Energy Report of the PAT – April 26, 2015

Dark Influences in Modern Music

My dear Georgi,


There is very much I want to share about this, but will demur.  Above all else, this man’s story evoked a great surge of compassion and silent tears as I read along, and I could only say a heartfelt prayer for him … and for music in general, as an art form.

As to what is called the “music industry,” the music business,” all those branches of music that are expressions of the vernacular genres have always harbored elements of the dark energies from the beginning and, through all the intervening decades and years, has succeeded in finally becoming the totally cruel and dark realm as intended by the p.t.b., etal.

Ever more contemporary “transcendental” modalities come on the scene additionally to the traditional occult arts, addictively captivating, potentially ensnaring earnest seekers.  But all external supports, no matter how ostensibly “transcendental,” include the dark occult and thus carry seeds of the Negative Principle, because these lower dimensions (3D/4D) are the very domains of dualism and polarity.  And so, where resonant convergences might occur within the individual psyche, the seeds will sprout and can bother us plenty.

But at the end of the day, we must divest ourselves of any and all external supports however “spiritual,” and rely solely and exclusively on our personal (Over)Soul, our Dear Divine It.  This entails unremitting inner work in the search for and discovery of truth … the world’s truth, and self-truth.  The true, real connection with the Soul comes with courageous personal honesty.

Real reality (the Divine It, That) is All-That-Is (Everything), in perpetual balance within dualism’s polarity (the 3D/4D), and is thus One, internalized, realized, reified in the individual psyche.  All external else is superfluous because ultimately subsumed into the Soular reality, the unitized human psyche (where physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual are coherent, integral … human being spiritualized) . . . … ..

I wish this dear soul profound peace —–

Good energy
Love mucho

Dear Dianna,

thank you very much for your observations on the musical scene and how this pure art of the soul has been also infested by dark influences. I have forwarded your email to Tony and am sure that he will respond to you.

With love and light

Dear Tony,

here is an email from a highly spiritual lady Diana from San Francisco who is also involved in the musical business, though more in classical music. As she touches upon the dark cabal influences in modern music, and you mentioned that you can report a lot about this topic, I would highly appreciate if you can write something about this issue and I will publish it with great pleasure. I published in the past an article from a Canadian woman who lives in Greece on Leonard Cohen

As you see this topic is not foreign to this website and it will be great if you can contribute to it as an insider.

And also I was not wrong on the reaction of compassion your article will elicit. I did some great alchemical healing with Diana recently on human arrogance among artists, including musicians, and together we can move mountains.

With love and light

Hi George,

Certainly, be glad to. I’ll put something together. It’s time for the truth to come out. Thank you for forwarding Diana and Henry’s letters, I shall respond to them right away. I read the Cohen article, it was very telling.


Dear Tony,

I am eager to read what you have to say about the music scene, which you know better than anyone else as you also know the other side and can make the right conclusions. Henry wrote to me that he has already established contact with you. This is great. He is a very dear soul.

With love and light

My dear Georgi,

thank you for connecting Tony and me. Please don’t feel the need to reply, as I realize this may be a distraction from your broader work . . .

Love mucho
Hello Tony,

Your email reached me fine, and thank you for sharing your further insight.  I am heading out the door, gone all day and night to a full-weekend conference.  Will continue this later.

Before I leave, I need to say one thing so you’d know from the get-go.  I’m from the classical symphony-opera-ballet world in music genres, specializing in twentieth-century /contemporary classical and its composers … and also was a musician, but not from the vernacular genres.  (Metaphysics and consciousness is my other area besides music.)

I’m familiar with the ups and downs and ins and outs of “commercial music” so-called, that is, the musics of the pop-and-related performing industries(having grown up in the 1940s with also big-band jazz and then the small combos of the ’50s, and involved onward with this for a time).  So, while only a few and major names you enumerate in Georgi’s website and this email are familiar to me, I am very aware of the larger picture and the underbelly of social-programming /mind-control agendas and maneuvers targeting the world via these music fields as assets of the criminal elite.

In other words, I may not know much about the trees, but I am very aware of the forest and the rot in the once-clean roots.  So, anyway, as you write your thoughts away, I can dig it all … but especially from the consciousness /metaphysics perspective.

Now I’m off and out the door. Thank you, Georgi, thank you Tony —-

Good energy
Love mucho

Dear Dianna,

Thank you so much for your kind words. Further to your brilliant observations I would add that, almost thirty years ago at a meeting with Muff Winwood, Stevie’s brother, who at the time was running Sony Records in London, he revealed that the hierarchy at Sony were ceasing to fund Rock Bands, a practice in which all labels fell in with later.

Up until then a label might go 5 albums deep, and spend a few million dollars slowly breaking a band world wide. It was good business, the record companies were then run by entrepreneurs like Chris Blackwell, Artie Mogul, Ahmed Ertigun to name a few, all of whom were masters at knowing talent when they saw it and they nurtured it onto the world stage.

Many of our now legends were a result of this very artistic collaboration. When they removed the funding, they essentially killed the artistry, after that bands and artistes had one or two shots and that was it, if you didn’t make it quick, you didn’t make it at all.

This opened the door for the one hit wonders and slowly but surely they took complete control of these morons who were only too willing to do anything for fame telling them how to dress, which songs to sing etc.

This was the shadow of the dark hand falling across the industry and it has by now cast itself overall. They couldn’t handle the power of another Lennon and this was the solution for them, and the end for us.

God Bless You

“No Financial Collapse?”

Dear George,

Your explanations in “No Financial Collapse?” really resonated with me, especially “Money has only a value as long as the people accept it as a means of exchange.” Money being a “medium of exchange” was the key point in a video I made in 2008, “Why is America dieing and how it can be saved” (unfortunately, I lost my original in 2009) and YouTube took down the video without my knowledge at the beginning of 2014).

However, one of your points concerns me; that, being, “to establish a universal income for all people based on their true needs.”  WHO determines “true needs”?  After all, everyone on the uppermost 4D world is going to be at a different stage of spiritual development. I might feel I “need” tobacco, because I feel it assists in opening my mind to divine inspiration. Another may feel this way about alcohol, marijuana or some under “politically incorrect” drug.  I may feel nobody needs six children.

I know I use to resent it greatly that, as a bachelor soldier, I had to share a small room with three other bachelors, while another soldier had a nice house for his family. I have not “evolved” so much that these resentments have gone away; and, I am certain, others either do or will feel this way. This may not be a problem for “ascended masters,” but you will not be the only ones inhabiting this world.

Besides, even a “universal income” implies scarcity, which should not be an issue after your ascension and Jubilee. Please understand, I do not mean this as criticism. However, I do feel I have earned the right to express skepticism.

With love and light,

Dear Robert,

I am only talking for the short interim period before money is abolished. During this time such an universal income will help the people relinquish the fear of scarcity compared to the current dire situation. This income will be guaranteed by us as ascended masters and we will be in the position to calculate the real needs of the people. And believe me, we shall know how to calculate exactly the needs of the people.

Besides universal income is not fixed and will not lead to perceived scarcity of the individual. If he has bigger desires, based most probably on greed, avarice, addiction or even jealousy, to depart from your examples, then he has to do so some work and earn more money in addition. This will be possible. Until he realizes that he is wasting his time in futile work to appease his addictions or negative patterns instead of dedicating to spiritual issues.

I am amazed in this sense by your lack of ability to envision a real utopia based on spiritual principles and come up with examples which only perpetuate the current debased human mentality that have led to the downfall of humanity. Abundance does not mean the fulfillment of all material instincts of the people, but their elimination and substitution with spiritual principles, until each incarnated human being realizes that he /she can create full abundance if he /she gets rid of past ego driven desires and turns towards the soul.

With love and light

Dear George,

Thank you for your prompt response.  I am reassured.  I do envision a real Utopia, George.  I also envision a less-than-perfect interim.  My HYPERTUBE project, which will enable nearly anyone in the world to move from areas of perceived scarcity to areas of perceived opportunity, occupies whatever time I do not devote to spiritual development.

With love and light,

On assholes and angels


once again PAT is on the same wavelength. I had a run in with a rather nasty person this week and right after I found this quote….

“Don’t make excuses for nasty people.
You can’t put a flower in a asshole and call it a vase.”


Chuckling In Affirmation

Because only a fool would treat an asshole like an angel.”

Wonderful, Witty and Wise!

Love To G&C

Scientists’ Prejudices and Their Inability to Think Holistically and Axiomatically

Hallo Herr Stankov,

Sie haben ein Bild veröffentlicht, das auf einer Seite die Gesetzmäßigkeiten Ihres “Universal Law” in zusammengefasster Form enthält.

Es wird kritisiert, dass schon die allererste Formel irritiert. Wenn man zur Berechnung der Lichtgeschwindigkeit h nimmt, dies durch m.p teilt und aus dem Quotienten die Wurzel zieht, erhält man als Einheit nicht m/s für c, sondern m/(s^(1/2)). Das kann nicht sein. Nach Ihrer eigenen Definition kann die Einheit vom Wirkungsquantum nicht Js oder Nms sein, sondern Nm, also Energie statt Wirkung. Dies ergibt sich, wenn m.p als Einheit kg haben soll, aus Ihren zentralen Gleichungen. Ich blicke da nicht durch.

Beste Grüße,
Uwe J. I. Essmann
Hello Mr. Stankov,

You have to edited a picture that contains on one page the laws of your “Universal Law” in a summary form.

I am criticizing that already the very first formula irritates me. If one takes for calculation of the speed of light h, which is divided by mp and draws the root of the quotient one obtains not the unit m/s for c, but m/(s ^(1/2)). That cannot be. According to your own definition, the unit may not be the quantum of action Js or Nms, but Nm, that is energy instead action. This occurs when mp as a unit has a kg, from your central equations. I do not understand it.

Best Regards,
Uwe J. I. Essmann

Lieber Uwe,

dieser Einwand ruht daher, dass du dir nicht die Mühe gemacht hast, mein Buch “Volume II” zu lesen, wo ich in einem speziellen Kapitel die SI Einheiten eliminiere und beweise, dass sie alle auf die zwei Dimensionen, Raum und Zeit, zurückgeführt werden können. Somit entfällt dein voreiliger, unbedachter und überflüssiger Einwand, der lediglich deine intellektuelle Faulheit offenbart, welche die Quelle aller voreiligen menschlichen Vorurteile ist. Aber ich bin an diesen ubiquitären menschlichen Laster sehr gewohnt, denn ich habe nichts anders angetroffen als ich begonnen habe, meine Theorie den Wissenschaftlern vorzustellen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Deutschen, die eine besondere Spezi konditionierter Verblödung sind und weltweit ihresgleichen suchen.

Also wenn du in eine fundierte theoretische Diskussion mit mir treten willst, solltest du erst deine Hausaufgaben machen und meine Theorie sorgfältig studieren und erst dann mit Fragen kommen, denn die Theorie ist nicht zu widerlegen, wie ich hier bereits geschrieben habe:

Liebe Grüße
Dr. Georgi Stankov

Dear Uwe,

This objection is based on the fact that you did not do bother to read my book “Volume II“, where I eliminate all the SI units in a special chapter and prove that they all can be derived from the two dimensions, space and time. This eliminates your hasty, thoughtless and unnecessary objection that only reveals your intellectual laziness, which is the source of all premature human prejudices. But I am very accustomed to these ubiquitous human vices, because I have nothing else encountered when I started presenting my theory to the scientists. This is especially true for the Germans, who are a special specie of conditioned stupidity that is unmatched worldwide.

So if you want to enter a sound theoretical discussion with me, you should first do your homework and study my theory carefully and then come up with questions, because this theory cannot be refuted as I have written here:

Best Regards
Dr. Georgi Stankov


Hallo Herr Stankov,

den ich dann ab jetzt wohl auch “lieber Georgi” nennen darf?

Also erstens ist der Einwand, ich hätte mir keine Mühe gemnacht, schon einmal kompletter Unsinn, da es gar nicht zur Diskussion stand, mir irgend ein Buch zu kaufen. Ich habe lediglich auf Deiner Webseite diese Zusammenfassung gefunden, und dachte mir, dass das interessant aussieht, d. h. es war meine erste konkrete Begegnung mit diesem sog. Universalgesetz.

Grundsätzlich stehe ich solchen Ansätzen sehr positiv gegenüber und hatte selbst vor Jahren auch schon so etwas angefangen.

Und wenn schon mathematische Gleichungen mit Einheiten aus dem SI-System in dieser Zusammanfeassung veröffentlicht werden, liegt es nahe, das einmal zu überprüfen, und sich eine Vorstellung davon zu machen.

Diese Überprüfung ist aber nicht stimmig. Wozu soll also eine Zusammenfassung nützlich sein, wenn man zusätzlich ein Buch
dazu braucht, um die Zusammenfassung zu erklären? Erläuterungen sind dieser Zusammenfassung auch nicht beigefügt.

Der unbedachte, überflüssige und wahrscheinlich auch noch geisteskranke Einwand kam übrigens von Prof. Dr. C. T. Wie sind ja alle dermaßen blöde.

Tut mir leid, aber schon Dein bloßes Verhalten schreckt mich zuverlässig davon ab, mich damit näher zu befassen. Fazit: Es gibt keine dummen Fragen, dafür aber dumme Antworten.

Dir würde ich insbesondere dieses Buch hier empfehlen:

Und danke nochmals dafür, dass Du mich rechtzeitig davor abgeschreckt hast, mich deiner Theorie zu nähern.

Viele Grüße,


Hello Mr. Stankov,

I then may call you from now probably “Georgi”?

So first objection is that I would have not bothered (t0 read your book), is a complete nonsense, since there was no discussion for me
to buy me any book. I’ve only found on your website this summary, and I thought, that looks interesting, that it was my first real encounter with this so-called “Universal Law”.

Basically, I am very positive about such approaches and had even years ago already started something similar.

And if already published mathematical equations containing units of the SI system in this relationship, it makes sense to check it this time, and to get an idea of ​​it.

But this review is not consistent. Why then this summary should be useful, if you also need a book to explain the summary? Explanations are not attached to this summary.

The reckless, unnecessary and probably still insane objection” actually came from Prof. Dr. C. T. We are all so stupid.

Sorry, but you have already scared me with your behavior to deal reliably with it in more detail.

Conclusion: There are no stupid questions, but stupid answers.

To you I would especially recommend this book here:

And thank you again for that you have warned me in due time before approaching your theory.

Many Greetings,


Lieber Uwe,

tut mir Leid. Das was du sagst ist reinster Blödsinn und macht dir keine Ehre. Du kannst das Buch auf meine Webseite frei lesen koennen unter dem angegeben Link in meiner Antwort.

Du hast dir nicht einmal die Mühe gemacht, diesen Link zu öffnen, sondern scnwandronierst nur daher. Das ist lächerlich und zu so viel Schwachsinn, verzeihe mir diese Offenheit, ist nur ein Deutscher fähig. Ich kommuniziere mit der ganzen Welt und nur die Deutschen sind dazu fähig. Ich bin so froh, dass ich nach 40 Jahren diesen Saustahl verlassen habe.

Liebe Grüße



Und was gnostische Literatur anbelangt, empfehle ich dir, meine fünf deutsche Bücher zur Gnosis zu lesen, denn ich bin schon längst über den Schwachsinn, den du mir als Link geschickt hast. Das ist doch reine Kinderstube:


Dear Uwe,

I’m sorry. What you’re saying is pure nonsense and does not do you any honor. You can freely read the book on my websitec as given in the link in my reply:

You have not even bothered to open this link, but only are marching blindly for nought. This is ridiculous and so much bullshit, forgive me this openness, only a German is capable of. I communicate with the whole world and only the Germans are capable of this. I am so glad that I left this pigsty after 40 years.

Best Regards


PS: And as far as Gnostic literature is concerned, I suggest you to read my five German books on Gnosis, because I’m already beyond the stupid stuff you sent me as a link. That’s pure children stuff:




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