On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-67, March 1, 2012
Francois Boucher, Luisa O’ Murphy, 1752, Alte Pinakothek, Munich
Sex & Ascension
February 28-29, 2012
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Georgi!
Thank You so much for your contributions to this website and for staying connected to your true self at all times. The vibrations on this website are sending me through the roof right now. I truly do feel like we are connecting as family and there is so much love, honesty, and encouragement here that it astounds me and yet, I know that this is the normal way of being and the way that we are meant to be. I feel so much of my sweet sanity returning and I just told a friend last night that I am fully being myself now and I feel there is no discrepancy left between what is inside and who I am portraying myself as, outwardly. I have become unapologetically honest and it feels so relieving.
I knew that something happened the night for February 26th, as I was actually having sex and I had the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. The only way I could think of it was as a cosmic orgasm… also during the entire event, I was communicating telepathically with my lover and I could actually witness 2 entirely different conversations. I because aware that there was the conversation of our personalities… and then the conversation of our souls. It was really amazing, as I was able to understand them BOTH, simultaneously!! That has never happened to me.
I felt like there were shapes and currents of energy running through my body and I could focus them to different places in order to enhance my pleasure and then my lover also knew exactly what was happening and was helping me to direct the energy to those exact places! It was unbelievable… and afterwards, we did not say a single word. But it was not awkward at all. It was like there was nothing to be said and then we fell asleep and I woke up with the clearest mind that I have had in so long, despite having a few beers the evening before.
And on that same evening, we went to a resort hot tub and it had been raining and storming for 2 days here in Hawaii and then suddenly the sky in the exact area of the hot tub cleared up and was the most amazing colors, and there was pink and get this, GREEN clouds!! Yes, green clouds. I have never seen anything like this. The clouds all looked like pink, purple, and green cotton candy! I told my friend that the clouds were green and at first he said that it must have been the drinks I had, but I told him no, they are actually green. Then another man in the hot tub looked up and told his wife, “Look, there are green clouds!” and then my friend said that it wasn’t just us who could see this and that he’d never seen any sky like this and he wondered if we are in a different dimension!
This was all on the evening and night of February 26th! Yesterday, I could not stop smiling and I felt very empowered, like I could call in anything that I wanted, and I needed only to decide now and it will happen! Beth – thank you so much for your words and I totally relate to you forgetting certain details and to feeling like you’ve taken a sedative… that’s why I said it’s all starting to become a distant water color painting to me. I am only observing now. I also just want to BE with the ones I love and do nothing. I live for the evenings when I can just be with my few beloved friends or a lover and just eat something, have a little wine or a beer and maybe listen to music. Last night I danced with my friend and then we just cuddled and talked. It has all become so simple and if it’s not simple, then I don’t want to do it. I just feel like relaxing all the time now and doing things that feel good to me. Thank you for the confirmation and soon we will only be doing exactly what we wish!!! I love you all!
Love, Kari
Dear Kari,
From your email it becomes evident that you have already had your “cosmic orgasm praecox”, that is to say, before your ultimate ascension. Take care that you do not get indulged too much in this habit of earthly pleasures as you may ultimately decide to stay on earth much longer and not participate in the first wave of ascension. We will miss you. The other alternative is that you use sex in the tantric tradition and ascend during a sexual orgasm. There are people who believe that this is possible, and I, myself, cannot envisage a better way to leave this planet.
Joke aside, I am happy to hear that you have begun to enjoy life on earth to the full scope in anticipation of what is awaiting us very soon in the higher dimensions.
In the hope that I have interpreted correctly your personal decision to be absolutely sincere and open from now on, I cease this opportunity and will publish this email in the next report, after I have been somewhat discrete in this respect in the past. But your happiness is so contagious that I would like to infect (incubate) some of the members of the PAT as to better survive the coming days. Keep your new role as a source of human radiance – this is your true role on this planet.
With love and light
I don’t mind you publishing it at all; I certainly can’t be the only one still having sex! On another note, I am ready to get out of here yesterday and I can not feel it even being a possibility to decide to stay here for a few moments of ecstasy here and there. Your email does raise a question for me though: Can’t we recreate sexual experiences in the higher realms? I can’t imagine why we could not! I agree with how you responded to an earlier email about human touch… when you said you doubt we will miss anything! I feel that way too.
And yes, I feel that my purpose is to be radiant too!!! People comment on my radiance a lot and when I am feeling good, I can turn people downright giddy. Thank You for the feedback – I feel this “cosmic orgasm” must have happened now for a reason, since it has never happened to me before and actually, I have found sex to be rather frustrating at times. This felt like a huge validation of what is coming and in my ability to relax into myself now.
Love, Kari
Dear Kari,
If you have read my article “Life After Ascension”, I write that sex is a gift of Heaven and that there is a lot of sex in the higher realms, but of a much higher quality and greater intensity. Sex in a physical body is a poor substitute for the orgiastic bliss we will experience after ascension. Only the methods may change – it will be more like merging the energetic fields of two entities in what ever way imaginable.
By the way, I also strongly hope that you are not the only one among the PAT members to have sex, but I am not so sure, given their LBP-related complaints.
You should do everything you really enjoy in the few remaining months on this planet and do nothing you dislike. This is no longer a privilege, but your duty, just as to be radiant and animate other people to follow your example.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Dear George,
Years ago, the idea of Planet Earth colliding with something would have horrified me. In fact, I would have not believed it as an instinct to protect myself from my own fear. However, now I get amazed by my serenity. I feel safe. I feel like if I was behind a security armored window, witnessing all the sad events in our planet.
It must be overwhelming to be in constant telepathic communication with the PAT. I think the closer we get to the grand moment, the more clear the communication will be between us. We have to rely in this kind of communication in case the Internet stop working. Maybe that’s the purpose.
I just read your energy update. Yes, I have been feeling much better in the last days. I don’t know how to express it but everything feels less dense… there’s some kind of lightness in the air. But sometimes it feels like that calmness before a hurricane. Also the love energy waves that make me feel like if I’m going to (literally) burst of love are more frequent now.
Unfortunately, the social inequality in Colombia is still very marked. When I was living in Italy I had to rush to Colombia to take care of my ill father. It had been 10 years since the last time I was there and the shock I had in my own country was huge. I forgot how the situation was there. I cannot stand how the majority treat their subordinates. The superiority complex many people have because they have more money than others is pathetic. By the way, that trip you made with your wife to Paris was on the year I was born.
When you say that I’m a traveler between continents like your cousin, it reminds me the day my little nephew asked me: auntie Monica, are you rich? I had to laugh. He doesn’t know that the little money I earn I always spend it all on my trips.
I listened to some Bulgarian folk music today. The Greek and Turkish influence is very marked. Also some of the songs are very similar to Irish Celtic music as you said. Very nice.
I’m going to read your last report before going to sleep. I hope to see you in my dreams… or I should say, I hope to remember seeing you in my dreams.
Love you!
P.S: Mr. Stankov, I did notice the beautiful paintings you’ve been placing on your website. Also the new look. I’m a Graphic Designer and I appreciate it very much. BESOS, BACI,
Целувки, KüSSE, MUAH!
Dear Monica,
In the next report I will discuss the surge of love energies especially among the female members of the PAT in some length and I will add your email as a valuable contribution to it. And I have already found the adequate illustration to this topic. This will be a surprise. I would like to return the Bulgarian kisses ( Целувки,), but I no longer have a Cyrillic alphabet, therefore I lend (copy) them from you.
February 29, 2012
Good Morning George,
On February 26th my husband and I were making a two hour drive North on Highway 1 along the Pacific Ocean. We were returning from visiting friends. The beauty of the ocean waves hitting the shore, the premature but intense colors of the wildflowers on the hillsides, the smell of the air, everything was so beautiful to behold. Our intimacy that evening was deep and extraordinarily loving and continues.
All of this I say to let you know how much your Energy Update, posted February 26th, meant to me. The feeling of love is so strong, I wonder if I can operate a vehicle this morning. If I felt no need for food before what now? Oh my, this is bliss.
My deepest gratitude for your website and the contributions of each and every member. I read each and every word over the weeks between last September and today. The change it created within me is markedly different. Your extraordinary energy, knowledge, courage and wisdom and that of other PAT members brought me to this new state. I truly understand and experience that I am supported in a womb of love. I truly have progressed through past fears during the light body process. It’s difficult to speak, the feelings of love and bliss are so strong.
Dear Marilyn,
I am happy to hear that this website and the contributions of the members of the PAT have helped you in your personal LBP and in your spiritual evolution. This was precisely the objective of this website in the first place. Of course it is only the outer framework, within which the individual soul is doing her job, however, under much more favourable conditions than before. In this sense, the space that the constant communication between the readers keeps open is indeed rather precious in this overall, still very toxic atmosphere. Happily, now it begins to recede for the first time, after the 11.11 energies have begun flooding the earth and opening the hearts of the people, so that the first authentic sensations of the long awaited bliss of the New Earth begin to sprout in our hearts. This is a very reassuring and rewarding sign that our past efforts have not been in vain.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Dear George,
I was amazed although with some chuckles to hear you say you use a stick to scratch your back; because I also use one for a very long while now. Some times I use the wall when the stick is not good enough. Today my whole body is on FIRE and I now carry a wet towel around the home to bring down my temp (for fear of a convulsion lol)
L&L divsy.
Dear divsy,
of course the best solution is to let you be scratched by a beautiful young lady, preferably in a sauna or another convenient place, but this has never been part of our ascension marathon in our soul contracts.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
GS, please explain how it is that the heavens align with our numerical timing system, or the clock and calendar. Why have the heavens decided to align their actions with dates such as 11:11:11? Already amazing that 122112 marks the winter solstice, and I understand that we imprint, agreed upon dates with our own energy, but I am confused why the heavens would align their portals to open in accordance with our clock or calendar. Thanks for the answer my friend!
Dear Paolo,
This is very simple. As mathematics has also been given to humans by Heaven – through inspirations of certain mathematically gifted people as Pythagoras for instance, the higher realms use and consider this symbolic system in their future planning of life on earth. They know that people pay great attention to numbers and are deeply impressed when numbers all of a sudden have a prophetic character, which is a camouflage, then it is exactly the other way round – the events are adjusted by the higher realms to follow the numbers used by the people. The very concept of numerology has been introduced deliberately by the higher realms to serve this purpose. This is very difficult to relay to most stupid light workers and spiritual charlatans who work with numerology or even astrology and believe that they have anything to say.
Mathematical symbols are of great energetic power – this is known in the higher realms and they exploit this aspect of numbers to introduce certain concepts that will otherwise not enter the intransigent and lazy minds of the incarnated human entities. The whole scam with the Mayan calender was for instance deliberately staged by the higher realms as to make the people aware of the coming End Times in the easiest possible way. Although this calender did not fulfil the expectations, and Calleman had to disappear from Internet, it fulfilled its objective. The same holds true for any portal such as 11.11.11., which actually came earlier for many members of the PAT and much later for most other human beings, but nobody reflected on this fact, as people like to deal with fixed numbers.
I personally do not pay any attention to numbers, as I know how they have been invented and for what purpose introduced on earth. I also know their limitation as closed rational numbers, which I discuss in my books. The real numbers are the transcendental numbers, which are clusters of approximations. But with such numbers you can no longer practice current numerology. However, humanity has not yet been able to develop a new mathematics based on transcendental numbers, which were first discovered and theoretically introduced by Cantor only 140 years ago (1874) and proven to be real only130 years ago by Lindemann from Munich (1882).
Hence it is very difficult to relay this content to normal people, who have never bothered to ponder over mathematics as an artificial system of meaningless, abstract signs and symbols, and instead believe that they can prove anything with them. I have had some unyielding discussions on this topic with stupid light workers in the past, when I discussed this issue in the context of 11.11.11. But you can bet, they simply don’t get it.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I cannot find the words to describe how blessed I feel when reading your updates and essays on a daily basis. It feels like spending the highest quality time with closest family (our PAT). Indeed, the synchrony we all seem to experience, concludes that we are on the right track and that desired changes will begin to manifest. Back in January, my HS informed me that the changes and the split were already beginning to manifest in the now and that March would be very important for us.
Georgi, if it doesn’t take too much of your time, I need your advise on the following: I cannot describe how thrilled I am, seeing my 2 children awaken within a months’ time. My daughter of 16 seems to understand what’s going on (she talks with her friends about ascension, but wants to keep it discrete as my husband is still denying all the changes, as expected….). I don’t push her, but she knows I’m available for her whenever she has questions. Also she is going through the LBP (but a light version it seems, as she is quickly recovering from all).
Surprisingly, this evening my son of 10 wanted to have a serious talk with me. He asked me whether I realized that we were living imprisoned. According to him whole society is divided wrong and the fact that he must go to school to learn the most ridiculous things is a pure waste of energy. He said that he could not undertake it any longer, that going to school and afterwards working was not the purpose of life at all ! Of course I know he is right, but what should you tell a 10 years old?
Is there some lecture available for kids, or should I honestly tell him all about who we really are, our evolution, the upcoming pole shift and our ascension? I feel that I have to be very honest with him and tell him everything I know. But I just do not want to frighten him or create fear. Up till now, I tried to be very careful with exchanging information (I think I awaited for heaven to point to right timing).
All my love,
Dear Sandra,
As you are blessed to have two crystalline children whose souls tell them exactly what is the real situation on the earth, it will be a crime on them not to tell them the whole truth as you feel it. Of course you need not tell them about all the negative aspects associated with the PTB and the physical changes that will come with the magnetic pole shift.
Children have an exuberant imagination and they can develop their own vision of the future. By the way, they will experience none of the more negative aspects, as crystalline children are Christ protected. This generation will be the future teachers of humanity in the 5th dimension, as they are all highly evolved, old souls and biological age will soon play no role on the New Earth, but only the soul age.
In this respect the more they learn from you during the short period of time they will stay on this planet, the better they will be prepared for their educational mission on the New Earth. By the way, it is only a matter of several weeks before the events will begin to unfold and then they will have to learn everything from the mass media. Why not start with their mother, to whom they have more confidence?
At that age their perception is much more developed than by most adults. They can even start reading this website to get the details directly and then they can discuss various aspects with you. In this way you need not confront your husband in his view, as the information is coming optically from an external source and you can always say that you only respond to the questions of your children. Otherwise your husband may accuse you of indoctrinating your children in your way and thus creating a subversive atmosphere against him, especially when his fears will begin to surge high and he will no longer be successful in whatever he is doing now, when the matrix collapses.
But if they read this information in Internet, you can always reply that you cannot shut down this information source and, as they have started reading it, you better take care that they comprehend it properly. This strategy is much better than being the only source of information. And the sooner they get the information, the better, as this will be their reality very soon.
One cannot hide the future from his children and expect that it will not affect them. I have witnessed this short-sighted attitude in Eastern Europe when the parents wanted to hide from their children the atrocities of the communist regime in the false assumption that they thus protected them and when the system collapsed, the old generation has failed and the new one was not prepared for the huge social changes that swept over these countries after the Fall of the Iron Curtain. This is the reason why they still have huge problems to cope with life.
Start enlightening your children now and let them determine the pace – they will be thankful to you for this next year after ascension, at the latest. After all, they have decided to be your children at the higher levels before they have incarnated precisely for this reason.
With love and light
Hi Georgi,
You are so right on spot.
Yesterday evening I told my son all about the purpose of the soul’s plan and that they chosen to incarnate right now on earth, as they have a mission to fulfil in these exciting times, which is the further awakening of humanity and to be part of our transition from carbon vessel to crystalline bodies on the new 5D earth.
He asked to show some pictures of the light body, which I did and it seemed he was not surprised at all. He experienced it as an old memory coming back.
This morning when we woke up he seemed to be fulfilled with joy and inner peace and he really amazed me with all the things he was saying to me… It was precisely whether he got a huge download of information overnight. This feels so right !!!
The translation of the evolutionary leap of mankind is a real good starter to begin with… Thank you so much for that George!
With love
February 29, 2012
Dear Georgi,
When I first made reference to Aisha North (manuscript of survival – 85) as being a validation to your work, you responded with: “We are confronted here with the same intellectual deficiencies again and again – human intelligence being the most dismayed virtue among most light workers in the current New Age Vanity Fair”.
Then within the next state of ascension report, Carla validated this Aisha North information with the Map of Consciousness criteria created by David Hawkins with very high scores. And yet again you responded with: “This has nothing to do with intelligence, but only with common sense and heightened, critical awareness, which I expect from enlightened light workers and has always been a part of any academic endeavour, even in the Orion tainted science. How deep should we lower the intellectual standards for the current light workers to qualify as such – we have already reached the bottom of the mental abyss?”
And yet now you are choosing to include the entire manuscript of survival – part 93 from Aisha North in its entirety within the latest state of ascension report??? What gives? Can we not see how this might be confusing and appear hypocritical?
We might want to use this opportunity to speak of “integrity” and demonstrate to everyone that within our humanity we can sometimes be wrong. And within our space of humility, how powerful it can be to apologize. Not some long intellectualized explanation or mind boggling justification dance. Just a simple apology. If not for PAT, then just for Carla…
In Love Always, All Ways,
Dear Shravaka,
Not at all and I actually expected this comment from you, knowing your mentality. Please observe that I have never said that this channeling source is wrong, but that it is narrow-minded due to the lack of intellectuality of the medium and does not give any substantial information beyond what everybody can gather for himself through logical analysis, and I stay to this assessment. I explained this unyielding situation with the narrow-mindedness of the channeler and then generalized this conclusion for the whole channeling Vanity Fair
Even this missive 93 does not say anything essential beyond what everybody can conclude with an average brain. It is in fact a complete repetition of my energy update written two days ago, but much less consistent and explanatory.
This missive only confirms (repeats) what I have already said. I have observed this trend many times in the past, but most of the readers and light workers are not that much attentive or have a very short memory and simply do not notice this trend. This was the chief and only reason why I published this text because it will not be read at all if I have only given the link.
But you can go with a pencil in your hand through the whole text and try to find a single statement that is going beyond my information and is giving you additional important facts. You will find none. You will also not find a clear statement about the decision I am talking about in my energy update, which made me write it the first place, or any additional information why this decision was taken now and for what reasons. This is what I expect from a competent and informative source. This is also what I expect from an intelligent channeler (medium) and I have not seen any yet, and I am searching for the last 20 years.
In fact, this woman does not have the faintest idea what her channel is talking about and she is not able to ask the simplest questions and take care that she gets the right answers. This is not only the case with this medium, but with all other mediums, as Wilfred has just confirmed in an email to me with respect to Aruna Byers channeling Comte de Saint Germain:
“I had a conversation the other day with Aruna on skype on general life conditions, she does not care about the messages that she is providing, she told me that she only funnels them and that is it…”
It is precisely this attitude that I criticize. How can you channel anything, if you have no personal relation and opinion towards what you utter with your manipulated mouth or write down automatically as a robot? And how can you serve as a teacher for other light workers, as most channelers love to do, while displaying this ignorant attitude? This is a central topic in the current times and a litmus test for the intelligence of any human being. That is why I take a very clear-cut position in this respect, for which you obviously now criticize me.
Now, you can read all 93 missives from this woman and you will make the same conclusion. There is no substantial information whatsoever. Why then channeling this stuff? It is redundant information. This kind of channeling I define as “channeling plagiarism”. This channel has stolen my information because it is very simple to attune to my thoughts telepathically and repeat what I say. This has happened many times in the past with different channels. It is as useless as “thyroid struma (goiter)”, as the Germans use to say.
Of course when this channeling source repeats my message he must score 900 points and more on the Hawkins scale. It is so because all my texts score 1000 and beyond.
Now you are obviously using the “Hawkins argument” in the same awkward manner as Frank recently did, when he accused me of deceit and fraud. Here is what I wrote to Frank in response, which also holds true in your case:
“This scale has nothing to do with the rotten payment moral of the Orion monetary system as you have used it by giving me a very low score and accusing me of deception and fraud, but with the truthfulness of the statements. If I say that I throw the bills of the banks and other state authorities unopened in the waste basket and this statement scores, say, below 200 on the Hawkins scale, this means that this statement is false and I do pay my bills. In this case your outrage about my deceptive character is absolutely futile. If my statement had instead scored 1000, which means that it is absolutely true that I throw my bills in the waste basket, then you could have had a reason to be outraged with my behaviour.
From this wrong application of this simple test, I can only conclude that you have not even comprehended the simplest things we have discussed so far on this website. How could you possibly comprehend all the ramifications of my more abstract elaborations on the new ethics of the ascended humanity. Please consider these simple fact which you have created yourself with your email as to understand why I must admit that I have failed as a teacher in your case and why I sincerely fear that you may not make it to the higher dimensions with this kind of faulty thinking.”
Dear Shravaka, your use of the Hawkins scale is similarly unreflected. What is the point of channeling only truisms, which are self-evident and always score 1000 points on the Hawkins scale, but do not contain any information or only reiterate already known facts, as is the case with this missive 93, which simply quotes my energy update a day later?
I hope that you now see this topic with different eyes. After all, our ongoing discussion should not degrade to a kindergarten chat, where self-evident facts must be discussed again and again, as was the case with the unyielding discussion about my or anybody’s ego in the past that exceeded with its stupidity anything I have seen so far. And I have seen a lot of stupidity during my 60 years on this toxic planet.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Hi Georg
I just wanted to give a quick update for your archives. I´ve just gone through another ascension run through in the dream state, similar to previous ones, whereby I jump off a cliff. In this one I was brought to just the right spot by a guide, and helped through a series of steps until the last final conscious action. I saw the new earth (literally new soil) below where I was to jump but it wasn´t clear that that´s where I was jumping to. Like other dreams, once I made the easy decision to jump into the nothingness and collapsed into myself, I then woke up. Again I felt that “waking up” is the result of ascension and when it happens I will wake up into my real self and the life I have been leading on this planet will have been like a dream. It has a very surreal feel to it at the moment, and I experienced this in the dream as sensations of strange “footing”.
Recently I wrote you to assert that we should voice our desire for ascension to the celestial realm. I now believe that this feeling of urgency, to “DO something!” was actually my conscious interpretation of an energetic attunement to things moving forward. It was Sunday that I wrote you, and I remember feeling I had to write you. It was symbolic of a feeling of needing to take things to the next level to get the ball rolling. So I think this is a confirmation of the attunement you spoke of in the March 2012 energy update report concerning the completion of the grid and the splitting of the two earths and how you met several PAT members in the dream state.
As for flooding in Germany, I too have had a vision of a tsunami during meditation – a giant wave with a face wiping out everything in its path. The other night I also dreamt of the poles melting and the arctic ground becoming flooded. I, however only got a little water in my boots, so I am still unsure to what extent Berlin will be inundated. Having this information, you would think one would want to flee and find high ground, yet I do not feel compelled in the slightest to change locations at this time. Í am unsure why but it is irrelevant as I feel my HS knows exactly what I need to be doing and I will get any instructions I need at the time I need them. For the moment I am staying put in Berlin.
Another indication I am having that ascension might be around the corner, is that I am again saying goodbyes energetically to important people in my life. This happened before Nov 11 in a very discernible way and I was grateful to be given the space to separate from people who depend on me. It left me feeling that it was “okay to leave”.
I hope this report helps to confirm to others that something dramatic is indeed under way, even if I do not have visions like Rumi or his mother and have to go purely on what my energetic condition tells me, along with my dreams, which have always given me the information I needed at the right time.
Do you have any other thoughts on the flooding/ tsunami? Do you think it will come from the Atlantic and will it reach you in the south?
love Debra.
Dear Debra,
Thank you for this confirmation. Your urgency to write a letter to me before February 26, actually reflected the great pressure that weighed upon us during this time, as we were in the middle of making the final decision for the destiny of humanity and Gaia in the End Times at the higher realms. This was the pressure coming from our souls. In this sense we needed to adjust our views on the ground. After this date, there is a pronounced relaxation as the decision has been taken and now we can proceed with the scheduled plan.
I also do not make any preparations, nor even make any specific predictions about the coming physical changes after the magnetic pole reversal, as I know that they are beyond my influence and that they will also not influence my life. I assume that Munich and Bavaria will not be affected by the tsunami, as their mean height is about 500 meters above the sea level, but even this may not be a security if Europe splits in two parts in the middle, as this will eventually be the case with North America along the Madrid fault line, when the big lakes will flood the Mississippi basin and will separate the East coast states from the West coast states.
I think that now the dice has fallen and there is nothing more to do, but stay calm and centered and witness carefully the coming events, as this is indeed a unique experience not only throughout our whole incarnation cycle, but also throughout the whole universe for a very long period of time. And we, the members of the PAT, have our seats on the first row of this cosmic show.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I had a dream experience on Feb. 24th, I would like to share. I have read much on your site since the beginning and have felt a connection with all. It seems I will have an experience and then find a similar one on your site. The last March update was no exception. In my dream I was with a group of people. It “felt” as if we were being “debriefed”.. We were made aware that we had finished the learning phase or the training period, and we were now to be given our assignments and our next mission. The words describing the situation are all feelings nothing was verbalized as I recall.
I am 64 and had a near death experience in 1990, followed by 1 1/2 years of depression. Unlike many accounts I have read, I did not want to be back here. I know I was supposed to forget in order to do what I came here to do. I have spent the last twenty years working on my ascension. I have wonderful communication with my higher self, have lost both my husband and daughter in the last six years through physical death, and feel grateful for all the lessons of my life. I know I have been through the fire and have come out refined.
Most of my higher self messages are in the form of a direction to take or the answer to a question. This dream felt self explanatory however, I wonder if you would comment further if you care to. I do thank you for your work and your insight into the workings of the human.
Dear Jennifer,
Thank you very much for your, as far as I remember, first email to me (?). I do agree with you that your dream is very clear and self-explanatory and does not need any interpretation. I can only confirm that the council meetings at the higher levels started after February 20, and during the whole last week I was under great pressure coming from my higher self. I knew that it was associated with important decisions at the soul level. I have had similar episodes in the past and I am able to discern that this inner pressure has nothing to do with me, but with decisions at the higher levels, in which I am participating.
After February 26, the pressure is gone and there is a pronounced relaxation now. During this time I often asked my higher self about the future scenario and did not get any answer, precisely, I got the information that it is still unclear, from which I gathered that there are still huge discussions about the future scenario in the End Times. Now the ultimate decision has been fallen and we can proceed as planned eons of time ago for this final period in the 3d-reality.
From your personal story, I gather that you have gone through many hard initiations which could have broken the will of many a courageous person, but you seem to have made the best of it and now you have almost achieved your final destination, although it is sometimes difficult to believe it after such a long way, and I congratulate you to your perseverance, This time, there will be no more delays and we will soon return back home.
With love and light
Dear George,
Thank you for your response and your time. Giving of your own personal time to help another is such an unappreciated gift many times. Yes, this was my first email to you. As I said, each time I have a question or an experience, within the next day I find the answer on your site, if not directly from my higher self. All the Soul selves working together is such a bliss. I feel much more at peace and grounded since the “meeting”. Before that event I had much difficulty focusing to do my 3-D duties, my self was elsewhere. We are in the home stretch. Once again, Thank you for offering yourself to all of us. You are a gift.
February 29, 2012
Dear Georgi!
I came across your webpage at the end of 2011, just when it was launched I guess. The material was very easy to understand for both me and my partner. We read as much as we only could. The economic collapse, ascension and many other articles. We have both been researching conspiracy theories, reptilians and things like that since approximately 2008.
Before that I have been searching for the meaning of life, since forever. I went to India at 21 to know more and went back seven times to Mother India, where I feel very much at home. I was a spiritual seeker since early age, I remember as a teenager, lying in bed at night gazing at the stars begging to be taken home, for this was a terrible place. I never felt at home on this planet actually. I worked as little as possible because it was just plain wrong to me, that anyone should have to work.
I could never understand why we had to pay rent, what everybody needs for every day comfort should be for free.
I could not understand how people would take a mortgage in the bank, pay back for 50 years and still not own their house. All this and much more.
I was very happy to find your page and read about the ascension and all the information, although I could not identify myself as a PAT. I can’t remember having LBP and I was still very much engulfed in the matrix. But things have changed. Recently I know I’m out of the matrix, I can feel it.
It’s maybe only two weeks since it happened. It’s an energetic shift! Before I could not help being affected by all these emotional energies making me react to things and also I could not see clearly the state of affairs. Now I can still feel the little tug from the matrix sometimes, but it definitely has lost the grip over me, great joy.
Some nights ago I had a very interesting dream and it has to do with me having had pain in my shoulders for many years. It started when I was around 25. This pain is sometimes less and sometimes very bad. Lately I experienced the pain differently. That night in the dream I began to detach from my outer body as if it was some kind of shell, it’s difficult to describe, but maybe like a snake would begin the process of shedding the skin. There was a black void between my outer body shell and me, my spirit who was inside. The black void or some kind of border was approx. 1-2 cm thick. The interesting thing was the pain in my shoulders, it was as if there was an energetic attachment that came through my shoulders into my body and by that energy I had began to separate myself from the outer body shell. It would be really interesting to get your view on this.
I still can’t really believe that ascension will happen, but what else? My partner and dear soulmate and I, we talk about it every day, being on the lookout for signs around us among the people. Some days we ask our selves, are we crazy. Other days it’s completely clear what will happen… but still I have to see and experience it, before I can really believe. But every day we are doing the energetic work, keeping on the right track, holding the grid, so to speak. Anyway, I just wanted to connect and tell my story.
Many thanks for everything, Mateja
Dear Mateja,
I am really very happy that you have finally contacted me and have given me some information about your personal life. I am also happy that you appreciate the articles on this website. PAT is not an elite club, but an idea, and as long as one lives with the idea of Ascension, he is part of it. Of course, if you do not have pronounced symptoms of the LBP or you do not feel all day long the higher vibrations coming from the left brain portal, as I do for the last 12 years, you may have sometimes doubts if this is all true, but believe me, when you start to feel these vibrations within your whole body, it will no longer be possible to doubt their existence.
Your shoulder pains are to my opinion LBP-related. Normally it is the right shoulder that is most of the time affected. In my case, I had pains for 4-5 years without a pause and then again and again, each time when I had a huge wave that entered by body. According to my interpretation, the personal Merkaba is fixed at the shoulders and for this reason this vehicle must be fully anchored in the bones. This is a painful transformation process. Another anchoring site is the right thorax. This is a very complex process, about which almost nothing is known. I have not come upon any source or article that tackles this issue. But I would strongly warn you to go to an orthopaedist and be treated by him for a degenerative arthritis or something like this, as the doctors have no idea what is currently happening with our bodies and will only harm you.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Hallo George,
I would like to comment on your latest reports. I fully resonate with your energy update, as I also got confirmation in my dream state. A few days ago the splitting of the time lines was presented to me along with the feeling/emotion of being among other ascending loving souls. A wonderful experience.
Then last night I had two dreams. One which showed that all will be revealed shortly about the mischief of the dark ones and it will become public knowledge. “Scandals” of unknown proportions will surface.
The other dream was most exciting for me as it showed me with “friends” (PAT) becoming known in public for what we really are and where we come from as starseeds. The media was also involved. We were shown completely naked, which means, we should hold no pretensions whatsoever, dropping all masks and no more hiding of any kind. Once we become known for who we are, we must walk out there and speak our truth.
In your report 65 I fully resonate with you and Jerry on the issue of this corrupt money system. I have been ripped off by the banks at least four times in past years. Complaints to the bank authorities and engagement with the bank ombudsman brought no resolve. Where I live, the local authorities, here known as municipalities, are also ripping the citizens, especially the pensioners who have seen their pensions eaten up by inflation and are now facing annual increases of water, power and rates far beyond the inflation rate. It is sad to see how they struggle at times to make it. So, I also dump bills to large institutions and traffic violations in the bin. I can’t wait to see the end of this stupid monetary system.
George, I have two questions for you that may be unrelated:
1. I read your description of the chakras. I wish to know whether the chakras are all spinning in the same direction, and also whether this differs from person to person?
2. When we ascend, we will unite with our oversoul from the 7F level. What happens with our parallel lives at that moment? Will all ascend at the same time? Was the system or our parallel lives only during our 3D incarnation cycle?
I am sure you have the answer in one of your books. You can also just let me know where to find it.
Looking so forward to hearing from you.
Love and Light,
Dear Joe,
Thank you for this valuable validation of my recent information which is also confirmed by other readers and members of the PAT. Your dreams speak for themselves and it will be exactly so as you have seen it. One of my goals is to prepare the members of the PAT for their future official mission in the limelight of the collective attention. They can no longer hide in their private niche, as this was opportune in the past as to survive the attacks of the dark PTB on this planet.
Our judgment on the Orion monetary system has been fallen, and the poor Frank has nobody to support him, but received some very open letters, which I directly sent to him as I did not want to deal with this weird issue in further reports.
Now to your questions, which are not easy to answer, as there is almost no information on them in the whole channelled and esoteric literature. This is what I personally know.
1) When the chakras are united to one unified chakra, they are spinning in one direction only, from left to right. When the people are lying, as most politicians do, or resort to ways of life, which are not sincere, their chakras rotate from right to left or with a different velocity without any synchronicity, and you can even notice it on TV or in personal encounters after some training. It is more like an intuitive feeling that this person is not truly embedded in his energy field and his appearance does not feel truthful. It is less what he is saying, but how he communicates at the energetic level. He himself is not aware of this deficiency.
2) When we ascend, we unite with our over-soul or monad, which is in fact our soul family, in association with higher energy levels. Then we will, to my intuitive knowledge, fully merge with all our previous incarnations (there are no future incarnations in our case, as this is our last incarnation) and parallel lives within the structure of the soul. When the soul merges fully with the other souls in the soul family by eliminating their energetic membranes, all the memories of their incarnated personalities are donated to All-That-Is, and the soul family can now enter the next level, which is the causal worlds. There, the soul family acts as a group consciousness and as a complex distinct entity. However, I personally do not know what exactly happens with the incarnated personalities. It could be that they continue to evolve in the 5th or higher dimensions. As nothing ever gets lost in All-That-Is and all things exist simultaneously, there are infinite possibilities, which our humble linear mind cannot perceive now.
But these are key questions, I agree on this.
With love and light
February 29, 2012
Hello George,
I just wanted to mention that I am in full agreement with your assessment of the current energetic situation. On the morning of the 27th, I had the inclination that we had now entered the next phase of the operation, and this was before I even saw your latest article.
My inclination was further confirmed that morning when I received a request from a friend to help him pick up his car since he had suffered from an injury the day before and was unable to drive. I’ve been close with this friend for over 7 years now, and I’ve never received a personal request like this from him before. It wasn’t a big deal or anything, but it was an incredible synchronicity to be called upon to serve in that manner at that time.
Lastly, I just finished up my latest article if you would like to share it with others. Here is the link:
With love & light,