by Dorie Bowlin, September 29, 2012


My Dear Georgi, and DEAR Planetary Ascension Team family members,

Words cannot express my deep appreciation for being a part of the most extraordinary team of highly evolved Light Beings on this planet. I knew when I found you that I had finally found home. Without your encouraging, loving words and “energies” of support, I know that I could not have allowed myself to step up to the plate and share the messages I was receiving from HS, and for that I am in deep gratitude. My love for you goes without question, and I cannot WAIT to meet you all in the higher realms where we now fully reside. With that being said, here’s my latest message from HS–perhaps the best one EVER!

With much love, light, and gratitude,
Dorie, PAT Member, Ascended Master

Last Message – September 29, 2012:

“Are we there yet, are we there yet?” Since 11/11/11 we’ve been asked that question probably close to a million times! And each time we have given you the answer “soon”. And while that answer SOMETIMES soothes you into waiting just a bit longer, we are aware how that answer can no longer sustain you in waiting. So ask us again, just ONE MORE TIME, “Are you there yet?” The answer is YES!! And why is the answer finally yes NOW? Because you’ve been to the pits of hell, and there’s no place else to go but UP!

Here’s a list of what you DON’T need to take with you on your way up:

You don’t need anymore shit to clean up– you’ve all done QUITE enough of that!
You don’t need anymore naysayers telling you all your dates have been wrong.
You don’t need anymore family members telling you you’re crazy.
You don’t need anymore fence-sitters trying to decide.
You don’t need anymore ranting and raving to get your point across.
You don’t need any more Doubting Thomases straggling along for the ride.
You don’t need anymore DOUBTS PERIOD.

You know what you have gone through in order to get to where you are IN THIS MOMENT. You know that you have been creating this reality from the moment you were born…and now it’s FINALLY HERE!

So, now that you know what you DON’T need, here’s a list of what you DO need:

Your excitement… LOTS OF THAT!
Your Ascension music… can’t forget that!
Your incredible smile… because that’s the ONLY thing you’ll need to wear when you get there!

It’s been a long, long ride! Lots of twists and turns, ups and downs, but you NEVER got off of the ride! You hung in there–YOU BELIEVED!

Remember, dear child, the dream you had of Jesus (Apollonius) many months ago, when you approached him at the Master’s Table and you asked him what you had to do in order to sit at the table with the rest of the Masters? He in turn asked YOU what you had to do. At first you said, “I have to love myself”. He then said, “And?” You then said, “I have to know that all the answers are within ME.” Only for him to respond with another “AND?” In that exact moment in the dream, you were frightened that you didn’t know the answer, that you couldn’t sit at the Master’s table, but you did as any Master would do, you went within and found the courage to become who you have always been, by responding back one more time with, “If I don’t have the answer, I can create a new one.”

You and the PAT have created your own answer by pushing the button of detonation to the PAT Supernova of Ascension! You have done for humanity and for Gaia what no other Light Beings in the galaxy could accomplish until now. It’s time for you to ALL come and sit at the Master’s Table. It’s TIME for you to go home.

GO HOME WITH A BIG BANG!  We wouldn’t have it any other way!


Dear Dorie,

Thank you infinite times for this ultimate message. I knew it when I woke up this morning as you can read in the latest report, but I needed one more confirmation – more so for the PAT members to lift up their mood.

It was obvious that we will arrive there at some point in linear time according to the fairy tale motto:

“And if they are not dead, they live happy ever after”. 

What I very much like is the polemics of your HS against all Nay-Sayers and doubtful Thomases.

There is nothing to add, but simply to disappear NOW!

The party can begin. The cosmic music has been delivered. The sexual divine has been tackled. The orgiastic bliss of our pristine home is attracting us with irresistible force. Let it be!

With love and light 
George, the Captain of the PAT   

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