Energy Update – September 27

by Jerry R. James and Georgi Stankov, September 28, 2012

September 27, 2012


It is hard to read these energies. After feeling somewhat better for a few days other than fatigued, we were hit with another powerful wave yesterday (Sept 26) afternoon that still has us somewhat reeling. Again severe gastrointestinal distress,  nausea, off balance, more fatigue. Despite all we slept well. Don’t know what today will bring. If we are to ascend or not. If not, why do we have to feel more miserable in the meanwhile? I am not getting any messages from HS or source. I guess still in the void.

Dear Jerry,

after I was somewhat constant with my energies at a very high level, including the usual ups and downs, I was hit last evening (Sept 26) around 22.00 pm CET, while we had friends for supper, by a very nasty and powerful wave and had to excuse myself and go to bed. The whole night I had this cc-wave with a very strong headache, so that I did not know where to lie with my head. Such a wave is always associated with a huge energy download, and as you say, it also affects the 3rd chakra and the gastrointestinal tract.

In fact I expected a final energy surge before detonating the supernova and was not at all surprised when it came. Only now around 15.00 p.m I feel a little better and the headache has receded, but I am still very weak. At the same time I am sensing a very positive, confirmatory feeling that everything is going according to plan without receiving any detailed information. Just an intuition.

My personal assessment is that last night something very dramatic must have occurred in the higher realms in preparation for the ID split, as everything today seems somewhat changed, but it is not really palpable. My interpretation is that we have connected Gaia and humanity through the rainbow bridge with the Source and now no longer need to transmit these energies through our bodies. When we ascend, we will most probably trigger the final click and then all humanity and Gaia will feel it.

We must now wait and see how this will manifest on the ground, e.g. some crashes at the stock exchange or other collapses. It can’t go on like this anymore, this is for sure, but this strange stillness is indeed disturbing.

With love and light
Yes, I feel better physically this morning as well, but sort of feel a dread. I was thinking it was because I wasn’t sure how our physical condition would be, but now realize it is the dread of the initial event that is soon to occur. I don’t think it is my dread that I am feeling, since I want this to start. So much energy has to manifest into the world, not just our bodies.


Just wanted to update you on the energy downloads since we both feel them so much and at the same time as you to validate what I am sure you are feeling as well. The energy download, CC Wave etc. came in again this afternoon (Sept 27) about the same time as yesterday, but this time either it was not as strong or our bodies have been able to handle it a little better today. Still weak and knocked down by yesterday’s powerful wave and this one adds to it. There is no need for you to answer this email if you don’t feel like it and it is late there as well. Just know we are thinking of you and all of PAT in these final hours.

Dear Jerry,

I also had one short peak this afternoon, but it was not a cc-wave as I define it, but rather a more harmonious peak. I slept a little bit and my body was vibrating as if a million volt gradient was trafficking through it. My guess is that they are now making the final calibrations injecting energy packages everywhere around the globe as to stabilize the holographic Gaia model  before the detonation of the PAT supernova and the triggering of the ID split. They still use us as punctual energetic antennae to relay these energies from the source to the individual circuits of the various dimensions. I think that these are the last adjustments they now make as perfectionists before they will detonate the supernova as after that no further calibrations will be possible, as is the case with a rocket after its launch.

This is my metaphoric explanation of the current situation as I visualize it. As these calibrations are very difficult to describe, we do not get any detailed information from our HS as it will not serve us.

Thanks George. We don’t have long to wait now.

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