Latest Update on the PAT Ascension-October 18, 2012

by Dorie Bowlin, April Bender and Georgi Stankov, October 18, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I decided that I would try and continue with the message I was having such difficulty in receiving from HS last night. With a clear mind this morning, I was able to continue on and finish it, and then quite surprised, after finishing it, to read April’s latest message in the forum this morning almost describing to a “t” what I was having such difficulty interpreting from my own HS! I’ve decided to forward this on to you as further validation that the PAT now work as a ‘true’ team in every sense of the word!

With much love and light!

 Message from My HS – October 17, 2012

HS: The question is where you are in the process of ascension now that you reside in the 4d Chamber.

What we would like to discuss is the processes that are taking place, while you are within this chamber to give you a better understanding of the bigger picture. First let us address the topic of awakening the slumbering masses. As events begin to accelerate in 3D reality, there was growing concern about the transitioning of the unawakened in the short span of time that is left in the two months that remain.

We’d like to take you back to previous discussions of how we intended to make knowledge go “viral”. While certainly it has been determined that with the detonation of the PAT supernova, the timeline shift would occur and move those who’s souls called for an awakening into the upper 4th dimensional frequency of planet A/B. With the little amount of time remaining before mass ascension to the 5th dimension in December, this has created a need to ‘adjust’ a few minor details so that as Ascended Masters you may implement the necessary changes that are required in shifting the energies into 5th Dimensional frequency.

During this time of “in between” you are already being prepared, receiving downloaded information of your abilities as Ascended masters, so in a sense you are already in receiving your training and are even accessing some of this information in 3D reality, such as your ability to connect to your Multi-Dimensional Selves. You know that you have already ascended to this frequency, as your dreams and visions have become more vivid, your energies have become lighter, your heart energy more expansive, and the ability to experience your “self” in more than one place at one time has significantly enhanced. You are now trying out your “angel” wings so to speak, in a place and space that is safe to move in and out of.

Those who are preparing to move through your portals, and have, as April described, “low-jacked/plugged” into them are also receiving information, via their connection to the PAT. Their connection is likened to a child who is receiving nourishment through the umbilical cord in the womb of his the mother.  This nourishment of knowledge, along with the help of the Galactic Federation and “your appearance” as Ascended Masters, will spark the knowledge into going viral and accelerate the awakening of the minds of those who will shift during the ID split,lessening the time it will take to reeducate the masses.

As to how much longer this will take, we will say now that the knowledge that needed to be nourished to those who have “connected” to you, is near completion, and that new energies are in place to start the crescendo within the orchestrated events,so that final process of physical ascension within the core group can now begin.


Dear Dorie,

this is a very important complimentary information to the one we have already received from April. Obviously the major problem is the short period of time we have to awaken the masses before their ascension in December, as I have already written in my comments to the latest message from April’s HS.

Therefore the higher realms want to imbue humanity with as much energetic information through ourselves as conduits of these light codes and data as possible in advance, before we leave earth, so that when we appear as ascended masters, the soil will be prepared to plant the seeds of human evolution This makes a lot of sense, although we are again the ones who have to mend the broken fence.

With love and light

October 17, 2012

Dear George,

Thanks also for sharing Dorie’s message on CA, which in many ways did mirror my own. I just love her! She did write to me today too.

Overall, how have you been feeling today George? Today has been so strange for me. I still feel darkness around me today, but more so in the form of collective fears and anxieties.

Last night I dreamt of like hundreds of people, a crush really, wandering through my portal. But most of these folks were like zombies in the sense they didn’t know where they were, it was hazy for them. They weren’t awake enough.

I can’t help but wonder if this is that next tier of souls to ascend in December. If so, this must be one of their first ascension test runs, for the further weaving of the web and general familiarity of our portals. I will try and ask HS about this in bit. Anyhow,  perhaps that is why these feelings of sadness, anxiety and fear are surfacing. Well thank heavens for the new retreat space, as I’m centering myself there now.

Will send an update in a bit,
Much love and light,

Dear April,

I feel “a mixed bag” today. First I was enraged by the insidious dark attacks by the CA, then I found them to be a joke (I have prepared a special publication on this issue and will publish it later on). Then I had a rough discussion with my wife telling her that I do not want to convince her that there will be ascension, but only want to safe her ass. After that we had guests, our neighbours, with whom my wife shares the horse stables. The husband has lost his father three days ago due to a grievous medical mistake in the hospital after a heart operation. We discussed the health care system and I had to control myself not to tell too much that will overwhelm my innocent guests. Fortunately they had small children and were gone rather early.

This gave me time to prepare my documentation on CA and to send it to Callista.  I will forward it to you immediately after this email. I always make my decisions spontaneously, while writing. When I wrote my email to Callista I was almost convinced that I should publish this documentation as it very well reveals the strength of the PAT and that we can take the battle with any dark entity, no matter where it comes from. I read in one of your messages, I do not remember now which one, that we should not hesitate to confront the darkness coming from CA.

Therefore with your agreement I may decide to publish this documentation after you have read it. The chief reason is that the answers of your HS are so convincing  and powerful that it will be a great waste to keep them in the drawer.

The energies are indeed better today, although there are distinct fluctuations, but we can hide for a while in this new space and repose from the 3d-density.

I have received a new message from Dorie (see above) about  the current state which compliments your message and gives some additional information that also confirms my thoughts given as an answer to your message. All in all, a great synchronicity and harmonisation of the basic ideas of the PAT. I will publish it tomorrow morning.

With love and light

Dear George,

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences of today. It further helps to put my day into better perspective. I can so identify with the visit from the neighbors. It seems like daily I’m holding my tongue on similar matters, usually because I’m in the workplace.

Per CA – as always I trust your intuition completely. There is a reason we call you “Captain,” wink. Go with what your gut tells you. But I also agree, that once this is done, the matter should be put to rest as to not further “engage.” At this point we’ve said everything that needs saying, you know?

I did receive a bit of information from HS just a few minutes ago…


Message from My HS – October 17, 2012

“I had hoped to be able to inform you today that the weaving of the lower-tier, web of light would be completed. As you’ve probably already felt, it is still in process but you are now definitely past the halfway point. This is what you’ve been intuiting today with the collective energies of sadness, fear, and anxiety. The “dark” are doing their best to confuse and dim the consciousness of these souls, and add in the fact that these souls were less-conscious to begin with, this group will reasonably take a bit longer to weave/activate than the last batch did. But please be patient and have faith, as to our best estimation this process should be completed sometime tomorrow.”

So I think I will wait and get a fuller reading from her tomorrow. In the meantime, I can’t wait to read Dorie’s latest message (see above)!

Much love, light, and gratitude,


Dear April,

I will send you Dorie’s message immediately as it confirms your information.


OMG George,

THANK YOU for sharing Dorie’s HS message. I could not of asked for a better companion message and confirmation! This sheds even more light onto the reasons for and aspects of this new space. Very helpful and further reassuring.

You did an excellent job in summarizing our points to CA. Thank you for having the courage and fortitude to continually set the record straight.

Now I must let the interplay of Dorie and my HS information  percolate. Lots to explore here.

Much love and light,



Dear April,

I think that you should ask one more time your HS tonight if we have finished with connecting all souls as potential candidates for ascension and have now commenced with the physical ascension as your HS indicated yesterday. After that we must very soon leave the earth.

With love and light


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