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On “The Wake Up Call Will be the Magnetic Pole Reversal” 

August 21, 2012

Whew Georgi!,

All I can say is THANK YOU. I was picking up on the clues given by HS around this wake-up call and was reluctant and cautious to go there with the magnetic pole reversal, but no matter how I tried to make sense of the information, this was the only thing that seemed logical, especially with continually being shown the global waters on the rise and inundating most ALL areas. I can confirm that I was not getting specific tsunami information, though by the time this is all over with that could play out in localized regions from larger land movements, but overall no, I wasn’t sensing that. What I was being shown or sensing from HS was water that would keep coming in, like a high-tide that doesn’t stop. (Same as the celestial waters that are filling in from above).

Imagine all the pieces now clicking together for me after reading your latest post. It was also clear to me that one single geophysical event wouldn’t be sufficient either, and I kept being shown “geophysical” with the word “celestial” right next to each other and that’s why I wrote it out as such. And HS DID allude that these were connected when she said, “it wouldn’t matter which one happened first, geophysical events or Nibiru becoming visible) as the shock effect would be the same.” Now it makes TOTAL sense. And last but not least, the last 2 messages from HS I believe mention “magnetics” being at play. In that context a magnetic force was discussed within our portals drawing the masses in, but I was also sensing that this “magnetism” was larger in it’s total context but this was fuzzy at best, and again, when you mention it in conjunction with the pull of Nibiru, it all comes together.

So thank you so much for teasing/arranging the entire picture out for us and for being the one to put this information “out there.” It is a delicate announcement to make, no doubt, and you addressed it superbly. For me personally, there is something to be said for hearing this information first hand from our PAT captain. It adds a level of reassurance. (smile)

I also want to thank you, as I’ve already thanked Dorie, for providing such a wonderful response to Joe on the reason for the wake up call. The additional reassurance you provided as well, about the worst being experienced on earth B, was also wonderful and certainly bears repeating.

Thanks again Georgi, with all my heart.
Dear April,

thank you for your validation of my presentation of the probable scenario for the wake up call. I studied very carefully your messages and that of the other members of the PAT and always asked my HS for additional information and confirmation and this is what came out of it. Your intuition is a very valuable gauge mechanism for me for truthfulness as we always filter any information through our personal preferences.

But as I have never been a friend of apocalyptic scenarios such as the Christian Armageddon, one cannot blame me for forwarding a catastrophic scenario. In fact I was very happy after the decision to establish a third balanced earth A/B as I knew that this decision was associated with less catastrophes as initially planned for the End Time.

For me such 3d-events do not matter at all, what is important is what effect a certain 3d-experience will exert on the human mind, spirit and psyche and how far this will push the people forward in their evolution. I think that this is also the only relevant criterion in the higher dimensions.

From this point of view, we must see the new situation with eyes wide open and not shut as many human beings prefer in order to appease their fears. My objective on this website is to inform as best as I can, but I am not responsible for the conclusions of my analysis, based on external evidence, personal observations, which are always coupled and double-checked by the guidance of my inner voice.

With love and light
August 21, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I was reflecting back to every plan and scenario that the PAT has come up with since 11/11/11 in order to create a constructive resolution, rather than a destructive resolution, in awakening humanity. I am so VERY proud of all the accomplishments that the PAT has made in regards to how many souls we were able to save by implementing the Earth A/B plan, and how persistent we were in trying to save MORE, down to the last minute, at the risk of our own well being. However, I do concur that the Magnetic Pole Shift is the only way that humanity will fully awaken, and as a result this event will simultaneously detonate the PAT supernova of ascension.

My soul has been preparing me for years with visions and dreams of this scenario. At first, I was frightened by these dreams, but then I became determined to change them, by believing that they could be changed. I am no longer afraid, and with your words today, I fully comprehend that those visions and dreams of long ago were only meant to remind me that we would be going home. And so, as hard as we TRIED to change that scenario, I can still see how much we have accomplished, and I feel I can embrace this final scenario, this “wake up call”, with the understanding that it’s what’s best for ‘All’.

With much love and light,
Dear Dorie,

thank you very much for this validation of my presentation of the probable scenario for the wake up call. What one should bear in mind is the fact  that for many souls (fence straddlers) the ending of the current incarnation will be a blessing as they may not have fulfilled their soul contract and have only suffered throughout this life without advancing on their spiritual path. Now they will be able leave earth, just as we will do, and can incarnate immediately in a crystalline body on the 4d-balanced earth or on the ascended 5d-earth, depending on their soul age and progress on the evolutionary ladder during their current incarnation cycle.

It is only a tragedy from a human point of view, which anyone of us should have put aside in the meantime as a narrow and unenlightened weltanschauung.

With love and light
August 21, 2012

Hallo George,

I have always felt that I would either witness or experience such a deluge in the end times, and I thought that maybe they are just memories from Atlantis. Anyhow, I just think it to be funny for you to call it a “Wake up Call”. This scenario would be a bit of an overkill for an awakening, don’t you think. Since people will not be able to make many decisions when this occurs, as they will either go through physical death experience, or ascend in one way or another.

Unless the effects of Nibiru manifest slowly at first, with power, Internet and general communication outages, and perhaps extreme winds or weather phenomena, and maybe tides going from extremely low, like a few Km far into the ocean, then surging back to a few miles deep into the continent, a little more every day. This way people will be able to reflect and wake up to the fact that the end times have arrived, and still make decisions related to their future.

The other thing that would cancel out any SLOW “awakening” as such, would be the three days of darkness. Unless the geophysical changes are required for Lady Gaia to release energy (according to April’s HS), this “Armageddon” would not be necessary as the three days of darkness alone would be a good opportunity to effect the ID split etc. During the “Three days of Darkness” the people would be in dream time or “asleep” during the upgrades of their bodies, so they would not be able to run away from the rising tides.

I was just wondering if the three days of darkness could also be a strong white light coming from the Central Sun. It would be so bright that one would be unable to see anything.

In regards to the process of the deluge taking place as triggered from Nibiru located near the current North Pole, the ocean water from the southern hemisphere would be drawn to the northern hemisphere, flooding all except the Alps, Balkans and the Mountain ranges in Asia and North America, while the south will have a few “new” continents or Islands such as Antarctica (previously Atlantis), Lemuria and others. Then the ID split occurs and the deluge will continue on earth B, while A/B will have some new continents, stable weather patterns and clean air, water and soil.

It does make me think that All-That-Is is using a planetary mother ship (Nibiru) guided by negative beings to effect those changes. What happens if they don’t play ball?

George, I think you opened a can of worms here, and I am sure that you will get many comments about this scenario.

in love and light,
Dear Joe,

thank you for your comments on my latest analysis of the probable scenario for the wake up call. As I have written to other readers I am only analysing the information I get in conjunction with the inner voice of my HS. I am not responsible for the conclusions from this analysis. If someone may dislike them, he should first check whether this is not due to his/her deep seated and unrecognized fears. I am personally absolutely neutral towards what will happen on the earth this year, except for ascension. I see however a lot of advantages even in such a dramatic scenario as the magnetic pole shift, which has always been on my agenda.

I wished we could have avoided its worst effects, and after February 26 when we decided to establish a third timeline of the balanced earth A/B, I was very happy as I knew that this decision will be associated with less catastrophes than originally planned for the End Times.

But ultimately the grade of awakening of the masses determines the kind of experiences they will have to make this year. It has been known to all souls who have incarnated at this time what they are bound to live through. Nobody should lament now as this kind of lamentation is not the enlightened view, but the narrow minded scared perception of life that must be surmounted through a catastrophe this year.

The incarnated human masses must realize that they are not mortal human beings, but immortal souls and that a natural 3d-catastrophe has no impact on their identity. All souls are immortal and the moment they leave this toxic planet is their most hilarious moment of total liberation from the tortures of the incarnation life on the earth.

It is still open, if there will be some time left between the beginning of the magnetic pole reversal and our ascension, but my inner voice tells me that both events will happen almost simultaneously. These unripe souls must go through their fearwall before they move to the 4th dimension as purified entities. Otherwise they will not be able to ascend, just as we must leave our three lower chakras and all our fears before when go through our portals and ascend  beyond the 5th dimension.

Without this purification, there will be no ascension and it does not matter much, if this experience is fully realized at the conscious level, as after the three days of darkness all ascended human entities in the 4th dimension will have a new crystalline brain and a new mind, which will operate simultaneously and will eliminate the basic human disadvantage to process the reality only in a linear time.

Full awakening within the current circumstances is not possible – this has already led to numerous delays and now one must solve the problem with the axe. Please observe that this is not my or PAT decision. we should be neutral on this issue. This is the decision of the higher realms and our HS pushed us deliberately to make the last decree as to move forward with the process of ascension. We simply followed the directive of our higher selves, even if they had to stage the drama of deliberately deceiving us as to evoke our indignation and make a clean cut with respect to the many incarnated souls from the GF and other soul families who did not awaken sufficiently as to ascend.

With love and light
Hallo George,

thanks for your comprehensive reply. Before I joined the PAT website sometime last year, I had this strong inner wish, that what was really needed here, was a proper cataclysm that will wake the people up.

I also watched the movie 2012, and I fully identified myself with that crazy hippie type journalist that was dancing and reporting from a mountain top until the lava engulfed him. Interesting movie btw, it was showing how the Illuminati gangsters all had tickets to those underground arks that eventually surfaced and were floating about on the ocean and flooded continents. Sickening though how they were proclaiming that they saved our species. In hindsight, it seems that this movie may not be that far away from the real event.

Since I am a thrill seeker by nature, I don’t mind actually witnessing some of this. In fact I am so engulfed in this topic, that is why I am discussing probable details of the event. Along with other ideas or opinions coming in, we can perhaps put together a possible scenario.

“The incarnated human masses must realize that they are not human beings, but immortal souls and that a natural 3D catastrophe has not impact on their identity.”  Indeed, the fear of death of the people has been responsible for limiting the experience on earth to such an extent, and of course this has then been exploited fully by the Orion governing/corporate gangsters and even religions.

The only thing that I was concerned about, is that this new scenario may take a while to manifest and our Ascension may therefore be postponed yet again for a few more weeks or months. From what I can recall, Nibiru is going to be closest to earth sometime next month.

Well this scenario is not much different than what was on the cards before 27 Feb this year.

in love and light,
August 21, 2012

Dear George

I was so glad when you continued to post after all, as I was one of those with withdrawal. Considering myself approximately deaf and blind to the etheric plane it is so interesting and comforting to read the messages from people’s HS. But actually to me it became a blessing that you said you would stop posting during your move. Saturday evening I already was in a physically and emotionally crappy and doubtful state, and your statement came on top of all and made me feel completely alone in the world. So I  started writing my own thoughts to feel somewhat connected to something and to clear my head. I decided I have to be patient and trust myself. Sunday I checked your page anyways and was thrilled to find new postings and to resonate with so much in them. Like April´s message who said to trust herself. And like Jerry said, there definitely was a wave coming in late on the 18th and into the 19th.

When I had laid down to sleep on Saturday the 18th I felt a light flowing through my body. Starting at my feet and going upwards, smoothly igniting parts at a time. I felt my root chakra flowing down between my legs like a great cosmic menstruation before it expanded and turned into a whole tube torus. I was very grounded through the whole thing, and observed everything quite neutrally, yet thankfully for finally being at this stage.

When my second chakra ignited it was rather painful. Definitely uncomfortable.There was a stabbing pain that made me moan.  My solar plexus felt like it was being summed up. It felt huge. It was every situation, thought and feeling that that I have been through, each beaming a ray of light from the core of my Solar Plexus. And there were so many rays that it made a liquid smooth surface on my Solar. Beautiful. I started to feel quite proud of it. And then it occurred to me that I was going to leave it to my Lady Mother Gaia. To return what I have borrowed and filled up with my own prints. Along with all the other Solars of ascending humans.

And I was taken back to the ground a bit to feel the fellowship of my soul family and then I felt proud in a better and larger way than on my own, dear PAT captain. I of course expected this energy flow to continue upwards through the rest of my body, the heart next, but when my three lower chakras were glowing they started to pull downward. It was as if I was birthing my three lower chakras and I had to push them out of me. I felt a presence of someone ancient telling me to breath and relax and it would be fine. After a while I was so thirsty and exhausted I had to have a drink of water and afterwords I stretched and squirmed for a long time and fell asleep completely fulfilled and relaxed. I woke up the next day, stiff as a log. But satisfied to find you posting, and especially a message from Aprils HS about releasing the lower chakras.

At the same time as time seems stretched and nothing happens fast enough, it also seems as everything is happening. So many small situations are infiltrated with each other and in the end makes sense.

My whole family have been visiting me within one week. That has never happened before. Several days ago I had a dream I was in a tsunami, and I didn´t try to rescue anyone because I knew they had to choose to live or die for themselves. The last thing I remember dreaming this morning was that I was laying boats ashore in my old home town. Small boats in the dark. I was organizing and taking decisions and waiting for people to come.

I have been observing the clouds over my house the last month, without any conscious reason, and I think my portal is affecting the clouds. Regardless of what way they are blowing, they move slower and/or stop when they are right above me and curl down or around themselves as if they hit an invisible wall. I feel silly for saying it, and meteorologists would say it´s just a weather front, but I trust myself and my messages from within.

Today as I sat on my lookout doing some cloud gazing a thought fell into my head out of the blue. I have saved some money that I owe in taxes because I cashed out my savings and used it to buy food instead of following the banks rules, taking up a loan and buying a house. These money I have earmarked tax, and even though I have thought about using it for other things, I have not touched it. Today we were completely out of money, so I thought of course I should use my money to get food instead of paying taxes. It has been a scary thought before, but not anymore. I know it´s the end of the world as we know it and I trust myself. I cut my security blanket to pieces and transferred my money to me and went to the shop.

But before I went to the shop I was looking through my bookmarks on my browser for a page that calculates ones Mayan Galactic Signature. Because I think mine fits me like a glove and every time I see it it gives me a new meaning. My eyes were drawn to several bookmarks to Archangel Michael pages so I clicked on one and had a quick look to see if there was anything I should notice. I found an article about angelic signs through numbers, which I find interesting because I have seen number sequences for many years and I have particular interpretations for many. Lately I see sequences of 5s. Like now as I write this the time is 01:55. Lately the time is always xx:55.

It does not surprise me anymore. It´s like a language I don´t completely understand, but it doesn´t matter because it makes me happy. I didn´t read it because I have read about it many times, and then we went to the shop and got some things we needed and some things we wanted and everything was summed up to kr 444,-. I was a little amazed about this as I had just read about number sequences, and when I got home I looked up the same page as earlier and it said: « 444 — Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well.» Which I would say is a strong indicator that it was right of me to spend my money on food.

By the way, this is my Galactic Signature:

I Perfect in order to influence
Producing Wisdom
I seal the Process of Free Will
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I Am guided by the power of Universal Fire
I Am a galactic activation portal. Enter me.

With love and light
August 21, 2012

Hi Georgi and PAT members:

I was so glad to read about the experiences of the you and the PAT members telling about the Magma work being done over the weekend of 17, 18 and 19. I was totally wiped out all weekend, plus depressed and cranky – yet I couldn’t get any satisfactory answers as to the cause of it all. I would get up in the night and my legs were so wobbly I thought I’d collapse, coupled with extreme heat – thought I was being electrocuted!  What a mystery! Thank goodness your site cleared up this one for me Georgi.

This is the first day of venturing out to do some grocery shopping. Also, as I told you in an earlier email, Georgi, on July 21st I suffered the effects of what I call a heart condition, since I don’t believe in our hearts attacking us. Actually it was a piece of plaque that came loose from one of the arteries and was bopping around trying to find a way out I think. The doc in emergency dissolved it and I spent 5 days in the heart hospital till I recuperated.

While in hospital in the isolation ward, two nurses were escorting me to the washroom a day or so after the emergency, and when they thought I was safely on the toilet, I lost my balance and toppled off onto the floor breaking two ribs and having some severe bruising to my arms and rump.

I said I came in there for my heart condition and went home with two broken ribs – what is going on? *smile.  Was that a gift from the ‘hospital gods?’  I always try to keep my sense of humor. So that ends the story for now friends.  Keep up the good work everyone, and keep smiling – it really helps, cause we all have our problems, right?

Bless you all,
Coreen in Ontario,Canada
Dear Coreen,

I am very sad to hear that you have broken two ribs in the hospital, but I can assure you that when an enlightened person enters a hospital, he attracts like a magnet all kinds of negative energies that are very dense in hospitals: As these negative dark energies must find an outlet, they attach to the most sensitive people who come to the hospital, so that they leave it more ill than they have entered it.

This was the reason why I recommended you not seek medical help. I have seen this pattern again and again. If you would have stayed at home and done nothing about your heart problem, it wóuld have been resolved by itself (by your soul)  and you would not have broken your ribs.

One should have more confidence in the recuperative abilities of one’s own soul and not ask for help from doctors, who are among the most unripe souls on this planet and have no idea how human life is created and regulated by the soul. Their ignorance always leads to more diseases and never heals.

With love and light
Thank you for you insight into my health condition, but I’d never had a situation like that before and I think it frightened me enough to seek help from the docs. Perhaps if it were to ever happen again, I wouldn’t be so quick to call them.

Peace,  Coreen
Dear Coreen,

I know this situation very well as it also happened with me and I am a doctor and had to search for medical help as a had an acute intoxication and then they harmed me more than they helped me and I had to save myself against their therapy. That is why I have  advised you from my personal negative experience. It was so overwhelming that after that  I wrote my last gnostic book “Thoughts”, where I processed this negative event.

August 21, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Here is a message I’ve never heard before: ‘Stop serving!’ I’ve received it last night as a ‘higher order’, loud and clear! I know for a long time now, that I’m a servant for the Source of light and my soul purpose is to serve in this planetary shift, any way I can. Therefore the message took me by surprise, but at the same time I’m exited and feeling liberated. Perhaps it is a very personal message, but I cannot help to wonder if you have heard or felt anything similar? Hope you are well and done with the move.

Dear Eva,

I wished I had heard this same message and tell it to my wife who wants me to help her with her move. But unfortunately I  did not, although I asked my HS several times what should I do. At the end my pity for my wife prevailed and I decided to help her against all my conviction – helping the insanity. But I do not make the life of my wife easy and always comment on her insanity, which she has to bear as long as I am helping her.

With love and light
August 21, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I just read your latest post “The Wake Up Call will be the Magnetic Pole Reversal” and I wanted to share with you a re-occurring dream that I have had for the past 8 years, in fact I just had one again last night. I never really gave the dreams much thought other than I keep having them, but after I read your post I see them in a whole new light.

In my dreams, I am at the beach/coast (I live on the SE coast of Florida) when a massive tsunami hits. I can see the water coming towards me and yet I am not afraid. However once the water reaches the point to where I am, I am not swept away with the water/current, nor do I wake up from the dream having feared that I have drown, instead I am simply saved from the situation, time and time again. I never know who or what saves me from being swept away nor what happens after I am saved. Even though sometimes the scene/location, people, etc are not always the same, the overall situation is the same and so is the end result.

I now feel that I have been shown how I will leave this 3D world for years, but never fully understood what the message was until I read your post. So I would like to thank your for this confirmation as it fully resonates with what I have felt for many years.

I wish you well with the remainder of your move.

With much Love and Light,
August 21,2012

Dear Georgi,

Last night Aug 19th/20th, I experienced this dream/vision … for me, unparallelled and presenting itself like a full film/feature in 4-5 minutes. I wrote everything down upon awakening; however, it would be impossible to convey it all in words … and would take too long. This I will/can share:

Scene One: I saw a picture/primitive drawing of stick-figure/people approaching an embankment/higher elevated ground structure, with a ladder leaning against it. The first person was me, in leading position. I did not turn around, however, I sensed  (my senses being heightened/surreal ) behind me (say 10ft behind) was some/most of my 3d family. I could hear them moving, shuffling along, and the smell in the air/atmosphere was of excitement … urgency.

I am told that in my “sleep-state” optimization for hypothalamus awakening was reached, allowing a great sunburst of energy to come forth from it (hypothalamus) … the spark/”spark plug” effecting ascension. All parts of my body/bodies, 3d and crystalline … now in sync/working together in their idealized form. Those ascending will have individual experiences; however, upon “ignition” … all will experience ecstatic delight and overwhelming joy. This state of ecstasy is actually “ec-stasis”… a point at which you will feel/be “outside of yourself” .. as you know “you” now/3D carbon-based you.

Scene Two: Next, is me alone seemingly “in a waiting place”, like I’m inside a caterpillar … then I realize it’s similar to being in a jet-way (that portable/corridor/walkway that “accordions” out to bridge the plane and the airport/building for the departing passengers to pass thru.) I feel my presence in an elevator-type enclosure (heavy-duty/freight type). Awake and aware, I am not “seeing” any type of structures … only feeling and “knowing” w/o seeing anything. Without warning, it begins/moves with a swift/rapid forceful “whoosh” sound, of heavy power transformers being switched on. With that sound/signal, I instantly know the ID split has occurred … and there are now two “distinct” sides … I am “freely”on the other side of it … it was effortless.

Scene Three: I glance to look over/back at the other side …now “moved” away from me with a chasm/space in between it and myself … feeling completely neutral … it keeps on going … and at the same time, on the other side of a “line drawn” … suddenly appearing … I see what’s there is … hostility, dissension, conflict and friction. I see the planet … a ravaging devastation/destructive effect of water, firstly. It begins in the Pacific rim/ring of fire area … rippling to southern tip of Africa/Madagascar, quickly encompassing the entire globe, one way or another, with noise and violent motion. I am told it is the “rite of passage event” and then everything intensifies with storms/winds and explosive emissions of heat and light/radiation  … both coming from within the planet itself … and from “outside” of the earth. Again, I observe neutrally from a higher vantage point … completely detached/disconnected and unaffected.

Lastly, I was (gently and lovingly) instructed to “bow out”/withdraw from all 3D and prepare for “lift off”. (smile) to focus on having my own experience. I have not read any postings on the website today and will now refrain from this point on. It seems strange to be saying this …  and feels bittersweet. I can answer any questions, George, thru email today, if you have any. Thank you for everything. And with that said … I bid you farewell.

With love, Ann Marie
Dear Ann Maire,

thank you very much for this very expressive presentation of your ascension vision. If you read my latest article on the wake up call as the magnetic pole reversal, you will recognize your vision. We have now all similar visions and this is a sure sign that we are on the cusp of ascension.

With love and light

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