Energy Update – May 8, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear George

Yes, it seems that now we are  “hammering nails with our heads” (German saying for doing something with great perseverance)  and each time when things came to a head at a new peak, I received extremely explosive messages – I fared since like you when I thought now the announced events will be finally fulfilled and then it was changed for the X-time.

This also affected my personal life – especially at the beginning only this life – until I began to perceive through all spiritual training the bigger relationships, at least I got an idea.

Today I have a very relaxed attitude towards all figures and time schedules – but I have to admit, that the doings of the “bastards”, as you once wrote in an email quite rightfully, often make me rather less surprised than angry.

One thing I must acknowledge with respect to the Rothschilds & Co (in association with mighty cosmic dark ones) is that they have managed quite well to mire the people and show off.

Gone! That’s for sure – but when we shall take the legacy of the “now” is still open for me – yes, we do not know when the Lord will come.

I thank you for your two messages, especially for the devotion to life with family and children in this time – I thank you for the unencrypted clear expression in your mails, because that is what I have particularly missed and bothered me with some contacts in recent years, since I am doing this work.

New Agers tend to wrap themselves in gracious words, the diffuse “Everything is Love Speech”, in profane meddling, only to hide their shortcomings (especially in terms of personal transformation work not yet done). My brother Karl, who heads the publishing house and myself had more than enough of them in the past. Therefore I have reduced to a minimum or terminated every contact via letters and mailing, etc. with our readers or people as a whole. So much for that.

That your daughter lives nearby Prater (Vienna) is probably part of the synchronicity that makes our encounter. I thank you also that you have so openly accepted my recommendations for the posting of my messages.

And finally I thank God that He always, at the right time, provides us with the exact equipping, what it takes to learn about growth.

I have read the article on the “New Age channelers”. Yes, their blunders are the result of stupidity and self-aggrandisement, and the esoteric scene is particularly full of all these characters.

With these words I send you until the next message (sometimes I have to leave messages unread few days before I read them for the first time for myself) all love and joy for you.


Lieber Georg,

ja, es scheint, dass nun Nägel mit Köpfen eingeschlagen werden und immer wieder, wenn sich die Dinge auf einen neuen Höhepunkt zuspitzten, erhielt ich äußerst brisante Botschaften – Mir erging es da ähnlich wie Dir, als ich glaubte nun erfüllt sich das Angekündigte, wurde umgestellt – X-Mal.

Das betraf auch meine persönliches Leben – zu Beginn vor allem nur dieses – bis ich durch sämtliche spirituelle Schulungen die größeren Zusammenhänge zumindest erahnen lernte.

Heute habe ich zu allen Zahlenangaben und Zeitangaben einen sehr entspannten Zugang – jedoch muss ich mir eingestehen, dass mich das Treiben der „Schweinehunde“, wie Du in einer Mail mal völlig richtig schriebst, oftmals weniger erstaunt als vielmehr wütend macht.

Eines muss ich den Rotschilds & Co (im Verbund mächtigen kosmischer Dunkelmächte) zuerkennen – sie haben es recht gut hingekriegt, die Menschen derart hinter das Licht zu führen und die Menschen auch vorzuführen.

Vorbei! Das steht fest – wann wir jedoch das Erbe des „Jetzt“ antreten, bleibt für mich immer noch offen – ja, wir wissen nicht, wann der Herr kommt.

Ich danke Dir für Deine beiden Mails, vor allem für die Hingabe an das Leben mit Familie und an die Kinder dieser Zeit – ich danke Dir für die unverschlüsselte klare Ausdrucksweise in Deinen Mails, denn genau dies hat mich bei einigen Kontakten der letzten Jahre, seitdem ich diese Arbeit tun darf, besonders gefehlt und mich strapaziert.

Esoteriker neigen dazu, sich in huldvolle Worte zu hüllen, im diffusen „alles ist Liebe-Sprech“ herumzudoktern, nur um ihre Unzulänglichkeiten (vor allem im Sinne von noch nicht getaner persönlicher Transformationsarbeit) zu verbergen. Davon hatten wir, mein Bruder Karl, der den Verlag leitet und ich, in der Vergangenheit mehr als genug. Daher habe ich auch jeden Briefkontakt, jedes Mailing etc. mit unseren Lesern oder mit Menschen insgesamt, eingestellt oder zumindest auf ein Minimum reduziert. Soviel dazu.

Dass Deine Tochter in Praternähe wohnt ist wohl Teil der Synchronizität, die unsere Begegnung ausmacht.

Ich danke Dir auch dafür, dass Du meine Anregungen für die Veröffentlichungen so offen aufnimmst – Und schließlich danke ich Gott, dass ER immer zur rechten Zeit, ein Leben mit genau dem ausstattet, was es braucht, um erfüllt zu werden und um Wachstum zu erfahren.

Den Artikel über die „New Age-Channeler“ habe ich gelesen – genau so ist es. Ja, der Irrtum ist die Frucht der Dummheit und Selbstüberhebung, und gerade die Esoterikszene bietet von all dem reichlich.

Mit diesen Worten sende ich bis zu nächsten Botschaft (manchmal muss ich Botschaften einige Tage ungelesen liegen lassen, ehe ich sie für mich selbst erstmalig lese) – alles Liebe und Lebensfreude für Dich


Dear Jahn,

I thank you for your detailed and very kind letter. I am very pleased that you are assessing the current situation in the same manner as myself, but that is no surprise, after I know all your writings. The only strange thing is why so few esotericists see it like that.

I have just received the translation of your last two messages from Björn Kurt and it is excellent as always. I will publish the first message today and send you a link.

I expect in the next few days one last great boost of energy from the source, that will completely erase all negativity (negative patterns for thousands of years) on the earth. It started yesterday afternoon when I’ was almost burnt up by the energy flow, which streamed through my body and field. Today it is quiet so far.

This thrust is expected to continue up to May the 10th (partial eclipse in the southern hemisphere), and then a plateau will be established for all humans to accommodate these huge energy bouts. For this reason, I do not expect great upheavals until May 10-15, but the more so afterwards, the closer we approach May 25th.

This is my current short-term forecast, which of course is just a guideline, but it is always good to know the future schedule. Our higher selves have announced a large multi-day event, probably a natural disaster, for this time, which will then lead to the detonation of the PAT supernova. It will in turn trigger the magnetic pole shift, as announced by your source, and the final ID split of the two timelines, as has been exactly confirmed by yourself, most probably around  6.6.6 (2013) in order to fulfil the sinister numerological symbolism of the Beast. Just a cosmic humor!

Best wishes to you and your family and hold on, we have almost arrived at the finish line.


Lieber Jahn,

ich danke dir für deinen ausführlichen und sehr liebenswürdigen Brief. Ich freue mich sehr, dass du die Lage genauso beurteilst wie ich, aber dass ist keine Überraschung, nachdem ich deine Schriften kenne. Das einzige Verwunderliche ist, warum so wenig Esoteriker es nicht ähnlich sehen.

Ich habe heute morgen die Übersetzung deiner letzten beiden Botschaften von Björn Kurt erhalten und sie ist exzellent wie immer. Ich werde sie heute publizieren und dir den Link schicken.

Ich erwarte in den nächsten Tagen einen letzten Riesenschub an Energie von der Quelle, der Alles Negative (negative Muster seit Jahrtausenden) auf der Erde restlos auslöscht. Es hat gestern Nachmittag angefangen, als ich fast verglüht bin vom Energiefluss, der durch meinen Körper und Feld durchströmte. Heute ist es ruhig soweit.

Dieser Schub wird bis zum 10. Mai dauern (partielles Sonnenfinsternis in der Südhälfte) und dann wird sich ein Plateau einstellen. Aus diesem Grund erwarte ich keine großen Umbrüche vor dem 10-15. Mai, dann aber umso mehr, je näher wir uns dem 25. Mai nähern.

Dies ist meine jetzige kurzfristige Prognose, die natürlich nur ein Richtwert ist, aber es ist gut zu wissen um zu planen. Unsere Höheren Ichs haben uns ein großes mehrtägiges Ereignis, wohl eine Naturkatastrophe für diese Zeit angekündigt, das dann zur Detonation der PAT Supernova führen wird, die wiederum den magnetischen Polsprung, wie von deine Quelle angesagt, und die endgültige ID Spaltung der zwei Zeitlinien, die ebenfalls von dir exakt bestätigt wurde, auslösen wird, voraussichtlich um 6.6.6 (2013), damit die makabere Symbolik des Biests sich voll erfüllt. Eben kosmischer Humor!

Liebe Grüße an dich und deine ganze Familie und haltet die Ohren steif, wir sind so gut wie angekommen.


Dear George,

How are you feeling today? I so enjoy hearing your personal stories about your rides with your wife in the countryside. I picture this well and it puts a big smile on my face.

May, in spite of predicted need for rest, brings an effortless flow into my daily interactions. When I get distracted, I find myself knowing enough to return to this flow as it alone feels right. I agree, George, that the energies in nature are different as of late, very 4th dimensional. I am drawn every opportunity to relax as close as possible to the natural sounds and these energies.

I woke this morning seeing magenta and a stillness pervades into the greater Bay Area.  There was little early Monday morning traffic on the freeways as far as 1 ½ hours from here and back. It is as if the Monday morning survival programming does not exist today.

George, I’ve enjoyed doing keyword searches on your website to review the history of PAT’S interactions and your countless fine articles. Should one’s memory fail, it’s all there. The consistency of your commitment as our captain, your knowledge, intelligence, and strength of truth has never faltered. You refer people to previous articles, but how many actually do go back, I wonder.

Going back I wish to thank Jerry for his last article recalling his childhood in America.

It puts a smile on my face to read ascended masters stories, in this case Jerry’s. I had to laugh because Jerry’s story reminded me that I have had this reading preoccupation since age 19 and it continues until today at age 65.

More recently I wish to thank April and Carla for preparing us with their last messages. Also from recent Personal Opinions, I wish to thank Kari and Tim for their shares about other’s appreciation of their gifts as they paralleled my experiences. Thank you, Monika for sharing your beautiful ascension painting, Stjepko for reaching out and informing us about the many silent souls reading this website, John and Bjorn for the combined effort of channeling and translation. Finally, thank you Elna for today’s share exposing the simple American children’s rhyme, kept alive and hidden in plain view.

Love to you George and all the PAT,

Dear Marilyn,

thank you very much for your praise for the PAT’s contributions on this website that has become a panopticum of the worldwide Ascension Movement in the last two years.

The stillness you have observed on Monday is indicative of the huge changes that are now in the offing. I just got the confirmation for this from a new message channelled by Jahn, which Björn has very quickly translated, so that I can publish it today. It is a perfect confirmation of everything we expect and know to occur. As it comes from a source that was not involved in PAT activities, this is an irrevocable proof that we are on the right track and that everything will happen as predicted. These are the last peaceful days on this planet, not only for us, who will ascend, but also for the rest of humanity this time, no matter which timeline they will choose.

There is no way how they should escape the divine plan for the End Times and in fact the very notion of escape is ridiculous as this plan has been unanimously agreed upon by all souls on the ground.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

For the past two days I have felt the extremely intense in-flowing of energy. I’m burning up in the true sense of the word and need to drink as much water as I am able as I’m constantly “on fire”. It usually comes in waves but not now, as it has been here for three days now.

The dizziness comes and goes and now, today, another serious headache.

Three days ago (Thursday) there was a very intense pale pink coloured light everywhere followed by new leaf-green the following day. I have never seen colours flow like this in such amazing singular intensity and beauty.

There are over 8 different kinds of birds singing outside my window and as I listen to this beautiful symphony of sound with eyes closed it seems as though they are in pure celebration mode.

I’m finding the overall mood of people is entirely jovial and opening up. I was helping my sons school with a fundraiser yesterday and this mood prevailed in everyone present… over 1500 people. I am happy to see this emotional evolution.

How are you feeling today? I hope you are not too hard hit these last days.

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

if you read my latest report which I have just published, I feel rather good in the last several days. I can also confirm that the birds are also singing very cheerful, where we live, and I have never heard them as jovial as now.

Also nature is entirely rejuvenated now, so that the only thing I am missing currently are some tangible events at the societal level that will herald the beginning of the end.

With love and light

Hello Dr. Stankov

Just in case you had not come across these videos, here is a link to them.

Sam S

Dear Debra,

this announcement seems to confirm what I told you about the  queen.


Thanks very much for sharing.  Yes it certainly appears she’s out of the picture.

I read an article today about scientists warning how massive solar storms could have devastating effects. I’ll see if I can find it.  But nothing new to you anyhow.

Love Debra



”Former Bush adm declares the sarin attack was Israel’s sponsored Al Qaeda false flag as a pretext to invade.”

Finally the news gets interresting. I believe fire is about to rain on zionism, indeed some end time drama.


Read also this article and watch the video there, where Col. Lawrence Wilkerson – the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell under President George W. Bush – said yesterday that the Syrian chemical weapons could be a “Israeli false flag operation”.

Watch this video that has captured the Dark Twin of the Earth. This ominous planet travels with Nibiru and will also play a huge role in triggering the MPR. This is the first time that the Dark Twin has been seen so clearly on the nightly sky.


Alert!! Neumayer Station III Showing Enormous Celestial Object! – May 3,2013!


Read this pivotal article and watch the revealing videos as to see how the White House speakers backrow (retreat) under the siege of the mainstream press, which has finally started to pose the critical questions and is now smelling blood. This trend will increase in the coming days of revelations, until the blood hounds fully encircle the White House and tear apart its Orion camouflage:

White House Refuses To Address Questions On Benghazi Stand Down Order.
State Department Refuses To Answer Questions About Whistleblower Testimony 



Deadly Synchronicities in the End Time!

The Bllderberger “Funeral Gathering” takes place on 6.6.6 (2013), the “Number of the Biest“, in Watford, UK, when we will detonate our PAT Supernova and propel the dark cabal collectively to the hell-earth:


Hi Georgi,

I thought you might appreciate these, they are some of my favorites. Warmest wishes and brightest light to you… and all the PAT,


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