A Chronicle of Carla’s Ascension to the 5D Earth – the First Full Ascension of a Human Being in Physical Vessel – in Real Time

by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, August 14, 2013

06.35 am, August 13th, 2013, Vancouver,  West Coast

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your excellent explanation on the formula I received from the Elohim. I will respond later directly to this information. I wanted to tell you that I feel terrible right now, with extreme nausea, dizziness and weakness. I mean, I feel really, really bad right now.

Is this maybe the ripple effect from the MPR on the 7th level two days ago? Or is there something else happening?


Dear Carla,

I just received an email from Jerry who complains about the same situation as you, but I must admit I feel rather well at a very high energetic level at present.

I will forward to you separately his email to compare.

I have no idea what this wave is all about.



Do you know of anything new happening last night and or early this morning (08/13). About 11PM MST I began to get very hot and then the dizzy waves came. With a different vertigo. I am used to the spinning vertigo from time to time. I know this sounds a bit odd but the vertigo this time was up and down and the room rather than spinning was vibrating up and down and it was more severe than usual as well.

Is this significant? I am still not quite recovered with heavy head pressure. No conscious travel to other dimension this time, which I would not have minded but coming back is very hard on the physical body as I have not recovered from the last one yet. I wonder if I am being used as a test canary to see how a physical body will react to different tests and travels. Kind of like we sent dogs into space first.


Dear Jerry,

this is definitely the case – we are experimental hamsters for All-That -Is to test this new technology of the LBP that has not been applied anywhere else. If it works on the earth, they intend to introduce it on other dense planets in their ascension process.

I am at a very high level of vibrations and intensity even now, but not that bad. It is more like a plateau, so that I cannot verify this latest surge that you have experienced.


8.30 am, August 13, 2013, Vancouver West Coast

Dear Georgi,

Yes, this is exactly what I am experiencing as well.

I’ve had several “heat waves” over the past 16 hours, that leave me feeling like I’ve been in a sauna. The heat comes and goes so fast, but is highly intense and fairly frequent, every hour.

I still have GI symptoms from the Multi-dimensional experience and today the nausea is worse.

The dizziness is the same as Jerry’s. It’s very odd, not a spinning, but almost like a “fracturing” of the reality. I guess like a rapid vibration and it really feels uncomfortable.


Dear Carla,

this could only indicate that we are now rapidly ascending and accomplishing the ID split, so that the separation and sealing of the upper levels 9th to 12th can now happen very quickly. I have the impression that the HR now want the final solution as quickly as possible and they press on the accelerator. Which is good news for us.


9.20 am, August 13th, 2013, Vancouver, West Coast

Dear Georgi,

I huge high frequency wave hit me an hour ago, while driving my younger son out into the valley.

I have the GPS running because it’s an 80 km trip and I honestly do not know what has happened. I’m way off course and lucky for me this GPS is getting me back. It must have gone off-line with me! This is so strange.

I feel like I’m just floating along here.


Dear Carla,

I have no idea what is happening to you other than you are no longer anchored in this reality after your inter-dimensional journey to the 7th level of the 4D earth, where you experienced the MPR.

I myself am pretty much anchored in this reality still and, although I am also very much under tension and agitated and cannot bear anybody in my vicinity, I still function quite formidably at present. There were times in the past when I was much more handicapped by the waves.

You could try to anchor yourself, although I doubt the wisdom of this advise or live as you do now and be sure that there are legions of angels that protect you any minute, so that nothing bad can happen to you.


10.03 am, August 13th, 2013, Vancouver, West Coast

Dear Georgi,

I will not anchor myself, but ascend with this divinely guided flow upon the consciousness streams of Source. I am told it is now the time of the Separation of the Worlds


10.12 am, August 13th, 2103, Vancouver, West Coast

Dear George

This is private please! I am fully disconnecting. My body is numb. I have to tell everyone I have a migraine or I’m in danger. I don’t know where this is headed. I will connect later so you know my status.

I love you for ever

Dear Carla,

if you are about to ascend now you have my full energetic support and I am sending you my love very intensively.


10.19 am, August 13th, 2013, Vancouver, West Coast

Hold the fort!

They want to show me something. I’m uncertain if I will be back. They say it is a free will choice in that moment. Of course I authorize you to have full executive decision over whether to bring me back or not.

I love you.

Dear Carla,

this sounds very exciting. Take the chance and see what it is.


14.58 pm, August 13, 2013, Vancouver,  West Coast

My dear Georgi,

I have ascended, in body, and have returned!

I have received messages from the Elohim, Adama of Telos, AA Michael and others. There is another message coming in for me now, and perhaps even another journey. I just want you to relax and sleep well, tomorrow will be a big day. I have much to prepare.

Please keep this to yourself for now until we discuss it carefully and prepare it for presentation.

With infinite love,

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