Letters to the Editor
Hallo George,
the latest Ascension Scenario as spelled out by April had a very uplifting effect on me. I wish to thank April, Dorie and yourself for that. I have nothing to add to that information, other than that today I had a download of sorts when I got a toothache again on my left side similar to that week long affair during 11/11/11 if you can remember. This time it only lasted about half a day. I could feel the pain all the way up to the left top of my head.
Yesterday I was heavily fatigued and felt like a zombie. Maybe it is my vessel that is clearing itself, in order to let the soul in for reunification?
Now I also understand why I am so forgetful and unable to get organized – My soul is pushing me to remain in the present (ie. get away from linear time).
Oh, I saw that movie “La belle verte”, it is just wonderful and made me feel homesick. I did encourage others to watch the movie too, incl. my daughter. Well, we all know how it feels to be “disconnected” (from the Orion matrix) in midst a humanity that is still fully connected. A damn lonely place that is, just like you mentioned in your last post.
in love and light,
Dear Joe,
I am glad that you like this French movie as a kind of introduction to what we will experience next month after ascension on a much broader scale and with much bigger and impressive effects. But it is good to attune to the theme of this film in advance.
I can confirm that today is another very powerful cc-wave with a strong headache for me, announcing the beginning of the preparation for the dress rehearsal this weekend. I expected this energy surge a little bit later, around Friday, but this early beginning is a good sign that this ascension test run will be very powerful and may even lead to first ascensions.
The signs that February will be the month of our ascension are increasing (see latest Gaia message and there are some more). Let us hope that this time everything will be perfect after so much work and sacrifice on our part to make this happen.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you and April for bringing the news from the HR forward. Following an inner urge, I’ve made up my mind on Monday to inform my mother, who I still live together with, about the energetic situation on Earth, as well as my role in it. We had a pretty lengthy conversation and it was like a little catharsis, with both of us releasing heavy loads from our shoulders. She took it pretty well, and in the end she told me about an experience of euphoria which she had in her childhood during singing in a choir. It’s like a huge barrier or block was broken through between us. I know, Georgi, that you’ve lost interest in humanity, I just wanted to share it because it mirrors the success of our endeavours to anchor HD energies on earth.
Your latest conversation with Rick regarding the broad LW community made me think. I was wondering if these people were supposed to participate to a greater extent in the deep energetic process /like us/, or if their role was originally limited to do the kind of shallow, superficial activity they do at present. It is obvious that the “average human” is unable to follow a level of conversation presented on this website, not to mention your scientific work, so obviously they have an easier time to embrace channelled material which merely serves to keep people on a certain level of vibration, but offers close to zero value for the intellectually oriented truth seeker.
My guess is that the LW community was not intended to do anything more. They probably lack the potential to do the heavy-duty energetic cleansing we’ve been engaged in. Perhaps the whole ascension scenario was supposed to run much smoother, but due to the heavy influence of service-to-self forces, the plan had to be altered several times, and the LW just couldn’t adapt/develop fast enough to participate in a more useful manner.
With respect,
Dear Zoltan,
it is very good that you have discussed this issue with your mother and have thus helped her open for the new energies. After all we have a responsibility for our relatives and help them ascend to the 5th dimension. This can only happen if they make the final choice as it seems to be case with your mother.
I know that currently many people open to this outcome – most of them still at the subconscious level and some of them increasingly more consciously. But there are also those who are now blocking more than one should have expected from them and they may need a real catharsis to open for the new reality. This is the last resistance of human consciousness before it fully collapses under the grinding and dissolving influence of the new energies from the source.
I have often thought that there may be a ceiling set for the large LW worker community as to what they are able and supposed to deliver in the current End Times in terms of being agents and promoters of energetic change. However my gut feeling tells me that they were actually supposed to do much more and ultimately failed. They were too much mired by the Orion illusion and stayed trapped for too long in this reality to be of any significant help.
Probably it was a great failure of the HR to establish the New Age Movement in the USA and other Anglo-Saxon speaking countries by incarnating so many star seeds in these countries, where they were indoctrinated much more profoundly than if they would have incarnated in much bigger numbers in, say, Eastern Europe, where they would have been more open and would have helped establish a more clear collective process of human awakening. Who knows?
On the other hand, the political conditions on the old earth were, and still are, such that you can very hardly exert a bigger influence if you come from a small East European country and are not so versatile in the English language and culture. It is still a conundrum to me why for instance the Russian speaking people were not able to establish an autonomous “Novaja Vremja” (New Age) movement within the confines of the former Soviet Union and Communist block with greater openness and a clearer focus on some scientific esoteric issues by involving many disappointed scientists after the Fall of the Iron curtain and the subsequent economic crisis when the people were much more open to such ideas than now.
At that time I was often in Bulgaria, but also in Russia and other East European countries and I still wonder what happened with this early spiritual renaissance after the year 2000. These are indeed historical puzzles that I have often pondered on, but have not discussed on this website as very few of my readers have these historical experiences and overview and would have understood what I am talking about.
Now we are running out of time and these considerations are of pure theoretical character. The background dynamics will remain veiled until we have ascended and know the whole picture.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Indeed, I can also confirm that some people are still resisting the new energies, this is precisely the case with my sister, who works for the EU in Brussels, which is probably one of the cities where the Orion web of fear is still intact at greatest force. She wrote me an e-mail the other day in a very aggressive, lecturing tone that it’s about time for me to get independent and active. (Look who’s talking) The whole message was stinking of existential fear and anxiety, which she projected outward on me as she’s unable to deal with it herself. I explained this to her and to my surprise she realized that she’s gone too far and apologized. I was itching to prove her that I have reached a level of sovereignty like few on earth, but when I offered an explanation on my spiritual role, she admitted that her fear is greater than her curiosity. I told her to contact me again when she feels the time is right.
When I read your speculations regarding Eastern-Europe and Russia, I remembered that some Russian scientists have been involved in figuring out the healing and energizing properties of pyramids. They’ve been doing this for quite some time, but I doubt the public knows anything about it. I believe that the fall of the iron curtain by itself created the illusion of freedom for East-European people, since many aspects of western culture became available shortly, that were oppressed under the communist regimes. Sexual freedom, private property, consumerism etc. In fact they moved from one prison to the other. Now the people are addicted to consumption, the illusion that the more things you own, the better your life will be, and instead of sexual freedom we have nation of sexually frustrated people. Basically we escaped the grip of communism and fell into the hands of western (Orion) mind-control machine.
What concerns the scientists, they live a survivalist life like everyone else, so they cannot afford the luxury of true abstract ideas and originality, as these are a threat against the establishment. The few who took the courage to give way for their individual ideas are ridiculed and have a hard time to make ends meet, and not a soul is paying any attention to them The esoteric interested people in Hungary basically do the same as the ones in the USA. They use their superficial knowledge to gain popularity, flatter their egos by telling everyone what to do, and acquire as much money as they can get their filthy hands on, basically supporting the old system.
It’s time we close the curtains of this theatre of illusions!
Yours truly,
Dear Zoltan,
this is all correct, but in the 90s, there was a short period of time when the scientists were more or less on the street as all former scientific communist institutes in Eastern Europe were closed due to lack of money. The people were not yet infiltrated by the Western propaganda and the money machinery. During this time of mental freedom, they were very open to new ideas.
At this time I tried to propagate my new theory in Bulgaria and had some spectacular successes, including an introductory lecture on the Universal Law in the Great Aula of the Bulgarian academy of science in front of more than 500 selected scientists, many of them professors and academicians of the old Russian type. But then the situation changed overnight when Western capital entered these countries and spoiled the scientific community. They completely subjugated themselves to the rogue Western ideas in science, and the short period that was very conducive for a positive change of the scientists’ minds was irreversibly lost.
Hi George,
I just wanted to share a very small summary of a conversation that was initiated by HS.
“PAT are now the only beings that are rooted into Gaia. Other entities have almost completely been retrieved by Soul so they will not be cognizant during the shift. The energies of such high frequency infused by the PAT (and others) have provided entities to create the same body but with a higher vibration, and they are now almost consciously dwelling in them. When they have completed this merge we will trigger the ID split.”
I feel this message may shed even more light on the GaiaPortal message but I will have to check this out at another time as I need to go to bed.
With so much Love,
Dear Garrett,
this message is absolutely correct and covers what we have discussed all along. The PAT members not only display the highest possible vibrations, but they have also anchored them fully in Gaia and thus superimposed them with all vibrational patterns existent on this planet – from the first, second and third dimensions on the old earth, through the astral levels and the 5th dimension and up to the source. This enabled us to create the rainbow bridge last summer.
This is also the reason why we are serving as huge antennae to transmit the energies from the source to all other human entities who will ascend to the 5th dimension and are now building rapidly their crystalline bodies. These entities are not however in the position to anchor their energies firmly in the old Gaia as we have done and cannot serve as huge antennae themselves and substitute the PAT fully. Hence we must be present to the very last moment on the ground.
The ID spilt will come as the last crowning event in March to my estimation when many waves of individual ascensions (including those of many PAT members) have already taken place in February and early March. The ID split will occur simultaneously with mass ascension when the bulk of ascendees will move to the new 5d-earth and the separation of the earth timelines will be finalized.
You can ask your HS to comment one more time on the time schedule of ascension I have published and discussed in the last several days.
With love and light
Hi George,
I still follow and read the updates as I always have since 2011, but I’m not very vocal in my input. I have written to you only several times before. I do hope to see you ascend as it has been announced for February. My desire to see this 3D reality crumble is so intense I am at a loss for words.
Lately something I’m noticing that is happening is cause enough for me to write again, even if it may seem trivial at this point in time.
I am noticing my animals are even acting as though they can sense something coming. I have a blind dog and several species of reptiles. My dog has had more good days than bad lately, like he regained the spring in his step. And all my snakes have seemed to have a calming attitude towards everything. One of my boa’s in particular has always been a very shy and nervous girl who would rather be left alone, but just in the past week or so, she has had a complete change in demeanour. She has turned into a calm and curious boa, something I never thought I’d see the day of.
I wonder if many animals, especially ones close to people who do have such love for Mother Earth, are showing signs that they sense that Gaia and her inhabitants have crossed over a very definitive line.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that my beloved kids of nature are showing me the feeling of being quite blissful as of late. It brings tears to my eyes to feel connected to them in a whole new way, and yes even snakes have love and wisdom in their hearts.
Thanks for listening George. All the best to you and all of PAT. May your light shine brightly!
Dear Lori,
thank you for contacting me again. The behaviour of the animals as you describe it is indeed remarkable and shows clearly that the energies have changed radically in the last days. Altogether the animals have become less aggressive and more loving as they pick up the energies emanated by the people. Although we may experience a surge of collective aggressions very soon, when the events will begin to unfold, this will be only as a result of their releasing, while the underlying, carrying energy patterns no longer sustain this kind of emotional polarity. I also witness this behaviour with my two dogs which have become more calm and less aggressive/combatant in the last days.
This is a clear indication for the coming energy shift.
With love and light
Dear George,
You warned them to face themselves!!! I did that long ago and it is a continuous journey!
It is happening NOW. You were never wrong – even on the dates…. the only thing that has not happened yet – The explosion and that depends on more than you and me. I will never quit. Neither will YOU.
Thank you Mr. Glue. If you had not been there, the “minor” light would have quit. Wow this crap is not “fun”, but very interesting.
Much love,
Dear Liz,
The dates that were given were probabilities and not certainties. However this time I believe that the given probable dates in February will become reality finally.
I don’t know if I have ever felt more peculiar. I feel as if my face and part of my body are almost numb or paralyzed, not from being able to use, but from feeling. My struggles with Anita continue. Don’t know if she is holding her own or not since can’t tell how much of this is downloads. Thanks for the messages, but I am not sure that we, especially her, will make it two more weeks until the 12th. Maybe we will rally as we have before but
we are up against the wall now for sure.
Dear Jerry,
it’s good to hear from you again. If your souls decide that you may not make it till February 11th, you may ascend this weekend during the dress rehearsal. I have discussed this issue today with the HR, while having a walk with my dog in the fields and I /HS could not find any objections to this proposal. Let us hope for the best.
With love and light
Oh that is wonderful news, George. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd. I am feeling those are important dates. It seems in the past 11-11-11, 9-9-9 and all the other failed attempts we were devastated, but then returned to somewhat functionality but not this time. Why has source decided not to partially rejuvenate particularly Anita this time? Maybe we don’t need it because we won’t be here, but a few short days. We can only hope. So many times so many failures, I feel them all so deeply. I never thought I could feel so badly and still be alive. The sun and the landscape is beautiful here in Arizona, but I don’t feel it anymore, I am numb and paralyzed to this life, but still here. Thanks George for all you have done and said. I feel my time is up one way or the other.
Dear Jerry,
this is the last letting go of this world but you are absolutely right to ask: “Why should our departure be so painful and full of personal suffering?”
I have another powerful cc-wave today (Jan 30) with a strong headache. I expected this energy surge on Friday in anticipation of the weekend dress rehearsal, but it is starting earlier, which is a good sign to my interpretation. This heralds a big ascension test run with possible first personal ascensions. I am praying that you will be gone this weekend. I can wait till next week.
Many heartfelt greetings to Anita.
Dear George,
On January 2nd, I had a vision and then heard my name being called out loud all around me as I walked through a door. On January 6th, my body collapsed and I travelled somewhere. I was having a conversation with a woman. I was there for what seemed like years, but came back and only 5-7 seconds had passed.
Now, I’m seeing in vibrations, or, frequencies. I just finished a 2 week bout of pneumonia and have clarity of purpose. I am one of those light workers who is weaving the masses together.
My vision is for sustainable learning communities that create a self-reinforcing learning loop that realizes sustainable growth through a continuous process self and community learning and reflection within conditions that are favorable for human development and growth.
The path is unfolding. So far, I am calling the service Sustainability Site Coordination and Management. I’m trying to use their language to usher in organizational structures that will create favorable conditions for a massive paradigm shift in all student, communities member, business owners… etc…
I need more help.
But I am rapidly attracting the people I need like a beacon… a magnet. We aren’t always sure how to move forward, but know that we need to move forward together.
I’m the ability to pitch this position as a shared personnel agreement in West Orange, NJ and then I have others in mind next. I figure I’ll have to ask about 100 to get a ‘yes’ but that the ‘yes’ will come within that number.
I see lots of resistance within institutions, they don’t know and they are the most entrenched. They have ahold of their limbic systems…. but we can educate and learn together to release that hold.
Jennifer Dowd
Dear Jennifer,
thank you very much for contacting me for the first time, as far as I see it. We have now entered the End Times of massive changes where all star seeds are moving in their preordained positions to help change humanity at the societal level. The actual change will come with a paradigm shift within the collective mindset and then the new ideas must be implemented by the individuals at the local level, where they live.
At the same time there will be huge energetic shifts such as the ID split that will heave part of humanity to the 5th dimension, where life will be completely different than now. Those that will stay on the current earth A/B will have to change their life on their own, step by step, after they have let go of their current illusions first. Only you can know where your place will be – on the current earth A/B that will slowly move to the higher 4th dimension or on the new earth A, where a substantial part of humanity will ascend most probably in March.
With love and light
That is what I’m doing. Right now. I’m testing a model of organizational structures that will influence our behavior through measuring changes in the environment: the changes that are necessary for healthy development. I’m making the data visible in 3D. I am closing the gap between the vision and the current reality. We aren’t that far off. Once I get one place to say yes… the others will follow because I hit them where they are most vulnerable… their pocket books. I tell them they will see financial savings of $100,000 in their first year and millions in 3-4 years. This is just an estimate, but it could be even more if more people get on board.
It all begins with a change in thinking. You have provided me with more words to describe what I think and do. We are still developing the language to even communicate with each other.
Thanks for your contribution. I’m glad to be working with you.
Dear Jennifer,
In your plans, have you seriously considered the possibility that very soon there will be no money at all, surely not on the earth A and even if you prefer to stay on earth A/B, I am not sure how long the current Orion monetary system will survive there and will not be substituted with a simple numerical exchange system without interest rates and any impetus for pecuniary gains.
I have written a lot about this alternative as early as 2000 in my gnostic books. I am not sure if your ideas are spiritually advanced enough to have any chance of realisation even on earth A/B. At least this is not what I advocate now and will advocate after my ascension.
How in touch are you with you the local side of things?
Here is what is happening in Hillsborough, NJ. It was the last town to hold out for citizen control of the school budget in Sommerset county, but I believe there are other cities in the state that have not yet disenfranchised it’s people of one of their last rights- to vote on their school budget. The system is broken. We don’t need it.
Local people need a way to overthrow educational funding of the public schools, which is at the base of the monetary system. We can reclaim our towns. That is possible, but it is getting harder the longer we go on without local action. But I am acting here. Monday this happened and I made it in a couple of lines in the local press. You can read the message I’m send the masses (although this is a fraction of what I said):
I am systematically taking people who are in a sustainable paradigm and bringing them together to work together. Only working together can we collectively subvert the Orion system (as you name it). People need to know what it looks like to not do what they are doing now.
I am still evolving. I’m still figuring it out, but I am in the field every day. Talking to people and connecting those together who need each other and acting. I do it for free. And my bills are somehow getting paid, and my son goes to the Waldorf School in Princeton- which is not free. And I can pick him up everyday. And he is meditating now. He is six. He told me about cosmic time. He can talk to animals. We are working on telepathy together, but I’m still learning.
If there is more information you have for me then send it. I read all I can, but I’m busy doing it and writing about it and learning about their political, economic, and social systems to understand all I can about it so that I can systematically disassemble it. If that is even what is needed. I have a vision for the future. I don’t know where it came from. I haven’t read everything you have written. But I know this:
This is my full time job. I am here to do the work that needs to be done. I need help and I keep asking. I think you are right that I am not spiritually advanced enough yet… but I’m learning. I’m opening my self up and healing so quickly.
It is tough to communicate my vision and how and why I know to do it the way I do to each different person. I contacted you because I read your work and it connected with me. I thought that you would want to know what was happening locally here, and what I’m doing. I have specific messages to communicate and when people operate in the new paradigm then all will change. Quickly.
I can’t figure out all the words to describe the experiences, but I tried to communicate it through a short video I made on the Internet. It was the best I could do for a first try. You can check it out here if you want to see my view.
I had a vision. I can’t get it out of my head. I saw myself walking in a pristine world. There were 2 of us on the top of a grassy mountain. It overlooked a pristine body of water. There were presumably others, but there were not partaking in our conversation. I was there for a long time and no time at all. I came back to my body and the world didn’t look the same. It looks like frames. Illusions are shedding.
I had not been using myself to my full potential. I didn’t know what that was. I’m still realizing it and striving for that.
We can organize towards sustainability. I don’t have all the answers but I am finding out more and adjusting as new information becomes available. I’m listening. This work is too important to spend my energy on futile methods. If you see a way to implement changes at the local level then let me know. But I’m not stopping.
Rainbows and sunshine,
Dear Jennifer,
It was not my intention to discourage you in your local activities to improve life and the democratic rights of the people. I only wanted to make you aware of the bigger picture and to give you the perspective that all true changes are not made by fighting on the ground, but first by envisioning the real causes and how they can be solved in a most radical and beneficial way for all participants. Then you can decide in which direction you should invest your energies. Much of what you are now fighting against, will be non-existent very soon – it will simply collapse due to lack of energetic support from the higher realms like a house of cards. But ultimately it is up to you to decide in which project you should invest your energy. If you feel the inner impulse, you should follow it of course. I only wanted to help you not to invest too much energy in the current duality by showing you how it can be transcended first at the psycho-mental level.
With love and light
Very good. I’m going to continue my work there.
Dear George,
like many that write you I am experiencing the exact things. This has never happened to
me in this way. Fatigue up every hour at night. I literally take my computer in the bedroom to check my emails when I wake up. Helps me go back to sleep. Sense of inner depression can’t remember my dreams. Watched most of that beautiful French movie (very fast subtitles) will finish later today. Thank you beautiful, amazing.
I wasn’t ( I must be ignorant) putting things together and wanted to share I am so grateful to receive your beautiful time and the amount of energy you expend on all of us. How can I help you? I am always moving towards the love and upliftment as best as I can for others. If there is anything else that you need in all of this please let me know.
With live and light
Cindy Darienzo
Dear Cindy,
there is nothing you can do now for anybody else, but see that you cope with these energies as they are immense and very debilitating. I am glad to hear that you like the French film. The subtitles are very quick indeed and I also had difficulties to read them.
With love and light