The Peak In Energy Intensity Points Out to The Final Countdown of Ascension

By Georgi Stankov, August 22, 2013

After I was hit by another huge ascension wave two hours ago, I had to take a nap, during which I not only dreamt all the time that I have ascended, but I also felt physically as if my body is completely dissolving and I may indeed ascend any moment.

Back into this reality, I really feel now as if I have been “stonewalled”, to quote GaiaPortal’s latest message. I expected such a message to come today from this source and I had left my computer screen on this website before taking a nap. When I woke up, it was still the old message from August 18th. When I clicked one more time, the new message immediately appeared and I knew that ascension is indeed imminent as the energy build-up is gargantuan in the last several hours.

Anyway, after publishing this GP-message below, I have decided to also publish the two latest messages from Jahn, which I have received and translated today. They also announce our imminent ascension. Originally I wanted to publish them tomorrow and speculated if they would probably come too late. Now the decision has been made that they will appear today, as ascension is now looming large on the horizon.


Progress on all dimensional levels has been made during the recent moments and allows substantial High Energetic Upgrades in all Gaia inhabitants, Hue-Being and human.

Progress on all dimensional levels has been made during the recent moments and allows substantial High Energetic Upgrades in all Gaia inhabitants, Hue-Being and human.

At this moment Gaia recognizes not the term “human”, as all inhabitants of Gaia are now upgraded sufficiently towards the “Hue-Man” levels.

Potential for “Whole Planet Ascension” has now reached critical mass point, so such is assured.

All former paradigms of operation upon Gaia are now closed. Those attempting to operate via those paradigms will be “stonewalled”, as some might say. [Eireport note: presumably this means “stopped”, as if running into a stone wall].

The “flights of fancy” (paradigms lacking Higher Intent) are also closed.

Gaia has spoken, gently but strongly. Hue-Manity has listened… humanity must follow… Else the stone wall will be felt… Strongly.





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