On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-51, January 8, 2012
A New Initiative: Expansion of the PAT Mission on Earth Prior to Ascension. Follow-Up:
To all my readers!
I have good news for you. Below you can find a new link to the sensational video with the exceptionally courageous speech of the Japanese Princess Kaoru Nakamaru, which was censored by the PTB only 48 hours after its initial release in Internet:
January 7, 2012
Dear Georgi!
I’m ready to send a short email for the Hungarian establishments. My question is, for what kind of organisations can I send it? The local media or the big companies CEO-s? News corporations? Multinational companies?
I absolutely agree with you. There’s nothing left to DO here. (Making organisations, websites, forums, and so on)I live on this minimal level of existence (as many PAT members do) for the last 8-10 years, I barely remember when it started. I was young and in the first years when everything stopped working, I just can’t find out what the “problem” was. It was really hard, I was only 22 years old, nearly started my life, and it never really started at all. I met my wife only 2 years ago, and we saw how our lives were “shutting down”. Now we sit in our flat, we’re completely run out from every resource, there are no more possibilities, expectations, assignments, our world is really empty. We have to move out from the flat in March because we can’t pay our rents. Our friends are addicted to business activities, entertainment, and the so called “vanity fair”.
And yet we’re so happy, peacefully observing this collapsing world with you and all PAT members. These are wonderful times, really worth living it.
Dear Mate,
The advantage of my initiative is that it gives to the members of the PAT the absolute freedom to act as sovereign Ascended Masters and decide for themselves which group of people or organisations they should address. As you are a Hungarian, you know best which countrymen of you might be susceptible to this information and will profit most. This is your personal domain and you have your free will to make your individual choices. You are not under any stress to have any success, but just to inform the people and you should not be disappointed, if you do not get immediately any response. It may take some time before the events turn around, but when it will happen, it will be with an astounding velocity and we must be prepared for this as we will then have to take over the leadership of humanity from the current corrupt politicians. Let you be guided by your higher self/soul and she will give you the right advice. Have confidence in her.
In love and light
January 7, 2012
Hi George.
Just to inform you that I start to write in Swedish and Norwegian to the media up here. Do you want me to copy the exact words of the letter you wrote? (I will send you the translations first when ready, so you know what I send).
I was wondering a while ago how I could help you in this 3d world.. .well.. here it is… I’ve been waiting for this captain.!!! This is exactly the right thing to do and I have had an urge to do it.. and so has had everybody else on this page … I bet!
Yours in love and light.
Dear Johan,
Thank you very much for your support. You can use this letter as a template or write your personal letter, which is even better as it is more familiar and direct. You can for instance post a link to my last article “Winds of Change” which presents the possible scenario for 2012:
If you read my last report-50, which I just published, you will find an interesting discussion, where I actually encourage all members of the PAT to resort to their own creativity and do what their higher self is telling them and they will have much more success than any coordinated action, as they first know the national situation much better than me or anybody else and second, they act as sovereign master beings. I only wanted to appeal to all my readers to begin active actions in disseminating the news for 2012 and not wait all the time for Heaven to make the decisions for themselves. If you read my introduction in report-50, you will understand what I mean.
Thank you once again for your valuable support.
In love and light
I sent this tomorrow morning to Sweden’s most “serious” newspaper svenska dagbladet. I will try to make Norwegian and maybe Danish translations the next coming of days. It’s more or less an exact translation of your letter just a bit sweedishalized.
(follows Swedish translation of the letter to Sueddeutsche Zeitung)
Dear Johan,
Thank you very much for your effort. I learned for two weeks Swedish in September 1975 when I was in Stockholm, but I have forgotten almost everything since then. I wished I could have learned more. But please write this or any other letter in your name, as this will have a greater personal impact on the receivers. This is now your domain. Svenska dagbladet is a moderate conservative newspaper as far as I remember?
In love and light
Dear Johan,
I can help you with your memory. Shortly before I came to Stockholm, the German terrorist Baader- Meinhof group took hostages in the German embassy to demand the release of their people in prison. They then devastated the embassy with an explosion and escaped with an airplane as far as remember to an Arab country. This was their most spectacular and successful action after the Munich massacre at the Olympic village. When I visited the German embassy in Stockholm to apply for a visa half of it was still destroyed.
Oh yes!! Many Swedish crap novels are written about it! Not surprised to hear that you somewhat got to experience this first hand.!
Dear Johan,
Actually, my wife is a master of such stories, but I have an idea all of a sudden. Why don’t you write a book from the perspective of a child, preferably a girl, living in the fifth dimension who is asking her grandfather and/or grandmother as to how life was on earth shortly before ascension and how they managed to escape from this toxic planet. The girl asks the questions from a fifth-dimensional perspective and they may seem to the conventional reader somewhat naive or extravagant, but they point to the various follies and illusions that dominate current life and the grandparents answer all her questions and the small girl is in disbelief as to how human beings could have lived on such a terrible planet. The content of the discussion is your part.
Read once again the famous French novel by Antoane de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince” for inspiration.
Oh thank you!!! The little prince has always been an inspiration, and my ideas are somewhat like that. I proceed and wish you a very good night.
January 7, 2012
Dear Georgi,
An important aspect of validating the significance of your message, is lining up unsolicited collaborative material from other sources. You have already mentioned CA, and now we have the Princess from Japan and her video as an example (it was already banned from Internet, George). You will find another supportive source within the attached document.
Historically you have been, shall we say somewhat critical, of the Mayan perspective. However, hopefully the attached information might begin to shift your perception. Although this indigenous culture obviously does not have the scientific wherewithal as you have demonstrated, they do have an insight and have been responsible for much of the mind share of the populace, as limited and incorrect as it may be on the topic. The point is, anyone who is beginning to wake-up, and views the similar messages from Japan, Guatemala, Washington, and Germany, will begin to connect the dots and be “pulled” into investigating further. And where will they go? Channeled sources have no credibility with the larger populace, the indigenous prophecies have been diminished, and belief systems are a product of the sleeping mass. The only source which can provide scientific proof of what is about to take place:
Although this Mayan perspective may be slightly flawed or imperfect, its basic premise is consistent with topic, and can provide an opportunity for PAT members to utilize this collateral to create a heightened awareness we are trying to convey. Your thoughts?
In Lak’ ech,
Dear Shravaka,
This is all very good, but please do it on your own and with your inner conviction, following the guidance of your higher self. This is now your own field of exploration and action and this will be your success, not mine. But do it with pleasure and without any stress for success. Read also my latest report-50 for further information.
In love and light
January 7, 2012
Dear George
Dear Bernice,
This seems to be an excellent strategy, especially to address the student unions which are now completely disillusioned with the UK-government. This decentralized strategy, where every member of the PAT expands its activities in his own country which he/she knows best has the greatest chance of success. I have now people in Scandinavian, Italy, Hungary, and USA who are willing to do the same thing,
Wish you a lot of success. It will be your success. We enter now the crucial stage when we are about to establish ourselves as the new earth-keepers and competent interlocutors/advisers for all people.
In love and light
January 7, 2012
Dear Yoa,
Thank you very much for your support. As I have said in my last report-50 this initiative to expand our educational program on the whole humanity should be done with pleasure, experimental joy, and creativity, where every member of the PAT is free to use the appropriate means and approach that he considers to be best in his environment. You are all ascended masters and you create your reality.
I am happy that you confirm the efficacy of decrees from your personal experience.
In love and light
January 7, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I have to say that I have been feeling pretty dull for the last couple of months. Now, after reading your last 2 posts, I feel energized and excited again. I feel that this is important and very timely step in our mission to help humanity expand and assist with education and awakening process. We are warriors, part of Intergalactic force of Light workers who incarnate where and when necessary in the name of evolution. Now is the time to shine!
with love,
January 7, 2012
Dear George
My emails to you today were based on the premise that you were going to compose an article that everyone can use and send out – the letter from Brewster Report 50: “January 6, 2012. Are you still going to do this?
in love and light
Dear Callista,
No, I decided not to write such a pompous article/letter for two reasons:
1) There is enough information to present as a link in an informal letter to anybody or organisation, for instance, the last article “Winds of Change” with the 2012 scenario or anything else or just put a link to my website.
2) I want that the members of the PAT go their own way and are not restricted by myself and my ideas or strategy. They must find their own style of educating humanity as sovereign creator beings. They may decide to only attach a link to my website or any other relevant website. It is not about me and this website, but about throwing the members of the PAT in the cold water to learn swimming by themselves and develop to a focal point (source) of information in their own country, from where they can expand their influence as beacons of light in an independent and sovereign manner.
Some of them have become very complacent, comfortable and lazy around this website and they now must learn to take the initiative, but are somewhat fearful as they have seldom, if ever, taken responsibility in their current incarnation and now must do it for the first time.
I expected this behaviour and I was urged by the higher realms these days to address this issue, which will become crucial in the coming days when the wheat will be separated from the chaff. Many will cling to the old life and will regress, as they will be afraid to jump in the abyss without a safety net, although this is the only way to really survive and progress in the current End Times. I am afraid that we will see more of this splitting of characters in the coming days. It has just begun. Here is a link to a recent channeling that also speaks about this issue:
Brewster, who suggested this, decided all of sudden not to participate in this initiative as he does not see any chance of success. But there are others who are very excited by this perspective and have already started to move forward as Bernice in England, Johan in Scandinavia, Mate in Hungary (see above), Harry in Germany, some people in Italy (see below) and some more in the USA.
This initiative is not about this website or me, but about awakening humanity in general, and I only want to send out the members of the PAT in the big, wide world to start fighting with naked hands against dinosaurs and other reptilians and not just continue chatting on this website and wait for Heaven to bring about the change. They must become mature fighters and sovereign beacons of light without my back up.
This is psychologically very important now and many of them have subliminal fears to start walking on their own two feet. It is we, who must now make the decisions and choices on the ground on behalf of humanity and then we can get help from heaven, but not the other way round. This must be cogent to everybody. That is why I always underline that this initiative must be done without any stress, but with pleasure, free of any angst to fail and with an experimental joyful expectation, what will come out of it, a kind of creative play.
I hope you understand my intentions and pedagogical strategy.
In love and light
January 7, 2012
Dear Georgi,
sorry, but I’ve to reply using Italian language as my English is not so good to treat complex arguments. Instead, maybe you haven’t understood, but I’m a very fine Italian writer.
Devi sapere che io ti ho conosciuto la prima volta in giugno di quest’anno, quando grazie ad un link su “rumormills”, arrivai per puro caso (meglio per indicazione del mio higher self) al tuo libro “why the economic order ….” pubblicato su exopolitics. Fu un’illuminazione, non solo per l’argomento complessivo, ma per l’eccezionale trattazione epistemologica iniziale.
Non credo di averti mai detto che sono un appassionato di filosofia e storia e che sono in grado di riconoscere uno che sa maneggiare bene la materia. ebbene tu trattavi argomenti complessi con straordinaria padronanza e, in quel campo, ho riconosciuto con sicurezza il tuo valore. Non eri certo un venditore di fumo! Da quel primo pensiero, con ragionamento logico induttivo (non deduttivo), ho intuito che anche le tue discettazioni di fisica teorica erano molto brillanti. Ho cercato di studiarle e seguirle, ma la mia attuale formazione culturale non mi consente di padroneggiarle. Conto di ripassarle tutte dopo l’ascensione.
Ti ho detto tutto questo per darti conto del credito che hai maturato ai miei occhi. Poco dopo mi hai colpito per la sicurezza scientifica con cui trattavi argomenti trascendenti, quasi incredibili: ascensione, divisione fra pianeta A e B, anime giovani e vecchie, ecc. Sarebbe stato facile attribuirti un ego ipertrofico. E così avvenne da parte di due mio caro amici: Pier (australiano) e Maria Teresa (italiana), che sono stati i miei iniziatori al pensiero “new age” e coi quali abitualmente discutevo, anche se in maniera molto più modesta, i temi trattati nel tuo sito. Quando mostrai loro i tuoi scritti, non li apprezzarono come li apprezzavo io. la mia sensazione è stata che temessero che io diventassi sapiente più e come loro. e questo mi dispiacque perché (e questo è il putno più importante) l’impressione di grande apertura mentale che avevo parlando con loro si dissipò, mentre rimase nella lettura del tuo sito e nelle poche emails scambiate con te.
Pier e Maria TeresaIn seguito sposai in modo palese la tesi da te supportata circa la prima ondata di ascensione l’11/11. quando non accadde per me fu imbarazzante, Pier e Maria Teresa ne ebbero soddisfazione, gli amici che mi ascoltavano con scetticismo sorrisero di me. Sarebbe stato quindi logico che io riducessi l’apprezzamento per te ed il tuo lavoro. invece no. il tuo modo diretto di ammettere l’errore, la tua franchezza nell’affrontare il momento imbarazzante, l’errore stesso ti resero ancora più apprezzabile. Facile avere fiducia in quelli che non sbagliano, più difficile apprezzare gli errori! Così come mi sono simpatici i tuoi moti di ira verso i lettori che propongono questioni stupide. lungi dal trovarli una manifestazione dell’ego, li reputo invece l’unico modo per scuotere l’umanità dormiente.
Pier e Maria Teresa ti attribuirono il peccato di arroganza, un ego eccessivo. Eppure il mio intuito mi ha sempre detto che non era così. al contrario, da piccoli particolari i tuoi scritti mi hanno sempre lasciato il gusto del libero pensiero, dell’apertura mentale, ancora meglio: della possibilità di cambiare idea. un’attitudine mentale per la quale mi sono sempre battuto. In seguito sposai in modo palese la tesi da te supportata circa la prima ondata di ascensione l’11/11. quando non accadde per me fu imbarazzante,
Venendo al mondo che mi è vicino ed all’argomento da te trattato nel report 50: da tempo sto dicendo, alle persone che mi stanno intorno (colleghi di lavoro, familiari, amici) la mia verità. Che è la stessa che tu propugni sul tuo sito: anzi grazie a te ho molto affinato i miei argomenti. Spiego l’immortalità dell’anima, la materia come energia variabile funzionalmente alle frequenze cui è sottoposta, sostengo che noi non siamo corpi che fanno un’esperienza spirituale, bensì spiriti che hanno un’esperienza corporea, spiego come l’emozione dell’amore abbia la prevalenza sulla paura ecc.. non lo faccio con la tua efficacia e padronanza, ma me la cavo.
Ebbene fino ad un anno fa mi prendevano per matto. adesso non più. Mi ascoltano tutti, pongono domande, mi segnalano i riscontri, insomma i più intorno a me si stanno svegliando velocemente. anche degli insospettabili. E tieni conto che io vivo in un ambiente di lavoro (uno studio legale) che è fra i più refrattari agli argomenti spirituali. Con la tua ulteriore presa di posizione pubblica, lettera al giornale ed alla principessa giapponese, mi sei piaciuto moltissimo.
Ma poiché io seguo la mia strada, anche se guardo con ammirazione le persone che stimo (te nella fattispecie), penserò come fare per ampliare rapidamente il mio raggio di azione. Certamente ripeterò molte volte il decreto che hai pubblicato sul sito. Buonanotte.
in love and light (che è un saluto che apprezzo molto)
Dear Paolo,
It was a great pleasure to read your very elaborate letter in Italian and you should continue writing to me in Italian as it is obvious that there is so much that one can only express in his native language.
Yes, I do know that you have a profound philosophical background and that you appreciate aspects of my theory and books that remain unnoticed by most Anglo-Saxon readers of my website.
Your experience with your two friends is typical for the current End Times. You have been introduced by them into the New Age literature, but you have soon “surpassed them on the right side of the highway” as the Germans say and they could not accept this “inappropriate” behaviour on your part in front of your teachers, which is a clear indication for their spiritual limitations. This is quite normal. In this case it is easy to condemn you, or the people you read, of a huge ego – this behaviour is triggered like an unconditional Pavlov’s reflex in all unreflective light workers when they are confronted with a peer mind. This is the classical protection, to which such people always resort, when they want to entrench themselves against any new influences which they fear they might exceed their intellectual capacity.
Now I will make an important prediction: When the events begin to unfold very soon with an incredible velocity, you will be surprised to witness how many light workers will retreat from the new opportunities out of fear instead of embracing them. When the rug will be pulled away from under their feet, their true character will surge on the surface and many of them will continue clinging to the old and will be afraid to jump in the abyss without a safety net. The real human tragedies are bound to begin soon. All we have experienced so far is just “petting” in comparison to “il grande orgasmo di paura” that will overwhelm the people.
To stay firm in these turbulent times “sarebbe nostro dovere”, as the people will run to us and ask for an advice in their total helplessness. The real challenges for us lie ahead and it is very important to start now profiling us as future spiritual leaders.
Your negative experience of being ridiculed after 11.11.11 was the best training on the job.
I am happy to hear your confirmation that the people around you who were sceptical to your ideas in the past are now beginning to ask you for advice and to listen to your arguments, which is a clear indication that their inner impulse has begun to torment them.
This tendency will stipulate in the coming days and we must be prepared for this new mission – being the pillars of humanity amidst mayhem and havoc, where the mental disarray and confusion of the masses will be the worst of all.
As I have explicitly said in my last report-50, the initiative to expand our educational activities over to the whole humanity should be done with pleasure, experimental joy and creativity, each one of us in his own way and preference. It is not so much what we do, but that we have decided to do anything beyond chatting with each other.
Some of my readers have become lazy and complacent and think that change will come from Heaven. It will, but we have still to make our choices and decisions here on the ground. Therefore, I wanted to expel them from the comfort zone (spiritual ghetto) of this website and throw them in the big world to fight with naked hands against dinosaurs as to win their first badge of courage.
You must consider that most of the star seeds and members of the PAT have lived the life of social outcasts and have seldom had the opportunity to take responsibility on a grander scale. Now they have to do it all of a sudden, contrary to their whole previous experience, And this is not easy at the beginning – but they must be thrown in the cold water and must learn to swim by themselves. We have no time to adjust slowly to the changes – they will be sweeping and devastating for most people, not for us. We must be beacons of light in this moment of change, when the true character of the individual comes into play.
Dear Paolo, do whatever your inner self tells you and do it with pleasure. There is no stress to educate the people, but know that we have entered the last stage when we no longer play in the amateur league, “ma nella prima divisione” and the whole world will be watching us very soon.
In love and light
January 8, 2012
Dear George,
I know that they monitor and control every group or activity that have something to do with spirituality, could be on the web, on written paper, magazines, or even informal groups that they come to know. I discovered this many years ago, when I still was a student in political sciences at the university. Their data base and libraries are just huge and detailed. They monitor from the little cheating magician to the biggest religious organizations. I don’t say that they do this necessarily for bad purposes, they just try to monitor every “religious” or spiritual phenomena. They obviously know your site, so maybe if they are interested, they will contact you, but they know your work, at least I think so. I don’t know if they could understand your work, this is a different story. So I think it’s more interesting to contact that program on the TV, that is for sure more open in receiving and spreading this information. But if you think differently let me know!
Dear Alberto,
You are absolutely right and this was also the case in communist Eastern Europe with all dissidents. But we do not want to address the secret services as “Satina”, but the mass media and other corporations, where most of the working people have no idea about ascension and do not even know that we are monitored by the secret services. It is the sleeping masses that we should awaken and not the watch dogs.
In love and light
January 8, 2012
Hi George,
Wanted to let you know that I am still with you. I have real difficulties getting on the site, but tonight for some reason was able to. My computer has blocked it since the beginning. Wanted to let you know that I said the decree tonight and am getting that this is a very powerful and effective decree. It is done! It is time for this all to happen now!
Is there any way of asking people who have said it to report in so that we know how many have done this. I don’t know if it matters, but I would be interested in knowing.
Much Love,
Dear Devi,
I am sorry that you have problems with access to my website as some others have also complained, but my website is for some time under cyber attacks. You must try from another PC. There is also a trick. You store an URL from an article on my website on an email, which you then send to you and then´click on this URL address and enter my website from your email. It works most of the time.
It is not important to know how many people have spoken this decree – I hope as many as possible, but after all it is their free will and we should leave it to them and not control anything.
In love and light
January 8, 2012
Dear George,
Tonight, while pondering your proposal to the PAT, I perceived an acceleration in the higher frequencies through my left brain, and as usual when that happens, I focus inwards to consciously allow the energy to flow. The frequency kept increasing, and the energy filled me. I felt the boundaries between self and world dissolving. I had the very clear sensation that I was not alone in this effort, and that we were consciously anchoring the new earth with the intention that it be so. I felt for a moment the separation of the two earths, and that, in our efforts, we had momentarily stepped outside of time. That is how I perceived it.
Dear Ben,
Thank you for this observation. I confirm your feeling. I was under a huge pressure from the higher realms to publish report-50 with the decree on January 6 for some purpose and after that I felt a huge relief. At this moment I also felt the acceleration of time and the coming changes and that we are on the cusp of something very big, awesome – as if I had crossed the final line.
In love and light
Dear George,
I think you may have initiated the opening of the cosmic floodgates! It’s going to be quite a ride! All is one!
January 8, 2012
Dear George,
A short enquiry. I was just asked to transcript and translate Kaoru Nakamarus statement by a certain group/site/organisation interested in the supernatural I used to be involved with.
I don’t want to bother you, but I would like to be precise. Have you heard of the “head of the librarian” she mentions, also the place “Nuru” Did I hear right? How are they written? On a side note what are they in short and if you know? It is really funny how they, knowing my interests, immediately approached me again right after the obvious happened.
Dear Piotr,
I am sorry, but I have no idea. Have you noticed that the video has been removed from Internet? Have you saved this video on your computer and if yes, is it possible that you send me a copy, so that I can publish it permanently on my website?
In love and light
January 8, 2012
have a look at this article by Jim Self and see how it resonates with you concerning the definitions of dimensions.
Overall I think this is pretty good. I loved the way he expressed much of what he did and I have done so myself in very similar or exact ways, so much so I felt like I was reading my own article….
Dear Brewster,
I read it and I did not find anything new, but a lot of old esoteric crap. The physical approach in the definitions is non-existent and he does not say anything about the dark forces dwelling in the 4th dimension and how they influence life on 3d-earth from there, which is in the core of human “Fall From Grace” and the current deplorable situation on earth. He does not address the fact that each dimension consists of 7 levels and each level of 7 sub-levels and that there is a great difference if you ascend to the second level of the 5th dimension, as will be the case with most human beings in Dec 2012, which will still have a lot of physicality and where few human entities will be able to create by immediate imagination and the highest 5th level, where this will be possible for everybody. He does not address the crystalline 144-grid as a prerequisite for creation and merkaba journeys, nor does he has any understanding of All-That-Is as a superimposed Whole of wave systems that behave like U-sets.
I do not see any merits in this presentation.
In love and light
January 8, 2012
Dear George
Today I found this information which explains why the moon has to be removed. Your thoughts most welcome.
in love and light
Dear Callista,
This is indeed a very important information and it explains why the moon must be removed or has been already removed as I wrote in my article on the magnetic pole shift. I did not know this relationship between reflected sun energy by the moon and its deleterious effects on human cell metabolism and the process of aging by creating/cutting telomers from DNA, but it makes perfect sense in the light of what I know so far about genetics and bio-science. I also wrote recently that the moon is placed at this orbit by the Anunnaki as to dumb down the human race by impeding its proper metabolism. This has been now brilliantly confirmed by this information.
This information is a “must” for every educated star seed.
In this case we must assume that the moon has been already removed as an artificial celestial body, which is no longer compatible with the intensive LBP on earth and either replaced by a holographic picture of it as not to disturb the masses yet or by a new higher frequency body, which is synchronized with the birthing of the new 5d-sun that will heave Gaia and humanity to the 5th dimension. Given the basic knowledge that all systems in All-That-Is are interrelated and closely interwoven, this conclusion is simply inevitable.
Thank you for this crucial information that explains the strange observations with the moon during the last several months by many people and members of the PAT.
In love and light
January 8, 2012
Hi George!
This is just a link to a channeled message I came across today. I don’t usually look at the channelings at all, but something lead me there after reading a post made by a channeler named Linda Dillon, who I personally know. I was so surprised that she and other channels there at light workers,org are being so defensive and feel they are being attacked enough to warrant public postings about this subject. Why they aren’t looking at the criticism as feedback to objectively look at what they are doing and saying is beyond me, and defies there own personal teachings that they preach to everyone else. Many of them seem to be getting all up in arms and defensive… sadly, its exactly as you said and predicted, I hope they get some perspective on this very soon. Anyway, the following channeling is supposed to be from Metatron, the info may not fully apply to the PAT, but I think its inline with almost everyone else. Where and why I found this interesting enough to forward is that all the technical concepts are completely resonant with your Universal Laws and my own knowledge and intuitions regarding the LBP.
My best always,
Dear Marco,
Thank you very much for this information. The story with Linda Dillon who works also with Beckow on his blog has been discussed recently by Joana from Berlin and I posted it on one of my last reports. It is typical, as you have correctly observed, and there is no point to discuss this matter at length.
The message from Tyberon/Metatron is very good and I just finished it before I received your email and I already intended to put a link to it in my next report. Although much of this information has been channelled by Metatron through Tyberon more than an year or two ago, as Tyberon tends to recycle his old messages for commercial reasons, this one is full of valuable technical information and must be carefully read by anybody.
In love and light