Robert’s Report from Mt. Shasta on Summer Solstice

By Robert Shepard, June 24, 2012, copyright 2012

Well, I just got back from Mt. Shasta. Drove down morning of June 18th on Hwy 97, get a beautiful view of the back side for about 100 miles. Arrived about 4pm & went straight up to Panther Meadows (7450 ft) which I found out had 2 feet of snow. Came down to Red Fir Flats (7000 ft) and found out a group of people connected through Face book had reserved it for their group but welcomed me with open arms.

I can not get into the details right now as I just got home from 4 days on the Mountain and have a lot to process. Highlights: Lots of portal openings, mostly because the.. mountains is covered with mini vortex.

St. Germain was there, spoke with him myself. Archangel Michael was said to have been present, although I never saw him.

A huge beautiful violet merkaba portal that reached clear into the center of the earth was formed over a 4 day period and I personally was 1 of 3 who opened the portal that would allow ALL OF HUMANITY TO ASCEND using a large chunk of electrum gold (quartz, silver, & gold crystalline ore).

Then some UFOs came visiting, asking “why did you open that portal” and we said, so that ALL OF HUMANITY CAN ASCEND. Their response was “Oh, good” and gave us a great show. We are ready for LIFT OFF, Captain George.

With Love & Light


Dear Robert,

thank you very much for this prompt report from Mt.Shasta. It sounds almost miraculous. How did you meet St. Germain and can you explain in some more detail the opening of the portals, the UFO sightings and all the other remarkable experiences and events you have had, so that I can publish your report as a separate publication. Ii will be of great interest  to the other PAT members.

With love and light
Dear George,

It was MIRACULOUS. From my understanding, the entire event was being documented (by writing) and will be carefully collaborated by ALL participants as to get an accurate recording of the event, for the Akashic Records.

There were approx. 30 people involved in the 4 day building of the violet merkabaic portal to aide Gaia to ascend & I was fortunate enough to be one of them. There were several smaller portals being opened by various individuals all over the mountain.

The other portal I mentioned that myself and two others were involved in opening, to ALLOW ALL HUMANITY TO ASCEND, we were told to document after the event and although it happened so spontaneously, we processed and journaled it. We want to make sure everything is validated amongst the direct participants before we release the events worldwide.


Sorry I can’t be of more help in getting you the “full story” but if you want to start up a fun chat with the other PAT members, I think the mention of the color yellow or gold, anything to do with bees, and EYES of ANY KIND should reveal some validation.

I camped right near a beautiful rock formation that has been called Ascension Rock for years & didn’t even know till some one told me. Since I was actually on the mountain before the pulse was activated, once it became activated BOY DID WE FEEL IT.

At the top of the mountain there is a walking maze for meditation, but also a spring fountain to get water. As there was no water available at Redfir Flats where we were camped, some people went to the top to get water. Normally the water just runs steady, but after the Om Crystal pulse started, the spring fed fountain now pulses also. I brought 2 gallons of water home with me.

Will write more as I have time to process & validate, but don’t think we have much time as the FINAL PREP WORK IS DONE with 2 NEW KEY PORTALS NOW OPEN. Still crying with joy and laughing my ass off as well. Also found out that I will be the CARETAKER of ALL THE ANIMALS on New Earth.

With much love & light


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