6D-Space Fleet of the Light
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on July 15, 2014
first published on July 22, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Georgi Stankov
This message is of extreme importance for us because of this key passage:
“What changes, before everything is changed?
The perception, the access to life and the view of the world, these change radically in these days. The light warriors of end time awaken. And to awaken means, they now become aware of their innate power. The many different scenes, which the transformation of the world brings with it, very soon will not mean more for the ascending ones than instantaneous pictures from eternity; yesterday and tomorrow lose every power, the omnipresence of Now is the reality.“
What does the 6D space fleet of light mean by this? I must say that I myself am pondering on this aspect of the ascension process since the 6D fleet visit us on July 17th and had a lengthy conversation with us. It has to do with some forecasts, which these highly evolved entities made about our personal destiny in the coming days. However, please understand that I cannot discuss this issue openly now, as it depends on a variety of imponderables that have to happen yet. This Creation, perceived by us as future, is open and harbours infinite probability alternatives for each one of us. There are no limits for us in heaven.
Let me explain. We are now ascending exponentially in our frequency levels and are constantly expanding our awareness, even though this may not be visible superficially at the mind level – at the level of our daily consciousness. Beneath the surface, our consciousness is, however, expanding dramatically and I personally can confirm this trend since several weeks. It is only a matter of a short period of linear time when this clandestine expansion of our consciousness reaches the critical mass and will explode. And this point in time will be before everything changes, that is to say, before the Orion matrix collapses and the MPR comes.
A full expansion of our consciousness means at the same time the full acquisition of our pristine power as multidimensional creator beings, as ascended masters, Logos Gods and now as the new Guardians of the new Golden Galaxy. In short, it means our final transfigurfation and ascension before the dramas, the “Big Dying” and the MPR ravage this reality and reveal its illusory character. And this transfiguration can happen anytime from now on.
After that we shall watch the unfolding of these most dramatic events from the higher vantage point of view of ascended masters, from the neutral point of the Now, of the simultaneity of All-That-Is, while still dwelling in physical, though crystalline light bodies, completely detached from this crumbling reality, in order to give testimony to All-That-Is about these historical moments of Human Creation. Do not underestimate the magnitude of this unique experience for us as immortal souls in human garment and for the Source of all Being – this is the core of all existence and a sublime moment in eons of time.
The Message
Worlds are born out of nothing, Worlds fall back into nothing – the time of miracles fulfills itself!
Beloved Ones,
The gate to the Light has been pushed wide open, Heaven is closer than ever before. What changes, before everything is changed?
The perception, the access to life and the view of the world, these change radically in these days. The light warriors of end time awaken. And to awaken means, they now become aware of their innate power. The many different scenes, which the transformation of the world brings with it, very soon will not mean more for the ascending ones than instantaneous pictures from eternity; yesterday and tomorrow lose every power, the omnipresence of Now is the reality.
Many events, which individually appear and will appear on different 4D worlds, presently happen cumulatively on this level of awareness, the ascending planet and ascending mankind. This planet finds itself constantly in a “fluid” and “flowing” interplay of all 4D holograms, because the establishment of new worlds starts from this planet.
This “super function”, whereby everything is available and everything that human spirit brings forth, is manifested, is halted until the end of time, before everything, as has already been announced to you, ends in an instant of time with a jolt.
Light and shadow, happiness and suffering, Love and hate coexist in a for human Beings often times unexplainable and often times barely retraceable manner. Like in a cage, where besides the lion, goats, besides the eagle, mice, besides the fox, hens are being held, so is this world intermixed with everything that ever expressed itself in this world, in order to experience itself.
This is a quality of end time, which is described here, because before tiger and goat drink from the same spring, the existing springs must dry out and new springs must be created, which satisfy hunger and thirst equally and quench all life.
Mankind fulfills itself in these days, the worlds part and are led to each other. The end of the time, wherein the multitude of human dramas on this level could befall, is foreseeable.
Silence and peace are coming – and settle down permanently in you and in this world,
We are the
6D Space Fleet of the Light