State-of-Ascension-Report-61: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-61, February 18, 2012


click on image to enlarge

William Turner, Shadows and Darkness, 1843.

This picture was stolen in 1993 from the art gallery in Frankfurt. Later on it was bought back for 5 million Euro. I would name this picture “The light at the end of the tunnel”.

February 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I would like to send my warm greetings to you and all PAT members from Slovakia.
From October 2011 I became a regular reader of your articles and updates after I’ve read your book “The Cosmic laws of creation and destruction”. Your thoughts and ideas contained in your work resonate with me totally and sometimes I have a feeling that I’m waving into the flow of your thoughts. So, I’d like to thank you for sharing these information with us in the time, when there is so much disinformation even among the light workers community.

In your recent update ( report 60 ) I read about the LBP, which Beth is going through and all unpleasant emotions associated with it. I’d like to share with your readers my own story and experience with the LBP, with the intention to help them understand that we’re all in it together and that everything is as it should be and as it was planned by each of us. This email can be quite large, so please, decide if you’ll include it into your future updates. So, let me start.

I’m nearly 40 now and from my earliest childhood I had only one real problem. I had very unpleasant disease called “atopic eczema” (your skin is similar to frogs). I even don’t remember when it all started, but I know that I couldn’t do any of the things that common people like to do (swimming, sun-bathing, enjoying sports, meetings with other people, … ).

Strange thing was that I’ve never complained about this situation – I was just curious finding the reason for it. Especially when I saw people doing bad things to others. My only thought was how to get rid of this awful thing on my skin and why others are happy and satisfied in comparison to me.

I knew deep inside that the Life has to have some meaning. What is good in attending school, learning something, having children, working just to have some food and shelter and then die just for the children to continue with this nonsense? Why people and nations, who do bad things are without punishment and why good people ( like me) have to live in such pains and emotional struggling? I knew that this all has to have some reason despite persuasion of others that simply this is how things are and will be forever and that the life isn’t fair.

For 30 years I was talking daily to the universe above me:  “I don’t care that I have to live like this, just tell me why! Maybe I did something bad in previous lives and this is the only way how to balance the scales and proceed further. I don’t care. Just let me know”.

It can sound weird, but despite the fact that I couldn’t do and enjoy most of the things that others could, I felt – no, I knew – that I have nearly uncontrollable power inside me that tries to siphon out of me and that I can do anything that is/isn’t imaginable.  I just didn’t know what is it.

I remember when I was in a military hospital that one doctor was trying to convince me that there’s no cure for this disease. I was asking her: “Are you trying to say to me that I’m destined to live without carpets, curtains, pets and other things?”  She was nearly angry at me when I was repeating: “Every disease has to have a cure, I will not live like that all my life”.

This experience clearly showed to me that doctors don’t understand life and what purpose each disease has. So I turned my attention even more to myself, I was monitoring my thoughts to find out something which could be the reason for the disease.

Still nothing. One day, when the pain was almost unbearable I was looking myself in the eyes in front of the mirror and was asking myself: “Why are you wounding yourself endlessly, why, why, why!!! ?” I felt such helplessness and sadness that suddenly tears started to float uncontrollably through my eyes – it lasted nearly half an hour. After that I felt much better. I was as if something had dropped of me.

Few weeks later I found out a very good psychotronic – she didn’t promised me anything and warned me to not be surprised if after her therapy my condition will get even worse. And it was so. But we continued with the therapy.

Today, it’s more than 10 years that I’m without any sign of disease coming back. If I were selfish, I would like to meet the doctor and tell her with satisfaction: “Look here, who was right!!??”. But I know that this is unworthy of me. I even don’t remember if I ever felt anger or hate to anyone in my life.

So, that was the first part of LBP. Then came another one which lasted for 10 years and ended (?) previous year. These were regularly repeating unbearable migraines that kept me for many hours laying in bed incapable of doing anything at all, even thinking was painful. (my wife can’t understand how can I do it that for many hours I’m able to not have a single thought in my head – please, try one of these migraines).

But even with these migrations I was totally satisfied. Do you know why? Because I had them only on weekends, so that my work and career wasn’t influenced at all and I could each month get salary and ensure that the family has what it needs for survival. Isn’t it funny? Try to explain this to your doctor and ask him what’s the reason for these migraines and how it’s possible that they appear only on weekends. No chance, if he doesn’t know anything about Ascension and the crystallization of our bodies.

The last experience with my LBP was Kundalini awakening. It’s few years from now, but I still remember it into greatest details. I had a dream that I’m traveling somewhere by train with my father. Suddenly the train split into two parts and each part of the train continued separately on its relevant tracks. I was looking for my father in my part of train. The train stopped in some unknown station and I got off the train to find my father.

At one moment I found myself sitting by the bonfire and looking at some shaman. He was doing strange thing – like turning some button or knob. I noticed that with each rotation of the knob my body started to do a pitching motion – back and forth, back and forth. Each rotation made my body to bow slower and deeper. At the same time something was rising inside me from the bottom towards the head.  Finally, the bowing was so relax and deep that I couldn’t withstand it anymore and I had something like cosmic orgasm, which lasted for many hours. At this moment I was totally awake, everything inside of me was shaking. With problems I forced myself to get up and prepare my son for school. In this condition I stayed for the next few days after it finally stabilized.

If I don’t take into account these migraines, I have to admit that I should be very happy person nowadays – I’m totally healthy, I have good, fulfilling job ( I’m a skilled database programmer ) that provides me with stable salary, I have wonderful illuminated wife and nice children (Georgi, my nearly 18 years old daughter is behaving similarly to yours. I’ve also found out that to not be offended for useless things by her is best thing to do, just leave her and don’t take it personally).

But I’m not happy. No, wait, it’s not properly said. I’m indifferent, emotionally stabilized and not touched by anything around me. I’m walking and looking without any emotion at this ending dream and thinking to myself: “When will it all end? Why am I still here? Just to shine my light? Is it really all that’s required from me?”

As one common saying goes: I’m in this world but not of it.

For more than 20 years I was trying to find any information that could show me the meaning of life. I didn’t want to believe everything that I’ve read that’s why I didn’t believed anything I mean, I didn’t attach myself to anyone source as the only truth, since all of them are just one source of information, one piece of the puzzle and what’s best – some of the pieces even belong to separate, different puzzles and not match with the others.

This earthly experience is just one year in the cosmic school. Most of us passed all the required exams, we’re just waiting for some of us that are finishing with theirs tasks.

My final message to all of you is: “Dear colleagues, friends and PAT members, hold on and don’t give up before the grand final – we’re almost there/here”.

Georgi, I have a question to you.

My date of birth is 11.11.1973 (1973 = 19+73 = another 11). All my life I had many “déjà vous”. These last few years I’m seeing 11 and other numeric combinations regularly (sometimes many times a day). In the year 2011, I was 38 and I got new job with my office located on 11th floor, …

That’s why I really thought that this year something big will happen to me. Maybe I’ll remember my real mission, maybe some psychic abilities will be activated in me, maybe I’ll ascend … But nothing happened – this was first and last moment in my life that I was really depressed and disappointed that I didn’t get any sign from my HS. It took me whole December to get through it and don’t take it personally, and get back my balance.

My only question is: Why do I know all of these deep truths, all these information, why do I have such significant date and why in the most important year and date within this Ascension process I didn’t get any sign even if I was asking? I don’t have any problem with staying here for how long it’s needed and my HS surely knows that I’m OK with any life situation that I’ve prepared for myself before coming here.  I don’t require or ask anything from life – but maybe some explanation could be helpful.

Thank you for all you do for us,
Dear Marek,

Thank you very much for this very moving and comprehensive story of your life, which is full of optimism and deep understanding for the current problems, most star seeds have to go through. I will definitely publish it in the next report, as there is a lot to learn from it.

Now to your last question. I am not sure myself, whether I have the true answer, but my feeling shortly before 11.11.11 and especially after the event was that there was a kind of desperation and lack of direction in the higher realms as to why the full event could not happen and why we did not ascend and how to proceed in the future. This is the reason why you did not get much more information, as your soul did not know much more than we did on the ground. After that it was we, as souls, who decided that we will stay on earth beyond our initial soul contracts and ascend much higher than originally planned, while still in a physical vessel.

Precisely, because we are now able to augment our frequencies in a physical vessel from the densest 3d-reality to the highest possible, to the Source, as this has never been achieved before in this galaxy, we now play a much greater role in the whole process of Ascension and have a greater say, and not the GF or any other soul authority.

The actual decision made was that what did not happen at the stargate 11.11.11 will now happen this spring, however with a much greater force and scope, so that the two timelines will be more or less definitely separated earlier than planned for Dec 2012, In this case this final date will not be that much dramatic as initially planned. It will be still a turning point for several billion human beings, who will make the planetary Ascension to the lower second level of the 5th dimension, where initially not much will change. But the actual split and shift will happen now in the spring.

In this case, the event 11.11.11 is still ongoing in the eternal Now, where linear time does not exist, and is occurring on earth, so to say, in two half times with a pause in between, like a soccer match. I remember to have used this analogy in one of my previous writings. In this case, we are still in the 11.11.11 event, and, please, do not forget that all fundamental energetic transformations, which we now observe with the masses are the direct consequence of the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 by the members of the PAT. The 11.11.11 is still ongoing and this is our personal achievement.

I am sometimes really indignant about the fact that the so called “light” workers community, which still dwells in much darkness, has not realized this Tantalus effort on our part and are not able to appreciate it, although there are numerous messages that say again and again that it is for the first time in the history of any planetary Ascension in this galaxy that so few incarnated souls have achieved so much for the benefit of the whole humanity. I wished that this sacrifice on our part is a little bit more appreciated by some more en-lightened light workers. But as long as they follow such psychopaths as Beckow and cut-off-head chickens as Wilcock, there is little hope that the priority scale of these people could be corrected.

I hope that this explanation partially answers your question.

With love and light
February 16, 2012

Dear George,

As you know, Cosmic Awareness has stated in a previous CAC newsletter that Jupiter would ignite in March or April, extrapolating from Its reference to that event occurring in “4-5 months”.  This ignition would be precipitated by Elenin (a benevolent mother ship) striking Jupiter expressly for that purpose of creating a second sun.

Today, this vision as related by Shinzhi Rumi states that the dimensional shift/cleaving to create two Earths, i.e., Planet A and Planet B, will occur in 2-3 months.  That puts it anywhere from mid-April to mid-May, a far cry from late December, 2012.  (Personally, nothing would please me more than an earlier shift.)

If we can believe either of these predictions, when it is becoming harder and harder to believe anything, we have both of these events overlapping each other in April, though they could still occur independently of each other, i.e., Jupiter igniting (concurrent with a short-term stasis?), then Earth splitting dimensionally, some days or weeks later.

I share your theory/prediction/vision that something major needs to occur to awaken the masses prior to Ascension, so to accept that the shift could occur only 2-3 months from now seems to throw a wrench into that idea, unless Jupiter were to ignite right about now, then the Earth splitting in April or May, though that still doesn’t give an awakening process much time.

On the other hand, who’s to know whether Shinzhi’s story/vision is even accurate?  Or, another possibility, maybe we shouldn’t hold ourselves to the theory that Humanity needs to awaken before a pole shift.  In other words, since a simultaneous shift involving both a planetary body and its inhabitants hasn’t been done before, maybe we need to be open to anything.

Anyway, I’m not sure what the point of this email is, except to express further confusion over what is coming, and when, this year.  Every time we think we have a plausible scenario, something like this Arcturian vision or a major revelation from Cosmic Awareness turns it upside down.  Needless to say, it is frustrating as all heck to try to make any sense of things, especially when even the benevolent ET’s admit to giving us disinfo (for our own protection or good?).

As always, George, your insight will be much appreciated.

Dear Bill,

you are mixing too many things together, which exist at different levels, although they are related. First of all, Rumi’s vision is of poetic character and has a literary merit in itself. I found it very convincing for one single reason: He clearly states that according to his perception we have finished with all our duties on earth and that there is nothing left to do, but sit and wait for the final countdown. This is what I also sense for some time.

After the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, I knew that we will have to do the hard job and ignite these waves around the globe and will have to suffer heavily. We opened a number of further important portals as on 12.12.2011 and 12,21.2011, and then on several more occasions this year, the last one around February 8-10. This all goes throughout our bodies and energy fields and has been very exhausting for many of us.

Now, all, more or less relevant sources, such as CA, the Arcturians and also myself, were wrong in the initial estimation that Gaia will ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions at the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, while it was planned that we will ascend to the highest levels of the 5th dimension and beyond it, depending on the individual progress of the LBP at that time. This did not happen and the decision for this delay was taken about one week before, on November 3, 2011.

We will know the exact reason for this postponement only after our ascension, but an educated guess will be that humanity was still in a deep slumber at that time, so that the light quotient could not be reached at 11.11.11. It was hoped to be reached before that by all participants on the ground and in Heaven, but around Nov 3, it became evident that this optimal alternative for Gaia and humanity cannot be realized.

This was the true, cardinal reason why we decided to stay on earth beyond our soul contracts and help augment the light quotient sufficiently, now with the help of the powerful 11.11 energies that flooded earth and all human beings and started to open their heart chakras. All processes that happen on earth are closely related to what we are doing and achieve here on the ground, and it is the wrong attitude to expect some external announcements of the cosmic itinerary and then speculate whether they are true or false, when the schedule is revised. The energetic conditions change constantly, and so do the astral plans for the earth.

According to my definition, we are still in the 11.11.11 event that was divided in two half-times as in a soccer match. What we as a team, and the cosmos as a trainer on the sideline, did not achieve in November last year, will be done now with a much greater power and scope. When the shift will come this spring, it will be subsequently more powerful than the planned one at 11.11.11, because in the meantime we have augmented the light quotient beyond the threshold that would have been sufficient to heave Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimension during last November and also would have enabled us to ascend.

The actual problem is not our cosmic ascension and transformation to light beings – we have achieved this already on Nov 22, when our initiation as ascended masters took place. The question now is how many human beings will qualify for the modest planetary mass ascension in Dec 2012, as this decision will be taken these days, before the shift will occur. Everything that was planned for 11.11.11 will now take place, but with the notable difference that this time the two timelines will diverge much more significantly and the separation of humanity in two portions will be definite.

The initial plan was that this will happen gradually after the full opening of the stargate 11.11.11 and that many indecisive fence straddlers would have some more months at disposal to make their final decision whether to ascend or not. This same decision process is also running at present, but with the great difference that we still have optically the Old World Order, which would have collapsed last year, if we had experienced a full Ascension in November. When the pending pole reversal and split of the two timelines will happen this spring, this will be the ultimate separation and those that will not ascend with Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions are lost for ascension in Dec 2012.

Simply, the qualification deadline has been now set firmly with the occurrence of the magnetic pole shift. This deadline would not have been so firmly set, if the shift would have happened at 11.11.11. The consequence of this delay is that the new deadline will be fixed and irreversible. Therefore, it is very important now that the people awaken in these days and weeks before the pole shift/reversal has come, as this will determine the overall number of ascension candidates.

When the shift will come this spring, we, the members of the PAT will definitely ascend, as there will be nothing more to do on earth in a clay vessel. We will be much more needed as multidimensional beings and ascended masters.

Now let me specify: When the magnetic pole shift will come, which is a necessary step in the Ascension of Gaia to the higher dimensions as to abolish magnetism and go though the zero point, we will perform our cosmic ascension beyond the 5th dimension. Our ascension has nothing to do with the planetary mass ascension on Dec 21, 2012.  Therefore, it is very important not to confuse these two events, which are of completely different energetic nature. After we have ascended, we will take the destiny of the ascended portion of mankind in our hands and prepare it in the remaining 5-6-7 months for its final ascension.

However, the split of the two timelines and shift of Gaia to higher dimensions  will be much more powerful in the spring than it was ideally planned for 11.11.11. The separation between the portion of humanity, which will remain on the catastrophic earth B, and the ascended part will be definite. While the first will begin  to experience their catastrophes with the shift, the ascending humanity will be more or less spared from these calamities. The build-up for this scenario is immense and most people feel it currently.

The new change in plan is only in terms of intensity, but everything that was planned for 11.11.11 will happen this spring with a  much  greater power. This is the only difference, In this sense, all I have said, and we have discussed  last year in anticipation of the 11.11.11, is still valid, just as my scenario for the End Time, written in 2001, still holds true and will start to materialize in the next few weeks. As you see, it takes sometimes 11-12 years before a detailed predicted scenario comes into being. But it is already reality in the simultaneity of the higher realms. In this sense nothing has essentially changed as linear time is an illusion, but the energetic steps that must be made towards ascension are unavoidable and will definitely take place in the very near future.

Now few words to mass ascension. Given the fact that the split of the two timelines will be more or less irreversible when the magnetic shift will come, the changes in Dec 2012 will not be that much dramatic. Many people will not notice the big difference, as many of the new technologies will be now introduced with a greater speed in the second half of this year, because the dark part of humanity will be separated from us and there will be no danger for misuse.

Please, try to envisage all these changes in their inner dynamics and not as outer events that are being imposed on us from invisible forces. Our role as members of the PAT has been hugely expanded due to the fact that we stayed longer than planned on earth and took the bulk of the burden of this transformation. The reward will be huge, but it will be comprehended in its true magnitude only after our Ascension. There will be a huge compensation for our current sacrifice – this is absolutely sure, because there is always a fair redemption in All-That- Is – it is pure harmonization, where every soul achieves her ultimate goal at the end. But this must be known to you and all other members of the PAT. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to be sceptical and in a low mood, as we have already made it, more than three months after the opening of the stargate 11.11.11. The pause between the half times is almost over now and the second half time of the final game can begin any moment.

With love and light
February 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your recent article on the Arcturian prophecy. Sometimes you read something that just moves you emotionally, and you know the the intense shining light of divine love has pierced your heart. This article is one of these triggers.

Like yourself, I am getting heady effects with the rotational semi high pitched sounds. I find it hard to get to sleep sometimes as it feels as if these sounds are being generated in the head cavity itself and the sounds are quite a volume in a silent situation. I must say that I’m looking forward to ascension when these sounds  will be left behind after we transform into higher order bodies. This also brings up other things which I’m noticing; Georgi has your bodily energy volume increased? I’m feeling that I definitely have an augmented energy quotient or that there has been a change in brain neuronal output. I find that when i drink a coffee of late it causes such an energy increase that I cant have any more, as sleep will be compromised for that night as the energy output of the body is so heightened. Bodily energetics are so augmented that stimulating these energies can cause too high an output. Yet years ago a coffee wouldn’t even awaken me and I was always trying to find sufficient energy.

Also another observation: As I go to Uni most days I travel along very open cane farm acreage and here I can see for miles. Often on the bus I am showered with a sense of  intense love energy which envelops me and holds me like a babe in the arms of a higher being and it whispers to me that it loves me so much – i feel from my heart and can understand completely the love of creator that silently upholds us all… (I really am at a loss for words), there is glory and triumph in this feeling – its magnificent. I am shown the ascension as a picture in my mind:  it’s this feeling described, but greatly amplified and I see an image of us beings hit by a wall of luminescent stars emitting a huge volume of light and I see my soul thrown out of my body by the impact into the light and into a new body which is mine and I’m conscious of total ecstasy.

When this happens another voice within comes though and asks me to prepare for what is ahead and asks me if I will leave everything and help others – to this request I have  said, yes. Then I am drawn to look at the sky and see many unusual looking angular clouds and I know much is happening just below the surface. I certainly am interested after your vision Georgi if other members of the PAT are having similar experiences. Again, I honour your work.

Dear Craig,

Thank you for your email and for sharing your beautiful vision of the new age. I am glad to hear that you have started with your studies at the university. This vision was not mine, but of Shinzhi Rumi, a young German man from Hamburg, who prefers to call himself so, I was also moved emotionally by his vision and published it also for its literary merits.

But what struck me most, was that he also feels that we have already finished with our duties on earth and that there is nothing, we can substantially do anymore in our clay vessels.

My energies are steadily augmenting since 1999 and therefore I cannot tell you the difference, although they reached a new higher level after 11.11.11. I do sleep very little in the last several months and during sleep the energies are so immense and exhausting that I hate to go to bed. But I am mentally fit most of the time, which is unusual. Even in my best time, when I was young, I needed a short sleep in the afternoon and now I no longer need it. Obviously, my body is regenerating without me going in the dream state.

I assume that other members of the PAT have their own visions of the future, but what all of them sense is a general feeling of impatient excitement that something must happen very soon. Wish you all the best.

With love and light
February 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I have been aware for some time that dear Shinzhi Rumi and his mother would be presenting a “message”.  I had reminders of this fact several times since December I guess.

I have also had visions of polar bears. Two bears, laying on a great white blanket of snow, hind legs outstretched behind them, smiling, nodding and speaking to one another approvingly. These visions came around the same time I watched a special documentary on television one evening in December on the Polar Bears of Churchill, Manitoba, where they live in great numbers. I haven’t thought about the show since. I must add that I almost never watch television — I don’t even know how that came about!

Thank you for sharing

With love and light, Carla

February 16, 2012

Hi George!

Thanks for posting Shinzhi’s visions, its helpful confirmation of what we’ve been thinking and feeling.

I was thinking personally that the time frame for the final ‘bang’ would be much much sooner, like the end of this month, February, but my perception of time is so unclear and distorted now that I would be an unreliable source for any certain day or time frame.

Although this will be largely irrelevant soon, something told me this statement might help someone soon, so if you feel it might be useful to post I am including this here. Its a statement from Hans Georg Lanzendorfer, who worked closely with Billy Meier. Whatever is thought about Billy himself, the statement that Hans made regarding the German language is still valid and only confirms why you wrote your Scientific works in German first… you have already commented on this before, but this may clarify that issue for some since some of the finer points in the translations are difficult to convey in English and as a result are lost.

“Es ist kein Zufall, dass für die neuerlich Überlieferung und Niederschrift der Geisteslehre die deutsche Sprache ausgewählt wurde. Gemäss plejarischer Angaben ist auf dem gesamten Planeten keine andere Sprache mit einem dermassen umfangreichen Wortschatz zu finden.

Dieser Sachverhalt liegt auch in der historischen Tatsache verborgen, dass die Urform der deutschen Sprache, das sogenannte Arin, bereits vor veilen Jahrtausenden von ausserirdischen Intelligenzen und dem Propheten Honok auf diesen Planeten gebracht wurde.”

“It is no coincidence that the German language has been selected for the recent deliverance and recording of the spiritual teaching. According to Plejaran information there is no other language to be found on the entire planet with such an extensive vocabulary. These circumstances also lie hidden in the historical fact that the archetype of the German language, the so-called Arin, already was brought to this planet many millenniums ago by extraterrestrial intelligences and the prophet Henok .”

Teaching and Announcer of Truth / Lehre und Künder der Wahrheit, 2006, Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer

My best always, Marco

Dear Marco,

thank you for this quotation from Hans Georg Lanzendorfer. I did not know it, but it addresses this linguistic point. But I must add that due to the many channellings in the last years, the English language received some new vocabulary that makes it in the meantime also appropriate for writing similar gnostic writings. It was not always the case. When I started in 1999, this was not possible and nobody would have understood what wrote and meant, as there was no parallel in daily life. Now, the situation has changed radically and I only recently pondered over this new development.

Whether February or a little bit later, this does not make any difference anymore because the outcome is predetermined and now nothing can alter the cause of the events anymore. What mostly resonated with me, is Rumi’s statement that we have finished with our duties and that there is nothing more left to do on earth, but sit and wait. Of course, one can do whatever he wants, but this is outside all karma and soul contracts, as I do with this website. It is just a simple occupation that helps me bridge the time and not think too much about the acrimony of this waning, hallucinatory world.

With love and light
February 16, 2012


Your latest answers to e-mails really confirmed something for me. I used to wonder how many light workers, including well known writers concerning the Ascension process could have the energy to travel extensively and give speeches and seminars on the subject that I was experiencing. They seem not affected at all, while I am waylaid by every solar blast, full moon, triple date and equinox and have suffered for years with bowel discomforts, vertigo, severe fatigue, financial distress. Your email concerning Steve Beckow, David Icke and these others confirmed what I have long suspected. Just because you teach on the subject, doesn’t mean that you are actually activating your light body.  If you are, you would know it up close and personal as we do.

I had a consultation with one of these gurus one time and was telling him of all the distressing symptoms I was having, and he said the new energy did not cause this and he himself did not suffer from them, it was my resistance to the light that was causing them. I just knew then that to understand this, you have to experience it.

I love the way your writings are so intellectually stimulating and I think that to activate our light body we have to bring ourselves up to a certain intellectual level.  I was trying to explain some of this process to my sister one time. She loves to dumb herself down as many people do. She said maybe you are right, but would you rather be right or happy like me. She said try living normally and forget all this as if I had a choice.  I am sure, I did have a choice before I came here, but not now. I can no more turn this off than I could stop the wind from blowing.

By the way, Georgi, it may be too early to tell, but I started feeling a little better each day starting around Feb 10th.  I don’t feel great, but not so fatigued and a little better each day.  Is something up or just getting a brief respite? My dreams are so active. Mostly about preparing for graduation from college or going to classes or to doctors or dentist for treatment or remodeling my house. I can’t remember a lot of them, but they are sure active. I really relate to your writing and am thankful that you can still do this great work for all of us.

Dear Jerry,

Thank you very much for this important validation on the last topics that have been discussed in report-60. To begin with your last observation – I do confirm that after the huge downloads at the beginning of February, there is now an energetic relaxation after February 10th and a kind of easiness that is not usual.

Now to your main observation – the fact that all past gurus of the New Age scene obviously have no LBP symptoms and can do their merry go-round is such an ample proof that they are not the evolved personalities they pretend to be, that I am sometimes really exasperated why the people cannot discern it. I have given up personally any travels for the last five years, as I do not have the power to do it and even if I try it, the negative energies with which I will be confronted all the way do not pay for the effort to change the place physically and meet more of the same toxic atmosphere. So, I have given up on any mundane activities.

The hedonistic argument of your sister is typical for human nature, which is very conservative and hates most any kind of change. Humans prefer to stay in their comfort zone and even declare it an ideal of harmony, whereas it is only a camouflage of their unrecognized nightmare, which they hallucinate all day long. However, the rules of the game have changed already and all these slumbering entities will have to awaken this year out of their perennial nightmare, and I can assure you – it will be a very nasty one. We have had ours in the past. This is the only difference.

Ultimately, as you said, you can only overcome this situation with a detached intellectuality, looking beyond the individual, deplorable destiny and with a great portion of humour, which is also an aspect of intellectuality. However, I have not personally met a person yet with a lack of intellectuality, but with a humour. It does not square.

With love and light
February 16, 2012

Dear Georgi and PAT members,

Thank you Georgi for your on-going support of the many light-workers and PAT members, who are using all their current skills possible for discerning whether information on a particular Internet website is Cabal-based or of-the-Light.  I believe that any and all input, no matter how it may be received or perceived, provides the necessary input that we as light workers must experience in order to develop our own abilities of discernment.

I am reluctant to bring up the Steve Beckow event again, however I feel it may be advantageous to offer my interpretation of that affair.

As you and some of the readers of this website are aware, I am able to measure the Truth Vs. Falsehood of any of the websites or current events according to the Map of Consciousness created by David Hawkins. When I tested the SB affair, the readings fluctuated up and down according to what was being said and by whom. When I engaged the e-mail of “Grener”, within about 8 minutes I was “scanned” by an energy that was clearly reptilian. I know this energy well, as I first encountered it in 2007, while visiting Europe. This energy is “prickly” in nature and does not beam any light. Incidentally, one can practice sensing energies around the room by opening  up the awareness above the crown chakra. I have found benevolent and loving beings from the 5th and higher dimensions will present themselves at a higher altitude, usually at ceiling height, and directly in front. They also carry a formidable energy signature. When reptilian and 4th density beings present themselves, they do so at  “ground” level. This particular being presented himself from behind me.

With regard to the website that Janice was enquiring about  I got a reading of 422.  You may recall that any reading below 200 is “Not True” and anything above is “True”. There are, however, levels of Truth.  If a reading of 1,000 is considered Absolute Truth, then it follows that a reading of 422 contains a certain amount of falsehood, or Force.  Anything that uses Force to persuade, explain, deliver is therefore not doing so from the point of Unconditional Love. The 400’s provide information, details, mechanics or workings of the subject in question. This is information that the human mind loves to grasp and cling to. Information and details regarding earthly events become the focus of these sites and they distract us from connecting to Source.

In contrast, the website that Shravaka brought to our attention  measures at 943. You can see/feel that these discussions come from a higher place. The messages are simple, direct and transparent in every way. They speak to each of us and our processes. Even when they mention the outer events, they do so for only a short moment and to inform us of their compassion and then lovingly bring us back to an inner focus.

We have to remember that our strength lies in our ability to trust ourselves and to trust in the whole. Ascension will come when it is the BEST time. No amount of clamouring can force this issue. Aisha North channeled “You are us, and we are you…” in Survival Part 86.  This statement measures at 1,000.  Just trust.

With love and light, Carla
Dear Carla,

Thank you again for this further clarification of the discussed sources in my last report-60. Your assessments fully coalesce with mine, but even the information given to Aisha North is well below human intelligence and capability of receiving complex information and hence it does not matter much, if it is true or not. It is simply not of great value – at least for me. I do not learn anything from this source and what these entities channel, as  I know all of it at a much higher level.  And this must hold true for every advanced human being on earth at this time.

The truth dimension is one aspect, but the quality of information, quite a different one. Currently, the whole discussion runs to discern, which source is truthful and which is dark and confusing. But above this level, there is an aspect of real information, where truth and lies become irrelevant and just subjective perceptions based on limited awareness. The problem  is and remains that all these channelled messages, be they from this source or CA, are of a very low intellectual quality, as to meet the low human standards of thinking of the channellers and the public and will stay so till Ascension. For that reason they have no or very limited value.

One must therefore only resort to his own soul for further information of good quality, knowing that it will always be filtered through the knowledge of the middle self, which represents the human ego-mind. As long as the middle self is not expanded and educated to think in a proper logical and all-encompassing manner, the incarnated entity will only process low quality information, even when it is given by his own soul, and the earthly view will remain narrow.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I agree with you in all aspects, but as you well know, we are not all gifted with your intellectual prowess! Have a lovely day,


Dear Carla,

I has nothing to do with personal intelligence, but with the fact that all these sources are forbidden to give any information beyond our knowledge and are only allowed to channel the usually sweet, fluffy esoteric stuff. They not only give any knowledge whatsoever, but in most cases confuse, when they are dark sources, which are more than 90% of all channeling sources currently.

This is an important aspect that has never been discussed so far in the New Age Vanity Fair, although it is so cogent, that I wonder sometimes why nobody sees it. In the 90s, the information was much better and there was always something to learn, such as from Ra material, the philosophic books of CA, even Jane Roberts in the 60s and 70s, and some more. Since 2000, only trash is channelled on purpose and this aspect has never been discussed by the so called “en”-lightened workers, although a simple memory of what has been transmitted in the past would have been sufficient to notice this downfall in quality, parallel to the exponential increase in channelers.

It is simple demography and social analysis with a little bit of systematic thinking and nothing more. This has nothing to do with intelligence, but only with common sense and heightened, critical  awareness, which I expect from enlightened light workers and has always been a part of any academic endeavour, even in the Orion tainted science. How deep should we lower the intellectual standards for the current light workers to qualify as such – we have already reached the bottom of the mental abyss?

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

I see now what you are explaining to me. I have only recently been in search of channeling sources and information, in fact only since 2011, after a four year stint with the Freedom Teachings of Asheana Deanne. I am not familiar at all with earlier sources that you mention, such as Ra or the books by CA, but only the recent works of Barbara Hand Clow, a Hopi Indian elder who channels Plejadian content.  I wonder why the qualitative change in content?

I believe that by the Grace of God I found your website to guide me “home” once again where I can nourish the mental growth that I once enjoyed.  Every day I so look forward to reading something, anything, that you have created with our limiting written word. You are intellectually gifted and I for one am honoured to have met you.

I shall research these earlier texts by Ra and CA, I am certain they are very interesting.  Thank you.

February 16, 2012

Hi George,

Just wanted to say hello. I trust you are well. I really enjoyed the last report, in which you wrote:

“In this sense, you all should gain much more confidence in your abilities and in your true mission and not being influenced by weird accusations that you have a huge ego, as some of them are doing with me on a regular basis, being the most exposed personality of the PAT.

These people do not understand the difference between a strong personality with a natural authority and the human ego, as they stick themselves fully in the morass of their ego-driven tragedies and believe that when they project their fear patterns onto other people that the negative impact of their ego will be somewhat mitigated in their personal life.”

How right you are, George! How many times do you have to repeat this before people get it? It is amazing to me that you still need to re-iterate this point what with all the other much more evolved information on your website! If one cannot even understand this small point (your above statement), how can they try to understand the mysteries of the LBP or discern what will happen in the next 6 months?

This is the time when people need to be working on themselves. On their issues and fears and programmed responses. Not distracting themselves with information about reptilians or galactic entities. We are in the pre-ascension times. This last crucial window of opportunity should be used to clear messed up programming, to prepare to ascend, and to assimilate the higher energies.

Any external event can be a mirror for our own healing. The sooner one realizes that karmic events or strange events are gifts and opportunities for healing, the faster and deeper they can go. Never has the turn-around time been so fast! Instantly, what we put out there is being returned to us for us to use.

The good thing about the Beckow situation is that people are now questioning the channeled sources. Finally! Maybe they will begin to pay more attention to their inner compass and Higher Selves. I have never had positive experiences with channeling. There was always interference and silly messages. But I can hear my Higher Self and that is all that I need. Having faith in your own wisdom and trusting your own direct line, is what makes you a Master. You don´t have to listen to anyone, but yourself.

I really feel that now, in retrospect, 11.11.11 did change me. It deepened me or added some layers. I feel like a different person. I have more faith in myself, I feel more grounded and empowered. And I feel clearer. Like all the work I had done in preparation for 11.11.11 really did allow me to assimilate new energies. New energies that have expanded me as a soul to some degree. We were told (or felt) what we needed to know to get the job done. I prepared for ascension (purging outmoded psychological patterns) with the full faith that it would happen. As a result, I made a leap in my development.

Since 11.11.11, I have “upped the ante” in my spiritual activities (through writing, mostly) and I really hope that other people are using this time to do the same, in whatever capacity fits them. The more I write, the more my heart chakra expands and I feel like I am completing the final phases of my incarnation here. I have never felt so aligned before. Everything is bloody perfect. Even the bad days (LBP) are bearable now. Align yourself with the work you need to do, whatever that is. We are in the home-stretch.

Love Debra.

Dear Debra,

Thank you very much for your very optimistic and affirmative letter. You are obviously on the straight way to becoming a master and there is nothing more that you can learn from me. But this was evident to me from the very beginning.

I do confirm that with the postponement of our ascension at 11.11.11 all of us have made a huge leap in their spiritual evolution that has gone beyond our initial soul contracts because we stayed longer on the ground than planned and have to cope with so huge energies, which now exponentially increase our frequencies beyond expectation. This would say that we will all ascend much higher than initially planned and this is the greatest possible success that has emerged out of this disappointment in the fall of last year. It is very important to keep this fact in mind. The true scope of our success will be however perceived only after our ascension.

With love and light
February 16, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I have been “laying very low” lately. Mostly due to the LBP symptoms, which have been increasing tremendously.  Last month I was dealing with the fever, this month it is bad case of Vertigo (dizziness and balance issues). Some days it is so intense that I do not leave the house, which is really affecting my daily life. 

I really do resonate with Beth (letter from report 60). Lately, I also have been processing an anxiety waves, which clearly are “not mine”. I am thinking that I am picking up some vibes from “upcoming events” or maybe processing my past life tragedies. I am not sure what is the source of such intense negative vibrations, but I know that they do not belong to me. From now on I will definitely use your advice of repeating: “this is not me!” . Although I do understand the process and importance and necessity of these changes, they do affect me.

I am trying to spend as much time as I can talking to like minded people which helps me to cope with the situation and keeps my mind in the right direction and away from negativity. I can say that many of my friends are also experiencing strange emotional “roller coasters” and increased LBP symptoms. We are for sure being prepared for the “show time”.

Georgi, your web site and other PAT members are much needed lifeline that keeps me going and gives me sense of family that are behind me in this process. My deepest appreciation to you for the work that you are doing in the name of humanity.

with love, Sanita

February 16, 2012


After reading your recent post on Gnostic teachings it clarified my own “unravelling” of spiritual truth.

Since my parents were uninterested, my grandparents were my role models growing up. They were simple Midwestern farmers of Germanic decent who had pecked out a living on a small farm and later moved into the city to retire. My grandfather worked well into his 80’s and my grandmother was in her home until she was 101. They were humble people, who instilled in me the belief if I worked hard, I could achieve anything. My grandmother’s favorite phrase was All in All. It was a shortened version of All in All – God is good.

I was raised as a Missouri Synod Lutheran, probably as close to Catholic as you can get. I memorized bible verses, gave my soul to the “holy catholic” church” and recited from memory Luther’s  Small Catechism every Saturday morning. The only thing, I walked away with, was the phrase  that nothing is impossible with God, All in All.

I held on to that phrase as I moved through the materialistic side of life; only acknowledging All in All when things went wrong. In 1980, after the death of my son, I slid into a deep abyss and was unable to crawl out on my own. I cursed All in All and continued to ask why? After three months in a deep depression, my three year old son called me back out of that hole. He told me a man came to visit, he was outside his bedroom window, come and see. I did not see the man, but my son described him as he floated outside his window. My son said, he has a purple cape mommy. I asked him what he said, my son said, tell your mommy not to worry, you will have another brother next year, it will be OK. That next year my third son was born.

My husband and I have  lived a life of modest means. Since I wanted to set a good example for my children and my grandparents had emphasized the importance of a good education, I went back to school. I began working my way through college by scrubbing floors at our family church. That was, where I learned about secularism and the unchrist like behavior of its “christed” ones. Our pastor, who insisted he was to be called reverend with a capital R, was a rigid man. I recall coming up with the courage to ask him a question; I had been reading about the Essenes and asked if he had read anything about them or could he recommend a book. He said, no he had not heard of them, dismissed me and asked me to make sure, I emptied his waste basket. End of conversation. On another occasion he asked me, as I was cleaning his office, do you know what the most important verse in the bible is? I said I did not, he said it is to love one another. End of conversation.

After my grandmother died, we had her funeral at that church. I asked to say a few words. Since I was woman and not a member of the clergy, I had to request special permission to step onto the altar area. I was only allowed to use the left  podium, the one without a microphone. My family was sitting in the back of the church and I do not have a voice that carries.  As a woman, I could clean the altar, but I needed permission to speak.

Since my climb out of the ibys, I have been on a journey, searching for the All in All. My journey has led me from Christianity, atheism, paganism, Buddhism,the Tao, and finally to the “monkey theatre” of new age channelers. And nothing really clicked, until I found an obscure website, written by an eccentric scientist, who kept mentioning All-That-Is. I want to thank you, George, for your dedication to this website and for daring to speak to the truth. Thank you for your plain speech and unravelling the All in All to those of us, who have been sleep walking for a very long time.

With Much Love & Light,

February 16, 2012

Hi, GS:

I feel compelled to respond to Beth’s account of her extreme LBP mental trauma. She is a brave Soul to have taken on so much. While I have not experienced the severe mental attacks that Beth describes, I can attest that my LBP has often manifested as mental depression and in fact suicidal thoughts. I believe, you had stated that there would be increased “psychic” attacks as we progress, but it’s hard to remember that while wrestling with the mental anguish when it hits. I am very lucky that Sheryl and I are good friends and in regular contact- we have both stated many times, how grateful we are that we go through this process together, and have wondered how we would ever maintain our sanity through LBP without one another. In addition, every day I state aloud that I WANT Truth, even if it hurts, and when LBP symptoms are difficult I say firmly aloud, “Bring it!,” and I ask for more. I figure the more I take on the sooner my frequencies will be, where they need to be. Oddly, since I have adopted this habit, my LBP symptoms have seemed more bearable. In any case, Light to Beth, and no you are not crazy or having a heart attack, you are just preparing for yourself and others to ascend, and you are doing a good job. “Bring it!”

February 16, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I enjoyed reading Report 60 today as it brought up MANY things that I have personally been dealing with in my own experience.

I can empathize with many of those who, for no particular reason, are feeling like they are being thrown into an emotional “washing machine”. I can also confirm that this past weekend (2/10 – 2/12) was an extremely depressing time. A feeling that I can best describe as a longing for some “greater” reality. Yet, I can also comfortably say, without that voice in my head, calling “Bullsh*t”, that this is part of the “process” of integrating, and “preparing” for whatever is to come in our physical reality.

I can also attest with your sentiments about the concept of “Twin Flame”. Personally, I know I encompass both the “yin and the yang” energies. I also know that this is the sort of thing that has been exploited in our society since most people are not comfortable enough standing in their own shoes to realize that they possess ALL the knowing that they would ever need to navigate this reality. I view our societal construct as one that is literally a “proving” ground for the soul. For one to go within their own knowing in their heart and to not compromise with any sort of “pseudo” energetic construct meant to mimic the feeling that we can ALL tap into, but only at the proper point in the experience, of course.

Thank you for expressing yourself as freely as you do. I wholeheartedly agree that there is a big difference between personality and ego. Not to mention, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with expressing ego. I have only been able to come to this conclusion after trying to go through the process of “assassinating” my own ego, only to realize it yielded a numbed-down shadow of my true self.

Sending you much love, Georgi!

Take care.
Dear Lad,

your were indeed every quick with reading my latest report, which I also personally like very much, as it addresses several pivotal spiritual issues that need a final clarification. Thank you in this respect for your validation. Many ideas and ample truths that were obscured and buried under the New Age rabble now come to the surface, as the truth can no longer be hidden in the current powerful energetic situation and old myths crumble very quickly. Next must come the Old World Order and the Orion monetary system. They have lasted much too long to my personal taste.

With love and light
February 16, 2012

Dear George,

As always, when I read your new reports, it answers questions I’ve had, or mirrors many of my feelings. I was very touched by Beth’s letters to you.  I know completely what she is going through (as do you and other PAT members) and so wanted to hold her hand!  It has helped me many times in these many years, to just state out loud, “I do not own these feelings!!”, as you similarly stated.

I’ve gone through this for many years now, and as you said, we are still here and alive!  I’ve had times of thinking I could not go on anymore, but I persevere knowing that in the end, it will all be worth it. If Beth should contact you again, I am also on the East Coast of the U.S. and you may give her my email address to contact me if she would like to do so.

I also wanted to ask you – it seems that my 16yr old daughter and my husband are going through some of the LBP. Although I tell them that is what’s happening, they don’t want to hear it, will not discuss it with me.  Is part of the reason they are experiencing this more so, than say, my friends and neighbors, because of their close proximity to me? Thank you again George, hopefully very soon we’ll being sighing in relief and celebrating in a job well done!

In Love and Light,
Dear Vicki,

To begin with your last question. It is exactly so, as you see it. Our family members must automatically adjust their fields to ours and  hence they are further in the LBP than many other people in our surroundings. However, it is normal that they negate this reality when we tell them and I have to cope with the same scepticism in my family as you in yours, although I clearly see the symptoms of the LBP in my daughters and wife. But this will change very soon, as we are running out of time and this process will and must be soon accepted by all.

I will send your email  to Beth, so that she can answer you directly. I have just corresponded with her again.

With love and light


February 16, 2012

Dear George,

Thank You so much for sharing this with me. I am getting the sense that as the veil is lifting and total Ascension is nearing, personal intuition and Truth are becoming very strong in those about to Ascend. I think that this may be intimidating to people here, who are used to pulling the strings and impressing/scaring people with their “psychic abilities”….

Perhaps we meet these people on our path for personal growth and when we have learned the lesson, they dissolve into the Beauty that is our human experience. You have been like a pair of spiritual eye glasses, helping me to see the Truth and although I know it has to be my own eyes doing the work, your help has been divine grace. Thank You for helping me pull my soul from darkness and into the light in these intense times!

In Infinite Gratitude and Love,

Dear Beth,

We have indeed entered the time of unconditional truth, not love, and many will not qualify. Sue is one of them to her own detriment. My principle has always been to stick to the naked truth, even if it hurts and not to play the role of the guru, but to try to evoke in each one of my readers the true master, as it is much more pleasant and rewarding to talk to masters than to pupils and devotees. This has never attracted me, quite on the contrary. One of my main goals is to awaken the unlimited potential  in the members of the PAT, so that that they can say: “OK, I no longer need your articles, George, but it is nice to read them as external confirmation of my own ideas. We are simply on the same track”.

That’s all, and this simplicity of attitudes and interpersonal, precisely, transpersonal relationships will gain momentum in the coming days and will determine decisively the human condition on earth, and much more so on the ascended earth.

With love and light

Dear George,

Wow! “We have entered the time of unconditional truth” How powerful! The philosopher in you penetrates my soul! I am now compelled to feel gratitude for all who have come into my life, even those that have caused me the greatest pain, because they have forced me to seek unconditional truth. Many events in my life, especially most recently have torn my heart open, and while that has been most painful, it has allowed that vitally important place of me to be “opened” and now it can be filled with Light and Truth.

All that I have encountered, even that which I have found most painful, is hopefully part of a perfect harmony and contributes to the perfecting of my imperfect fragmented self. I send the deepest possible Love to you, your wife, your children, all that are in your tribe, they are connected to you and therefore must be most Magnificent Souls! And thank you so much for forwarding me the emails from Vicki and Dustin, what a gorgeous web of beautiful souls you have spun through your work, through your Truth! Pure Bliss grows closer with every second, with every heartbeat of the Beautiful PAT!

Infinite Cosmic Gratitude,


Dear Beth,

Thank you very much for this emotional and moving letter. I would like to only confirm what you have said with a very recent event that is paradigmatic for the acknowledgement that all events in our lives that cause us the greatest pain are the most precious ones and carefully arranged.

Two days ago, I went with my old dog, who is completely blind and deaf, but otherwise rather healthy, outside walking and he got trapped in the lace. I tried to help him liberate from the lace and he suddenly bit me heavily in the right hand. Of course, I was furious at this moment and hit him back. He has become somewhat unpredictable and disorientated in his behaviour after he has become completely blind and deaf and cannot perceive what is happening around him.

Anyway, now comes the actual point. I have a chronic disease since four years on my hands as part of my initiations and this leads to small infections under the skin. In order to clear and heal these infections, they must be opened. This does not happen always and for this reason my soul takes care that from time to time I get cut with a knife or something else exactly on the small spot on my hand, where the next small infection has to exacerbate and be healed. I am used to this procedure and in the meantime, I am not angry at all when I cut myself, as this has happened many times in the past four years.

But in this particular case my soul arranged the healing through my dog who had to bite me at the precise place of about 0,5 cm and in this case the dog was used as an instrument by my soul or higher realms, call them as you wish, in order to help me heal the hidden infection by opening it. Can you imagine the precision and perfect coordination of my soul to arrange this event with my dog and me and then conclude how close we are monitored every minute by our higher selves, so that nothing unwanted can ever happen to us?

Of course, I was first infuriated with my dog biting me, but later on I realized that he was not responsible for it, but has just been used as an instrument of a higher benevolent will and I felt huge remorse for hitting him. But he also needed this as not to become too dominant.

Anyway,  this is a small, rather weird story, but that is how our souls operate, We believe that we control our bodies and lives through our minds (middle self). In fact, the whole coordination is arranged and supported by the lower self, which functions in a subconscious manner and carries us throughout life by performing the whole regulation of the human body. When the higher self/soul wants to give us a lesson, she arranges this with the lower self in such a perfect, invisible manner that we, as the middle self, cannot avoid not to be embroiled in one or another unpleasant situation and then believe that we were the culprit and have even bad consciousness.

Knowing how week the human mind = consciousness is, and how much it depends on the invisible coordination and regulation of the soul as higher and lower self, we begin to realize how little we can actually accomplish on this planet as physical organisms and that the only thing that counts are our thoughts ans insights, including our ability to cope and tame our feelings. When one has understood this simple truth, which  I call “the surrender of the ego to the soul”, life becomes indeed very simple and predictable. The magic and attraction of human life are, however, gone for ever, and life on this planet becomes a boring and tedious duty.

With love and light

February 16, 2012

Dear George,

I would love to be enlightened on this subject; I keep on reading conflicting reports. Some say free radicals help our immune system fight intruders like scavengers by stealing electrons from their atoms, thereby rendering them paralyzed; meanwhile others say that they are harmful to the body system/health.

Thanks & Blessings.
Dear divsy,

this is an “old hat” (alter Hut) as the Germans say. It is circulating for more than 30 years in medical circles. There is no such thing as “free radicals” in the body, as they are neutralized immediately in various ways that are rather complicated to explain, as they presuppose detailed biochemical knowledge. But when their level is too high, they act as poisons, and indeed much poisons have a similar effect.

Now there is another aspect, I hesitate to indulge at present – the building of our crystalline bodies is based on increasing the number of free electrons on the outer side of the cell membranes, actually building an additional electron layer, and thus changing the electromagnetic quantum field in the cells and the organism. This is such a complicated issue that I discarded the idea to discuss it on my website, as probably only you will follow me.

The fact of the matter is that those, as the members of the PAT, who will have a cosmic ascension beyond the 5th dimension very soon, already go through this process of building electron cell layers, which is part of our current LBP. Those, who will participate in the modest planetary ascension to the lower second level of the 5th dimension in Dec 2012, will not go through these quantum changes, building electron layers on the external side of their cell membranes.

When our bodies will be transformed into crystalline bodies in this way, they will be of a different, much higher quality than that of the ascended masses. We will be able to materialize and dematerialize our bodies at our discretion and also change their outer appearance whenever we like. This will not be possible for the ascended masses at the beginning. They will have to learn to do this in the next several hundred years earthly time. But as they will be also immortal, this will not be a “grande chose” for them. They will have so many amusements and distractions and other new things to learn during this time, that they will be happy with this kind of crystalline bodies for a while.

This is a new direction of your initial discussion, which I assume you did not expect from me, but I am always good for a surprise.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

I just wanted to share this with you. This is my contribution to an anthology of works that will be released on February 28th. I completed this project last August and have been waiting for it to be published ever since. My large Christian following will be in for a rude awakening when I begin to expose the drugging agenda and how it serves on a spiritual level to prevent our awakening and ascension. I plan to present these facts during my speaking engagements for the promotion of this book. I just wonder if there  will be enough time remaining to make the impact that is needed…?

Please keep in mind that the editors were constantly harping at me to “dumb it down” while I was writing this chapter. Apparently, the average American only reads at a 6th grade educational level! Hopefully, this project will lend more credibility to my own work as many of the other contributors are well known authors and scholars. Most of my own followers are grasping for  straws without any context in which to put the events that are currently taking place all around them. I don’t know how it will all pan out for me, but I’m eager to get on with it!

Love and Light,

Drugging Our Children. How Profiteers are Pushing Antipsychotics on Our Youngest and What We Can Do To Stop It

Sharna Olfman & Brent Dean Robbins, Editors

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Sharna Olfman

Part 1:  Drugging Our Children: The Problem

Chapter 1: The Marketing of Madness and Psychotropic Drugs to Children.
Gwen Olsen
Dear Gwen,

very good stuff. I can confirm most of it from my personal professional experience. Of course, the true causes of this pharmaceutical scam are not truly exposed in what I have read so far, especially in the introduction.

It was planned for eons of time by the Powers That Be to commit a genocide on humanity in the End Time and to use the health care system for this purpose. For instance, if the application for approval trials were so poor as Olfman says in the introduction and 2/3 of the patients did not finish them, why did FDA approved these drugs in the first place. I know very well the approval guidelines of the FDA and they prohibit such an approval on formal criteria.

The fact of the matter is that the FDA is fully under the control of the Reptilians and they instigate any fraud in the health care system first from this high place and then come some other doctors, who may be caught or not in smaller fraud. The whole theoretical pharmaceutical models of developing new drugs are based on deliberate scientific fraud and this is not at all addressed in what I have read so far. It s a good stuff, as I said, but it has two fundamental weaknesses:

1)  It does not expose the true cause, but criticises the peripheral symptoms of this fraudulent health care system and

2) it comes too late as in several months the whole system will collapse. The facts this books addresses are known in this extreme form since the early 80, or even earlier, and this book could have been written at that time and not now when the criminal treatment of children with psychotic drugs quadrupled since the late 90s and the consequencies are already irreversible.

I have been in the clinical research since the early 80s and have conducted many large international clinical trials as “head of trial” for most world pharmaceutical companies in most indications and I can assure you that what you describe is just the tip of the iceberg, if you happen to read my volume III on the General Theory of Biological Regulation, especially the chapter on the “killing rates” of cell-inhibiting drugs (90% of all drugs on the market), to which also all psychotic drugs belong. This is the ultimate proof that this whole scam is deliberate and money plays only a cover-up role for the intention of the Orion/Reptilian empire to decimate humanity in the End Times, as they knew that they will be stretched thin due to the population growth and will loose the grip on it, as this is happening at this very moment. As I said, in several months from now on, this whole scam will belong to the past, just as the current health care system.

Your effort with this book is morally good, but it comes too late and may not have any effect. I am sorry for this sober conclusion, but it is made this time by a professional and not by the editor of an esoteric website on Internet. You may forward this constructive critics to the editors if you wish.

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

I appreciate your candor and expected nothing less. I happen to concur with many of your remarks. I am probably the only contributing author of this book who is aware of these truths. Unfortunately, the awareness of a group of extraterrestrial dark entities that control humanity was one of the more recent things to come into my consciousness. I probably avoided it until I was ready. However, last year when I was approached to contribute to this anthology I was not even aware of the PAT or my role in it, and I had obviously not read your General Theory of Biological Regulation. As you are aware, this information was not available to me anywhere else. I had suspected the genocide project, particularly through vaccination programs, psych drugs, cardiovascular medications and cancer treatments, but I had no solid proof of this either nor the educational credentials to promote this theory with any credibility. After all, I myself was labeled mentally ill. The book’s publication was stalled for nearly a year. Just long enough to basically make it worthless to the populace.  

Love and Light, Gwen


Dear Gwen,

I am terribly sorry. It was not my intention to disappoint you in any way with my professional comments, but quite on the contrary – to convey the good news that this fraudulent health care system of the West will soon come to an end. As I am somebody, who thinks in dialectical and transcendental terms, I am fully aware what great impact your effort to write this book and expose the medical scam has already made in the higher realms, where the actual reality is created on the ground. In this way, you have already greatly contributed to the collapse of the system. It is our ideas that shape our reality. As soon as we see through the camouflage, it can no longer hold its illusion and crumbles.

What I wanted to tell you is not to expect an immediate medial effect from the publishing of this book in the conventional sense, as one would expect in the old material world. But I congratulate you for your effort and courage to prepare this book, as these are the human efforts that are ultimately transforming human society for the better.

With love and light

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