by Daniel Akkerman and Georgi Stankov, January 14, 2012
Dear George,
This night I had several dreams. In the first, I saw a girl I used to go to school with. She was heavily depressed and in a difficult time. Previously, she was part of the slumbering masses, full of herself and not evolving at all. Now, it looked like she was heavily affected by the new energetic conditions, which tells me that the masses are now changing more and more.
The next dream, I was part of some sort of elite team, specialized in defeating the dark and infiltrating. I do not remember many details, but we were very busy here on earth.
The last one is interesting. There was a full scale assault on Orion/reptilian forces who were attempting to crash the moon into the earth, by manipulating power generators located on the moon. We managed to stop their plans and return the generators to normal operation, but it was much bigger than this. There was a galaxy-wide effort to remove all dark Orion entities from this dimension and earth specifically.
These dreams tell me the full completion of ID split is closer, maybe very close: the masses are in a time of quick change, and the Orions are being pushed back to (earth) B.
Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,
these are very indicative dreams. I can only say that I feel that the ID split is now taking place and it will be finalized by our Ascension. Today I am hit by another very powerful wave of a new quality that has put me in a state of fever and physical exhaustion, as it I were very ill, but I have normal temperature. These new energies are dissolving my physical body. There is definitely another huge energy peak today, much bigger than on Dec 21 and comparable in its intensity to that on Dec 23, but of somewhat different quality, as if the energies affect this time only my body and are not cleansing waves for the rest of humanity.
Dear George,
I agree 100% with you, this wave feels exactly the same for me. Currently there is a lot of info incoming from my HS, with information about the current situation. I will let you know when I have digested all of it.
Dear Daniel,
this is a very good idea. Try to get more information from your HS what happened today. It was a very important day, but I also have difficulties to evaluate it properly.
Dear George,
Here follows the information I have.
Message from HS
Firstly, there are certain amounts of ascendees required to inhabit earth A and A/B. This means that not too many may choose for earth B. There are also similar requirements, which have a similar effect on the group that chooses to die and incarnate on earth A/B or A. Not too many can choose this path, because of these requirements. If said requirements are not fulfilled, there will be too few inhabitants to learn the collective lessons from the pre-ascension days. Someone who chooses to die and reincarnate contributes significantly less to that process than someone who ascends to earth A, or someone who stays on earth A/B to eventually ascend to earth A (but a lot more than someone who stays on earth B). Not meeting these requirements would result in those lessons being a crushing weight on the population of A/B and A, causing drops in frequency. This may cause downfall to 3d again, or that situation will have to be averted by significant external energetic input. Obviously neither of these two are effective and ideal situations.
The detonation of the PAT supernova and the ID split are connected. The ascension of PAT adds an enormous amount of fuel to the process, allowing humans to ascend even if they are not able to do so on their own. Any ascension of the PAT will cause the (near) full completion of the split. But this is only possible, when the combined energy of the PAT and humanity is enough to meet the quota discussed above.
All delays in ascension have been because humanity was not ready. The PAT can contribute a lot, but it is impossible to ascend someone who does not want to ascend. There are in fact not that many humans who are ready to ascend on their own, but there are quite many who are able to do this with minimal help. The scale of “ascension” to “fence straddler” is not a linear one. If we assume that there are 100 steps between these two, it will cost less energy to ascend 100 people who are one step away from ascension, than it will cost to ascend someone who is a few steps away.
So, keeping all this in mind, the plan is now the following. The ID split is triggered and pushed on all fronts (see for example my dreams I sent to you earlier George). There are several focal points. What the actual ID split means, is that everything is attracted to these focal points, and pushed away from the space in between the focal points.
Visual representation:
PAT ascension to Source: every PAT member has reached the focal point, so included separate from chart.
Ascension to 5D —-+—- Earth A/B —-+—- Death & reincarnation —- + —- Earth B
We have on the left the highest frequency and on the right the lowest. For a long time every part on the line has had sort of the same strength of existence. Humanity especially likes to hang around the “+” parts in between these focal points, in other words maximal fence straddling. What has happened/is happening with the 1-13-13 portal, and will continue to happen with increasing speed is that these maximum fence straddling points serve as a force that pushes everything away from it. These possibilities/realities cease to exist. The focal points attract, merge with their surroundings and become more solidified.
To imagine how this is accomplished, take for example the space between 5D and earth A/B. Imagine someone closer to 5D, but not quite there yet. Then, the possible realities between these two spaces are reduced. The closer to the point of maximum fence straddling, the more realities are removed. The reality our subject is on is dissolved. The first reaction is to grab a new reality. The closest remaining reality is one closer to 5D, because this entity was closer to earth A than to earth A/B. So, this person moves a step closer to 5D, and then this process is repeated again and again. There is also an extra incentive to go up, because going down (closer to earth B) is less attractive than going up, especially if a choice has to be made.
Keeping in mind the non-linear scale of required energy for ascension, this means that the amount of energy required continues to decrease faster and faster, while the ID split progresses, until it is ready to finalize completely by launching ascension. This time, it should be a bit easier on the PAT because of the decreased amount of required energy. This may also relate to why the waves have felt energetically different, quoting you “There is definitely another huge energy peak today, much bigger than on Dec 21 and comparable in its intensity to that on Dec 23, but of somewhat different quality, as if the energies affect this time only my body and are not cleansing waves for the rest of humanity.”.
There may also be more. It really feels like this was and still is a very eventful moment, and more things can be happening at once. Do you have any other info?
Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,
thank you very much for this excellent and didactically very well done elaboration of the current energetic situation. I do not know whether you have already read the latest Gaiaportal message, but it fully coalesces with your presentation:
“Coalescence of diverse energy patterns (structures) commences as of the 1-13-13. Unique opportunities for Gaia harmonization in particular occur at the 1:13 and 13:13 points. Higher Guidance directs operations at those window points.
To the outer eye seeming unrelated events coalesce to recognizable Higher Symmetry structures, leading to awakening to Higher Purpose for many of the previously human-only (small ‘h’) individuals.
Galactic Gatherings occur more readily as time lines converge and dissolve.
Hue-manity notes the significance of this 1-13-13 portal.”
This is indeed remarkable. One can imagine this process figuratively as a homogeneous cloud/nebula of matter particles around a sun which begins to build nuclei and these nuclei gain more and more gravitational force and begin to attract the cloud particles around them, thus getting bigger and bigger until they have attracted all the nebula particles and evolve to real planets.
This is the famous Laplace Nebular hypothesis how planets are created. I do not say that this hypothesis is true, but it very well illustrates the building of cohesive U-sets of human sub-populations, which will inhabit earth A, A/B and B. The fourth group will consist of the ones, who will end their current incarnation with a death experience. It is logical to expect that this group should be minimal, given the many delays which were introduced to help the masses awaken and embrace a more positive, higher frequency alternative.
I will not elaborate more on your presentation as it is very clear and succinct and does not need any additional interpretation beyond my visual example above.
This explanation however does not solve the crucial question when the PAT supernova, the ID split and the ascension of Gaia to the 5th dimension will be accomplished. But it is obvious that with the opening of the portal 1.13.13. today we have made a huge step in this direction.
Separately, I will forward you the latest energy update from Bernice, which goes in the same direction as your presentation, although it deals with different aspects of our ascension. I had personally difficulties to really comprehend the dynamics behind Bernice’s update, but you may be more discernible in this respect than myself.
I am afraid that I cannot add anything substantially new to what you have said and what we already know. We are still in the same process of steadily increasing the frequencies of the masses through opening new portals every 10 days or so (the last portal was on January 2-3) and continuously increasing their frequencies in between. The incarnated human beings must now choose for themselves how quickly they will progress along this upwards spiral. But altogether their positive choices are supported by the incoming higher frequency energies we continue to transmit to humanity, as was the case in 2011 and 2012.
In this way the recruitment requirements for ascension are fulfilled step by step with an exponentially growing velocity, which will ultimately facilitate the detonation of the PAT supernova.
As you rightly point, it has never been about us, the PAT members, as we have already ascended to the source long time ago. But we are still indispensable on the ground for the current intensive preparation of humanity for its mass ascension. The only consolation amidst these perennial delays is that we have managed to establish firmly the balanced earth A/B, again due to our sacrifice to stay longer on the earth, and now we are fully occupied in optimizing the harvest.
This is the current energetic situation. But the portal today was indeed a very significant one and this is what I have been sensing this whole last week. Let us hope that we have reached another pivotal threshold, from where our ascension will be much more easy and quicker this time.
With love and light
This is probably what I meant when I said that I might be missing something.
What I believe this means, is that instead of ascending everyone at the same time (millions/billions of humans), everyone ascends in groups of 50 or so as Bernice said. The pod is what combines the individuals in the group. Each PAT member then takes the fresh batch of ascension-ready humans in such a pod (“in my pod we are strangers'”), while dark entities sink further to earth B. An ascension creates a chain effect to fuel new ascensions, I believe this was discussed earlier. This new fuel then allows the next batch to come quickly in a “pod”.
As the 5D timeline keeps attracting people close to it, once they are ready they will simply ascend. We may assist them as ascended masters once the first wave has commenced/ completed, in their ascension, or by appearing on the ground for example to provide some inspiration. We can work with each individual timeline to quicken the merging into several solid realities as explained in my previous message. These small batches will continue to ascend as soon as the people are ready, which should go quickly because of the chain effect.
So, it appears this is the solution created because of our demands of immediate ascension. This is remarkable because Bernice mentioned this before we again decreed to ascend immediately a few days ago. Because of the occurring ID-split, humanity will keep moving to it’s appropriate position and there is no possibility to fence straddle any further. Because of this, we are not really needed on the ground anymore, not nearly as much as before. So all this points to a quick ascension for the PAT.
What I do not know is how much time it will take for the ID split to happen to such a degree, that it is all finalized, but I think it will happen after our ascension, as a big part of humanity will now ascend after us instead of with us. This scenario removes a lot of pressure from us and everyone else. The logistics are easier than ascending everyone at once. We ascend sooner, and humanity has even more time if they need it. And those who do not need to wait, do not need to wait anymore. Or as Bernice said, “Patience is not required -will not serve HD goals- Patience was created as 3d trap- let patience go.”.
The big question “when?” remains. I guess we can only come back to what was said earlier, “like a thief in the night”. But for real this time.
Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,
thank you for your interpretation of Bernice’s latest energy update. This is one possibility how to interpret it. It could as well be that the ascension candidates on the ground are simply wrapped up in batches of 45-55 when they meet the requirements for personal ascension and then kept there in a bubble like we were kept in the 4d-interim space since our failed ascension in September last year.
The advantage of this energetic scenario is that it protects the candidates who have reached the ascension threshold not to fall back in older negative habits and patterns, which will soon begin to loom high and to ravage human society, especially when the changes will commence at the societal level after the facade of the old matrix visibly crumbles. Common life cannot and will not stay as calm as it is now.
The initial beneficial effect of the incoming energies from the source will soon turn sour and make the people rather uneasy and off balance. This is how these waves exert their effects on human psyche and mind. This is what we experience each time when there is a portal to be opened as yesterday 1.13.13. The difference is that we are rather experienced in such huge energetic imbalances when these energies peak at each new portal and also in the meantime in preparation for them, while the masses have no personal experience with such extreme energetic disequilibrium as they have lived all their lives in a very narrow, low-frequency spectrum and many will go amok.
But this does not necessarily mean that our ascension is immediate or that these pods of people will ascend step by step after our ascension. I somehow feel that that the HR will continue with this new energetic tactics for some time as to have sufficient ascendees wrapped up in such pod-bubbles before we trigger the ID split and the PAT supernova. They need a lot of ascending entities on earth A to fully open the new season on the 5th dimension. A few thousands or even millions will not do it as you wrote in your first presentation.
My guess from this night, when I got some additional information on 1.13.13., is that it still may take a little bit more time to prepare humanity for this crucial leap. As long we do not have reached the critical mass of ascension, we will wait on the ground and continue doing our shepherd job of collecting the sheeple.
With love and light
Dear George,
Indeed my interpretation was a little bit too optimistic. After last night I see it will take a bit more time, like I wrote in my first message. But we have made a big step forward and it should not be too long anymore. Bernice’s message however says very clearly that we do not have to wait anymore, which made me favour that alternative. Somehow I feel it is still possible to ascend quickly if we really want to, but maybe it is not the best way to do it, because we want the mass ascension scenario.
Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,
Bernice’ notice on human impatience and why this basic human fear is no longer necessary struck a cord in my heart as the previous day (Jan 12) I was overwhelmed by a flurry of impatience and was very angry with the HR that let us stay so long on the ground. Retrospectively I conclude that this was another strong cleansing day when such basic human fears as “impatience” were released, so that we begin to live fully in the Now.
Dear George,
Ah. This makes it clear to me now.