Energy Report of the PAT – March 18, 2016

Pivotal Dream of a Radical Transformation of Humanity – March 18th

This night (March 18th) I dreamed that Carla and I performed brain surgery on a patient with head injury. The skull was broken and impressed and had damaged the brain. Carla was trying to find out if the meninges were also damaged and if this had caused epidural bleeding in the brain. We found out that the injury was severe but it could be repaired. Then I woke up and Carla was also awake and started talking to me. I told her that I am dreaming of a major brain surgery we were performing together and she should let me continue dreaming. Indeed, as soon as I closed my eyes the surgery continued in a very vivid form. This was no longer a dream. Then I realized all of a sudden that this patient embodied all the mentally crippled humans whose minds we transformed energetically in a very invasive manner. I received from my HS the message that now the entire collective mindset of humanity has been radically transformed and that this alteration would manifest in a significant manner in the next few days.

This dream experience was recurrent throughout the whole night. During this time I woke up several more times and I saw that the whole room was filled with crystalline cubes. They built upon the ceiling a crystalline grid of rectangular squares of about 10 cm in size. The grid lines were straight rectangular and darker than the squares. They were flickering rapidly and were moving as if alive. In the morning I had the elated feeling that we have accomplished a massive transformation of humanity and the energetic structure of this reality. I knew that this is the result of the very powerful and prolonged transformation in the last 7-10 days when I personally suffered from numerous cc–waves and joint pain on a daily basis. I am recording this dream at this place as there are other PAT members below that have received similar dreams and messages from their HS announcing the impending big transformation for humanity, which may as well be the final ID shift and our ascension as we expect these events to happen.



Dream of berating the idiots

Dear George,

I believe it was last night or the night before, a scene on being in a vast room with many people, there are scientists and high elected officials on a stand. Basically we are telling them all of us no long will listen to them or do anything they decide, this makes them angry but I shut them up and explain very clear how being of the light and loving system works and it seems that many finally have the realization that there’s a better way (or at least I think, it seemed like a few gears in their heads started turning). But also that they no longer had any choice in the matter anyway.

Sincerely Lee

Hello Georgi and Carla,

I would like to share this dream I had right before I awoke (March 17). It has filled me with such complete JOY, Wholeness, and Celebration!

Dream begins as I am moving into a ‘hostel’ type of residence for a work related job. It is located in a town that I am familiar with, but it is not one I have a huge amount of affection for, but I know many people there. The residence as it turns out, is on a beautiful property overlooking a lake, probably the best spot in the town. I am moving my belongings in, hanging up my clothes and putting my personal affects away in drawers. A woman my age, but young in spirit like me, walks over and says, “Oh! The boss is going to love your items, they are so delicate and elegant.” To which I respond, “Well, they are my private items and not for her.” There is a sense of negativity from the boss, but it is irrelevant.  As I look around the room, I realize that there are other beds in the room, and that I am sharing my living quarters with others on this work experience. I am surprised but not bothered, I realize though that I will have to compact my belongings to make room for the others.

At this point, myself and the other woman decide to take a drive thru the town, so I can see how it has changed over the years. I do not get the sense that she is familiar with the town. It was a great time, she was so funny and exuberant. We laughed the whole time.  She very quickly became one of my best friends, as though we had known each other forever.

Dream changes slightly, and we are driving in a car down the old streets of the town, it is a road circling the lake, a park like setting. As we drive along, friends and acquaintances I used to know begin appearing one by one on the road. “Look! There is so and so! Turn around-quick!”, I say.  Each one we come upon is so precious, like finding a jewel.  Each one is also familiar with the others and they haven’t seen each other in a long time either. It is very emotional, we can’t believe who is appearing as we drive along. Everyone is so surprised and rejoicing! It is so unexpected! We begin singing and dancing in the street-it is a reunion of the best of friends! We are singing songs about Freedom to one another, and everyone is so nurturing of and enjoying each others singing and songs! Our hearts are right out on display to one another in celebration!

Then, quite suddenly, I am speaking with an oracle, and we are looking at images of each of my friends. We are reading their energy. To one friend, she says smiling, “Well, there is still a small tendency to overly assert himself,” but she says, “he is well above the threshold of the positive!” We read all of my friends together, and they are ALL on the positive energy spectrum! Even the ones I thought had perhaps become more lost on their life journey. There is so much LOVE and JOY.

With Love and Joy,

Dear Jessica,

this is a great dream of a reality which we shall experience very soon in full consciousness. I also dreamt this night (March 17th) that we lived in a lovely place within a big paradise-like garden. A friends family visited us and their small daughter went to play in the garden. When we came to her to ask her how she is doing, she was mesmerized by the miracles she had experience in this garden and was exalted.

With love and light

This  is a wonderful, Georgi.

It is my sense, based on this dream that the balance of power has shifted to the positive. Meaning that we have achieved our Goals of a Positive frequency.  This would imply to me that the game is now OVER. We, as incarnates will be collected and healed, as we have collected and healed our soul fragments. We are on our way home.

I just want to say thank you for reading my emails and responding when possible. This has helped to keep my energies high and vibrating. What you and Carla are doing is simply extraordinary. I am very thankful that I found you both and your website when I did.

With Love,

Message received this morning (March 17th), while in trance:

“During the daylight hours, you will be granted an audience with your superiors, as many as three times in one day.  You will be given many ‘horses’–an animal with four legs, powerful but kind, gentle and knowing the ways of man.  Supernaturally communicative (telepathy) and favoured of the Earth. (the PAT)  The Logos Gods are powerful entities.  The sun rises over the Earth spreading its pristine qualities, the image of advancement and progress.  The man (or woman) of upright qualities brightens his or her virtue.  This advancement begins now.”

Henry Clymer, in Love & Light

More on the new Astral currency

Hello Georgi,

Perhaps I am not thinking about this clearly enough. After everything we have done as PAT, most importantly through the light body process, and given where we are in terms of the final ID shift, which I think many us of feel is bearing down heavily now, is there no way to make the outcome of the financial crash move rapidly into the ASTRAL system? Is this not already a given because of what we have accomplished so far? We are the logos gods, we are taking up the path of creation into the higher realms as we fully regain/ remember our Ascended Master-ship status.  Certainly, the people in the 3D worlds, who have not chosen ascension as their current path, will experience something different. At which point we split. That means that the lower dimensional currencies split with it, correct?

With Love,

Dear Jessica,

I am not sure if I have fully understood your question. Indeed every creation we manifest in this reality as the publication of the new Astral currency project and its unanimous support by the PAT contributes and accelerates the ascension process and the final ID shift and split, when this project can be implemented. But we are still a consensual reality and first the events on the ground must play out in terms of financial crash that will eliminate the old Orion monetary system before they can make the pathway free for the introduction of the new Astral currency.

Of course we have constantly such ID splits when lower parallel timelines are shed off from this uppermost mother planet and then they resort to a new global currency that may eventually lead to the NWO, although this astral probability has become increasingly unlikely at this stage of the ascension process. But as long as we stay in this seemingly linear reality while constantly shifting to higher timelines, we will only experience the reset of the old fiat money with the new Astral currency and not the separating lower timelines at the human mind level. Unless we ascend before that global shift and have a multidimensional overview on all timelines of Gaia 5.

That is why I have, for myself, fixed the point in time when we shall ascend and introduce the new Astral currency with the collapse of the current financial and bank system because on this uppermost mother planet it will not be allowed for the dark ruling cabal to implement their own financial reset with the “Mark of the Beast” chip currency as I published today. This is a clear-cut causal relationship that I have established and created by introducing the new Astral concept. In this sense this creation has already accelerated and determined the final outcome as an astral probability alternative. The full support of the PAT of this project will only reinforce this ascension scenario.

With love and light

Thanks for the response, Georgi.

This point answers my initial question:

But as long as we stay in this seemingly linear reality while constantly shifting to higher timelines, we will only experience the reset of the old fiat money with the new Astral currency and not the separating lower timelines at the human mind level. Unless we ascend before that global shift and have a multidimensional overview on all timelines of Gaia 5.

I suppose my overall thought process was in a sense referring to or ruminating on this prophetic call, perhaps:

For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

I would see this relating specifically to the current Orion financial system. The consequences then of choosing and remaining aligned with it would reap the lower timelines and or a further experience in the 3D reality. At which point it would reason that we must witness the final destruction of the current system in order to introduce the Astral, as you repeatedly stated. Or, as you state, we ascend before and develop a multi dimensional 5D overview.

Well, in that case what you have done is as you say, created the Astral probability on this timeline, which with the support of the PAT being critical, will continue to Ascend with the Uppermost mother planet, where the Astral currency becomes the obvious preliminary system. That is, until humans involved understand the true concept of currency being energy exchange, and begin to use their energy to create from their highest heart.

As you can see, I am attempting to pull it altogether in order to have the proper outlook on the overall situation we find ourselves involved in. Thank you for your help.

With Love,

Dear Jessica,

it is exactly as you have said it.


Dear George,

Interesting tinny little article I just stumbled across on the topic of currency and basic living support.

I have ended up just arriving back in my home country New Zealand after the last two and a half months in Hawaii. It was a diverse experience there and I hope to write some more soon to share. I did not end up creating abundance as far as money income goes while there but I was supported in other ways. Now I am back to New Zealand where I am signing up again for the Benefit that pays me just enough to live here, but not enough to eat good quality food, organic stuff is really expensive and most of the supermarket imported stuff is not great food, but we can transmute it with energy and enhance it.

I really enjoyed your work on the Astral Currency, it made me so happy and fills me with new inspiration for old ideas I have had on community living and can not wait to begin with more creative writing on this.

I am in a state I often am in, which is a feeling that everything is finishing and there is no point in anything. Contrasted with desires to continue / create / work more on creating stuff here, teaching Qi Gong, writing and creating more content online to help people in their own process of upliftment and understanding and then the feeling there is no point and a question, how best to spend my last days in this reality? If we will be finally free of all the limitations then is it not best to savior and really experience the limitations and bullshit society?

With so much Gratitude to you, Love and Light,

Dear Frank,

good to hear from you again and that you are safe back home. I am glad that you like the new Astral currency project as it is the only viable solution on a global scale to introduce a new just social order based on spiritual principles.

The idea of free income for all the people is not new and the fact that now some countries have adopted this idea only shows that the national state is exploiting this idea to check if it is another possibility to enslave humanity. Here in Ontario Canada they also discuss this topic but when you look behind the facts, the government wants at the same time to eliminate all other social benefits. This is to be expected, after all the Canadian government is bankrupt and the country is in the Deepest depression of all time. The CAD is in a free fall. Under these circumstances free income does not make any sense as it will only create state-dependent slaves as in the USA where more than 80 million citizens are directly dependent on social welfare. This is the first step to introducing the NWO. This number doubled during Obama presidency. Hence one should be very careful with such proposals and what they really intend.

With love and light

Dear George,

True indeed, we still need the underlying state of mind of people to come into alignment with the spiritual truths and how they can and should use money based on these. Simply handing out of money without that Universal Law Consciousness as foundation gives people the “freedom ” to be even lazier and downward spiral into their addictions and desires without check.

So something that confuses me. My Qi Gong Teacher, Yuan Tze, speaks about what he saw and experienced when he was a top instructor at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center aka The Worlds Largest Medicineless Hospital, he speaks about watching on modern medical instruments cancerous tumors going from existence to non-existence, literally visibly there and then disappearing while the person undergoing Qi Therapy. He says he was present and witnessed many research studies involving people that were born with “special abilities” or had accidents such as being hit by lighting or car accidents and had suddenly attained “special abilities” or others that had trained in QiGong and activated these latent human abilities. He speaks of seeing people using only their Qi and Consciousness moving physical objects from inside sealed glass boxes, making them disappear and reappear outside of the box, people being able to levitate themselves and make others that gave their permission levitate also. He mentions very accurate use of people being able to see inside of rooms at other locations and hear conversations from other locations, among many other interesting and exciting human “special abilities”.

I have personally experienced the process of using my consciousness to dissolve and turn unhealthy / diseased existences into non-existences. My first and most powerful experience of this was a huge spiritual awakening for me when I had a sinus infection and trusted my inner guidance that I could heal without antibiotics and I then went through an intense experience where I felt I might die but I was ready and faced that fear and trusted I would be ok, then saw energy being pumped through my hands into specific locations inside my body and went through a dramatic healing experience, woke up alive and better the next day with a fully transformed belief structure about reality.

So I know that you and many of the PAT have your own personal experiences of healing yourselves and others. So if we already have the ability to use our consciousness and energy to transform an existence such as cancer inside the body and change it or dissolve it into non-existence. I am wondering why I can not yet do the same process outside of my body so easily, eg. manipulating and changing matter or objects outside the body, or making myself levitate. Why is it that some special abilities are allowed yet other limitations are still strictly enforced on us? Is it simply my belief structures are the only hindrance or is it from the soul level? If other humans have been seen to levitate, why can we not do this at will yet? Also my teacher talks about the theory and possibility of a person completely dissolving themselves into Qi and back into physical form again at will, but says he has never heard or seen of someone actually achieving this in modern times.

Short article about the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Cente where my Teacher worked.

Also on another topic the new Russian documentary “World Order” you presented is very good, and powerful as I have shown to my dad who up until now has been very closed to my attempts to help him see the bigger truths of the world. This is a good indicator of dramatic change in mindset of many people to open to more truth. My father is also finally opening to the facts that the financial systems are not as stable as everyone has been led to think, and is letting me send him more information on that, so I will go back and find all the relevant articles on your site for him to read, although I already know that he still will not accept the greater ideas of impending ascension. That is why it would be so nice to be able to demonstrate to people the true nature of energy and consciousness and have fun like levitation or instant manifestation /materialization.

With gratitude, love and light,

Dear Frank,

all these extra sensual abilities as described by you are possible, but I doubt that they are as common as reported by other people. In most cases these people simply want to make themselves important. The Christian religion builds to a large extent upon such miracles to impress the masses and this holds true also for many esoteric and other spiritual charlatans. The chief fallacy is that they interpret such phenomena with their 3D mind and derail their spirituality into black magic. This is a very dangerous and very common trend and you should keep away from it.

Of course anyone who has raised his frequency in the course of the LBP can treat a disease or even cancer. But this can only happen if the ill person has given his consent for this healing at the soul level and also at the conscious level. Without this free will nothing can be achieved externally, but the human ego loves to be a renowned miraculous healer.

Levitation is possible but as long as we live in this holographic model it will not happen with physical bodies as this is not part of the game, of the rules we have agreed upon. However bilocation as a greater phenomenon that includes levitation happens all the time, only that the human mind cannot register it. Hence the observation of such extra sensual phenomena is limited by the scope of the human mind and its perception. Such phenomena cannot be learnt by exercise as they have always existed there and only depend on the level of spiritual evolution of the incarnated human personalities. But when this spiritual evolution is achieved then also the motivation to experience such phenomena changes and it is no longer ego-driven – to become a unique healer, redeemer or savior.

I hope I could explain to you why you will not be able to acquire such abilities in this reality. First the entire reality must change.

With love and light

Human Insanity as Economic behaviour

Hi Georgi.

I read your messages with intrigue and I am totally get that the ‘money’ enslavement has to go. I do not follow the details about rise and fall but do understand the depth and level of the corruption, false information, manipulation etc, all holding humanity in debt slavery , that they are not even aware of and are held bindingly to it, without questioning its validity. I see that this is true too for many people who actually believe that they spiritually above others in their beliefs.

I am a simple person, who does not want great material wealth, and without going into the detail of my spirituality and beliefs, expanded consciousness and higher frequency vibration, I am able tell you that I am holding a very strong intention for the downfall of this ridiculous state (money) that humanity finds itself in now. I believe that the energy of money has long been corrupted away from its original 100% energy form that is elemental and free to all, and bestows many and various forms of resources meeting Human needs to build and expand in their human lives. I believe that it was manipulated and converted into scraps of paper and coins, at the hands of manipulating power-hungry houses that then dictated a person’s value, state of wealth and health, and status, thereby creating a further divide which increased exponentially , the Belief of separation from God, source or what ever term we wish to use. Further it was intended that this was used as an axe to complete the job of humanity ‘separating from its higher self, its sense of self in divinity, and so pushed people to become victims of a false ‘god’, that is ( the people, entities or the negative energy force behind the corruption of the original energy). The energy  was hijacked and modified, to complete the subjugation away from free thought, into being dumbed down and cut loose from the truth of what we are all trully.

I am now in a situation where I have to leave my home, rented for 10 years with my family, this is not a problem , I look forward to a move to new expanded place. But the problem is that our income, (as the same for most folks) is not great, it is probably just below average for working people in England, not including the High end earners earning disproportionate amounts which actually skew the average to a much higher amount than most normal people in normal jobs are earning. The rent we have to pay to live within 4 or 5 miles of the school that my teenagers attend, is anything from£1650 to £2000 per month. I have obviously not been looking at anything over £1650 per month. But The fact is that Estate agents and landlords are rubbing their hands together, as more and more people cannot buy a home, and so they are pushed into renting way out of their means to rent a home. Potential tenants have to SHOW that they are earning an income of £50,000 in order to rent a property. This is not easy for 90% of the population in London.

I cannot actually get my head around this, and I have been working through this in meditation and healing, but ” Sixteen hundred English pounds”, are required to be handed over each month, to pay for 4 walls and two floors, in order to ‘house and home’ your family. This would make sense if the average income was able to match this, but it does not.

The joint income discrepancy means that in order to land one of these “houses that will not actually belong to the family” we will have to find a balloon payment of 12X the difference in rents from what we pay now (£1000, a price that has created more and more debt for us, but is a home which is old and crumbly, but loved, and is now is being sold by the landlord to get full property value)  to the current level rent of 1650. so that means 12 x at least £650, + the fee to the estate agents (200 or 300), + the 1650 X 2 upfront rent and deposit. So lets say a down payment of £10,000 before we can move in.  Plus we have to provide all bank information and employment information to prove we can withstand the full onslaught of debt, and slavery to this monthly arrangement. Which of course we cannot.

I am looking to bring through in my divinity, energy to clear the swampiness of this situation not just for myself, but for all, and  to wake people up to the Inhuman ways we are being deprived of peace of mind. In this plainly corrupted but relatively “rich”  land of England, and it is true in most Western cities, the plan is to push us to beyond what is healthy and expansive, in order to create drones and incapacitated humans.

I am optimistic that something beneficial will arise from all this, and wait with interest to see how my personal, (physical) living situation is addressed and to see how I can move through this present, but historically loaded, swamp, and also watch to see how the money situation as whole plays out.

I am not expecting a reply, I just thought it would good to explain a simple person’s experience and individual insights that illustrate on a personal level what you have been saying.

Kind regards

Dear Michaela,

what you have described is the insanity of the British real estate market about which I recently read a very good article but cannot find now. Especially in London the housing situation is no longer affordable for more than 90% of all British citizens. One reason is that the building of new homes has come to a grinding halt after the banks bought all construction companies and then closed or bankrupted them so that there would be no new construction of homes. The goal was to raise the value of the existing real estates most of which these banksters possess. In addition comes that many foreigners, most of them criminals and mafia people, who launder their money through the criminal banks in the city of London, then buy expensive houses in London, so that it has become the most expensive housing market in the world together with here in Vancouver which is another bubble of human insanity where small shacks are sold over 2 million CAD.

This is the terminal agony of this Orion financial and economic system and its provocative injustice is the best indicator that this insanity is coming to an end – the sooner, the better. That is why I developed and published the concept of the new Astral currency to accelerate the collapse of the old matrix and establish a new just way of life. The more people embrace this idea, the quicker the change will come. There is no other way how to change this reality in a meaningful way for the better.

I hope you will find a better and affordable domicile and if you use the invocation with the seven sacred flames you can easily create it.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Ok first I am laughing my freaking ass off over your and Brad’s latest version of the world. Yes this must be the comedy scene for sure now as we watch the not so greatest show on earth.  You two make an excellent writing team and I love his movie ideas,  but just think he has already made them by idea alone as that is what all worlds will have to study in the future of Ascensions.  And the best answer is “Bring on the Energy”  as it is going to clean house just like an automatic circular floor cleaner.  And by that I want to tell you about feeling some awesome energies all yesterday and into the night until I was able to sleep.  Such strength with transformation involved as if I even turned my head to fast I would be swept away.  Since the past weekend I can seriously tell the difference of NOW energy. So darn much to talk about but I also want to enjoy my five minutes of quiet now so I will stop here. But to the both of you (Brad and yourself) keep writing the comedy reports because that is what keeps us all laughing at least where the adults are concerned,  And we will continue on building our Light Cities so the smartest people here who are the children will have a new place to be brought to or born into and never experience this shit ass place again.  Yes we are special and have done what no one has ever!!! Now that is some serious amazement,  So much love to you all,  thanks so much for the entertainment.

Love and Light,

Dear Bonnie,

thank you for your appreciation of the latest post and I do confirm that the last two days, especially yesterday were full of very heavy and transformative source energy.

With love and light

Hallo Georgi,

ich weiss nicht ob du den Artikel schon gesehen hast. Er ist in Kopp Verlagerschienen. Ich dachte vielleicht ist er für dich interessant, da er den “ehrlichen Clown” Trump einbisschen beleuchtet.

Ich finde es noch gut mal was von ihm zu hören außer dass er es scheinbar mitdem Establishment aufnimmt. Wenn selbst nur die Hälfte stimmt ist es wiedereinmal sehr erhellend.

Wie immer vielen Dank für deine so wichtigen Beiträge und Veröffentlichungen!Ich bin froh dass ihr den Umzug gut hinter euch gebracht habt und ich bin nochfroher zu hören dass du (ihr?) vielleicht erwägt wieder nach Europa zukommen. Mein Herz macht dabei einen Luftsprung!

Alles liebe für dich und Carla

Lieber Conny,

was erwartest du denn – das sind alle Schweinehunde, wer sonst käme in die Auswahl als Präsidentschafts-Kandidat? Engdahl ist ein vertrauenswürdiger Autor und Historiker und was er über Trump schreibt, muss richtig sein. Aus diesem Grund müssen wir vor den naechsten Wahlen aufsteigen, so dass Obama der letzte US Präsident bleiben wird, wie die bulgarische Wahrsagerin Baba Vanga voraussagte. Ansonsten haben wir nur die Wahl zwischen Pest (Clinton) und Cholera (Trump).

Viele liebe Grusse

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