On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-48, January 5, 2012
January 3, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Yes, you were right – some one did blow-up my mind – the psychiatrist; the one I have been going to for thirty years. I am trying to break away from him this year. I have already started with the Internist, who had me on all kinds of drugs, including Warfarin which gave me purple-toes and chronic gout. I like Jonathan Swift’s quote: “There are three kinds of doctors; Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merrymaking.” This was written 280 years ago.
Most of my problems are from the LBP, which I started in 2008. I did not even know it then, until I came to your site in September of last year. So now I have to apologize for the disruption that I have brought to you. I know that you have a good sense of humor and will take my trouble-making well in hand. I have learned a tremendous amount from your writings, the site, and other PAT members. Getting better quickly,
Love and Light,
Dear Henry,
Absolutely no problem. I always enjoy a small verbal duel. What really amused me, was that I am a fan of all films, dealing with the dark McCarthy’s era of “witch chase” and especially the film with Woody Allen, who is erroneously considered to be a communist and, though a coward, decides to keep silent at the Congress hearing and ends up in a prison as to impress a young progressive lady. Thus he becomes a hero to the liberal movement in the 50s. You should definitely watch this film. I have forgotten now the title, but it should be easy to find it out.
This website is established upon a broad and open dialogue on all topics and I must assure you on one basic fact: The LBP is the most “rotten experience” (Rob) on earth and associated with many fear attacks, which make us sometimes seek external help or resort to less honorable actions. Although I have finished with my LBP long time ago, I am still cleansing intensively such collective fear based patterns, which can be very heavy and nasty, and I know personally that I also tend to negative reactions when such waves enter my body fields. I have learned in the meantime to close myself in my room and simply avoid any communication with other people until the waves have receded and I am sociable again. This affords a lot of self discipline and inner courage as to confront your fears and that of others, you are cleansing at this moment, but there is no other way, but to stay open to the fears and simply accept them for the time being.
I hope that this small verbal skirmish will not affect your pleasure to continue reading my website.
In love and light
January 3, 2012
Hi Georgi,
I just had to respond after reading some of the comments today. It seems that many people’s internal guidance systems remain on OFF. Henry, are we not past the point of interrogating each other? You have more than sufficient enough information offered on this site to draw your own conclusions and make use of your own intuition. Even if Georgi did answer no to all of your questions, you would still need to discern for yourself, which is what you should be doing now instead of letting fear dictate your behavior.
Sophie, I read those same articles that you posted links to, and again, where is your internal guidance system? This sounds to me to be some kind of false savior plan that is vague at best. The entire financial system is corrupt and you cannot build upon corruption. The only solution is for it to crumble and for new solutions to replace the old system. There are no shortcuts to this process. Everything is being purged, including us and everyone needs to take responsibility for their own process, first and foremost.
As I see it, there is nothing left to DO for this world. Now it is a matter of internal preparation and waiting on the right energies and cosmic alignments. I feel like people such as Wilcock and Fulford are only serving as distractions to the true process. I’m not saying that they are intentionally or consciously being distractions, it just seems that they do not have the personal experiences of the PAT members, in order to know any better.
It has just now come into my awareness the difference between what rings of truth and what doesn’t. Firstly, truth is usually quite simple and it will not confuse the mind to the point, where you are swimming in circles. If you find yourself very confused, beware of that information. Secondly, many of these channels or spiritual gurus seem to aim to keep you mired in the old system somehow… with new twists and turns on old problems, while true spiritual information focuses on the higher realms as their only authority.
I think people in general, and especially the readers on this site, need to take a much broader view of the whole divine plan. This ascension process is not only happening for earth, but for the entire universe. Once you take into account that other planets and dimensions do not adhere to our convoluted laws and systems, you will understand why this old shit must be demolished. It just has no place in the higher realms that we are ascending to. Please step back and take a wider view. I think, in doing so, it will be much easier for you to discern truth from garbage.
January 3, 2012
Hey George,
I was wondering where that name “heaven” came from? Was it from the people on earth that they used it from their perspective or is it from your higher self or astral beings from higher dimension?
Second question: “How is it that the 4th dimension has the same problems as us? Is it money related or some kind of domination over magic like resource or something like that?
Henry Tu
Dear Henry Tu,
The word “heaven” is different in different languages. In Bulgarian and other Slavonic languages it is called “nebesa”, in German “Himmel” – both words stay for “sky”. So “heaven” is in many languages simply the sky. The English word comes most probably from the verb “to heave” (to lift to a higher dimension). I often use this word for ascension as it is associated with heaven. it is a composite word for all dimensions beyond the 3d-reality that are integral part of the Source = All-That-Is. Language is often a poor substitute for higher dimensional realities. This aspect is the most neglected and poorly understood one in the current esoteric scene.
The fourth astral dimension is very similar to the 3rd dimension, especially with respect to emotions, which are an integral part of the 4th astral dimension. These emotions can be positive, loving, harmonious, and in this case the 4th dimension, predominantly the higher levels of it have a better contact to the Whole.
However, when the emotions begin to evolve to fear-based patterns, as it has been the case on this planet for the last 13 000 years, then the astral plane can be even more separated and distorted than the 3d-reality. All the so called “evil forces“, known as “Luciferian, Satanic, Rhyee” etc. represent collective fear based patterns that dwell in the lower 4th-dimensional astral plane and project their negative impulses predominantly on the incarnated human beings on earth.
As the Luciferian, Satanic and Rhyee beings are completely separated at the mental and emotional level from the Source and their over-soul (which is still part of the Source as they cannot be wholly severed from it, otherwise they will not be able to exist), they do not have that much energy at their disposal. For that reason they always sponge on the emotional fields of the incarnated human beings, who have still a direct contact to their higher self and soul and thus enjoy much more powerful energies than the dark entities from the lower 4th dimension, to which the Greys and the Reptilians also belong.
This is the reason why for instance three such dark entities (I called them the “Unholy Trio“) enter the field of each new born star seed after partition and accommodate themselves perfectly in his emotional and mental bodies and sponge on him for the rest of his life, unless he gets aware of them and sends them away by consciously declaring this firm wish. In such a case the dark entities are obliged to leave his fields – they are expelled by higher angelic forces.
This is all part of the game called “Separation and Karma” on this planet. I have written on this topic in my last book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction” and in some other publications. This energetic dependence of the dark forces, such as Greys and Reptilians, from humans is in the core of the current debased Orion/Reptilian order that has been established on earth – beginning with the Orion monetary system and ending up with the strict hierarchical military order that still dominates most countries and nations on this planet.
This is the chief reason why the dark ones can only survive if they sponge on incarnated human entities and in order to do this, they try to dumb them down in order to forget their creative potential as this has been the case on earth for the last 13 000 years. This is the famous “Fall From Grace” as discussed in religions and esoteric teachings. In this way the dark entities gain full control over the energies of the humans which are “God’s sparks“. This aspect is also very well presented in the basic gnostic books of Cosmic Awareness. This mechanism is also in the core of the current End Times and determines the battle of the forces of light against the dark forces.
This interdependence is not well understood by most esoteric gurus and especially by most channeling “trash ladies” as I call them, that populate the Internet in the last years and are the chief source of the current massive confusion among most light workers.
I hope that I have addressed some of the major aspects regarding your questions, which harbour indeed a lot of stuff for gnostic discussion.
In love and light
January 3, 2012
Thank You So Much! In Love&Gratitude, Beth
Dear Beth,
all you have said about dreaming is partially true as dreams are multidimensional phenomena and have various aspects. I do not consider all dreams equally important, but only some of them when they have the necessary intensity and symbolics. And even then they seldom relate to my daily life. Dreams should not be instrumentalized for our lives on earth as they are traces, remnants from much greater realities.
It is absolutely true that we create our reality with our thoughts and feelings and you can avert almost all negative events by not charging them with emotional and mental energy. But first of all one has to change his basic thinking patterns. The idea of having positive thoughts is extremely misleading, as what are positive thoughts? Many so called positive thoughts may happen to be fear-driven, “sugar coated” idea gestalts, which we may not recognize as such at first and even second glance. It needs a deep soul work to discern them.
Positive thoughts cannot save a human relationship if it is based upon false premises. First one has to change the premises and in the course of this change one may discover that this relationship is not worth saving. It is not that easy and clear-cut. The only rule that one should follow is that one should be absolutely honest with himself and question all his motives and emotions, until he can recognize them without any mistake and can easily discern the loving patterns from the fearful ones.
If it were so easy, there would have been no adepts on this planet to teach the people how to cope with their negative ideas as to progress.
One basic idea that must stand at the very beginning is not to try to manipulate anything or to influence any person in any direction that suits you. One must only decide for himself what he wants to experience in a self-sufficient manner and without the contribution of other people and then he may begin to experience how the right people will start entering his personal life. The tactics of letting go of is in the core of any positive influence of the individual destiny.
It is not an active process in terms of doing something to achieve a goal, but in terms of being in the Now what you want to be in the future, even if the circumstances may hinder you somewhat at the beginning. The only active aspect should be to perform and honest ongoing analysis of one’s own motives and most clandestine thoughts and to discard all manipulative ideas before they become the driving force of one’s behaviour.
In love and light
January 3, 2011
Dear George:
Great interview and time devoted to the mechanics of a pole shift.
Alfred Lambremont Webre interviews Drunvalo Melchizedek
Mayan End Times Prophecies of Earth Changes, Consciousness Transformation, and the Divine Feminine: 2007 – 2016; Recorded on December 20, 2011
It is our good fortune that Drunvalo and Alfred Lambremont Webre, of the ‘Seattle Exopolitics Examiner’ finally found the time to hook up. This is a great interview. If you’re new to Drunvalo’s work it will open your eyes; if you think you’ve heard everything he has to say it will remind you that you are in dire need of an update!
In a little over 56 minutes, with nothing more than a few perfectly timed questions, Alfred opens the space for Drunvalo to talk about everything from the thousands of recently discovered Mayan Codices to the long lost connection between the heart and the Pineal Gland. In between the two men cover deeper territory that will be of interest to anyone who understands that our passage through the End of Time is a consciousness transformation that is directly related to the mysteries of the heart. Like we said; this is a good one. Don’t miss a conversation that couldn’t come at a better time.
Dear Barbara,
Inspired by your exuberant recommendation, I watched Alfred’s Interview with Drunvallo with great expectation and I must admit that I was deeply disappointed.
I could not hear a single idea that ignites me or anybody else, except the same old esoteric crap. I would very much insist that you quote me a single major idea, which Drunvallo has presented in this interview that has not been discussed at much greater depth and detail on this website and with much greater spirituality and intellectuality and has deserved your warm recommendation.
I really wonder how you could have come to the idea that I could learn something from Drunvallo. Not that I did not had the desire to do so – I looked very much to it, but the dire reality is that he is just another “Schwätzer” (trash speaker in German) as most pseudo-gurus from the esoteric vanity fair are. This is the chief reason why I do not give any interviews as a principle. Do you know how often Alfred and other journalists have asked me to give interviews?
While watching increasingly annoyed this video as a diligent researcher, I came to another idea. As you have taken the role of a go-between between me and Drunvallo (I know Alfred personally very well as I worked intensively with him and know very well all his few positive sides and many personal defaults), why don’t you make for the sake of reciprocity and balance an effort and write an email to Drunvallo and make him aware of my scientific books on this website, from which he could really learn a lot and expand his narrow “naive esoteric, Mayan tainted realism”. You do not need to address Alfred on this issue as he has tried in the past to read my scientific books and has given up as he did not understand them.
By the way, I have a follow-up question for you: What happened with the alleged hole in the moon and why did not we get any evidence and proofs on Dec 10 during the moon eclipse: “The Sun is birthing her twin and it will soon become obvious especially when the lunar eclipse occurs on December 10, 2011” as you wrote in your message which I published in report-38, Dec 6?
I invested a lot of trust in your source which you praised me as exuberantly as now this interview with Drunvallo. Now that it has failed to render tangible results with its prophecies, don’t you think that, for the sake of objectivity and reliability, this source owes us a detailed follow-up explanation.
You see, my chief duty in these last days on earth is to discern the reliability and trustworthiness of the sources and information I read and publish and I cannot make any exception whatsoever – not even for myself. Whenever, I see dangerous deviations from the objective truth, I have to intervene and make corrections and they may not be very pleasant to the ego of the alleged human source.
This was the reason why Alfred cut off his very creative relationship with me. I criticized him about being duped by a faked dark source, the obscure anonymous gestalt called “Tolec”, while publishing a series of interviews with him, full of disinformation that have ruined his reputation as a journalist and a spiritual man for the rest of his life. I simply told him that even I as an ascended master could not help him in the future if he goes this road of perdition. He preferred to stop this very productive contact with me, which happened to be the best decision in my life, as I then decided to establish this website, which I did not intend initially.
Now if you want to enter a fruitful dialogue with me, you should stand to your opinions and statements and if you cannot support them you should, please, be honest enough to admit this fact as I have no time to communicate with people who prefer to self-delude themselves during their whole life – not now, short before Ascension.
I hope that I have made my case crystal clear and I would love to publish a follow-up from your source with a sound explanation why his forecast did not come true. I have always stayed to my failures and I expect this correct behaviour also from a channeling source. Otherwise it should stop channeling. This is my ultimate advice.
In love and light
January 3, 2012
Dear George
Remember the right collar bone LBP symptom I discussed with Callista who shared the same pains. Well mine hasn’t dissipated. It’s still there and no change. It is now about 8 weeks roughly. Is that normal or possible that such a pain could last that long? Callista’s is long gone. I understood that symptoms come and go and that a particular symptom will dissipate over a week or two. I assume from all I have read that this process is different for many and that in fact mine is merely a lengthy process for some reason or another. Is this true ?
Love and light
Where is the pain exactly located – medial or lateral, towards the shoulder? – George
I assume medial, not sure about the term. Let me explain. It’s closer to the neck from the middle collar bone, under the collar bone, using the collar bone middle as reference point. Almost at the beginning of the one end of the collar bone situated on the neck side. Hope this explains better.
Dear Eugene,
OK, then it has to do with your throat chakra (5th chakra of intellectuality; according to my impression you are intellectually dominant, with dominant 5th chakra) which binds to the thyroid gland and may cause prolonged pains and pressure during the time of its expansion, which can last from months to several years. There is another clavicular (collar bone) pain at the shoulder joint (articulatio acromio-claviculare) which comes from huge cc-waves entering the left brain portal and being mainly distributed through the right half of the body, thus affecting the right shoulder and the right elbow severely, so that they may ache for years as was recently the case with me again after a long pause.
In love and light
Dear George.
Thanks for the explanation. Great to understand where I am and what is unfolding. Does this mean because it’s the 5Th chakra that in fact the heart chakra has opened fully and that it has as a result incorporated (not sure of the word here) the lower 3 chakras as you have explained and hence the development now of the 5th and 6th chakras in my personal progress? Is this correct?
Love and light
Dear Eugene,
not exactly. All these processes take place simultaneously. The 4th hearth chakra is a kind of a barrier between the three lower and the three higher chakras. It has to be opened before a unified chakra can be built. But this goes from the heart chakra and from the higher chakras simultaneously. It is even so that the higher chakras play the first fiddle and they are the one that help the heart chakra to open and expand and to come in harmony and synchronicity with the other six chakras: it is like an orchestra where at certain time intervals during the music different instruments play the first part – the drums (1st chakra), then come the horns (2nd chakra), then the fiddles (3rd chakra) and so on and again and again all of them together playing as one orchestra.
I have written that each person is born with two dominant chakras at a ratio of 70% to 30%. These two chakras determine his character and attitude/strategy in life because through these two chakras his vital energies are predominantly flowing, and here is where his strength lies. I have, for instance, a dominant 3rd chakra, which is for movement and expansion, both physical and intellectual, and 5th throat chakra for intellectuality. During the LBP, the soul labours longer on these two dominant chakras to bring them in alignment with the other ones, as they are the most difficult to incorporate in the unified chakra. For instance I had problems with my 3rd chakra for many years, while the other chakras as the 4th heart chakra was opened very quickly and without much problems. Many incarnated entities have huge problems with their 4th heart chakra and less so with their 3rd chakra as one can read in channellings and other esoteric literature.
If your dominant 5th chakra of intellectuality have a lot of blockages, your higher self works on it longer and intensively than on other chakras and it becomes your problem chakra for a while. I hope that you now understand the dynamics and logic behind the transformation of the chakras during the LBP. It is not as rigid as most people believe, and the symptoms are recurrent as at every new frequency level the same symptoms and problems surge again and must be dealt with. One often think – I have finished with this problem – and is surprised to be caught in the same drama or problem a year later. This explains the chronic ailments in connection with some problem chakras, which are often the dominant chakras of the individual.
In love and light
January 3, 2012
Dear George,
I would be delighted to get some statement concerning Sinuses with the LBP – my nostrils have been severely blocked for several years and now intensifying.
L&L divsy.
Dear divsy,
I do not think that this is a sinusitis, but simply that the mucosa of the nostrils is involved and inflamed each time when there is a wave entering the left brain portal. In addition to that our brains are under incessant rearrangement, building new neurological pathways – sometimes more intensively, sometimes less so – so that the debris must be sequestered and this happens through the mucosa of the nostrils, through the sinusoidal bone, which builds the bottom of the skull and is the most thin bone of the whole skull; it is opened to the nostrils.
I had also such problems for a long time, but now they disappeared. My nostrils are only blocked when a huge wave enters my left brain portal and causes also an inflammation of pharynx, larynx and also affects the bronchi and the alveoli of the lungs. This happens several times per year and lasts for 2-3 weeks. When this chronic stage of the LBP is finished, your nostrils will improve automatically.
In love and light
TY George – this rings a bell now, I can now begin to understand this complex process, very often accompanied by tons of phlegm (I permanently carry paper naps). Blessings.
Dear divsy,
That is why I repeat again and again that it is imperative that every star seed must consider some basic anatomic knowledge when he/she enters the LBP as to avoid gross misinterpretations and run to a doctor, who will either kill his patient or will stop his LBP with his therapies.
In love and light
January 4, 2012
Dear Georgi,
There have been two occasions in the last few years when after having a viral infection I lost my ability to taste. The first one lasted about two years and my ability to taste very slowly came back. The current one has lasted for over a year now. I would appreciate your opinion on whether this might be related to the LBP. The great majority of my symptoms have been related to the gut (many years) and I have also had ringing in the ears (predominantly the left side) for several years. Obviously it’s no fun not being able to taste my food. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Love and light to you…
Dear Billy,
As you are obviously fully in the LBP, judged by the symptoms you have told me, it is unlikely that the loss of taste is a consequence from a viral infection, because I personally do not believe that you have had such an infection. Nobody in the LBP has such viral infections anymore. These are remnants of the old carbon-based body before it enters the LBP.
From my personal experience I can confirm that when I had some very intensive waves and episodes, I did had an impairment of my taste, for instance, I could not taste salt and cooked salty dishes to the displeasure of my family. This lasted for a couple of days or a week.
What I suspect in your case is that during one of such waves your Nervus Trigeminus (look in Wikipedia for further information), which is also responsible for the taste in the mouth cavity, must have undergone an inflammation as much of these high frequency energies are transmitted in the body along the neuronal pathways coming from the brain. This may have led to the prolonged loss of taste, which I am sure will recover. But I must admit that the duration of 1-2 years is indeed very long. You may as well ascend, before you recover your taste.
in love and light
January 3, 2012
Dear George
I hope you enjoy this piece of music ‘The Lark Ascending’ by Ralph Vaughan Williams:
I take myself to my inner sanctum, to get away. I saw a beautiful corridor to our 5d world just a moment ago, with the PAT I was lifting people through its walls, lined with blue stars, it was like as an escape from a prison camp, with allies helping on the other side. Everyone just walked forward into their new bright, bold and beautiful existence, together, free at last, you could feel their relief and unity. I asked for this vision, I said when, when,when. I’ve let all go for this, please show how it will be. I’ve never been the most patient of people.
There is so much high energy now. The contents of the messages you are receiving are amazing. Its only 3/01/12, but it feels like 31/11/11 was a million years away. Not sleeping much at all now, but from me to you, good night and thanks for all you do, in 3 and 5d and beyond!
With Love and Light
Dear Bernice,
Thank you for having introduced me to the music of R.V. Williams. I must admit that I did not know him. His music sounds similar to that of Mahler and Shostakovitch, which I very much like, but I somehow immediately associated it with the paintings and moods expressed by the English Pre-Raphaelites who are part of “modern decadence” as it is described in the history of art. You must know these paintings and painters – the only truly pristine arts movement coming from England.
Anyway, what is the purpose of building and building portals and rehearsing to push people through them when we have not started yet with our mission. We no longer need further exercises, but solid action. I am also not the most patient person on this world – in fact quite the opposite.
In love and light
January 4, 2012
Hi Georgi –
I am now getting (past 3 days or so) multi-frequencies that I hear at bedtime, because all is quiet, and they are keeping me awake until 1 or 2:00 in the morning. I hear the always consistent high frequency tone in my ears; at the same time I hear the single note of soft flute music. On top of that my heart beat is VERY LOUD. Now, (and this is new) I hear a sort of clanging noise in the far off distance as if someone is banging metal garbage cans together. This happens in continuous one-second intervals. This is all happening internally and not from outside of me – of this I am sure. Eventually it calms down enough so that I fall asleep. I have asked All-That-Is if things can be toned down at bedtime. Other than that, I don’t know what else to do. Any suggestions?
Love and Light
Dear Diane,
There is nothing you can do when the high frequency hum from the higher chakras comes – it stays all the time. I live with it since 2000 and sometimes it is so high and loud that I cannot hear anything else and I start crying myself as to overcome this background noise and the people around me are surprised. The clinging tones have been discussed in a recent report. They come from the downloading of the light languages in the crystals around the head and ears.
In love and light