State-of-Ascension-Report-59: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-59, February 5, 2012

February 5,  2012

Dear George,

Just as 9/11 was a psy-op that backfired on the PTB by awakening people all over the globe about a very evil World, I believe this 10-day galactic joyride by Steve Beckow, et al, is also a psy-op that will have unintended consequences, much to our benefit.

I believe that the PTB set up this joyride in peoples’ minds, so that when it becomes an obvious failure/non-event, those believers will be disillusioned, thus giving less positive energy to the disclosure/contact issue in the future. But, I believe the unintended consequence is that it has already heightened awareness and consciousness in Humanity to a substantial degree as to the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence, i.e., that we are not alone, much less the most intelligent beings in the Universe. Also, this “event” has caused tremendous positive energy to be radiated by Humanity toward the benevolent Galactics that their presence is very much desired and welcomed. Thus, in my mind, this unintended consequence far outweighs, whatever the PTB had in mind to affect Humanity in a negative manner to further thwart disclosure or the desire for contact.

So, just as the PTB shot themselves in the foot with 9/11, they again shot themselves in the foot with the idea of this comical galactic joyride, which was to begin by picking up the participants in black limousines.  Anyone who knows anything about extraterrestrials knows that black limos, or any vehicle for that matter, are not required.  And, it doesn’t take ten days to prove the point; a mere ten minutes or less would be quite sufficient for any Galactic race to prove their existence to us Humans, without anyone having to board a craft; just seeing a Galactic Being peering through a porthole of their ship would be quite sufficient to convince anyone having eyes to see.

This morning, I just happened to discover the “list” of participants for this joyride. Lo and behold, “Bill C” was listed. That could well be me, though I made no such request, as I already have my own confirmations that extraterrestrials exist. If that participant is me, someone forgot to send me the memo, but I suspect it must be another Bill with the same last initial, as no black limo has yet been by my house to pick me up, and it is already after 2pm MST on Saturday, February 4th. Yes, this whole scenario was cabal-engineered, and very, very poorly at that, just as the Satina takeover attempt of your website. I guess the cabal will never learn that Dark can never successfully imitate Light. The Dark will be exposed every time!

On another note, there seems to be much cabal disinformation going on regarding the Galactic Federation. I intuitively believe that a legitimate Galactic Federation exists, though I believe that any channelings from, or references to, the Galactic Federation ‘of Light‘ is cabal disinformation.  Already I have seen a channeling this morning that the Galactic Federation of Light is disavowing any connection with S.B.’s joyride (see link below).  Naturally, knowing that this is not going to take place, and acknowledging that ahead of time, will give the GFL increased credibility in everyone’s eyes whom do not see through this obvious con/scam/deception that attempts to establish that the GF and the GFL are one in the same.  I fully believe the GFL to be imposters and really encourage anyone channeling the GFL to be more discerning of the true source of information coming through them, i.e., is it GF or GFL?  A clear distinction really needs to be made at this time for the benefit of those whom haven’t yet developed enough discernment between these two very different and opposing entities on their own.

Further on the subject of disinformation, there is a new entity being channeled now whom goes by the name Allendale. The nature of his information is decidedly negative, in my opinion, which is a further effort to confuse those whom cannot discern the truth amongst all of the crap that is being thrown at us right now. For awhile, I was sensing a lot of truth coming from a channel named Greg Giles, but now it seems that he is mostly channeling disinformation, like so many others. If I were channeling bogus information, I certainly wouldn’t publish it!

Well, that simply puts the responsibility in our own hands, where it belongs, to discern what is truth and what is deliberate disinformation, such as that coming from Tolec, the supposed Human spokesman for the Andromedans, who in one video (with Alfred Webre), says they were baffled by how to consume pizza, not understanding with their superior intellect that it needed to be cut into individual slices. As more and more people refine/ heighten their ability at discernment, the less they will fall for the cabal and/or negative extraterrestrial disinformation that appears from unwitting or stupid channelers or from alphabet agency stooges, who don’t seem to care, or don’t understand, that they are on a direct path to Planet B, aka Timeline 2.

Dear Bill,

I do agree wholly with all your assessments on the current Steve Beckow’s drama and the other affiliated sources, which are indeed negatively tainted and with a dark agenda. At least, they are of no help. The real sources from the higher realms that shape the destiny of humanity and earth do not channel, as this form of communication is the most primitive and ineffective one. But humans must go through all illusions, and therefore the forces of light let such dark sources still channel, just as they have allowed the dark ones from the Orion empire to torture and enslave humanity for the last 10 000 years at least. This is nothing new.

The story with Beckow illustrates, why I so often speak of dialectics  – a concept which is not truly comprehended by most people. While committing a bad deed with a certain dark aim, one automatically achieves the reverse effect. I also describe this phenomenon as oxymoron” in my first gnostic book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” in the context of the attack on the World Trade Centre, which I wrote 11 years ago (see the serials).

Now the intensity of these social oxymorons has hugely augmented and their materialisation is almost immediate on earth. The failure of Beckow will trigger a healing process in many a light worker, who will have to re-evaluate their point of view and turn towards more serious sources, as for example this website, where we shape our own destiny and do not rely on external authorities to tell us what to do and what will come, as we know that we are the creators of our destiny and future. This enlightened view is unfortunately still rather rare among most light workers.

One can of course argument that we were also wrong with 11.11.11, but such an argument can only be forwarded by somebody who has not experienced the energetic situation personally. The opening of the stargate 11.11.11 was not a hoax, but the biggest energetic event on this planet and most probably in the whole galaxy in this form. All subsequent  energetic changes that now visibly transform humanity and Gaia and lead to the obvious collapse of the old matrix are direct consequences from our collective effort at 11.11.11, and before, to open our individual portals, as well as after that to keep the light quotient steadily increasing on this planet.

These are complex energetic phenomena, the intricate web of which most light workers cannot grasp, as they are not involved in them, just as the vast majority of humanity does not get it what is currently happening on earth and with their bodies and planet. This is quite normal.

Beckow’s problem is that he is not that much evolved as an incarnated soul and has no feeling for the above mentioned energetic phenomena that shape the destiny of humanity. As he has the ambition to play a major role in the Disclosure movement, which he interprets very narrow, actually in an absolutely wrong way, he must inevitably look for a solution in the outer world, outside his inner dimension, which is still non-existent in his mental perception. This fact alone discredits him as a spiritual entity and self-made leader of humanity, as he wants to present himself, but it must be first demonstrated that he is a “false prophet” as I define him, before the people realize this fact.

As long as only Stankov says it, most people cry “foul” and accuse Stankov as a malicious person with a huge ego, who only wants to make all light workers bad and hurts their gentle feelings of self-delusion (e.g. Ruzicki of CAC). No! Stankov simply presents the situation from a higher vantage point of view and he is not responsible if this truth might hurt some sleeping entity.

Dear Bill, this is my contribution to this topic. I suspect, however, that it will not be the last one, as the Beckow’s drama will put the minds and hearts of the people in trepidation for a while. And it is very good so.

With love and light
Dear George,

Thank you for your eloquent reply.

I am hesitant to give any further energy to this “galactic joyride” topic because it is quite removed from your stellar work and website, but maybe it will serve some purpose in waking up Steve Beckow and others of his ilk, including their followers, though he seems to lack ears and/or comprehension, judging from the failures of your past attempts to awaken him.

Here are two links that further illustrate the absurdity of this whole scenario, in which SB is supposedly communicating with Archangel Michael and a Galactic named Grener, wherein he is further negotiating this same event.  I believe there is a saying, “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  Well, SB is now clearly in the latter category, bringing shame upon himself.

Knowing how much SB is being played, which he can’t see for himself, makes these difficult to read with a straight face:

The excuses in the above links for why this event did not happen run from ridiculous to really ridiculous. In other words, we are to believe that extraterrestrials whom are hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of years more advanced than us are simply incapable of orchestrating a ‘first contact’, as though this is their first rodeo. Yet, SB laps up their reasons/excuses like a hungry kitten at a saucer of fresh warm milk.

And, as though the black limousines were not enough of a joke, Grener now introduces the term of “little space bicycles” to add further absurdity to this whole fantasy. Since when is a bicycle, by any stretch of the imagination, a synonym or even a similar mental image for scout craft? SB is surely being mocked, though he remains oblivious to this fact.

As I stated before, the benevolent Galactics don’t need to board anyone to make a believer out of them. They simply need to show their ships ‘up close and personal’ to those needing visual, concrete proof. Steve Beckow’s Wild Ride is hardly necessary. He is demonstrating a distinct lack of logic, intellect and knowledge in conjuring up such an adventure. Perhaps he was seeking fame. If so, such a negative, self-serving motive/agenda has instead given him infamy, which is justice instantly manifested. That is a lesson to us all, as we must keep our thoughts pure, in Love and Light, in the Higher Dimensions.

Anyway, despite SB being played for a complete fool, which he still can’t grasp, I view any publicity of the extraterrestrial presence as one more step forward in awakening the sleeping masses, i.e., any publicity is good publicity.

Dear Bill,

as you can see from my last letter to Steve Beckow on February 2, 2012 below, I urged him to keep his word as announced in his article below. Precisely, he promised that he will disappear from the surface and will emigrate to Himalaya, if his trip to the mother ship fails.

What do you expect from such a person as Steve Beckow who does not display the minimum of self-esteem and needs infinite occasions to make a ridicule of himself as long as he is in the centre of medial interest.

Now let mu put it bluntly. I have always said after my first encounter with this entity that to my professional opinion as a physician, this person is a real psychopath and needs to be kept in another place, away from Internet. Some truths must be said as they are, without putting lipstick on the pig. It has nothing to do with spirituality any more, and there is no lesson to be learnt from this person and his monkey theatre. He is a disgust to humanity. He is the perversion of human pride. He is a representation of the reptilian nature in human beings that must be surmounted with ascension. And reptilians will never ascend, not as long as they behave as reptilians.

With love and light

February 2, 2012

Dear Steve,

This is the first article from you that I really like very much. I can now hope that you succeed, if not that you stay by your word.

Dr,. Georgi Stankov

February 5, 2012

Hi Georgi,

This is my opinion posted on If there is anything this was good for is to trigger the other side to act.

Yesterday, I saw the new Earth approaching to ours, very closely. It was huge and beautiful. I was told that this new Earth will come as close as could and people will be divided into two parts: one for the new Earth, and one who stays. These events will peak at early summer, but happen continuously. As for the GFL, I was told that our ‘dimension’ is much more extended that we should think and there are other layers in it, some are resided by these entities. They are not necessarily STS (service-to-self) beings, but they have not that much influence to happenings, they advertise. They are also part of the Game, that is some kind of duality game on higher levels, too. It is a ‘closed’ system, in which many entities exist separately, but this is also not the ‘reality’. In fact, reality is nothing, because the ‘reality’ that encloses our game is just another game, enclosed by much higher realities.


divide et impera

Just Google it. This is what is happening now.

One side: poor Steve Beckow who ignored messages he didn’t like, deleted or misrepresented comments he didn’t like, who propagated the Disclosure scenario of GFL and yes, who inspired many people to start ‘channeling’ GFL who didn’t channel them without his site. He tried everything to push Disclosure and failed, but we need to love him even if he calls other believers “mad crowds of naysayers”. Just because they think it’s best to wait for abudance programs because the Dark Ones oppressed humanity and everybody who works hard to live are ‘blind ones’, but those who advertise themselves as bright ones are enough to believe in an agenda, where they will be saved by reading good-sounding material.

Other side: light workers who can think besides of love, and feel something stinks with highly-evolved beings who cannot arrange the logistics of handling 300 people with 700 gorillas, but could easily defeat the Dark Ones and clean Earth’s atmosphere in a minute.

The battle has just begun. Who will profit this the most?
Dear Peter,

Thank you for your elaboration on the Steve’s drama. The comedy show goes on. I had to laugh from the bottom of my heart, reading the channeling by Petra Margolis. Now some background to this woman. Her channelings of Isis are quite acceptable and they render some clear-cut information on LBP and Ascension. But she was recently approached by Salusa and channeled something from this source, which we know is dark-tainted. She then stopped this channeling as far as I am informed, but this latest source must come from the same low astral level and is making fun of Beckow and all his followers.

I do not want to reveal too much, but some of my readers and contributors to this website were on the Beckow’s list to travel to the mother ships. I know this as I know their email addresses. I hope that their disappointment will be very healing for them and that they will now concentrate more on their personal ascension. No more black limousines. The way to Heaven is in ourselves.

With love and light
February 5, 2012

Dear Georgi-

this is Dustin from Maryland. i am about half way through report 58, and the urge to email you has overridden my desire to read.  I want to share with you some events that have transpired in the lives of myself and my partner Debra recently.

We see all around us evidence that we are already existing in a dimension higher than the fourth.  For several years I have been cultivating medicinal cannabis for myself and others. this endeavor has presented many fear laden obstacles to surmount (all successfully so far). two years ago we moved from the city to ten wooded acres in the Appalachian mountain foothills. We decided to commit ourselves to doing all the things, our fear would not let us do in the past, like cultivating outdoors, next to the house. We put our most sincere belief in our protection by All-That-Is. we know we are wayshowers, earth keepers, and starseeds, and that our love for Gaia and all life will always guide and protect us. As my consciousness increases, I see others around me getting pulled into the fear. I know of at least two people from my past, whose fear of the police have attracted arrests and home raids. I know I have relinquished such fears, as I only feel compassion for these individuals.

We have been witnessing strange behavior from our animals too. Our dog, which is usually submissive and at most curious of large animals, attacked and bit three pregnant heifers. Bit their hocks and the udder of one, and bloodied all their faces. I have not yet been able to see what such symbolism could mean, also, my most fearful cat (a rescue) who had never even been outside, just disappeared two days ago. His brother, from the same litter, has for the past ten years barely spoken. Since his brother left, he has begun to meow! a lot!

I have felt much more energy in my being in the last few days. Debra and I believe that rumi (the missing one) may have been left behind in the 3rd dimension.  my dog is usually fearful of gun shots, but in the last few days he has shown a great improvement in this area.

We both find that we are seeing all the time that our intuition is spot on, and must be trusted implicitly. We have for some time now stopped paying all credit card, mortgage, and tax bills. We recognize the need for this system to fail and we have withdrawn our support of it in every way possible. We have been bartering for about two years for food (meat, dairy, and vegetables). We are building a four season green house currently, to house both food and medicine. We are learning to grow native medicinal plants and fungi. We are creating the world we want to live in with every bit of energy we have. Love sustains us always.

i was stirred deeply to share these things with you, while reading the exchange between yourself and Demitra.  thank you for your continued reports and translations. I have learned much from your writings, and getting to hear from others has been tremendous.

with love,
Dear Dustin,

Obviously, you live already the life that has been anticipated by many trustworthy sources for the End Times, before the final transition of Gaia and humanity to the 5th dimension has happened, and in this way you are the wayshowers of the new life and new earth. There is no doubt that we create our reality with our ideas, thoughts and emotions, but we must also firmly follow them and not succumb to 3d-fears. This is not always easy, but if one achieves this state, then he has shown a great courage.

I do agree fully with you that one should stop paying all bills to the state and other Orion organisations and only keep honest relations with individuals in this respect. This is not a call for fraud, but a simple recognition that the old matrix is no longer valid. By the way, I practise this strategy for the last 15 years with great success and I am happy that I have made my substantial personal contribution to the crash of the Orion monetary system.

I do confirm that many animals and pets have changed their behaviour. I have a dog, which is no longer on this dimension and, although still physically sound, is completely dependent on us. He cannot be left alone for five minutes. He also started to bite us for no apparent reason, only when we try to help me. But these are kind of reflexes that are difficult to explain. They must be closely related to the changing energetic conditions.

I wish you and your girl-friend a lot of success in your effort to live a self-sustainable life as the best solution in the current turbulent times.

With love and light


February 5, 2012

Dear Georgi

I’ve been looking at your website since September last year and was quite interested in what you had to say about Salusa and Steve Beckow. As he was my main source of information. My ego felt strongly against what you had to say about it. But I wanted to know why, constantly reading this website has lead me to believe your source over anyone else’s. I Feel Salusa is an opening to the awareness that I’ve come to as I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for those channels, But it felt like we had to wait for them to bring Disclosure, but we are the ones who are meant to bring it about.

Being the age I am 21, It’s hard to even discuss this sort of stuff with anyone else. But some of my friends say when they see it, they will believe it. I have thought a lot in my mind, which timeline I would end up in. And I’ve come to the conclusion to embrace whatever my higher self puts me through. My intention is of ascension, but a lot of habit patterns have come up lately stronger then usual. Especially laziness. I also wanted to show you this channel from jay bland. I wanted to see what you thought of it and his website in general. I am highly grateful you spend most of your time dedicated to spreading the truth. That’s all I want, but some people still have amnesia. Here’s the link, enjoy:

also Gregg Braden had some interesting stuff to say that I resonated with.

Ty Maguire (Australia)

Dear Ty,

I am glad to hear from you that you consider this website a valid source of information. The policy of this website and the PAT has always been to use one’s own discernment and to build his own opinion. This website is thus a forum for an open discussion. But in this particular case, I would tell you more about Salusa from my personal perspective.

I read this source for the first time in 2010 and found it to be very negative and with a dark agenda from the very beginning, and that its aim was to spread confusion and disinformation. Some time later, I came upon Beckow’s website and noticed that he relies wholly on this source. I decided that it is my duty to warn him about this negative influence. The result was that Beckow started to consider me his personal enemy. But the positive effect of my intervention was that the quality of the Salusa channel improved somewhat. This has happened since then on several occasions, when I have criticized a channel, but not always.

Now Salusa messages contain about 80-90% correct information when it talks about general, self-evident esoteric topics of little value and there are still some negative tendencies, which one can easily filter out as they are all related to first Disclosure and the combat of the dark ones on power. I personally do not see much value in reading this source, especially as it does not addresses any of the major energetic phenomena that shape the destiny of humanity and Gaia in the current times, namely, the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, the subsequent powerful energy waves leading to  LBP and how to cope with it, the necessary spiritual transformations of humanity, etc. The list of these important issues that this source does not address is huge and this make it of little or no value. But it may be used as a starter, as you have done.

The link you have given me is not bad and Gregg Braden has always something to say that is worth listening, even it may not be new to an insider.

I hope that I have answered your questions somewhat, but you, as a young man, should try to make up your own mind and not rely on old guys as myself. And it is not at all bad to be lazy, quite on the contrary, especially if you cannot do or achieve anything else on this earth now, except evolve spiritually. Any activity in the current times only supports the old matrix that will crumble anyway very soon. Why then waste your energy for a system that is doomed to disappear?

With love and light
February 5, 2012

Dear Georgi,

The best way is too keep quiet, i do not engage in ego discussions anymore. My HS indicated to me last night that the time has come and events are going to take place. I read and observe news in the world with no opinions or attitudes towards anything. I did not ask what specific events is going to take place, as this does not concern me anymore. Events will unfold as it should and everything is in divine perfect order. Beyond this ego energy mountain, there is a universe of unconditional love, peace and joy. The acceptance and the total yes to that inner awareness/consciousness is the only path to walk, focusing only on that inner core vibration of the divine presence which has no sex, no religion, no attitude, no opinion, no words, only the quietness and stillness of All-That-Is. The inner seeing, when one observe one’s fellow human beings only as the same awareness/ consciousness that is in all of us! This seeing is blocked by the ego/mind – nothing else.

The frustrations will mount, the friction will increase, the outside does not have the answers anymore, only that inner voice will lead, nothing else. Suffering will appear when, one identifies with the ego/mind and all it’s concepts and illusions. The only obstacle to ascension/ awakening is following the ego/mind!

I understand your frustration in the conversations!


Dear Wilfred,

Thank you for this clarification. I can assure you that I am not at all touched by these reactions and comments, as I have also reached the state you are talking about and living in. I only use these examples as educational means to present the readers a mirror image of what still has to be removed on the way to ascension. My last days are obviously dedicated to this educational task on the Internet and I try to do my best with the help of some artificially created dramas, to give the people the key to inner stillness and sovereignty. The underlying dramas are only the emotional vehicle that drives them to higher vibrations, as long as they still dwell in a physical vessel.

With love and light
February 5, 2012

Aloha Georgi,

Thank you for the New Gnosis. I have read a lot of good information there that you are offering.  I understand it all, intrinsically, like on some level that has no words. I admit that I sometimes get lost in the very scientific information, but even when I do, I feel the vibration of truth.  I don’t think, I need to know every last detail, since I am quite content to just be living through the process. But I am grateful for the information because I know it will help many others who need to have more logical explanations.

These days, I find myself in a strange place and yet it is familiar, also. I am sometimes frustrated because I can feel these other “me’s” who are where the current me wants to get to. I feel like if I concentrate hard enough, I can merge with these other selves and just instantly start living their realities. Does that make sense? I also feel like I’m in a never ending process of transmuting painful emotions. I laid on the beach and cried today and just kept crying, it is less desperate now, it just feels like a quiet sadness. The rebirth just never seems to complete itself. There I lay, belly down on the sand, just letting the tears flow and feeling like an infant, just no ideas or agendas or anything, just this blank canvas with tears or something. Then I got into the ocean and let it wash the tears off. Then I literally felt like when I emerged from the ocean that I was new again.

What is interesting is that this new me is very particular and not at all particular, at the same time. For instance, I really cannot tolerate disorder now, everything has to be organized and simple. I hate clutter. I keep throwing more stuff away, and then I think there is nothing to throw away and a few days later, I am done with something else. I just want it all streamlined and simple. I want no excess and no confusion and no complications. I feel like I look a bit OCD. lol. The other thing is, I have little patience for people who make things more difficult than is necessary, and that’s mostly everyone.  I can see things so clearly now, that even as they are explaining something to me, I am seeing a more simpler way to do it. Then I feel crazy because surely they must see it too! But no!

It has become clear to me lately that the biggest problem on this earth is that people have their priorities messed up. In most situations that I listen to where someone is upset, it is clear to me that someone had screwed up priorities and that caused suffering. For instance, the other day, I went to the beach and I parked my car across from my friend’s house because she lives right near the beach. So, as I go back to get in my car and go back to work, I find that my car won’t start. I literally turn my head to the left in that instant and the next person I see is my friend jogging!! I think to myself that the universe is really looking out for me. Then I flag her down because she had headphones on and she then starts telling me that she can’t talk because she really needs to run and she feels fat and she’s been eating poorly and on and on, and I could barely get out that my car wouldn’t start. Then she is irritated and says that she really needs to run, but she helps me flag someone down to get jumper cables and then she takes off, she didn’t wait to see if my car started. And it didn’t. So I’m going to be late for work and she lives 5 minutes away, from where I needed to go, so I end up walking around town and trying to find a ride when she could have helped me so easily.  She doesn’t even have a job right now, so it wasn’t a matter of having no time. I remember just feeling strange, like everyone is consumed with doing things that don’t matter as much as helping each other. She texted me later to ask, why my car was still there and I told her it didn’t start and she said that when she finishes running she can give me a ride!  This was about 20 minutes, before I had to be at work, but she didn’t comprehend any sense of urgency or that having to be late for work was going to add to my already shitty day and since she doesn’t have a job, she could resume her run at any time. It was really amazing to me. I haven’t hung out with her since then.  And I’m not even angry, I just feel like I cannot waste my energy on people who are that unaware. I guess I just needed to get that out.

Thanks, Georgi.
Love, Kari

Dear Kari,

we are now releasing old fear based patterns from the last 10 000 years, which are stored in our cells and DNA from all previous incarnations and you can imagine how much dross must go out and be cleansed. We die and are reborn each day anew and this poses a great stress on the psyche and the mental body, as the intensity of the cleansing process is unbelievable these days. Therefore, it is quite normal to have such ups and downs, and weeping is the best way to clear the cells and the deep compartments in the body.

What you now experience is the clear splitting of the two timelines, when most of the people still stick to their old priority list and do not realize that the old matrix no longer functions. They are like a hamster on a wheel that runs and runs and the quicker it runs, the quicker the wheel rotates and the hamster (the people) still stays on the spot and nothing has been accomplished.

It will soon happen that you will no longer be able to communicate with your friend and the like, as she will not even register you as you will vibrate with much higher frequencies that she will no longer be able to perceive. This time will come soon. One must take such situations with a lot of humour and see in each dysfunctional behaviour a positive sign that the things are changing rapidly for the better and the old matrix is irreversibly collapsing.

You are so young and privileged to experience all this at the best physiological age on earth. It is much more difficult for us the old ones. By the way, the communication with my family has also substantially deteriorated in the last days and weeks – they simply don’t get what I say or immediately forget it, not deliberately, but because I no longer pertain to their reality, so that I have reduced my conversation to a minimum. Hold on for a while -soon there will be real changes.

With love and light
February 4-5, 2012

Dear Georgi

Geez, you must be wondering what happened to me. I feel bad as it must seem a bit rude how I just asked you a bunch of questions then disappeared into the night without a reply. I am sorry I haven´t written, but what to write?  I want to have something valid to write you and I have been processing your email. It is full of useful information.  And I have been writing. And reading your gnosis chapters when I can. And of course I am doing other things in 3D, which all takes the balance of a juggler.

You should be so proud of your books on gnosis. Not only because of the “niveau” of the information contained, but that you got them out there, in cyberspace now, in English.  I can appreciate this feeling of getting important information out into the world. My articles are nowhere near as profound as yours, yet they are what I need to be doing right now and I get enormous satisfaction from publishing them at

The most recent one is called “Compassionate Perspective” and discusses the transcendent role of personality as separate from the psyche.

By the way, the website looks great…

I am very excited about the new developments I feel are on the horizon. Had a dream recently about golden shards of lights in the sky as the ascending souls who were leaving.  Was very beautiful and the feeling of love lasted the whole day afterwards.

Also very curious to see what happens with Beckow´s voyage to the stars. I am being positive, (as I normally am)  hoping that it does happen, as I feel it´s important to declare that we as humans are ready for ET contact. But I am also prepared to hear that the whole thing was a hoax, of which the only valuable outcome would be Beckow´s own spiritual crisis.  On top of that, there is always the possibility that such a high profile blog is being used to promote a more nefarious agenda, and one must remain vigilant.

So I just wanted to touch base and let you know that I indeed am thinking of you. I love reading the reports and connecting to the PAT, before I fall asleep at night… May you enjoy your weekend and relative calm before the proverbial shit hits the fan.

Many blessings, love Debra.

Dear Debra,

There is absolutely no compulsion to write. Do it when you feel it is appropriate.  What amazes even me, is how precise I have predicted the End Time scenario with respect to the psychomental dynamics of change (LBP) 11 years ago, while translating the book now. This gives me confidence that at the end all our predictions will come true. I will take my time and read your blog very carefully and will comment separately on your latest articles.

Thank you for the compliments on the new website. We tried to preserve the old design as much as the new program allows, but the greatest advantage is that we have now our own server  in Hamburg with unlimited capacity and for the first time it can be assessed for instance from Austria, while the old website could not be reached for unknown reasons. It is also much more quicker. I have to re-edit some of the old posts when I have time and my son-in-law has established the new program on my PC, so that I can do the editing by myself. He comes today for a lunch and then he will instruct me how to operate with the new program….

Wish you all the best!

With love and light
Dear Debra,

I read your essays from this year (the others I have already read last year) and I must say that you are a very gifted essayist in the best Anglo-Saxon tradition. The Germans are very poor in this respect. Your style is very fluid and as the Germans say “light-footed” (leichtfüßig). You have the ability to change the point of view on your subject slightly throughout the discussion, so that you encircle the problem from all sides, whereas the transitions are very smooth and easy to follow. This is perfect essayism. One notices immediately that you are also a very good teacher and have mastered the pedagogical approach, which many writers do not.

It is a truism that the father is the most important man in the life of a woman, and that it take a lot of time to overcome his influence and this seems to be also the case with you. How about your mom?

I had also a lot of stormy relations with my first daughter and less so with the second one, although she is also very bruising with me. Some of these emotional outbursts are part of this young age when girls need to let their aggressions and frustrations go and the father is the preferred and ideal object and he must endure it as this is his main function. Later on, when they learn other men and the expectations are reduced to normal scale, they start to re-evaluate and appreciate their own father, given the fact that he deserves it, which is rarely the case.

I solved the emotional frictions with my daughters by simply conveying them that I do not expect anything from them and  that they should go their own way as I do my own and I think that this is the ideal solution to the problem from the very beginning. By the way, also with sons. You have solved your relationship with your dad similarly, though, as I guess, not in the mutual way with his conscious understanding.

Your essays are approaching the vast majority of humans, who are still asleep, but are now beginning rapidly to awaken and will need a vademecum to the new reality. I think that they will play a huge educational role on this earth and much more so after ascension. Therefore, you are on the best way to realize your vast creative potential.

With love and light

Dear George,

I take your email as the utmost form of flattery. It was not my conscious intention to impress you; nevertheless I am most thankful for your acknowledgment and encouragement in terms of my writing. Especially, since I feel so inferior to you in terms of the ability to think critically.  Having been educated in North America, I feel somewhat cheated in that we were never taught to think and seek out holes in logical arguments. And neither of my parents are educated. It is quite late to be doing it now.

The father-daughter dynamic is very difficult. It is hard for me to watch teenage daughters dole out undue punishment to their fathers during their “aggression” phase. It must be very difficult for you.  Mostly I think to myself, well, I don´t know how the father accepts or rejects the daughter, it is none of my business. Yet teenage girls can be very cruel, as they are in the depths of developing their ego and are “furthest away from their souls”, as you put it in your Gnosis part 7.  Your decision to openly TELL them that you accept them is by far the best approach to parenthood.  Most people have children to fulfill their own desires and correct their own inadequacies and forget that they are their own people with a unique soul blueprint!

My father has not accepted me and he will probably never do so before we leave this earth. He is a young soul and very preoccupied with status and material possessions, which was not my path in this incarnation. But I am fine with this as I know his soul and what he is going through. Naturally this affected my development, but I can now see that his role was pivotal in helping me to awaken and mature spiritually. I am truly thankful for his sacrifice, despite his inability to recognize our family constellation.

Actually, I had an amazing experience just before the change of plans at 11.11.11  It was THE astral event that proved to me, beyond any doubt, that ascension would take place. During sleep my father came to me in a golden tunnel and we said goodbye. We connected on a soul level. We thanked each other for providing the gestalt necessary for each one´s growth. And he let me go. He told me I could leave the earth. He kept calling out to me, “Goodbye, Debbie, goodbye!!” as I woke up.  It was amazing!

I read your gnosis 7 last night before bed and spent some of the night processing it. I think this is a nice thing to do. I don´t watch TV, so to read your gnosis before bed and then actually deepen my understanding of it in the dream state. I am moving slowly through your writings, but there is so much to appreciate and savor. Like a good book you don´t want to finish.

I want again to look at the number system that one PAT member sent in, from Dawson, is it?  About the number that corresponds to the level of consciousness. I will have to find it as I don´t remember the Report Number.  (I got the number 140, by the way)

Have you considered re-naming the reports by theme, or adding some sort of tag so that one can find the information better?  Now I just got the idea to create an index to help people navigate the posts by theme.  I will do that today and send it to you, if you think that is helpful.

Thanks again for reading my article. Indeed I want to help bring those who are now seeking to some better understanding. They are not intended for older souls who should already know that stuff. (and actually I wish they would stop leaving stupid comments on my blog trying to argue with me over things they clearly don´t understand).

With very much love,


Dear Debra,

This is not a flattery, but my true appreciation and you should proceed on this path. It does not matter, where you have studied, but what you are. I have learnt logic only by myself, contrary to all the flawed education I have received throughout my life.

My father was a similar crook, actually much worse, but I never bothered to acquire his acceptance, as I had a poor opinion on him from the very beginning. But he was not a materialistic person and he helped many other people as physician unconditionally, so he had some positive sides that I must appreciate, notwithstanding his character.  But he was, what the Germans say “a family swine” (Familienschwein).

This is a great dream – the utmost symbolics in terms of power.

I am happy that you can profit from this book. The last one “Thoughts” goes in the similar direction, but addresses many other social aspects of the End Times.

You mean Hawkins scale. I tried it at home several times and I failed. One needs a lot of experience and one may as well use his intuition.

Please send me your index and I will give it to Chris and he may use it. Indeed, we must establish key words or something else to help the readers navigate easier throughout the website. But first I must update the old articles  –  establish all the links etc. It is a lot of work to do.

This is also my problem with some souls, I consider to  be highly evolved who read this website. It is unavoidable.

With love and light
February 5, 2012

Dear Georgi,

following your writings I’ve discovered and read “archetipi dell’anima” (Archetypes of the Soul) ny Hasselmann and Schmolke (there’s an italian translation). it’s an outstanding completion of your soul’s cycle argument, clear, beautiful and recommendable like physical and mathematical books are. Useful to check the rightness of your Universal Law theory, so that the book is very important to comfirm your insights about soul’s gnosis. if you are Jesus, I would be Thomas apostle (forgive my irreverent parallel).

love and light
Dear Paolo,

I hope, I am not Jesus as he is known to have failed with his mission. I only use these religious allegories to explain to the broad public some future events from the Christian perspective. But if this book by Schmolke and Hasselman is translated in Italian, this is great, as this is the best and most structured esoteric source on this matter, as I have recommended it in my book. It does not address many other energetic events, which come to the fore now, but it gives you a solid basis to explore further the reality from this perspective.

One stupid American goose accused me recently of plagiarism, because this topic has also been addressed by an obscure source Michael in the late 70s. It is true that Schmolke and Hasselman departed from this source, as it was very insufficient and further developed the archetypes of the soul, but I explicitly use their five books as the Michael source, which I know, is of no value. There are some malignant people around. There is only one thing that makes me really outrageous and this is to accuse me of plagiarism. I am the only esoteric/gnostic writer, who clearly refers to other sources and I give always precise references and distinguish what they have said and what I think. Some people in the USA cannot discern analysis from plagiarism, as they have no education whatsoever.

Anyway, I see that you are on the steep path to ascension. Congratulations! And you are by no means the “doubtful Thomas”.

With love and light

Suits her (the American goose) the undying verse of Dante Alighieri:

“non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa” (do not discuss with them, but be attentive and pass by)

Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto III, verso 51.

ciao Paolo
Dear Paolo,

I like this one from Dante also:

” Considerate la vostra semanza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti
ma per seguir virtute a conoscenza.”

(Consider your true nature:
don’ t live like brutal beings
but follow virtue and consciousness.)


Ulisse speaking! canto xxvi. Wonderful.

Very suitable to our times!



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