PAT’s Visions and Dreams on the Date of First Ascension

June 18, 20112

High George!

Thank you for your response. I am glad it inspired you…  I do not own a laptop anymore and do not often visit Internet much (except to read the PAT website for updates). So it takes a while to answer mails..

I have almost cleaned myself and my 3D life completely as to be as ready as possible when the final transition phase of our bodies will manifest, and I think it can happen any time within these 3 days, so we have an AA meeting at Mt. Shasta 20.6 ? We meet there then…

I will start to write a summary of my life (and my last post ever in this 3D reality). All about me, my life and events within it, in the nutshell. After that there is nothing to do anymore here, so we can very realistically think that we will ascend on 19 – 20.6.

P’s and Lite!

Janne, Helsinki, Finland


Dear Janne,

I am very happy to hear that you are now clean and fully prepared for ascension. I hope you are right with your forecast, but even if it  takes some more days, the train has started and is rapidly gaining momentum. The process is unstoppable now. My HS told me that June 22 will be a powerful day. Let us stay calm and be patient and simply wait for the next surprise. I have now given up on any precise predictions as it is obvious that the ID split will be so powerful and sweeping that it will be beyond our boldest imagination.

I must say that I am very happy that you have established again contact with me. I was thinking about you and wondering what you have  been doing during these last months. It is great news that you have kept the course. Now there is nothing that can harm you anymore. Just enjoy the spectacle.

With love and light



June 20, 2012


I don’t know, that current big story of apparent mass arrests that don’t really seem to be happening along with some of those so called “whistle blowers” seem to be a cabal controlled mass dumbing exercise. Same with the channelings such as from Greg Giles, Aruna etc. Unfortunately so many people are blindly following it.

While I was surfing in the ocean yesterday, my soul told me: “Enjoy your last day in hell.” I hope that that is so.

Love, Joe

June 20, 2012

Dear George,

About two hours ago the sky above Phuket (Thailand) looked like it was painted with a giant cosmic brush. White, cloud lines painted horizontally over almost half of the sky. Some time ago, you said, that earth’s massive wobbling gives this effect. End time can not be far…

Three nights ago I got a vivid dream about the “big day”, but when I woke up, I forgot the exact date. This is not because I have a short memory. It was message from my HS. That ascension date is now fixed (again). It is not for me to know the exact day (I wrote reasons for this in my previous writings to you). I still managed to remember that it will be at end of this month.

The dream I had this morning, confirmed attacks by dark forces in order to distract us. It also confirmed that between tomorrow and Saturday the “exam day” will be. Week after that there will be the “BIG EXAM”.

This is how I understand it, based on “knowing” and common sense. In the next few days the PAT members will transform they carbon body into crystalline body, while still on the ground; they will ascend to 5D and then return to earth A/B. This will be the same scenario, as it happened with me in the dream state a week ago. I can imagine that the higher realms were happy with the experiment I chose to do, as it proved to be energetically very effective. Now rest of the PAT will do the same.

Our full ascension will be due at the end of this month. Between now and then still remains a lot of work to be done. For me it is not finished until it is finished. As always I welcome your comments and feel free to ask additional questions to clarify my writings.

I am hardly waiting your next, 111, report. Readers my start to think, that you have already ascended and left others behind. I know Captain goes last.

With love and light,


Dear Boyd,

I will most probably issue the last report 111 on June 22, as this date was given to me by my HS to be pivotal, but I do not know if this will be our ascension, although I explicitly asked about the time of our ascension. Your forecast sounds very probable to me and I can confirm that this week we are in the last throes to eliminate the dark forces and the cabal energetically. It is so obvious. After that the victory is ours. From this point of view your prediction that next week we will ascend is very realistic and I can only hope from the bottom of my heart that it will be soon…

With love and light



June 20, 2012

Dear George,

Just in case it might be important two dates were revealed to me in a dream that should be of significance. 22.06 and 02.07. The meaning behind the dream and any precise information are too untranslatable and elusive to pass on. It is the first time I was given an actual date for anything and I am not too certain on this and so on, so treat it maybe as an additional perspective and please do NOT publish it on the site.

Love&Light, Piotr


Dear Piotr,

This is excellent confirmation. I have not published it yet, as I am not so sure, but several days ago I asked very strongly and firmly my soul to tell me when we will ascend as I am fed up with this “Scheiße auf Erden” (Shit on earth).

Then I had a repeating dream and I was told it will be on June 22, but it may as well be another important energetic date. Anyway, in this dream I was made aware in an abstract manner that we had Venus transit on June 6, the sun’s eruption on June 16 and then I should add another six days and get June 22. The idea in my dream was that it is all around the portal 6.6 in this month. This confirms your information from your HS.

I have just received an email from Boyd who also made a similar prediction that we will ascend by the end of June based on his recent dreams and visions. Joe from South Africa also confirmed today the same time schedule as given to him from his HS, while surfing, etc.

There are too much synchronicities as usually to be dismissed. We will wait for few more days and see what will happen as something must definitely happen. I am waiting for this event for almost 61 years.


Dear George,

This is excellent indeed. I must say it would be a truly appropriate time for something significant. I can only imagine how hard it was for you to live here so many years with such a high level of awareness. I am having a taste of that as my last long letter to you “perspires” and it well… beats the shit out of me only thinking about a similar fate for myself in the state I am now. Deceptively even though no apparent visible hardships come my way, presently only remaining in the “stasis” is demanding as no… err passion is provided and any activity without passion from the soul is like moving a dead body? Damn this language and my incapable words. Anyway, if this continues I might just start to devolve or finally go mad. I do not think my HS wants that. Stupidly enough… on the other hand somewhere there I am starting to feel a place of calm, tired acceptance.

I had a feeling you were meddling with the timing of the 111 report the whole morning btw.



No I am only observing the law of energy optimization when I should publish the last ascension report-111 as to have the greatest effect.


Dear George,

I absolutely agree with Piotr that we should NOT publish any dates. You can share my mail with Piotr as we both dreamt, for the first time, the same specific time frames.  Keep doing good job. WE are almost there. Please, do NOT celebrate too early.



Dear Boyd,

I am not so sure if this is the right tactics. I think that we should now push the events on our part. After all it is about our destiny. Publishing some predictions  with the caveat that the dates may be still delayed as the events are in a flow and changes happen all the time. will hurt us as I see it.



Dear George,

When I want to manifest anything in this 3D reality I charge my goal with clear intention, understanding, believe and action. When I tell others about my goal, they also energize my manifestation. Because most people on this debased planet have strong negative belief systems and do not believe in manifestation of miracles, they energize them with energy of disbelief. This is my argument, why we shouldn’t publish it.

On other note I reconsider it because of:

1.Your statement: I can confirm that this week we are in the last throes to eliminate the dark forces and the cabal energetically. Makes me believe, that they will not NOT be in a position to energetically interfere with our great manifestation of ascension.

2. One month ago, my HS advised me that humanity have NO SAY any more on further developments on this small planet.  Considering these facts, therefore I must agree with you to publish some predictions. It falls under category “action”.

Your saying: after all it is about our destiny, Is indeed a very powerful statement. Looking this way, I must agree with you to go ahead and publish some predictions. Morale of the PAT members will definitely energize those predictions. Now it is your job, as has always been, to keep the PAT members morale sky high.



Dear Boyd,

The most important argument on behalf of publishing the forecasts is that only PAT members read this website and the other light workers simply ignore us, as it is beyond their horizon and they know this. In this sense only readers that  have a positive attitude will read this forecast and will energize it in a positive way. In fact I expect a booster effect from this measure. We now create our destiny and must declare and demonstrate this. It will not hurt us in any way if it does not happen so soon, it will still happen earlier than otherwise if we do nothing.



June 20, 2012

Dearest George,

I have not wanted to bother you for I know you needed “space”. I will not take up much of your time, just wanted to share my experience yesterday/last night.

As I went for a walk yesterday afternoon, I was riveted by the clouds in the sky and a feeling of Absolute Bliss enveloped me. That Bliss went right to my heart and I felt head over heels in love with All.

That night when I went to bed, I had an experience very like the one I had on 11.11.11. Again, total Bliss surrounded me, and I found myself floating in what felt like water. At this time, a memory powerfully came to mind when I was a very small girl, on a beach in Canada, and with that memory came rushing the re-membrance of my innocence and purity. George, my face was lit up with a smile from ear to ear for it felt SO good to be as I was before my innocence was taken. This experience lasted for hours and it was so real (no, I wasn’t sleeping but wide awake) I fully expected the ceiling above me to open to a portal to transport me into 5D. This did not happen and today I find myself in my carbon body still, and numb, not understanding, and very discouraged.

I do sense what I experienced was the return of the Masters to Mt. Shasta. I think they have arrived. Why they did not last night “pull” me on the Om Wave I was floating on to them, I do not know. All I do know, I am still in carbon form, with a head that is ready to blow off, and with doubts that have surfaced if this Ascension is going to happen this time. Or what I experienced last night, was that Ascension, and that is it? If so, now what?

That’s all. Just wanted to say yesterday was quite the day! To feel that LOVE  and PURITY again in this tired weary heart was quite the Gift, and then for that Gift to be gone, is quite devastating. The good news is I still have the “blow off head syndrome” and you are still here, so I know I wasn’t left behind.

One last note. Today I had much trouble getting to my email. Yahoo seemed to be having technical difficulties. Hmmmm………

Love and Light, Amy


June 19, 2012

Dear friends- Piotr and Amy express similar circumstance to my own. I feel as if we are all sitting on the lawn, waiting for the show to begin; waiting with wings on our hearts and minds. I look around and see ( by reading  all that is written to each other here) you – all of you, my friends. It’s time friends – big smiles as we wait just as long as it takes God to breathe IN and OUT…

I am winking across the way to you, waving, and waiting with you – enjoying you all – that we are finally here together is an amazing and joyous event in and of itself…. It’s time…. We have come so far and waited sooo long. We are here, now.



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