Letters to the Editor
Hallo George,
thanks for your comprehensive reply to my question. I was out all day and only returned in the evening, otherwise I would have answered sooner.
The discussion last year around the memory of individuals during the 3 earth scenario is still fresh in my mind.
As I used to practice Hypnotherapy, the topic of past life memories is of particular interest to me. I was able to help individuals with personal problems by regressing them towards the origin of the problem. So always with the assistance of the person’s HS, we regressed the individual to a previous incarnation (or parallel life, or “perceived” experience in another/ previous existence). Once the individual had experienced the occurrence one more time and found closure (with the help of certain techniques), the personal problem was normally healed.
I know this is off the topic a bit, but since you touched on it, I thought I’d mention it. So when you say “…. their dreadful experiences during the huge catastrophes, associated with the MPR and its deluge, no matter at which 4D timeline, will be a great hindrance….”
For sure, such a memory would be a very large burden to carry indeed. Although, I have never come across it, some Ascended Masters had mentioned in their channelings that some of us on earth still carry fearful memories of the Atlantean deluge. On the ascended 5D earth, this should not be an issue, as individuals will be of such high consciousness as to deal with a deluge, and the healing methods are so advanced in that reality.
I have also found something additional in that channeling from AM that may be helpful. The following words in the very next paragraph following the sentence that evoked my question, where Asana Matahari says ” ….can neither see nor hear, and he shall remain silent and blind for another eternity.”
So, in summary, once the ascension process is complete, and those individuals that find themselves on the lower 4D and 3D timelines, will neither remember the deluge, nor their missing family members.
in love and light,
Dear Joe,
only to your last comment. I am not sure if the people on the lower catastrophic 4D earths and on the 3D earth will not remember the deluge from the MPR as thy must already live under its dreadful consequences. Whether they have fully realized what has exactly happened, is impossible for me to say. But as they have now all moved to a pure survival mode of life, similar to the “Mad Max” movie, they must know that their particular earth has undergone a huge catastrophe and that many people have died and that they are the “lucky” ones to have survived.
Thank you also for your further elucidation on your regression therapy and how it works. I must admit that I have no experience in this subject.
Hallo George,
yes of course the ongoing deluge will be in the minds of the people, while they are still alive, especially on the 3D earth. That will also serve as a start for their spiritual growth after their deep negativity.
But what about the lower 4D earths, where the survivors will eventually join together in one or two realities in accordance with their level of consciousness. In that case there is the chance to “wipe” their memory on the deluge, unless their souls chose otherwise (like you had already mentioned). The same would also apply to those that died and are starting a new incarnation on any of the earths.
Dear Joe,
my guess is, as I have already written, that the three lower 4D earths will be wrapped up and the souls distributed to the 3D earth or the higher 4D earths and will cease to exist very soon. The higher 4D earths will be a pool from which the souls may qualify to enter the upper balanced 4D earth after they have learnt their lessons. I am not so sure yet what will happen with these parallel earths in the long run. But life on the lower 4D earths currently must be as awful as on the 3D earth, so there must not be any difference from a human point of view as a survivor. We will know much more when we ascend and acquire a full awareness.
Dear Carla,
please read this article that contains an important discussion.
Half an hour ago a new cleansing wave has started (August 4, !6.00 pm local time). Before that it was rather peaceful energetically and I wondered for the first time that this is possible. But the lull was very short.
Do you feel this wave? As I have always suspected, it will stay very stormy to the very bitter end and we will not have any peaceful time on this planet. Only ups and downs, mostly downs and nasty emotional cleansing waves….
Dear Georgi,
I just now woke up from a lower 4D dream of lost populations, damaged infrastructure, very few automobiles, minimal public transportation systems, very little food.
There were unusual species in the plant kingdom, which I could draw right now while the details are so vivid in my mind, I don’t believe they exist here.
With the dream came this cleansing wave that you describe now. I’m nauseated and highly depressed, although my current life circumstances may be guilty of these feelings as a bleed one into the other.
I am tired of theatre, drama was never my strong point, just like reading a fiction book is a monumental waste of time.
Another day here…well… what can we do? ….
Dear George,
J P Morgan is selling his commodities. This confirms your article about the beginning of the worldwide bank crash:
Josée, France
Dear George,
I have loved the latest postings and especially the cosmic sense of humor, which I agree with entirely – bored stiff with it all.
On multidimensional thinking if I may. I don’t feel that there is any particular need to try to comprehend what is incomprehensible in this form just to grasp the basics of it and if that makes me the chaff then so be it. When I had my NDE I was in that state what I refer to as “reclothed in my rightful mind”. As I was just a child it is impossible to convey in words but I do not worry as I see ascension as death without death. In other words, we will have full understanding in that moment.
I have always seen an event and a collapse and it may even be that all of us (even the PAT) think that all is lost and then… The then is unknown and will, in my opinion, remain so until that moment. Where we will have an advantage is that we will have been able to face and process fear around what may happen and also that we know we are not the body. Also speaking for myself, there is the watcher and that helps me get perspective in life, no matter how hard but it has been a long hard journey and I am exhausted and basically this last week or so literally dragging myself around.
I felt the overwhelming urge to cry and cry on Friday afternoon and knew it was not my own stuff, so I can collaborate that with you and others who felt the same. Felt summer coldy all weekend, tired and headaches. I have also had a lot of ringing in my ears etc as Jerry says.
Personally, dates are no longer helpful as they come and go and it makes things worse for me anyway. I did try to escape by going off in the motor home, but as you know my grand daughter’s death has pulled me back into the old system. I still try to think my way out of it but personally I was sick of having no money and I like to buy things for my other granddaughter (the other twin) and see her and have as good time as it possible in all the circumstances.
What I hate most is all the WAITING!!!
At one time I had stocked up but now I just trust that all will be well and that I will be in the right place at the right time.
I hope this finds you well.
In love and light
Dear Maria,
thank you very much for your energy report. Indeed, the waiting makes us all very tired, but not only. The incessant waves that sweep over our bodies and fields and the constant ups and downs in the emotional fields, while we serve as huge conduits of the light, through which the entire despair of humanity is flowing in these days of massive death toll in the lower 4D earths, makes us so exhausted in these most dense last days.
In such a situation, the only remedy is to know approximately what is currently happening behind the veil and in parallel earths, where we also exist and this is the information which I now try to provide under huge effort as good as I can, so that the PAT members can relate this information to their personal experiences and human ordeal. Of course, one can refrain from this information and still ascend and many people will surely do this, but probably will not come very high.
But for the PAT this information is indispensable, as they carry the bulk of the burden of ascension and so that they are able to go through these challenges and still survive and cross the finish line. And to this, it is indispensable to have a clear understanding of the concept of multidimensionality.
This is my firm conviction.
With love and light
Dearest George
No criticism intended as you have done a superb job and I have noted to you before when you have tried to take a break that you would be unable to do it as being the captain is impossible for you to relinquish, even if you wished too (that is my feeling anyway). Just I suppose meaning that grasping the concept is enough for us lesser mortals and at the moment of ascension, or when the veil is lifted, we will have full understanding (again that is my feeling). I may not have expressed myself as well as I wanted to as I have a headache and lots of ringing in the ears or downloading as I sometimes think it is.
Love always
Dear Maria,
it’s OK – I did not take it as a criticism, but only wanted to highlight one more time what motivation drives me in these last days. Of course we can now only guess what is actually happening behind the veil and that the reality in the higher dimensions is much more dazzling and overwhelming than our wildest dreams.
Dear George,
I write in because just right now I got an Idea what the sinister plan to wipe out human life from the dark ones might be: I was on my way back from the boarding school, where I brought my child to (the other one is still on the train back from vacation with her father), when I met another parent, who was alone with his two little boys and they were crying and didn’t want to walk on. I carried the little one, he was simply tired and the father had not taken the buggy with him. The beautiful African boy’s name is GOODNESS and I felt blissful as seldom before when I sat with him on my lap. I asked the father what about the mom and he told me she has a kind of influenza with fever since yesterday after they had returned from swimming ( public pools).
Then right beside me on the city train where three young girls who returned from swimming in a lake ( Wannsee) and the girl right next to me was vomiting a lot into a bag. She told me this goes on the whole day and I told her to take a cab and drive home and get some coal pills ( Kohletabletten) from the pharmacy, as this is the only measure I know that might help.
However, after on Friday many things were already too strange not to get the information the big wave is on its way (as additional personal confirmation after reading all announcements we have collected and published on our website), it might well be that the dark ones have poisoned the waters (classical strategy). Maybe they sprayed some stuff from planes, maybe they want to play out the “combined disasters” card, but I know that my experiences were so alarming that I stopped my journey to sit down just somewhere and write to you. I am now sitting on the staircase of a “family church” and next to it is another, older one. I cannot remember exactly the lucid dream from last night, but it was very agitated with lots of people crying out in despair, a real cacophony.
Last Thursday, August 1st, I had a terrible cc-wave coming over me that started immediately after I woke up and lasted till Friday morning, I had to vomit also and nothing helped until I called upon Archangel Raphael for healing and then I started an intonation that was not too loud, but very powerful, so that some neighbours woke up and turned their lights on at four o’clock in the morning. We have been told, there will be a certain tone emitted.
Beloved Captain George, beloved PAT brothers and sisters, I have not written for about a year, but I have been reading every single day and I knew I was still on board contributing to our Hercules work.
Now the time has come to go “under deck” as AA Michael told us through Jahn J. Kassl and wait for the final accord of the Old World, which will be substituted by the first accord of the New Age.
When I was urged to go into meditation a few days ago, I experienced being drawn into a mighty vortex of golden flames and the whole spiritual hierarchy was there and I was so deeply touched that I had to cry, I felt so humbled by all the might and glory from heaven, that I feel well prepared for our PAT supernova to commence.
I send you all my deepest love and gratitude, may the greatest wonders of all times bring us soon to our destination, ascending back to Source, so that we can guide humanity through the Golden Age, never to experience atrocities in duality again.
Much love and light,
Joana from Berlin
Dear Joana,
first of all let me tell how happy I am that you have finally written. You have been silent for more than a year and I worried that something might have happened to you and your family. But from your email I gather that you and your daughters are alright.
I have no idea whether your suspicion is correct that the dark forces may try to poison the drinking water, the lakes and the rivers, but one cannot wholly exclude this heinous possibility as they are in full despair now.
The last days are very tense energetically, with a lot of ups and downs and this will not change to my estimation to the very end. The tension will even increase when the catastrophes will begin to unfold on our timeline and the masses will be stricken by panic and paralysed by the shock of the dreadful events.
In these times we must learn to dis-involve from all external dramas and just have faith in the inner strength and in the divine plan, which, by the way, has been created by us at the level of our HS, so that it must work fine for us.
With love and light
Dear Dr. Georgi,
thanks a lot for your response to Joe’s answer about Master St Germain’s message, as I wondered exactly the same as him when I read it and now thanks to your interpretation/ explanation have a lot more clear “understanding” of multi-dimensionality.
I think the best way to keep out of the linearity way of thinking is to be permanently in a high feeling heart centered attitude, I personally try to maintain myself in this attitude by regularly going out in nature and connect with Gaia and always try to apprehend all events in my life “feeling” it, instead of mentally analyse it. That really helps me to be permanently conscious about the matrix we’re living in and keep in touch with my Higher Self.
I am feeling so exhausted, not doing almost anything, I really hope these last days won’t drag on too much! Thanks a lot and hope you’re well,
Love and Light,
Dear Betty,
this is indeed the best way to gauge what is coming energetically on this earth and within our fields. But one must try to put this subjective experience into mental concepts within a broader perspective and this is what I am essentially doing with this website.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
My god, Jerry’s email to you could have been written by me, word for word, except exchange Arizona for Virginia, and dog for cat! And thank you for the reiteration of this…
“This example illustrates how difficult it is to keep our multidimensional experience in different timelines clearly separated and not to get lost in the numerous parallel realities, by interpreting them in a linear fashion.”
This is something I need to keep reminding myself, then maybe I wouldn’t be scratching my head with confusion so much and saying “what the hell just happened here?”. Family dynamics are just crazy right now.
Thanks again for another great article!
With Love and Light,
Last night (August 4) just as bad. I could not sleep at all even though deeply fatigued. Tossing and turning all night. Hot, hot, hot, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty. The clock was crazy each time that I looked at it was a number 12:12, 1:23, 2:34, etc. Dreams of me putting notes on graves in cemeteries. Are the HR trying to take away any sanity that I have left?
This morning I though I felt better, but then that fear and despair in the pit of my stomach. I will have to try and turn this into something humorous, but I haven’t been able to yet.
I noticed on the ”world of truth blog” that the channeler thinks, there will be about 50 million people to ascend beyond the 5th dimension and maybe 500 million to the 5th dimension. This is a very low number considering 7 billion population, but I think the 50 million, which would be the active PAT or those on the same level, seems really high from what I observe. Of course this is worldwide, but I was thinking the number would be only a few thousand. I guess it doesn’t matter, but what are your thoughts?
Dear Jerry,
I have just finished a very important article as a response to a question from Joe from South Africa and will publish it in the next hour. It will explain much of your experiences.
This source should not be taken very seriously, as I have now the strong feeling that he is indeed reading our website and copying our information, while changing the content and the form a little bit.
What will happen is that the PAT, which consists indeed of only several thousand members at best, will also take in the huge first ascension wave many millions ascension candidates to the 5th dimension, how many nobody knows, and this source is simply preposterous with these numbers, while mass ascension will happen later on in the fall. This has always been my explanation and forecast for the ascension scenario in all past publications since December 21, 2012.
Hi George,
Thank you for reporting your state of being on August 2nd . The last two days were centered around unusual and chaotic events occurring very close to home. These events did physically and psychically shake up my energy. As you say, the tension is most definitely rising within our own fields, August 1st and August 2nd. Today August 3rd, I woke up with a deep and restored sense of joy. This indicates to me the awareness of the splitting of upper 4D from lower 4D worlds. It seems you also better today?
Your update-evil-doers-power aptly summaries and weaves together today’s global alternative news reports and the current channelings on your website. The signs are all there for an imminent event.
Additionally, last night, August 2nd, I quickly drifted off seeing the ‘galactic swirl’ behind closed eyes. I woke this morning, August 3rd not only with restored joy, but a symbolic dream. I awakened to hear a great sonic-like boom (supernova) followed by an encoded smoke symbol in the sky. It took me a while to decode the dream as Chinese hexagram meaning “arousing thunder”. It clearly points to extraordinary and imminent energies.
In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,
these are very reassuring signs. I also dream a lot and have a lot of meetings but my dreams are working dreams and I wake up tired and relax during the day.
Today is a better day (August 3) though and I also feel uplifted.
I am glad you like the latest post. Now we must keep an eye on all events and try to make a synthesis of them, as they are small mosaic pieces that complete the bigger picture.
With love and light