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On the Wide Opening of Our Portals for the First Ascension Wave

August 17, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Just a quick note to confirm that I too have noticed an uptick in activity in my portal. A lot of tingly sensations, indicative of other beings and energy moving within it as well as a sense of energies “passing through.” This is different than what I was previously experiencing with just the angels being there, or my portal being used by the GF.

No, this is something new/unique that I have not experienced before. I’m still trying to get a read on it and will try to ask HS later today for some sort of confirmation. Thank you so much for posting you and Eva’s exchange today as I was better able to put these sensations into context.

This is a wonderful sign indeed! And I look forward to hearing from the others as well to see if they are experiencing similar sensations/visions.

Much love and light,
Dear April,

thank you for your confirmation of heightened activity in and around our portals in preparation for the ID split and ascension.

With love and light
August 17, 2012

Dear George,

…In today’s post, Eva wrote about an interesting portal scenario:

“What changed today is that, I’m seeing a scenario, where these portals being used as ‘exit points’ for those humans, sleeping star seeds, light workers who will ascend. They can choose to enter/use these open portals and exit from this reality to the new. Of course it still will be their personal decision if they do so.”

This seems to confirm/correspond exactly with what I experienced in a dream/vision I had a few days ago (August 13th/14th?), about energy portals opening en masse: I was walking through town, looked behind myself, and noticed foot-sized semi-transparent rainbow orbs, halfway immersed/embedded into the ground, appearing every several feet behind me where I had walked. The purpose of these portals seemed to be placed for anchoring energy from the higher realms into Gaia, but I also sensed that they could/will be used as exit portals for the masses. This dream stood out from the usual in that it was very short-lived but felt very real; when I suddenly awoke I was surprised to be in bed rather than back in town with the orbs.

Since the end of July I have had a stronger-than-ever sense that I am officially DONE here in 3D with everything.  Sadness from nostalgia has been creeping up strongly as a result, but I know this must be overcome.

Love and light,
August 17, 2012

Dear Georgi,

For me, it is now 9am EDT. Last night (Thursday into Friday, Aug 17th), I had a similar portal experience (re: Eva’s update).

I seemed “awake and aware” … poised for watching and listening. I was told:

“At the perfect moment, you will see a “door” … all going with you will accompany you. At this “crossover” point, your family (loved ones, pets and close friends) will go thru this door together.”

I thought it was about to happen, however, I woke up burning and sweating. Upon reflection, I am sensing August 18th more strongly now.

It is crucial for all of us, the PAT, to “remain steady, strong and vigilant” for the entire upcoming weekend.

With love to all,
Ann Marie
August 17, 2012

Caro Giorgio

I can confirm huge chemtrails activity over my home and the house of my mother here in Turin. I personally think that chemtrails are the main issue and the phenomenon had been underestimated. It’s the main tool used by the PTB to stop mass ascension. It is their main investment, together with antennae, officially antennae used for cellular phones. A client of mine builds basements for cellular antennae. Surprisingly he is very very busy building more and more basements for cellular antennae, even if there is no need since the cellular phones have a very good connection everywhere.

Chemtrails plus nasty radio waves creates an electromagnetic smog, and just the PAT members are able to still connect, while the average population is dumbed down. I had a dream where for some reason the electricity went off and the human population could awaken suddenly.

Un grande abbraccio,
August 17, 2012

Dear George,

A week ago these similar attacks on my portal started. Many, many chemtrails. But they behave differently than normal. Parts of the chemtrail just disappear instantly, while other parts don’t. I observed a bit more carefully and within 15 minutes, 3 to 5 times an airplane with chemtrail flew through the exact same area. But every time, certain parts of the trail disappeared and others didn’t move at all for a long time. Perhaps these chemtrails are being sent to earth B, at least partially?

There is an interesting dream sequence of this night I could share.

The first one was very strange because I was still awake. It felt more like channeling a dream, if that makes sense. In this dream, a friend who I also know in the higher realms came to me with problems, but I tuned this friend into the truth, and this friend then realized how all these problems can easily be defeated just by being aware of the truth. It is possible that this person had a test run or ascension through my portal.

Next, I was the protagonist in some kind of video game. There were many dark forces attempting to defeat me, but I had the famous “god mode” cheat, granting me invincibility, access to all abilities and unlimited supplies. It was amusing how all these dark forces tried to do as much as they could to get rid of me, but nothing could hurt me at all. I then eliminated many of the dark forces, and they retreated. Perhaps this is related to the chemtrails near me, and my will to stop them. Today I see a big amount of clouds that are very long and trail-like, but I don’t know if they are chemtrails. They are too long, too big and there are too many of them to be chemtrails.

In a new dream again, I was navigating some kind of building. Eventually I ended up in a bathroom which was the only room I really saw. Like the other rooms were of less importance, or something like that. This triggered me to ascend and I have no more memory from that point on. The information from my HS is I performed important tasks in the higher realms, not remembered by the carbon brain. I feel it is related to organizing the ascension of souls through all these portals, just like you described in the latest post.

Then another dream where someone else who I also know very well in the higher realms came to me and admitted her love for me. I am not sure what happened after this, but I think there is a strong possibility she used my portal for ascension or a test run.

A final dream put me in a place where I lived several years ago. It was quite depressing and I have no idea what this dream meant. Perhaps this depressing feeling comes from the different energetic quality which was present at this time (about 5 years ago?), and this dream was meant to show me the difference in energy between now and earlier. The difference is enormous.

Love & Light,
Dear Daniel,

thank you for your confirmation of the increase in chemtrail activities in the last days as well as of possible preparations for ascension among many star seeds. It is difficult now to establish  certainty about how advanced this process is, but there must be a flurry of activities in the higher realms around our portals, no doubt about it.

With love and light

On Aegil’s Essay

Dear Aegil,

‘The Basic Question’ is a truly brilliant essay. You are delivering the end of the elusive Ariadne’s thread to those lost in the maze. Those who receive your gift will soon be FREE.

When I read this I felt that with your written clarity, you have brought these higher dimensional concepts into the density of 3-d and that you have thus made them etherically available for people to connect with. You have created a kind of portal to the higher dimensions.

This perspective came to me last night, before Eva and Georgi’s newest posting, which would seem to confirm this, and in relation to that, I can see that your writings are expansions of your personal portal. As Eva said, ‘They (people) can choose to enter/use these open portals and exit from this reality to the new.

Thank you for your tremendous gift to humanity.

With love and Light, Gail
August 17, 2012

Dear Aegil,

First I want to say WOW, I LOVED your latest essay. You broke down the complexity of the human condition rather precisely. Thank you so much for contributing this as I feel it is very important and relevant information to have noted/left on the PAT site as it so clearly articulates the internal human drama.

I also wanted to thank you for your kind words about my post on “Clarity for My Self”. I believe you said it was “excellent.” You have no idea how much I appreciate this feedback. You see I’ve always loved to write, but unfortunately only attended 1 year of college. I currently work as an administrative assistant at a local non-profit. Anyhow, I’ve always LOVED writing, but have had very little in the way of formal training so when I receive wonderful and encouraging feedback such as yours, it REALLY means a lot! It makes me feel good and capable.

Thank you again so much for making a point to get this message across to me and know that I greatly enjoy your posts as well.

Much love and light,


Two Moons 

Hi George,

Have you heard any confirmation of earth’s 2nd moon returning 3 days ago.  Meaning, August 17/18 we are actually experiencing 2 new moons, after which we will began to visibly see 2 moons orbiting earth this month:

The Sequential Flow of Events a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, August 17, 2012:


Dear Sentwali.

This is very interesting information indeed. Last year I wrote before the opening of the stargate 11.11.11. that it was planned to remove the old moon and to substitute it eventually with a new one in case we were able to achieve a full ascension at that time. This did not happen and the old moon continued to appear, although it has shown since then many striking anomalies, which we have discussed on this website. Now we must see how the appearance of the new moon will affect the coming big events. It is getting more exciting by the hour.

With love and light

PS: This message also confirms that our portals are now wide opened and that mother ships from the GF are entering in great numbers the earth’s space in preparation for the imminent ID split.

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