Ascension Dreams and Sensations

October 15, 2012

Dear George,

I was too tired to write much last night. However, the energetic update was spot on. I myself had telepathic discussions with my higher self about removing the programming and allowing the revelations of past deeds to be made manifest. That you received this message at the same time is further confirmation. My higher self told me to expect great revelations beginning with the coming week. No one will be able to ignore them.

Dear Charlotte,

next week begins on October 22. This is the last possible date for major changes as this month is almost lost for any revelations. But it sounds very probable when one considers the current pace of progress.

October 16, 2012


on 10/10 I had a dream, while sleeping in the dream I saw circles of various sizes winding across the sky, assemble together, looking like a centipede glowing bright circles and heard loudly in my head, the trumpets have sounded.

Dear David,

This dream is indicative of our impending ascension and the circles symbolize our portals.

October 16, 2012

Hi George

I felt compelled to write this in just now after reading the PAT comments part 2.  Lately it seems that these little tiny doubts try to find their way into my mind. When I read the PAT reports, I realize just how much synchronicity there is among us, which confirms our energetic cohesion as one consciousness. I sweep the doubts out like cobwebs; they are nothing.

But what I am realizing is that I am coming much more into my own. I feel bigger, not just lighter or happier. It used to make me feel uncomfortable – I thought it was egotistical. Now I just see it pragmatically as a direct remedy to all the darkness we´ve had here. The more we realize how powerful we really are (yes, the group), the better I feel. I don´t want to be reckless and suggest that the more aware we are of our great power, the smoother or faster our mission will be. We are witnessing just how complex this whole affair is.

By now we certainly know the difference between being hot-headed and in command. A few days ago I was talking to a young guy who was half awake. My HS suddenly transmitted to him telepathically “And you aren´t even connected to the big guns!” It was said with humor, not arrogance. It was a message designed to push him to keep evolving. But unfortunately, there was no indication that the personality registered this information on any level. I was left in the dark. For a moment I wondered if my light was addressing the shadows in him. Like I was saying, your power is nothing compared to that of the LIGHT.

Maybe I, too, feel there is a slight (very weakened) lingering dark presence, one that needs to be finally, in one fell swoop, eliminated, NOW. This also lines up with your website attacks, which I can also confirm late last night. (8-10 pm or so)

All I know is that every cell in my body is telling me to shine my light 24-7 like there is no tomorrow. I have been having those heart chakra waves today, especially when listening to music or looking up at the sky.

I refuse to think of myself now as nothing less than a VERY great light in this world. And as I connect to it, my heart tells me, yes, yes, yes!!!

Love you always, George

Dear Debra,

In fact you do not need to force yourself doing anything, even shining, as you are shining enough like a burning torch. You must just relax in the knowing that you are so powerful and that nothing can happen to you anymore, but ascend and be a master, that the few days on the ground in this humble human vessel should not bother you anymore or entice any doubts about your power.

This is all passé now. Fortunately we have now moved to a new energetic space between heaven and earth in the 4th dimension, and this energetic bubble or “midway station” of ascension gives us a good protection/shelter against the irrationality of our 3d-surroundings before we will finally pop up to the source. I already feel the beneficial aspects of the new energetic situation, even though I had another cc wave today. The underlying energies are much more amiable and the contact to my HS has substantially improved at the intuitive-emotional level. But this is still an imperfect, interim solution and we are all awaiting impatiently the detonation of the PAT supernova to return to the pristine bliss of the source.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Ciao Georgi,

Ti racconto il sogno che ho fatto tre giorni fa: io e Paolo stavamo per fare una scalata in montagna ( lui e’ un bravissimo climber, io lo accompagno); c’era il sole. Parcheggiamo l’auto, stiamo per incamminarci verso la montagna, quando una nube nera copre il sole e diventa notte! A quel punto non potevamo piu’ “ascendere” la montagna a causa dell’oscurita’.

Io penso che il mio sogno abbia a che fare con l’attesa per l’ascensione..
Stamattina invece ho sognato che camminavamo in montagna con un sole splendente, dal sogno sono passata alla veglia ( e’ suonata la sveglia) ma io non avevo voglia di alzarmi e ho deciso di rientrare nel sogno e ci sono riuscita!!!! Allora ho pensato che tra poco sara’ possibile entrare in un’altra dimensione.


Hello Georgi,

I’ll tell you the dream I had three days ago, Paul and I were going to do mountain climbing (he ‘s a very good climber, I accompanied him), it was sunny. We parked the car and we  walked towards the hills, when a dark cloud covered the sun and turned the day to night! At that point we could not ‘”ascend” the mountain because of the darkness.’

I think that my dream has to do with waiting for ascension.

This morning I dreamed again of walking in the mountains but with a bright sun, the dream. Then the clock alarm woke me, but I did not want to get up and I decided to go back into the dream and I did it!! So I think that soon it will be ‘possible for us to enter another dimension.

Cara Eva,

I think that these two dreams indicate our recent and present situation of ascension. The first dream reveals the infiltration of our portals by the dark forces that stopped the ascension process for several days and now the clearance of the portals, so that we can quickly ascend. There is no time left by the way, given the huge task with the awakening of the slumbering masses that is awaiting us.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Hi George,

This morning I had a dream which seems significant to me. I usually dream of obscure things that make no sense, but this one makes sense to me, so I wanted to share it with you to get your thoughts.

I dreamt that I was outside preparing for a large gathering. We had the tents set up, the tables and chairs ready and food ready to be cooked. There was no one at this party though so I was going to go through the neighborhoods and hang invitations on peoples doors. As I was getting ready to leave, all of the sudden the area was FULL of people!  I asked where did everyone come from?  It was as if they just suddenly appeared!  I was told they came in on the BUS!

This is all I remember but to me, it means that the ascension bus has arrived and the party can now start. It seems somewhat appropriate that I wasn’t on the bus, that I was helping to prepare because I have always been in the service industry, serving the people in some way or another. I assume I will be carrying that role into the 5th dimension.

On another note.  When I went outside this morning it was such a beautiful morning.  The sun was muted by the clouds and gave out a nice gentle light.  My eyes seem to pick up on the extra light though and it feels as if there are stars dancing in my eyes when I am outside. I was thinking that maybe my left eye has been going through this trouble so that it can adjust to the new energies and maybe to start seeing the energy a little differently.  I don’t know.

That’s all George.  I just wanted to share with you my dream and find out your thoughts about it.

Love and Light,
Dear Melissa,

it is virtually impossible to interpret other people’s dreams as one has to consider the feelings and intuitive insights which the dreamer receives during the dream and the association with his personality and activities. What strikes me in your dreams is that the people came all of a sudden as a surprise and this reminds me of the saying we have heard many times in the messages from our ladies’ HS: Ascension/the detonation of the PAT supernova will come like a thief in the night”. It is the surprise and the sudden effect in your dreams that strikes me most.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Friday (suddenly) I had to go out of town for a weekend, where I had limited access to Internet therefore I did not had a chance to read the latest posts. Today I am catching up.

I am still here…feels like my body is still here but my mind is way out in the new world… Body is buzzing but mind feels calm… Some days I still do feel nauseous for couple hours during the day and for 2 nights I had pain in heart chakra zone. Today is all cleared up. No complaints.  There is some feeling of a peace in last few days…loving it!

Back to reading!

with love,
Dear Sanita,

thank you for your validation of the common energetic experiences of the PAT during the last days. We are now all synchronized in anticipation of our supernova.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Dr. Stankov,

I was shown this picture of a new crop circle. The first thing that came to my mind was that it is a physical representation of the ID split. Would love to get your thoughts on this .

Dear Sam,

I saw this crop circle yesterday as somebody sent me the link, and I had the same idea as you – that it symbolizes the splitting of the two earths as a kind of cell mitosis.

October 16, 2012

Hi George,

Just checking in. Got a new email address for 4D, was having problems with my old 3D email address. Sept. 30th they chem trailed over my house again, but this time they made an X with two trails instead of the usual parallel trails. I was able to clear them quickly, then went in the house, came back out to work in the garden way in the back & while I was out working another plane came directly over me & dispersed another chem trail. I immediately cleared that one while the plane was still in sight. I think the pilot was very confused.

On Oct 7th I was relaxing on the couch late in the evening when all of a sudden everything around me started vibrating with the same oscillation as the Om Crystal vibration of the summer solstice activation, then it stopped & my body started vibrating at a much higher frequency & became so intense I thought I would explode by my 3D molecules scattering everywhere. This lasted a few minutes & then subsided. Also been having mild headaches & a little nausea, but that has all passed now.

Then on Oct 10th I was up late (night of the 9th) & went into the bedroom just in time to see the clock showing 12:12 am I know you don’t know much of the Mayan calendar workings but I thought this might interest you.

The Mayans break their cycles into 13 day groups called Tzolkin Trecenas. The current Trecena started on Oct 14th & the symbol of the first day of the cycle sets the “tone” for the next 13 days, while the “crest” of the cycle, days 6,7, & 8 have a strong influential energy on the tone set by day one.

Day 1 – Oct 14th / Eb – Road, abundance, growth, harvest, vital energy, conductor of destiny, & SPIRAL LADDER OF LIFE
Day 6 – Oct 19th / Caban – Earth
Day 7 – Oct 2oth / Etznab – Flint, reflection, choices we make
Day 8 – Oct 21st / Cauc – Storm, ACTIVATION, PURIFICATION

Don’t know what this all means, but thought I should pass it on. Also the neighbor animals, ALL come over to my house every time we have an energy surge to be reassured everything is ok. They also just like hanging out around the portal.

With Love & Light to ALL,
Dear Robert,

thank you for your latest energy update. I can imagine that some pilots are rather confused when we dissolve their chemtrails. I have the same feeling as you when I do this cleansing job in my portal.

Oct 7 was considered a possible day of our ascension before our portals were infiltrated and you may have experienced an ascension test run on this day.

Let us hope that the Mayan calender is correct this time and that we will ascend very soon.

I also confirm that the animals are very clingy and excited these days as they feel the coming change.

With love and light
October 16, 2012


The morning of Oct 14, 2am, I was enjoying my usual Saturday evening of relaxing with Ted. As per the usual, we had been partaking of the herb most of the evening, when suddenly, I experienced a feeling I had never encountered before. My body become completely relaxed and I started loosing the feeling in my arms and legs. It was almost as if my body were shutting down. And then, out of nowhere I could hear my HS as if he were standing next to me.

HS – “Grant”

Me – <A moment of shock> “Is it finally time?”

HS- <Laughter> “My friend.. You could have left long ago. The choice has always been up to you.”

Me – <Pause> “Does now work for you?”

HS – “It is your choice”

Me – “I surrender completely, do whatever is necessary, you have my total trust.”

HS – <Silence>

I could feel it Georgi, welling up inside me, an energy I have never before experienced. It began at my core, I would say closest to my sacral chakra. I could feel the energy spinning and rising faster and faster, then it was like my body was getting ready to be torn in two. Then there was an instant of fear, but it was immediately replaced by a complete and total serenity and acceptance of whatever was to come.

At this point my body had completely shut down, I had no feeling in any of my limbs, or my torso. The only way I knew I still existed was the fact that I could still think I AM. As I laid there, expecting to be surrounded by the rest of the PAT at any moment, my body began to move without my consent. My body got up, and walked downstairs, the only thought it my head was, oh this makes sense, I have to go get Ted and tell him it is time to go.

As I stepped off the last stair, I turned and saw Ted sitting and chatting with a friend of ours that had come in to town, and at that exact moment, a thought that was neither mine, nor my HS’s popped into my head

??? – “Wait, there is still one more task.”

At that exact moment all the feeling came rushing back to me, and I hear my HS one last time.

HS – “Soon. Now you know I’m not bluffing. The hour draws near. Prepare yourself”

I’ve never been so sad in the entirety of ever Georgi. I have no idea where the thought that stopped me came from, and I’ve been kicking myself for it ever since. But I do know one thing.

The hour draws near.

In Light
Dear Grant,

this is an incredible experience indeed, a dress rehearsal for your ascension. The most  amazing thing is that it happened exactly at 02.00 your local time as I also experienced the ascension of so many people through my portal at the same European local time. As linear time does play any role, the exact local time in the middle of the night is the most auspicious fact

Of course we are very near to this event and from now on everything is possible.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Mr. G!

Still Here…It has been like a roller coaster ride these last days and weeks. Eyeball pain, headache, ‘bubbles’ all over my body, cc-waves, right shoulder pain, tightness in the third eye and head…. Lots of symptoms. But luckily many times I feel blissful, ecstatic, joyful, humorous and experience light and warm sensations… both extremes of the ying&yang

How are you, my friend Georgi? Can you tell me joke or two?


Janne “Weird Little Blue Man” Söderholm
Dear Janne,

You have had the whole spectrum of LBP-related symptoms but it is good that you could combine them with positive feelings and blissful states of experience.

There is TV contest on intelligence. Only two candidates reach the final round – an elderly man who fails in the final round and then comes a young attractive lady. The topic is “Literature”.

The head of the jury asks the lady:

“Can you tell us three titles of Shakespeare’s comedies?”

” Of course” responds the lady, ” ten centimeters, twenty centimeters, thirty centimeters”.

“I am sorry, but you might have not understood my question” responds the head of the jury, “Should I repeat my question one more time?”

“Not necessary”, says the lady, “I have understood your question perfectly well, but you have not grasped my answer. Let me explain:

“Ten centimeters is “Much a do about nothing” , twenty centimeters is “As you like it ”
and thirty centimeters is “Midsummer’s night dream”.

“Excellent!” says the head of jury deeply impressed: “One additional last question before you can win the contest: Is there also a play with the title “forty centimeters”?

“Yes”, answers the lady promptly, “But it is not written by Shakespeare, but by the Austrian writer Grillparzer and the actual title is: “God save the liars” (Weh dem, der lügt)

“Superb”, exclaims the head of the jury, “You have won the contest on literature with your excellent answers, rich in personal experience.”

With love and light
Oh yes, that was a good one… here is my joke, which reminds me about those GF Idiots:

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night, and go to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes up and nudges his faithful friend. “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

“I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes” replies Watson.

“And what do you deduce from that?”

Watson ponders for a minute.  “Well,

– Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
– Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.
– Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.
– Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
– Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe.

But what does it tell you, Holmes?”

Holmes is silent for a moment.

“Watson, you idiot!” he says.  “Someone has stolen our tent!”
October 16, 2012

Only for confirmation, that we are here in the ground, waiting for the great moment. I can confirm all the energy updates from the 10-10, the same pattern, the cc wave, the headache, very hard pain, in my case, vomit. If we don’t know what is happening, maybe I were in a hospital now. But thanks to your site, and the support of many people around the world is that we are here, stronger than ever. Sometimes I come to think this procedure is a massive brainwash, but a “good” brainwash, removing your bad patterns, and make you think about your real function in this strange place.

Only to comment some new experiences, I like to play guitar, acoustic guitar, and some time ago to these days, I can hear some chorus accompanying me when I play well, maybe you can remember some messages back, when I send you a link with a very nice piece of piano, but in this moments, I’m not hearing a chorus, I can hear a crowd singing, and very happy, like a party. The sound in my ears have turned different, something like a soft rain, and I can fell the energy flowing down my head, like wires, from my crown, back and down trough the nape. And maybe I had a remote view experience, I don’t know.

As always, many thanks for your guide, and dedication..
Dear José,

thank you for your latest energy update and validation of our common experiences shortly before ascension.

Now we have entered  this energetic bubble somewhere between heaven and earth, where the veil is almost non-existent and we are now experiencing more intensively our connection with our soul families. Therefore it is quite normal that you hear a soul chorus from the higher realms when you play guitar.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Dear George,

Sorry to be slow replying but I have been away from last Friday to today, Monday. I was 200 miles away from my portal in the UK. This would normally not bother me, but this time I couldn’t wait to get back. I went to two different hotels and strangely in  both hotels our room number was 111. I could not sleep on Friday and Saturday nights in the better hotel. But is was hermetically sealed as one of the supposed “eco friendly hotels” and gave me a bad feeling.

However I stayed at a really cheap and cheerful hotel last night and could open the window. Right by a main road and the boiler room next door and I slept!

However I had five really strong dizzy waves of energy last night (Sunday) one of which made me get down on my knees.Then for a while, every time I closed my eyes to sleep I kept seeing strong flashes of light. Wonder if they were ascending souls. Maybe I needed to be in that area away from my portal, to help away from home. Back now and feel centered and happy. Cats very clingy for last few weeks.

Finished at my intolerable job last Tuesday and thought that was it, I’m free. Then  had attacks from two usually mild mannered staff over something that was just invented inside their heads. People are acting out with their emotional bodies at the moment. Just letting it wash over me now. Can’t be bothered to react.

Feeling further and further away from 3d and can fully resonate with the “way station” report from April. Wonderful girl.

Love as always. We are so close.
Lynn Walker
Dear Lynn,

thank you for your latest personal energy update. I can also hardly leave my portal as I feel very uncomfortable outside its physical confines and for this reason I have given up travelling several years ago.

The people are out of balance now due to the new powerful energies coming from the source  when the old behaviour patterns no longer give them the security and protection they need and are used to. They are beginning to decompensate and to behave irrationally, not knowing what is happening to them. The best way is not to participate in their dramas and avoid them.

Fortunately we have now moved to a new energetic space between heaven and earth in the 4th dimension, and this energetic bubble or “midway station” of ascension gives us a good protection/shelter against the irrationality of our 3d-surroundings before we will finally pop up to the source. I already feel the beneficial aspects of the new energetic situation, even though I had another cc wave today. The underlying energies are much more amiable and the contact to my HS has substantial improved at the intuitive-emotional level. But this is still an imperfect, interim solution and we are all awaiting impatiently the detonation of the PAT supernova to return to the pristine bliss of the source.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Dear George,

I was surprised when I read Boyd’s story about this dark entity. Almost exactly the same thing happened to me: “While sleeping I can feel somebody is strongly pressing points right between under arm and nipple on both sides.  When I woke up because of the physical pain, I noticed an entity above me, giving me loud hypnotic command “DIE”

The only difference was that this dark force was on my back and I could feel a lot of weight. I couldn’t breathe well because of the pressure on my back . When I was waking up this entity was next to my bed. I could only see a dark silhouette of its torso. This happened at the beginning of September when I moved here. For three days I felt the presence of dark energies. They are all gone. I kicked them out.

On 10/09 I had a vivid dream. I was in one of the houses I grew up in Colombia. I was in one of rooms, looking out through the sliding glass door when I huge black bird appeared. It was bigger than a condor. It looked scary but he was good. Then this bird transformed into a man. He asked me telepathically  to come with him. He gave me his hand and I went thru the glass window. I was in awe and I knew I was going to ascend in that moment. Before taking off he told me: you have to wait here a little bit more. I woke up frustrated, of course.

I want to ascend SOOOOO bad!! The date of my departure is close. I don’t want to travel anymore. I’m tired.

Just planning my trip back is painful. I’m leaving the 28th of Oct. I’m going to Firenze and Roma first because my mom and aunt are coming on a cruise to Europe and they want me to be the tour guide the day they are in these cities. The 31st I’m supposed to be flying back to Norway.

I’m in an emotional roller coaster ride as Dorie described it. However, when I’m down, I get a boost from the higher realms to lift up my mood.

Georgi, I have noticed that where ever I go, always someone living close to me die… young and old and most of them by a heart attack. I’m probably helping these people go through my portal, right?

Dear Moni,

I strongly hope that we will ascend before that as I have my birthday on November 1 and I have told my soul explicitly that do not want to celebrate or better mourn one more birthday on Terra.

At present many people are leaving this earth and we may indeed help them go through our portals. Tomorrow we will have guests, the neighbours with whom my wife shares the stables, and the father of the husband has suddenly died in a hospital after heart operation he did not want to undergo, but the doctors convinced him. The son is now under a shock as he was told that the nurses who were responsible for his father in the ICU did not notice the cardial arrest on the monitor. There is an investigation now. I need to console him tomorrow.

Let us hope that this ordeal will soon come  to an end.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Good Morning Georgi,

Last night I felt a shift happen. I first must tell you that I have been taking ibuprofen at night. It helps ease my body aches and helps me to sleep. After reading your response to taking the poison – I didn’t take it before bed last night.

I slept fitfully-half in dream state and half awake. My dream was, although it seemed more real than anything that from my heart chakra to my root chakra was open-wide open like there was a hole in it with spinning energy in my solar plexus which was the center of the hole.

The circular hole was spinning and bright white and there were lots of people falling through it and as they did they were sprayed with a white substance and turned white as they fell through the hole. There were lots of people dropping down through my solar plexus.

When I awoke, I could still feel the energy moving and drawing people through it. I was very nauseous, my shoulders and back hurt and there was a strong pressure in my head. My body was vibrating and I could feel energy all around me just buzzing.  I felt so bad I folded my body into the fetal position to try and get comfortable. This lasted for over an hour and I didn’t fall back to sleep until early morning. I felt like ascension had jumped a notch, a shift of some kind had occurred.

I always thought my portal was internal and would expand when needed and sometimes I wondered if I had one at all, but last night proved to me that my portal is real and working. It was amazing to feel all those souls passing through it. I teared up every time I felt them pass through.

I also wanted to say that although my feet have been numb for months, my body is continuing to become numb in more places, spots all over. My husband also complained that he had a numb spot on his hip. Sometimes I feel like my physical body could completely blend in with my surroundings, melt into it.

Thank you for letting me share my experience. Have a good day and I pray that ascension happens sooner than later….

In love and light,
Artie from Oklahoma
Dear Artie,

now you fully realize what a tremendous work we are doing in the dream state. Nobody can understand this, unless he has gone personally through this experience. Numbness is the most common symptom of ascension these days and it is a sure sign that we are on the way back home.

Everything points now to our imminent ascension and detonation of the PAT.

With love and light
October 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

For the past two weeks I have had and written to you of all the increased physical and emotional problems. Along with these, my HS seemed to be MIA. It seemed no matter what I did I felt worse. Yesterday I was walking and talking to neighbors and came home so disgusted. In these past few weeks, the neighbors have begun fighting amongst themselves over the rules. I won’t go into all of it just to say they do not believe in Common Law where no person or property is injured period. The box seemed to be getting tighter for me and others mostly were defending the box.

Now to my dream. I know I have been busy at night “working” at something but never remember anymore. Last night I was at an indoor celebration of some kind. There was a long parade route established. People were in the stands and floor seats and many were gathered along the pathway sitting or standing. This was going on for hours as people came early. There was much celebration, joy and excitement. People were sharing food they had brought in especially with children. This however was not allowed, as you had to purchase their very expensive food which most could not afford.

Just before the event was to begin an announcement was given for all to be quiet and please step forward when your name is called. As the names were called, they went to the front and then went somewhere, we could not tell where. Then my name was called and I joined the group. We were all being escorted out as “undesirables’ people who could not follow the rules. We had all paid our ticket price and our only fault was we were too joyful and expressed it. As we came around the outside of the arena and all stopped at the main opening, we stared in amazement and silence. All the persons left were sitting quietly and orderly. No one was on the floor or beside the parade path. It was utter quiet. At first the group I was with felt shame and were humiliated. Then as we looked at each other we realized we were FREE. We were not being punished but liberated from the world that wanted to live in the box.

After such a long drought this was for me the perfect answer from my HS. It for sure confirms the ID split. For all the other PAT who have expressed like me the lack of communication with HS, keep knowing that it will come just at the right moment you need it. I cannot express in an email the joy in my heart right now and the lightness in my body. I always knew when it was time I would be told. Thank you all from here to Source for being with us all.

Dear Jennifer,

I am happy to hear that you have got your final confirmation regarding your/our ascension. The more seldom such messages are given, the more valuable they are.

With love and light

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