Personal Opinions – February 5, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Hi George,

Found some interesting channeling question and answer session (30 January 2013) I wanted to share with you. It is about earth grids and I am sure it can be extended to the subject of the web of light which the PAT seems to be controlling:

Wynn: Thank you. So, if someone is working on the grids, focusing on them, or if two people are working together, they can have a significant impact? Is that possible?

Ra’An: They can. Again, at various levels, depending upon the frequencies of the people and their awareness, they can. For instance, as a group they have a significant influence. This may even make some permanent shift and change, because all is intelligent and all is picking up, even the grid systems, are picking up intentions. If they resonate in a way that could create a permanent change then this is possible.

Well in my opinion this just sums up that the idea to magnetize the hearts of the people to this web of light, by control of the PAT is the most powerful solution and can make the much necessary permanent shift.

What baffles me is that this particular channeling does not talk about the PAT. I attempted to ask Wynn about possible ID shifts and/or existence of specific groups of high intention, but those questions were not passed to the sources.


Dear Dennis,

there are two major reasons why other channellers / LW never mention the PAT and its key mission for the ascension of Gaia and humanity, including their own ascension.

1) It is beyond their horizon and comprehension as they simply cannot grasp what we are doing now, not yet.

2) Even if they superficially do understand, they all suffer under such a great spiritual envy that they will then realize how much behind they are in their soul evolution and will deliberately suppress this kind of information as is the case with all our original articles on our website, which are now not published by any other esoteric website, although I used to offer them long time ago, as our advanced views will automatically pulverize their own indigenous crap.

This is one of the main reasons why we must ascend first and eliminate all these kind of resistances to new energies in the LW community, as this source also discusses in two messages published today:


Hi Georgi,

Thanks for the links, I need to read them at home or on my phone, they are blocked by Honeywell.

I wrote an email to Wynn Free about the PAT and my viewpoint on the whole. Hope it might stir some things up:


Hi Wynn,

Last transcription of the Q&A call on 30 January gave me the final answer whether or not a specific high intentional group exists who are now in control of mankind’s future.

It is about this passage (see above):

I believe the group of high intention is the Planetary Ascension Team and the main website is I am 100 percent behind the idea’s of this PAT and to be honest, without this effort mankind would really crumble to ashes. Unfortunately it has been unknown to so many lightworkers and it deserves much better praise and recognition.

Myself, I don’t know if I’m “one of them” because it is an idea, not a fixed team. And maybe I’m here to connect different groups.

But I do know that something big is coming our way, and it may not happen very smoothly, depending on the programming of the human minds… I do think it will be successful though.

With love and light,

Caro Giorgio,

your last sentence “Either we are the wayshowers of the new earth of love, harmony, happiness, and abundance, or we are the past apostles of martyrdom as the Church teaches the believers in order to dumb them down” it’s just fantastic! We must write it on the bedroom wall as to see it every morning when we wake up! And we all must wake up to this kind of consciousness!

Abundance is the presence of The Divine itself! I try to witness this kind of consciousness everywhere I go… and keep my mind focused on it. This economic crisis and the austerity mind programming – it is another attempt of the dark cabal to dumb down even more humanity!

I remember when I was in Brazil last time, there was a family asking for a little money on the beach, mother and daughters and a little baby. They even took a piece of bread on the road to eat it! I was astonished!! So I took them all to the closest supermarket and told them: “Take all that you want!!”. They were astonished too and shy, but at the end they took everything, food, soap, shampoo, bread, fruit, meat…. they went away with a dozen bags full of things. Their faces looked almost “drunk” and confused, only the little baby was laughing! We embraced, and I felt victorious because I broke their programming once for all, they saw prosperity out of nothing, now “it is possible” in their minds. I do not need to tell you  that the money I spent came back quickly in an “apparently” magic way!

Abundance for everybody!!
Un grande abbraccio, Alberto

Caro Georgi,

come stai? Ti volevo solo raccontare due episodi che mi sono capitati in questi giorni. Il 2 Febbraio stavo riposando, non riuscivo a dormire e avevo freddo e sonno. Verso le 4 PM mi sono alzata con l’impulso di andare sul tuo sito, ero sicura di trovare qualche cosa su Anita e infatti c’era la tua richiesta di preghiera per lei.

Oggi pomeriggio uguale, volevo riposare, avevo sonno ma non sono riuscita a dormire, sentivo nella mia testa “Aisha North”. Mi sono alzata, sono andata su quel sito e ho letto il “Manuale di sopravvivenza” del 2 e del 4 Febbraio (hai ragione a dire che solo una persona che legge i tuoi scritti può capire bene il significato di ciò che vuole dire Aisha). Le cose scritte confermano quello che hai già detto tu, ma quello che mi meraviglia è che quando sono tornata sul tuo sito avevi pubblicato anche tu questo messaggio! Sono rimasta a bocca aperta per la meraviglia, io questa la chiamo sincronicità, spero tu capisca cosa voglio dire.

Sarebbe molto bello se io incominciassi a sentire le cose telepaticamente, allora ci sarebbero tante cose da interpretare anche nei miei sogni.

Sempre il 2, la notte mi sono svegliata e ho visto scritto nell’aria “Le linee temporali
convergono nella 5° dimensione”. Non voglio dirti cose sbagliate quindi non ti ho mai scritto di queste visioni, anche perché non mi ricordo tutto quello che vedo.

Massimiliano mi ha detto di dirti che la notte tra Giovedi 31 e Venerdi 1 ha avuto un “test ascensione”.

Un’ ultima cosa, con oggi sono 12 giorni che ho smesso di prendere le medicine
(Fluoxetina e Lamotrigina), mi sento meglio e finalmente libera!!! Tante grazie George
per tutto quello che fai.

Un abbraccio

Translation In English: 

Dear Georgi,

how are you? I just wanted to tell you two episodes that have occurred in these days. On February 2nd I was resting, I could not sleep and I was cold and then slept. Around 4 AM I woke up with the urge to go to your site, I was sure to find something of Anita and it was your prayer request for her.

Same afternoon, I rest, I tried to sleep, but I could not, I could hear in my head “Aisha North”. I got up, I went on that site and read the “Survival Manual” of Feb 2 and 4 (you’re right to say that only a person reading your writings can understand the meaning
of what Aisha is channelling). The things written confirm what you have said, but what amazes me is that when I came back you had published on your site this post also! I was in awe for the wonder of this synchronicity, I hope you understand what I mean.

It would be very nice if I commence to hear things telepathically, then there is so much to interpret even in my dreams.

Also Feb 2, the night, I woke up and saw written in the air “Timelines converge in the 5th dimension ” I do not want to say the wrong things, as I do not have ever written you about these visions, because I do not remember everything I see.

Massimiliano told me to tell you that on the night between Thursday 31 and Friday 1 he had an “ascension test run”.

A last thing, with today there are 12 days already that I have stopped taking the medicine
Fluoxetine and lamotrigine (which you recommended me to stop taking in a previous email), I feel better and finally free!

Thank you very much George for everything you do.

A hug


I have been paying rapt attention to your website of late as no other source of information resonates with me anymore.

In many ways I already feel as if we are in the time of no time and my physical body is ageless. This feeling has come and gone, only interrupted by the pains and exhaustion associated with the most recent waves. It’s as if in between the waves, my body is flickering on and off… When My body is on I feel very little ego identity and as if I’m a walking column of light. Yet when the waves come I feel utterly helpless to continue moving forward in linear time and the only respite is rest.

I know my ageless feeling may not be the actual case (yet) but in waking life I find myself more often communicating on the soul level than with verbal speech anymore. Verbal speech is so antiquated as people tend to interpret whatever you say as whatever they want whereas soul communication is instant transmission on the subconscious level that must manifest at some point (if not immediately).

As I had described in great detail to you before it took me nearly 1 whole year for me to change the consciousness of the accurately described “fossil members” of my community so that they would allow me to keep my garden. I gleaned that this was a project assigned to me by my soul in order to prepare the ground for what will surely be a way of life for many of the members of the community who know nothing about earth A. Since I have done the energetic work for them already they can thank me when social order collapses and they find themselves very open to the idea of gardening.  It will be a smooth transition for them now.

What I am now wondering is if the time to do make similar progress in the coming days will be much abbreviated as the energy threshold has reached a point where the negative energy to suppress our ideas is no longer possible?

The reason I ask is because I was recently guided by my higher self to make the following post in one take and to appear once again at the Raleigh City Council. You can read more here:

My question to you is – given the timing of this appearance and coincident guidance to announce it between Feb. 3 and 13 is conspicuous don’t you think? Especially in consideration that this approach to deal with fluoridation departs from past attempts.

I feel like my HS has guided me to approach this from a soul level where I expose the issue in such a way that obfuscation of our facts and arguments will be irrelevant… Addressing the Mayor personally, as another human being, should wipe away any pretense of hierarchical power and framing the debate around equal consideration of all should instantly trump any dubious reasoning provided for continuing fluoridation.  Despite what words come out of my mouth this is what my soul has already declared and must be obeyed at some point. The fact that these Orion minions do not understand is that I have already created the world where Fluoridation is not common practice and I am just following sign posts in linear time to get there.  SO MOVE OUT OF MY WAY.

I don’t know, but I sense that my soul is testing the new energy to see if our ability to manifest has greatly accelerated.  I would love your thoughts before so that we have something to look back on retrospectively after I make my appearance tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

Dear Corey,

your line of argumentation is the only correct one and exposes the illegitimate practice of fluoridation of drinking water.

Let me explain. According to current Orion drug law in all western countries fluoride is a drug and hence subjected to the drug law. According to this law only qualified specialists are allowed to prescribe drugs to patients or other people. In German drug law only medical doctors can prescribe drugs and pharmacists can only substitute one drug with another generic equivalent. But even pharmacists are not allowed to prescribe drugs to patients as they do not treat them and hence have no responsibility for the health of the patient. This legal situation is common for all EU countries. I assume that it is more or less the same in the USA.

Anyway, according to the current legal situation the local council has definitely committed a crime according to US drug law by using fluoride for mass consumption and thus has jeopardized the health of the whole local population without any discrimination and personal consent. This crime has been perpetuated for more than 50 years. Therefore it is up to the council to demonstrate the good will now and immediately stop this illegal practice.

Unless they do not do it, you (and other worried citizens) intend to start a classified legal action (lawsuit) against the whole community council for the last 50 years and have already talked about this with a lawyer (This may not be true, but it will impress the council as you will show them that there will be consequences for them personally if they do not comply.). It is not up to you to prove now if and how much fluoride is toxic to humans, but according to your information there is abundant scientific evidence that this is the case. This is up to the court to decide. If they prove it, and there are sufficient precedents worldwide, e.g. in Europe, where fluoride is defined as toxic and forbidden to be used in drinking water, then the whole council may go to prison for endangering human lives and prescribing illegally drug for mass consumption according to US drug law (and other civil laws).

You may ask the head of the council how many years of prison is provided in such a case according to US drug law as she must know it. She will, most probably, not know it and this will confuse and dissuade her even more.  In addition, there will be liabilities/ compensations in millions if not billions of dollars against the community council and then the whole community will be bankrupt. But this is then no longer your case. Your moral obligation now is to make clear to the council that they have no legal basis to use fluoridation of drinking water and have to stop this practice immediately.

You can write in this sense a second article and send it to the members of the council in advance. If this is a test as to how the people respond to the new energies, you must nail them first to the current laws and teach them to obey them before they awaken and expand their consciousness for further topics. It is just a test – you can use big cannons and bluff, if you will, as there is very little time left for this experiment and you do not need to do anything you have announced.

With love and light


I still resonate with Jane Roberts very loving and uplifting. I have been working with my subconscious thoughts, examining them when I catch myself in an imbalanced place.  The ego sure does love to have a picnic with that. It has taken me great effort to heal from my dire mental state after my husband passed. I wanted to help him heal from his distortions after he left the physical and myself. It has worked, even before he transitioned. I could see that the soul was pure, but I still needed to move through my own distortion as well.

Hope some of the Seth stuff resonates for you

love Cindy


Seth (ESP Class, 10-22-74):

Class Transcript: (In the class conversations that followed, Steve, another visitor for the evening, told Jane that he would like to ask Seth about the matter of the predictions of various psychics who allegedly foresee some sort of a world holocaust in the year 2000. Seth came through to comment.)

Seth Responded:

“As long as you believe in the basic evil of man, then you must project upon yourself great punishment. You must see your world destroyed, and so will you have prophets to tell you so, and so will they speak the truth, for they will speak from your own beliefs in the idea of your own evil.

Now, there is no holocaust unless you believe that you are so evil that you just punish yourselves, but there will always be benign old spirits like me that tell you that though you are bad, you are perfectly bad, and utterly beautiful, and nothing will destroy you
unless you are convinced that you are so evil that you must be destroyed.

And even then, only those who so believe will partake in that probability, and those of you who refuse to accept that belief, will learn instead, as I have said, a loving technology, and learn to deal with your universe and your earth with technology, and learn to deal with your universe and your earth with technology, but with love. You will breathe love into your machines, and that love will bring truth.

The prophets speak truly, that speak of doom. They speak truly when they speak from a framework that believes in doom. But that framework is a mere probability that gains its strength only from a belief in evil. So the prophets feel that belief, and emotionally
understand that while that belief is held, it will express itself, and so they are themselves terribly driven by those beliefs, and they paint dire pictures that reside individually in the psyche of each person who feels damned.

I tell you, you are full of grace. Your planet is full of grace. When you understand that, you will not need to pretend to destroy yourself, or your planet. You can live lovingly with yourself, and with your planet.”


Dear Cindy,

Seth is classics in esoteric literature and still a solitary peak in intellectual elaboration. I have not read anything better so far and I have read all his books, some of them many times. The only thing that bothers me somewhat are the stupid comments of Jane Roberts and her husband. This is the actual conundrum – why was it possible in the 60s to channel such pure intellectual stuff and now such bullshit without any exception.


The sixties hailed the term “Dawning of Aquarius“. I believe that energy came at a time of more enlightenment than at other historical times. to plant the seeds.

I agree that the bull between Jane and Robert is not necessary, but Jane was a living vessel. physical body and that was the soup mix of Jane’s self and Seth.

Even though she claims to not remember what happened. I believe that is true. I also believe that the subconscious shut her memory down.

Possibly, if she used certain hallucinogenics  than maybe she would have remembered.

So we must catch our unconscious thought and question how to move beyond what is not serving our highest good. That examination may be the catalyst to propel the PAT. It takes so much effort even for me, I needed to go deep into my dark night of the soul, but the light is aways there.

much love

Dear Cindy,

Channeling in the 60s, and even earlier, was only possible in a deep trance as the people were not ready energetically for a more open form of channeling with an active participation of the medium at the conscious level. I made some investigations with numerous channellers in the 90s and found this big difference. But ultimately even these channellers did not remember what they had channeled to me after the session.

Jane must have taken hallucinogens and this ultimately ruined her health. With this kind of mediums, there was a huge gap between what they channelled and their personal life, respectively earthly personality, but such were the times, and it was not possible to achieve more.

Now we live in a completely new energetic era, where words, be they channelled or spoken, must be measured upon the level of the LBP, which the individual has acquired and the selection is much harder. That is why most of the channeling messages are of such low quality – because these people are also retarded in their LBP. I looks as if present-day channeling actually inhibits the progression of the LBP – it has developed to a major esoteric distraction to it.


Dear George,

You just said in your conversation with Cindy that you don’t want any PAT member to suffer, well, my sprained ankle with ruptured ligaments has a Sudeck’s atrophy on top of it, most probably due to too early and aggressive mobilization, sigh, it hurts like hell, having an isotopic scan tomorrow, I don’t like it, but what can I do.  In retrospect it was going on since I got rid of the cask, I didn’t read the signals well, and having to manage it all on my own didn’t improve matters. It’s going to take some time to fully recover now and it feels like a huge setback. I’m not a wimp, I’m just very discouraged and I really wonder how it relates to the Ascension process that really is a go now. I have no idea what my Soul has in store for me, it’s such a weird and scary coinciding. End of nagging and I will not impose on you.

Thank you!
Love and Light, Dominique

Dear Dominique,

start immediately massaging your sprained ankle each day at least half an hour or three times ten minutes at best with your hands and you will see that you can heal it on your own without any other medication,. At the same time you should relax and mediate during healing as to let the healing energies enter your body. You may as well ask for help from the HR. Now is the time of healing our own body by ourselves,


Dear George,

I’m totally knocked out since Friday with the nastiest migraine and cc-waves since ever (non-stop), joined by fever and pain all over my body. If I did not know any better, I would swore I had the flu.

These steeping energies must mean that we are near to important changes. I feel it everywhere.

At night, the energies become even more intense and give me irregular heartbeats, sweating all over whilst having the most vivid dreams. I guess I still have a lot of stuff to transmute, also on the personal level.

Gush… Somehow I can’t believe ascension is near, as I became prudent about my personal expectations after December 21. Even with all these energies flowing in and out my personal field, upgrading and changing us, still make me feel hesitating about my pending ascension.

As I hoped to be there with the first wavers, I still encounter in my daily live people who make me feel unease in their presence. Also at home, my daughter of 16 is not really trying to make life easier for us with her puberty drama’s.

I feel ready for ascension but somehow I have mixed feelings as getting somehow withdrawn from it, as each time, my surrounding manages to get me emotionally involved in their so called reality soap. It’s more that I feel sorry for them, to spoil their energies in some ridiculous 3D-stuff and expect me to participate in a dialogue.

Maybe it is not my time yet and I will ascend with the masses. On the other hand, if my HS arranged this scenario for me, why do I still suffer so hard from these incoming energies?

All my love to you and the PAT and I hope you, Anita and Jerry will be the first to go.

Much Love,
Sandra Dillen

Dear Sandra,

this energy surge was expected after you all connected to the source. Now you are full-fledged vacuum cleansers of humanity’s dross and there is no pardon for you anymore. Welcome to the club of the idiots, who have given their permission for this nasty and unrewarding job.

But your current symptoms and pains are the best indication that you will be among the first to ascend. Those that will participate in mass ascension do not have any symptoms at all and many of them do not even know what ascension is, and that there will be such an event very soon.

But when one is fully knocked down under these huge energy bouts, one can hardly believe that there is a relieve and final ascension.

I was also involved in some artificial family dramas recently against my will and better knowledge, but this is another last sacrifice we do for our family members to help them release quicker their old beliefs and prejudices and also come with us. There is simply no other explanation.

With love and light

Thank you so much George, for your encouraging message.

It seems that even acting in our cosmic role as Master cleaner, we still put the standards very high for ourselves. Taken that into consideration, the gap between us, the LW and the masses became indeed unbridgeable.

Let’s cross our fingers and indeed hope we are on the very edge of a spectacular home coming.


This is exactly the case – the gap between the PAT and the masses cannot be bridged and this is what I try to insert into the minds of the PAT who forget this fact during their sufferings, which is very human.


Dear April,

as you may have read on our website, we have collected a vast array of information and confirmations that we have successfully accomplished the dress rehearsal prior to this weekend and have now entered the last most critical phase in preparation for the first ascension waves.

Could  you please check with your HS where we stand at the beginning of the next week and when the first ascensions are projected to occur. I know that this is a very difficult forecast, but let your HS simply tell us more as to how she evaluates the current energetic state of humanity and the PAT and what the odds are, if any.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I’m so sorry to have not written you back yet. Last Thursday, and lasting through the entire weekend, I came down with severe flu/ascension symptoms, perfectly mirroring the latest cleansing wave. Today I feel quite a bit better, finally, but am swamped here at work. I will try and sit back down with HS in the next day or two, but it looks like you’ve already been receiving some new information/confirmations as others are writing in.

I’ve been sending my love and prayers to Jerry and Anita and am wishing them a speedy transition/ascension.

Much love and light,

Dear April,

take your time. Now you are reaping the fruits of your bold decision to connect to the source. Thus you have become full-fledged vacuum cleansers of collective human dross and the symptoms and pains are increasing accordingly.

“Whom the gods love, they send him a lot of challenges“. This is what my wife used to say to me at the beginning of my LBP. Now she has discarded this saying as it no longer fits into her complete rejection of my LBP.

I do get some marginal confirmations, but they are not so valid as the assessment of your HS. I personally believe that everything is going according to plan and that what your HS has announced will happen this time without any delays. But of course it will be great if we get some actual glimpses into the complex preparations behind the veil in this auspicious last phase from the vantage point of view of your HS.

I am sure that you will find the just time to get the optimal information.There is no point now to force the events. Take care that you first recover from this recent nasty bout of cleansing energy. There are many more PAT members who complain about this last energy surge.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I had a very promising dream experience this night (Feb 4). I was present at a gathering of prominent people, one of them was former tennis champion Boris Becker, and we were instructed to travel to a distant country for an assignment. We were standing next to a group of very tall, adjacent hotel buildings and were instructed to work in small groups. I worked with two little girls, around the age of 10.

We knocked on the door of a hotel room and were granted permission to enter by it’s inhabitants, a middle-aged, brown-bearded gentleman and his wife. They were  obviously asleep upon our arrival, still yawning and stretching when we entered, but they seemed happy to have us anyway. I accompanied the man to the garden, that belonged to their ground floor room, to have a look at the scenery.

The garden had a view on the sea and I could also see a mountain further away. At the moment I saw it I instantly realised that it is Mount Shasta! It was projecting an incredible display of light and colours, but a deep golden colour was the most dominant. The sight was ravishing and filled us with joy beyond measure. The man and I ran quickly to the farthest point of the shore to take a closer look. We were passing houses where the owners were still asleep due to the early hour.

The return to the hotel room was not so pleasant, because I had to pass near the same houses, which as I realised, were guarded by dogs (I’m afraid of dogs). With this realisation, I got into a state of strong anxiety and woke up in a bewildered state of mind at 3 AM.

In my interpretation, the dream indicates that ascension is very close, and part of humanity, symbolized by the happy man and his wife are definitely ready to welcome ascended masters (they were blissful to be awakened by our knocking)  to lead them towards the Golden Age, symbolized by the ravishing Mount Shasta in this dream.

The houses guarded by dogs represent the part of humanity still trapped in fear patterns, guarding their houses with dogs, trying to barricade themselves from the energetic changes. I’m sure the HR see hope for them, that’s why we’re engaged in processing their intense fears. This is what Gaiaportal’s latest message also refers to: “All stones are being upturned in order to assist alignment with the true Light within each.”

Yours truly,

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