in terrible pain all the time.

August 19, 2016

The entire night I had a painful cc-wave with a split headache and could barely sleep. The source energy was pouring through a giant funnel into my left brain portal and body so that I woke up with stiffness and joint pain all over the body and could barely walk. However we had to get up early as we had an appointment for a major car check and repair.  We drove to Vancouver early in the morning to bring the car to the dealership and workshop and got another car as the repair was supposed to last half a day. It is important to say that this appointment was postponed and could happen only today and we always know that when there are such delays that this is part of the coordination of the higher realms and associated with some important light work we are supposed to do on that particular date.

We intended to go to the beach in West Vancouver while waiting for the car to be repaired and Carla was unusually excited about this trip. She had a vision that she would live in a house in West Vancouver after her ascension, where she used to live for many years. She had a vision of a tall, rectangular building with blue windows and a grey facade, but was unsure whether it was a 3D house or a 5D building reaching the sky. We decided to drive from the car dealership to West Vancouver through Downtown and Stanley park and on the Lion’s Gate bridge with a view over the harbour and West Vancouver spreading on the slopes of the near-by mountains.

During the drive which was slow due to the intense traffic I realized that we are disseminating light codes. I told Carla that we always did some important light work in the rare occasions when we visited Vancouver and Downtown and that this time we were spreading the codes of our protuberance field in this part of the city in preparation for the manifestation of the city of light (centre of illumination) in this geographic region when the final ID shift would come. This proved to be true but there was more to that. We enjoyed the warm weather and slow drive amidst the hectic traffic caused by the erratic behaviour of most drivers that could not cope with the heat well, but this unpleasant fact did not disturb us at all. As Carla later pointed out we were in a protective bubble and the chaotic energies of Downtown did not affect us at all.

We arrived happily in West  Vancouver and bought cappuccino and some sweets from a famous coffee-house and walked to the beach to sit on a bench and drink our coffee enjoying the marvelous view of the harbour and the ocean as well as of the near-by mountains. Then we started with our walk. Carla was curious to find the house she had a vision of where she would live in. There are a few high buildings along the West shore that stretch a few km along the coastline and we were prepared for a long walk.

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The weather was wonderful, the air was mild and the gentle sea breeze wind was caressing our bodies, while the sun was glistening and burning the skin. There were a few pedestrians on the promenade along the shore and many happy children in the near-by park that made our hearts sing with joy remembering the previous happy years when our children were young. We were in a very happy and elated mood and inexplicably eager to see what will happen next. There was a feeling of great expectation in the air or rather in our inner space as if something magic was about to occur any moment.

When we reached the first few tall buildings on the shore and Carla believed to have recognized the one particular from her vision where she was supposed to live,


the Elohim came to us all of a sudden and told us that we are now bringing the city of light New Lemuria and the entire Infinity Portal to Vancouver and anchor it here. That is why we had to visit White Rock yesterday evening as to be charged with all the necessary light codes and be able to expand the juxtaposition of our protuberance field with the Infinity portal we had built about a week ago (see above) to Vancouver. The Elohim told us that we are now anchoring the city of light New Lemuria which will be the spiritual centre of North America from the Infinity portal to the West shore of Vancouver. The city of Lemuria was built by us during and after our visit to Victoria, Vancouver island on June 4th, 2015 and then extended to the continent and the Infinity portal in White Rock, which is actually no more than 20 miles away from Victoria direct line.

Yesterday when we experienced this unusual scirocco from west-northwest direction at the pier of White Rock, this wind was a 5D wind that cleansed the Infinity portal one more time and then sent our codes and energies from our protuberance field to Washington state and Mount Baker which has a powerful crystalline grid inside and will support the city of light New Lemuria on the West Coast. This is the geography of the new cultural, intellectual and spiritual centre for the entire North American continent. Hence it was important to extend it over the US border to Mount Baker in Washington state and, for everyone who is savvy of the geography, there is only the ocean between White Rock and Mount Baker and this area is already part of the Infinity Portal and within the confines of New Lemuria. Not so in west-northwestern direction towards Vancouver, Downtown which is a large urban area and needed our physical visit and the personal expansion of our protuberance field before we could anchor the 5D city of light New Lemuria above Downtown and West Vancouver including the large harbour that opens to the Vancouver Island.

As we walked along the shore, we finally saw several tall condominiums which were already radiating with 5D light, while other more ugly buildings beside them were visibly descending into lower 4D or even 3D timelines and were waiting in their decrepit agony the coming of the tsunami from the inevitable MPR on a lower timeline when the ID shift would occur. The Elohim confirmed immediately our impression and told us that many of the residents of the light-filled 5D buildings have also raised their frequencies sufficiently high and would move to the new worlds, while the other buildings would descend and would be eventually destroyed. We could vividly see how this rupture during the Rapture would physically and energetically separate the buildings along the West shore like the wheat from the chaff and how the ascension would unfold in practical terms. It was awesome to behold this vision.

In fact we were in constant conversation with the Elohim while walking for more than 3 miles in westward direction. The conversation then naturally turned towards our impending transition to Central Europe where we shall activate in the same way the Infinity portal in Munich/Freising by connecting it to our protuberance field and will in this way trigger the final ID shift. The Elohim told us that we had to accomplish this energetic procedure first here in Vancouver before we leave this area and move to Europe. We then mulled over how this journey would be initiated as we are very reluctant to fly physically by airplane to Munich and live there for a while before we can trigger the shift. We know how dark Germany is in these final days. We would rather ascend from here after we have created the necessary energetic infrastructure in Vancouver as this was also confirmed by Rumi’s HS and then come to Central Europe as ascended masters to repeat this procedure – the juxtaposition of our personal protuberance field with the Infinity portal I have built in Bavaria, Germany since 2001 and knowingly since 2007 the city of light New Raetia. The latter will be also the new informational and technological hub of the new earth and ascended humanity (see previous Elohim messages above).

The Elohim were somewhat cryptic in this respect and revealed that much. When the time is ripe we shall know it. There will be an event that will lead us to Europe and then everything will beautifully unfold according to the “cause and effect principle” whatever that means. Hence we cannot exclude that there may be a particular 3D event that will make our journey to Europe necessary and, while being there, we shall trigger the Supernova of the final ID split together with all the light warriors the world over and will simultaneously manifest New Raetia in Central Europe as well as New Lemuria in the Vancouver area, stretching to Mount Shasta and Washington state in the US along the West Coast. This is another powerful confirmation of the ascension scenario, the blueprint of which has been enriched with remarkable details in the last month or so since I stopped editing the website on July 12th and fully concentrated on the ascension of Gaia and humanity and the light work leading to the introduction of the new theory of the Universal Law.

When we returned back to the car, Carla received a call from the car dealership that the repair must be postponed as they found a leak in the wheel and have to repair it too. However they must wait for the spare part to arrive and the car would be most probably ready the next day.  We agreed grudgingly to this new repair which was also a big blow to our strained finances and drove back home. We intended to take the highway 1 but then we ended in a huge traffic jamming due to an accident with a school bus that closed the entire highway. Carla was very quick and was able to take the next exit and we decided to drive again through the Lion’s Gate bridge and Downtown which seemed to become another nightmare as it was already Friday 3.00 pm and the rush hour had commenced.

We invoked a swift drive and indeed we were very lucky to go easily through the Lion’s gate bridge and then through Downtown. I knew in advance that we had to come one more time through Downtown to anchor firmly our codes and protuberance field in this part of the city in order for our light mission to be fully accomplished. But as Carla is the driver, and an excellent one by the way, I leave it up to her to make the decision where and how to drive. But this last experience made it clear to me how intuitive I have become and that I should listen very attentively to my inner voice as to get the right information from the HS what I should do next.

Back home we realized, fully depleted from the hot day and the long walk and drive, how much light work we had done inadvertently and unexpectedly, but then with great clarity, and how beautiful the ascension scenario unfolds these days for us. We were all the time fully in the flow as confirmed by some other chores we did during our stay in Vancouver and which contributed to this fluent 5D experience and unique creational work from the 6D level, from where we are now creating according to the Elohim.

August 24, 2016

Another major shift began in the night of August 24th with massive descent of source energy through my left brain portal that turned into a giant funnel. Severe headache and multiple joint pain in the morning. The cc-wave peaked also in the morning and the headache was excruciating the whole day. This wave was announced by another flu-like wave on August 23rd associated with stomach crisis and pain throughout the whole day which is always symptomatic for massive cleansing in the wake of new descent of source energies and a major ID shift. This whole episode must be in preparation for the 9.9 portal.

August 25, 2016

This night Carla could not sleep and had a nightly meditation. The Elohim came to her and confirmed the huge ID shift that occurred in the last three days as heavily experienced by myself. After that they emphatically reminded her of the Universal Law and its introduction on this uppermost mother planet. They told Carla that from now on all doors are open for its introduction and implementation and that this shift has created a clean slate. Very soon surprising events will unfold that will lead to the popularisation of the new theory. This will happen from Germany. There was more information which is however not relevant for this chronicle.

When Carla told me what she heard from the Elohim in the morning, we discussed the possible scenarios how this all would unfold. I told her that I am open to any opportunity but that I do not want to go back to Germany under the old conditions which were so terrible at the end that they are still a nightmare for me. Essentially the Elohim confirmed that I and also Carla would have died in 2013 unless we would not have come together and helped each other in this desolate situation in which we both were. This is not new to us but the thought of going back to Germany and experiencing this situation one more time revived bad memories in me. The Elohim came all of a sudden and affirmed emphatically that the past life in Germany is behind me and that I will experience a real cornucopia and that many doors will open simultaneously for us. There will be teams that will work together with us and there will be people who will be in opposition to us. Later on we realized that this will be all medical doctors and people engaged in the conventional health care system as we shall eliminate this profession and substitute it with new methods of energetic treatment.

August 28, 2016

Today we went to Vancouver to meet with Steve who is an ascended master but somehow still trapped in this 3D reality. He is an old friend of Carla and now of myself. During our conversation at a pizza restaurant I had a massive download of ascension codes within the new expanding protuberance that also includes the city of light here in Vancouver. Both Carla and I felt at the same moment that we began to vibrate very intensively as this has only happened several times before in the Infinity portal in White Rock which we have now expanded to the whole city of Vancouver. We knew that we are again on a light mission and that meeting Steve was the cause of a much bigger effect. By the way, our meetings with Steve have always been used by the HR to augment the energetic impact of our light work as we then combine our fields.

It must be said that on that day we descended to a very low timeline and our bodies were suffering a lot as we felt a huge weight on our breasts and could barely walk. This is the kind of physical sensation we always have on low-vibrating timelines. Back home we were so much depleted from our light work in the city that we both had to lie down and have a nap. I was immediately taken away for an hour and a half and my body began to suffer under a massive vortex of flooding source energies that hit my third chakra and caused a severe nausea. However, I was paralysed and could not get up and throw up. I must add that I had the same unpleasant experience the whole previous night, so that I must conclude from this fact that we were having another massive ID shift.

When I finally woke up, I was so nauseated and the vortex hit my body and stomach in such a violent way that I immediately threw up. My stomach felt as if being scraped from within with a scalpel in a most ruthless manner. After that I was a wreck for the rest of the day. I have had many similar, though less violent, episodes with vomiting in the past when I was in Germany and was hit by such waves, but never since I came to Canada. This makes me believe that something dramatic happened yesterday and I hope to learn more from the Elohim in the coming days.

August 31, 2016

We met with Julia in the early afternoon in White Rock after not seeing her for more than three months. We discussed various personal issues but also the establishment of the energetic structure of the new spiritual centre for North America in Vancouver as well as the leading centre of light in Central Europe. On that day the weather was cold for the season and there was a little rain when we drove to White Rock. When left White Rock all of a sudden it became pitch dark, the leaden clouds sank almost above our heads and showers of rain began to fall on the ground.

During the night and throughout the morning we felt some very refined high frequency energies descending upon us like huge cascades. Although bad weather is always associated with our descent to a lower timeline, this time we had the feeling that we are very close to 5D and higher dimensions. This feeling increased while driving to White Rock and I mentioned to Carla that my feeling is that this rain has the function to increase the conductivity of the atmosphere and facilitate the anchoring of energetic structures related to the new spiritual centre in Vancouver. While driving back through showers of rain I revived this discussion and told Carla that I have the impression as if a new 5D matrix has been imposed upon the old holographic model because the air felt as if being full of crystals.

At that very moment Carla got a sudden confirmation from the Elohim who constantly accompany us these days. They told her that the city of light New Lemuria has been fully anchored in this area which encompasses the triangle Victoria, on the Vancouver island, White Rock and West Vancouver where we brought the light codes of illumination last week. Essentially what we witnessed on the last day of August, which is also the beginning of an angular solar eclipse and thus a huge cosmic portal, was a further expansion of our protuberance field of enlightenment and its juxtaposition with the Infinity portal that enabled the energetic edifice of the city of light New Lemuria to fully descend and anchor in this reality.

When we came back home the rain had almost stopped and the roads were dry again. We felt very tired and had to lie down and sleep. I was immediately taken away and slept for an hour. Then I woke up and saw Carla besides me in a glistening crystalline light body of white Christed light with shades of pale blue colour which is the flame of the Ascended Masters and of God’s divine will. I wanted to tell her about that but I was paralysed and could not move or talk. Then I slept again for another two hours and was bathed in the most magnificent and powerful pure ascension energies that were flooding my field like Niagara falls. When I woke up Carla was no longer in the bedroom. She was in the living room and was also bathing in these blissful energies. We were floating around and expected to ascend any moment. The entire house was filled with crystals of blue light. Later on in the evening Carla was raptured in a dreamy state and went to the stars to experience the bliss of the entire cosmos.

This experience tells us that we are now building the energetic foundation of the new spiritual centre of light in Vancouver with great speed and fervour and that there are many stages of anchoring these higher dimensional energies into this holographic reality before it can manifest in its full glory. But it is happening now and the intensity of creation is immense.

September 1, 2016

Massive cc-wave with severe headache the whole night and throughout the day. This is associated with the anchoring of the city of light New Lemuria in the Vancouver area and represents another ID shift during the solar eclipse portal.

September 3, 2016

This whole night I had very vivid encounters with Germans in Germany in preparation for the manifestation of New Raetia (New Germania) in Central Europe. Many decisions were made and actions accomplished. I cannot recall now all of them but in one case an editor of a popular alternative newspaper asked me to write special articles for his newspaper in German. I began my journalist activity with translating my latest article on finance “The Mother of All Bubbles“. Altogether there was a lot of hectic and chaos but also a lot of joy in anticipation of the coming final ID shift.

September 5, 2016

The Final and Most Dramatic Global Purging of All Dark Thought and Emotion Patterns of Humanity From the Astral Plane of This Ascending Uppermost Mother Planet prior to the ID shift

In the evening Carla went nearby to pick up some hockey equipment. After several minutes she was suddenly hit by a most heavy wave of dizziness and nausea, that involved her left brain portal and the third chakra. The wave lasted ca. 30 minutes and at one point she fell against the wall and almost to the ground. She was not capable of doing anything because of the dizziness and a sense of extreme danger. The neighbor from the townhouse next door was sitting in his front yard, 20 feet away.  He had smoked pot inside his home, in fact “hot-boxed” his home, and had come outside to get some fresh air. The smell was intense and he was fully stoned. After several minutes Carla had to recollect herself as she felt that she must urgently leave the area and come back home.

When she arrived home I did not hear her as I was on another timeline. She laid down on the bed in the darkness as she was very sensitive to light. After a quarter of an hour as her situation did not improve she finally called me and when I entered the bedroom she asked me not to switch on the light as she has terrible nausea and giddiness and cannot bear the light. She was afraid that she might have had a stroke but my HS told me that this was not the case. Initially I attributed this to the very powerful wave with a high-pitched tone that had created a vortex in my left brain and higher chakras. There was a purpose to that as I shall explain below.

Then all of a sudden Carla mentioned about the neighbor smoking pot and then I knew all of a sudden that she was a victim of a dark attack. I immediately performed my very effective procedure of eliminating dark energies from our fields and sending them to the void by creating a huge vortex from the source. After several minutes Carla’s nausea disappeared and she felt much better. Now she was able to reflect on what had happened. We continued with our analysis throughout the evening after I repeated my purging procedure of dark energies two more times. And here is our interpretation supported by visions of both of us.

First of all Carla remembered all of a sudden that two nights ago she was awake and had a meditation when she saw AA Michael sitting on the bed in front of her with his huge wings. She told him: “You have always been around me but you have never shown personally.” AA Michael replied: ” I am here to tell you that you should begin to protect yourself several times a day with the blue flame.” He said this several times to Carla.

Then today both Carla and I were very unsettled the entire day and were in a waiting mode that something dramatic would happen. We discussed this sentiment but had no clue where it comes from. Carla also felt some anxiety which is unusual for her. Then in the evening she went to the townhouse where she experienced this event which felt at first as a personal attack on her by some very evil dark entities. But what really happened is that we opened a very huge portal with our common protuberance field and its juxtaposition to the Infinity portal that is now encompassing the entire Vancouver area and as the Elohim told us intercepts with 3D through 5D and 6D and connects these dimensions to the Source (see above).

The neighbor who smoked pot established the interface with all 3D and lower 4D timelines of this ascending uppermost mother planet. Carla and I live on a movable multidimensional platform that is essentially embedded in 5D and 6D and so does our house. The townhouse is instead part of the descending lower frequency timelines. When she went to the townhouse, she changed the timelines and descended very low. The neighbor provided the interception to these lower timelines and then all of a sudden a huge interdimensional cosmic funnel was opened that sucked all dark and negative thought and emotional patterns of humanity and those of the archons and demons from the astral plane that was also the source of all dark impregnation and behaviour of the incarnated human beings and swirled them into a huge vortex within our protuberance field, which Carla represented at that moment.

I was exempted from this dramatic rescue operation for good reasons as I had to be in full consciousness and alertness to do the cleansing afterwards. As we later learnt, this was a distinct layer within the astral plane where all dark collective human thought and emotion patterns were stored. When they entered Carla’s protuberance field they hit her like a brick wall. This massive alchemical reaction caused severe nausea and giddiness and made her very weak all of a sudden. It was as if the entire evil of the universe had hit her with a full force – very similar to that in the movie “The Fifth Element” which I “coincidentally” saw the day before. Carla felt this massive wave of darkest and densest energies that represented nothing human as if being hit by a wave of hatred and violent anger and as far as some dark entities were trapped in this vortex they were dripping of naked fear. They must have realized in their utter despair that they were trapped in a one-way to hell or as Carla described it in the “Express ride to perdition”.

Here I have to explain one more time a fact about which I have written in the past. My energetic field is unique and has a honeycomb-like structure that encompasses the entire planet or rather this holographic model. It operates as a “turnstile mechanism” and is able to suck dark energies from all parts of the earth and send them to the void for recycling. This is how I cleanse Gaia and humanity as an Elohim. Now with the establishment and the expansion of our protuberance field this effect has been augmented manifold. Its connection (juxtaposition) to the source also contributes to this enhancement. Carla acted with her huge light field as a catalyst for all these collective dark human thoughts and emotions that have been stored in the astral plane since eons of time and then created a huge multidimensional vortex in her protuberance field that sucked these energies as a gigantic cosmic vacuum cleanser. Then she brought them to our house.

I was at that time on a different timeline and that is why I did not hear Carla coming home. I connected to her only after she called me with a weak voice from the bedroom to tell me that she is in trouble. Then I was able to do the cleansing. Before that I, myself, had received a massive high frequency wave from the Source that built a powerful vortex in my higher chakras and left brain portal with a deafening high-pitched tone. As it eventually came out this wave was created by the legions of angels surrounding us at that moment in order to help us do the purging of the entire darkest astral plane.

Our interpretation is that the elimination of this astral plane of collective dark thought patterns and emotions, to which the elite and other low vibrating human beings had close connections and from where they were feeding their heinous deeds, will now enhance the final battle between the forces of light and darkness according to the dialectic principle “escalation of confrontation leading to final resolution” as discussed on our website in the past. From now on we must expect a rapid sequence of major events that will lead to the collapse of the matrix and will accelerate the ascension process. Obviously this action was planned for a very long time and marks a significant shift to the light.

It is remarkable that in the morning we discussed with Carla that, according to our experiences and as presented in this chronicle, during the opening of the Lion’s Gate in the end of July and the beginning of August all incarnated souls on this uppermost mother planet made their final decision where to go – to ascend or to go down the rabbit hole of lower hell-like 3D timelines and leave this holographic model through a death experience. We could verify this conclusion with personal observations on the behavior of people we know here who have given up on their lives around that time and now know that their days are numbered. This final fateful decision of all incarnated soul fragments on the ground has also been confirmed by Rumi’s HS in his latest message.

That being said, it was obvious that after this ultimate decision for all incarnated souls where to go after the final ID shift, there had to be a massive general cleansing of the entire ascending Gaia from all remaining and most resilient dark energies that had to be kept on this timeline to the very last moment as to feed the escalation of the final battle between darkness and light before a resolution according to the principle of cause and effect can be found. To this end it was mandatory that all incarnated human soul fragments be liberated from their attachments to such dark energies in the astral plane that caused karma and impregnated their thoughts and behaviour throughout many incarnation lives. Many of these souls will enter the new 4D worlds after death experience and must be free of such dark attachments as on these worlds there will be no dark influences anymore. Some other very recalcitrant souls will be dissolved in the Tao and will be re-created later on to begin their incarnation cycle anew. Rumi’s HS refers to this possibility in his pivotal message and also mentions this fact in the short messages published in this chronicle.

Our feeling is that this was a crucial operation that could only have been performed after we built and expanded our protuberance field and connected it to the Source through the Infinity portal in White Rock. After these dark energies that had a long and very detrimental influence on the minds of most incarnated human beings have been finally eliminated, it will be much easier for us to introduce the new theory of the Universal Law as there will be no longer any inner resistances to this expanded and holistic view of the world as was the case until now.

Anyway, given the dramatics of this event and that we were pitilessly thrown by our HS into another decisive and very dangerous cleansing operation at a time when we thought we had already eliminated most dark energies from this timeline, which is true for our 5D and 6D platform, but not for all the other timelines of this uppermost mother planet, we feel that the Elohim owe us an explanation. After all Carla is still reeling today from the shock of this massive wave of inhuman darkness that hit her yesterday and led her on the verge of total physical and emotional collapse.

Message from the Elohim – Reconciliation of the Astral Plane by Carla Thompson

Here is the message from the Elohim with regard to the cleansing and harmonization of the astral plane in the evening of September 5th.

Great dark grey and black clouds of negativity and extreme fear flooded into my fields that evening.  What I understood to be happening was not an actual physical attack but rather a massive shift of lower frequency energy (in the form of raw emotions and fear-based thought patterns) moving toward me and my aura, as a large portal instantly opened up in front of me.  The dark cloud flowed toward me and created sudden dizziness and nausea.  The flooding of this energy took place over the course of 15-30 minutes, with the intense dizziness and nausea lasting over 90 minutes.

Here is what the Elohim say:

” These are the days of reconciliation of the old ways, the old thoughts, the old fears, and old energies of a bygone era. 

This event actualized by the power of alchemy to render a complete cleansing, balancing and harmonization through reconciliation of the destructive and all-pervasive energies of negativity and fear, by flowing through a one-way vortex from low frequency to high frequency, as though a large vacuum had been turned on to pull the lower vibrational energies toward the higher vibrational platform, collapsing behind it an entire plane of negativity and fear of collective consciousness, from which it came.  This plane is often referred to as the Astral Plane, and cleansing in this fashion has occurred before and now this plane is nearing full collapse. The vortex closed instantly once the reconciliation was complete.  

This event provided propulsion for the ascension of this, your upper timeline.”

Read also:

The Propulsion Multistage Rocket as an Explanatory Physical Model of Ascension

September 10, 2016

Guided by our HS we decided to go to West Vancouver one more time. Carla was very adamant about that and expected something surprising to happen. We drove again through Downtown and Lion’s Gate bridge which were quite calm on this Saturday and reached West Vancouver at noon. We walked along the coast promenade and revisited one more time the city of light which we anchored with our protuberance field force and connected to the Infinity Portal in White Rock on August 19th (see above). The toll buildings we discerned as being embedded in 5D were even more high vibrating than the last time. Our personal energies and vibrations were also very high but not off the scale as is the case when we do important light work. When we were in front these buildings and Carla was looking at the skyline as shown in this picture:

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she got a message from the Elohim that there is a special portal exactly at this place. This portal was reinforced by a powerful and massive crystalline grid under the mountains behind the city. Then came the surprise – the Elohim told Carla that this portal is a direct connection to the spiritual world centre in Freising/Munich, Germany on which we are elaborating these days with full force.

Freisinger Dom (Cathedral) – the new spiritual centre of New Raetia with one of the oldest libraries in Europe where I wrote my book “Neoplatonism and Christianity

Image result for freising dom, pictures

and a beautiful baroque cathedral:

Freisinger Dom Royalty Free Stock Image - Image: 13880226

Obviously it will be possible for us and all ascended masters to very easily bilocate between the two world centres of enlightenment and perform our duties in educating humanity according to their needs. This news made us very happy as we now fully realised how advanced the whole project of ascension is and how beautifully everything will unfold on the ascending uppermost mother planet when the final ID shift comes.

On our way back home Carla had an inkling that we must go first one more time to White Rock to expand this city of light and this new portal. We drove again through Downtown and halfway through it we both were hit by the most powerful and pure ascension wave. I was nauseated and giddy due to the rapid ascension and bilocation across timelines and thought I would leave this reality during the drive. I shared this sensation with Carla. Then a few minutes later we received an important personal information on the phone that confirmed what we felt at that moment – there is an acceleration of the events leading to an imminent resolution.

When we came to White Rock, we found the most amazing cloud formation above the ocean and our Infinity portal that very much resembled a mother spaceship as this photo shows.


Altogether we had the impression that we reinforced the city of Light New Lemuria in the area of Vancouver in preparation  for its imminent manifestation. The acceleration of the ascension scenario as we felt it on that day should be attributed to the massive cleansing of the entire astral plane of collective dark thought and emotion patterns by Carla and myself on September the 5th, which then continued in a less intensive force in the next few days leading to the opening of the 9.9 portal. September 10 was for us a huge opening with pure ascension energies that gave us an inkling as to how the final ascension will be experienced by us when it fully unfolds.

September 12, 2016

New Earth – New Beginning. Huge Downloads of Blue and Magenta Light From the Source Establish the New Matrix

The last several days I continued cleansing human dross and collective anxiety as a fallout from the elimination of the astral plane of collective dark thoughts and human patterns on September 5 and I did not like it at all. I have done this dirty job for the last 16 years and have despised it from the very beginning. Then today I felt much better and decided to invite Carla to a small lunch at a fish restaurant at Crescent Beach, White Rock to clear up my fields. It was actually my HS that made this decision and, as we shall see below, for a very good reason. Carla was very excited by my invitation, much more than it should be in such a situation. This made me think that something unusual would happen today as was very often the case when we made such spontaneous decisions and that Carla was picking up on that subconsciously.

The sky was crystal blue and the sun was glistening, the air was fresh and there was a steady breeze from the ocean. We had our lunch with a view to the ocean and West Vancouver with the mountains behind, that is to say, we overlooked the entire area where the new city of light extends. Then we walked back to our car. Just at that moment Carla’s phone rang and Julia was on the line. She told Carla that she is at Crescent beach at the other end and asked where we were. Carla told her and then we walked back to meet her along the beach promenade. When we met her, Julia told us that she was driven for no apparent reason to go to Crescent beach today. Now that we met surprisingly and inadvertently we knew that we are here on purpose to do a special light work. We sat on a bench with a view to Vancouver and the mountains and then Carla and I told her what light work we have done in the last days creating the city of light in Vancouver.

Julia was quite amazed by the scope of our creationary work and at that moment she began to channel what she called the “blue light beings”. She did not know at first of their existence but Carla knew about them as the “blue star beings”. They told her that we have come together on purpose on that day to transmit and disseminated the blue and magenta light from the Source. Essentially there were tidal waves of blue light at first and then there were speckles of magenta light intermingled with the blue light. I must add at this place that everything Julia saw with her third eye as a channeller was also seen and confirmed by Carla. I had on the contrary a powerful cc-wave with an excruciating headache that began about an hour ago while we sat at the restaurant and peaked while talking with Julia on the beach. For that reason I was not that much clairvoyant on that day. For instance Carla saw these blue star beings which are formless and come directly from the source as huge pillars of light extending high into the blue sky.

Essentially these blue light beings told us that have come together to transmit and anchor the new blue and magenta light into Gaia and the entire humanity. Then Julia was raptured into the cosmos and saw the earth as a small globe from above. She began to move her arms in a circular motion as if she was distributing and wrapping these energies equally around the globe and asked us to do the same. We discussed the nature of these new energies and received the confirmation that they are not identical with the well-known seven sacred flames as presented and discussed on our website.

I then asked the blue light beings what is the purpose of this light transmission from the source and they told us that “this is a new beginning – a new earth” and that with the immersion of the earth in this blue and magenta light the new matrix is being created. The old one is irreversibly gone. We looked around us and saw the blue light everywhere – in particular the ocean surface was deep blue. Normally the water at this bay is white as it is rather flat and we have never seen it so blue as on that day. Carla saw huge pillars of blue light descending from the sky.

I then mentioned that this pivotal transmission of new source light and codes could only be done after we eliminated and collapsed the entire astral plane of collective dark thought and emotional patterns. It is always like that – first the old energies have to be eliminated before the new ones can come. This follows from the first law of thermodynamics of conservation of  energy which is an application of the Universal Law. For that reason I had a cc-wave with massive descent of source energies that ran simultaneously to the release of the last vestiges of dark low vibrating patterns, a cleansing job which I was actually doing since September 5th. It is important to observe at this place that this whole episode happened around the 9.9.9 portal which fully neutralized the auspicious dark date of 9/11 when the dark ones planned a new psyop. The 15th anniversary of this heinous act of the dark ruling cabal that contributed more to the enslavement of humanity than any other event in modern history had to be processed one more time on Sunday, September 11 and then the next day it was our turn as Elohim to introduce the new blue and magenta light from the source that is foundational for the establishment of the new matrix of the new ascended worlds.

When we finished with the download my headache began to recede. We then talked about the repercussions of this energetic event on the introduction of the Universal Law on this timeline which is our primary goal. Julia had a vision that I will very soon talk to all nations at the UN – a vision we also had in the past but have never shared with her – and present my new projects and reforms. These will be eagerly accepted by all people. She was obviously referring to the new Astral currency in the first place which will substitute the current Orion monetary system of enslavement. The UN is in this vision a symbol of the entire humanity as this compromised institution is a precursor of the NWO and will be eliminated in the new worlds after the final ID shift.

Altogether September has been extremely busy so far, just as July and August. I do not know how I would have done all the light work as described in this chronicle if I would have continued editing the website with the same intensity as in the past. Retrospectively this two-month period  represents a significant culmination and acceleration of the ascension process and it is now very easy to see when the final peak and resolution will come. The most important thing is to know that it is happening Now and that from now on there are no limits to our creationary potential.

September 13 and 14, 2016

Both days were marked by an extreme intensity of the new source waves of blue and magenta light that were downloaded upon us and through us into Gaia. On September 13 we went to the near-by mountains for a short hike and connected with the crystalline grid underneath. We downloaded the blue and magenta light into the grid in an invocation and the blue light beings were surrounding us all the time. After the hike when we came back home we were extremely tired and hit by a massive ascension wave. The intensity was off the scale and we both were taken away for two hours. The vibrations continued to peak the whole evening.

This night I had another cc-wave the whole time alternating in the left and right brain. This morning the cc-wave is still ongoing and I sense strongly the anger and desperation of the agnostic masses and in particular that of the ruling cabal who now clearly realize that they have lost the global war against humanity and that there is nothing else they can do but fully surrender. The matrix is falling apart as never before and the coming days will be full of dramatics and excitement.

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