The Elohim: Strong Quantum Compaction Affects Your Emotional Fields in the Last 48 Hours in Preparation for the ID Split and the Magnetic Pole Reversal (MPR)

by Carla Thompson and Georgi Stankov, April 28, 2013

Dear Carla,

since early this morning (April 27) I am very agitated due the very intensive energies that flow through my field. I am very intolerant to this reality, but not pissed off as in the past, and very impatient as if waiting for something to occur. As these unpleasant emotions come from outside, from the masses, I have the urgent feeling that something big is in the making, almost exasperating. But not for me, for the masses. It could be that huge collective fears are now released shortly before the MPR or the magnetic field is changing so rapidly that it affects our emotional bodies.

Yesterday (April 26) when I was walking in the fields with my dog in the afternoon, there was a massive thunder / noise that came from all directions and was not related to airplanes or a potential storm. It ceased as it came after 10 minutes. It could be that the earth was moaning and groaning due to the impending MPR.

What is your take of the energies today?

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I have received a message from the Elohim (April 28). I will begin typing it now, so it should be done within the hour.

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

Great. Today is a particular day. I am feeling very strongly  how the magnetic field of the earth is changing and it affects my emotional field badly and in a rather unusual manner. I am sensing that we are indeed in the last phase prior to the MPR.


Dear George, They are confirming this. – Carla

This is incredible. Then I am double anxious to read their message. – George

Dear Georgi,

I have had much discussion with the Elohim about various things today and, while a lot of it included personal reflections, there was also discussion around the Ascension at this time. Here is what they have to say about the state of the ascension process. I look forward to your impressions as always.

The Elohim Message 

“Greetings Dear One!

Your inquiry into the current state of affairs with regard to the Ascension process relies on the intimate/personal and unmistakable knowledge of the existence of an unrelenting upward rise in frequency, sometimes felt as an increasing pressure. It is true that this increasing pressure imparts feelings of impatience, urgency and agitation as the unfoldment continues.

A further symptom of the continued upward momentum is presented in the arrival of loud noises heard all over Gaia for some time now. These are perhaps representative of another aspect in the process and this becomes the fore point of this discussion.

Both the emotional field symptoms as well as the Sounds of Gaia are reflections of quantum nucleus compaction resulting from pressures/stresses upon all living systems within this space-time manifestation. The stresses of which we speak affect All at a molecular level, and are representative of the forward movement of an inter-dimensional split that will ultimately herald in an event understood to be a reversal of current polarities within the magnetic fields currently surrounding planet Earth.

As the polarities grow in instability, other events of greater magnitude shall also arise.  Know that this process shall be as gentle a cleansing as is possible, as Gaia holds a strong loving and protective intention of her loved ones in order to minimize fear and anxiety and instead maximize positive influence upon the outcome of such events. [ I am shown that this will be done with the help of the Higher Realms as well.]

Gaia’s frame of reference is guided by her great love for all life upon and within her beloved body. This is one lesson humanity has forgotten, the abiding love of Mother Earth.

Expectations of great things may be dashed if one departs one timeline for another. As frequencies held change moment to moment and dictate ones level of engagement according to frequencies held. [ I am getting that the time lines are completely fluid and we are phasing in and out between different timelines as our atoms ‘flash-sequencing’ adjusts moment to moment. My impression is that we are not to hold any expectations for anything.]

At this time we tell you that the Supernova, as you call it, of the members of your group is timeline linked and is therefore a fluid process. Those members within this group and other Light workers of this soul monad, who are anticipating ascension, shall do so as the correct frequencies are aligned in conjunction with the most effectual timeline suitable to the arrival and acceptance of your presence. The timing of this event is unknown to the Now.

Have faith that all is in perfect order and when the moment arrives, you shall know it. It shall be as though a brilliant light bulb is instantly lit within your mind, just as when the wall switch is turned on.

Know that you are All so loved for your sacred and precious service to All-That-Is.

We are the Elohim.”

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

this is a very accurate and succinct confirmation of the coming ID split, the MPR and the PAT supernova with respect to various probability alternatives /timelines of the End Time scenario. It also confirms our emotional symptoms and audible signs, thunders /noises that accompany the magnetic changes /quantum compaction at the atomic level and beyond it. This was the most impressive aspect in the last 48 hours for me as I wrote to you in anticipation of the Elohim’s message.

As these magnetic alterations flow through my energy field, which is still the nexus to the source, I felt them very strongly at the emotional level as complete dissociations and disruptions of the unity of my personality, almost as a kind of psychic attacks but without the malignant, dark component. I also sense that most humans are severely affected by these huge magnetic fluctuations and this energetic transformation will not remain unnoticed in the coming days at the societal level. This is my expectation now.

With love and light

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