Letters to the Editor
Dear Georgi,
Just checking in. So glad to hear from Jerry again and the way he writes with such sheer honesty and open heartedness and pain is so deeply touching. So much in the latest update of yesterday I resonated with. I was very glad to hear from Jules and her experiences in NYC. We used to live there, so I can relate to what she’s going through and I”m glad you confirmed that this last wave has indeed brought a boatload of stuff up again within family dynamics. I thought I’d done with that, but then all this stuff came roaring up again.
Honestly, I really hope ascension happens very, very soon, so that all these issues will be brought to the surface and swept away.
Check out my dream last night: The two of us (me and Leo) were on an airplane from Chicago to China. The plane was about to take off. We were in the last row of seats on the plane. The plane started to make lots of weird noise and I remember thinking, “I hope this isn’t one of those failed dreamliner planes that always catches fire.” The next thing I know I look out the window and all of the runway and surroundings in Chicago are flooded. The plane tries to take off and succeeds but after a few minutes decides it can’t continue and has to go back down. End of dream. There was more but I cannot remember.
The parallels to ascension in the dream are obvious, but what scares me is not so much the flooding, as that is the obvious deluge coming, but that the plane couldn’t stay in the air and had to come back down? I hope this doesn’t mean ascension is not successful, or maybe it’s not ready? any comments are welcome.
The other thing I wanted to comment on was the fact that your dual soul was sent to the Midwest to do cleansing work in the great lakes region. I’m so curious if you’re willing to say more about this? I also had the dream we were leaving from Chicago. I grew up in the great lakes region, as you know south of Cleveland and Lake Erie. Of course i know the importance of this region for water and how the lakes have been so polluted from over-industrialization from the auto industry, primarily. I spent most of my formative years also between Ohio and Michigan, attended university in Ann Arbor, so I’m familiar with this area, as well as Chicago especially. Detroit is an interesting case as lately the citizens of this broken down forgotten great city have taken over a lot of the old buildings and they’ve decided to return the city land into farm land to grow vegetables and also they’ve started attracting a lot of artists and artisans and craftsman to Detroit. That is what I’ve heard.
Do you see this region on the upper 4D earth as some kind of center of civilization? I know you said Munich is definitely to be the crux of much of technology. What do you see going on in the great lakes region?
Anyway, that’s my two cents for today. I’ve really enjoyed the last postings and resonated with so much. I’ve also related to someone’s comment (Zoltan’s, I think) endless restlessness, tension and anticipation. I feel that constantly, the restlessness especially.
May this all be over soon and many blessings to you, Georgi, as always for the marvelous captain you’ve been. May we meet in another more exquisite universe of our own making!
Love, Sarah
Dear Sarah,
now the big events will stipulate this month and they will solve all petty human and family dramas once and for all. Hence it is better not to delve into them even theoretically, by seeking old fashioned solutions.
I can only comment on regions, where I have lived and know their energetic pattern personally: My vision of Munich, being one of the future cultural and technological centres of love and new way of living, has been also confirmed by Jahn’s sources recently, together with Berlin and Vienna. As I do not know the area of the great lakes, I cannot comment on this part of the USA.
Your dream may indicate what Sananda is telling us in his latest message – many people will now cling to us, who will ascend. In your dream all the passengers in the airplane want to ascend above the calamities on the ground, but they cannot ascend as many of them will die in the coming deluge. These people will try to pull us down with them in the abyss, but will not succeed.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
just a quick thank you – for the dream comment. I had thought of that also, that also indicates why we were the people in the last row, rather holding the light back there.
I also interpret the recent family dramas in this same way– really clinging to me.
I remember you once said that we’d be taking our families with us. But honestly, besides definitely Leo, and maybe my nephew, and perhaps my mother and her mother, my grandmother, I cannot see who in my family will qualify anymore. too much baggage.
I know every one chooses their own path in the long run and we all must go our way, and the sooner, more succinctly and precisely we detach from their drama, the better for them and for us.
i asked about the Great Lakes b/c the message in your update indicated that the dual soul was there for a specific reason.
Recently I received from HS July 25 as a very important date, then only later I looked and saw that that is the first day of the Lion’s Gate opening.
All the best, and much love,
Dear Georgi,
This post makes me so sad. He (David Wilcock) really does not get it. I tried to read his post that you highlighted, but became very ill. All those words about how wonderful he is and his great knowledge. How about this quote, The “burden of wisdom” that we have been carrying, thanklessly, for so long is now starting to be shared by everyone on earth. That is as far as I read… I was finished as is he.
I was just getting ready to write you when you posted the David saga. I have been having unusual physical symptoms the past couple of weeks that I wanted to ask you about. I was reading again the post from the Elohim of July 4th trying to seek answers. I have worked outside in my vegetable and flower gardens for 8-10 hours most days. It is my passion. Until now I have had no trouble with various insect bites while outside. Now I seem to get large and painful welts. Then last week, the outside corner of my left eye burned and was painful for several days and then moved to my right eye again outside corner.There is no sign of a bite or eye inflammation, just some eyelid swelling and burning. Then I developed poison ivy pustules on both my lower arms…first time ever!! Yesterday I developed a 1inch swelling on my right side upper cheek. There is no discomfort or bite. Then today I noticed four black patches on the fingers of my right hand. The only thing I did was spray my roses with a fungicide. I scrubbed the areas,tried clorox, and then paint thinner. The spots do not change.
Please do not discount my question. I have lived through so many energetic waves the past two years especially that this just has me stumped. Is it possible that the proton energy waves can be expressed in physical body changes such as these. I have spoken with my cells and asked for relief of these symptoms. The thought I get from HS is that this is the inward changes being manifested outwardly for my benefit. I feel pretty healthy and happy considering living in our present situation. I just find it hard to believe that at age 65 my immune system has changed to this.
Thank you for whatever response you have. Just do not sent the men in white coats after me please.
Dear Jennifer,
we have now entered new energetic times and conditions of life, where lies and false pretensions are immediately recognized as such, but only by those people, who have raised their personal frequencies to these levels of truth. David Wilcock has not and that is why he will stay on the 4D earth as have been discussed by Sananda in his latest message.
To be honest, I have no idea what causes these hyper allergic responses of your skin to normal external stimuli. It could be the inner energies and vibrations that cause them. I myself have never had any neurodermatitis in my life and now I have since several weeks such lesions on both shins. I would suggest that you do not bother about these appearances as they will disappear very soon, at the latest when you ascend and it seems that we are now really on the cusp of this event.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your response. I was awakened with itching this morning at 4am and realized my poison ivy had spread quite a bit. I put a baking soda paste on to stop itching and help dry it up. My black spots on my hand have faded quite a bit. I just know either my environment has turned hostile even on a plant/insect level or my system has changed. It has to be one or the other. I would never go to a physician as you know and was helped in knowing you are having similar situation without previous problems. We shall see soon enough.
I have not worked outside for two days as the heat makes it worse. This has had the benefit of more reading/meditation time indoors. I am as Sananda has said, a ‘Spiritual Addict’, and proud of it. Perhaps this is the last thing I have to let go, living in my gardens. I will continue my preparations for our journey with even more resolve. I especially liked Sananda’s description of the people who feel they are redeemed enough, or have done enough work on themselves. I cannot even imagine feeling this way. As with this email example, I know everything is connected and want to learn from it and understand. I realize that I will not remember all the things I know while in this consciousness, but I keep trying.
Dear Georgi,
I am writing to you now immediately after reading your latest post, while having my breakfast. I did not and will not read David’s latest post, but I read his blog before and you are so right he is masking his true egoistic self in words of colorful and fluffy words. His moderator is also in this game with him. I am angst to see him gloating and puffing and pounding his chest as if he is one ‘mighty noble being’. He is just like those people whom I am trying to manage in my life. Understanding ‘their young souls’ is one thing, but to continue to co-exist in this realm with them is totally irksome. I am struggling with being patient and yet impatient at the same time with ascension and meditating within to pray for my ascension.
An update on my end, dear Georgi. After some emotional upheavals and not being myself in outbursts, my detachment process seems to go well which resulted in a recent deep sense of peace. It is like a knowing of finality. When my best friend in Canada was complaining to me about similar experiences with her friends, I was able to see with clarity what was happening and guide my friend accordingly. My close cousin had similar experience who also poured her share of incidents to me. The last was my teenage daughter whom I got another sudden realization that she too is experiencing the same from her friends. She had cried to me why her friends are so self centred, treating her well when they are happy and ill treating her when they are unhappy, never giving thoughts to her feelings of whether she deserved it or created their unhappiness. She has always been a very kind and compassionate friend, going out to help them when she could. To all of my loved ones above, I sent them the link ‘Let it Be’. Thank you, Georgi….
With love and light,
Dear Sandra,
if you read the latest message from Sananda, you will find the explanation why most people behave so carelessly towards other people now. More than 80% of all humans have no soul fragment in their bodies on this upper 4D earth and are soulless empty holographic images. In addition, they can no longer cope with the new high frequency proton waves and energies and also receive negative subconscious impulses from the lower catastrophic 4D earths, where their soul fragments now dwell and experience huge catastrophes and personal calamities.
The air is very thin for these entities now and they must very soon leave this reality.
The process of ascension has now entered its final culmination phase and from now on anything is possible and can happen. And one thing is for sure – rogue New Agers like David Wilcock will not ascend with us, but will stay on the 4D earths to learn their lessons on sincerity and truthfulness.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
How are you in these days? I’m quite good when I don’t take into an account a fact that for a few recent weeks I don’t sleep a single hour throughout all the day.
I don’t know how it’s physically possible since all doctors agree that human being who is for the long time deprived of sleep and dreaming starts to behave disoriented and with mental disorders. But in my case, except for the huge exhaustion, I’m still thinking clearly.
What can be a purpose for keeping my awareness all the time present here in 4D and not participating in dream states in other activities as was the case before?
Also, the only emotions that I feel in these weeks are deep sadness and melancholy.
On the contrary, the latest messages from Sananda ( “Flight to Freedom” and “Zero Time” ) send out really strong vibrations, which leave no possibility for a single doubt that everything is ready to start.
Also today’s Gaia Portal confirms that feeling. It’s crystal clear that this time we’ll finally manage to leave this prison.
Dear Marek,
thank you for your energy account. I also sleep at present much less than before – only several hours, but not as bad as you.
I have just written an article on the latest developments where I also discuss GaiaPortal’s latest message.
Dear George,
i have now completed “The Evolutionary Leap…” and I must say, I cannot imagine this being a lesson for school children, as it is more advanced than any conversation I ever had with my circle of friends, virtually all of whom have advanced degrees.
Your description of “old souls who have labored alone” particularly resonated with me; while, I am clearly not a member of the PAT (having no symptoms of “light body” conversion), this description is the perfect summary of my life on this toxic planet, particularly this cesspool of corruption, oppression and injustice, the United States of America.
Since dreams seem to big a big part of you “Letters…” articles, I must reveal more about myself, something I am loath to do; not because I am a “private person, but simply because I don’t consider “me” all that interesting.
Nonetheless, as I have stated before, as frustrating as my “waking” hours can be, they are nothing compared to my dreams. I cannot recall any dream in my nearly 64 years being anything more than mildly pleasant. Usually, I have the same unpleasant thematic dream; only the specific elements change. I am returning home, by the same route as I came; yet, now there are obstacles, unfamiliar surroundings, such as a house which turns into a maze or an abyss, either a large body of water, an extremely high roof or a canyon. This dream had ceased in late May; however, it began again around July 1.
While I had not read the following comments when the dream recommenced, I must admit these frighten me. One is your comment on “suicide by installment” in “The Evolutionary Leap…” The other is from the latest channeling of Jesus Sananda, “Flight to Freedom”; in it, Jesus states, “This means that this game contained a huge potential risk. The risk of losing oneself again, after one has been, after so many lives, already so close to ascension and enlightenment.” I smoke and eat what I like; I made these choices after a whole series of medical errors left me crippled, both my body and my libido; I figured I needed at least two “guilty pleasures” in my life. The second is my utter withdrawal from the social networks; as, I can no longer abide those troll-infested, “politically correct,” intellectual voids; and, I must admit, my departures have not always been under the most amicable of circumstances.
Have I “started down the wrong path” by isolating myself? Publicly, I am surrounded by
automatons clearing performing subroutines. Entertainment in the form of television and
movies (except for a few inspiring foreign films) no longer stimulates me. Now my last
avenue of communication and intellectual stimulation appears closed to me. Have I stopped growing? If so, I am one of the “walking dead;” and, if there is someway to correct that, I am certainly open to it.
With love and light,
Dear Bob,
it is not necessary to have lucid dreams as incarnated personality. There are souls that accomplish such complicated duties .e.g. holding connection to other galaxies, universes and civilisations that they cannot translate this night work into dream images.
It is quite normal to detach fully from this reality at this point in time and to acknowledge its robotic illusory character. But it is completely wrong to deduce from this detachment and its social fallout that you must have become a robot yourself. This is a completely wrong conclusion and one which should be substituted in your case with more self- esteem and love for what you are experiencing. And know that there are many other LW who are even worse off than you are at this present moment.
Dear George,
Thank you for you reply. I thought I was expressing the concern that I was shirking my responsibilities as a “messenger” by abandoning the social networks, thus risking the wrong path. Actually, my life is quite delightful right now; so much so, that I was actually concerned that I was not suffering enough. However, I have found so much solace in your writings and do understand that soul development is a process of individual experiences. What I meant in my previous correspondence was, that while external stimuli no longer interest me, inspiration for creativity has soared to the extent that I have no real time to miss said external stimuli. I guess I am one of those who has more trouble dealing with success than failure. My heart goes out to those old souls experiencing pain and suffering at this time.
Thank you again for your reassurances.
With love and light,
Dear Bob,
If this is the case than you should start enjoying your success.
Dear Georgi,
After watching the video of Obama’s announcement, my impression was that this creature was dragged out of his deathbed for a farewell speech. He looks very sick, and apparently it takes him a great effort to speak properly. I reckon at this point, the only reason he is alive is because he is needed to play out his role in the awakening process of humanity, otherwise the HD energies would have eaten him up to the bone already.
I’ve been thinking about David Wilcock too. Does this man have a clue about the titanic energy work that a handful of hermits have been doing on behalf of Gaia and humanity? If one types the words “ascension 2012” into google search, the 5th search result from the top is stankovuniversallaw.org, so he must have come across the website at some point, and read about our experiences of the ascension process, and with his intelligence figure out who are the real protagonists thereof. Yet he still displays the attitude of a young soul, focusing on his position and reputation, propagating his “epic ebook” on financial tyranny.
If individuals like him, or Carry Cassidy of Project Camelot are so keen on presenting the truth, why don’t they interview you, or ask for your permission to present the priceless information you’ve been providing for years?
Yours truly,
Dear Zoltan,
this is a very good question. There are also a number of websites that also deal with ascension but never publish articles or channellings from our website, although they know about us and we give them the´best and most reliable information on this issue.
However, when you have read the latest message from Sananda you will know why it is so. These people are not allowed by their HS to discern this truth and hence we are invisible for them – they have no eyes for us due to their prejudices and deceptions that make them blind for the truth. That is why such people will not ascend but stay on the lower 4D earths to learn painfully what real discernment and spiritual awakening means. It is only a matter of days now.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Just FYI (for your information), one of the incidents in Mike Adam’s article happened right here in the town I live. The young college women who was harassed by officers of the ABC (Virginia Alcohol and Beverage Control) who mistakenly thought she was buying beer underage. The legal age limit here in Virginia is 21, which I think is ridiculous to begin with.
The city is outraged at this incident. I for one, didn’t even know my tax dollars paid for a special ABC force of officers( In a local article I read last week, it appears these assholes have a huge surveillance van with the latest equipment, paid for with our tax dollars! Why do they need a high tech surveillance van to catch teenagers buying beer? )
There is so much this going on now around the country it makes one’s head spin. It is only a matter of time now before things explode.
Oh, and absolutely loved yesterday’s article, “New Studies:Conspiracy Theorists Sane”, I sent it to my family…made me feel somewhat vindicated!
In Love and Light,
Dear Vicki,
thank you for this important confirmation of this incident and the correctness of the article written by Mike Adam. These are the last throes of a dying corrupt regime that wants to establish a brutal military dictatorship in the USA and the world over. It also proves that Obama is the greatest war criminal on power in the last 5 years. It is a scandal that this man was given the Nobel Prize award when he should decay in jail with a life sentence (I am against death sentence).
With love and light