Energy Update of the PAT – March 22, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Dear George,

You made me laugh out loud today when I read this “I was sitting with my higher self, who always appears as a mute, uncommunicative person, like a Sphinx in my dreams, so that I have to pull his answers out of his nostrils with a pincette

I laughed because that basically summed up my love-hate relationship with my HS. Mine has taken a vow of silence and not even a pincette will help. I have to be satisfied with unconventional ways of communication.

You have managed to describe ascension exactly as I experienced it in my dream last year. A ball of golden light exploded from my solar plexus and my body turned to golden liquid as it dematerialized. With an explosion of light, I shot with incredible speed through a portal. Every time I recall that dream the sensation and the feeling leaves me breathless and reeling. I remember that my first thought was that I just wanted to go back to Earth and do this over and over, so that I could experience the magic of that moment again and again.

The energy bombardments have been relentless the past week. 17 March was a tough night and the past two nights 19th and 20th has been really difficult. For a couple of days now I am also experiencing a lot of activity in my heart chakra.

Before we kick this pop stand, I just want to thank you again for your dedication and that you have, without skipping a beat, made the effort to keep us informed and connected. For two years your wonderful articles and the contributions of the PAT has been the focus of my attention. You are my family and I cannot wait to meet you soon.

Love to you all

Dear Mara,

thank you for your validation of our personal ascension experience during the detonation of the PAT Supernova. These synchronicities point to its imminent occurrence.

Let us hope that next week will be the time of departure we all long for.

With love and light

Dear George,

I have some additional confirmation about the latest source waves.

It started two days ago, it was late at night and I went downstairs for some water, when I saw the living room door. This room is completely dark at night with the curtains closed, and one door just open a little bit, so the cats can go in and out. I noticed a strange type of fear for this room. I know I’m not afraid of the dark, but this room changed into some kind of metaphor for a lot of fear, for the actual paradigm of fear itself. So, I did the only thing I could do and entered it, and sat in the complete dark on the couch, at this moment all this strange fear just disappeared.

It was as if being constantly stabbed with all kinds of knives from birth, not just me, but it felt like this was the paradigm of fear on earth, one has to experience at least this amount of fear at all times. This fear is something which was almost unknown before… because if you are indeed being stabbed all the time for your entire life on earth, you almost think it is normal, you don’t know any better. But in this moment it was like this paradigm disappeared, the rules changed and for the first time I had a night completely free of any kind of negativity and instead with some bliss. These effects are still strong now, but my mood is filled again with the normal impatience and frustration of still being on the ground.

This experience, I think it was kind of a test run to install it on a global level for all humans later. So maybe this is the latest accomplishment, removing the “fear paradigm“, changing the rules, so there is no more huge amount of fear which has to be experienced by everyone on earth by default. If this is the case, humanity may become much more efficient in cleansing their own fears, as I think it was nearly impossible for them to do anything about this previously existing fear paradigm, it acted as some kind of energetic condition, which overflowed all their buffers and made them paralyzed.

Then yesterday night I had not just a very clear conversation with HS, but also experienced how it would be to ascend just like you and Carol, it was very similar. There was a very strong pulse of ascension from the Source, especially the clarity was very interesting. How clear it was that this was an ascension pulse, how pronounced and defined it was compared to previous ones is huge.

Love & Light,


A few minutes after sending this mail a new situation started to develop. There are now energies completely flooding my visual centers. At first it was mild and affected my ability to read, because at the focal point there was a kind of blurry overlay of all kinds of shapes, crystalline energies, other energies, rainbows… etc. This sensation is now expanding and it is literally like seeing two worlds at the same time, my vision is completely different. It cannot be stressed enough how significant this visual change is, it is beyond everything I’ve ever seen. I wonder if you have any clearer idea of what this is, do you experience it as well?


Dear Daniel,

I must admit I have never experienced something similar to what you describe and therefore I must accept it as it is. If there is a new development keep in touch with me.


Dear George,

This change in the eyes was a very powerful wave, which started in the eyes. It is now starting to settle down. I still see differently, especially lights look different, as if I can see a broader spectrum. First it was limited to the front of the eyes, but it expanded to the entire eye causing big pressure. It was almost like both my eyes were going to explode. When it reached the nerve on the back of the eye which goes to the brain, this area gave intense pains like some kind of muscle cramp. Then it traveled further through the nerve and reached the brain, causing very intense headaches. It was difficult to reach my bed without falling asleep immediately when this started, like all energy was drained from me.

I slept almost instantly and very deep for hours. These symptoms still continue, but now more manageable. HS information is not very clear, the only idea I get is this is some kind of alignment or intersection with a higher body, causing augmentation of the physical / other bodies very rapidly. This was a massive transformation in very little time. I don’t really know the purpose of it yet.


Dear Daniel,

this must have been the case. I remember that when I had astral travels that I also saw such kind of intensive lights of the whole spectrum, especially in the periphery of the eyes, so that you may have gone very quickly through an interception between the dimensions which has put your whole nervous system under huge stress.

It is important to know that the eye nerve (Nervus opticus) is the only nerve in the head that is not a peripheral nerve as the other 11 nerves, but an extension of the brain neurons and thus much more sensitive and vulnerable to external stimuli than the other peripheral nerves.


Dear Georgi,

I can confirm the extremely intense energies that flooded the fields yesterday evening as I was heading towards the Rockies on the bus.

At one point, and actually in one instant I felt a sudden full frontal connection to you and all of the PAT. At first I thought that you had ascended, as it was such an overwhelmingly powerful connection to you – much like last year when you appeared to me in your light body – but as there was no light body, I decided that what we were doing was a full and final purging, a final alignment with All-That-Is.

I also picked up on this intensely fear-based patterning you described in today’s posting. I felt that there was a panic-stricken stance about everything and a deep concern especially for physical safety. It was as if there was an all-pervasive and imminent danger.

As I sensed these fears something odd happened. The bus that was driving in the opposite direction to ours had pulled over at the side of the highway. There was a heavy snowfall and the visibility was only at about 40 metres. Our driver decided to stop and see if he could help in any way. We were there for 30 minutes, then went on our way. Up the highway, we were pulled aside as the highway had been closed. There had been an avalanche within the past half hour.

I’ve had a severe headache and cc-waves for most of the day and I, like you, cannot remember them ever being this intense. I thank you for posting the Manuscript of Survival Part 288 as it really is the confirmation we like to have after such intense experiences as these.

I absolutely, unequivocally and whole-heartedly agree: “If you feel fully depleted and even in doubt of your imminent ascension, know that we have never made a bigger jump forward to the finish line than this night.

As I lay here on the bed looking out at the beautifully majestic mountains here in Banff, there is a new kind of peace in the air and the only way to describe it to you is as a very deep sense of relief. Our work is surely done now.

With much love to you and all the PAT,


Dear Carla,

thank you for your energy account on the last energy surge and your validation of our common experiences. Enjoy now your stay in the Rocky mountains and the pristine nature there.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

There is one more thing that I forgot to mention. Archangel Michael has been present with me/us for a few days now. When it looked (to me) as though I couldn’t make this trip, AA Michael came in so strongly and said ” You must come! There is much to do. ”

I realized this afternoon that AA Michael’s etheric retreat is here, in Banff and Lake Louise. It’s called The Temple of Faith. AA Michael is the representative of the Blue Light, the main qualities being protection, faith, omnipotence through God’s will to counteract all negative acceptance of every distortion created by our human minds. The blue light has been constant in my field for days, until this afternoon, when it subsided.

I believe we all acted in unison with AA Michael to break the attachments to these very deeply ingrained fear based survival patterns that we have just purged. Maybe I am reading into the situation, but it all seems to add up to my mind.

With love and light,

Dear Carla,

I can only hope that we are highly protected from heaven, otherwise we will not be able to survive under these relentless energies and frictions with society.


Dear George,

When I awoke this morning I was vibrating so much that my connection with “reality” was very tenuous. I had to take very deep breaths and really ground myself before I could move. The energies were strong yesterday, but nothing like last night.

I recall dreaming last night about scrambling up a steep narrow tunnel to escape.

Anyone who can feel these energies cannot possibly doubt our ascension. They are even affecting my cats, who need a lot of love and close contact recently.

For us older PAT members, I agree that my spirit has been very down for the past few years and joy has been in short supply. I can now at last feel it lifting and I am ready for that inner super nova to detonate along with all of the PAT.

Love to all.


I always think about appearing as  ascended masters. I don’t want to rule or control. I want to help in the most gentle loving way. If necessary I may need to act somewhat stern, but ultimately through love. As an ascended master might we have a physical body that others see?  You may not even know this. Do we just float down to earth and land in the appropriate designated location?  I haven’t heard detail about this. As I see it humans in their sleep or somewhat awakened state would resonate with an appearance of a more humanoid being, not a “god” like being, more of an equal to allow the integration of the energies without the fear.

I can’t imagine coming in and controlling masses. This is not enlightened to me, but direction from the heart is. Could you address this in your daily information. I would imagine many have pondered this.

Much love to you, George,

Dear Cindy,

you will be able to simply appear (beam) your light body at any place on the earth whenever you wish. I assume that it would be also possible for us to bi- and tri-locate, that is to say, to appear on many places at the same time if necessary.

All people who have raised sufficiently their vibrations and are eligible for ascension late this year will be able to see us on this earth. Those who will go to earth B will not see us, but they will not need us either, as they will reject our existence.

I do not think that we will need to do anything physically other than to educate the people because they will want us to do so. We may demonstrate what it is to be an unlimited creator whenever necessary, but that is all. Our main mission will continue to be from the higher dimensions, coordinating the ascension and further evolution of Gaia and humanity. These energetic influences will be beyond normal human relations at the horizontal axis and will only begin to be perceived by the masses on earth A when they have adopted to the new conditions in the 5th dimension and begin to expand their own creative abilities.

With love and light

Hi George,

I just finished reading the Personal Opinions for March 21st (today)..and I was very interested in what Tracy had to say. I have no way of contacting her, but I too am nearly in an identical boat. I had the same struggle with having an inner nudge saying I was a part of the PAT, but then wrestled with my ego thinking that if I believed that, then I was being full of myself. Like her, I have much free time and am in a state of limbo. When I tried to open up to my mother and some old friends about all this they gave me a look like I was nuts. The energy they put off was laughter in my face even though they kept their laughter back in person. I just had to walk away from it for now (at least until after the supernova).

The only real difference between Tracy and I is that I seem to cleanse dross all the time… It has been very difficult and if I had a job or school to attend to, I think I would collapse. I feel like I am going nuts and am praying that things take off next week. My mind often says “This isn’t happening, it’s just another one of your crazy ideas… there’s no way this can happen” But then it’s like: well then why am I pulled this direction 24/7 to the point it is the only thing I am able to concentrate on. I don’t know what I’d do without the website.

The PAT are the only people I feel I have any sort of connection with anymore. I ventured out to visit with friends the other night and it just made me want to vomit… all they had to talk about was 3D personal dramas. The energies are so heavy, I have been on the verge of opening a bottle of painkillers to feel some relief. Anyway, I appreciate the website so much and many of us would be SO lost without you. Love & Light George.


Dear Alex,

Nobody has said that it will be easy – with respect to other people and with regard to one’s own faith in the ascension process. No person outside the PAT can even remotely grasp what we are going through on this planet of total rejection of any form of spirituality. Besides it is the darkest before the dawn. Your current problems will soon be the problems of those who now reject your ideas, but much more bigger and they will have not the same means to solve them as you have them from your soul….

With love and light

Dear Dr. Stankov,

I just recently discovered your amazing website, and have been devouring your articles almost daily. Thank you so very much for sharing this marvelous information.

I seem to have opened a portal in my bedroom, and on the evening of 3/19/13, I woke about 2 AM  hearing a sort of metallic “tinkling” noise… almost as if tiny chimes. I got up and investigated the bathroom, as its ceiling fan sometimes jiggles like that in a high wind. However, no wind was blowing and I heard nothing in the bathroom.

Back in bed, listening to the sounds again, I noted little groupings of tiny lights moving about the room (I thought of star constellations.). Also, through cracks in the shutter louvres over the sliding glass doors, many more and larger light groupings were moving about outside. I had the sense that it was some sort of preparation for the Shift… perhaps the sounds, as well.

Next AM, I asked HS about it, and Gaia responded with: “I am re-organizing my energies for the coming split in the Earth realities. First there will be the great download of blissful energies from the Creator’s energy field. Things will not change in a moment, but will move along faster than they have been moving“.

Last night, about 9 PM, (MDT) 3/20/13, rain began to pour down in buckets. Here in south central Idaho, we have had a drought, so the rain was welcome. However, it was followed by a terrific wind storm that lasted only about 1/2 and hour. This AM I again asked HS about this and was told: “It was a Shifting in Gaia’s energy fields, allowing for more rapport between the masses of humanity and ascending masters. A clearing for the coming Shift.”

I can feel the difference this morning – much lighter and more joyful. I notice it in my family members as well.

Something that has been puzzling me for several years, is when in bed at night, 2 pillars of light later appear near the foot of my bed, and also, if I hold up my hand – fingers – spread wide, about 5 inches in front of my face, I see thousands of tiny sparkling lights, much like “stars” dancing around. At first I thought something was wrong with my eyes, but there are no “stars” appearing on the black silhouettes of my hand.

HS only said it was a “reflection of your light body forming.” I’d appreciate any information about this that you or other members have, and am wondering if anyone else has these experiences.

Love and Light to all,
Marilyn L.C.

Dear Marilyn,

thank you very much for contacting me for the first time in the last minutes of our sojourn on this planet. I am happy to hear that you like our articles and contributions on the ascension process.

All your energetic experiences are rather common among the PAT members and I can confirm them personally from my own experience. These are all visual or sound effects associated with our enhanced personal energy fields which are growing and expanding immensely now. As we are now dwelling most of the time in higher dimensions our outer and inner senses are now able to perceive these high frequency energies that are still invisible to normal human eyes.

The information you have received from your HS, respectively Gaia, is very interesting and indicates the coming split of the two timelines, which will be enhanced with the detonation of the PAT supernova next week.

I will publish your email in the next report and we will see if other members will comment on it.

With love and light


I wanted to make you aware of some interesting facts behind the new Sirius documentary mentioned in your recent letter to Dr. Steven Greer.

As you surely remember, I briefed you comprehensively on the conversations between myself and my Uncle who happened to work in the underground bases of the Powers That Be helping them prepare for Catastrophic Earth B.


When this interview was released on my website, I was put directly in touch with Dr. Greer and his board of directors who actively pursued and actually spoke with the subject of my interview. His testimony was seriously considered as a contribution to the Sirius documentary, which spoke to his legitimacy as a source more than anything so far at that point. The Sirius crew was mostly interested in his statements about loading anti-gravity craft, which were carrying supplies to off-world bases which were built as a way of survival for the global elite during end-times.

The interesting fact which I want you to be aware of is that my Uncle turned down the opportunity to appear in the Sirius documentary because he would not participate in a documentary which spread the notion of Extraterrestrials coming to earth and meeting us in 3 dimensional bodies. He was of the opinion that any perpetuation of this notion was to be playing directly into the hands of the PTB, who would use this collective mindset to deceive humanity with a possible fake alien invasion during the end times. This was corroborated by many of Greer’s own sources namely Werner Von Braun’s assistant.

When pressed for more details, he simply urged me not to believe any discussion about alien saviors or alien invasions as such ideas would disappear after we ascend into what he called our “spiritual bodies.” If you can imagine an overweight trucker saying such things to the average person, I can only believe he must feel incredibly alone holding such opinions. In retrospect I am so happy, I was able to be an ear for him after 30 years of silence on these intuitions he has experienced.

In light,

Dear Corey,

thank you for this very important background information. It confirms my impression that these people are on the wrong track as they have failed to recognize the transcendental spiritual dimensions of all these news about the Unholy six from the Orion/Reptilian empire, who are no aliens as they have existed on this planet before this human civilisation began to incarnate after the fall of Atlantis and have controlled it since then. Dr Greer is now collaborating with Wilcock, who is also blind on at least one eye.


Dear George,

I just wanted to thank today for your powerful articles as they revealed our successes over the last 24 hours. Yes, the last 24 hours were intense and different in character.  Any ideas of enjoying a beautiful equinox were spent instead in pain (my back went out), being disabled, depressed and experiencing dreams tainted with off the wall primal emotions. Yesterday, amidst this situation, the office printer decided to die shackling me to hours of effort troubleshooting, obtaining a free printer and reprogramming it to our network.

Your loving exchange with Tracy and your article regarding this 24 hour surge lifted my spirits and put my consciousness back into the joy of our PAT victories. Wow!

Your ascension discussion with your HS  provided remarkable rejuvenation, George.  Of course, my back went back into place today and the depression is gone.

Much Love,

Dear Marilyn,

these articles were not intended to perform such spectacular miracles, but I am ready to reap this unexpected harvest. In fact I think that today we have a respite from our HS before probably the next huge wave will hit us during this weekend. This is what I suspect.

With love and light


Given the regularity of waves we have experienced for some time, there is no doubt I am only springing back in brief reprieve before the next wave. During these reprieves, however, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to express appreciation to you and PAT for what we share when my spirits are mightily lifted. This is clearly an indication of the upgrade in intensity of energies and that the cleansing is now reaching into the unexpected slumbering masses.


Dear Marilyn,

there is no doubt that this time these waves have a very broad effect. Last night my wife was fully knocked down for the first time in this intensity and I had warned her the previous day that I huge wave would come. Her colleagues, the teachers at her school, are all ill now and fully depleted. This is a clear sign that now the masses are hugely affected and this is the best guarantee we can have that we are short before our ascension.


Yes, I read about your wife. I myself am getting emails from extended family members and friends. They are emailing pictures of weird and intense sores, which they call viruses. Others are running to MDs and health practitioners for hormonal therapies out of desperation. Yet others are purchasing expensive cleansing products as if that somehow will bring help.

Not only do they fail to recognize the intense waves, but fail to realize physical toxins are seeping into millions of skin pores from the toxic skies, not to mention toxic water showers and tainted food. What folly to think, skin is a boundary to all of this.



I am sending you the statement below because it got me pissed a bit. Many seem to think that we, who have truly suffered at the hands of the oppressors, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, must just let it all go and move into la-la land in order to get out of here.

They obviously have not had the experience of great hardship, otherwise they might know it is not so simple to let go of. No matter how many time you forgive it and do all you can to forget it, something always reminds you of it… especially if you are living in exile well below the poverty line, having idiots who have material goods look at you as if they are white powdered urmay and you are s%$#. They having no real, let alone genuine concept of who or what you are or what has happen and no compassion for it either.

Most people are so ready to deny that anything untoward you could have happened, let alone that it did happen, that it just makes one want to lash out at the idiots they are.

My life has been damn hard and I have done much to help others when I knew not what for myself. I have given from my heart to those I can and I have been angry and pissed at those who are just damn fools and idiots.

I feel truly that I am in a better place for movement than many do gooders and patronizing puppets, since I have a well rounded knowledge of living, the planet, the people and the forces that we have all live with. I have experienced mush that many never have nor will.

Being blind is not how I choose to go to anything, even though I might be scarred to death to open that door, I will keep my eyes open and face it with what ever I can muster at that moment. I do not live in Hollywood or one of their films… I am real flesh and blood who knows the truth of mans inhumanity to man and I know the great compassion of just a few!!!

That being said those with the silver-spoon of ascension in their mouths will choke on it!!!

Thanks for listening George. I know that all I have been through is and has been not only for my betterment, my growth, it has kept the challenge and hardship from others who could not have bared the burden and of that I an sure.

Your always; Anthony

Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 20:07:29 -0400

This one should work Anthony–

Dear Anthony,

you have every right to remember your past and to accept it as you have experienced with the whole abysmal hatred, cruelty etc. and with your feelings to this experience. Only idiots  forget.

By the way why do you listen to such crooks as this man James Gilliland – he is a real idiot. I heard that Carla visited you yesterday before going to the Rocky Mountains and told me that you now feel much better. Don’t let you be dragged down by what some esoteric cretins are heralding as their greatest wisdom, which is simple Anglo-Saxon white-man bullshit.

You know my opinion on these gurus – I am the only one that has clearly expressed my negative opinion on the New Age movement in many articles and had also very clear words for our mutual “friend” Alfred Webre. But it is like throwing pearls to the swines. They never listen or change, because they have not learnt to think properly.

Now the waves are such that everything is coming high and most of it is not very pleasant. Try to stay outside this trend. I am receiving every day about 15 emails from paid Internet trolls by the US and German dark secret services and you will be shocked to see how much unmotivated hatred these people have against me as an unknown person to them. How many murder warnings etc. and what they will do to me and my family. I do not read them and simply delete the emails. This is all part of the current huge and relentless cleansing process shortly before ascension.

With love and light

Dear George,

I predicted remarkable things in the past, including:

1) Peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis
2) Richard Nixon’s 49 state win over George McGovern
3) Richard Nixon leaving office before the end of his second term
4) Spiro Agnew not succeeding Richard Nixon as president
5) The death of a woman I had just met
6) Ronald Reagan surviving his assassination attempt
7) Ronald Reagan’s 49 state win over any Democrat opponent
8) Both my mother and father’s deaths
10) The death of my favorite dog
11)  The death of one of my best friends
12) My mother-in-law’s death
13) My apartment being burglarized, including identifying the burglar when I first met him two weeks before
14) Every automobile accident in which I have ever been involved.
15) My present wife’s near death experience
16) My disablement due to my lower back problems

I have been right many more times than I have been wrong about my feelings; and, I cannot help but feel optimistic, even when my rather mind tells me this world is doomed.

I must admit, I am VERY skeptical about ascension and do not see it in my future. Nonetheless, I find you far too brilliant and rational to believe you could be wrong about your ascension. However, I have been told at least twice in my life by relative strangers that I am an “old soul” and that this is “my last time around”. Today, I also scored a “breakthrough,” finally become able to communicate with my wife about many of these things.

While I do not feel I am going with you, I look forward to your return and the beauty and joy you will bring to this world.

With love and light,

Dear Bob,

if you read the energy update of the PAT of today, you will see that many PAT members are now going through personal, energetically and physically perceived ascensions as dress rehearsal before their ultimate physical transformation next week. If it were only my idea, nobody would ever listen to me or read my articles, unless he is a paid Internet troll by the dark secret services and must read them without understanding a word or having any relation to the transcendental processes we discuss on our website.

But even this harassment of the PAT is a convincing proof that somebody in the dark secret services must firmly believe or have information about our imminent ascension and future role as ascended masters, who will oust next month the ruling cabal from power, otherwise they will not spend so much money for our harassment and employ this scum of society to do their evil job.

By the way, this seems to be a broader problem in these last days as I read that other channelers posting messages about ascension are also being harassed by paid Internet trolls on their blogs and websites. The dark ones want to hinder the impending ascension process and the ID split with all possible means and believe that they can achieve this with such primitive dark actions. Thus they only display their profound stupidity on top of their evil nature.

Nobody gets more information from his soul than he is able to process and has planned to experience during this incarnation. If it is in your soul plan to ascend later on in the course of this year, after the detonation of the PAT, then there is no need for your soul to bother you now with such information and start preparing you for this event by arranging similar personal, bodily experiences as is the case with many PAT members. It will make no sense and the law of optimization of energy exchange will be violated, as I have explained in many previous articles.

Those who belong to the PAT and have the mission to help ascend Gaia and humanity must live with this notion for years, as this is the only way to internalize the purpose and sense of their current incarnation and to bear with the perennial suffering associated with the accomplishment of this idea. Thus every transcendental idea of ascension, which an individual will cherish throughout his life, is a direct function of his current mission and the only inner motor that will motivate him to go along this tedious and unrewarding path.

There is a remarkably fine-tuned coordination and correlation between the amount of spiritual knowledge, one receives from his soul, and the actual duties he has agreed upon to perform during this life. And even in this respect there is still a wide range of variations depending on how far the person has awakened and has been able to fulfil his pre-incarnation promises and obligations to All-That-Is.

As the HS of Dorie and April have repeatedly said, we have raised our frequencies now so high that there is no life for us in this dense reality beyond the accomplishment of our mission –  the detonation of the PAT Supernova and our merging with the Source and All-That-Is. This event is an energetic necessity and beyond the reach of pity human doubts or sociable considerations based on limited common sense, just as physical death cannot be rationalized with petty religious or scientific arguments, no matter how huge human efforts are to distort, twist or neglect this inevitable fact. These are the phenomena that show humans the limits of their current weltanschauung and why these limits must be transcended if they want to become an evolved, immortal species.

With love and light

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