On PAT’s Ascension
July 19, 2012
Dear George,
London bombing on 7.7.2005 (777) happened 7 years before London Olympic opening ceremony 27.7.2012
27 mean 2 times 7, so we get 777.
27 mean (2) second time in happening London 7.7
Combine 2 with the year and get 777 again.
All this is just too obviously to ignore. I did Google search on 777 and here is quite good explanation
I think one only need pure logic and understanding to figure out our optimum time for PAT ascension. I think we do all agree, that before 27th this month.
My question is: How much time after our ascension do we need to get used to our new bodies and abilities before we all meet at the party,in London on 27.7.2012?
With love and light
Dear Boyd,
I am very poor in numerology, but I know that the dark cabal use it. I hope your calculations are correct. In case we ascend ,we may not need to appear ourselves – this can be done by our soul families, who will use our crystalline bodies. Have you considered this possibility?
Dear George,
Are you saying, that our crystalline body will be like clothes, everybody within our soul family can use it. When I think this way, it make perfect sense. One at the time? Can be duplicated, so everyone within soul family can use it? Will with our ascension all the soul family graduate and everybody within get own crystalline body?
I am not good in numerology either. I just keep finding those 777 numbers in relation to London games.
Dear Boyd,
I think that when we ascend all our families will also ascend with us as it is impossible to separate an individual soul from its soul family. Besides, it is the whole soul family that actually incarnates in a PAT member, otherwise we will not be so powerful. This is an aspect, which I have not discussed so far, but that is how All-That-Is operates from a certain dimension upwards.
In this sense we have already created portals for our soul families in the 3d reality and from now on, they can materialize any crystalline body, they wish on any place, or on many places at the same time on this earth, without the individual soul being involved all the time in this materialisation. After all, we are multi-dimensional beings and can exist in many places at the same time. The more so our soul families.
With love and light
Dear George,
Let’s say, our soul family resides in the 8th dimension. After cosmic ascension the whole soul family together ascends one level higher, to 9th dimension. If I understand you correctly, our families can come to this 3D earth as NOW, and operate here as 8th dimensional immortal humans?
Dear Boyd,
This is precisely how I see it. This is a unique experience never tested before in this universe and this is the reason why we have to suffer so much under the LBP as to achieve the integration of such different dimensions as the 3rd dimension of the earth with the higher dimensions of All-That-Is beyond the 5th dimension of the still individual souls up to the Source.
July 20, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I was excited to read the messages from your dreams and your HS. If I am not soon to ascend, then I am surely going to implode. I always follow the direction of my HS. It has been a wonderful way to live. Each day flows on it’s own in whatever direction it takes me. Always learning through experience.
Yesterday I was called by friends to join for breakfast. The discussion with the other three people was all about who has cancer and how awful everything is. I barely commented as usual because my beliefs are easily dismissed. Last evening I was asked to join my neighbors for a glass of wine. I went at 5pm and stayed until 6:30pm. This couple is highly educated by world standards and in their late 80’s. I usually do not spend a length of time with them because of their strong beliefs in Government and the two party system. Example: many posters of Obama all over their house.
I think the man is open, but the wife is very closed. As I would express myself and my belief, she would shout at me how misguided I was and where did I get my information. I tried to explain to her that I did not need to watch television to be told what is going on in the world, but that my HS explains this to me. The discussion went from there to the other taboos, religion and medicine. No common ground at all could be reached. No opening for other possibilities. One exception was when I mentioned my NDE in 1990. The man who seldom was allowed to speak told of his battlefield experiences when at age 25, he would leave his body and watch what was going on. He said he asked to be removed from his body, as it was all so painful. It was a beautiful story and I wanted to hear more. He said he had never told anyone about this before. She however turned the conversation back to herself and more shouting.
I remained calm, expressed my truth, and after 1 1/2 hour I excused myself. I felt hope for the man and sadness for the woman. I walked home and took my dog for a walk. I was talking to my HS about my day. When I came back home I began shouting at my HS and any of the Angelic realms that were around me. It was an amazing one sided tirade. I was not asking for help or guidance, I was shouting “Yes, I have accepted the role, I agreed to come and do this, but things are getting more and more closed and I have no power. I have been given a position with none of the decision making ability.” It went on like this for a time and eventually I felt exhausted. Fortunately I live alone, or I may have been taken away in a ‘jacket’.
Many times I have had dreams of being in meetings and learning all kinds of new skills from math/science to animal husbandry. I have always felt sure and directed. I really do not know what happened to me. I made a cup of tea and fell asleep without asking for anything from the higher realms as usual. I just felt spent. I recall no dreams as of this morning writing to you.
I feel good this morning. I do not feel that the behavior of others affected me as much as I affected me. I am just fed up with ‘planting seeds in cement’. The past 20 years have been a great learning journey for me. I have grown closer to the Source without a doubt. So any advise on what happened to me would be appreciated. At this moment I feel I had best stay away from humans.
In Gratitude,
Dear Jennifer,
Thank you very much fro this latest report. I can very well feel how awkward your conversation was with your neighbours, as it is a recurrent motif in our lives.
As far as our rant against your souls is concerned I can only confirm that two days ago I had a similar rant with my soul and had a very lengthy discussion with her and all the other excarnated entities that help us. I told them bluntly how fed up we all are with this immovable situation and that they should please move their lazy asses and arrange for our ascension, while delivering all the arguments on behalf of this action in a loud voice to Heaven.
Just as you, I was happy that I was alone at home and no psychopath with a straight jacket to take me away to an asylum. Such discussions are in fact extremely important as they establish a direct communication with the higher realms at an equal basis and help them arrange the course of the events according to our desires.
If we do not express our desires, they cannot do anything for us. But as soon as we utter them in a loud and affirmative voice to a precise address, all angel forces and elohims are actually obliged to take our desires into consideration and see how they can realize them in the best possible way. Human voice is the most powerful force in the whole universe, we should not forget this.
Therefore, I can only recommend all the PAT members to actively engage in loud discussions with your HS and higher dimensions and explicitly tell them your intimate wishes and desires. This approach will be very helpful for us and the cause of Ascension of humanity and Gaia. Hence do it!
With love and light
Thank you for your quick response. I was surprised at myself for not feeling disrespectful, but as if talking to equals. New for me. I guess the new me is a shouter. If the urge comes again, I will go with it.
Thanks, Jennifer
July 20 ,2012
Dear George
I have recently finished reading your article on important information on the date of our ascension and I fully believe that we will have to ascend before the beginning of the Olympic games on the 27th of July. As you and many other PAT members have suggested that we as the PAT will appear in front of humanity and usher in a new,golden era.
If your recent dream has significant relevance regarding how the events will turn out, then it is very likely that we will ascend very soon. Your recent dream may not be accurate since dreams have ways of transmitting information in abstraction. Nonetheless, it is a brilliant signal that our ascension is indeed close. I have been analyzing that your dreams keep developing, like a story with each part following the other in a pattern.
My conclusion is that it would be best if our ascension is before the 27th of July, so that we can appear in front of humanity as Ascended Masters in our new, crystalline light bodies on that exact same day. How appropriate it would be if the PAT appears in front of humanity on the opening day of the Olympic games. I will continue to create that possibility in my thoughts in these last days.
Love and Light
Arthur, South Africa
July 20 ,2012
Hi Georgi,
I’ve been keeping up with your posts and can also confirm that my experiences have been shaping up in much the same way as you and the other PAT members have reported. I too have experienced a few ascension runs, as well as the depressing “death” space, and now the “I’m a giant standing on this little world” phase with nothing much more to do than wait.
I had the most amazing energetic stretch a week or so ago, where I actually felt my energy or light body legs stretching all the way down into the center of the earth… it was like a kind of “boom, boom, boom” drilling all the way down. My arms and upper body stretched upwards to the Great Central Sun and in that moment I became giant. Now I’ve had this as a vision experience before, but not the actual physical sensation of “stretching.” It felt sooo good! Like I don’t have to worry about trying to fit myself inside my body anymore. So I too am literally thinking any day now.
The main reason for writing you today was to share a couple of YouTube videos that I just watched recently. In many ways I feel that these were made for us, for the PAT. Perhaps these have been shared before, but if not, please consider sharing them with the PAT if you feel that they are appropriate. I do so enjoy the art that you and others have posted, as many times it can say so much more than words ever could, not too mention serving as a fantastic catalyst for journey, exploration, and alignment. I found these videos to be particularly moving, especially on the “down” days.
Love and Light to you!
Thank you again so much for all that you are doing to shepherd us along!
July 19, 2012
My George,
I just read the last two posts. You mentioned a parallel life in your lucid dream. Two days ago I questioned myself about what’s going on with our parallel lives and the answer was that they are almost all merged together. Could this be happening?
Today (Thursday) for about an hour I laid in bed and had this vision/sensation of looking at our planet from out of space in a waiting and vigilant mode. My soul told me this is what we are doing. It was sooo relaxing and blissful. I wish I could stay in that state while we wait here. You are right, the energy roller coaster these days is freaking breathtaking!
Patience and faith!!
Dear Moni,
Exactly. Now we integrate all past incarnations and parallel lives into our ascending energy field, as there will no longer be such separations of our souls and we will act after ascension as a unity field. This is difficult to explain, but all these past incarnations and parallel lives are creative studies of our incarnation process, which we will not need anymore.
As Dorie said in her HS message, we are now in a stand-by mode, high in the sky, waiting for landing permission, but upwards as ascension. In the meantime, while we make our circles over Gaia, we observe it with vigilant eyes, but cannot change anything on the ground. This can be rather depressing sometimes. I used to fly a lot when I worked for big pharmaceutical companies with a small Cessna with my boss and know this feeling when you wait for landing permission as a small airplane in big airports and your gasoline is coming to an end.
With love and light
July 20, 2012
Dear George,
Thank you for such an eloquent reply that means more each time I read it, and for suggesting an alternative to the standard Olympic Games, particularly one in which the PTW seem hell bent upon making it a truly hellish event. We’ve all been wondering why there is this extraordinarily massive buildup of military, police and security personnel for a peaceful event, which also includes, of all things,missile launchers atop residential buildings. To anyone with their eyes even halfway open, this buildup is more indicative of preparation for battle or for the expectation of a major catastrophe (PTW-induced) that would make 9/11 seem like a water balloon fight.
I’m afraid (actually delighted) that the sleeping masses may actually be taking notice of this oxymoron shaping up that is akin to mixing oil and water, i.e., massive security for a peaceful event, but that’s the wonderfully amusing/ ironic nature of the Reptilians’ desperate attempts to enslave us. The more they try to jackboot our necks into the ground, the more we rebel/wake up spiritually. I guess they’ll never understand how nature works, since their modus operandi is to always fight nature. Our awakening spirituality, which they lack altogether, trumps their technology!
Thus, I very much agree with your assessment thatthere is not a more ideal time for the Light to illuminate Humanity than at these Olympic Games, which you so well express in this sentence, “This strategy of the forces of light can only be achieved if we ascend before that and appear during the Olympic Games and announce to humanity the coming mass ascension, while revealing at the same time the dreadful truth about the reality on this planet.”
On another note, Joe said, “…I was slowly dying…” That’s how I’ve been feeling the last few days, as though I am slowly dying. Every morning I wake up with more aches, stiffness, imbalance and exhaustion, instead of feeling refreshed after a full night’s sleep. I almost sense that my physical 3D body is telling me that it is nearing its end, rather than viewing these as LBP symptoms, though I understand it is all interrelated. Perhaps this is the best indicator that a major transition is at hand, instead of looking (outside) for clues in channeled messages, though I must say that the preponderance of channeled messages, whether garbage or legitimate, are indicating an imminent change.
In that sense, we can probably conclude that we are moments away from a major Cosmic event that will thrust Earth and Humanity out of eons of Darkness. In other words, we are hearing the same information of an imminent event from both Light and Dark sources. The Light speaks of imminent Ascension, whereas the Dark speaks of the imminent passage of Nibiru, but we know they are simply two sides of the same coin. Thus, A confirms B and B confirms A. We are almost there!!
Dear Bill,
thank you for these additional comments. I see it exactly the same way. What I got today as a message from my HS is that when the ID split will come, planet A/B will ascend to the higher 4d-levels, where the awareness of many human beings will be much more evolved all of a sudden, as also linear time will no longer play that role any more as on this earth. This circumstance will make the program of revelations much easier to conduct, as many human beings will begin to remember past incarnations.
I have not thought about this aspect, but this explains why the forces of light may not need so much time to awaken humanity as it will be awakened from within through expanding the awareness of the people. In this sense there will be also no need for a true revolution after the ID split as the old matrix with all its social structures will be abolished by the ID split with one stroke.
But we need a revolutionary mood before the split and for this reason we must appear before the ID split as ascended masters and prepare humanity for it. The more I elaborate on this scenario, the more convinced I am that it must happen this way.
July 20, 2012
Dear George,
I’m talking to you in my head all the time and hope you’re not catching any of it because it’s an enormous confused chatter. The articles and conversations on your site are of such a high intensity and frequency now that I feel myself disconnecting and even going into denial. At the same time the veracity of anyone’s report is so blatant and undeniable that I just have to go with that flow. It’s the only one left, but oh so very much in the face. I’m so torn apart and there’s paralysis and depression and a state of shock. I want and need you and the PAT to ascend and appear at the Olympics because there will be that atmosphere of many open heart chakras due to the joy of the sports (much like a lady PAT member experienced at a nightclub). A friend of mine is going into heavy meds dependency rehab any day now. While I was half asleep I pictured him or he showed up and I felt his fatique and despair and he’s a person with a horrible past that has shown an incredible ‘stamina’ up to now. Other friend has MS and then some typical Orion crap happened to her over the weekend and she’s KO at the moment. PLEASE, no more!!! They are beautiful people, get them out of here.
After you reported your contact with Obama and Merkel I realised some kind of ‘grandeur’ of the person you truly are (I assume you do not like the term). It just makes it all more REAL and as such all kinds of denial and survival mechanisms kick into gear. I’ve mentally started many emails to you. I decided to go ahead with this one, as muddled as it may be. Most probably it will be the last one. There are no proper words to express my gratitude and love for all of you mapcarvers, simply.
God bless You,
Dear Dominique,
thank you for your wonderful letter and I very well understand what you want to relate. I also agree with you that words can no longer express what we experience and perceive in the inner space of our souls, which is now replacing the crumbling external 3d-reality.
The contributions on this website cherish from the joint aspirations of all members of the PAT and the more our desire to ascend and begin with our mission grows, the more intense the articles become. Let us hope that this collective emotional and mental intensity will soon manifest in the long expected big events of change.
With love and light
July 19 ,2012
Dear Georgi and PAT,
I confirm that the energies coming in since June have put me on a roller coaster – both physically and emotionally. For the past few days I feel relatively ‘normal’ (whatever that is) meaning that I don’t feel so incapacitated by any physical ailments even though my right ear has plugged up again around June 21, but is coming unplugged (again). Emotionally it has been cleansing as well.
I feel finished with all of the major issues here – family, career (so-called), most if not all entertainment has become boring and monotonous (for a long time now), my attention span to do things is very limited and I have to focus – of which I am still able to do if I must, but there is so little to hold me here, it’s tenuous. The involvement in this 3D existence is laborious at best. I have asked my soul to get me out of here ASAP. I know that we are to help humanity, and this is something I feel prone to doing (have been my whole life), but as Jerry said, I want to go home. I think we all need a vacation to rest and relax… What a concept. Leaving is a bittersweet feeling – in-as-much as it is welcome, but also, even though we know these years have been difficult, they have provided us with everything we needed to learn (or remember), and then finally, we go.
I think I have been going through the emotional aspect of knowing I’m leaving and I feel listless over it and cry. My soul knows it is the end and wants me to release, which I do. My energy level to get things done is so low, that I really have to push, and then I think, I can’t push, it just makes it harder. I go on auto-pilot and it’s the only way I get things done and I don’t worry about ‘getting things done’ so much.
I have been having visions in a lucid state before I awake and see patterns and symbols that represent the tree of life and torsion fields (?). For my whole life I’ve been able to see the semi-permanence of material objects in terms of energy surrounding us – I used to get mesmerized as a child watching the energy flow and seeing beyond. If I try to describe this, it seems more like a veil that is the illusion of 3D space and time… I don’t know how else to explain this. I have always known intuitively that we were supposed to be living in a place with no time, where everything flows and there is no beginning or end, of which I have been desiring to get back to this place, in what it feels like forever. It has been the one thing that I know is the truth here that humans ignore in all of their busyness and need-to-do. I can see this coming back, this sense of continuous flow and oneness, and when it does, people will wonder why they ever tried to live without it to start with.
I loved Aegil’s essay on obsolete thought patterns – it was so lucid in its aptness and expressed very well the energetic state that is already a reality on Gaia A-5D – It’s kind of interesting watching the desperate struggle of the PTW – It’s like watching a balloon deflate. They remind me of mosquitoes or flies the way they are a nuisance and need to be swatted away – but soon to be catapulted out of this world into their own mess – along with all those nasty insects.
How can the Olympic Games take place, if we are exposing the PTW and the heinous crimes against this planet for so long? Wouldn’t people go into a state of awe, which would render them unable to function to the capacity that they normally do?
I sense a re-ordering and hushed awe and an inability to speak for many people, but also much relief as well.
In love and light,
July 19, 2012
Dear Georgi,
This is an open invitation for all those who would like to ‘tune into’ a ceremony that a group us will being doing in Glastonbury to coincide with the opening of the Olympic Games in London.
The intention is to bring in and ground as much of the Light and Love of Heaven into the fabric of Mother Earth through the profound Ascension energy portal which is Glastonbury Tor.
The back story in a nutshell:
The First Church was founded here by Joseph of Arimathea a few years after the Crucifixion so Glastonbury has deep historical connections with the Christ Consciousness. Many consider it to be the ‘green and pleasant land’ in William Blake’s famous poem ‘Jerusalem’ and every time I have sung this here it has certainly blown me away.
From Wikipedia: “And did those feet in ancient time” is a short poem by William Blake from the preface to his epic Milton a Poem, one of a collection of writings known as the Prophetic Books. The date on the title page of 1804 for Milton is probably when the plates were begun, but the poem was printed c. 1808.[1] Today it is best known as the anthem “Jerusalem”, with music written by Sir Hubert Parry in 1916.
The poem was inspired by the apocryphal story that a young Jesus, accompanied by his uncle Joseph of Arimathea, a tin merchant, travelled to the area that is now England and visited Glastonbury during Jesus’ lost years.[2] The legend is linked to an idea in the Book of Revelation (3:12 and 21:2) describing a Second Coming, wherein Jesus establishes a new Jerusalem. The Christian Church in general, and the English Church in particular, used Jerusalem as a metaphor for Heaven, a place of universal love and peace.[3]
Two major earth-dragon energy/ Ley Lines flow through the whole area. It is now safe for me to admit publicly that I have been working for years on clearing these dragon-lines of their historically impregnated very dark energies. These Dragon-energy lines are upgraded now with the Ascension frequencies – electromagnetic currents that now carry all the Divine frequencies that are needed for humanity’s consciousness to Ascend.
For reasons which can only be spiritually inspired, there will be a model of Glastonbury Tor’s green and pleasant land INSIDE the Olympic Stadium during the opening ceremony. (You might want to read that twice if you are not already aware of it!)
So, in the weird/wyrd way that some things work, we have been given the chance to do some positive sympathetic magic to bring in the Christ energies of the Second Coming on a grand scale!
Much love to everyone!
Mano Warren
Dear Mano,
I will publish your email in the next post, so that other readers may also contribute with their meditation to the peaceful ceremony of the Olympic games. I personally am fairly confident that nothing bad will happen, quite on the contrary, but we must wait and see.
I know for a long time the energetic importance of Glastonbury and I appreciate your effort to cleanse these ley-lines that run through this sacred place.
With love and light
July 19, 2012
Dear George,
I have been somewhat discouraged by the lack of expected changes in the external reality of the world, indeed if it weren’t for my own experiences of LBP, I would think this talk of ascension to be a flight of fancy. The reality is I have felt such unrelenting powerful energies pulsing through my body today that I can only pray we do ascend soon as it feels quite inhuman to carry on in the body otherwise! I have had dreams of flying and moving objects with the mind recently, but I have at times had these in the past, so I cannot point to these as particular harbingers of change, nevertheless they are always inspiring. I take heart from your recent dreams that point to imminent ascension and pray this does happen in July, and I have been affirming this for all the PAT daily.
I am already fed up of the incessant coverage of the Olympic torch relay around the UK and would be very happy to appear in Olympic Stadium with you and the PAT to dumbfound the masses! The news here has been full of the G4S security company failing to employ enough people to fulfill security arrangements, hence the need for the army to be drafted in for Olympics. As we have record amounts of unemployed I wonder how hard it could be to find enough people to hire (unless people are waking up and seeing this role as a pointless way to control others freedom). I’d guess having the army come in under this cover story of failure by G4S to get the job sorted looks better that a full on military incursion with no explanation. I feel sorry for those in London who were forced to have rocket launchers placed on their flats despite appealing to the courts. There is no respect for freedom in UK now it seems.
May we all ascend and trigger massive positive changes on this planet NOW!
Love & Blessings
Dear Ishvar,
I agree with you that we live in a peculiar dichotomy between the relentless waves of the LBP as personal experience that reflects the massive cosmic dynamics behind all events and the apparent lack of any major events on the surface.
The machinations of the British government around the security of the Olympic Games is so obvious that I wonder why the people of this country do not revolt and oust these most dark entities around the Rothschild faction and the Royal family. Last year we witnessed some riots in London, but the revolutionary spirit of the Continent has never crossed the Channel, as it seems.
With love and light