Energy Report of the PAT – June 24, 2015

Huge ID Shift and Massive Dark Attacks at Summer Solstice, June 21st, 2015

Caro Georgi,

insieme al mio amato figlio Jacopo e pochi altri buoni amici, voi e tutto il Pat siete la mia famiglia ed è mio piacere e onoresostenere la mia famiglia. Questo sito divino non deve assolutamente chiudere per una cosa così effimera come il denaro.

Questo sito è un punto di riferimento per molte persone ed è l’unico posto dove si possono trovare informazioni vere e corrette. Proprio ieri sera, dopo aver letto l’articolo che hai postato con il messaggio degli Arturiani, ho riletto alcuni degli articoli di cuihai postato i link e riflettevo su quanto materiale c’è a disposizione di chi ha voglia di imparare.

Quanti altri autori di libri e articoli, soprattutto fra gli scienziati, metterebbero in rete i propri lavori in forma gratuita? Se soloalcuni scienziati e alcuni di quei lightworkers falliti leggessero attentamente anche solo uno dei tuoi libri, andrebbero alle lorolibrerie e butterebbero giù tutti i libri salvandone proprio pochi tra libri canalizzati e libri scientifici.

Spero che la sensitiva vi dia ottime notizie sul trasferimento a New Lemuria e ti ringrazio di farmi partecipe di ciò. Sonod’accordo con te che finchè gli eventi non si sviluppano nel modo più eccellente è meglio evitare la pubblicazione di profezie.

Oggi sto abbastanza bene probabilmente è un giorno di recupero. Il momento più brutto è stato nella notte tra il 20 e il 21giugno,  poco dopo essermi addormentata mi sono svegliata con un forte dolore allo stomaco che si irradiava verso il fegato, lereni e tutta la schiena.
Questo stato di cose è durato dalle 2 fino alle 6 del mattino, ho continuato ad invocare le fiamme, la pulser e l’aiuto di tutti gliesseri di luce finchè, ultimo tentativo, ho indotto il vomito (la sera  precedente avevo mangiato solo frutta e un poco di pane).Avevo ben  poco da vomitare, ma questo ha rilassato i muscoli del ventre  e dello stomaco  e poco dopo tutto è finito efinalmente  ho potuto dormire.

Se questo è stato l’ancoraggio del corpo fisico su New Lemuria mi auguro che sia andato a buon fine, perchè non ho maiprovato un dolore simile e non vorrei proprio riprovare una simile esperienza. Le onde che passano ora mi fanno sentire stanca, dolore alla testa, o dolore alle articolazioni, ma niente in confronto a quella notte.

Con Amore e Luce
Daniela, Italia


Dear Georgi,

together with my beloved son Jacopo and a few other good friends, you and Carla, and all the PAT are my family and it is my pleasure and honor to support my family. This divine website must not close due to something so ephemeral as money. This site is a point of reference for many people and it is the only place where you can find true and correct information.

Just last night, after reading the article you posted with the message of the Arcturians, I re-read some of the articles which you posted with links and I reflected on how much material is available to anyone who wants to learn.

How many other authors of books and articles, especially among scientists, would put their works on the net free of charge? If only some scientists and some of those failed light workers would carefully read even just one of your books, they would go to their libraries and would throw away all the books while saving just a few channeled books and scientific textbooks….

Today, I am well enough, probably it is a day of recovery. The worst moment was the night between June 20th and 21st, shortly after I fell asleep, I woke up with a severe stomach pain that radiated to the liver, the kidneys and the entire back. This condition lasted from 2 until 6 in the morning, I continued to invoke the flames, the pulser and the help of all the beings of light until the last attempt when I induced vomiting (the night before I had eaten only fruits and a little bread). I had very little to throw up, but this has relaxed the muscles of the abdomen and stomach, and soon after that it was all over and I finally were able to sleep.

If this was the anchoring of the physical body on New Lemuria I hope it went well, because I’ve never experienced such pain and I would not like to  live to a similar experience again. The waves that flow now make me feel tired, with headache and joint pain, but nothing compared to that night.

With Love and Light
Daniela, Italy

Cara Daniela,

Sono sopraffatto dal tuo apprezzamento sul mio lavoro su questo sito e, in generale, per quanto riguarda le mie conquistescientifiche. Ma io so che tu sei completamente sincera nella tua valutazione e ti ringrazio per questo. In effetti quando lanuova teoria e Gnosi della Legge Universale è pienamente accettata dall’umanità, ci saranno non tanto i libri lasciati dalpassato dell’umanità che varrebbe la pena di essere conservato. Mi sono reso conto di questo fatto molti anni fa, quando hoscoperto la legge universale nei primi anni ’90. In quel momento ho avuto una visione reale di come tutti i libri che stavoleggendo sciolti semplicemente nelle mie mani come un segno che essi sono inutili.

Sono pienamente d’accordo con la tua esperienza durante il solstizio d’estate il 21 giugno. Quel giorno mi hanno portato via per diverse ore nel primo pomeriggio ed è diventato un condotto di energie di origine più puri che ha inondato il più in altomadre pianeta e ha causato un enorme cambiamento ID. Ho voluto scrivere su di esso in una successiva relazione, ma mi èstato effettivamente troppo debole per farlo e quindi il tempo passava e altri temi emersi.

Come ho già riferito ad un altro membro PAT, siamo stati anche attaccati il 21 giugno da parte di alcuni soggetti molto scuri emaligni. L’attacco deve essere stato molto grave e anticipata da nostri anime e noi siamo stati avvertiti in anticipo in modomolto chiaro. I dettagli non contano ora. Ovviamente dobbiamo aver rilasciato un sacco di entità molto scuri dai più profondirecessi del piano astrale che sono state vorticoso giro e istigato il caos il 21 giugno. Devo aggiungere che in questo giornoabbiamo avuto gli attacchi delle scie chimiche (chemtrails) più intensi sul nostro portale, dirette sulle nostre teste da aereistatunitensi provenienti da stato di Washington. Questo anche causato qualche mal di testa e il HAARP dell’Alaska checolpisce la costa del Pacifico regolarmente era anche molto forte in quel giorno.

La chiaroveggenza (clairvoyance) ci dice che i servizi segreti oscuri possono misurare le energie del nostro portale, almenosanno in qualche modo che ci sia un portale hier ad alta frequenza in cui viviamo, che è un’estensione del Portale originale diInfinity a White Rock a circa 20 km di distanza da noi. Questo è il nostro nuovo portale lemuriano di ascensione. Quindiattaccano questo portale con le scie chimiche direttamente, mentre in passato hanno spruzzato più su Vancouver Downtownche è più a est e a nord di noi.

Carla ha avuto la visione che ci sono tre fazioni della cabala buio sull potere e tutti sono consapevoli di noi e del PAT. Seguonole nostre discussioni su questo sito con molta attenzione, come noi siamo i loro migliori remote-spettatori (remote viewers)possono sempre trovare. Ovviamente sanno che noi siamo intoccabili e non cerchano di farci del male fisicamente, ma usanotutti gli altri mezzi insidiosi per molestare noi come l’invio dei loro cagnolini, i troll internet, per scrivere e-mail a disgustoso,lingua feci a me, che ho naturalmente eliminare prima lettura o sola lettura di volta in volta in cui ho voglia di ridere con tutto ilcuore.

Il modo in cui i servizi segreti oscuri e le loro troll rispondono a determinati articoli e argomenti che inserisco su questo sito e ilfatto che reagiscono quasi subito dopo una nuova pubblicazione, mi dà la convinzione che ci sia almeno un intero dipartimentodi analisti e un grappolo di troll internet che che seguire da vicino il nostro sito web. Ho l’impressione che questo repartoanalisti e troll si trova nei pressi di Francoforte, in Germania, dove la NSA e BND lavoro in combutta. Come io gioco con loro divolta in volta sotto la guida telepatica delle mie HS con l’improvvisa pubblicazione di alcune informazioni molto critiche, chesolo i servizi segreti possono valutare correttamente, e in base alla loro repentina risposta molto timoroso, so che ho colpito ilmarchio. Sono così stupidi che non capiscono che l’osservatore è anche oggetto di attenta osservazione e che mi dannoinformazioni preziose con loro idiota, ma risposte coordinate.

Si tratta di un gioco di gatto e topo e gli oscuri sono ora sepolti nel profondo del loro buco del topo e di cui sanno comedisperata sia la loro situazione. Ho dovuto pubblicare tali informazioni in quanto è importante anche per il PAT di conoscere, laloro posizione ora e che non stiamo comunicando nel vuoto, ai margini della società, ma sono profondamente radicate neglieventi mondiali, che ora creare come vortice in modo molto complesso e potente.

Dopo questa discesa delle energie di origine al solstizio d’estate, ho avuto una piena crisi gastrica vera e propria tutta la sera e la notte, come tu e solo lentamente recuperato il giorno successivo. Ieri, 23 giugno è stata davvero una buona giornata per me e Carla, come non abbiamo mai sperimentato per molto, molto tempo. Come il tempo è anche molto caldo qui, abbiamodavvero apprezzato questa giornata fuori.

Confermo che il nostro ID trasferimento a New Lemuria è ora procedendo con un passo enorme e che possiamo vedere irisultati di questa trasformazione molto presto. Ci si sente davvero molto vicino.

Con amore e luce


Dear Daniela,

I am overwhelmed by your appreciation of my work on this website and in general regarding my scientific achievements. But I know that you are entirely sincere in your assessment and I thank you for that. Indeed when the new Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law is fully accepted by humanity, there will be not much books left from the past of humanity that would be worth to be preserved. I realized this fact many years ago when I discovered the Universal Law in the early 90s. At that time I had a very real vision how all books I was reading simply dissolved in my hands as a sign that they are worthless.

I fully concur with your experience during the summer solstice on June 21st. On that day I was taken away for several hours in the early afternoon and became a conduit of purest source energies that flooded this uppermost mother planet and caused ahuge ID shift. I wanted to write about it in a subsequent report but I was actually too weak to do it and then the time passed and other topics emerged.

As I already reported to another PAT member, we were also attacked on June 21st by some very dark and malignant entities. The attack must have been very serious and anticipated by our higher selves as we were warned in advance in a very clear manner. The details do not matter now. Obviously we must have released a lot of very dark entities from the deepest recesses of the astral plane that were swirling around and instigated havoc on June 21st. I must add that on this day we had the most intensive chemtrail attacks on our portal, direct over our heads by US airplanes coming from Washington state. This also caused some headache and the HAARP from Alaska that hits the Pacific coast regularly was also very strong on that day.

Our clairvoyance tells us that the dark secret services can measure the energies of our portal, at least they know somehow that there is a high frequency portal here where we live, which is an extension of the original Infinity Portal at White Rock about 20 km away from us. This is now our new Lemurian portal of ascension. Hence they attack this portal with chemtrails now directly, while in the past they sprayed more over Vancouver Downtown, which is more to the east and north of us.

Carla had the vision that there are three factions of the dark ruling cabal and all of them are aware of us and the PAT. They follow our discussions on this website very carefully, as we are their best remote-viewers they can ever find. Of course they know that we are untouchable and do not try to harm us physically, but they use all other insidious means to harass us such as sending their lapdogs, the internet trolls, to write emails in disgusting, fecal language to me, which I of course delete before reading or only read from time to time when I want to laugh whole-heartedly.

The way the dark secret services and their trolls respond to certain articles and topics I post on this website and the fact that they react almost immediately after a new publication, gives me the conviction that there is at least one whole department of analysts and a bunch of internet trolls that very closely follow our website. I have the impression that this analysts’ and trolls’ department is located near Frankfurt in Germany, where the NSA and BND work in cahoots. As I play with them from time to time under the telepathic guidance of my HS with the sudden publication of some very critical information, which only the secret services can properly assess, and based on their sudden very fearful response, I know that I have hit the mark. They are so stupid that they don’t get it that they are the observer that is also being carefully observed and that they give me valuable information with their idiotic, but coordinated responses.

It is a cat and mouse game and the dark ones are now buried deep in their mouse hole and they desperately know how hopeless their situation is. I had to publish this information as it is also important for the PAT to know, where they stand now and that we are not communicating in a vacuum, on the fringes of the society, but are deeply embedded in the world events, which we now create as a whirlwind in a very intricate and powerful manner.

After this descent of the source energies at summer solstice, I had a full fledged gastric crisis the whole evening and night like you and only slowly recovered the next day. Yesterday, June 23rd was really a good day for me and Carla, as we have never experienced it for a very very long time. As the weather is also very warm here, we really enjoyed this day outside.

I confirm that our ID move to New Lemuria is now progressing with a huge pace and that we may see the results of this transformation very soon. It feels very close indeed.

With love and light

Caro Georgi,

grazie di questa spiegazione, ora ha  più senso per me quello che ho vissuto durante il solstizio del 21 giugno. Per quantoriguarda gli oscuri, in particolar modo nei giorni prima e dopo il 21 giugno, ho continuato con le pulizie e le protezionigiornaliere. Infatti ogni volta che in quelle notti chiudevo gli occhi potevo vedere esseri che si presentavano sotto mentitespoglie, ma appena prendevo la mia potente spada di luce e  li colpivo al cuore si dissolvevano in tanti piccoli pezzi.

Anche sulla mia casa prima del 21 giugno c’erano un sacco di  scie chimiche che coprivano l’intero portale dalla collina almare, oggi è una bellissima giornata calda e c’è un cielo pulito e cristallino.

Ho dimenticato di dirti che durante una passeggiata vicino casa, mentre godevo del profumo dei fiori, ho avuto l’illuminazionedel nome del portale in cui vivo :  la Rosa dell’Amore.

La sera stessa il cielo si è inondato di colori : rosa, fucsia. arancio, rosso magenta.

Grazie a te, grazie a Carla

Con Amore e Luce
Dear Georgi,

thanks for this explanation, now it makes more sense to me regarding what I experienced during the solstice on June 21st. As for the dark ones, especially in the days before and after June 21, I continued with the cleaning and protection daily. In fact every time on those nights when I closed my eyes, I could see beings that had appeared in disguise, but as soon as I took my powerful sword of light and I was hitting them in the heart  they dissolved into many small pieces. Even above my house before June 21, there was a lot of chemtrails that covered the entire portal from the hillside to the sea; today is a beautiful, warm day and there is a crystal clear sky .

I forgot to tell you that during a walk near my house, while I enjoyed the scent of the flowers, I received in a flashlight the name of the portal where I live: “the Rose of Love”.

The same evening, the sky is awash in colors: pink, fuchsia, orange, magenta.

Thanks to you, thanks to Carla

With Love and Light

Dear Georgi,

Thankyou for the continuation of the posts, truly they are God send as they show me just how connected to one another we truly are. I have had some remarkable synchronicity and some difficult LBP symptoms throughout May and June. Also dark entities entered into my house and attacked me and my family. The light sabre has been in full use as has smudging with sage daily, my wife is very helpful with smudging and she naturally goes into a trance whilst doing so. All of which we would not be able to do without the help from you, Carla, the Universal Law, the PAT and your website.

Anyway the video of the Elohim, colours and message reminded me of a poem I wrote in April of this year and thought to share it with you.

With thanks, love and light
Rob De Havilland, UK

Colours and colours

Colours without names,
Colours with names,
Colours without colours,
Colours with colours,
Colours without substance
Colours with substance
Colours without eyes
Colours with eyes,
Colours without hope
Colours with hope,
Colours without faith
Colours with faith.

Oh colours and colours!
Colours that are shallow
Colours that are deep,
Colours that are not colours
Colours that are colours
Colours that do not reach
Colours that do reach
Colours that are not  my soul
Colours that are my soul.

Oh colours colours!
Truth is
I AM colours,
I AM all that is colour
I AM, I AM, I AM Colour.

Dear Rob,

thank you very much for sending me your poem on the colours, which as we know are more than simple colours – they are creative energies.

Indeed, we had some turbulent days behind us as you report and even this weekend at summer solstice we had a massive dark attack on us. This day was associated with another huge ID shift when we must have expelled some very dark and reticent entities from the deepest recesses of the astral plane and they created havoc at home. Smudging with sage and using the light saber is the only solution and it works fabulously all the time.

After I invoke the seven sacred flames, I always create a huge vortex by rotating my arms above my head and asking the angels to help me create this huge vortex and then throw all dark entities loud in the void. This last procedure is very powerful as you create a real vortex or pulser and the centrifugal forces of it eliminate all negative energies from your field immediately. After that I am exhausted and have to lie down for a couple of minutes but I feel immediately how much easier the energies now flow through my fields and body. You should try it. It is a very powerful procedure.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

We work together, my wife, my son and myself. I invoke the sacred flames, my wife the smudging and my son meditates to explode into brilliant light to dispel the darkness of which he states is always bright yellow. However, creating a vortex and expelling them through it resonates strongly with me, like a penny dropping!

It seems that the more I am able to become the light the harder and more vicious the attacks, Saturday night through until Sunday night we had entities all around in our home, we all had light sabres in action, even when I finally did fall asleep. It was difficult and on Monday we was called to an ancient wood not far from us called Perry Wood for cleansing, we all felt much cleaner on returning even the house seem alot happier and brighter.

Once again thankyou for your help  and thanks for listening.

With love and light
Rob DH

Dear Rob,

the summer solstice was a very critical time indeed as we did a huge ID leap to higher frequency levels and released a great amount of darkness one more time. The more people are involved in the cleansing process, the more effective it is. Carla also does the smudging here, while I create the vortex. The superposition of our light fields and intention makes the difference.


Hello Dr. Stankov:

I forgot to add one additional item when I compiled that list of dreams and visions for you the other day. About a month and a half ago, I was sitting inside a theatre watching that new “Avengers” movie that recently came out. I had ordered some food and was eating when suddenly it felt as if someone had a gigantic magnet attached to the back of my head.  At first, I was somewhat leery about turning around to find out what was going on, but then, it became very annoying because it felt as it my brain was being stretched  from one side of the theatre to the other. So I turned around and said “what the heck”, there was absolutely no one there. No magnet, no-one, nothing. It was very, very intense and cannot be described except as I’ve indicated above. It remained that way for about 5 minutes and then the feeling subsided.

The main reason I’m sending this email is to share something that took place 13 or 14 years ago. You’ve often heard me say that I am an Angel.  You may have wondered how I came by this knowledge or if I am just assuming.  Around 2001 or 2002, I went to bed and was semi-conscious, when a message was given to me from the Creator. Initially, I did not know it was the creator speaking with me. This was during the time when I was bothered with dark entities all the time as they have always been in my life since I came to this world to thwart my divine commission. They knew who I was, but at the time, I did not know that I was an angel on assignment. In any event, the negative experiences became so unbearable with these dark beings, that, one night, before I went to sleep, I said to the Creator “I do not think that I’m going to make it.”

These dark beings would always come and bother me during my sleep around 2:30 a.m. most mornings. I was hardly able to sleep anymore, which was why, I told the Creator that I did not think I’d make it. I did not know about White Sage at the time to get rid of dark entities/ energies. I was at my “wits end” and was thinking that maybe if I’d go along with these dark beings, they would leave me alone because they were always issuing me invitations to join them. Anyway, it was just a fleeting and not a rational thought because I would never join these dark forces. Later that night, as stated above, I was semi-conscious when I felt unbelievable love!!! I’ve never felt anything like this in my entire life. It was as if love was something tangible and one could wrap oneself within it. I had to know, from where the love was emanating.  I said, “who are you, although I believed that I already knew it was the Creator?” The voice answered and said, “I’m God.” I, then, asked the Creator “who am I?” The Creator said “You are a child of God, and you have an angelic soul.” “Do Not Accept Them. “Again, the love that Creator showered me with was unbelievable and cannot be described in human language. So, you see, the Creator told me who I am and it is not something that I just assume, human angel.

Another great experience happened around 2003. I had gone to bed early, say, around 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. because I was somewhat tired. After lying in bed about 5 or 10 minutes, the Creator Energies completely merged with me. I instantly knew the answer to every question there ever was. I could tell you the journey of  every grain of sand in the universe, where it had been, and still, where it was going. I asked questions, and instantly, the answers were automatic. I knew how the universe was formed and came into being. Every possible question was instantly answered in my mind. I said “wow this is so simple that a new born baby would know this.”  I also said “how could I have forgotten all of this?.” This lasted for all of one to two minutes. I knew it was starting to fade, so I said, “I must hold on to some of this knowledge; I must hold on,” however, it left me. I asked the Creator, “why give me all this knowledge just to take it away?.” It was very depressing reverting back, to just me, coming from being someone who had remembered and experienced all the knowledge of the universe(s). It was not so much learning new knowledge, as it was things remembered. Later on, I came to realize, that, at this particular time, my brain was not ready to accommodate such a large accumulation of knowledge. At that point in time, my brain, my human body, would quite literally have exploded from the vastness of unlimited knowledge. I believe the Creator allowed me to see and to understand that this Ascension journey was necessary because it would return me, full knowledge and all, back to who I was before I left Heaven for this earthly commission/journey, and allow me to know that I would definitely become one with the Creator again.

Anyway, Dr. Stankov, I thought you might find this enlightening, as well as interesting, as this truly happened around 2001 T 2003 time periods!

Love & Light

Dear Shirley,

this is very insightful information that makes me personally believe that you are rather an Elohim, whom one can also describe as Angel, as we, Carla and myself, are also. Angels do not incarnate per definition, but Elohim do very seldom and then they are endowed with a big transpersonal mission. We come from the Source and have an open contact to it.

I had also such short periods of unlimited knowledge when I discovered the Universal Law as otherwise I would not have been able to make this breakthrough and I was beamed for years with the highest possible energies to develop the theory. But I also had to fall back into the limitations of the human mind and it took me several years to sufficiently expand my mind as to accommodate the new holistic world view of the Universal Law at the human level.

I just discussed this issue with Carla and she also have the feeling that you are an Elohim. This would explain the clarity of your visions and transcendental information. Few people are capable of this.

When St. Germain came yesterday to Carla, he told her that she is the most powerful being on earth now and that she will be the new cochan of the violet flame and that he will delegate this power to her. When I post the message in the coming days it will give you a glimpse into our power, which most light workers perceive and interpret as arrogance and aggrandisement, but when you read the message you will see his discontent about the self-imposed limitations of the light workers that prevents them to be true creators.

With love and light

Dear Georgi

I thank you once again for your help last time. I feel much better.

So I wonder … When I did invocation with intention to clean dark energies associate with Canada (June 21) I felt much more dark energies than when subsequently I did invocation to clean Bilderberg group meeting. I do not know why but personally I think that in the case of Canada I turned my attention directly on the dark archons in contrast to Bilderberg group where my attention rested on humans (held by the dark entities). I do not know whether it is rightly but that’s how I feel.

I had a dream two days ago. I dreamed that I went to the ATM to take my money but the ATM was empty (it wasn’t physically money) so I went directly to my bank to get money. The lady at the bank said that they have a little problem with ATM and she just gives me the money. It was rather small amount but she was looking for money in many places. She stretched a small amount and she puts on chair. When she was the whole sum of money suddenly money began to burn and she stood helplessly and watched only. I took a jug of water and put out the fire. After all it was only one-third of my money. I took this money that was not burned but the bank had counted me the whole amount. I left the bank. End dream.

I had some vision (not dream) yesterday (June 21) wherein I saw myself in different situations in my life (vision after vision). “Something” was starting in each scene and I knew that it will come to us in a few days.

PS. Sometimes when I am writing to you I feel high pressure in the throat chakra. I do not know how to interpret it. It is possible that some things I have not shown. In the past I did not write about some things associated directly with PAT. I felt that your emails are captured and it would not be good if it had been designated place where PAT is located. Now I fell similar pressure in the throat chakra but I do not know why.

With Love and Light
Tomasz, Poland

Dear Tomasz,

the throat chakra is that of intelligence and truth and now it is under huge stress as the revelations have commenced.

Your dream about the money in the bank that burns while the ATM were out of function is self-explanatory and does not need any further comments.

All in all, we are moving now very fast to the final resolution.

With love and light

Hi Georgi,

It started yesterday and now is in full sway (June 20th). Again I feel like I am having a bad fever but temperature check gives me only normal results. Apparently something is going on with physical body.

All the Best,
Mariusz, Poland

Dear Mariusz,

I also had this same fever episode yesterday (June 19th) the whole afternoon but it was not so bad as on June 11th. We are in the middle of massive transfiguration in preparation for our move to New Lemuria.

With love and light

Die Apokalypse

Lieber Georg,

heute Nachts hatte ich ( im Traumzustand ) begriffen wie wir nach den Tag X doch wirklich sind.

Wir wissen alle, dass der Tag X kommt, aber wir wissen nicht, was das eigentlich jetzt auf der Gefühls-Ebene bedeutet, nichtwirklich. Darüber denken wir nicht nach, weil es traurig macht. Es ist ein „Schutzmechanismus“ und das Vertrauen in dieRichtigkeit aller Dinge. Dennoch sind wir Götter in Menschengestalt und empfinden Traurigkeit bei der Vorstellung so vieleMenschenseelen gehen zu sehen, bzw. bleiben zu sehen.

Was habe ich gesehen oder besser gesagt erfahren:

….wir betreten mit Piotr eine verlassene Wohnung. Die Wohnung hat keine Fenster, alles ist unordentlich und wie nach einer Naturkatastrophe. Kein Strom, kein Leben, eine Stille, die in sich hat. Ich blicke mich um und entdecke Regale. Die Möbel sindschön, weiß- hoch-lackiert.

Ich bewundere die absolute Qualität der Verarbeitung der Möbel und öffne alle kleinen Schubladen und Türen, dabei entdeckeich in fast jeder kleinen Schublade kleine durchsichtigen Plastikbehälter. In fast allen Plastikbehältern befinden sichMedikamente wie: Tabletten in vielen Farben und Grüßen, Ampullen und Flaschen.

Und währenddessen sich Piotr die Wohnung genauer anschaut, stehe ich begeistert und bewundere die Ordnung, diehinterlassen worden ist. Ohne jeden Zweifell hat derjenige, dem diese Wohnung gehörte, Probleme mit der Gesundheit, dafüraber eine eindrucksvolle Vorliebe für Sauberkeit. Die Wohnung musste jedoch plötzlich zerstört worden sein, ohne dieMöglichkeit zur Flucht.

Ich mache mir Gedanken darüber, ob Piotr die kleinen Behälter doch nicht brauchen könnte und überlege mir, wie ich siemitnehmen soll, lasse aber den Gedanken fallen in dem Moment, wo ich einen Schrank öffne, wo sich Fotoalben der Familiebefinden.

Du muss dir das so vorstellen: insgesamt ist die apokalyptische Atmosphäre in der dunklen Wohnung grauenhaft, aber dieganze hinterlassene Ausstattung in dem Ambiente ist schön und deutet auf eine Familie, die einen oder mehrere Krankenbetreute.

Also, ich entdecke die Alben, Dokumente, Wertsachen und Papiere und beschließe ohne Piotr zu fragen, die Sachenmitzunehmen. Ich suche nach einem Karton, um die Sachen zu packen und denke darüber nach, wie ich Sachen der Familiezukommen lassen kann, dabei wird mir ganz klar bewusst, dass ich die Familie nicht finden werde, weil diese Menschen esnicht mehr gibt. Aus Sorge jedoch, dass die Papiere verschollen werden, lasse ich von meinem Vorhaben nicht ab.

Dabei kommt immer wieder der Gedanke, dass es umsonst ist und das es niemanden mehr gibt, der an diese wunderschönenBilder und Sachen interessiert ist. Dann überkommt mich eine tiefe Traurigkeit.

Als ich aufwachte, konnte ich immer noch die Traurigkeit fühlen und ich hatte immer noch die glänzenden, kleinen Schubladenvor Augen die voller Medikamente waren.

In Liebe
Sherina, Berlin

Liebe Sherina,

das ist eine Variante, wie man die Apokalypse wahrnehmen kann. Wir haben selbst mehrere Varianten erlebt. Die erste war die fürchterlichste von allen, als der MPS am 8. Juni 2013 kam. Die Furcht, Entsetzen und animalistische Angst, die ich beimvollen Bewusstsein empfand, waren nicht zu beschreiben, doch flossen alle diese Energien durch meinen Körper und Felder,als ob ich selbst Opfer dieser Katastrophe war. Mein Organismus war in totaler Abwehrhaltung angesichts der Todesgefahrund, da die Intensität der Energien eine einmalige Spitze erreicht hatte, zitterte ich selbst vor dieser Angstwelle. Wir waren andem Tag mit Carla in Österreich am Dreilaendereck und verbrachten die Nacht in einem Hotel. Ich hatte mich auf diese Nachtsehr gefreut, doch wurde sie zu einem Albtraum, auch für Carla, auch wenn die Intensität des Grauens bei ihr nicht so stark war.

Seitdem haben wir mehrere solche MPR mit totaler Vernichtung gesehen, doch erreichte die Intensität des Grauens niemalsdiese Stärke wie beim ersten Mal. Ich sah einmal, wie eine Tsunami-Welle von ca 400 m die ganze Downtown von Vancouverüberschwemmte und zerstörte und bevor sie mich auf die andere Seite der Bucht erreichen konnte, hatte ich mich auf eineWiese in den umliegenden Bergen auf eine höhere Zeitlinie bilokalisiert. Ich war der einzige Überlebende und alle Menschenum mich herum, die kopflos den Berghang hoch liefen, waren verschwunden. Ich schrie zuvor hinter denen: “Das macht dochkeinen Sinn, das Tsunami wird euch erreichen, wechselt stattdessen die Zeitlinie”, aber sie verstanden mich nicht.

Carla erlebte, bevor ich zu ihr gekommen war, ein Tsunami, das die ganze Stadt, wo sie wohnt, vernichtete und das Grauenwar hautnah, wie alle Hochhäuser von der Urgewalt der Natur umknickten und Autos in der Luft gewirbelt wurden.

Das sind wirkliche Erfahrungen auf unteren Zeitlinien und man kann sich das nur vorstellen und nachempfinden, wenn manauch die entsprechenden Energien psychosomatisch hautnah im LKP spürt. Das ist nur dann möglich, wenn man bereitsaufgestiegen ist und die individuellen Energie-Felder alle diese Zeitlinien umfassen und sich am Geschehen direkt beteiligen.

Natürlich werden wir diese Apokalypse auf dieser obersten Muttererde so nicht erleben, weil wir vorher aufsteigen werden,aber ich habe dieses Grauen so viele Male bereits erlebt, dass ich keinen Bedarf habe, es noch mal hier zu erleben, Aber derTag A kommt näher und näher, auch für diese Zeitlinie, daran gibt es keinen Zweifel mehr.

In Liebe

Sehr geehrter Herr Stankov,

kürzlich hatte ich die Gelegenheit, ein Interview mit der bekannten Nostradamus-Forscherin Rose Stern zu verfolgen. Frau Stern gibt an, dass der Polsprung kurz bevorsteht und es zu einem erheblichen Desaster für die Erde/Menschen kommen wird.

Findet – nach Ihrer Theorie – das Ganze auf einer anderen Zeitlinie statt oder wird der “Aufstieg” in eine höhere Dimension dieaufsteigenden Menschen davor bewahren? Welche Ansicht vertreten Sie dazu? Hier ist der Link zu der Webseite von Rose Stern

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Brigitte Heidsiek

Liebe Brigitte,

ich danke dir, dass du Kontakt zu mir aufgenommen hast. Nun zu deiner Frage.

Ich habe sehr viel darüber geschrieben und wenn du ab heute die neue Funktion Log benutzt, kannst du diese Artikel sehrleicht finden. Grundsätzlich erlebt Gaia als Multi-Erde unzählige MPS auf unteren Zeitlinien seit dem 8. Juni 2013, als wir denersten Polsprung erlebt haben. Ich habe darüber berichtet. Seitdem fanden unzählige Polsprünge statt und manche haben wir, Carla und ich, persönlich erlebt und ebenfalls darüber berichtet.

Dieser oberste Mutterplanet wird ebenfalls einen MPS erleben, wenn die endgültige ID Trennung stattfindet und wir aufsteigen. Die Mehrheit der Menschen wird jedoch hier bleiben und nicht aufsteigen und ihre Inkarnation mit dem Todeserlebnis beendenin Folge großer Naturkatastrophen und des MPS. Das ist nicht zu vermeiden, aber es ist sehr wichtig, das Konzept derMultidimensionalitaet bei dieser Betrachtungsweise zu berücksichtigen und die wenigsten können das, nicht einmal diese Frau.

Liebe Grusse

Lieber Georg,

herzlichen Dank für die Antwort und Hinweise auf den neuen Blog als auch für Ihre unermüdliche Arbeit ! Ich wünsche Ihnenund uns allen ein wunderbares – gerne baldiges – Aufstiegserlebnis.


Hallo Georgi,

mir gehen dauernd verschiedene Fragen im Kopf herum und finde kein Ende. Habe versucht mit der neuen LOG-Funktion mit Stichwörtersuche etwas zu finden, aber ich muss gestehen, ich war noch nie ein Computercrack und werde wohl auch nieeiner sein. Kurz gesagt, es funktioniert nicht so, wie ich es verstanden habe.

Vielleicht kannst bzw. willst du sie mir direkt beantworten?

– Haben alle Lichtkrieger der ersten und letzten Stunde auch alle dunklen Erfahrungen durchgemacht/ausgekostet?
– Was ist eigentlich eine Dualseele und wofür ist sie gut? Wozu braucht es eine Dualseele?
– und was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Dualseele und einem Seelenpartner?

Die Katalogisierung ist ja unglaublich, die Pjotr gemacht hat. Wenn ich nun auch noch damit umgehen könnte, wäre es genial.Das ist ein Grund, warum ich nicht oder nie so wirklich im Internet unterwegs war. Manchmal dauert’s ein bisschen länger beimir, bis es klappt.

Würdest du Kari meinen herzlichen DANK an sie weiterreichen für das wunderschöne Gedicht. Ich musste weinen, es hat michsehr berührt. Ich lese eh sehr gerne ihre Beiträge, wenn du welche von ihr veröffentlichst. Bei ihrem Schreibstil kann ich leichtmitfließen, mitfühlen, mitgehen…  fühle mich verbunden.

Lieber Georgi vielleicht findest du Zeit und Muse dich auf meine, außer der Reihe, Fragen einzulassen. Ich würde mich freuen.

vielen Dank und alles liebe dir und Carla

Liebe Conny,

also wenn du in der Log Funktion bist, dann hast du nun die Übersicht über die Artikel auf eine Seite fast für jeden Monat, weiljede Publikation als Einzeiler steht. Dann kannst du anhand dieser Titel dir das Stichwort aussuchen und dann bekommst dumehrere Publikationen aus früheren Monaten. Mein Problem war oftmals, dass ich mich an die Stichwörter nicht erinnernkonnte. Ich wusste ungefähr, wann ich den Artikel geschrieben habe, aber es war nicht so einfach, ihn zu finden, weil ich lange blättern musste. Nun kann ich die Liste schnell durchgehen und dann klicken. Die Log Funktion ist wie ein Schnell-Katalog inder Bibliothek. Du musst trotzdem die Liste durchgehen, aber du hast schneller den Überblick und findest leichter dieStichwörter für die Google Suche.

Alle Lichtkrieger der ersten und letzten Stunden haben viele und fürchterliche Erfahrungen gemacht und sind ständig von dendunklen Archonten attackiert worden. Wer das Gegenteil behauptet, der ist kein Krieger der ersten und letzten Stunde undweiss nicht wovon er spricht. Von solchen Menschen wimmelt es und viele gebärden sich als Gurus. Jahn ist ein solcher Fall.

Die Dualseelen wurden eingeführt, damit die einzelnen Seelen in der 5D nicht ganz einsam sind, da nach ihrer Ausschüttungaus dem Tao sich sehr einsam fühlen, auch wenn sie in der 5D sind. Diese Dimension wird von diesen jungen Seelen bereitsals eine sehr starke Trennung vom Allganzen empfunden. Da in jeder Seelenfamilie alle Seelen einmalig in ihrer Seelenessenzsind, kann es nur eine Dualseele geben, die dann aus einer anderen verwandten Seelenfamilie stammt. Diese Dualseelen sinddann meisten zusammen in 5D und arbeiten an gemeinsame Projekte. Allerdings treffen sie sich so gut wie nie im inkarnierten Zustand, weil dies die Illusion der Trennung zerstört. Dual-Seelen wissen sehr genau, was der andere denkt und fühlt undkönnen nichts voneinander verbergen. Wenn man noch in der Illusion verhaftet ist, dann bringt eine solche Verbindung iminkarnierten Zustand gar nichts.

Wir kamen zusammen, weil wir bereits aufgestiegen waren und eigentlich mit unserer Inkarnation fertig waren. Wirverlängerten unseren Aufenthalt hier um übergeordnete Aufgaben zu erledigen, die wir nur schaffen konnten, wenn wir unsereEnergiefelder buendelten und ein Einheitsenergiefeld aufgebaut haben. Dazu mussten wir zusammen kommen. Es ging abernicht um persönliche Belange.

Du kannst die Bücher von Varda Hasselmann und Frank Schmolke lesen, wo dieses Thema noch einmal besprochen wird.

Ich werde deine Wertschätzung an Kari weiterleiten.

Liebe Grüße


Hallo Georg,

suuuuper! Das Channeling von Susanne zusammen mit den Erklärungen von dir MÜSSEN Pflichtlektüre werden. Sie brauchendie ersten Erlebnisse, die sie sich nicht erklären können (Trigger gesendet von HS, Spirit) und dann diese Erklärungen – dasisses!!! :)

Noch nie vorher hab ich’s so gut erklärt und einfach zu verstehen gelesen. Dieses Wühlen in der New Age Schmuddelecke hatdamit endgültig ein Ende! Raus aus der Mystik und rein ins reale Leben.

Dank dir für die tollen Erklärungen, bei Susannes HS hab ich mich auch bedankt. Gebookmarkt, die ganze Seite mit Quellekopiert – ich weiß ja noch nicht, wie ich’s brauche. ;) Schon allein die Manifestation tut ihr eigenes *g*.

Birgit aus Neumarkt,
wo die Reinigung noch in vollem Gange ist, Regen, Wind, Kälte, und die Vögel lassen sich nicht irritieren von der Überlappungder Dimensionen und singen aus voller Kehle! :)


Liebe Birgit,

ich danke dir für diese begeisterte Wertschätzung der letzten Publikation. Sue ist eine der wenigen Channellers, die ihren Wegunbeirrt folgt und gute aufklärerische Arbeit leistet. Ich kenne sie sehr gut, denn wir haben mehr als ein Jahr täglichmiteinander korrespondiert. Dann gingen wir auseinander, aber das ist nicht von Relevanz. Ich bin immer noch in Kontakt mitihr und habe ihr gestern zu dieser Botschaft gratuliert.

Es ist wichtig in diesem Zusammenhang zu erwähnen, das Sue’s Meditationen, die man auf ihrer Webseite finden kann, sehrstark und effektiv sind, wie mir Carla versichert hat. Sie hat sie in der Vergangenheit benutzt und sie sind zu empfehlen. DieseMeditationen sind allerdings mehr für Anfänger gedacht und nicht so sehr für erfahrene Lichtkrieger.

Liebe Grüße

Weil du offenbar gerade am PC sitzt, frage ich dich jetzt doch: gib mir doch bitte mal einen Tipp, wie man sich in dieserDimensions-Hopserei am Besten verhält. Das verwirrt mich….

Vor nicht mal einer Woche hatte ich dir von den Feindseligkeiten erzählt, denen ich gegenüber stand. Heute hab ich ein paarder Leute von letzter Woche wieder getroffen und alle waren freundlich, nett – so wie ich sie ‘eigentlich’ kenne. Dass dieErlebnisse letzte Woche nichts mit 3D Gedröhns nach dem Motto: Jeder hat mal einen schlechten Tag… zu tun hatten, ist mirklar geworden, als sich manche an Gespräche überhaupt nicht erinnern konnten. Auf einmal gelten auch Abmachungen undAbsprachen wieder, als sei nichts gewesen….

Wie gehst du mit solchem Verhalten, das offensichtlich nicht von 3D-Befindlichkeiten herrührt, sondern mit den verschiedenen Dimensionen zu tun hat, um???


Liebe Birgit,

dieses Verhalten der Menschen und ihre unerklärliche Vergesslichkeit sind in der Tat ein neues Phänomen, das mit unseremraschen Wechsel der Zeitlinien zu tun hat. Wir mussten uns auch erst daran gewöhnen, als es im letzten Jahr massiv auftrat. Der Grund dafür ist, dass diese Realität keine Kontinuität aufweist, sondern aus einzelnen Momentaufnahmen besteht. Zur Zeitwird es immer leichter, diese Momente auszutauschen und von einer Wirklichkeit sprunghaft in eine andere Wirklichkeit/Zeitlinie einzusteigen.

Da ich selbst nicht so viele Kontakte mit den Menschen hier habe, erlebe ich es nicht so drastisch wie du zu Hause. Aber dasvöllig unterschiedliche Verhalten der Menschen auf unterschiedlichen Zeitlinien ist auch hier nicht zu verkennen. Und ihrescheinbare Vergesslichkeit oder Amnesie ist Teil dieses Wechsels, denn diese Leute haben wirklich keine Erinnerungen an ihr,sagen wir mal, schlechtes Verhalten gegenüber uns, weil sie sich auf dieser Zeitlinie wirklich nicht so verhalten haben.

Was die Menschen allgemein unterschätzen, ist wie die Seele das Gedächtnis der inkarnierten Persönlichkeit modulieren kannund manchmal auch regelrecht mit uns Schabernack spielt. Das Auslöschen des menschlichen Gedächtnisses, das lediglichein elektromagnetischer Speicherorgan ist, ist kinderleicht und das ist auch das mächtigste Instrument der Seele, dieEntwicklung der inkarnierten Persönlichkeit voranzutreiben, wenn es denn nötig ist.

In der jetzigen Endzeit ist der Austausch von negativen Erfahrungen und Erinnerungen aus dem menschlichen Gedächtnis einsehr wirkungsvolles Mittel, um die Evolution dieser Menschheit voranzutreiben. Man muss auch bedenken, dass jetzt sehrviele seelenlosen Hülsen von Menschen mit walk-ins bewohnt werden, die sehr alte Seelen sind und einen neuen Anfangwollen. Sie müssen daher die Erinnerungen der alten Persönlichkeit, die für diesen Fortschritt hinderlich sind, erst auslöschenund dann neu starten.

Mit anderen Worten, wir sind gut beraten, unsere linearen kausalen Vorstellungen von den menschlichen Beziehungen überBord zu werfen und mit diesen “Sprüngen” in unserer Realität spielerisch und kreativ umzugehen, denn sonst werden wirhoffnungslos verwirrt und verloren.

Liebe Grüße

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