by Georgi Stankov, July 25, 2013
I have decided to publish this recent message from the Masters because it contains in cryptic, almost deciphered form some very important bits of information that fully coalesce with our information and knowledge obtained from our sources on the ascension scenario.
First it confirms overwhelmingly that since thesummer solstice on June 21, 2013 powerful proton waves have commenced to flood earth and humanity and have already profoundly changed the energetic structure of Gaia and this solar system, so that Gaia has actually entered a new solar system or place in this universe. This has always been implicit as a consequence of her ascension to the 5th dimension:
“The Summer Solstice aided by Moon and Moon’s own heightened infusions of her own magnetic fields combined with incomparable and eternal bio-supramic atoms (this term alludes to the proton waves from the Source, comments George) of powerful Light did indeed Create yet another Universal Wonder. Moon conjoined with the combined energies of other planets, other worlds, and thus did indeed release for three days before the “Super Moon” and continuing for three days after, the most heighted collective of a consciousness.”
We (Carla and myself) learnt about the coming of the proton waves first around June 30th from the Elohim and then definitely from GaiaPortal when they peaked on July 3rd:
“Elevated hydrogen combinations with Higher Elements creates fusion energies sufficient to displace and transform dark intended thoughts. New Paradigm Hydrogen Energetics are designed to connect with New Paradigm Elementals.”
But, as it is with all cosmic processes, they always start slowly in an invisible manner, before they gain momentum and manifest to the diligent, medially gifted observer. The vast masses of human beings are still unaware of these cosmic processes. The first message of the Elohim:
“The intense energies released begins a new process of serial upgrading upon the face of your beloved planet Earth, an upgrading that is allowing for, initiating and triggering the instant adaptation in those, whose energetic blueprint is attuned to the 5th, 7th and 9th dimensions.”
and their second one on the proton waves fully coalesce in their presentation with that of the Masters in their message as quoted above:
“This is a non-refractory event (i.e. without any resistance in terms of negative responses, George) because it flows with ease and has an instantaneous knowing of where it needs to go and how it must align. The proton is a conscious element and is the foundation of all awareness of every reflection and expression of God within all Universes. It is the culmination, the projection of conscience that moves the element, the proton, into it’s sacred position as the foundation of the principle of unification within the universal expression, in which we all find ourselves [The Elohim have included themselves here].”
Then the masters’ message gives us some very important information in a cryptic form on a number of issues concerning the most likely time schedule of the impending ascension:
1) Before August 15 we may have ascended and thus shall enjoy expanded awareness and shall be able to understand all these complex energetic processes that now prepare the ascension of Gaia and humanity: “Before August 15th. of this present year, many of you will have a better understanding of this.”
2) It addresses the “Frankenstein monster“, which is a metaphor for all weapons, which the ruling cabal have developed with the help of alien technology, given to them by the Greys and the Reptilians to influence the global weather and thus prevent the process of ascension:
“The Frankenstein monster created by the various “allied” countries intent on changing the weather patterns is loose!.. Frankenstein which was intentionally created to FIRST be used as a potential weapon against other countries perceived to be “dangerous” has grown exponentially beyond that initial concept….What began years ago with chemtrail spraying as a means of genocide and to control the crops and alter weather to whatever degree the leaders had chosen, whatever horrendous geographic point the spraying was to be directed, has taken a quantum leap. Yes, it is true that HAARP, ELF, WOODPECKER and others of that type of piercing vibrations and frequency alterations has and still is playing an ULTRAVIOLET role in those endeavors. The creators of this barrage of unnatural storms, drought, flooding and so forth, believing they could change this world AT ANY COST realized a scant 18 months ago that they made a fatal mistake. One that can not be fixed! The Beast is out of control.”
This information explains the energetic background for the huge HAARP-induced catastrophes that have already happened on the six lower 4D earths and have even exceeded the worst predicted scenario by the HR, as extensively reported on our website. Please, consider that this message was given before these events began to unfold in Mid-July. The decision to use these Frankenstein weapons of mass destruction was made between July 11th – 14th, as I have written in my Chronicle of these events and then implemented on July 16th first on the three lower 4D earths.
3) To counter-balance this menace, the forces of light have begun with the acceleration of the displacement of the poles in the course of this year as also discussed occasionally on our website:
“Terra is reacting to this situation by counterbalancing the effects of this unnatural violence and moving the poles slightly more quickly now. We were honored to be asked to assist her and the Star Keepers from other worlds in this endeavor.”
This information explains why it was possible to trigger the MPR in July 18th on the lower three 4D earths 1-3 and on July 23th on the upper 4D earths 4-6. Now the only 4D timeline that still awaits the MPR is our upper 4D earth at the 7th level.
4) Because of all these energetic processes, Gaia has already entered a new solar system. We know already that Gaia has actually ascended to the 5th dimension as a collective soul end of May, from the moment when the seven parallel 4D earths were created and the catastrophic 3D earth was irrevocably separated from these timelines on May 24th/25th.
5) All other pieces of information regarding the current drastic changes in the global weather patterns are very coherent, stringent and highly instructive – they explain very well what is currently ongoing behind the veil.
6) This message outlines a time schedule when all the catastrophic events on the upper 4D earth will take place and will be accomplished grosso modo. It also underlines that they are inevitable, contrary to the infinite euphemistic messages of the dark channeling sources in the New Age scene since Dec 21, 2013 that hailed unisono the avoidance of any catastrophic scenarios on the earth.
We know now better that this was a deliberate deception of the dark ones as to lull the ligthworkers in their immense gullibility and thus to realize their heinous plans as the latest channelings of Sanandaconfirm one more time. At present we are the only group of advanced souls worldwide that knows about the catastrophes on the other six 4D-earths. We experienced them personally as documented in our daily reports and explained them in terms of their multidimensionality:
“You have until two weeks before the Autumn Equinox to leave fear behind and HOLD ON TIGHT! NO, none of you can alter this horror that has been created”
This means that at the latest on September 8th all these catastrophic events must have taken place and the ascending portion of humanity is out of the woods. This forecast is for the masses and does not concern the PAT, as we shall most probably ascend much earlier. But this time schedule coalesces very well with what we know so far, e.g from April’s HS on the 13th and final Star of David/Merkabah alignment, July 22nd – August 25th.
Hence I can only recommend you to read this text very carefully between the lines and to compare it with the information already published on our website. I personally profited very much from this lecture and was very content to find such a great unanimity in this lucid presentation of the actual situation on the upper 4D earth, although the concept of mutidimensionality is omitted. Most probably the channeller is not aware of it and would have been overwhelmed. One never gets more information from heaven that it is already in his head, as I have discussed with Marc Gamma recently.
The Masters, June 30, 2013
Master Kato (transmitted to Celest) Well Planetizens, at another “timeline” in a previous era here on the Earth Star planet, I would be speaking with all of you about the utter importance of not maintaining the status quo and instead be peaceful warriors with a cause and encouraging all of you to be actively pursuing evolution. However, we as a collective have been there, done that. Alas, as usual among the human races here, our warnings have for the most part fallen on deaf ears.
So it is Planetizens, that here and NOW during the gridline section that was so stupendously marked by the recent Summer Solstice of 2013, you are each in an enviable or unenviable position of confronting the FUTURE NOW. This confrontation and its consequences OR benefits is dependent on what you have been doing, thinking and CREATING. Welcome to the gridline of what may be considered a major maelstrom by many, OR for SOME of you it is the accelerated path and new pattern of the New Earth.
Far too many of us have spent innumerable amounts of energy especially in the last two centuries cautioning, cautioning, cautioning all races that this new era would come and that it would do this during this calendar year.”Era” in my terminology means the gridline of unlimited potential as well as events that are written in stone.”
Many have heard but few have listened. Sister Moon is an awesome version of a greater Cosmos and truly reflects all the energies needed on and for this world. However, in accordance with the Divine Plan, the Summer Solstice aided by Moon and Moon’s own heightened infusions of her own magnetic fields combined with incomparable and eternal bio-supramic atoms (protons from the Source, comments George) of powerful Light did indeed Create yet another Universal Wonder. Moon conjoined with the combined energies of other planets, other worlds, and thus did indeed release for three days before the “Super Moon” and continuing for three days after, the most heighted collective of a consciousness.
This consciousness is far above the Super Conscious; it is a type that this world has never experienced. This was also a combined effort of Moon and Solstice; clearly defining the end of the way life has been being lived here since “forever ago” and initiating and installing more and deeper vortexes which reached down into the core of this Earth. The term “bio-supramic” is simply an energetic term AND FORCE – a MOVEMENT which causes a joining together of the strongest of Light Meters and a lessening of the weakest Light Meters. In this fashion the strongest survive and thrive. Such too will be the new history of the new human races.
There has not been a single individual on this planet, not any life of any species, not a brook, ocean, tree or blade of grass, which has not been impacted by this force. Too many lines had been crossed; too many liberties lost or stillborn and too much death of the innocents for this to be any other way. Now pay attention please: sentience is becoming more heightened for those who already had been using it. As for those who have not been …. it is similar now to having a “missing link” in their bodies and minds.
So many, many times we, as well as our Star Keeper brethren, the God of this Universe and the Angels have warned ad nauseam that the time of the GREAT separation of the wheat and the chaff would take place. Each person has had unlimited opportunities to decide which they were. “Be you wheat or be you chaff?” However, as you have been warned repeatedly, time no longer exists. What is done is done and can not, will not, be undone. Be aware however that the effects of this Summer Solstice will not completely culminate until March 13, 2016. The effects of this most recent Super Moon will still be felt nine years from the date of this message.
Before August 15th. of this present year, many of you will have a better understanding of this. I must commend each of you who either held very private meetings or in solitary spent quiet meditative moments focusing on assisting this Solstice, this Super Moon. We know who you are and we know where you live! I can say the same for all those millions and millions of people of all races here who simply continued on their cavorting way. We know who you are and we know where you live!
I will also tell you that in the early evening of June 6th. of this year, God, the Creator, we who are the collective of the Masters, Blue Star the Pleiadian, Jesus and Mary, the Angels and many others of Divinity, visited Celestial and David and as a collective we expressed to both of them our vast disappointment and discontent with the human races overall. Hatonn was in rare form and Blue Star was his usual “homeboy” self. In other words, things became a bit loud for a while! We chose to select Celestial and David to discuss this situation with because we know they can handle it. All of it! Just in case you forgot, or even worse do not know, all of us who are multidimensional Beings can and do separate into what you would think of as “micro-millions” of ourselves. When we feel it is necessary we can be “macro” as well. It is all relevant to whatever the circumstances are in any given moment. In this manner we are LITERALLY “here, there and everywhere.”
It is always sad to see so many millions of peoples of all races continue to believe all the thinly disguised lies their leaders here tell them, rather than to look beyond that veil of sheer ignorance and stop being too lazy to deal with the actual truth of any given situation. There truly is a difference between being gullible and being naive. Naiveté is a product of innocence; it is part of a special goodness which lives within a Soul. This type of innocence is enchanting, it is endearing, even though at times it can pose some difficulties for those people. Gullibility is an absence of this type of innocence. Gullible people of all races are prone to believe the most preposterous lies rather than to research those lies and use their own fertile minds instead. These people are the ones who chose to ignore stated truths from God and other evolved Beings. Truth can be scary to these women and men. It is much easier to believe lies than to work at understanding truths.
Have you ever wondered why, with the notable exception of the people of all races who choose to not believe in God as part of their chosen life experience, why it is the other nonbelievers do so? It is far easier for these latter groupings to believe that “this is all there is” rather than understand and choose to believe in reincarnation. There is personal responsibility required by all who believe in reincarnation. It means in the basic sense that knowing that “you have been and you will be again” has an un-gullible kneejerk response from the Soul. Soul in a fashion lives contiguous life experiences while you are mortal. At times Soul goes to great pains to send you a flash …. sometimes longer for some people – of memories which may be disguised as a dream. Soul is the Great Enabler; it continues throughout your mortalities to be your own greatest Comforter, your own personal channel of information, your own personal “Code writer of Universal Laws.” The term “channel” simply means it is a CONDUIT – one that is of the SuperConscious and Universal Consciousness which remains untainted; it is the epitome of purity. There are many dichotomies present here on the Earth Star Planet.
Peoples of all races want, NEED to believe in “something;” but if that SOMETHING does not fit into the general population’s reflections of life, if it is an issue that is not promulgated by organized religions or T.V. and movie personalities, – which are all basically one and the same – then how can they accept it as truth? So, it came to pass that God has been placed on the back-stream of life and fallacies accepted as truths. Yet truth always has seemed to move more slowly than does the most gullible peoples’ espousing what they have been told is truth. Truth has once moved at a snail’s pace; but now thanks to all of the combined efforts of the true peoples here and all those other Beings who are working off-planet as well as on-planet, those who are working by, with and for the people, truth-talkers are now on a major collision course with the gullibility that travels all over this world.
Do you really believe that the sudden appearance of more and more highly placed whistleblowers in this world is “an accident?” Do you believe that the continued exposure of false prophets is “coincidence?” Surely even the least evolved among the races here can not possibly believe that the weather patterns which have altered dynamically are merely a result of global warming. Of course the warming has played a role, just as Terra herself has. But there the resemblance to “weather truth” ends.
The ultra religious are fear-struck and praying for their own redemption. Not anyone else’s of course. There are polarity shifts among the races now; these schisms now live in the minds and hearts of people more so than ever before. The people who have chosen to live fear-ridden lives can not tolerate being around others who WALK AND LIVE IN TRUTH! They see these truth-talkers as dangerous, as lunatics, as “gullible.” Yet in truth these talker/walkers are none of these things. Gullibility travels in packs; it is the “stuff” that endangered species carry. It is the final resting place of the chaff. The gullible are integrated into the morass, into the dangerous and immoral minds of the most vicious types of people now.
THIS is what living in fear does. Its own magnetic force (the fear factor) must seek and find other people of all races who are angry, vicious, drug-ridden and abusive beyond belief. At one time in their lives many, many of these violent people were gullible. Much ridicule and shame had been heaped upon them by others however. Their very susceptibility to saying and believing incredulous mistruths magnetized them to the lesser people. That energetic magnet warps the minds and closes the hearts of these people. They then become exactly what they fear. Some of them actually know this consciously. But it changes nothing. This is one reason for the advent of this particular Super Moon and this accompanying Solstice.
You see Earthizens; the Frankenstein monster created by the various “allied” countries intent on changing the weather patterns is loose! Although only the poorest of the countries around the world have not been able to amass the vast fortunes necessary to “feed the beast” they too are not innocent. It is no secret to any leader of any land that the Frankenstein which was intentionally created to FIRST be used as a potential weapon against other countries perceived to be “dangerous” has grown exponentially beyond that initial concept.
What began years ago with chemtrail spraying as a means of genocide and to control the crops and alter weather to whatever degree the leaders had chosen, whatever horrendous geographic point the spraying was to be directed, has taken a quantum leap. Yes, it is true that HAARP, ELF, WOODPECKER and others of that type of piercing vibrations and frequency alterations has and still is playing an ULTRAVIOLET role in those endeavors. The creators of this barrage of unnatural storms, drought, flooding and so forth, believing they could change this world AT ANY COST realized a scant 18 months ago that they made a fatal mistake. One that can not be fixed! The Beast is out of control.
Terra is reacting to this situation by counterbalancing the effects of this unnatural violence and moving the poles slightly more quickly now. We were honored to be asked to assist her and the Star Keepers from other worlds in this endeavor. Because of this she has entered into the beginnings of her new solar system. She is not permitted to give a huge belch and forcibly remove everyone and every thing from this planet. Be grateful for that Planetizens! So she has chosen an alternate path, one that is aligned with her own new SELF.
STOP giving over your power to the ancient Illuminati by blaming them for all of this present horror. Even THEY could not have succeeded with their hellacious plans for this world had it not been for their lineage. It is their hu-man counterparts who have continued carrying the torch of their ancestors. Some of them do so knowingly and others do so out of their own gullibility. YES this world is quickly becoming a vast dust bowl, not only in great part on the American continent, certainly not only in the Middle East, but everywhere.
Gullible people of all races fail to realize that the severe storms and the constancy of seemingly non-ending rain, is lowering the elevation in all areas. Why do so many not see this? Surely if you pay attention even the gullible people of all races, you can tell the difference. It is not merely the rising of the waterways now, it is not merely the continuous eroding of land, the land is sinking. So, on the one hand you have the droughts and then storms. Each is causing measurable loss of land, foodstuffs, animal life and loss of human life.
Watch for the signs of unnatural storms. Terra assists in starting cleansing storms and bringing NEEDED rainfall and snow. However the Frankenstein’s magnetic core immediately seizes upon the beneficial magnetic energies, thus de-hancing them by causing a deplorable accelerated speed which then interferes with all neutronical and atatomical measurements intended to assist this world. Yes, this world too has her own nervous system. This interference causes massive churning of the currents both on land and in the waterways.
Skies should NEVER develop a neon green color when a tornado is developing or HAS developed fully. Massive numbers of tornados all occurring at the same time and often in the same areas is NOT normal! The very friction that manmade tornados possess causes vibrational changes, severe alterations within the Earth, thus causing more than NATURAL earthquakes. Frankenstein has created channels which follow patterns all over this planet now to such a degree that specific corridors have been carved into the atmosphere and across the natural land and waterways. It is akin to taking two magnets and placing them at close proximity to one another. Sooner or later they join together. Many sinkholes will continue to develop in regions across this world, while dust will begin to develop a harder crust, a thicker density. These are actions and reactions cause by the Frankenstein.
The Sun, he is changing more rapidly now than before, Expect him to pop up at different times in different areas. You will see what I mean. The energetics that Moon and Solstice provided for Terra is causing a dampening of the Frankenstein effect. However …… those of you who are the wisest on this planet that you are RENTING, should quickly understand that you are now in the throes of the ending and simultaneously your understanding of what the beginning must herald.
Many of the deleterious lineage I have spoken of are building even more bunkers for themselves. They started creating something that is now controlling them as well. Keep your eyes to the skies and work more diligently than ever before on holding on to the eye of the storm!
This Solstice is THE BIG ONE! You have until two weeks before the Autumn Equinox to leave fear behind and HOLD ON TIGHT! NO, none of you can alter this horror that has been created. We are all working on that. Be aware if you live near mountains however, fires will burn supreme. That is also true of lands in the Southern hemisphere however and several other countries that do not have mountains per se. This present Solstice will either be your best friend for life or your worst dream-mare come true (this alludes to the MPR and our ascension as a consequence of this, comment, George). It is all a matter of personal perception now and personal responsibility.
Store up as much water as you are able to. REAL water definitely NOT chlorinated. Can your foods if you have the skills; put ample dried and canned foodstuffs away. I did not say “hoard” now did I? The maddening crowds are becoming even more so, so use caution and discernment and stay out of the forthcoming melees please. You have all now gone from “we are issuing a repetitive call to you” to “it’s now or never.” Everyone wants the truth well…. CATCH …. I just threw it to you. You now know as much as you need to for this present time. As for the gullible, no, no one can do anything for them. They will either help themselves or they will not.
We speak as ONE…. Salude, The Masters