Energy Report of the PAT – February 2, 2015

On the Massive Influx of new Walk-In Souls on this Timeline and their Effect on Humanity

Note: Carla has received a beautiful message from the Elohim today that fully confirms the influx of walk-in souls mainly from the new template we created last year on this uppermost mother planet in order to create a harmonious evolved soul family (monad) as a prerequisite for ascension. I will publish this message as soon as possible



I was reading your latest post and was curious about how Carla’s mother now presented herself. You had mentioned she had Alzheimer’s. My mother also has Alzheimer’s and since a recent bout with the flu her demeanor has changed quite drastically.

She has always been a very difficult person and the Alzheimer’s seemed to magnify her nastiness. In October, I put her in a care center because she was getting lost. In addition, she had become more aggressive and angry. The first week in the care center, she had a violent episode and was striking my father and the staff. She was hospitalized and then put on risperdol it seemed to transform her. She has become very sweet and amiable. She now wants nothing to do with my father and complains to the staff if he touches her. They were very close. It is puzzling.

During her bout with the flu she had been given Tamiflu and a muscle relaxant for a stiff neck. She was curled up in a fetal position and drooling. It was awful. I got the staff to discontinue the muscle relaxants. But she was very difficult to wake up. I finally got her to wake up (partially) and she said, hello Sheryl, I love you. She knew my name and told me she loved me which is out of character. She told me she wanted to go back to the very pleasant dream she was dreaming and I hoped I didn’t mind.

How does the walk-in effect Carla’s mothers personality? I would appreciate any information you and Carla are willing to share.

Love and light,

Dear Sheryl,

well, it is not easy to explain as one has to know Carla’s mother before and after that. It is important to know that she was a very private and distanced person and preferred to be alone, in a kind of borderline autism. But she was altogether composed and behaved in a civilized manner. But when her will was challenged slightly, she could become very irascible and her egotistic character then came to the fore. But she was unable to stand confrontation and then immediately backed down. She was very unripe soul with very little interests in life and very poor social competence.

This soul is so new to this world that she has no experience with the most common things the old soul knew. For instance we have a lot of seagulls now on our roof and they make a lot of noise. The new mother soul sees them and asks, what are these birds. But she is much more amiable and more genuine in her compassion for Carla now that she is ill. She is more compliant and thankful for taking care of her and her temper has become more gentle. But the most decisive new trend is that she vibrates with very high frequencies and it is very pleasant to be in her vicinity, while the old soul was full of animosity and it was very unpleasant to be near her.

There are many other subtle changes that cannot be explained in an email but have to be seen personally. We are very much more happy and at ease with the new soul and what is also most important is that her body is now much more healthy, while when the old soul left, she collapsed shortly before that and had serious circulation problems and diabetes.


Thank you so much for your description it sounds similar to my mother. You did a wonderful job describing the transformation. Mother went from a very difficult and demanding woman to the polar opposite last November. She is now quite pleasant to be around and for the first time in my life I feel comfortable being in the same room with her.

I was really grappling with your description of these walk-ins and I am still curious as to where the previous soul goes. Am I correct in assuming that they must make an agreement to vacate the body? And there are souls waiting for this opportunity? Are these souls from the same soul monad? They must be also briefed on the personality they are assuming? This would be an act of love to step into a old and decrepit body and then have to work through 3d blinders as well.

Thank you so much for your explanation.

Love and light,

Dear Sheryl,

the old unripe soul fragments go to lower timelines and they experience the events and destinies that are appropriate for them. That is why we now create infinite parallel timelines. The new souls are not from the soul family or monad of the old unripe souls as they come from much more evolved soul families or from the new template.

It is indeed a challenging incarnation but at the same time highly rewarding as the soul has the unique advantage to experience the ascension first hand and then to move to a new pristine 4D world. This happens very seldom and the disadvantage of incarnating into a decrepit body is compensated by the uniqueness of the experience at this End Time. Besides many souls chose deliberately such challenging incarnations as they give them also the chance to evolve more quickly. Altogether it is a win-win situation for all.

With love and light

My George,

sorry I haven’t been in contact but I’ve been very busy. Just wanted let you know that I’ve been using the flames every day, any moment I can. I’ll write later in more detail. Also, I wanted to let you, know that I’m almost sure that my mother-in-law is a walk-in since about December.


Dear Moni,

this is great news – it seems that all trouble makers in the families are now replaced with new old souls, so that we can have a smooth and peaceful transition to higher dimensions.



Your words make total sense to me and others – as we did notice these miracles in recent days in family members. Yes, we said it’s a miracle.

Thank you so much for this clarification as it was needed and now we can relax in understanding.

The excruciating pain in right shoulder etc. – oh I sure resonate with that – these past few days. Also the lung issues.

Love to you and Carla.

Catherine Mills

Hi Georgi,

Thought you might enjoy the space weather report this morning for those, as I am, who are working with the Green Flame. And for those working with the Red Flame, just scroll down.

I am experiencing almost on a daily basis, hypoglycemia, and I’m fine with it, though if sometimes caught off guard when I need to get to food quickly. I’m staying very close to home these days. Nerves are chattering and vertigo very prevalent.

I’m being prompted to remind PAT members and all Light Warriors to call in their Soul Fragments if they haven’t already done so, and not to forget this present Soul Fragment in this present time.


Dear Barbara,

this is very convincing confirmation from weather report about the green flame and the big coronal hole of the sun explains the huge energy peak in the last 24 hours.

With love and light

I have just read Jodie Cowan’s Manifesto. Jodie has confirmed, and thank you for posting this most important essay, George….. Jodie has confirmed the urgency to call in all Soul Fragments, including this present timeline Fragment. Thank you, both.


Dear Barbara,

Carla has just received a message from the Elohim which I will publish tomorrow or the day after and they confirm too that we now retrieve all our soul fragments and that this is associated with severe LBP symptoms and diseases.


Dear George

Massive wave today (Jan 31st). I also have it most strongly on the right side of the body. Every muscle hurts incredibly with a draining pain and my head feels like slowly being boiled from the inside… after 4 hours rest I feel slightly better. This wave is truly huge, much more so than the 21 Jan wave for me. It feels ‘special’ – something big must be happening.


Dear George and Carla,

Relentless is right. What a last few weeks! No complaining and no rendition of the symptoms as they are only a variation of what everyone else is experiencing.

The tension is exquisite and leaves me feeling as if the planet is about to split right down to its core or something that deep and disruptive.

The Braco Gazing does help, even if only a photo or YouTube clip. Dreamtime is beyond description and has been intensely for the last two weeks.


Dear Georgi,

I’ve seen Cabal and its never surrendering abyss of evil. I’ve seen us as becoming of Christ consciousness through a crucifixion (that’s how I perceive the LBP Process).

In this very moment I entered your website on my brother’s PC, and I see the title:

The Energies of Crucifixion

OMG!!! Do I need to say more? You’re speaking with my own words before I sent them to you. So I will just leave it like that. That’s one the most remarkable moments of my current lifetime.

All the Best,

Dear Mariusz,

we have entered the time of immediate creation and miracles. We also experienced a most remarkable miracle today (the reported influx of walk-ins on this timeline, note George). So, yes, it is amazing.

With love and light

Dear Mr Stankov,

I had chills when I read about Carla’s dream. I have had Similar dream for three times, with one year lapse. Every time I was in another place, but the content was the same. Pressure wave came and swept away everything. I found out that nothing happened with me and I felt only a pleasant warmth over my body and looked around.
I seemed important to write this.

Thank you. With love and light <3
Xenia Eleniuk

Dear Xenia,

thank you for this confirmation of Carla’s and also Mariusz vision of a nuclear explosion. This now happens very often on parallel timelines.

With love and light

Good morning Georgi (& Carla),

How are you doing today? I would just like to confirm that I indeed feel the Crucifixion energies (as do all around us), and in particular after this night I have truly started to Consciously realize more the very nature of existence, literally in everything around me whilst performing my so called ‘daily activities’. I know all of this because everything is energy; thus there must be energy exchange, meaning that from Now on, every conscious encounter with (myself technically) I plan to realize this and across many other multidimensional forms, we know all about it.

Hopefully that made sense, I am trying to comprehend things from my soul standpoint (but im in my body hah)

Anyways Georgi, I just wanted to let you know I had a ridiculous night and when I wake up from my state of temporary bliss, I plan to begin the comprehension of the new integrated math/physics axioms in the universal law. I will probably email you more often in the future, as my soul tells me it is a good idea, Source connection. It is currently 8:30 AM in the NOW and after a night of seeing beautiful double-helix’s snowing over cement in the city of Chicago, I should probably go to sleep. I will send a picture of me now because i like doing that, and hopefully you don’t give a care either.

With Love

Dear Chint,

I can confirm that the last 24 hours and this night (Feb 1st) were of particular intensity. After the massive descent of source energies yesterday, in my case with a cc-wave and excruciating headache the whole day, this night I had another most intensive ascension test run, when again an energy thrust came into my body and disintegrated it. The body elemental was then in a state of shock and I had to calm it for half an hour in the bathroom. After that I dreamed that I met numerous people and informed them about my ascension.

Given the inhuman intensity of the energies in the last days, I do not believe that we will be able to stay much longer in this reality. Hence you are right that this night was special and that we have detached almost completely from this 3D overlay.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I saw nuclear explosions more than six months ago. (notified you)  BUT, three days ago, I saw a nuclear explosion in the desert, but I think that you are right about it; that it will happen in an old timeline, but we will begin to have LBP-MPR effects immediately in the PAT. Also, George Herbert Walker Bush will pass on this year and we will see major Orion-reptilian dysfunctions.

I have followed Veteran’s Today for almost two years, even though I am not a veteran, and I can say that there are second degree ascendants in VT. Some are smart and well-healed. Gordon Duff is superb on nuclear mechanics and expert on information. Jim Fetzer is the Chief over there and probably the most informed person on the JFK assassination in the country. Some of their journalism gets seedy at times, but I have tremendous regards for all of the contributors and commentators at Veteran’s Today.

With love and light,

Dear Henry,

thank you for your comments and I do agree fully with your assessment of Veterans Today. They fulfil an important function in the USA, although they are on a different path than we are.

With love and light


I have a slightly different take on Veterans Today’s outing of NORAD.

By outing NORAD in public, Veterans Today has brought this attempt to commit a heinous crime into the consciousness of a wider audience who can now use their power as Creator God Logos to change the energetic flow and disrupt their plans. So of course this will not happen on this most upper dimension of earth.

I think its amazing that Veterans Today named NORAD as a terrorist!  Something is about to go down because you just can’t call out NORAD like that and expect life to go back to normal. There is some serious fighting going on behind the scenes. Very serious. And I’m very grateful that the people at Veteran’s Today have the courage to take this job upon their shoulders and inform us and I pray for their safety.

Peace and love to you Georgi.


Dear Charlotte,

as I have just written to Henry, Veterans Today plays an important role in the American society as a source of alternative information. I only made the observation that they are not on the same path as we are and see all the events from a narrower 3D linear perspective and therefore must come to such gloomy conclusions, while we consider the vertical, multidimensional perspective and know that soon life will be a bliss in the higher dimensions after Ascension. That’s all.




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