Energy Update of the PAT- November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012

We all have been knocked down by further inhuman bouts of energy in the last several days that build a crescendo pointing inevitably to the only possible outcome – Ascension. One must be a dumbed down cretin not to feel this culmination of energy or to negate it, notwithstanding its overwhelming confirmation by all esoteric and channeling sources on the Internet. 

Humanity is awakening now with a speed beyond the visible light, almost instantaneously. Our English friend Felix who lives in our house was in France for 10 days and when he came back, he told me that he only met young people there who were talking about their ascension on Dec 21. He is now fully convinced, after I have worked on him for the last year. He has now decided to go back to England to see his family one last time before ascension and eventually help his father, who is a fence straddler still in a deep slumber, awaken and thus save his soul.

When my wife learnt about Felix’s decision, she commented with a resignation in her  tone: “It seems that I now belong to the minority, who does not believe in ascension”. “Indeed” I responded, “You are still on the “island of  the damned souls” and it is getting smaller and smaller due to the energy deluge. I must see that I save your ass as an ascended master through a miracle, now that I cannot save your soul in due time.”

I think that the latest developments speak a clear language. Now we only need to use all our wisdom and knowledge amassed from numerous past incarnations to survive somehow the intensity of these powerful waves coming from the source and transmitted further to humanity through the unity field of the PAT till Ascension in December.

Despite all our physical pain and sufferings, I would have been much more perturbed if there were not such an energy crescendo, as in this case I would have thought that this event had been postponed one more time due to lack of sufficient enlightened human mass. But since November 24 we are beyond this threshold and now the direction of movement of humanity is irrevocably towards higher dimensions. This is what we all are doing all day long and much more so in the dream state as some of you report. Hence our current energetic situation is highly exhausting, but hilarious at same time, as Paolo reports below.

November 30, 2012

Hi George

I hope these latest waves haven’t knocked you about too much. They have left my body continually experiencing waves of vibrations which are stronger than ever before. Ear noise is also louder too.

I think the PTB are getting pretty desperate as for the last hour they have been chemtrailing East Yorkshire, UK. It’s really obvious too. You can see where the plane was turning to make a pass and turned on the vapour, as it formed an “L” shape with no vapour preceding it. Normal contrails do not suddenly appear out of nowhere. This is not a very populated area, but they have even gone right over our small village. You can see that they are now doing Beverley and Hull. I have been working at neutralising them.

Its a wonderful sunny day with clear skies. How dare they mess about with nature and our lives. Hopefully it will soon sink in how futile this interference is.

With lots of love and bright sunny unchemtrailed light!
Lynn, UK
Dear Lynn,

it is the same situation with the chemtrails where I live in Bavaria. Fortunately we have snow and clouds now and they do not need to spray or I do not see them.

I was knocked down in a most profound way the last four days and I will publish an energy update of the PAT today. My editorial activity on this website has degenerated in the last weeks to the management of the collective physical pain of the PAT in its effort to ascend humanity on 12.12.12. Unfortunately, we will not be spared to the very last minute as without us nothing can be achieved on this planet.

With love and light
November 30, 2012

Hi George!

This amazes me – here we are, two weeks away from the imminent planetary ascension, and this stuff is just coming out??  “Timely 2012 Teaching??”  Where in the hell has everybody been? This persistent new age fantasy that these people are going to save everyone, and particularly at the 11th hour is astounding. If they actually ever thought about it, what is worth saving anyway?  This is the worst civilization ever on this planet.

In their “teaching” they describe all of these wonderful things ancient cultures have left as a legacy for future, architecture, literature, astronomy, and how about wisdom everyone? All to be sacrificed at the alter of money, greed, consumption, hatred,  you name it. I don’t get it. Who or what is worth saving in this abominable society. Guess i missed that episode on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. . silly me. . the show continues…

Dear Fiona,

This is the reason why I have given up any hope on this human species and I now hope that when it will reappear in crystalline bodies very soon that they will become a little bit more reasonable.

November 29-30, 2012

Dear George,

The second or is it the third 11/11 of this month packed an unexpected powerful punch.  So glad was I that the last energy surge of the full moon eclipse was over that I forgot to add 2 and 9 together to come to another 11-11.  The ascension guides did not make this mistake and the surge came roaring in about 11-11 AM our time. Our poor bodies suffer in a slightly different way it seems each time. This time in addition to the usual plethora of symptoms it affected adversely the muscles in the legs and back as well as the eyes. I don’t see any more powerful dates between now and 12-11, but I guess they don’t have to wait for these necessarily in order to pummel us again.

Dear Jerry,

I have three days in a row a non-stop waves pouring in my body day and night, in the night much more strongly with the usual stomach pains and burnt skin, etc. The vibrations are unbearable. In addition the waves found a resistance in my back, where I have been killed with a lance in a previous incarnation as a priest in a pyramid temple by soldiers, about which I have had a vision several times in the past. These waves triggered what the German call “witch shot” (Hexenschuß) – a very painful muscle contraction on this very weak spot, so that I could hardy sleep these three nights.

Today (Nov 29) I have a classical cc-wave with headache and a very painful left eye, while the back pain is still there. My wife complaint that she has had the whole day muscle cramps in the legs, although she is in good condition and do not have such complaints normally. I have no idea what kind of date is today, but it was full shit. It could have been another hidden portal day, but so did all the days this month and the last month, etc. I do not find any difference anymore and I have given up the hope of any relieve to the very end.

With love and light
I had a feeling you were suffering horribly George.  My optimistic HS is telling me that there will be partial relief after 12/2 until 12/10. I don’t know what to believe, but somehow we seem to be able to withstand even if we think we cannot.

Dear Jerry,

let us hope that this will be the case. We need some pause. – George
November 29, 2012

Hello George,

Wanted to thank you for posting, the ringing of the bell.I heard this bell, and did forget about it.  Until you posted it on the website. The only thing that came to my mind, was a reminder of a black and white movie, staring  Jimmy Stewart. If my memory is correct, I believe the title was called, It’s A Wonderful life. I remember a little girl saying, in the movie,”Every time you hear a bell ring. An  Angel gets it’s Wings.” Guess WE got our Wings.

Debra’s Dream, prompted me to write. A couple of weeks ago a similar dream came to me. Wanted to write in. Have not had a moment to share.

The Dream:

Was having a pool party at my house. Being a care giver, I was worried about feeding everyone. Had a freezer full of made up hamburger patties, These were already Bar-Be-Qued. Had four Pork Chops, that were used. My thinking was not having enough food.  A man with Long Brown Wavy Hair, and Wired rimmed Glasses, made the comment,”the pork chops were very good. Kind of snapped me out of my 3-D thinking.

Back to the party. This party went on for three-days. People, just appeared. They were sitting on these massive tree limbs that were covering the back yard. People were swimming in the pool. People were standing around talking, some playing games. In the house, People in the kitchen. Some of the Ladies brought these beautiful bowls of food. Tasted one dish. The flavors were out of this world.

Someone calls out…..”.THE CHILDREN ARE HERE!” I became so excited, ran to the kitchen door, to greet them. Was so happy to see them. Had them come in and sat them at a table. Was dishing out bowls of fruit for them. Next, I am outside in the back yard. The party winding down to an end. Worried about the clean-up. The people were pitching in, helping to clean, after the party. We  were still having fun. This man with the wired rimmed glasses and I were standing by the pool. I look at the pool, and cry out.

OH—–NO——! The people were swimming in Shit! Look away, then look back at the pool again. It’s not shit… It’s only Dirt…. I forgot to clean the pool before the Party!!!! I looked at the man with the wired rimmed glasses, and we both cracked up Laughing…

Woke up. Thinking about this dream. The three days. There were no nights. No darkness. The man with the wired rimmed glassed, this was you George! All the people, this was the PAT Members. Everyone was young, and beautiful, except for the children, being very young. My manifesting skills were not very good. Never once felt crowded, with all the people.

George, you were standing by my side the whole time, being amused on my fumbling around. Remember a lot of details, and talking to all these beautiful PAT members. You were all so very nice and polite. What was most touching, We All Pitched In To Help ONE another. Dirt and All.

Thank you all so very much. The Love that we all share with each other. This is pretty cool….. Now that we all have our ANGEL WINGS !!!!! It’s time to fly to the other side…

Love from the Hills of Arkansas
Dear Elna,

this is a beautiful dream about our ascension party, even the dirty pool has its meaning. We have cleaned so much human dross, we cannot live without a little bit dirt. I  do not wear now glasses, but I used to wear wired rimmed glasses years ago. This is all very realistic. Let us hope that we will have our party very soon. I can no longer bear the headaches from my perennial cc-waves.

With love and light
Thank you for the reply back. When will the pain stop for all of us? Don’t answer that. I know the answer. Source knows.

November 29, 2012


Based upon this article, it would appear that Obama is battling the Bush faction, or is this a ruse?  What purpose would it serve for the Obama Administration to admit something like this if it wasn’t true?

When coupled with the fact that the United States of America was placed back under the ICC by executive order from Obama thus allowing Interpol to be on U.S. soil and capable of arresting War Criminals, it would appear that there is a serious war going on between the factions.

Charlotte Smith
Dear Charlotte,

I read the whole article and the source is the Iranian state television. I know this TV channel very well as I have been watching it for years and it is anything, but reliable and objective. In this article there are many correct elements, but their linking is very doubtful. It could be true that there is opposition in the military ranks against Obama and the recent spectacular resignation of Petraeus and Allen’s suspension as NATO general may be part of this plot. I have no idea. It is reasonable to expect internal fights and clashes in the US-military and in the governmental administration as many of the employees know what will come next and want to gain more power to prepare for their survival life on planet B.

I personally think that all these events belong to the timeline B and will have absolutely no effect on our ascension or on earth A/B, respectively on earth A. For this reason I  do not pay much attention to them and my HS tells me that this is not the line that I should watch as it is irrelevant. As the elite is running out of time, the only relevant revelation will be the full announcement of the ID split and the major atrocities which have been done by the dark elite in the last 100 years. However this seems to be highly improbable and for this reason I do not expect any real revelations at this level, perhaps some small, peripheral ones in an uncontrolled manner.

With love and light
November 29, 2012

Dear George,

I am sorry to hear about the painful memories of your wife (in Beziers).

My main concern is for my friends and family whom are wrapped deep it this bullshit.  I really feel good people are being held back by this, but good luck telling them the truth about Jesus.  Trying to tell people their “saviour” is a myth, fabricated by satanists 300 years after the supposed fact. George, I know I sound repetitive but I just feel like this point is so important.

My main concern is for the many people I love whom are mired by this whole divine man thing.  I don’t believe it will stop the truly good people from Ascending, but there is going to need to be one hell of a crash course on all this in 5d.

You know, If I was Constantine or Eusebius, and a PTB’er, I would have done the same thing. I forget what it’s called but it is like when you give someone 3 options, but they all lead back to the same result.  In this case one either goes against the church and is a “sinner” or they fall in line with the church and give their power away to the most insidious agenda to ever befall mankind.

The reason this is all so important is because apparently the divine man saviour thing is used by the PTB on other planets to keep entities controlled and enslaved to the Orionites.

Anyway, I started an audio book for Antiquity Unveiled and did a new forward (after I read the whole thing), so I think it is a bit better than my other one. I know a lot of people will not read a book, but they will listen to something on youtube (myself being guilty of this at times.) I am only up to like pg 150 but it is coming along. I’ve just been doing one spirit at a time and so far I think I’ve  got about 30-40 spirit testimonies up. Here is my forward, let me know what you think. I forgot to talk about the importance of humility but other than that feel it is much more comprehensive then the other one. I always feel like they could be better but if I waited for it to be perfect I would never get it up.

Dear Jon,

I listened to the introduction and then to your videos on Eusebius and Ulfila (Ulphilas).

You have vastly improved since the last time and your presentation is much more fluent now. One notices immediately that you have now identified much more with this topic and masters it.

Ulfila, as you may know, lived in Bulgaria and his life is full of inconsistencies. It is not even sure if he has translated the bible in Gothic language and if this language of the Visigoths, who lived North Bulgaria at that time (Moesia), had anything to do with the later Germanic languages as many Orionite scholars/linguists sustain. If this is not true, as I believe, then the whole edifice of Western linguistics is crashing. As you see, it is much more complicated than even presented in Antiquity Unveiled.

I have scrutinized this episode of European history a lot and the more I have delved into it, the more bizarre it becomes. Ulfila was also not a catholic bishop, as said in this book, but he preached Arianism. This type of gnostic teaching from Alexandria was later (5th century) declared a heresy at the Nicene synod. This is another huge chapter of historic fraud of the Church and so complex that I will need a whole book to explain it somewhat. Just to give you some glimpses as to how deep and complex the whole matter is and that some of the messages in this book are deliberate simplifications just to reveal the basics of the Christian fraud. See also Wikipedia on Ulfila.

With love and light
Hi Dearest Georgi!

Just dropping in with a quick energy update! (No need for you to reply, as know you are busy) Well! It’s certainly been a rough ride again, lately!.. As you know, there has been much rain and severe flooding in many parts all over the UK, and yet today, it’s like Spring… beautiful sunshine, no wind and clear blue skies!… for myself, summed up well, in your words, the energy has been extremely heavy and dirty! With the rains 21st/22nd came breathlessness for me and by Saturday, 24th my body energy was nil and I had nausea, cough, breathlessness, headache and a very strong hot burning pain in the solar plexus area.

All these symptoms stayed with me and I had to sit up all night again, because I felt so rough! I could not eat – only drink iced water through a straw. I had no strength to shower or wash my hair, which was needed as I had gone through a fever-like stage… must admit

I DID NOT feel good towards humanity and wondered if I would survive the pains and coughing, which nothing relieved! Today, still reeling from it all – but have had the shower and washed hair with great difficulty, as so weak… but thankfully, the pain has, at last, gone from the solar plexus + head and I am hoping now, to be through the worst of it.  Umm! can’t help wondering if more dross has to be cleared on 12:12 NO! PLEASE!

Fortunately, Eric has been O.K. – only thing wrong with him, is his hearing!! lol! … Early this morning I said to him, I’ve called you twice! – he said, I didn’t hear you – I’ve got a bad knee! WELL!!

Don’t know if it is worth a mention, but in the early hours before the Lunar Eclipse, I became very aware of the Divine Feminine Energy coming in… I was taken on a quick trip through our history and felt, with tears, the great sadness of the abuse of the Divine Feminine throughout ALL Life. Grateful thanks for all you do, Georgi! Love and Light, Ella, UK.
Dear Ella,

thank you for your latest energy update. It is very strenuous indeed for all of us these days and I suspect that it will stay so, more or less, till the very end. I also do not get any pause from my soul. The last three days the energy were pouring so strongly into my body with all the usual symptoms such as headache, stomach pains, skin burning and the like. On top of it, the energies seemed to have encountered a resistance in my back which is the place where I was killed by a lance in a previous incarnation as a priest in a temple and this caused me a painful muscle contraction which we in Germany call “witch shot” (Hexenschuß). I could hardly sleep due to these pains the last three days, which lasted as long as the wave was active.

Today I feel a little bit better, but the headache (cc-wave) is stronger and with heat bouts. My impression is that now we are fully involved in heaving the whole portion of humanity that will ascend  to the higher dimensions inch by inch. The nights are very strenuous and fulled with this effort, which bears nothing human anymore.

The feminine energies were definitely abused on this planet, but also any form of energy that brings the light. There is nothing that has not been abused on this earth. The more we disentangle from this reality, the clearer it becomes what a hell it has always been, even though it is now coming to an end. And we, the PAT, are the interception between the old and the new and have to endure these tensions to the very last minute. Hopefully this will end with the opening of the portal 12.12.12

We have snow in Bavaria today with strong cold winds and it was said to become even colder till Sunday.

With love and light
Dearest Georgi,

You’re amazing! What a lovely surprise to find your answer to my e-mail – it was not expected, but was even more precious, considering your pains and bad headache today and suffering days and nights, in the latest cc-wave! You have endured SO much along the way, we can only half imagine the work that has had to be done through you… and yet, you are always ready to give SO much to us all! I can empathize with the back pains, had them for almost two years!! Awful! Really hope you will have a gentle, pain-free night. Well, not too many days left now to the end of this crazy hell… we’ll make it!! You are SO loved, Georgi!  Much Joy and Celebration to come!

From Ella, UK
November 29, 2012

Hi George,

Just wanted to let you know I made it through my 60th 3D illusory year of  my current experience. Although the 28th was a Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse birthday, I just slept in a little & had a mellow day at home. Nothing special to celebrate the day, which I had previously requested.

Some nausea from an earlier wave of energy & then a short spell of some energy that wanted to manifest as irritability. No new dreams or noteworthy experiences to report.
We are due for a new storm here in the Pacific Northwest, lots of rain & possible 70mph winds.

With love & light,
Dear Robert,

my congratulations to your 60th birthday. Did we plan to stay so long on this toxic planet? I doubt, but we did it now. The energies were very powerful the last three days again and I hope that these are the last strides to heave humanity to the higher dimensions and say “adieu” to this world. We are all fed up and have every right to feel so.

November 29, 2012

Dear Georgi,

It was actually Tuesday, November 27th that the incident happened.  I went to sleep and was sleeping calmly and then rolled over to sleep on the left side. I felt a presence in the bed and it was cold, so I looked up and it was a corpse, wrapped in a winding sheet! I freaked-out and picked it up and ran to the window and threw it out. The winding sheet fell off and it was a skeleton, but it looked like one of the Mexican cut-out pictures popular at this time of the year. The face had a comical and very glaring look. It hit the ground and stayed there a few seconds and then got up and marched back into the house to plop into my bed again!  I freaked again and threw it out of the window again. It hit the bottom and then I knew it was one of the undead, an Archon. I was in a state of hysteria.  It got up again and threw and was ready to march into my room again, but one of the PAT came upon the scene (he was invisible), which led me to believe it was you, and subdued the monster. Then I woke up and was visibly shaken.

I got myself together and was doing my morning routine on the Internet and when I went to go to UFO Digest, there was a wonderful article on “Are Archons Greys?” well written by another Dr. on John Lash, from

I have read a number of Lash’s works. He is excellent. That was when I spent the whole day recovering, not knowing that it was November 28th, a big day for the PAT.

I had been having a lot of LBS lately, mainly digestive, light headaches, and weird aches.  But I am better now.  When I do these German translations I can stay with the Source for long periods of time and feel much better and active.  The USA is crumbling daily and the people in the Rochester, NY area are depressed, having little sunshine.  We have had no snow in the city and the temperatures are headed for the 60F by Monday!

Love and Light,
Dear Henry,

this is a terrible nightmare indeed. We were warned that there were still some remnants of archons that linger unconscious in the astral planes and that they must also be cleared. You must have met such an archon.

The publication on archons is very comprehensive and full of information, although not every statement may be correct. But the overall view is good.

This is also the reason why I wrote these five gnostic books in the first place. During this time I dwelt in the higher dimensions and was inspired by spirit and this helped me survive the pains of the LBP. Intellectual activity from the fulcrum of the soul is the best therapy in this case.

Today we have snow again and it is expected to get colder till Sunday. I also follow the plight of the storm victims on the East coast who do not receive any help from the state and must even demolish their own ruined houses as otherwise will have to pay fines up to 2000 $ per month. The cynicism of the US government is reaching new heights. Time to leave this reality.

With love and light
November 29, 2012

Hi George

Firstly thank you for reporting on the final threshold being reached and sharing your personal experience with us.

“After I was informed about the successful completion of the ascension process of the masses, I had a full opening of my portal to the source during this night when a big ball of translucent light of about one meter in diameter appeared in my room and stayed there for 5 minutes, while my physical body was transformed one more time into a high frequency energy stream and almost completely dissolved. This happened around 04.30 am CET.”

Your latest posts have been very synchronistic with me. I can confirm that the last few nights, except last night, have been very restless. Weird dreams, some semi-lucid experiences and waking up very tired. I can’t remember any relevant details although I get the sense that we are still in the thick of it.

Your latest post should be titled “Good Times for Earth B”. Here are some more heart warming wefts for the Earth B tapestry.

Military and civilian use of drones, as detailed in your last post, will control the sky;

These cuddly little guys will control the ground;

The decision for the fence straddlers shouldn’t be that difficult. I hope they will choose wisely.

Warm regards
Alex, Australia
Dear Alex,

I think that you are too optimistic from your enlightened point of view with respect to the fence straddlers. While a small portion of them may change the dark course of their previous way of life in the next couple of days, my personal assessment is that the dices have fallen. There will be a very modest fraction of  humanity which is ready to ascend and if some of the fence straddlers open a little bit for the truth, this may additionally increase the light quotient of humanity and thus help the overall ascension process without increasing the numbers.

Altogether the awakening of humanity is a very disappointing issue and it is now too late to make huge strides. This will happen after the ID split and the acquiring of a new awareness in conjunction with the new crystalline light bodies. The current carbon based bodies have shown to  have no potential for mass awakening and true moral behaviour. They are only capable of robotic actions as shown in the videos you have sent me. It is obviously impossible to transform the current Orion minded society to an enlightened one with this deficient material such as human brain, psyche and biological bodies. They must be totally replaced before any form of true awakening can take place.

Thank you for the additional information on this topic.

With love and light
November 29, 2012

Hi George,

On my days off I try and catch up with the postings on your site. I resonate with your vision of our ascension. I honestly believe that it will be a partnership.

As the extraterrestrials draw ever closer, our own vibrations are increasing more and more. So in my mind and heart disclosure will be a joint event.

I suppose it is par for the course that few of the sheeple have responded to the announcements from CNN about the Catholic Church’s admission about the pagan origins of Christmas and NASA’s admission of a brown dwarf planet four times the size of earth in our solar system and exerting an affect on our planet next month.

I expect to see more revelations soon.

Charlotte Smith
Dear Charlotte,

this was a good beginning, but this is not enough. If the Americans for instance do not realize and are not able to be indignant about the fact that their president is a mass murderer by all known facts, then you expect too much from the people – the Americans and the rest of the world. As I have just wrote to Fiona, human species is a failed experiment of creation and it must be wrapped up. Ascension is one possible way and then this new species will be able to condemn what has happened on this dark rotten planet, but not before that when no revelations will have any effect on the collective mind-set.

With love and light
November 29, 2012

HI George!

Thank you so much for this, our efforts are so greatly appreciated as always. So sorry to hear about the “witches shot”.. yikes.. it has been relentless hasn’t it? I got to the point the past few days when I just came out with it and asked for help in cutting all of my connections with 3d, physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual.. all of it. Basically I  just yelled out to anyone who would listen, “Enough is enough!”… and played “The Last Time”, by my favorite group over and over.. apparently they liked the song. I did get some welcome relief and as of yesterday am feeling much more positive and optimistic.

I also wanted to add something that came to mind after having this “clearing” and in the process. reviewing some of the emotional connections i had in 3d. . what I have found in my experience this past year, traveling to these so called “spiritual” communities that I had erroneously assumed would be comprised of conscious individuals, that most of them were very much in fear. . and the irony was that it is a fear of love. They talked big about peace and love and all of that fuzzy new age bullshit, but when it came down to it, they were afraid of Love!

As part of my “experiment” with humanity, I gave them as much love as I could and they were terrified! It was amusing to observe, really. I had no attachment to how I thought they should love me back. It was surprising to see how afraid they were of course the “love bomb” approach works fantastically with the dark ones, they get away really fast, that is how I have been dealing with all of humanity -just dropping the love bomb all of the time…

What I am feeling from this experience is that this is one of the reasons why most of the lot isn’t going to make it, particularly the fence sitters you referred to in your post today. Almost everything on this planet has turned out to be the opposite of what it appears. This is what I have found, even in the case of love. Most of them are content on their couches with their remote and beer, than in any other possibility. This is why I really have no more anything for this species – they were an experiment that failed. The planet is ascending as it should, along with the very small percentage that actually rose to the occasion, and a job well done by the PAT.

Love and Light,
Dear Fiona,

I fully concur with your assessment and would only add that most light workers fear the expression of love as they are unable to express it themselves. Their chief fear is to get hurt, which means that they are unable to deal with their darkness at the same time and that of other people. Secondly, they talk a lot about unconditional love, but forget that love is based on trust – trust in yourself, in your feelings and trust in the person you love. In other words they are not fully open. If you are not fully open you cannot love unconditionally

Summa summarum, the human species is indeed a failed experiment of cosmic creation and the sooner he will be wrapped up, the better for the rest of creation. That is why we are here. The means how it will be wrapped up – ascension, death or further dwelling on a hell planet under full quarantine is irrelevant.



great piece “The Balance Sheet of Ascension”! Today I am hilarious, I feel with all my being that we are going to leave this planet. I can’t wait to meet you again (as I’m sure we were friends in other lives.)

November 28, 2012

Dear George,

Thank you for your two brilliant November 28tharticles. In them you have yet again managed to update to the very moment, encapsulate/summarize the significance of the PAT website, prove our endeavored stream of PAT activity, analyze and compare many other current channeled messages, analyze the pulse of our 3d affairs and reassure each of us as PAT.  What more could we ask of our dear captain?  With deepest gratitude, I thank you for leading us to this point!

Now we together feel these remarkable energies and stay in our lightness of being.

Deepest Love and Greatest Laughter to you and all PAT,
November 28, 2012

Hello George. I’ve been reading the articles here for the last couple of weeks and I must say you’re awesome, and so is the info you provide us all with.

I have a question, if I may. I’ve started to reach for my inner self somewhere around the middle-end of this summer and ever since I’ve been really hooked on learning information about dimension, other entities (both light & dark) chakras, higher-self, and of course, the ascension, amongst many other subjects. After gathering a decent amount of knowledge on the subjects, I really wish (and think) that I too will ascend alongside you and other awakened souls, even though I have not been able to achieve a connection with my HS (due to stuff like school, driving license, and I guess some scepticism in the beginning too. I don’t know if you can do this, but is there a way that you could somehow try and connect with my HS/spirit guide or with me directly so that I be able to receive an answer to my biggest question (will I ascend?) Trust me, I really do think I will but there is almost always a tiny part in me that questions it.

I’m trying to keep up to this world (for my parents’, I guess) by not saying screw this, I want to go somewhere and meditate as long as I can where nobody could bother me. I’m tired of living up to out-dated standards (you need to have a college degree, you must work, you must get a car, you must…enough! I’m growing tired of this and I truly wish I could go home with you guys and finally take this enormous weight off my back and embrace freedom, peace, light & love in their full sense. I want to be happy but I don’t think I will be on this planet’s density (3D).

Thank you for everything. I’m looking forward to see you and many others on the bright side of the Earth soon.

Much Love, Light & Appreciation

Thank you,
Stan (Spain)
Dear Stan,

thank you very much for contacting me for the first time and I am happy to hear that you have learnt a lot in the last weeks from our website. From what I gather from your email, you are a crystalline child and you will definitely ascend and move to the higher dimensions next month. There is absolutely no need for you to be worried about this.

As you must have read, at least two billion people will ascend to earth A in the 5th dimension next month and most of them do not even know that this is possible and will happen. You are away ahead of them in your understanding and opening to the higher dimensions and this is a sure guarantee that you will ascend with us.

You should also not worry that you have not established a conscious contact with your soul. I must assure you that you are always guided and protected and that your soul is always communicating with you, even if you may not notice it. Learn to listen carefully in the silence of your soul and to the emotional impulses she is sending you all the time. Even if you may not sense much at the beginning, this should not perturb you as your soul is always carefully watching you.

You should rather relax in the next several weeks and simply watch carefully what will happen as these will be a unique time. The coming big events will teach you a lot and will prepare you for life after ascension. You belong to the most lucky generation that will profit most from this transformation and you will begin to enjoy life in  the 5th dimension from the very first moment as you are not that much influenced by the outdated rules of this crumbling society.

With love and light
November 28, 2012

Dear Georgi,

So, we are finally in the home stretch! These past few weeks have been the most challenging. I can concur with everyone on being “in a bubble”.

Having had family here the past week, I was amazed at how my brother and I grew up together in the same household, yet he is so far from any inkling of what is going on. He is a good soul, but a very young one, even though he is my older brother. I am lucky that I am at home alone during most weekdays, with only my dog and cat for companionship.. which is fine with me, at least they seem to understand what is going on!

I am still processing shit… it comes in waves, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night..and it is not pleasant. But I feel the end is in sight, and a new beginning is within reach for us. I just try and snatch those little moments of joy and relish them in  bitter sweetness in knowing that I have finished with this version of earth.

Love and Light,
November 28, 2012

Dear George

I very much enjoyed your article on how to play the game of illusion. I have always struggled with this reality and I too have had to detach from nearly everyone and I have just decided that I must break contact with my parents (not for the first time) as it is too toxic to keep in touch even by phone. It is nice to know that others have had the same experience and chosen to walk away/detach.

Thank you for continuing with the website, I think that we all realise that the responsibility is enormous and coupled with the physical symptoms of LBP…

I have always seen you as the hub of the wheel. The hub must be made of the strongest stuff of all with us as the spokes radiating out. I realised when I read today’s article that we probably all have bits of vision of life after ascension. I don’t think there will be any ownership like there is at the moment.

Oh yes I have got one of the nicer symptoms at the moment, a sort of heat in the chest area both sides and I notice that I get that warmth in the chest when I read something that resonates with me.

Every good wish to you

In love and light
November 28, 2012

Hello Dr. Georgi!

It has been a roller coaster of a few weeks for me. I have had the lowest of lows emotionally and physically. The worst cleansing and anxiety and confusion in a decade. I was attacked in a dream from behind, as my husband watched, and lifted off the ground. I said “NO” and was let down, and the entity flew away. I could actually feel the discomfort under my arms from being swooped and lifted in the air. However, I also had some days when I was giddy with ecstatic joy and energy! I am actually feeling re- energized today.  What a ride!!

Your updates and all of the wonderful messages from all of the PAT members has been the only thing to keep me going! I have SO much love and gratitude for my PAT family!

It is always darkest before the dawn, so I am sure that it is coming soon. I know that everything will happen as it is meant to, and when it is meant to.

Just wanted to check in. I am always with you.

Much Love and Light eternally to you and my PAT family,
Dear Ellen,

thank you for your latest energy update with which I fully concur and for your support of the PAT and our common mission. I have just published an article, where I show that we are less than two weeks away from our ascension, this time any delay 100% excluded.

The roller coaster ride will be paid off at the end as the vision of Debra of today reveals.

With love and light

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