by Georgi Stankov and Carla Thompson, September 11, 2013
As we have said many times in the past, the MPR will commence simultaneously with the final decision of the dark cabal on power, in particular of Obama and his criminal administration to start a major crime against humanity, e.g. a WWIII. This decision has been made yesterday and today and the results will be seen in the coming few days.
September 11, 2013
Dear Carla,
I have just woke up and had a dream that the Israelis will make another false flag attack with chemical weapons as they are desperate to begin a war against Syria and will not let this opportunity go away. This is also what the last two messages from Jahn suggest. The catastrophes must begin any moment from now on at the 11th and 12th level.
I am though very happy to hear that you feel much better and stronger today. I also feel OK and the mood has improved. Only the pressure on my left brain portal is there all the time.
Dear Georgi,
I have just read the two channellings of Babaji by Jahn.
The despair and overwhelming sadness of which they speak was what I experienced the day before yesterday, the 9th of September, and what you are personally experiencing now.
I know you felt my deep, sustained and utterly crushing sense of despair, which I was feeling as a personal message, but also now I see it as knowledge of what the collective must now experience.
It is the middle of the night, and I feel a new surge in the energies, as my head is burning with the new pain of another wave, and nausea is overtaking my body.
I agree with your comment that we cannot ignore the human condition as long as we are dwelling here. In as much as many of us may try, we have moment to moment reminders of the painful truth.
All we can truly do, is what we were meant to do in the first place – to hold the light, and this has become the most difficult assignment of the ages.
With infinite love, and light,
Dear Carla,
I have a full fledged cc-wave with another massive descent of source energy in my body and field plus the obligatory headache and it is no wonder that you are also involved in this energy surge. Actually, I have always had on the 11th of each month such waves since 4-5 years
PS: Upon second consideration this huge energy surge may be the trigger of the MPR on our timelines 11th and 12th.
Dear Carla,
just a small correction. The messages were channelled to Jahn on Sept 8 in the night, so that the timing with your depression fits well. I was also very depressed on the 9th of September with you and also yesterday, the 10th of September, while today I am simply nauseated and in a vortex and physically knocked down. My psyche is however stable.
Dear Georgi,
I am sorry to hear this and that we are both included means it must be the MPR on the 11th and 12th levels of 4D, as you say.
I’m going to change my schedule in anticipation of the onslaught. I shall meditate on different supporting energies for us and our portal as I am guided. This is what they are telling me to do for us, now.
Dear Carla,
thank you for the support! The intensity of the cc-wave has increased one more notch and it must definitely be the beginning of the MPR on the upper levels. In case you are not hit that hard and your connection to the Elohim is still functional, can you please ask them for information if our estimation is correct. I try to write the second part of the chronicle but it is getting very hard with the wave at this very moment. I always get a peak between 16.00 – 20.00 pm when a huge cc-wave arrives.
Dear Georgi,
I will return home by 8 this morning and I will ask them what is happening. I still feel not too bad yet, but of course this can always change. Best leave the article to another time if you get really hard hit.
Dear Carla,
This is not a problem – while writing I think less on the headache.
While I am having this huge energy descent, I am sensing very strongly the insidious games of Obama and Co. and the Israelis, about whom I dreamt this night starting a false flag chemical attack in Syria as to begin with a new war. It could be that I process now huge amounts of political dross that will explode very soon on the world stage as I am very good at that. The MPR will then follow. Just another reference as to what might be going on at this moment.
Dear Georgi,
I am numb now from this energy descent. I will send you what I have discovered up until now.
I feel absolutely anaesthetised now after there has been a sudden increase in pure white light within the past hour. There are opalescent threads running through it that I can see clearly with my third eye. I have never seen light like this before. I feel like I am a beacon or antenna for grounding this huge influx of white light here in this side of our portal. I am getting that you are doing this on your side. We are both needed to bring in and anchor this light-energy-force.
The heat waves continue, but most importantly, my head feels like it is in a vice. My vision is declining rapidly and I have sharp stabbing pain behind my right eye, which is usually my right optic nerve.
Today is 9/11 and I am getting that Obama is intending to use this date to re-kindle a new war upon the world. It may be through some decisions he is making or has made, and it has necessitated enlisting the support of someone “outside”. To this end I believe the Israelis are the perfect choice as they have always come to the silent aide of the USA in the past. This is also your impression and I believe it to be a strong possibility.
Here is a message from the Elohim but it is only a preliminary one, as I feel there is more coming as everything moves forward and unfolds upon each hologram.
This is everything for now Georgi. I look forward to your thoughts.
The Elohim Message
“Greetings Dear One,
There is movement afoot indeed within the upper 4D timelines as you surmise. Acute angulations arise amongst the ones currently in power within the societal structure most based on power, greed and avarice.
These groups of individuals prime the targets with false pretense only to fulfil obligations of destruction upon the Earth. Generous lies flow and deceit is of the highest order.
Bringing home Mankind is of monumental complexity, where shifting sands occur on a second by second basis.
Those of you who disagree with the forceful approach within this creation, this reality, still hold the key, the key to infinite power of your own, although you may choose not to engage it out of socially ingrained fear.
The methodology in these tactics is of fear, wreak of ultimate weakness within the Souls of those responsible for any misdeeds.
Enjoin the Creator in boundless respect for those, who choose a path of destruction and superfluous disregard for Humanity as Beings.
The magnetic pole reversal is imminent/ peaking for 4D, levels 11 and 12, and this has been noticeable to you and your dual soul already.
It is true that different decisions are being made within different holograms, each decision creating new timeline dynamics that then greet those whose souls have been sealed into that hologram/ timeline. These decisions will throw the worlds in each hologram into disarray, depending upon the balance of all aspects.
Great chaos may ensue. Be prepared!
Structures are implemented for salvation’s sake.
A great blanket of protection arrives in a wave of Christed Light energy. This gift is being thrown over All of the upper dimensions, the lower levels of the Fifth Dimension (where the PAT currently dwell, comment George). Do not fear for you shall be protected, even propelled upwards in congruity.
We are the Elohim.”