The Monster Obama Orders Nuclear Attack on the USA on October 8 as False Flag to Start WW3

by Georgi Stankov, October 14, 2013

The Time of Immediate Creation and Miracles Has Commenced

First the good news! As I wrote in my article “My Vision of the Coming MPR and the End Time Drama” we have now entered the time of immediate, direct knowledge what is happening on the earth as we have now ascended to the 5th dimension and thus eliminated the veil of forgetfulness that blocked our access to the Akashic chronic for this planet and All-That-Is. Most of this knowledge must be still processed at the subconscious level, but many vital informations surge at the conscious mind-level during dreamtime or as daily consciousness.

This is an extremely important fact to consider as we have also entered the time of direct creation from the fulcrum of our HS. All positive and loving ideas that we cherish have the potential to materialize almost immediately. I am now very successfully experimenting with this new acquired ability in my daily life that will exponentially increase in all PAT members before our final transfiguration and ascension take place.

In particular I am now solving all daily problems of my family, daughters, wife etc. by simply asking for help from the legions of angels and then rationally explaining the reasons for this help and the solution of their problems is coming within 24-48 hours. This includes finding of a new apartment under most difficult conditions and almost a helpless situation for one daughter in Vienna, an offer for a better paid contract for the other daughter at her university in Munich as a part-time job that she wished to do,  but did not really expected, etc., etc. I am now not doing anything for this 3D reality, i.e. I have retrieved my energy fully from it, and  paradoxically I am now more successful in shaping my reality according to my imagination and desires within this crumbling old matrix than ever before. The reason for this is that I now operate exclusively from the 6th dimension and block any direct interactions with this reality that may interfere with my pure creationary activities.

This new creative approach to life has had some significant and most spectacular repercussions that most certainly determined the destiny of mankind in these recent days, as I will explain below. Hence this publication is an urgent plea to all of you to begin fully recognize your infinite potential and power as Creator-Gods, as the new Elohim and Earth Keepers – Now, not after ascension – and to start experimenting with these new acquired creationary abilities.

Finally, let me stress the fact that I never wish anything for myself these days as my only desire to ascend as soon as possible is very old. It has not only been expressed infinite times by myself, but I have probably contributed to this outcome more than any other living human being on this planet. This as a matter of fact and not a human boasting.

However I have always known beyond any doubt, and acted accordingly, that we have come here to help humanity and Gaia to ascend and that our ascension depends exclusively on the overall preparedness of the people for this event and that I must stay on the ground to the very last minute as the captain of the Planetary Ascension Team. Hence a full awareness of the real facts – a pronounced cosmic common sense – is the first most important prerequisite for true creation, free of any false, unrealistic expectations. Only in this way can one avoid disappointments when the desired creation does not materialize. Creation is the only reality in All-That-Is – there is nothing else, but creation – it is the most simple and most intricate process at the same time.

In this same context each one of you must know and observe that the human ego-mind cannot create anything as it is part of this illusion – it creates this illusion in the first place. Only when we begin to create from the fulcrum of our HS, can we become successful creators. This would say that we must very attentively listen to the inner voice of the soul and then translate and implement these impulses without any reservations or ego-interferences into actions in this reality. This is not an easy way to gestalt one’s life as it runs counter to all current collective beliefs  I have trained this ability very intensively for the last 20 years as a conscious creator and much earlier as a unconscious creator.

What I want to relay with this disquisition is that each one of you must establish a unique method how to implement the formless impulses of his /her soul spirit into palpable and feasible 3D, 4D, and very soon, 5D-forms and events. I, myself, now operate most of the time from the 6th dimension of pure creation and refinement, from where I have recently significantly contributed to the favourable destiny of this mankind on this timeline above the 12th level of the 4D earth that was devastated and destroyed by the MPR on October 11th in order to hinder Obama and his dark masters to unleash a nuclear war.

This event was anticipated by Joe in his dream, which he shared with me and I found it to be so important, that I decided to share it with you on October 11th. Later on the Elohim explicitly confirmed in their message to Carla that the occurrence of the MPR on the 12th 4D level on October 11th, which I had already anticipated and announced to you was unleashed by the Source in order to contain a nuclear strike that was ordered by the monster Obama. The background of this capital crime has also manifested on our higher timelines above the 12th 4D earth, as I shall explain below. That is why we now know all these details.

We know from our transcendental sources and HS, and Jahn’s sources have been particularly adamant to warn us in these last months (as can be read on our website), that the dark cabal are preparing a devastating nuclear or other (e.g. HAARP) strike on humanity as to decimate it before ascension. That this has not happened so far on these timelines, on which we now live, is solely the result of our successful containment of the dark forces in the astral planes during our epic battle at the equinox portal and also afterwards. We, as the future Elohim and current light warriors of the first and last hours are doing so much on all levels and dimensions that even a quick glimpse into this intricate creation will paralyse our minds in utter awe.

We are now already living in a simultaneous, multidimensional reality, even though we still perceive our reality in a linear, sequential fashion as if we still experience the same old world. And this, notwithstanding our knowledge that twelve 4D earths have already been created and destroyed since June 8, 2013, that is to say, one whole earth has been created by us and destroyed by a MPR each 10 days in the average. This is a lot of action on such a small planet, to say the least.

Below, I would like to elucidate my personal conscious contribution to avert Obama’s nuclear strike on the 12th level of 4D and also on these timelines, in which we now dwell and wait for our final ascension. I will substantiate my presentation with facts published on our website and also by other sources. This story is really mind-boggling.

How It All Began

On September 3, Anthony Gucciardi and Alex Jones  reported  on a number of disturbing red flags that have continued to give further evidence to the high level military intelligence source that initially exposed the transfer of the off-the-record nuclear warheads from Dyess Air Force base to South Carolina. This most disturbing fact was  completely neglected by the MSM that ultimately failed to even investigate this incident.  This is what website reported  on 3 September:

“A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail.

According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.”

Many other reports of the alternative media on an impending “event” engineered by the Obama regime to cause chaos in the United States appeared in the following days. It was generally expected by myself and other insiders that, after Obama and the dark US cabal failed to instrumentalize the Syrian conflict to unleash a global war, they will seek another more devilish opportunity to begin with WW3, even if it will cause the death of millions of American citizens.

This heinous intention became crystal clear as only hours after received this information, Senator Lindsay Graham was reported in mainstream news publications as warning of a nuclear attack in South Carolina if America does not initiate war with Syria. Alex Jones concluded three days later: “Ultimately, we may be sitting on some of the most profound (and dangerous) intelligence that we have ever come across.”

I was following this story very closely and knew from my HS that it is very significant as it may lead to a nuclear war after the attempt of Obama to start a global war by exploiting the Syrian crisis had badly failed. In favour of this conclusion speaks the absolute irrational connection which the war monger senator Lindsay Graham made between a potential nuclear attack on South Carolina and the necessity to start a war against Syria at a time when diplomacy prevailed in this conflict and Assad agreed to eliminate his chemical weapons of mass destruction. In other words, this criminal senator simply blackmailed the American nation in a Mafia-like style: “Either you agree to start a war with Syria or we will detonate a nuke over your heads. WW3 must come either ways

Now this is not particularly new to all of you, as we all expected such a war and were very relieved when it could be averted due to the highly successful diplomatic incentive of Putin and Russia.

Now all of a sudden last week, starting on Monday, October 7th, I became so angry with Obama and his criminal administration for no apparent reason that I immediately knew that this monster is planning something dreadful against humanity. I am very experienced in such strong emotional impulses that my HS always sends me in urgent situations to let me know that I must be prepared to act (respond) suddenly one way or another.

This is how I  made all my decrees on behalf of the PAT in the past in due time and under great pressure and thus changed the course of the ascension process with huge implications for Gaia and humanity. In such a situation I simply act as an instrument of the Source and there is no possibility for me to behave in a different way or simply skip my obligations and not respond to the orders of my HS. And in this situation I always have the firm conviction and inner knowing that what I am doing is right and necessary. This is how I operate all the time by responding to my HS in a kind of Pavlov’s reflex and retrospectively I have always been proven to be correct. I never judge the decisions of my HS or postpone them because of fears or other petty considerations.

This also holds true for this last episode when I was all of sudden urged to investigate the sexual life of Obama’s family and to shed more light on their personal criminal background in Chicago. There were many threads to follow and I was lost at the beginning. But in such a situation I am always very confident that my HS will furnish the right information at the just moment. This is exactly what happened this time.

At first I published my conclusion that Michelle Obama is a male, who has undergone a transsexual operation at the age of  17-18 and is thus a tranny on October 9 in an article with the auspicious title “The End Game“.  Still being somewhat sceptical, I decided to be on the safe side and wrapped this information in a letter to Debra as to temper the explosive nature of this news:

Yesterday (October 7th), for instance, I had the inkling that Michelle Obama is a transsexual and was born as Michell Obama, a male. He changed his gender at the age of 18. Then I checked a number of videos and publications /bios and this seems to be rather probable, as there is a lot of uncertainty and awkward facts or gaps about her life and that of her children.”

I could then substantiate this conclusion by checking numerous parameters and facts in her biography, personal behaviour on videos and of course by analysing her physical appearance with the sharp clinical eye of a physician, which always renders the most reliable information in such cases. Above all, I received the unequivocal confirmation from my HS that my conclusion that Michelle Obama is a tranny is absolutely true.

This is how I discovered the Universal Law and unified all sciences into a General Theory of Human Science by deciphering all the numerous blunders in these flawed categorical systems of knowledge step by step. This was the most exciting scientific thriller on this planet that lasted for 5 years, until it was completed to my full satisfaction and that of the Source, from which I directly received all my inspirations and detailed information. This is how I achieved this greatest breakthrough in theoretical science and human thinking that ultimately offset the old compartmentalization of the 3D human mind. The new theory of the Universal Law will fully unfold on the 5D beginning this fall.

But my HS did not leave me in peace and I knew that this is a urgent affair and I must close the circle, no matter what. As it happens in such situations, I received an impulse from an external source that helped me expand my research on Obama’s criminal behaviour. A member of the PAT wrote to me as a comment on my first publication that the fact that Michelle Obama is a tranny is spot on and explains Obama’s behaviour who is known to be homosexual and have visited notorious gay baths in Chicago. I must admit that I did not know this fact and asked him for references and links. He could not provide them to me, so that I had to make my own research, as has always been the case with all my discoveries.

During the whole last week I stayed in a very intensive telepathic contact with Obama, whose soul I am coaching consciously since 6 years, before I gave up my supervision on this dark entity 4 years ago when he ultimately sold his soul to the devil (the demons) and I realized that there was no chance to save him anymore. But I am still closely observing this person and have published many revealing articles on him as to counterbalance the naive appreciation of the stupid New Agers of this most dark and criminal soul on this planet. At times I felt last week as if I am physically present in his secret bunker at the West side (another bi-location?), where he now hides, and sensed very strongly his anguish to be killed. I knew immediately that something very big is in the making.

This inner knowing and the ongoing urging of my HS prompted me to write two further articles on Obama’s crimes, in particular in conjunction with the execution of his young lover on the doorsteps of the Senate in front of the whole nation,

The New Earth of Truth: American Sodom and Gomorrah on October 9, and

My Vision of the Coming MPR and the End Time Drama  on October 11.

which completed the picture of the present-day “American Sodom and Gomorrah” – of the human scum that has ruled this toxic planet for eons of time and is now showing its ugly visage before it will be defeated on this timeline(s) and disappear for ever on a lower timeline.  There, only dark entities will dwell and they will kill each other till they fully eradicate themselves, so that their souls could be dissolved by the Source into the cosmic subconscious, as Asama Mahatari informed us in his latest message “Ascension Will Become Easier“.

Now please observe that my activities associated with Obama and his family began on October 7th and ended on October 11th, when I knew that the MPR has happened on the 12th level of 4D earth. This is exactly the time period in which Obama made his decision to detonate a nuclear bomb on American territory and kill millions of American citizens as to blame Syrian or other Moslem terrorists for this heinous act and start a devastating global war against humanity. This intention was known to our higher sources and we were warned on many occasions. Babaji, for instance, warned us at that time that when the dark ones are talking peace and diplomacy in the Syrian conflict, they are most intensively preparing for a war.

On October 11, website reported that “two of the top nuclear commanders within the United States have now been terminated following the exclusive high level military leak report by Alex Jones and myself (Gucciardi) regarding the secret and unsigned nuclear weapons transfer from Dyess Air Force base to South Carolina. Disturbingly, the high level suspensions from top generals within the military establishment are not the only red flags to follow the leaked report.

As it eventually came out, two more commanders were also suspended by Obama and this information was deliberately leaked by the governmental mass media AP.  However, until now the MSM fear to discuss this issue, which they “fear as much as the devil the incense” (a German saying). Why?

Here is what actually happened last week as deliberately leaked by official Russian sources, which now wage a very successful medial war against the USA:

“President Barack Obama, while in a rage, ousted four of the United States top ranking military officers after they refused to detonate a nuclear  device  “in/near” Charleston, South Carolina this past week and, instead, exploded it off the Atlantic Coast.

According to this report, Strategic Missile Forces Command (SMF) notified both President Putin and the General Staff this past Tuesday (8 October) that at 01:58:11 GMT/UTC an atomic device was exploded in the seabed off the US Atlantic Ocean, barely 1,000 km (620 miles) from Charleston, causing a 4.5 magnitude earthquake measurement that SMF experts equate to being a 1-kiloton yield, which is equal to the power of 1,000 tons of TNT.

This report notes that SMF experts are able to differentiate an earthquake from an atomic blast in that in the former the ground starts shaking slowly as plates slide against each other, and then the seismic activity slow picks up as the ground really starts to move. In an atomic explosion scenario, however, the initial blast is extremely powerful, and the subsequent shaking of the ground grows progressively less severe as was the case with the 8 October blast.

The particular atomic device used, this report continues, was a B61-11 Nuclear Bomb Low-Yield Earth-Penetrating Nuclear Weapon, otherwise known as a “mini nuke” which was deployed by the Clinton administration in the post-Cold-War era, but had been rejected for deployment by Presidents Carter, Reagan, and Bush.

The B61-11 can penetrate and detonate below the earth’s surface, creating a massive shock wave capable of destroying underground targets. In tests the bomb penetrates only 20 feet into dry earth, even when dropped from altitudes above 40,000 feet. But even this shallow penetration before detonation allows a much higher proportion of the explosion to transfer into ground shock relative to a surface burst.

Critical to note, this report says, are that many warnings to this atomic blast were given prior to October 8 …”

I checked this information with my HS and got a 100% confirmation, also in the light of our previous information from the Elohim that such an attack was also attempted on the 12th level of 4D earth and failed due to the deluge of the MPR. It is a principal decision of the Source (Prime Creator) that the dark ones will not be allowed to trigger a nuclear strike on the earth in the End Times, as this will contaminate numerous dimensions in All-That-Is. as confirmed by the Elohim one more time in their latest message.

This event occurs to contain choices made by those in positions of power, where abuse of this power leads to great irreversible damage to the fabric of the time-space continuum.

The nuclear event must always be contained so as not to flow through to other precious levels of Creation, and hence remain untouched.”

This is an old information that circulates in esoteric circles since the early 60s and then again widely discussed in the 80s and 90s when the nuclear danger from the Cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union with no control on its nuclear weapons were still very much present in the minds of the people and caused a lot of reasonable fears.

By the way, please observe the independent verification of the occurrence of a

Moderate earthquake – Off East Coast Of United States on October 8, 2013

by the best independent earthquake reporting site in the world.

The official Russian report then continues on this story as follows:

In the aftermath of the Obama regimes failed false flag nuclear attack on Charleston, GRU analysts in this report say, was the President’s unprecedented ousting of Americans top two military nuclear commanders, US Navy Vice Admiral Tim Giardina and US Air Force Major General Michael Carey, and two of the US Marines top officers, Major General Charles M. Gurganus and Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant.

Admiral Giardina and General Carey, this report says, were ousted by Obama due to their being the officers responsible for leaking the information about this impending nuclear attack on Charleston to Generals Gurganus and Sturdevant, who in turn began leaking this information to various global intelligence sources, including and France’s highly respected

While Admiral Giardina and General Carey were the first to note Obama’s transferring of nuclear weapons to Charleston outside of the normal chain of command, GRU experts say in this report, Generals Gurganus and Sturdevant were tasked with leading US Marine troops from Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to begin the implementation of martial law after this false flag attack had taken place.

Equally important to note, this report continues, is that a further warning of this Obama regime false flag attack on Charleston was given this past August by South Dakota Senator Sheldon R. Songstad who warned of the unprecedented actions being taken in FEMA Region III (which includes Washington D.C.) in preparation for it, and included:

“Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems beginning 4th week of July for 386,000 troops to be completed by October 1st;

$11 million in antibiotics to be delivered to FEMA region III by October 1st ordered by CDC;

FEMA purchase orders for over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals to be delivered to Region III by October 1st;

FEMA purchase orders for 22 million pouches of emergency water to be delivered to region III by October 1st;

FEMA purchase orders for $13.6 million for MREs and heater meals to be delivered to Austin by October 1st;

2800 MRAPs must be delivered to DHS by October 1st

US Senator Lindsay Graham further warned South Carolinians about the threat of a “terrorist nuclear attack” on the same day that warned that high level military intel revealed to them that nuclear warheads were being shipped to South Carolina from a major Texas air force base under an “off the record” black ops transfer.

While the predictable US propaganda media organs loyal to Obama have reported that these military officers firings were due to incompetencegambling issues, and (maybe) alcoholism, this GRU report notes that these “pathetic excuses” are to beyond belief to give credence to as these four distinguished officers were “beyond reproach” and held the highest security clearances anyone could hold in the United States.

Even though this report doesn’t speculate on what Obama’s next move will be after his failure to nuke Charleston, it does grimly note that the former Presidential candidate and US Congressman Ron Paul has added his voice this week to those warning the American people of an impending state of martial law and economic collapse being engineered around them.

As  I already said, I checked today this information with my HS and not only received a resounding confirmation,  but was also strongly urged to write down this report and to publish it today. Hence I urge on my part all my readers to disseminate it on the Internet as to become available to many more readers. The Americans should know now about the greatest danger for this nation that emanates from this darkest entity in the White House.

Here I have presented the naked facts as they have evolved over the last month or so on this timeline, in the omni-earth and in the higher realms. I know for certain that I was fully involved in the prevention of this nuclear attack on the American people, not only at the level of my HS, being the only human nexus to the Source, but also as a conscious creator at the 6th dimension. Especially the previous night I fought a huge battle with the dark ones and experienced another massive cc-wave. In addition to this I raised as a humble human being from  the deepest Bavarian pampa my weak voice on the Internet, but also my powerful spiritual intent (the lightsabre of a true warrior) and thus helped save the ascending portion of humanity from annihilation last week by the darkest entity of this planet – the mass murderer Obama, the winner of the Nobel prize for peace. What a rotten place this planet really is!

I have presented here this case study as we are not yet out of the woods. I will publish later on a new message from Asama Mahatari who urges us to say a resounding  “NO” to any dark entity we envisage in our vicinity or detect as such, no matter where he hides at present. This is what I did my way with the means of investigative journalism last week. But there are infinite ways to say “No” to these dark entities and their peaking atrocities in these last days before we can ascend. The epic battle still rages and the peak of manifested dark nastiness is still to come on this timeline(s) before we can ascend. Make no mistake about this.






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