channelled and published by Jahn J Kassl on October 29, 2014
translated by Franz
Dream: I perceive the worldwide dying of an incredible high number of human Beings. It is not clear what they die of, it seems that a virus has broken out. For me this is a heavy and very sad scene. (End of dream)
Report: After I wake up and while I think about this dream image, I am becoming aware of the nightly situation with my beloved son NOAH, before I went to bed. Around one o’clock in the night he cries and screams, just like 6 days ago and portrayed in the message “Days of Truth”
And leaves his bed in a hurry and remains frozen like a rock. Thereafter he crouches on the floor in an embryonic position and stares into space for two minutes without moving his eyes or eyelashes. I ask him “Did you dream?” he replies “No”. I pick him up slowly and take him to his mother into bed. (End of report)
Beloved Ones,
These scenes bear witness that the rebuilding of this world is in full progress. The dream image and the nightly awakening of Noah show that the great upheavals are in the immediate vicinity of this your field of awareness. The “separation of the Galaxy reaches space-time” has been announced to you, and these are further consequences of this fact.
Intensive Days
The days of truth have truly begun and several children and adults as well as awakened human Beings experience the cosmic upheavals “at close hand” due to their cosmic assignments. These human Beings perform their work as Creator Gods and thereby are included in the complex process regarding the ascension. Explicitly it is to be mentioned that these events do not occur on the level of dreams (Noah negates this), instead this occurs in different worlds, which are in immediate vicinity of this world or are overlapping this world.
The “days of truth” are fulfilled on all levels of Creation and the light warriors of the first and last hours are therefore involved in these events to a very great extent.
You are “Guardians of this world”, accordingly are your assignments and correspondingly are you willing to act.
Souls and soul fragments, lost and confused soul fragments of beings seek their new home. The “dying of many human beings” in the dream symbolize this.
Worlds go under, worlds develop, and in the midst of this dynamic stands the awakened human Being, stands you.
Infinite rivers of Life flow through you and all energy fields of different holograms are purified by you. These processes are still a determining part of the transition. In addition your bodies are “reconstructed”. This means that the chemical structure of your body changes and everything is oriented toward the multidimensional awareness of all Life.
These are processes, which challenge you very much – in every respect. You experience at close hand the different courses of the mutation on different levels of All-That-Is (like Noah during the night and me in my dream, remark JJK), you are directly involved, which means: To experience the releasing fright and the manifesting beauty of the mutation. Furthermore this time continues to bring forth the dark, until it becomes light and stands in the Light.
The great cleansing jobs are in full progress; everywhere the hidden relicts of old time show themselves, on all levels. And the time has come wherein everything on this level will also become visible. This dream image and the report bear witness and confirm this.
Remain firmly anchored, remain the Source of Light, now, as the Reality begins to surpass any imagination.
We, the Ascended Masters are with you and I am amongst you.
In infinite Love,