On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-92, May 2, 2012
The poem of the Souls
May 2, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I read with most interest the evolving of your nystatin project. Its very interesting, even before the “US problem” emerged my HS urged me to look elsewhere and so I did. Like you and the other PAT members, I found quite a lot of far east vendors of nystatin powder that can make our plan start. However I did not make any contacts yet, I am waiting for my HS to say go!
Concerning your other writings the last open letter was a major shock to me. It just did not resonate, actually it felt disharmonious to me, however I hope I am wrong. I trust you unconditionally, you know and see the full multidimensional implications of it that I am unable to grasp yet. Maybe I am conditioned by knowing how dark and evil this entity Bill is and do not see how it would be possible to pull him out of his downward spiral he is in.
Today I did a fast scan of a few so called ‘new age’ sites to see if any of them began to awaken or in any way advance in their own consciousness. Its very sad to report that I do not see even a try of it. At the moment I do not know if entities like Beckow, Wilcock and similar are really so dumb and asleep or they are just servers of the PTB. I am unable to read what they write, usually the title says enough. In today’s Wilcock publication ARREST WARRANTS: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks, by just scrolling down without reading anything I found so clear points of all being a counterfeit construct that it is there for everybody to see that it is pointless to go further. In no less than 7 so called liens documents the same undersigned person Martha Wibawa did so with 7 different undersigns like there are 7 different persons, a plain fraud! Is this on purpose for those who are able to discern it or is Wilcock really so dumb that he thinks we are unable to see that all this is a fraudulent construct?
Best regards,
Dear Rudi,
Thank you for your impressions on the current esoteric stage. Your opinion fully coalesces with mine and when I was reading this same article written by Wilcock today, I reacted in the same negative way.
Let me now explain you shortly my strategy with respect to Bill Gates and many other scientists and universities, which I am now approaching for at least the 10th time in my life. I am very persevering on this issue.
As long as you have not proved with a concrete case that Bill Gates is a dark entity as you assume, and I also believe, there will be many people who will believe that he is a real philanthropist and helps the people, and your opinion will be that of an outsider. As soon you confront such a person directly and “put the knife on his ribs” as the Bulgarians say, he must make a choice. Even silence is a choice and he is thus exposed at the latest when my theory will be soon established. I have documented everything on my website for the future readers to read and make their own mind on this entity.
Why should have I any scruples to contact such a person, if I do it from a clear-cut and enlightened point of view. In this wayI only document that I do not exclude anybody from my effort to awaken humanity and that I am ready to save even the darkest soul on this planet, in case she gives her consent to this rescue operation. Just imagine what it would be, if I manage to convince only one of these dark souls – what a rapid chain reaction this success will unleash among all those fence straddlers who have now angst to respond to my offer, and how quickly they will change the sides. In this way, we will very quickly win the battle for this planet and humanity.
As long as you do not try to change the minds of such dark entities in a visible way, they will not take notice of your existence and will continue committing their heinous acts, as they do not experience any opposition or rejection of their ideas whatsoever, as has been the case in the past, and will believe that they are doing the right things. Thus they get a positive feedback that they are the ultimate masters of this planet and mankind.
Now I come on the stage and tell them (Bill Gates) how dire their future really is – that they will either die this year or remain on a catastrophic earth B, which will be real hell. Is there anybody who has told them these facts before in an official and direct manner as I now do? I am definitely the first and the only one worldwide. And why not the others? Because most of the people are so deeply conditioned that they do not dare or come to the idea to even oppose a person like Bill Gates and tell him the “quattre verites”, even if they dislike him. I may also dislike him for what he represents, but I give him a chance to improve himself, just as All-That-Is gives a chance to all lost souls to return to the Source at some point in time.
Please observe that I am the first one to have attacked this part of the elite – the rich fence straddlers – so bluntly and this will have a much greater effect on humanity than all the esoteric crap published on the Internet. In fact, many readers felt that my email was a very powerful ultimatum to the dark ones and does not leave them any chance to escape.
You are too much indoctrinated by your rejection of these dark entities and you cannot see all the ramifications of my dialectic approach towards them. I have seen in the past, how many of them could change their minds overnight when the circumstances dramatically alter as I now also expect for the coming days. For instance, how all former communists and red Nomenclature bosses became capitalists after the fall of the Iron Curtain within the blink of an eye. Not that they improved ethically and morally, but they still changed their opinions and sides.
I do not expect much more from an entity like Bill Gates. In fact, I expect nothing from him – I only do what I feel to be necessary to be done at this point in time. However, even if my chance to convert Bill Gates from Saul to Paul is one to one billion, it is still worth trying it. His example will convince another million fence straddlers to follow him, as they will believe that he is a clever guy and knows what he is doings and we will be automatically the winner of this battle.
Just staying in our cosy esoteric ghetto does not solve a single social problem on this planet. Besides, while starting my attacks on these fence straddlers, I practically lay the foundations of the new balanced earth A/B as I create new conditions of life in the “Now”, not after ascension. The difference is that I am not a passive observer of the cosmic events as most light workers are, waiting for Heaven to heave them to the higher dimensions, but try to do as much as I can on the ground, while also waiting for ascension. I think that this is a very big difference.
I am like the proverbial fly, which has fallen in the milk pot and has struggled so long that it has turned the milk into butter and has thus created a firm ground under its feet and could save its life.
With love and light
May 2, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I had a dream last night that led me to a better understanding of you. In the dream, I was standing with a group of people and my stomach began to grumble( like when one is hungry). It grew very loud and then I was surrounded by light with a lot of motion. The people around me looked afraid as if I were possessed. They all knew me and knew I could not be possessed by evil. All I can remember. I do not know if this was wishful thinking, me in another dimension, or a vision of a future potential.
I woke at 4am from this dream and sat quietly seeking HS. I had a review of the past week events. I am changing in so many ways. I love to garden and cannot make myself do it for very long as I get faint or sick to my stomach. I nap now every day almost. I love to be in 5D. The problem is I am addicted to my dream state. I can barely carry on a conversation with anyone anymore. I listen and try to be polite. What I am thinking is “really, this is important to you, or how can you be so asleep”.
When I try to make conversation, I have to pretend I understand their uninformed chatter. Then sometimes I will sense an opening and say my truth. Then I get glazed over eyes or total silence. Then I say something like this is my truth and drop it. They always change the subject. As of this moment I am wondering if they are happier in the illusion than I am existing between two worlds.
This has led me to understand your frustration with PAT. You are so knowledgeable and cannot but be frustrated with our lagging behind. I read over and over your Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction. So much of the science is difficult for me. Before I begin reading each day, I ask my HS to help me understand. It is getting better. You expect us to get it because we made the decision to do so. My frustration is with people who do not want to hear,learn, or even think about Ascension or what our history is as humans, not to mention what is really going on in this world.
This must be the final test. I used to be so gentle with these people knowing that someday they would understand . Why have I become so intolerant? Why do I run away in my dreams to live my way? I can barely function with daily chores as I am elsewhere.Is this what learning to be a master is, living in two worlds simultaneously? Mostly, I have a greater understanding for your frustration with us. We are sincere and learning. Thanks for holding the Bar high.
Dear Jennifer,
let me first eliminate a fundamental blunder in your email. I am not at all frustrated with the PAT, quite on the contrary, and this is the whole truth from the bottom of my heart. I have never met a group of people like the PAT during my whole life, who are willing to learn so much in such a short period of time and who have actually achieved such a great progress in this short period of time, as most of the readers of this website have done since we came together in late summer last year. While at the same time we observe how many other gurus ánd renowned esoteric leaders from the past fall back in their spiritual development and even experience dramatic regression.
When I sometimes show impatience or even rumble a little bit, this has nothing to do with the feeling of frustration. These are well proven pedagogical means to reach the people at the emotional level and achieve the necessary educational results.
I also do not see much sense in just being respectful in front of the crap that other people are producing on a daily basis, only not to hurt them. What are your hurting? Their ego? It must be eliminated anyway in the End Times. This will be achieved either by your comments or by some more dramatic events at the societal and geographical level.
While imposing yourself a self-continence and false understanding, or even undue patience for the slumber of the others, you do not help them overcome their perennial hypnotic state. In most cases these people need a real shake. The problem is that most people fear the reaction of these sleeping people when they begin to awaken and thus prefer to hide behind false behavioural virtues, such as superficial understanding and compassion for the obvious vices that surround them. In other words, they succumb to the uncritical complacency that is so inherent to the New Age.
This is self-delusion. The current incarnation experiment on the earth has never been about not hurting other humans’ ego, but about eliminating it, as it is the chief cause for the present separation from the Source and for sinking so deep into darkness. The elimination of these energetic conditions in the course of human ascension goes hand in hand with the elimination of all human prejudices and beliefs that comprise the collective and individual ego on this planet.
But one should always remember that human beings are not their egos. They are much more – they are immortal souls, who can laugh, and do laugh, about the stupidities of their incarnated personalities with a cosmic humour, humans could hardly understand and even less approve. All humans will be deeply hurt, if the knew how much their souls laugh about their own stupidities as incarnated human beings. Human life on this planet is a real monkey theatre, and this is a public secret throughout the whole universe.
While forcing yourself to be gentle to the people as not to hurt their ego or awaken them from their slumber, you are simply treating them as sleeping “beauties” even when they may behave like monsters. If you, however, start regarding them as immortal souls and powerful creator being of their earthly petty dramas, you will not be afraid to awaken them from time to time at your discretion – either with a kiss as the proverbial prince does with the sleeping princess in the famous German fairy tale “Dornröschen”, or you do this with a kick in the ass in the more resistant cases.
With love and light
May 2, 2012
Dear George,
if you have not read Thomas Khun “Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, you’d have to. Like Khun explains, I think it’s impossible to change the scientific weltanschauung in actual end times. too little time left.
love and light
Dear Paolo,
most probably you are right, but this attack has a strategic purpose in the first place and not so much to convince the scientists. It simply eliminates their excuse in advance that the did not know anything about this theory before and thus pledge to be not guilty in their proclaimed ignorance. This will not work in the future.
PS: I know Khun’s works very well – he was also the mentor of the current Pope when the latter first became professor in Tübingen in the 60s, where Khun was the head of the theological department. He has written, among others, the best modern survey on Christian religion and modern theology, which I have studied before writing on Christianity in my books .
May 2, 2012
Thanks for getting back George.
I am feeling so ready for major change. My cranium is becoming soft at times and gently flows with pulses… as if it’s expanding somewhat and relating to what’s around me differently, only lasts a few moments, but it’s a subtle, beautiful experience. A lot of Love ‘comes’ in easily. I hope you are supported in every way, always.
I am under high voltage for months, but now it becomes unbearable. I wonder how my soul manages to keep me still in my clay vessel with these huge energies.
I am so sorry you are very uncomfortable from being so ZAPPED. In the early 90’s I knew a shaman in Australia – Wolfgang Siegmund – (Austrian/African American roots) – who had energies pour into him so much that his wife told me her mouth got blisters from just kissing him. I had some day long sessions with him during my year in the Sydney in 1993…and stayed in touch with him for many years.
He lived as a recluse, a beautiful Being, and in addition to working with individuals, he was very involved with planetary healing. I think he and a few others used to go to certain power points in Australia, just to perform private global work together… he wasn’t interested in fame or notoriety… lived off the grid almost.
He treated me with so much compassion and helped open me up to greater wisdom and spiritual/emotional/physical healing. I think he must have known me in other realms because he told me that I didn’t have to come to this planet, but I volunteered and went through some special training to be here at this time. I was very humbled with his insight into my Being…and couldn’t quite grasp the beauty and power he saw.
He would also tell me about the huge amounts of energy that poured into him at times.. seemed to come very late at night and early morning…but he never complained…. and he didn’t seem too worried about it…but about 15 years ago he eventually got so overloaded from high voltage energies that he was stricken with polymyelitis and had to be in the hospital for many months…and eventually was put on full disability from the government, because he needed a lot of rehabilitation and home visits.
He didn’t accept the Western Medicine label – polio – and felt he was just going through more personal spiritual growth. He just accepted that the doctors and system had to do what they had to do. He even continued his spiritual counseling and global healing when possible.
Interestingly, he told me that one of the things this experience taught him was that he had to allow help from others…and not ALWAYS be in the healer role. After a year or two he recovered pretty well…. was able to walk eventually from the train station and into town with a cane. He is one of those very special Beings that just quietly smiles through it all, with a knowingness that all is in Divine Order.
Having said all that, can you perhaps negotiate with the Higher Realms and ask that they turn down the ‘juice’ through you, and definitely not overcharge your physical system? They may not be aware that you are experiencing overload maybe? Thinking of you and seeing you strong and active!
Dear Margi,
thank you very much for telling me this amazing story about your friend, the shaman. Most of the elements in his bio seem quite familiar to me, including the experience to let being dependent on other people and let them help you. Such a situation has to be learnt the hard way.
Fortunately, the energies I receive now do not harm my body at all, although they used to knock it down most of the time. However in the last several weeks the energies are so immense that they simply elevate me beyond the 3d-reality and stimulate my physical condition beyond recognition, so that I no longer need to sleep more than 5 hours a day and can easily work for 12-15 hours 7 days a week without feeling any tiredness at all. I have never had such an excellent condition even during my best years. It is only that these energies are not compatible with my surroundings and when another huge wave is coming, my wife cannot sleep in our bed as her skin and body start to itch and she must move to another room. My clay vessel is bursting due to these energies and it is a very tedious way of life to dwell in such a physical body, knowing perfectly well what your real existence is. This is what makes my last days a little bit strenuous.
But altogether the striation is since the beginning of April much better than has been many years before. By the way I had in April every day a huge commotio cerebri wave with a headache and this must have been the ultimate connection to the new crystalline grid, as since then I have no energetic interferences with this reality any more and my mood and emotions are perfectly balanced and harmonious as never before. This is the reason why I expect some tangible events to happen very soon as this false calmness now is unbearable.
With love and light
May 2, 2012
One more thing … {smile}. I am very much interested in the Nystatin project. I have a dear friend with MS (multiple sclerosis) and suffers much pain for years. I would love to be able to help her.
Just started to take a look at US patent info sheet on nystatin and its therapeutic effects. Under Claim #1 is written “body cells of a mammal”. Might nystatin also be used to help our mammal pets? My sweet cat has arthritis in her rear/hip area and skin problems. I’m also beginning to realize the “government approved” pet food could be affecting her sometimes she just smells the food and refuses to touch it!
Much appreciation for all your help today,
Ann Marie
Dear Ann Maire
Nystatin is as helpful in humans as in animals. In fact my wife treated one of her Iceland horses with a severe neurodermatitis and asthma, which are chronic diseases of this horse race when they are imported to Continental Europe from Iceland and she could cure it in two months. Now she wants to establish a treatment business for horses as she does not believe me that she is running out of time and ascension is looming on the horizon.
May 2, 2012
Just copied and sent your letter to Bill Gates, Excellent idea! I woke up today with 2 messages from my dreams. 1 is that the shift really is occurring now and 2 that it is time to be bolder. I checked your website and it looks like we both got the same memo!
Dear Kari,
this is precisely what my soul told me last night – that ascension is a done deal and that we must go forward without any reservation anymore. This is what I have been waiting for the last 20 years consciously and for 60 years unconsciously.
I also managed to sent this email to Bil Gates in the meantime and there are some more members of the PAT who have also sent it. He will be inundated with this email from all four corners of the globe and could hardly ignore it. This makes me laugh.
May 2, 2012
Hello Georgi and all PAT members,
First off love and light to all, Robert Brewster here from WI USA with another report from my end and so much to cover since my last e-mail please excuse if the post seems to ramble, I will try to keep it as concise as possible. I did e-mail the Gates foundation per your request and got a std form response so at least it looks like it got thru. Love the letter and hope it will be seen by him or someone smart enough to take action near him. We shall see.
Enjoyed reading about the possible meet-up of the team but my initial and still solid reaction is I won’t leave this area until ascension, I know I am meant to be here in this area, why has yet to fully be revealed but I have “premonitions” about the New Madrid going and feel it has to do with this areas fate after that. On this issue a comment – we have had reports for a over a month now of loud booms shaking certain rural areas of our state, a lame excuse of a minor 2.1 causing this for weeks after has been offered by the gov. I believe these are related to the soon to come plate/pole shift like a warning cry from Gaia. I am hearing it. I have also taken to walking barefoot and wanting to feel to earth under me as I travel when possible, its like I can feel my feet “puffing up” for lack of a better word as I walk. This might be similar to what others report? I love it and feel so close to mother earth now, I am finding this holding pattern to be helping me to grow closer to the source but am ready for the big shift now.
Even as I go thru the day to day issues they become so minor now that I know my HS is adjusting me for the changes. I am still active in our state political scene and we do have our recall election coming on June 5th, not sure it will come off and not really concerned if it does anymore as I know the whole system will come down. Its hard to have the same passion when you know all the rules have changed. I watch the world scene with amusement more than worry now as I know the dark plans will not prevail. And I can confirm small experiments in creation are working for myself and spouse as you said they would.
Now as far as the nystatin project we would like to offer ourselves in and although we live check to check like most of the PAT we are adjusting the budget to allow for at least the 300 per month purchase. I see myself using it for family and friends and will do so. Without computers at home I would be limited in growing the “biz” anyway as you state that’s not our purpose, I want to help because its the right thing to do and because of the underhanded way our FDA and DEA are doing this. I stand with you Georgi and all PAT who would defy this unjust attack on the people of the USA and as you say fear of arrest/jail? I have none,my HS will guide me to what needs to be done and for now that means supporting this project with you and the team. I have Bills links printed also and have distributed copies of the article you asked to have distributed to the sleeping masses. Sometimes I feel I’m not helping enough so when specific tasks like this come I am grateful as they help to clarify what we can do. So thanks to you again for your guidance and inspiration. We are in the last laps of the race and pulling ahead daily. So keep up the great work team and LET THIS ASCENSION EVENT BEGIN. AND SO IT IS. In love and light to all –
Dear Bob,
thank you very much for your much appreciated account from WI. Your information and intuitive feeling about the Madrid fault line is a very important confirmation for me as I have the same feeling. The loud booms are a clear indication for the shifting of the layers beneath, as the NA continent is moving westwards in direction Mexico and the continental plate running from the big lakes along the Madrid fault line is stretched and under great tension. I can very well imagine that you can feel it very well walking barefoot on the ground.
You are absolutely right that political and legal skirmishes do not make much sense anymore, but they keep the tension high and give the people a meaning to fight the injustices of the state. They stay thus vigilant, and the most dangerous thing is when the citizens become too complacent and the government can carry out any heinous decision that the dark ones brood on in their hidden chambers behind closed doors.
I personal feel that we are now gliding on an upward spiral towards the inter-dimensional split and ascension of Gaia and 2/3 of humanity to the higher 4th dimension, where the balanced earth A/B will continue its existence, and from where many people will ascend to the 5th dimension in Dec 2012. But the major shift will happen very soon – either around summer solstice or in the early summer at the latest. In this case the final ascension will not be so dramatic as many events will occur before that and will anticipate the new way of life.
We are still waiting for the arrival of Nystatin in the USA and I am beginning to become a little bit impatient why it has not arrived yet. I hope the US authorities have not confiscated it at the customs. We will wait and see.
Thank you for sending my letter to Bil Gates. I also managed to send it in the meantime and there are some more PAT-members that have also sent it… I hope he will not miss it.
Keep up the good work done as usual and take care of you and your family when the big shift comes.
With love and light
May 2, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I just finished reading your open letter to Bill Gates. It appears that you are stepping things up a bit! Following your instruction, I thought we old Indigos would be able to take a back seat for the final show…? I had stopped taking interviews and planning speaking engagements around the promotion of the recently released Drugging Our Children, which I shared online with you. As usual, heaven obviously has other plans! I am mustering what little reserve energy I have at this time to write an article about nystatin that will hopefully be picked up by Mike Adams and Natural News. Their readership is over 1 million strong. The key to getting published by Natural News will be to keep it all about health freedom and the FDA’s covert actions rather than about ascension. Readers will get all of that information when visiting your site which I will reference. I already have an idea for the title of the piece, Duped, Doped and Dying in America! What do you think?
Yesterday I was plagued with a headache most of the day, but I spent several hours revisiting the material on The General Theory of Biological Regulation and the nystatin patent information. My challenge is to write an article that will do justice to the brilliant, advanced scientific nature of your work and yet, break it down into layman’s terms for a significantly less educated audience to understand. Also, as a journalist it is unusual for me to have complete transparency while researching and preparing a piece such as is practiced on your Web site. So, I’m reluctant to share a lot of my ideas up front. Please be aware that as a human rights activist, I am closely monitored by PTB just as I’m sure you are.
I will continue my research today as time permits. I have a steep learning curve to overcome in order to make a comprehensive, intelligent argument in the form of an article for mainstream publication. It feels like we are running out of time…literally! The days pass so quickly I can barely accomplish my household chores much less something as important as this but I will give it my best shot as I am here to serve!
Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,
thank you very much for your extremely valuable support. I need interpreters and popularizes like you. You have the ability to translate the scientific information in a popular language that will be understood and widely read. This is where I have always had my difficulties with scientific issues.
Of course you should not mention anything about ascension, etc., as this will only prevent your journalistic effort. Most people are not there yet. The clandestine coup of the FDA is a big scandal in itself and it is worth being discussed on a broader scale as it is indicative of what is planned to come next by the US-authorities, if the people are not vigilant.
I am not an example to follow these days. My energies are almost inhuman now and I can work 15-18 hours a day. The nights are a real roller coaster and I wonder how my soul manages to keep me still on the ground.
I have just written similar letters as the one to Bill Gates to the Deans (Chancellors) of Virginia university, MIT, Yale and UCLA and I continue to do so with other institutions.
I have information that the elite is in a total disarray and scared to the bone marrow. If this angst trickles down to their minions in science and management, then the rats, “the fence straddlers”, will quickly begin to leave the sinking ship and come over to our side. This is only a question of few days or weeks and I am now giving them a little push and a ladder at the same time to overcome the abyss on the verge of which they have maneuvered themselves in the past.
There are many people in the USA who are now thinking exactly like myself. See for instance this video and compare it with my latest publication written by the young Thomas on the Declaration of Independence:
With love and light
May 2, 2012
Hallo George,
I have sent your letter to the B.G. Foundation, and received an automated receipt so far.
What a synchronicity, I just sent of a letter to Christians and Catholics specifically informing them about the lies of the past and the upcoming revelations that will shock them to the core. I emailed it to around 30 different catholic email addresses sourced from the Internet. I might include other denominations, I still need to work on getting more email addresses.
The main reason for this is, that if the leaders of these denominations are informed in advance, they will, even when they reject it, start pondering on it, and when it happens, they might have a plan to calm their members and turn to the light, as many members will be so pissed that they can become violent (some will for sure).
in love and light,
Dear Joe,
thank you very much for your support. This is exactly the logic behind my latest incentive. It is our duty to inform the people, so that they cannot say that they did not know it. You can sent me a copy of this letter and I will publish it on the website and you can also attach a link next time when you send this letter to other organisations in the future.
With love and light