The Last Call

Bertha Liduvina Ramos, June 14, 2013

Dear PAT,

I have the pleasure to present you the two beautiful songs composed by our PAT member Bertha Liduvina Ramos who comes from the USA, but now lives in Mexico. After I learned that she is a song writer and a singer, I asked her to submit some of her songs and share them with the PAT. Now I am happy to do this. These songs are dedicated to the PAT and our impending ascension. They have struck a very deep cord in my heart and I love these songs and the vocal interpretation of Bertha. Enjoy her wonderful music.


Bertha Liduvina Ramos – Songs

The Last Call / We are not Waiting

Puerto Escondido


Dearest Georgi:

Thank you so much for continuing to write and post keeping us informed and hopeful. These last weeks have been full of amazing events, mixed with utter despair and confusion, your site has been a source of balance for the soul. I sensed that something had changed from HR since the 28th, but I was at a loss for answers.

A hurricane was announced to hit the area, where I live now for that date. They started evacuating the community and preparing shelters. I was calmed and felt protected, ready to be a compassionate observer. We waited all night in surrealistic quietness… nothing. The hurricane moved inland and went somewhere else, the area was untouched. My heart was transmuting collective fears for 2 days, pain and sorrow. It was deep.

Then between the 4th and 9th of June the energies going through my field were mad to put it lightly. I was so happy and grateful to read all your confirmations on dates. HR change of plans, then your work with your dual soul… and then the magnificent news of the rebirth of Greek culture. The arts, science, aesthetic pleasures, bliss, laughter. That’s what I am about! I feel ecstatic. Thank you George,I’m so honoured to be a member of the PAT and feel so close to you and all connected to your site.

About my song, I don’t know how to send voice only link, so I will forward a video, that’s easy from my ipad, so if you think its appropriate to post it, its good; otherwise I will be happy to be “seen” only by you in this dimension, aha!. Ill send a link for “We,re Not Waiting” and “Puerto Escondido”, the second, a song to my new geographical home by the ocean which translates:

“The world stopped turning,
So that I would get off in a space without time,
No memory or frontier.
So that I would wait protected there,
While one world ends,
And another one is born.”

(Short versions of the two songs)
I hope you enjoy the songs,

With Love and Light and from my soul,
Bertha Liduvina

Dear Bertha,

I am looking forward to the two links of your songs as video and will publish them in the next report.

I am also happy to hear that you validate the energetic roller coaster we all went through and which has not finished yet. It was a huge reshuffling of all timelines and I have just received an excellent message from Jahn, channelled by Sananda that brilliantly confirms my multi-dimensional model of seven parallel 4D earths with a different degree of catastrophes.

These are the most amazing times and most of the LW are completely lost and unable to grasp what is currently happening. I try to add my fair share in bringing some clarity to the events the way I personally experience them and the way they are explained to me by my HS. In the last three weeks I also profited from my dual soul who channels very clear messages and we got a lot of background information that facilitates my explanation of the current turbulent events behind the veil. The fear cleansing is ongoing and is still very heavy, but I hope that it will subside very soon when the parallel 4D timelines are fully separated from our upper 4D earth, which will be also the time of our ascension.

With love and light

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