Energy Report of the PAT – Part I, April 21, 2015

Streamlining the Ascension Scenario

Hello, my dear Georgi,

Like you, like the others on your website, having sinusitis and 3rd chakra issues, left-side headaches and heavy skull pressures which aggravate into swelling of sinusus and mouth tissues, bringing on  b-i-g  apthous ulcers (aka ‘canker sores’). So what else is new, I always say. It all just goes on and on, unabated despite all these years.  However, things have changed. Things are very significantly yet subtly different, many nuanced inner changes have been in process, and these intensive internal affairs got tripped off since the portals of February, intensifying with all the remarkable synchronicities and celestial /cosmic events of March, and then April … .

In the 1980s, I was an Interdisciplinary major (Humanities and Sciences) specializing in Philosophy and Religion.  This kind of concentration is how I created and devised my academic program, for I was actually pursuing Metaphysics and Esoteric Studies, but at college /university then, there was no such thing in those days.  As a lifelong autodidact reaching back into childhood, I had considerable, substantial background in all the myriad areas of knowledge which, at their depths, relate or pertain to those arcane areas, especially ancient history, philosophy, psychology, and cosmology /astronomy. But, by the time I had the freedom and opportunity to at last have formal education, it was way too late to pursue the music major with performance concentration that I wanted when I was young. And I’m so glad, so grateful. For Consciousness and Metaphysics was my deeper, true path beyond apparently all-consuming music. Such are the twists and turns of the dedicated Path.
Well anyway, from one professor’s seed idea, we were discovering how similar and parallel are the Buddhistic and “Christian” doctrines, beliefs, and philosophies, especially their central leitmotifs of Love and Redemption as symbolized and personified by Vishnu-Krishna, understood as “Christos” in Greek transliteration / transphonetization, hence, “Jesus.”
Despite that, however, with My Dear It (HS/HR) ever guiding me, I would not lose sight of the convoluted contrivance which “Christianity” is (with its merging of paganism, or natural religion, per the machinations of the Nicaean Council) … nor of Christianity’s being an asset of the total social control which was the political objective of Rome … nor lose sight of its distinction from what is called “early Christianity,” or properly, the Essenes (and from other endtime sects of the period) … nor that the man “Jesus” never existed, but rather, was a kind of composite of the period’s great teacher/s … and that institutionalized religion, though in 3D serving an evolutional function for young souls, is ultimately a forged trap as the soul matures and becomes an old soul.
Same with the mechanics of maya, karma, and reincarnation. That the essential spiritual task is the relentless drive to discover, see, and assimilate truth, whatever truth is at whatever one’s level of soul evolution, psycheal perception, and mental comprehension … and ultimately, that the essential challenge is to divest oneself of all external (false) supports and rely solely upon one’s transcendental, all-seeing Soul by merging with It, unitized.

Of course since I was not a Theology student, the entire matter of Apollonius didn’t come into the foreground – not that that knowledge could have been introduced with any success of receptivity anyhow, until this specific endtime period of the Great Year and all that precessional and omni-dimensional cosmic energies entail, as to our functional soular consciousness.  This very scholarly material is all very interesting indeed, and a relief for those ready to go deeper and know.  Thank you, George and Jon ——–

Thank you for You
Good energy
Love mucho
Dianna, San Francisco

Dear Diana,

thank you very much for your elaborate disquisition on our latest topic regarding the Jesus saga in the broader context of human Gnosis. This topic seems to re-emerge one more time now that we stand under the influence of Saint Germain and discuss the final strategies as to how Disclosure – our ascension and appearance in front of humanity – will unfold.

With love and light

Dear Dr. George,

Wow… where to begin!

A couple of days before your blog on Apollonius, I watched a video (I cannot remember title ughh) but, it was along the same line except he went into Egyptian history and the deception and the lies about the “Jews” etc. Then, I ran across another article (my five-year old granddaughter unknowingly led me to talking about “afrasons” in the sky. Googled it and that led me to a St Germain article … BY none other than Claire Prophet !!  Now, when St Germain starting coming into my realm in 2012 I watched many of her videos, especially learning more about the Sacred Violet Flame. I had already heard some negatives about her, but gave it no mind as her videos had helped me and I didn’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water! Anyway, the synchronicity leading up to your recent blogs (which I have devoured) inspired me to write to you.

I have felt for a long while now that the teachings of “Jesus” do not add up! Now, after reading about Apollonius, the questions are streaming in faster than I can contemplate.

What do I now do with the Christian doctrine that is a lie, at best a distortion of the truth? I’m not sure how to disassemble by brain from the “belief system”?

My HS has been breaking it down line upon line, precept upon precept for a long while now, and seems the last few days many questions are being answered that then give way to many more!!

I guess what I’m wanting to know (for starters) what do I do with the labels of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Moses, etc. in my heart? Is it ALL a lie or are they just aspects of mySelf?

I think I might be one of those, the Elohim were talking about who have not transfigured yet to stay and help!

Eternally Grateful I Am,
Debbie Reed

Dear Debbie,

these are indeed remarkable synchronicities which show how precise the coordination now occurs from the HR and how deliberately we are guided to our final preparation for the Event.

The occupation with Christianity is not new to me and I was surprised that Saint Germain came and wanted us to deal one more time with this topic in the modern context of the New Age movement. For me it became clear one more time how little the light workers have really internalized the Christian fraud which is a direct attack on any transcendental thinking and experience as a human being.

As you say, these Christian ideas are so deeply engraved in our minds that we need to reshape our entire world view. I would suggest that we detach from any concepts that are linked to names, in particular when they concern angels and ascended masters and consider them as universal benevolent energetic functions. This kind of impartial approach, as also advocated by Saint Germain, eliminates most of the Christian hodgepodge. One can continue believing in these energies that carry the names of Mary, Jesus etc. but one need not associate them with human beings or religious sagas anymore. This is a necessary abstraction to which we must resort these days as to better align with our I Am Presence.

With love and light

Dear Dr. George,

I so appreciate your prompt response, as I have to admit I am somewhat confounded and confused, yet in a thankful way as I know I am transitioning. Forgive me for being redundant, but I would like to ask a specific question then.

If that timeline never existed, then what is this whole “He is risen about now? And does that mean that the two Mary’s never ever existed in this 3D realm 2000 years ago?  Like!! how do I come to terms with this is my mind!?

I was talking to a “Christian” friend of mine and mentioned to her that Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. I thought she was going to jump across the table at me! Holy Moly! Dear God in Heaven! What would she do if I said Jesus wasn’t Jesus. But, now I’m thinking (only 5 days later mind you) “well, now Mary didn’t even EXIST. Wow!

I try to work things out for myself for the most part George, but I’m feeling it really important how I process this deception through alchemy. Your answer was VERY helpful, but I just had to ask you this specifically.

I go now,

Dear Debbie,

there are excellent books from Seth channelled by Jane Roberts where the archetypal structure of this reality is explained in depth. I cannot do it better myself. You can find these books on the Internet and read them if you have the time.

Essentially, anything we create with our mind exists in our reality. If generations of humans have believed in the existence of Jesus and Mary or Mary Magdalene, then these gestalt personalities have the same reality as if they have existed as physical persons. Even more so, as so many people identify with these Christian archetypes and keep these gestalts energetically alive. This is the nature of all creation.

Therefore, the fact that these Christian protagonists did not exist as incarnated personalities in no way suggests that their energetic power is illusory. Quite on the contrary, to believe this means to accept only this visible world as being real and to reject all the subtle higher frequency energies that create this reality in an invisible manner. Any human idea about the existence of Jesus and Mary are such subtle mental energies and they have materialized in this reality – have been engraved in its collective memory for ever. That is why they are still so powerful from an energetic point of view, more so than all real humans like Apollonius of Tyana who have provided the template with their lives for these Christian gestalts.

But if we have to change the paradigm for ever, which means in the first place to eliminate all resilient Christian ideas and all organized religions, which are mental obstacles to ascension, then we have to go even further and challenge the existence of Jesus. Especially for the vast majority of agnostic people nowadays this idea may happen to be more attractive than only to change the Christian narrative about Jesus’ life as many channellers do.

But essentially one must challenge all religions in their core and substitute them with impersonal concepts of All-That-Is if one wants to merge successfully with his /her I Am Presence and ascend. This is the key point to observe nowadays and then everything else is fitting into place.

With love and light

Dearest  George,

Yeshua  Ben  Joseph,  also  known  as  “The  Nazarene”, never  called himself  the  Christ  throughout  the  life  until crucifixion.  What I propose  is  after  crucifixion  he reentered  physical  reality  as  a walk-in Soul Apollonius  of Tyana  or  Paul and carried  out  to  finish  what had  started  prior  to  the  events  of  the  passion  narratives. The historical  record  in fact  starts  around  34-40 A.D. when Apollonius-Paul is  first  introduced  by  Timotheus. Yeshua  Ben  Joseph  and  Apollonius-Paul  are  one  Soul  in  two  physical  realities   (bodies) before  and  after  the  crucifixion  event, that  explains  the  historical  confusion  of  “biblical  proportion”.

Gratitude  and  Blessings,

Dear Marco,

this interpretation does not make any sense to me, although walk-ins have always played an important role. First of all because the life of Apollonius is known well since early childhood, while nothing is really known about Jesus (Jeshua ben Joseph) until he appears out of nowhere at the age of 33. Both Apollonius and the fictive Jesus were born at the same time, the difference is that we know that Apollonius has established the sect of the Nazarite (Essenes) and we also know that he was a healer and a teacher before that in Cappadocia.

I do not understand what you mean by “when Apollonius-Paul is  first introduced  by  Timotheus.” Apollonius and Timotheus were close friends when they were together in Cappadocia and in other places in Minor Asia (current Turkey), teaching the people before Apollonius came to Jerusalem.

With love and light

Dearest  George,

the  books  by  Dolores  Cannon: Jesus  and  the  Essenes  and  they walked  with  Jesus  are  fascinating  reads about  those  times. Joseph of  Arimathea  was Yeshua  Ben’s  uncle  and  one  of  the  wealthiest men  of  the time and traveled  with  his  nephew  extensively throughout  the  known  world  of  the  time exposing  Yeshua  Ben (Jesus)  who  spent time  in  Qumran  with  the  Essenes  to many  different  cultures  and  was  also  thought  the Secrets of the Mysteries originating  most  likely  from  Atlantis  before  its  destruction. I resonate  with  the awareness  that  Jesus  transfiguration  happened  around  the  age  of  33 giving  the  impression  of  coming  into being  out  of  nowhere.

He  was  also  known  as  the  “Nazarene” as  his  family  was  from Nazareth  just  like  Apollonius community  of the  Nazarite. Apollonius  and  Paul  are  referred  to  as  the  same  person by  Timotheus  I thought.

Love , Marco.

Dear Marco,

this is the problem that I am trying to resolve – all the Christian and channelled versions of the Jesus saga follow the same flawed pattern. It is a perpetuation of the Christian fraud and Dolores Cannon is no exception, just as Jahn is no exception and many others. I wrote that I have read at least five channelled versions of the Jesus saga, which only marginally differ from each other as the Synoptic gospels in the Bible.

My intention is to eliminate this fraud and to show the people that all ascended masters were normal incarnates and lived normal historical lives as we also do in this End Time. And when we shall ascend, the people will remember us for the trace we have left in this life.

The Christian saga, which was entirely an Orion-Reptilian invention, was promoted also by the forces of light for one simple reason. They knew that they will not be able to stop the success story of this religion throughout the dark Pisces age and that is why they tried to modify it by imbuing this saga with the Christed light of the Christian martyrs and the Holy Men, so that this organized religion still preserved the original spiritual ideas as embodied by Apollonius of Tyana, the early Gnostics and, first and foremost, the Neoplatonists, who were the true heirs of Apollonius of Tyana as he says himself in his channelled testimony.

That is why it is not at all surprising that the Renaissance started with the opening of the Neoplatonic academy in Florence by Cosimo Medici, with which the steady decline of the Christian religion began. These are important historical processes that shape humanity up to the present day and that is why it is very important to have clarity on them.

With love and light

Dearest  George,

I resonate  with  your words, thank  you.

Gratitude  and  Blessings,

My dearest Georgi:

I loved what you wrote about your hell being transfigured into “a delightful waiting room with a stand-by ticket to heaven”, by being with Carla, your twin flame, what a beautiful gift. I used to feel like that when Doug was alive. He used to call our last home by the ocean, The 5 Star Waiting Room.

Let me share a few things about my new waiting room.

The house I just moved into is a tiny hatch-roof-palapa by the ocean in the same ghost community. A village coded with blood memories from honor killings, extreme machismo and religious fanaticism nested on an isolated magic beach.

When Doug and I moved here we knew we had some energetic job to do and I decided to work with the children in the one room school, that was a heaven for me. Then I embarked on a mission to get close to the women. Everybody here seemed soulless and dead. Being surrounded by zombies was one of the worst experiences for my soul. It was like being in hell literally.

After one year of cleansing and purging and loving and opening my heart to the women, Doug realized that a miracle was happening but he was worried that the local men would be threatened because their women seemed too happy around me. Maybe they would kill me one day… Or him? It was as if my presence would “animate” them. They would come alive. So we started going for walks and swim in the ocean, I encouraged them to hug each other, they giggled and played like children. Some for the first time in their lives.

Little did I know then, that I was preparing my  personal “waiting room”. When Doug got sick and then passed away, the women sustained me in their heart for days and months. They would come and hug me, take me swimming even when I didn’t feel like going, they made me laugh and play just the same way I did to them when they were “dead”.

Today, they keep loving me and bringing food, they take turns and I hardly cook these days. I am surrounded by love but… But…. There is this mystery. It is still a ghost town. When I go to one of their gatherings my frequency drops and I feel this profound devastation. They hardly talk to me and go on with their motions. Only individually or when they are removed from their holographic influence they look alive and can see me.

So Georgi, maybe my cycle and mission ended here and this village was just meant to be my waiting room? A neighbor, one of the foreigners said to me yesterday. What did you do to them? How come the women follow you and love you if they are all dead here? She has been here for 6 years and the locals hardly say a word to her…. Or to the other foreigners for that matter.

In spite of the love I receive, I still feel it’s a hologram, and fragments of their soul already moved to lower timelines. It is truly spooky to see how they get animated for short periods of time and then they go zombie like again.

Another mystery is that I have put a strong barrier for the kids now. It is as if I didn’t have any energy for them any more. I guess all my energy is becoming ready to transfigure…. And then I find myself “hiding” a lot from everybody these days.

Mysteries and all I feel profoundly grateful for this waiting room. Because in the middle of losing my beloved Doug, and the worst of the LBP, I was embraced by a beautiful hologram, maybe just created by me and for me.

With Love and Light!
Betty, Mexico

Dear Betty,

this is a very beautiful report and when I read it I could envision that you indeed have created your higher dimensional hologram already and are constantly moving through the timelines as to communicate with these soul fragments on higher timelines. And on many timelimes they simply have no soul fragments at all. This should explain why they behave for the most time like zombies.

But the most important part is that we are now creating our reality and populate it with nice and kind people, we would like to meet away from all past conflicts. Only the day before yesterday we met with Steve, here from Vancouver who is also an ascended master, and we discussed precisely this same topic with respect to his experiences.

The key to sustaining this new better hologram around you (us) is to keep the personal vibrations constantly high, which also means as you say to restrict our contacts with other people to the necessary minimum and not to have any fear that anything can happen to us. The moment we might be in danger on one timeline, we can easily and immediately move to a higher timeline where we are safe. But this can only happen if we eliminate any fear which is based on past 3D thought and behavioural pattern.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Do you mean that some soul fragments from these same persons may also reside on higher timelines already? I’ve been inclined to think that most fragments here are moving to lower timelines but then that would explain the sparks that come alive…. It’s confusing!

I used to feel for example that children here had this sparkling energy and I was drawn to them, now I’m not. I feel they are also “animated” by me. When they are with their parents they don’t see me either. How is that possible? That children can be on and off? What happens with their soul fragments? Are they going through a similar process? Will they still be influenced energetically by their parents in their “shifting” experience?


Dear Betty,

this is all expressions of the wondrous play of multidimensionality and you have the unique perspective into this intricate play in this more or less remote village, which represents a mini-version of Gaia with all its infinite timelines.

Soul fragments can come and go whenever they want. Even my soul that is deeply anchored in my light body goes away from time to time and then I feel terribly and very weak. Carla also makes the same experience. This happens much more often with unconscious people whose most fragments indeed dwell on lower timelines but some of them also on higher. This is all much more complex than we can grasp it with our deterministic minds.

I would recommend to gather more impressions in a passive way which will help you better understand how quickly we now switch from one timeline to the next one. Your heterogeneous experiences with the village people only confirm that now your ability to move rapidly between the timelines has augmented enormously. This is the case with all PAT members these last days and the more consciously we participate in this transitions, the better we are prepared for our multidimensional life after transfiguration.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I am glad that you discussed the effects of chemical substances while in the LBP as I have often wondered about this. The process of the LBP remains such a complex issue and you have managed to once again explain it in a very clear and concise way.

I would like to share my experience. Being a South African I loved my wine, but for many years I have lost my taste for it. Once in a blue moon I would maybe have a small glass but I no longer enjoyed it like I used too and I realized that my body did not do well with it. Recently I felt the desire for some wine and had a small glass of red wine with my lunch. Soon after lunch I started feeling so bad that I had to go and lie down and sleep. I felt hung over like I had consumed two bottles of wine. I did have a mild cc wave that day and it was as if the cc wave got amplified. It was like every part of my being was rebelling against the substance, rejecting it. Only when it was completely out of my system did I start to feel OK again. To me this message is loud and clear that at I have reached the stage where my body will no longer tolerate alcohol.

I would like to thank Carla for bringing Aurelia Jones’ Seven Sacred Flames to our attention and I look forward to reading the “The Unveiled Mysteries” and “The Magic Presence” by Godfre Ray King. I remember January of 2011 when I woke up one morning with a clear message to study the Spiritual Rays.

During the past years we have been given so many pearls of wisdom on this website. First and foremost, the divinely inspired Universal Law and so many others. Thank you for not giving up on this website Georgi.

Today I feel human again (if that could ever be possible again). Since Wednesday, like clockwork, I would get the worst cc-wave around noon. The whole enchilada. Spiritual flu, eyeball headaches, ears buzzing, gastric pain, nausea and that old uncomfortable feeling that I can no longer be in this body.

Love always

Dear Mara,

you have very well described the toxic reaction of our bodies to any alcohol or even low-vibrating food. Especially when we are hit by cc-waves from the Source the negative reactions are amplified.

I try to give as much as possible relevant information on all aspects of the ascension process but without creating chaos through too much facts. It is a fine line to draw in this respect.

I am now preparing a very good publication on the historical background why Apollonius of Tyana was the anointed Christ and all the other stories about Jesus, including all channelled ones, are simply reiterations of the Orion-Christian cult about this fictive man as to make forget the mission of Apollonius and his followers. This is especially important for us as many PAT members were incarnated at that time and worked together with Apollonius to promote the idea of Ascension and Resurrection.

I also feel human today after a whole week of ongoing energetic onslaught.

With love and light



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