How to Merge With the “I Am Presence” With a Scientific Certainty

Saint Germain’s Message

Carla Thompson, April 16, 2015

Here is a wonderfully clear personal message for me that I have channelled from the Ascended Master Saint Germain.  Even though it is a personal message, we all know that it is only an example of what all other light workers shall also experience now that we are moving so rapidly through these open energetic gateways.  

Saint Germain even directly addresses all light workers in this message and there is no mistake that everyone who is reading this now will be opened to experiencing new aspects of soul recognition. My personal impression from this visit yesterday (April 14th) is that he would like his teachings to be reframed from a new perspective, a non-religious perspective, in order that our atheist and secular society will be able to relate and integrate the idea of Soul Essence, and that this will come in the form of a new book that I will personally write.

Over the past three weeks I have noticed a strong “re-set” or re-alignment with my own soul essence and I am experiencing a renewal of a keen passion to express myself in ways which I have long ago set aside. I have been inspired by several of you who have openly and so eloquently shared your soul paths as well as by others who are in my immediate group of personal friends, who are embracing new and spectacular ways to share the individual nature of their own soul essence.

Godfre Ray King, better known as Guy Ballard, who channelled Saint Germain states in the Tribute of his book “The Magic Presence” (published in 1935) the following:

Only the Ascended Master Consciousness, which is the “Mighty I AM Presence,” can ever reestablish order and security upon this Earth.  Only Its Consuming Flame of Divine Love can ever dissolve the fear in the feeling of the people.  Only as the individual turns his attention to these Great Ascended Masters and asks Their Blessing upon the rest of mankind is the connection made and the Door opened by which Their Help can come through, releasing Its Perfection unto humanity and the Earth itself.” 

I take this opportunity to whole-heartedly thank each and every one of you for having the courage to stand up to the status quo and state your position on the existence of Soul Essence and the necessity to express it, Now!


The Message

I AM Saint Germain and I say to you that your soul essence is now expanding into the universal realms of creation where the discovery of your true self shall be elicited with my help!

As you tune in to my energy, my frequency, or shall I say the frequency of my light gestalt [and Ascended Master Consciousness, note Carla], a new world shall open up for you as a new way of living unfolds before you. Your very life shall move into a new phase of joyous expression and a deep, sincere, heart-felt love of what unfolds around you. 

The new life may not appear much different as an external measure, but the new life shall feel bursting with a new sense of ever-expanding purpose through an inner doorway.

You are but one of many, many light Beings who shall now move into a new level of service as you each agree at the soul level to tune in to the inner world of your soul. In doing so, you will now fully comprehend what your lives are missing and how you can add to the understanding of your true souls essence, something which has been ignored by those who even admit to having a soul and utterly dismissed by others as being an absurdity, as an unreal and non-existent aspect of their very Being!

Is the Human Being simply a body and a mind?  No!

How does the body work to control the thousands of biological feedback systems within its boundaries?

(I raise this fundamental question in my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” (2000) and resolve it in a popular scientific manner for the various energetic systems of the human incarnated personality. It is important to stress that this question has not been considered by modern esotericism (e.g. New Age) so far as this spiritual movement is not based on scientific knowledge and fully disregards the quest for scientific knowledge. During his contact with Carla, Saint Germain admonished this fact outside this message. Parallel to her, I was also inspired by him to discuss key gnostic issues associated with our impending inner expansion of consciousness and merging with our souls or I AM PRESENCE as Saint Germain and his channeller Godfre Ray King prefer to call it. Note, George)

There are millions upon millions of events in every millisecond created within the inner physical Being. Yes, the inner physical Being creates these miracles but know that they are not created on their own. They are created from the energetic complexity of operational overlays that suspend themselves over each body system – the physical, the mental and the emotional systems VIA the etheric body, also known as the causal body.

(Here Saint Germain refers to all energetic system as U-sets, as superimposed wave systems or fields of multidimensional character that constantly interact with each other and the Whole, which means they contain themselves and the whole as an element. Note, George)

As you read the books about my teachings given to the messenger Godfre Ray King  (Here Saint Germain refers to the books “The Unveiled Mysteries” and “The Magic Presence” which Carla started reading before Saint Germain established contact with her. Note, George)  you shall be inspired and lifted into the realms of light from which you came and to which you belong. 

There is much work to be done now – embrace your gift of connection and join me in the uplifting of mankind into the realms of light from whence mankind came! 

It is time for humanity to awaken to the truth of who they are!  It is time to present these abstractions not within a religious context, but from the perspective of information and fact. This shall be the new approach for only through the thorough and scientific presentation of the existence of Soul Essence shall fear be dissolved from the human psyche forever, and a new world of unspeakable joy be unleashed!


Georgi Stankov

It is important to observe that this message from Saint Germain was preliminary and incomplete as Carla was interrupted by family obligations. The most significant information that it contains, according to our interpretation and intuitive perception of Saint Germain’s intentions, is that the final phase of preparation for our transfiguration and appearance as Ascended Masters has commenced. This should not be new to all of us as this has been the ongoing topic of our discussions in the last several weeks, at least since we opened the Solstice-Equinox portal in March.

The second major point of discussion with Saint Germain was that we shall be the ones who will open humanity to the existence of the soul and re-connect the masses with the Source or with the I AM PRESENCE, as he used this term at the beginning of the 20th century.

This term was eagerly adopted by the newly emerging modern esotericism, first by the theosophical society, to which Guy Ballard and most spiritual thinkers of the last century belonged or were indirectly influenced. The problem with the new theosophy was that it was immediately tainted by underlying religious concepts, to which the theosophical movement continued to stick as its founders were unable to fully free themselves from the deplorable influence of their Christian upbringing. Later on, this unhealthy trend was uncritically and for the most part unconsciously adopted by its followers in the New Age movement as these people had, in their ignorance, completely lost their direct connection and understanding of Christianity, but were still very much susceptible to its pernicious influence as they are unable to analyse their basic ideas.

When we appear as ascended masters and embody the Second Coming of Christ (read here), this will not lead to the revival of the Church as many Christians erroneously believe or to the flourishing of modern esotericism as many New Agers naively hope, but to the merging of all incarnated human beings on the new 4D worlds with their I AM PRESENCE, which will happen entirely on the sound foundation of the new Theory of the Universal Law. This would say that with our appearance we shall eliminate all organized religions, modern esotericism and, of course, conventional science based on the empirical dogma of profound agnosticism.

Only after that can we establish a novel transcendental, spiritual view for the entire new humanity, which will enable each and every incarnated human being to align with his soul and the Source, or I AM PRESENCE and begin to create from this fulcrum. It is superficial to mention that it will not be an easy job to overcome the current profound human agnosticism, which was further deepened by some putative successes of applied conventional science in the last century, or the dogmatic resistance of all believers from the current five world religions – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Chinese Universism (Confucius and Lao-Tze), which now seem to be engaged in a final mortal battle.

This topic is highlighted in the following chapter of my book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind

World Religions as Gnostic Teachings

which I shall publish tomorrow one more time for you to refresh your knowledge on the historical interrelationships between our mission as the PAT and incumbent Logos Gods in the End Time and the five world religions (and not only Christianity), which we shall terminate once and for all with our appearance as Ascended Masters.

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