On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-54, January 18, 2012
January 14, 2012
George, Saw this on YouTube, the last 4 minutes talks about a shift in the North pole, is this what you have been talking about?
Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,
exactly. This is actually not new. It is known that the magnetic North pole has already shifted to North Siberia, but it was not officially acknowledged that it is followed by the physical North pole. This is what this video now confirms. It has always been know that the actual physical North Pole is not fixed and also moves in relation to the magnetic pole, but the Orion science has so far kept secret how big its movement is. I wrote about this in my publications. When this shift reaches a threshold point, probably in this spring, there will be a sudden magnetic pole reversal and the tilted earth axis will be rectified. This will be associated with huge movements of continental masses and a death toll.
With love and light
January 14, 2012
Hi Georgi
I first came to your website at the prodding of my brother (Alex from Perth, West Australia) several months ago. I must’ve had more learning/evolution to go because I didn’t feel the ‘pull’ to read any of it at the time. Just as well, as I had to go through further learning and understanding process about our true nature and of All-that-is, before I could comprehend what is actually going on on our earth behind the scenes (PTB etc) and ultimately come back on my own and start resonating with your work. Which I have been doing since late Dec 2011.
I want to ask if you have heard of the work of Dr John Demartini? I have attended a number of his workshops and lectures/seminars in the past several months, and my world was dropped out from under me due to coming to the realisations of our true nature from a scientific, rational left brain perspective. Through his life’s work of learning and understanding Universal laws that govern human consciousness and human behaviour he has developed a psychological scientific method (called ‘Demartini method’ formally known as ‘quantum collapse process’) to experience divine love and grace in our lives, and ultimately empowering us as creator beings or god sparks….
Dear Misha,
I am very happy that you have finally addressed me. Your brother Alex has written about you on many occasions and he was recently very happy that you have finally reached agreement on most vital things in life, for which I congratulate you.
I must admit that I have never heard anything about the Demartini’s method and would appreciate if you send me some more information on him. But from what I read in your comprehensive letter, he is also stressing the mind (left brain) as the chief means of solving any mental and psychical problems. In fact it is not “either or” but “as well as” – using the left brain as well as the right one. The aim should be to overcome this separation in the brain function. This is actually one of the main goals of the LBP.
I have personally made the experience that many of the mental and emotional blockages can be more effectively solved and released when the LBP has reached the necessary energetic threshold. The pure mental intent is not always sufficient, which ultimately leads to the conclusion that the ego, as mental expression, must be put aside during the LBP to let the energies flow undisturbed in the body and the brain. The power of the ego in this process is rather limited and all kinds of techniques may run short of success.
But I do support to use human intellectuality in this process contrary to the general belief in the New Age vanity fair, which disregards the left brain of human rationality and overwhelmingly praises the confused emotions of the left brain light workers. In this sense the Demaritini’s method must be a refreshing exception.
With love and light
Hi George
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your input into these matters. Me and my brother Alex are active in daily discussions about these vital issues in our times, and are very fortunate we live literally 5 min in the car away from each other to facilitate bouncing ideas and theories. I should mention that daily practice of Yoga asana and meditation over the years has helped develop other intuitive faculties in myself so I feel almost like each path compliments the other, utilising both right and left hemispheres of our brain. I admit I do not know much of the LBP nor many of the symptoms in my life.. although certain ailments I am experiencing of the years and even today could be attributed to it somewhat, although in no way to the magnitude of most of your readers have experienced.
Please see below for a spiel on the method and Dr Demartini himself, and how he came to realise this method through his 35 years of life’s study of philosophy, sciences, mathematics until he came into Metaphysics and quantum physics…collapsing wave functions etc… it explains it better than I can below – the originating of the method (last few paragraphs) is especially a worthy read over. more info can be found at http://www.drdemartini.com/demartini_method
Dear Misha,
I went through the comprehensive information you gave me on Demartini and also visited his website. I remember that in the 90s the esoteric scene was full of such charlatans, but most of them disappeared in the following time. I wonder how this man still survives now that the times have changed so much energetically that you can longer speak this kind of baloney and expect the people to believe you. I am sorry, but from your first presentation I got a more positive impression of this man and his teaching.
With love and light
January 14, 2012
Dear George,
I have read what you wrote on Reiki in report 53. I have had two reiki masters. First from reiki alliance. I had 12 hours alone with him due to a coincidence, so I could question many things. He was a big step in my spiritual development. We disagreed on things, even though I had no experience to base my feelings on. Main reason was the necessity to pay money for reiki, and so much at that, when in my opinion such a wonderful ability should be free to use by anyone and spread far and wide. The explanation he presented was essentially that it is like “throwing pearls before swine” for one. People do not appreciate the ability. Plus that there needs to be an energy exchange for the effort one puts into teaching another and passing the skill. One needs to put energy in to earn the right to wield the ability. When I kept pursuing the topic he said I should just google energy exchange as there is plenty of that everywhere.
I have been searching for answers about this issue and found none satisfying.
Even with the next two masters I had when finding a different Reiki line. Japanese traditional way. The cost of the whole process was however in comparison so minimal almost non-existent. I practically paid only for the lectures that came with it. I found that far more to my liking.
I finally decided that it apparently seems to be a way for reiki to be spread, people to have to pay for it to even appreciate it or acknowledge the possibility of it being of any use. As, as common man believes, free things obviously are not of any worth… it cannot be that good. Only a swine with money can have such things: ] This is how reiki officially enters the system, how it becomes a product “fit” for distribution and a possibility to see and use for even the most dumbed down. In a way it is circumventing the ego?
On the other hand one could say if one is fated to get this ability one will get it no matter what. The question remains if paying for it and otherwise dirtying it with the system and false ideas to make it look more like the grime we swim in is a necessity for it to be found? I should not prefer such an eventuality. It seems it is however the present reality. I think there is no reason for it not to be changed. In fact, it should.
Interesting thing about the reiki initiation is that, to my experience, afterwards it actually is easier to feel the energy and use it. Is it the strength of a ritual? A shift of perception? The fact that we actually try to do it? The moment our HS wants us to feel/use it? The energy that we are packed with when the initiation takes place? There is no necessity to get an initiation. Is it, however, helpful to start the process of getting in touch with the natural ability? We are a conduit, the purer we are the more it goes through us. What impact does the initiation have on us or our ability to channel it?
About the translation of the Evolutionary Leap of Mankind. I have also read it using google translate. But I know German a little bit, so it was more easy for me to make sense of it. Now that an English version is available, I am considering to translate it into Polish. At least parts of it. As Polish is quite complicated and not working so well wit h the translators it might prove to be more complicated. I hope I will be up to the task.
I am also not sure where I could make it available for people to read. I guess if I see the need to translate it then the answer to that and an opportunity will present itself in the future.
Dear Piotr,
Thank you for your observations on reiki. The situation you describe is indeed so, but now it has shifted dramatically and one does not need reiki anymore. I don’t mind the people earning their money, but they have to present more than that. I have elaborated myself a special technique of healing with hands and other therapy procedures during the 90s when I treated a lot of patients successfully, which included anatomy, medicine and physiology as to understand what you are treating and to counterbalance as reiki master the school medicine, but then I gave it up simply because most of the patients were not educated and open enough and the external doctors, which my patients still attended as they could not cut off their contacts with the health care system due to their fears, were meddling in my therapy and the situation became very unpleasant.
The healing with hands must also be incorporated into the experience of the LBP and, as far as I know, the current reiki trend has no idea of this process. So, all in all, there are huge cognitive deficits in the reiki movement as it is currently practiced.
You can wait until I have published more chapters from the book. Some of them are quite informative and you can start translating them. They can be published as separate essays.
With love and light
January 14, 2012
Dear Monica,I am glad to hear from you again. Thank you very much for the illustrations and the comics. I enjoyed them indeed very much. It is a pity that this young Cuban did not respond to your email, but I had the impression that he was in great financial and other troubles, so one has to respect his reaction.Another reader from Stockholm, Johan, about whom you may have read in my last reports, is now very active sending a lot of emails in Norway and Sweden to stir the official sites.It is indeed a very good idea to show your friend from NASA this table as it summarizes what no textbook on physics can afford, and it can be easily proven with a calculator by any diligent scientist in 5 minutes. However, this person must be a good physicist and he must be aware of the inherent shortcomings of the current conventional physical theory. Very few conventionally thinking scientists are, as they are irreversibly indoctrinated by their faulty education. Then you can tell him to read volume II (full version) in English which is a complete textbook on physics for universities and contains the same stuff as a standard textbook. I have used as an example the famous lectures of Feynman, but also other more recent textbooks on physics, so that any person competent in this area should immediately discern the breakthrough of the new theory of the Universal Law.
My discovery is not a coincidence, but it represents the mainstream of thinking between the two World wars when the centre of physical research was in Germany and such famous scientists as Einstein, Weil, Heisenberg and Planck were feverishly searching the “universal equation” (die Weltformel) of Physics, as they were convinced that it exists. It was only after the centre of physical research moved to the USA after WW2, that the stupid Americans forgot about this theoretical possibility and introduced the current incredible confusion in this exact discipline.
I am now writing this email in some length, so that you may show this email to your friend, He can display only three possible reactions – 1) Reject it outright as he will have no understanding of physics or 2) He will reject it out of prejudices 3) He will be interested in it without being able to understand it and will soon forget it. But he may get infected by your ideas after some incubation time and this will be already a great success.
With love and light
January 14, 2012
Caro Giorgio, I have a question. Many years ago I came to this information: when a person dies directly in the middle of the nuclear explosion, like the ones which were vaporized in Hiroshima, also the soul is almost destroyed because of the powerful energy. And then the angels have to rebuild the soul and it’s a very long process. Is that information true? Can the soul be destroyed?
Thank you a lot, Alberto
Dear Alberto,
I have also heard this interpretation, but I cannot confirm it myself. I think that it is not credible. Why? The soul knows in advance through precognition when the explosion will occur and will leave the body prior to it. Second, this explosion affects only the material 3d-space-time and the soul is energetically beyond this spectrum. Therefore, I highly doubt this interpretation, but I cannot disprove it wholly. We have to wait after ascension – then we will know it.
With love and light
January 15, 2012
Hi Georgi,
I wanted to ask you about the effects of electrical storms on our bodies at this time. I have never heard anyone else say anything about this, but I personally, have been having a very bad time lately with the storms coming through our area. First of all, they seem much more intense, and as we have a lot of iron ore in the ground, naturally lightening is attracted.
My question is: as we are developing our Light bodies, will electrical storms increasingly make us feel uncomfortable side effects? I had a particular hard time the other night with one. And as they have done only recently, it left a feeling of flu and acheness in its wake. Basically, my back muscles ache, my head hurts and my sinuses are affected. I just had to ask you about this. Many thanks!
Dear Jae,
I personally do not believe that the electric storms are the cause of your symptoms, but rather that they go hand in hand with them. As everything is interrelated such a storm may aggravate the LBP waves and I can personally confirm this correlation, but altogether we enter very tense times when all human beings will experience these ups and downs and heavy symptoms of the LBP, independently of the fact, whether the weather is unstable, which will stay so up to the very end, or will eventually calm down. Nature is also in turmoil, not only our energetic fields. One should forget about past calmness – it is irreversibly gone until our ascension. I do not believe that there will be any improvements in this respect in the coming days, but rather one peak after the other. I am sorry, but I cannot give you any other news.
With love and light
January 15, 2012
Dear Georgi,
A’m truly Humbled and over Joyed that PAT members have responded to the PR with such enthusiasm. A template they can freely edit, update, or expand upon as they feel necessary in corresponding with their own contacts.
A couple of questions for you as we now phase into distribution of the PR or other related correspondence with the media. We know you are obviously available via e-mail to respond to any questions and inquires from this industry, however, will you now be available for radio, television, or telephone interviews resulting from this PR effort? Historically you have had a very clear policy to avoid this, but the PR efforts will most certainly result in these types of request, and we might want to be clear if you are considering a change to this policy if the circumstances warrant this type of follow-up? Obviously your web site will offer an abundance of scientific criteria, but there are bound to be many questions beyond this, and while PAT will be able to respond to many, the scientific dialog (for myself) might quickly evolve beyond my qualifications and this criteria will be important to the credibility of our information.
Maybe you can share your thoughts on how we can mange this with you?
Love & Light,
Dear Shravaka,
Only idiots do not change their mind, and I am not an idiot. Of course I can change my decision not to make any interviews when the right moment has come. But please observe, it is not about me, but about the information with respect to ascension of humanity and it is absolutely independent of my existence. The people must inform themselves and they can do it sufficiently on my website or many other websites.
If the big TV stations decide to make Disclosure, they can make it without me or anybody else, but in case they decide to do this and need my expertise of course I will be willing to consider participating in such program to help present this issue to the broad public. But this must be carefully considered on a case basis, as such interviews or programs rarely fulfil their goal and may even discredit the idea if the conditions are still set by the Orion controlled media. I have a large experience in this respect as a former radio and newspaper journalist and see many dangers that accompany such a presentation. The videos and radio talks that circulate in Internet within the New Age scene are not the adequate medium for this endeavour and I continue rejecting them. If you check YouTube you will find numerous such videos that address the topic of ascension and LBP and they have not had much impact on the masses. Why should I make a difference in this respect.
However, if some politicians will be ready to discuss their surrender with me and other members of the PAT privately or officially, I will be ready to meet and listen to them, if they have clearly convinced me that they indeed intend to surrender and are not using this meeting as further effort to prolong their power.
Often speaking, I do not see this scenario as very likely. The change will come only after the magnetic pole reversal has take place, which I expect in the spring. The other alternative is that I and some other members of the PAT may ascend before that and in this case we must appear officially, but then we will determine the conditions of our appearance.
Before that I do not see any real chance of us participating in pivotal events that will bring about this change. Of course every member of the PAT is free to appear as much as he wants in such interviews and programs and express his vision of the upcoming events, but I do not see much sense for me to contribute to this inflationary process of information as is done currently.
The problem is not the availability of information on Ascension, as the Internet is full of it, most of it I agree of poor quality,which will suffice for the uneducated masses, but the desire to search for such information. When this desire captures the masses, the victory is won and then it is irrelevant what myself or anybody else is doing or saying, as this information will pour from all sources.
This is my assessment of the current situation. I think that we should promote this idea without attaching too much hope and expectation of an immediate and direct effect. This incentive has huge impact on a cosmic level, but its realization on earth may appear to be less satisfactory. We must live with this situation and let us not being deterred.
With love and light
January 15, 2012
Dear Mate,
Thank you for sending me this information and I wish you a lot of success in your effort to educate your countrymen. The story with Phobos-Grunt Probe and how it was tackled in the mass media is indeed very intriguing, to say the least, and it may indicate the inner pressure of the Elite as to how to proceed in the future. They behave like virgins who want to experience the taste of truth/sex but are afraid of the pains associated with it.
With love and light
January 16, 2012
I agree with your comment about the book. I think it makes the argument stronger to know that this book was written 10-11 years ago. I really enjoyed translating and reading it. It was my pleasure to help you and indirectly help mankind. I feel very comfortable with everything you propose in this book. It’s a feeling of familiarity. Even though much of this information is fairly new to me, I feel as though I have known it all my life. That everything is energy, that all ideas of man (religion, sciences, art) on this earth is just an expression of something much bigger than this mere existence and especially lately, that it is possible to transform our society into the Golden Age.I do not know for sure what wonders awaits us on the other side, but I cannot wait to get started. I cannot wait to be a Trans-galactic society. This idea fills me with great joy to know it will happen in our life time as I have always felt my future was beyond the stars. I always just thought it was a fantasy. But now I know it is a yearning for home. I thank YOU from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul, Thank you for being brave when many of your peers and those of your generation have failed to meet their own challenges with such courage. I do not mean to speak ill of generations that have come before me, but sometimes it’s difficult to not have anyone from your generation understand Justin and I. They seem to be stuck in the 60s and they stick to the whole tainted hippy love bs. And that being critical of today’s corporatism and finances in general makes me some kind of hippy. Even though I would have no idea what all that meant because it was way before me.I am also glad that your work is scientific as well as I have always thought, I would grow my spirituality in this way. Side effect of looking at the stars with such longing, one starts to think of all the ways in which she can get there. Anyhow, I appreciate your kind words as they are filled with such generosity and love.Mahalo,
Dear Joelle,
Thank you very much for your continuous support and let me now address the broader issue of generations, which you touched upon, and which is indeed in the core of the current malaise of the New Age movement. Everything you have written about our generation is correct, but I have a similar reverse problem with my daughters who are about your age, a little bit younger, but already grown up women, who, on their part, discard all my teachings and spiritual views and do not believe in ascension and LBP. Despite the fact that they are fully in the process, as I witness it according to their symptoms and complaints.
After all, I personally believe that it is not that much a generation problem, but problem of individual openness of mind and genuine frankness towards oneself. Ultimately, you may lull your ego into false beliefs for a while, but you cannot do this with your soul or higher self. It will send you then as much negative experiences as possible to open your eyes. I watch this pattern since the 90s in my near or more distant Internet environment and the karma rules display to me a clear-cut pattern each time. Only the involved people seem not to get it.
Now, your generation is, indeed, privileged for several reasons:
1) You have come on earth with less amnesia than we, the old indigo children.
2) Your crystalline body structure is more evolved from the very beginning, so that your LBP is less strenuous.
One must also give some credit to the old indigo generation for cleansing the basic dross of humanity in the last 6 decades after WW2, so that you could enter the 3d-space-time later in an improved energetic environment. All these process are closely interrelated.
I personally may be somewhat in advantage, as I am surrounded by young people due to my daughters who invite regularly their friends at home and even now I have a guest – a young English man, who lives at home and my wife found a job for him nearby as in England the working conditions have deteriorated terribly and 50% of the young people are unemployed and drug addicted. His younger brother stayed with us for five months last year and earned some money in Germany to travel through South America for another four months. So I am surrounded with young people. I am used to the presence of the young generation – your generation – and honestly, I prefer your company, as the old guys carry too much burden and unresolved psychomental problems from the past.
You mentioned that you eventually intend to translate a second book. Logically, the next book should be the last one from 2008 “Thoughts”, which is a further elaboration of the End Time scenario. For instance, I have predicted there the coming together of the members of the PAT which I knew would happen at some point in time, but I only knew that this will happen through Internet in 2010 when my higher self urged me to give up my deliberate boycott of Internet for 11 years since 1999 and to start reading and publishing again.
I wish you a nice day – we have here the mildest winter for many years and, although it is below zero at night, we have a beautiful Bavarian blue sky. In the Alps, we have 3 meter of snow, which is unprecedented since 30 years and my daughters, who are good ski-drivers, respectively snow board drivers, are very happy. I watch all these final activities with a sense of disentanglement from this reality, but I understand that they want to experience the last days on this planet to the full extent and are thus so “thirsty for life!” (lebenshungrig) as the Germans say.
With love and light
January 16, 2012
Hi George
Dear Alex,
I read your facebook project very carefully and I find it very well thought. You are going a different way than Shravaka and this is the actual charm of this initiative, where everybody has the free choice and inner guidance to do what he considers best. In your case you make a very interesting juxtaposition between the incommodities of current life, based on outdated Orion technologies and the promises of the New Age technologies, which is a very appealing approach, and I like it very much. All these different approaches address different sets of people and this is what we want to achieve actually. The idea of publishing the table with the integration of all natural constants in physics was a very good move.
Please publish next time photos, where one can see you much better. You don’t need to hide on top of the mountains. Wish you a lot of success with your campaign. What is important now is that we show profile and no longer hide in our spiritual ghetto.
With love and light
January 17, 2012
Hi George,
Dear Daniel,
thank you very much for your tip. I will publish it in the next report, so that it can be used by other Dutch readers. As you must have noticed, I have started with the translation of the first book on Gnosis in English and its publication in serials.
The demonstrations in these countries is good news, but altogether the big surge of the masses is still awaiting and this is a disappointing situation, as I expected much more to come by now. Obviously the masses are in a much deeper slumber than I anticipated. Let us hope for the best by the end of January when the first financial crashes will probably take place.
With love and light
January 17, 2012
Hi Georgi,
I am enjoying reading your daily installments involving “New Gnosis”.
The connections you make are seemingly only understood if the individual has certain energetic “capabilities” to understand such concepts. I know this because I have been presenting these sorts of arguments to many for a while now, only to get, be met with vapid responses of misunderstanding and incoherence.
I don’t write you to seek council, just to possibly facilitate a discussion about perhaps “blurring the line” between the physical realm and the realms of the “higher soul”. As you stated in installment 5, “older souls” can easily understand the mechanisms at work here, and are often ostracized by the (more abundant) “younger souls”. (paraphrase). I do not use these labels from any sort of ego-based superiority, just as a subtle lamentation about the times we are in.
A lamentation based mostly on impatience.
A lamentation based on the desire of my soul to carry out the facilitation of the “changes” that so many have quietly known about and felt for the majority of their time in this incarnation.
During this process, I have gained a level of patience I have not known in this incarnation, but I still readily admit that I am eager for the ball to get rolling. This is strictly from a physical world perspective. I am aware that the more subtle energetic presence I have on the planet at this time is affecting the overall process, much like the presence of every other “living” being.
I have no strong attachment to any particular outcome, for I know that my physical experience is still influenced and limited to my veiled understanding and limited memories of the purpose of my own incarnation. I have realized that strong attachment to expectations only serve to set one up for disappointment at some point in the “future”.
How is it, Georgi, that you deal with the conditioned human-based perception of “linear time”?
I readily admit that I am still working through certain energetic “obstacles” in my life right now, but I can’t help but feel that I am more wired for “chaos” in the sense, that if/when things start becoming more volatile in the physical world, I will become more at peace with the process. To a degree, I believe the other incarnates having an experience at this time are most definitely creating the experience in the sense that their perception of certain events set the emotional/energetic patterns moving forward.
I also admit that at times, I feel nothing short of a world-wide “shock” will awaken those who still give all their attention to all things “material”. I hold nothing against these individuals, I honor their journey and know I cannot/will not impose my own will upon someone else.
To put it more simply, how is it that you are dealing with having a knowing of the “greater picture” while still trying to maintain “sanity” in a world that is still well asleep?
Thanks for your efforts. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and perceptions of the world we currently live in.
Dear Lad,
you have posed the mother/father of all questions and the only answer is – through pure perseverance and not thinking too much about the abyss between the slumber of the masses and my visions on the future. What else can one do on earth in these rather tense days? You see from my last release, serial-5 on my book. that I was at this point 11 years ago and that nothing has changed since then. I have only experienced a pure stalemate. My article/chapter written immediately after 9/11 could be as well applied to 2012. Nothing has changed in 11 years. This is hell on earth.
You have presented the situation excellently, so that I need not add anything more and I doubt if I can give you any additional information or advise that you do not know yourself, given the fact that I am also rather impatient in nature and my greatest lesson on earth is to tame this basic human fear.
I do agree that only a shock can truly awaken the masses and the sooner, the better, but again it is not up to us to determine the point in time, when these events will begin to unfold on earth. The only thing I know for sure is that this time there will be no more delays and when the drama begins, there will be no stopping of the express cosmic train.
Ah, yes I try not to make any plans whatsoever and live in the now as it comes. It works fairly well.
With love and light