Validation of My Latest Energy Update by GaiaPortal

by Georgi Stankov and PAT, February 23, 2013

I wrote yesterday and early today we are now experiencing a unique and most powerful energy pulse from the source that has eradicated all survival fear based patterns of humanity on the earth as I felt this yesterday in a most poignant manner. The latest message from GaiaPortal, which has been just released, confirms in a brilliant manner my energetic assessment retrospectively. I was made aware of this latest GaiaPortal message simultaneously by Daniel from Holland and Massimiliano from Italy half an hour ago:

Ciao George,

confermo l’onda di pulizia di “modelli di sopravvivenza”. A me è durata un paio di giorni
e si è conclusa improvvisamente oggi dopo pranzo. “Gaia Portal” afferma la stessa cosa!

I confirm the cleansing wave of the “paradigm of survival.” It lasted a couple of days
and ended abruptly today after lunch. “Gaia Portal” says the same thing!

“The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.”.


Dear George,

I concur with the latest energy update. The energies are very strong and knocked me down for most of the morning, but now the situation has improved just slightly.

The worst collective human fears flowed through my field, indicating a massive release of deepest survival patterns as if humanity has been scraping the bottom of their emotional fields and releasing the darkest dross on the surface.”

This is very much like the last GP update:

“The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.

3D human individual attempts to continue what was previously supported by “survival paradigm” will fall short.

Current Gaia Higher D grid structures support 5D “Thrive Paradigm” only.”

We must be at the end now, and these are our final hours on this planet.

Love & Light,

What more proofs do we need that we are on the way to ascension? I have just received a notice from Dorie that she has channelled a long message from her HS about the latest developments in our ascension process and that she hopes to be able to send it to me as soon as possible. But she is under huge stress now and even if she may not be able to do this, as we may eventually ascend in the meantime, so what? – So much for the better!


Dear Georgi,

I’m glad you’ve heard from Dorie and all is well. I am eager to read Dorie’s HS message. As soon as I awoke this morning I had a sense that there is an update for us. When just quickly surveying HS about it, I was told that all information/news had already been given to a PAT member and that it would be shared with the group very soon. Next, I came out into the living room, checked my phone, and there was your note about Dorie and her message.

I will try and get more info from HS, but feel she’s going to tell me to wait until Dorie’s message is shared. I just get the feeling that the HR worked diligently already to frame up the message with Dorie. It feels like a lengthy and important message. I have no doubt that Dorie will send it to you soon, at the perfect time.

But again, I will try too. Both today and tomorrow to see what HS has to say.

Much love and light


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