Personal Opinions – May 18, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Today I like to dedicate a song to you, George:

and my short story to this dedication:

It started with your article “How True – The Daily Hell of the PAT” (on the 14th of May),  some time after I read your text, I heard:  “all is well in hell”  –  my spontaneous reaction was a strong laugh about this rather sarcastic connection with your title (I found my condition well explained in your words). The next time I heard it again, I smiled ironically. The very next day, during a walk, I heard it again:  “all is well in hell”. This time I replied:  “No!” “All is well in creation. But NOT all is well in hell”. And yesterday in the evening I listened to  “all is well in hell”  again – I received it in my consciousness and then I felt an expansion into acceptance, a perceiving of the all-embracing picture, and I could feel the peace in this eternal orchestration, and the same time a conclusion of peace within unfolding.

In these days I also felt deeply touched with your text “Jahns Traumbotschaften und die Rolle des PAT in der historischen Perspektive” – I felt and received this as a fulfillment in my journey, searching for my true identity, wirting my thesis 20 years ago, recognizing that science is not allowing this step beyond, turning my own life into experience and embodiment of my true being. And I even could read this in German language – what a synchronicity! – for this I express my thanks to Josephine. Amazing how all threads are coming together completely. So you might understand my sharing with you through this song.

I am in great awe.

Dear Silvia,

I am happy that the latest articles have struck a cord in your soul, although the occasion – daily hell – is not what one would like to experience. But as long as we have no influence over our human experiences, but are a mere function of All-That-Is, it is still better to recognize and discuss one’s personal daily hell than to sweep it with a big broom under the carpet of silence and pretend that life on this toxic planet is hilarious. It is not, otherwise we will not make all these efforts to ascend and take as many humans as we can with us to paradise.

With love and light

Dear George

I have just read the latest posting and can confirm an overwhelming sense of sadness, lethargy and tiredness yesterday, as if I really knew that to do anything else in this reality was pointless. As we have all been here before, I continue to do the day to day stuff that I need to do to try to enjoy the remaining time in this reality but it is a struggle.

I have known for a long time that ascension would cut through my family and ponder whether my life has always been on of not fitting in to make it easier? As far as my family are concerned, they have been given chance after chance to change and live differently only to remain in the same state of causing their own downfall and then bemoaning their fate. Through this I have been able to remain the detached observer and have tried and tried, and tried to make them see that they are the creators of their own situations and show a way out. I have now been told, and not for the first time, that my opinions are unwelcome and will try to keep quiet I think.

I can confirm that when you leave this reality, because of my NDE, that as unlikely as it seems (even to me sitting here) or how much you love someone, or your family, there is no sorrow because we are able to see things in a completely different light.

We are love and people have done their best to condition me out of being it to no permanent avail and I find this reality puzzling and difficult.

We are going home.

Must love to you and all the PAT

In love and light

Dear Maria,

thank you for this final comments on how one should sever the last weak bonds to this reality prior to ascension and why all human emotions have no relevance in the overall cosmic picture.

With love and light


This channelling so resonated with me, and so speaks the PAT, as well. Curiously, the letter was dated April 22, 2013, but received it just today, as We are now ready.

Just wanted to add, on Aug 8, 2012, I read your blog post on 2012 forum, regarding LBP symptoms. It caught my eye, as my boyfriend and I were experiencing our  Heart Chakra opening symptoms. His, in the middle of his chest, mine on the other side, between shoulder plates.

Your post was so impressive and explanation was so helpful, it made us look up stankovuniversallaw.orgwebsite.

Last week, I went back to reread it because May 7-8, for two days I was in so much pain.  On Tuesday, my left bottom tooth, and on Wednesday, clear splitting, sharp stabbing pain on the right side of my forehead slicing diagonally through my eyeball, that even on Thursday I was completely wiped out. It was awful. I knew nothing would help, except ride it through as it shall pass, and it did.

But most importantly, just couple of weeks ago, I happened to read your article about the clicking sound in ears, which for me, became prominently noticeable in May 2012. You wrote to tell it to stop, say no, you cannot enter my space any longer! Well, I have done that, and the frequency of it happening, lessened rapidly. I now immediately affirm, sometimes aloud, “no. nope. No more. Go away” and it does. The clicking stops immediately! Thank you so much for that simple, but powerful advise! Thank you for Enlightening me, us, with your knowledge.

In Light

Dear Katrina,

thank you for this link. I have read this channeling before and it is good, insofar as it limits the whole esoteric shebang to the proper understanding of frequencies and how they superimpose and intermingle. This is also the physical basics of my new Gnosis.

I can also confirm that in the last several days this clicking tones appeared again with me and I had to use the same method as described and now used by yourself to dispel these noises and entities that infringed upon my field.

Now it is peace again.

With love and light


I am confident that I will ascend to 4d earth, so I wanted to ask how much destruction will occur on 4d earth because if great changes will occur, then it’s obvious my surroundings will be very different from the 3d earth and so, does that mean people will be aware that they have shifted dimensionally?

I hope the question makes sense. And I also wanted to ask how much devastation India will face in the near future in regards to the earth changes.

PS: I send you all the love in the world and will pray that I get a visit from you as an ascended master


Dear Divya,

I cannot give you any precise information how certain geographical regions will be affected by the ID shift and the MPR. Nobody knows this now for certain, although there is some information about 3d-earth B.

Most of the humans on earth A/B will experience these catastrophes, but will not be personally affected. As I wrote, many of them will prefer to forget them as not to be hindered by this traumatic memory in their future life on earth A/B, where many things will be similar to this earth, but much more advanced and society will be much more just. Abundance will be also the norm for all humans, and this will of course affect India tremendously for the better, where now poverty is ubiquitous.

With love and light

Dear April (also to Dorie),

what do you sense on the eve of the big show (May 17)? See Jerry and my comments below.


40 Minutes ago, 16.00 GMT, May 17, 2013


This wave is different. I feel a deep, deep feeling of impending doom.


Dear Jerry,

the impending doom you sense is also strong in my field. But I feel more so a kind of collective anxiety and impatience that the events should finally commence. It is not so much a wave, but a sensation this time. But it is rather unpleasant. Otherwise, I have no other inkling for the moment as if we were in a dead zone, where no signals enter the space.


Yes George you have described it better than I did.

Dear Georgi,

This morning (May 17) I felt very good. Very light hearted and refreshed. It has slowly been degrading as the day goes on.

For example now my teeth are aching, and I feel a great amount of sad wistfulness coming off the masses. Sort of a release of a lifetimes worth of would have, could have, should have’s. But I also sense it as sadness tinged resolve or acceptance of what is to come. And this seems fitting for tomorrow and/or this weekends scheduled events. It almost feels like something could even pop off this evening.

Thank you for checking in and sharing Jerry’s observations as well. Please keep me posted.

Much love and light,

Dear Georgi,

Oh my gosh, wait until I tell you what just happened! I took my friend Laura to see a new movie that has just been released in the theaters today. It’s called ‘Into Darkness’ and is a Star Trek series movie. Anyway, In the opening scene, right there on the big screen are the words, Location: Planet X Nibiru. What you then see next, are aliens (lizard type aliens) running in fear because a HUGE volcano is about to explode!

I couldn’t believe it Georgi! What an amazing synchronicity.

The movie preview right before that was entitled ‘World War Z’ and it terrified me because it played out just like my dreams and visions that I’ve had for so many years. It entirely represented what is just about to happen on Planet B.

This is indeed a sign from the HR that something very significant is just about to happen–I can feel it in my bones, LITERALLY!

Hang on Georgi, we’re about to go for a ride! (At least that’s my perspective!)


Dear Dorie,

this is an incredible synchronicity. Tomorrow (May 18) I will publish another dream and encounter by Jahn who also goes in the same vein.

I am very excited to see what will unfold this weekend. Hold on, we have specially come to this earth at this time for this grand finale that has been postponed so many times in the past.

With love and light


Have you already seen this?  It appears that Angelina was not duped, but helping dupe Americans.

In Love and Light,

Healthcare comedy for planet B where bare survival, with or without breasts, will be the key issue.


Ha! Great pun on your part.  Bare…survival.  Hilarious. – Marylin

Dear George,

Haven’t contacted you for a while, because the family decided to move to a different house and I had no choice but to do it. Fortunately it’s very close to where we used to live and it is much calmer here, so that I can spend the last days with more rest. Most of the big work has been done and we now live in the new house. The move seems symbolic in that it causes feelings/sadness of leaving, especially for my mother, which are of course related to the departure from this dimension, instead of a simple 3d move.

Of course I read everything and can’t wait to see what will happen this weekend.

Love & Light,

Dear Georgi,

Felt the earthquake here, from Canada; 4.4 magnitude. Was at my computer and felt the shakes. These were nothing like the California quakes, which were around 7.0 and up.  Hope all PAT members are OK.

Love & Light,

Dear Henry,

thank you for this  information – the earth is trembling under the empire of evil and it is time for it to collapse.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

As usual you were right…

Russia has made it clear to the west that Syria is not a bargaining chip. Now the US, UK and Israel are like the criminal rapist who grabs his victim and pulls down his pants in anticipation of the rape, only to find that her husband is standing behind him and about to beat the hell out of him!

This is almost entertaining!

Much light, love, joy and peace to ALL,

Hi George,

Yesterday I was standing outside with legs feeling weak, shaky and uncomfortable, was cursing my difficulties in getting around when I had a strong thought and feeling come over me that made me emotional in that way, where you don’t know where it comes from. I got the strong words going through my head along the lines of ‘this is all worth it and I would much rather go through this and contribute to this shift than have the world stay as it is‘. It was a cathartic moment.

I, and lots of us often wonder why on earth we chose this path…. but in that moment it was like I had insight as to what my thoughts must have been when I chose this path. Very hard to explain, it feels impossible to truly communicate. But in Brad’s story today (I thank him for sharing) somehow, although not directly the same, it somehow relates to my experience yesterday. I’m fortunate that I have been in isolation from the people who, like Brad, put pressure on me to get medical tests.

In a few weeks I will see my parents for the first time in this ridiculous physical mess and I do know, they will be shocked and very concerned for me. I just can not turn to the medical industry, my heart has just never pushed me in that direction, though at times my head has tried to overtake my heart and push me in that direction… just in the way it might just improve things slightly, not cure them. But I feel I would greatly be letting myself down somehow, a big waste of time.

I get down and frustrated when it seems like it will go on forever like this. If I knew for example it would all shift tomorrow, of course it would all not have such a strong heaviness. So it felt very light and powerful what I experienced yesterday. If I know this is not ‘all for nothing’ that is fine. But when the days go on, it gets tricky.

I’m praying for things to kick-off this weekend!
Thank you George

Dear Kate,

you have very eloquently expressed the mixed feelings we all have in these End Times, when the final solution seems so elusive and disappearing in the interminable future. And this is the greatest challenge we have, upon which we test our endurance and perseverance – in other words our faith in our mission that seems so often lost in trivial daily affairs.


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