by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, August 25, 2013
August 23, 2013
Dear Carla,
there is a massive descent of source energy as a monster cc-wave with a severe headache since early morning, at this moment peaking with an unbearable headache, dizziness and coordination disturbances. This is the most intensive ascension test run I have had for the last three weeks – precisely since the monster wave on July 29th as recorded by myself. This is a significant event and may be the onset of my ascension.
If this wave also hits you, I am afraid, you could not drive this morning. Give me a short note how you feel.
PS: Here is my report on the July 29th cc-wave:
“Dear Carla,
this morning (July 29th) I woke up with a very nasty cleansing wave when I usually get very much pissed off with the world and my life on this toxic planet.Then around midday local time a huge cc-wave commenced and now I am with a severe headache – the third one in four days. Only yesterday I was spared from such cc-wave, although late in the evening there was another massive energy descent from the source.
What I wanted to tell you is that during this cc-wave, while I normally do not get anything from my HS as the pains and energy inflow are so massive, this time I am getting the intuitive knowledge that we are very much on the cusp of our ascension, respectively, of the final solution.”
After all, on August 11th you visited 7th 4D earth when the MPR took place and on August 13th you ascended. If we project this dynamics onwards, we must expect my ascension in the next few days.
Dear Georgi,
A massive thunderstorm has just rolled through here. I’ve never seen such lightening or heard so much thunder in my life. The amount of rain was amazing. I was driving our friend’s son home to his billet and it was quite the trip with all the lightening landing around us.
I believe you and I are doing some sort of cleansing work here. Maybe some information will be forthcoming about it.
I’m going to connect with the Elohim in the morning. I am wondering what is going on. If you have any ideas let me know because I will check with them.
It’s very peaceful up here in this country and I realize I really needed this retreat. I am surprised to see chemtrails here though.
With love,
Dear Carla,
I have just woke up (August 24) and I am still very much dizzy. The cc-wave was unusually long, almost 24 hours as I still have some residual headache and pressure on my left brain portal.
I have also no idea what we have accomplished or has happened in the last 24 hours, but it was a massive infusion of energy in my field and body, so that I suspect that I may have undergone the same ascension through transfiguration as you did, but without an astral journey. This is possible.
That is why I wanted you to ask the Elohim to comment on this latest energy event.
Altogether, I feel much better today, but I am still under energetic hangover. Yesterday I commented loudly to my HS that he is the greatest torturer in my life and that I have never been tortured by any human being in my life as much as he does on a single day. So that I do not know who is my real foe. My HS laughed as well as all the legions of angels around me.
We have good weather this morning with a lot of sun but the air is fresh and chilly in the morning. One smells the autumn coming.
Dear Georgi,
I have a message from the Elohim. I have to type it up on my computer but I am uncertain when I can do this.
One question. They say you were working in the 5D during yesterday’s wave, but it was not through transfiguration. It seems it was through a light body but I can’t get a handle on it.
Do you have any information that will help my line of questioning?
I hope you have had a better day.
Dear Carla,
I am working for some time from the 5D as I dwell in this dimension since April. But if the Elohim say that I have not undergone a transfiguration yesterday, which I also felt this morning when the energies receded, then this is a clear confirmation – it must have been another ascension test run.
Dear Georgi,
Would you mind laying out the last several days of energetic experiences for me please? I would like to get clarification from the Elohim on your current experiences.
For example, the day, time, symptoms and whether you were awake or asleep. Can you provide this please?
Dear Carla,
there is not much to say. Before yesterday the energies were at a very high plateau but more or less constant. Yesterday I had a classical cc-wave with massive energy descent since early morning which always begins with irritability before the cc-wave hits me and the headache starts. This time it lasted almost 24 hours and I was really very dizzy and not really on the earth. Probably it was not very important, but I always get such cc-waves 2-3 days before major shifts take place and this would mean August 25/26, which is end of the Lion’s Gate when we all expect something major to happen.
Dear Georgi,
Here is a message that I received today from the Elohim when asking them about your latest energy work, which I personally recognize as having a huge impact on this whole ascension process.
Trust me when I say this message was delivered with much love and compassion.
The Elohim Message
” Greetings Dear Ones,
Christed light now floods all hidden corners of every aspect of your world, your reality, your thoughts, your dreams and your Souls. We are speaking to you, your dual soul, your first wave brethren, and, indeed, all of Humanity.
The recent waves you and your dual soul have experienced have indeed impressed you deeply, upon the physical, emotional, spiritual and ethereal bodies of your Beings.
In particular, your dual soul agreed to a succinct excursion and preparation of the fifth dimension, up to and including level 5 of the fifth dimension. This preparation at the 5th level [actually I am getting up to and including the 5th level, Georgi] of the fifth dimension, is part of his sacred commitment to Gaia as well as Humanity in these final times of the old age.
We note that this energetic work completed in this realm was not done through a process of transfiguration at this time, although your dual soul has reached this objective recently during a sustained high level energetic event [Georgi, I believe you have obtained transfiguration at some point during this very heavy and long 24 hour period where you awoke feeling fully disconnected; the morning of August 24th, I believe you completed your journey at some time, while you were asleep, separate and apart from the energy work you had also completed during this time].
The action of your dual Soul within the fifth dimension is to prepare the energetic conditions needed by the ascending masses of Humanity into the lower levels of this dimension. This top-down phase of preparation is necessary to imprint the levels 1 through 5 of 5D with the newly downloaded codes he received recently.
The template is now set in place in order for the connections to be achieved upon arrival on an energetic level. These anchored codes then act as a magnetic attractor field for the codes sent and received by the first wave candidates as well as by the rest of ascending Humanity recently, to ensure their successful complementary insertion into the ascending reality.
We recognize this effort as once again being of monumental importance to the on-going ascension process. There are light workers of the first wave, who shall now follow this path to further reinforce this initial opening of the fifth dimension and even though they may not be consciously aware of their efforts to reinforce this new pathway, they must know that their work is of critical importance to this expansionary event.
We say to all Light workers: your work is fully, completely and lovingly honoured within All-That-Is. Do not waiver in your clear commitment to the ascension process. This is why you are here.
This means that efforts to control or affect the outcome of social, political, economical solutions do not directly assist the evolutionary expansion of the ascension process.
Remember, all shall find their way home, eventually. However, by focusing upon your own personal desire to move upward into the next dimension, and not to be enchanted by the baubles of your perceived reality, you shall significantly impact your inner terrain and spiritual growth.
There is a much needed commitment to the Ascension. When the Ascension is internalized by enough individuals, the collective shall also collect these energies and the codes that follow.
This collective, called Humanity, shall choose it’s own path. Be the way-showers now. Show the people the Way of the Ascension.
We are the Elohim.”
Dear Carla,
I woke up at 04.00 a.m. from a very vivid and impressive dream of apocalyptic, cosmic proportions. I witnessed the exodus of all living beings from the earth – huge masses streaming from all directions in an ordered manner. These were all the incarnated humans and also all the elementals and the small people, such as the hobbits. In particular the hobbits were very happy to leave this world. They all told me that they are ready now and that they have finally entered their long awaited exodus. The scene with the marching masses was imbued with a solemn excitement and much joyful expectations.
Then I woke up, most probably as to remember this auspicious dream, and knew telepathically that both you and April have sent me a message.
This message of the Elohim confirms my impression that August 23/24 was a massive ascension test run /5D shift for humanity that was triggered through my energy field. My specific mission must have been the anchoring of the ascension codes on all levels of the 5D, from the 1st to the 5th, which I saw transmitting a few days ago. It was obvious to me that this time my work is entirely on the 5th dimension, as it was void of any unpleasant cleansing activity, although physically extremely strenuous due to the immense intensities of the source waves.
I asked you to check if I had made this same transfiguration as you because I felt at a certain point in time that this was the case. However, I am not so sure if this has happened during the last energy surge on August 23/24 or a day or two earlier when I was at a very high energetic plateau all the time that was interrupted by short bursts /thrusts of energy infusions when I had to take a nap during the day. Anyway, this is the least important aspect now, as all the first ascension candidates are now following our footsteps and are going through the process of transfiguration, even though they may not be consciously aware of it.
This upward ascension process to the 5th dimension is also confirmed by April’s HS of today. We have now reached the final threshold of ascension when we can virtually detonate the PAT supernova any moment from now on. However, the very last adjustments may take another couple of days. But the exodus from this planet has commenced as I dreamt today and it will manifest very soon on the upper 8th to 12 4D levels.
However one must bear in mind that those, who will not ascend, will not experience the ascension process but only the catastrophes, for which a green light has already been given in the higher realms, as April’s HS confirms and I also sense, and will manifest any moment from now on. For those people, who will stay on the new balanced 4D earth or even fall to lower 4D earth’s versions after the ID split, the idea of ascension will be the greatest collective blunder of all times as their memory will be wiped out after the MPR and the associated natural catastrophes and social calamities. This is where the separation of the worlds will actually take place – in the awareness of the people.
This amnesia may last for a long time and be partially offset later when we shall appear on the upper balanced 4D earth as ascended masters to teach the people and educate them what has happened and how to understand the concept ofmultidimenisionality properly. This is their greatest cognitive deficiency now and the greatest hindrance for their spiritual evolution
I think that everything has been said now and any further verbal description will be inadequate to envision the magnificent reality that awaits us, the PAT and the first ascension wave. It is enough to know that ascension has commenced and that it will come in the most natural way possible. The less we think about it or cherish any particular expectations, the better.
Thank you so much for this important message that sheds some light on my latest activities on the 5D, which were indeed of monumental intensity for me personally as a still humble human being, trapped in a physical vessel and waiting more or less patiently his unfoldment as an omnipotent and omnipresent ascended master.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
This is an incredible dream! It must have been very detailed and with every colour in the rainbow. I have a real sense of being there myself with this description and maybe I was.
I believe that your transfiguration also occurred during one of those high intensity bursts where you needed to lie down. I also had a second visit to the fifth dimension via transfiguration accompanied by high bursts of frequency and inner bliss. I was sure you and some others had made this milestone within the past week. I am so happy about it.
I am always amazed at the synchronicity of the language and concepts conveyed in these different channellings, April’s to mine.
The next few days will be very interesting. I can’t wait to see how everything will unfold.
With love and light,
Dear Carla,
me too. In fact I anticipated this surge in negative emotional energies that will now break out at the societal level as they can no longer be sustained and controlled by the dark cabal, most of which are soulless empty images. This onset of nastiness will be the trigger for our ascension, whereas I believe that I may ascend a little bit earlier as to coordinate from above this last crucial phase of the ascension process.
There is no doubt that this is the end and that the HR will use this powerful portal to the very end to heat the atmosphere on the earth to a maximum before the shit will hit the fan.
Yesterday, I read very carefully all the comments on the Syrian crisis and it points out to an imminent war between the USA and Russia as this event has now developed its own dynamics and can no longer be stopped. Some other surprises must also come.
And then the MPR will come and our ascension as the PAT supernova. This is also reaffirmed by the latest Jahn’smessages. The final act of the drama has commenced.