Breaking News!!! Urgent Announcement!!! Ascension Has Started!!!

My Dual Soul Carla Was the First Human Being to Have Ascended in Full Body to the New 5D Earth

by Georgi Stankov, August 14,  2013

Carla has ascended yesterday, August 13th, 2013 in full body to the 5D earth, has stayed there for more than an hour and has returned back. This was the first successful ascension by a complete transfiguration (phase transition) of a physical human body into crystalline light body and then back to physical, biological body. This technology is unique in the whole universe and yesterday it was tested successfully for the first time.

All the higher realms – the Elohim, AA Michael, all our HS  – are staying now with Carla and are overwhelmed with joy and infinite happiness about our success. I have just talked to her on skype. She is still very tired from this unexpected and miraculous journey, especially after her astral visit to the 7th level to witness the horror of the MPR there and to report it to us, but now infinitely happy and relaxed.

This is the crowning of eons of painful incarnations as humans on this earth. The big cycle of this planet has been closed yesterday, as the Elohim have told Carla. She is about to prepare a report on her ascension experience and I will publish it for you as soon as possible.

From now on every one of you should reckon with his personal ascension and return in a physical body before the PAT will detonate the supernova. This is the next phase of the ascension plan, as Carla has been told by the Elohim. According to my estimation and that of Carla, the detonation of the PAT supernova will happen this month, depending on how and when the MPR from the 7th level will manifest on the higher levels 9th to 12th of the upper 4D earth.

I have been urged by my Higher Self  to start immediately with my preparation for my personal ascension through transfiguration. During Carla’s ascension I had to stay on the ground and keep the anchoring of her field, so that she could successfully return to this earth after her pioneer astral journey to the new 5D earth in full crystalline body was successfully accomplished. One must bear in mind that this has never happened before.

This would mean that from now on I will stop answering any emails from you and will also stop editing this website regularly. Only when an urgent announcement or information comes, I will consider it eventually for publication, in case I am still here.

I must now fully concentrate on my ascension and also on developing my ability to bi-locate, which according to the Elohim will come next for all ascension candidates, while still in a physical vessel and waiting for the PAT supernova to be detonated. The time of miracles has really commenced, my friends.

Based on these new dramatic and spectacular developments, it is my obligation to urge all the members of the PAT to go inward and simply relax in the next few days,  in the knowing that you have made it and that you do not need to do anything anymore. Detach fully from this reality, cut all bonds and know that you have accomplished your mission on this earth and that your transition to the 5th dimension will be the easiest part of all your endeavour as a human being in this last incarnation.

Carla has just confirmed how simple and easy your personal ascension will be. There is no need for you to do anything anymore, but just say consciously and firmly farewell to this reality with great inner joy, just as I have already said farewell to my editorial activities on this website.

The very intensive communication with you in the last two years has brought me huge satisfaction and many personal rewards and for this I am infinitely thankful to all of you. It has been a privilege to be in contact with you – the best part of humanity – but now it is time to pack our tents and return back home, where we shall be together again for ever.

This is the time to rejoice and to expect personal miracles. It is the time for which we have been waiting our whole life. Ascension has arrived!!!


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