State-of-Ascension-Report-47: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-47, January 3, 2012

January 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,

These questions are a matter of personal information, and I hope you don’t mind me asking them. Have you ever been to the USA?  Have you ever been indoctrinated by the NSA, CIA, or the FBI concerning your whereabouts and purpose of interest in anything American?  Do you have any affiliation with the Communist Party?  Does your wife and daughters or son-in-law Christian belong to any anarchic organizations?

Now that Obama has signed into law (yesterday) the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I need to truthfully know the answers to these questions, so that I can continue to communicate with you and the PAT.

In love and light,
Henry A. Clymer

Dear Henry,

Somebody must have blown up your mind. We are not in the McCarthy’s time and if you believe that you can replay these infamous Congress hearings with me, you must really visit a psychiatrist. In the meantime you can find the answers of all your questions on my website. But you may as well decide to stop reading it if you believe in your typical American paranoia that I am subversively manipulating your already damaged brain.

But let me answer some of your questions:

I do intend to destroy the American Cabal system, created by the Orion Reptilian Empire and installed by their dark American minions on earth. I will achieve this with the help of Heaven and with the combined effort of all forces of light, to which the members of the PAT belong. I intend to fulfil my mission this year by sending such powerful loving energies throughout the world and especially on all dumbed down Americans, to which you also belong, that they will become subversively free and will oust their slave masters by themselves for the first time in their history.

In the meantime, stop pissing out of fear in your pants as you make yourself an object of ridicule to everyone.

In love and light

January 2, 2012

Hi Georgi

I was talking to Tony the Shaman today and in the course of our conversation I asked if he has seen any unusual anomalies to do with the sun or moon. He said that on New Years eve he was at Lights Beach at sunset and saw in front of the sun a dark hologram of another sun. At the same time he saw six dark crystal ships flying in formation along the horizon. He was quite surprised by what he saw with the sun, but certainly not with the Dark ships as these are becoming more frequent.
Also this evening I was looking at the half moon, it had a violet hue around it and appeared to be a little out of focus or out of sync. Venus was a lot brighter and larger in the sky than I am accustomed to seeing. Let’s hope we get to see even more anomalies in the sky to make things a little more interesting!
Love and Light
Dear Brett,If you read the CAC newsletter which C. sent to me yesterday:2012-1 Online newsletter.pdf (1.17Mb)

you will find the extremely important information that the mothership of the GF, Elenin, has already released numerous star ships in orbit around the earth and is now on the way back to Jupiter, where he is supposed to collide with it and to produce a second sun for the earth. This pivotal event is scheduled to happen in late Mai or June 2012.

To my personal estimation, this huge cosmic explosion will be preceded by the shift of earth and humanity to the 4th and 5th dimensions and our ascension, as it is unlikely that the ascending earth will be exposed to this devastating explosion, which will affect the remaining catastrophic earth in a very significant and dramatic manner and will contribute to its further destruction after the shift.

This is a completely new scenario, which I am now envisaging in the last 24 hours, but which sounds quite probable to me and fits into the general picture. There are so many processes and cosmic events to be considered simultaneously in the current End Times, and the information on them is so scanty, that one has to use extensively his imagination to fill in the gaps of knowledge with pure intuition.

The current sun is actually a gateway for cosmic energies and operates as a huge power generator, similar to a black and white hole. Currently, it is pouring the high frequency energies from the Arcturus sun in our solar system after we have opened the stargate 11.11.11. A the same time the sun is actually building the energetic 5d-matrix of our solar system, which will also ascend with the earth.

For this reason we witnessed on Dec 28, 2011 this massive explosion on Venus, which I showed in the last report-46:,

The powerful energies that caused this explosion on Venus are still reverberating on earth and in our human bodies, and I can imagine well how the remaining humanity will feel on the catastrophic earth after the big planet of Jupiter collides with the mothership Elenin from the GF and will explode to a new sun. It will be awesome. From this I conclude that the split of the two timelines of earth must have happened  before this event, so that the new second sun, which will be of a higher dimension, can be used by the ascending earth.

The 5th dimensional matrix of the new sun is already in the making and I personally believe that it will merge with Jupiter as 3d-planet and will transform it to a new 5d-sun, just as the current 3d-earth will move to a higher dimension and will merge with the already existing 5d-blueprint of the New Earth. This makes sense from a multidimensional point of view.

Tony, the Shaman, must have seen with his third eye both the new 5d-matrix of the sun and its planetary materialisation after Jupiter will explode with the mothership Elenin. He has also seen the numerous star ships of the GF, released from Elenin around the earth in preparation for the pending shift.

All these scenarios in our solar system confirm the huge repair work that is currently accomplished by the higher realms to help Gaia ascend. Our planet will, of course, not ascend alone, but together with the whole solar system, respectively with that portion of it that is planned to ascend. Venus is also a candidate for ascension, and this has been announced by many sources in the past.

This whole ascension process encompasses the whole Milky Way galaxy and this universe, and this is the reason why these processes are so complicated and we have still to wait for our final ascension. We are the least important aspect in this whole cosmic adventure. However all activities in our solar system point to hasty preparations for the final countdown.

I personally believe that our moon is also involved in these huge changes and that we will learn much more about them very soon.

This whole elaboration was triggered by your comments on Tony’s vision of the two suns, which has been tackled extensively on this report in the past and by your observation on the moon, which certainly hides some exciting surprises that will be released very soon.

In love and light

2012-1 Online newsletter.pdf (1.17Mb)
January 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Just heard on UPI Radio, 97.5 FM, that NASA has orbited two lunar modules, the second one landed today (4:00 AM EST). These modules are to record the moon’s gravitational orbits. So something that the government knows IS HAPPENING with the moon requires them to survey the lunar orbits again, because you already know that the government has those older orbits and the type of equipment used to gather them.

Best regards,
Dear Henry,

This is intriguing news which always has a clandestine purpose. I remember when the Cabal sent an atomic bomb (rocket) on the moon to destroy the bases there, which were fallen in the hands of the human revolting personal against the PTB and were supported by the GF. NASA announced a test to crash a lunar rocket on the moon to check if there is underground water there. The announcement was made several days before the alleged explosion which is unusual as NASA announces such experiments months, if not years, in advance. There was however no explosion as the GF disabled the atomic bomb (rocket) and nobody asked later what happened with the announced explosion. NASA did not mention anything after that. This happened in 2008. This announcement sounds very similar.

In love and light
January 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,I am feeling a huge energy surge, do you have the same experience currently?

Dear William,

I am feeling actually this surge since 2000 and it goes on and on and nothing happens.

But to answer your question precisely – there is a huge surge since Dec 8 around the 12,12 portal and then again non-stop around the portal 12. 21. There was a solitary peak at 12. 24 with a very nasty wave, which actually continues since then with small pauses. This is not new to me around this time of the year.

The truth is that every morning I need about one hour to shed away my inhuman vibrations, calm my stomach which is dizzy because of the extremely high rotational velocity/ frequency of my unified chakra, coming also from my nightly excursions around the universe.

I need a cold shower in the morning to cool down the burning inflammation of my skin due to the powerful energies flowing through my peripheral axiatonal system while my gastro-intestinal system is also burning and producing acute stomach and liver pains. Then I have in addition the chronic cc-wave (commotio-cerebri-wave) as I call it, which splits my brain in two and causes a strong headache and back pain, including pains in the right shoulder. As I said, it goes like this since 2000, but now it has reached a maximal peak. I have written again and again about this energy surge in the last reports.

In love and light
January 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Did something happen on December 31st, energetically that you and others perceived? For me, things have been so odd that I have just mainly wanted to be alone. The atmosphere here in Hawaii feels much lighter, less dense. And the other thing was that right before the New Year turned, I was in bed and suddenly got anxiety and sadness over things I thought I had already laid to rest… I got that same feeling today again and it was absolutely terrible, just this sinking feeling of past wounds haunting me and me feeling like, “what the hell?” “Aren’t I done with you already?”

The LBP sucks and whoever is attempting to put lipstick on the pig, should hush! It takes every little subtle piece of your being and magnifies it, nothing can go unexamined. And the well seems endless sometimes. I feel so raw and vulnerable that I don’t even want to be around people. And then there are many schools of thought saying that total transformation will not occur until 2045!! I will pull my own plug by then. I feel we’ve been abused by the unconscious drones enough, but I know I signed up for it, so I digress.

Dear Kari,

what you experience is what many of us also experience in our individual way these days. The LBP is an incessant ongoing affair and will hold us firmly in its grip until we finally ascend. This will happen this year and anything else is crap.

In love and light

January 2, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I’d like to report interesting energetic phenomena which I’m being drawn to participate in.

Recently I relayed that I had been journeying out to space and broadcasting the frequency of the collective vibration of humanity in an amplified way. I’m not really sure why I was about doing such a thing – my higher self just drew me to the activity; and I never doubt the wisdom of the higher self.

So there I was bobbing around in the blackness as a little white light being a little annoying I might add – just to capture the attention of those watching such  activities aboard the ships now cloaked close to earth orbit. And to reinforce something which my higher self has a part in, I feel that this is a triggering mechanism that will be recognised by someone aboard the ships. Anyway, the activity was noticed quite quickly and I was asked to cooperate in placing an energy envelope around the periphery of the earth. I saw this field as and undulating, living, vital energetic – I knew this was important to the events upcoming and one of the steps in the augmentation of atomic velocity; raising the dimension of earth upwards towards the higher dimensions. I did notice the cooperation of other PAT members in this undertaking.

Today there is more change I can see brilliant shafts of light emanating from the earth. I noticed this as I was drawn to produce a beautiful shaft of white light to radiate outward from the earth into space. All these shafts of glistening blue white light are irradiating the space around earth and moving out to other civilizations like a homing beacon. I watched this above Australia and I noticed these are the calmest most peaceful emanations I can recall witnessing. I remember the joy in the Galactic Federation ships as they witnessed this beautiful event. I saw them join us in a hyper-dimensional expression of the joy of the creator; if I may: hyperdimensional fireworks! The suffusion of ascension energies are flooding the planet; and the awakening, light workers, and the PAT reflect this in the most beautiful way.

I haven’t checked in for a while George, as I want to keep to important information that may be of the greatest help to the other members,
I just read your update on the LBP Georgi, and find joy and consonance with your depiction. I have found the left brain portal opening one of the most difficult parts of the initial LBP.

I had a constant feeling of parts of my brain being turned on and off with electric sensations passing though. It was hard to think sometimes. After the 11-11-11 I went deeply into this process and for 3 weeks had to stay in bed as the whole of my brain became involved and I couldn’t think clearly and had massive feelings of electrical sensations move to one spot and stay for a day or two then move again. Sleep was the only operation while this was being done as it was so tiring. I am of the opinion that both sides of my brain were somehow integrated. Now I feel none of these sensations and have the most crystal clear connection to my higher self. I’m noticing that when the bolts of energetic ecstasy happen they start from around my heart on the spinal column and move upward to the crown. I’ve noticed the energetics is of a higher nature and rather than a slow shake as they quaked up from the base of the spine – they are sharp and of higher frequency, giving me a quicker shake as it were. As you mention in your article; the heart center harmonizes the other fields of the body into a coherent whole.

So I’m feeling a great sense of release and peace now after many years of disharmony. I’ve also automatically switched over to a vegan diet which I like as it keeps me in a clearer energetic state.

Again Georgi, you pave the way to make things much easier for those of us following behind.

January 2, 2012

Hello George,

Here is the write-up of my second out of body experience that occurred last week. It can also be viewed on my website (I’m using the platform now):

I also had a dream involving an ET spacecraft and further evidence for disclosure which I’ll be writing up soon, I’ll be on touch about that later.
Here is the write-up of my latest dream as mentioned:

January 2, 2012


First of all thank you for the emails regarding LBP – it was all very helpful.

Would you please explain how things will play out for PAT after ascension? Are we coming back in light bodies to help educate the remaining masses prior to the December 2012 ascension?  Will we be in a physical body, living in our current homes or will we have the ability to go back and forth between dimensions, dropping into areas where we are needed? Will we have regained and downloaded our light knowledge, what about healing, will we look different than others?  How will they know we are returning ascended beings? At the time of ascension will we  be reunited with our soul and  star families?  I have always imagined myself as teaching and healing at this time – does this sound probable or are there other plans for us?

Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,

These are excellent questions. First of all let me say that very few of the PAT members will appear on the still 3d- or 4d-earth during this year. After mass ascension of humanity and Gaia to the 5th dimension at the end of 2012, all members of the PAT will be able to participate in the building of the New 5d-Earth, leading, educating and healing other human beings. They will come from the higher dimensions and can create anytime a crystalline light body which will be visible by all people at their discretion. They will definitely be teachers, leaders and healers – most probably all these activities at the same time as they will be multidimensional personalities and powerful creator beings. This will be the case on the new earth in the lower second level of the 5th dimension.

In the particular short period of time between our ascension and the end of 2012, I assume that very few of us will be able to show on this planet, but when they do, they will be in their light body which will appear a little bit different than the carbon-based bodies. However only other, highly evolved souls will discern the difference. Most of the people will not have this clairvoyance, so that an ascended master can appear and live on earth as normal human being and he may not be recognized as such. However as he will be able to create immediately through imagination and perform all kinds of “miracles”, he will be recognized as an ascended master as soon as he demonstrates these abilities, for instance at press conferences and lectures. An ascended master will also have unlimited knowledge and will be in the position to answer all questions. No human being will be able to hide his thoughts from an ascended master. By the way, this is already the case with many of us, as we become increasingly telepathic.

Of course an ascended master who has left his family on this earth can visit his family anytime, but he will not need to sleep anymore as he will dwell in the higher realms at night and will not need to leave his sleeping body back in the 3d-reality. This should be cogent to everybody.

As the period between our ascension in 2012 and the mass ascension at the end of 2012 will be rather short, this situation will be relevant for very few members of the PAT who have chosen to return on this earth. The majority of them will stay on the 5d-earth or higher dimensions, unless they have a different soul plan – for instance leave earth for ever and return to their original place.

It is impossible for me to know each individual soul plan, but what you sense is what you will most probably experience and do after ascension as you determine your life. The only question you have to solve with your higher self is whether you will teach and heal in the 5d-earth or whether you will begin with this activity on this planet during this year.

Please observe that for the majority of humanity the ascension to the 5d-earth will not be that much spectacular as their life will be at the beginning not much different than on this earth and most of the changes will be introduced step by step. Matter will be more fluid and there will be a lot of new technologies, but the current  physicality of matter will be still predominant at the beginning and will become more fluid and malleable in the next years. The human mentality will change only step by step, although the intellectual abilities will be highly improved. Education will be thus much more different than at present. This is essentially the new way of life of an ascended master. However do not forget that words are a poor substitute for all the miracles we should expect after ascension which have always been part of our multidimensional reality.

In love and light
Thank you George for your response. Your words have given me a good description of what we can expect going forward. For the majority of PAT, who will be ascending prior to December 2012, will they/we be leaving their bodies behind (death)? If not, how will their disappearance be explained to their families and friends?

I have four grandchildren ages 5 years  to 2 months, I believe they are crystal children. Will they be ascending in the first group or remaining to help their parents and families with the new earth?

Also what will happen to the animals on the planet with these changes? Will they ride out the pole shift?

I also  noticed that quite a few of the PAT members appear to have incarnated here during the 50’s and 60’s – did we come as group?

Thank you for taking time to answer all of our questions. This is such an exciting time and I am so looking forward to learning and living as a multidimensional soul.

In Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,

None of the PAT members will leave his body and ascend through death experience as all of them have gone through the LBP and have already transformed their body to a crystalline one. They only wait for the final switch.

The crystalline children will most probably ascend in Dec 2012 if they are younger than 14 years, but I cannot tell you this with certainty.

The animals will ascend at the latest in Dec 2012, either through death or through ascension. Many will simply disappear and nobody will notice it. Some will stay on the catastrophic earth.

The PAT group has come definitely as a soul group on earth, but they have incarnated in different years as to keep the balance in the general human population. The eldest ones had to bear the bulk of the burden when the energies were the darkest. This is a very complicated strategy to keep the energetic balance on earth, which we will understand only after ascension.

In love and light
January 2, 2012

Dear George

After reading the latest CA newsletter I was kind of troubled, because CA states that Ascension needs to be worked on and one must have a spiritual life and one cannot only say or think that if one is a Light Worker thus he will Ascend. I don’t know if I’m spiritual enough and I’m afraid of being disappointed like many other Light Workers. I quote this CA Ascension part which I find extremely important as it clarifies things about Ascension which I and maybe others members of the PAT thought in different ways. Please, I would like your comments on this.

In Love & Light

CAC-newsletter 2012-1

“It is the intent of this Awareness to challenge those who are truly seeking Ascension. It is also imperative that all understand that Ascension does not come to those who simply think it is a way to escape a bad scene, a bad life. This Awareness would ask all to understand Ascension is earned, earned not only by believing one will have Ascension because they are Light beings and they deserve it but because as Light beings they work towards the higher greater understanding of consciousness and the enlightenment of consciousness.

Those who think simply because they are in bad situations in life and they wish to remove themselves by this and have snuffed Ascension as the way to do it may be quite surprised when they do not ascend when they think they should ascend. This in actuality is more indicative of a being, a soul, on this physical journey in this physical state of things knowing a limited truth but not understanding the wholeness of that truth. Those who know of Ascension will have an Ascension experience, but if they are unwilling to work for their highest level of that experience of Ascension they may have far less than what they thought they would have or even what they should have.

Recently there were those who complained that Cosmic Awareness had misled them because they did not ascend when they should have, when they suggested Awareness said they would. But this Awareness is not the gatekeeper for Ascension, and It can only speak to those who are considering Ascension, who are aware of Ascension. It is the responsibility of each and every individual to work towards Ascension in a way that is meaningful and obvious, obvious in the sense that just speaking the words and demanding one ascend because one insists one is a Light Worker is not the way that one reaches the highest levels of Ascension.

Many Will Ascend Who Have Never Even Heard of Ascension!

There are many who will ascend who have never even heard of Ascension, for they are spiritual beings living spiritual lives, sharing with others, living those lives of Spirit in a way that is obvious and will be rewarded with Ascension. There are others who think that because they are a Light Worker by their own claim that it is an exclusive club, and like many religions who believe they are the chosen ones, that by simply being part of this exclusive club that they will also ascend. A level of Ascension may be realized by those who are aware of Ascension, but it will not be at the levels that those who think they must have it, will have it, should have it, and will indeed reach because of these expectations.

Therefore, at this time, in line with what this Awareness spoke of in Its opening message, this Awareness does indeed challenge each and every individual who is contemplating Ascension, who is seeking Ascension, who is drawn to Ascension, to look at their own lives to see where in their lives they are living a spiritual truth and showing it to others, being models to others of that spiritual life, to see their lives as the physical experiences that they chose for themselves and to stop bemoaning a life where there is hardship, difficulties, and life is not pretty.

It is all part of the physical experience one has chosen for oneself while still in a spiritual state of consciousness. While many lives are difficult and challenging, the Ascension process will look at this, understanding that these physical experiences are the stuff of their learning that they will take back with them to the soul and indeed back to God. When they start to understand that even their hard luck stories are part of their choice to have this physical experience, and that seeking to understand the nature of the physical experiences they have had and to deal with it, to understand the merit of these experiences will do much to prepare the individual for higher entry levels into Ascension.

A Willingness to Live a Spiritual Life is Essential to Ascension

Simply insisting one will ascend at high levels while one does nothing to merit this, shows no spiritual willingness to live a life of a spiritual nature, and does not guarantee Ascension. Many who think they must and will ascend because they have labeled themselves as spiritually enlightened beings may be very disappointed when they do not ascend on a certain day they targeted for themselves, and in their lack of understanding they blame others for this not occurring, such as those who recently blamed Awareness that they did not ascend on the day they chose as the day to ascend.

This Awareness would simply say: use that experience, look now deeper and ask the questions of why you were not ready, why this did not happen. And as individuals ask themselves these questions, or as individuals ask the questions that they need to in order to free themselves of the lies in their lives that keep them earthbound at this time, they will find their lives opening up, and they will find clarity coming to them, and they will find understanding replacing confusion and resentment, and this will propel them forward in their journey towards Ascension, and to ascend at higher levels much more so than if one simply thought they must ascend at this or that level.
Dear Lefteris,

I have read this message and it is directed explicitly at the CAC members who are in a big retard as I have already pointed out some months ago and may run into big troubles. This warning is not meant for the members of the PAT, quite on the contrary. I had even to smile when I read this dire warning of CA as I expected it somehow.

In love and light
January 2, 2012

Dr Stankov,

I know you do not much care for the information coming from Benjamin Fulford, but I think you might be mistaken. I think the good guys are going to sort out the global economy and currencies now as per the info in this link:

It sounds like the corrupt governments that have been obeying their bankster masters will be replaced:

“Debts imposed by fiat, by governments or foreign financial agencies in the face of strong popular opposition may be as tenuous as those of the Habsburgs and other despots in past epochs. Lacking popular validation, they may die with the regime that contracted them. New governments may act democratically to subordinate the banking and financial sector to serve the economy, not the other way around…”

Love and blessings


Dear Sophie,

It sounds too good to be true. Who are these “good guys” and why have we not heard anything about them earlier? And what qualifies them to be “good guys”? This is all very naive and below my radar.

I am sorry but this is my current point of view and I will wail patiently and see how the events will unfold. I hope that you will by then still remember your pledge for Fulford and the “good guys” and will be honest enough to admit that you have been mistaken in your assessment. I know few people who stay to their previous statements and take responsibility, especially when they have been wrong, as I did after 11.11.11, although the scenario is still the same as predicted by myself, but only the linear time has been extended. In addition, the work the PAT has accomplished in opening the stargate 11.11.11 can be felt by all members and many human beings the world over, while nobody has ever seen any tangible results from the “good guys”, you seem to be so fond of.

In love and light

Dear Dr. Stankov

I do understand the disillusionment you feel – that the people of this planet are not capable or willing to rise up against their secret rulers. Perhaps you might find something to gladden you in this article:

I’ve copied it out below in case you are reluctant to view that website.

Ben Fulford has written numerous times about the “White Hats” in the US military – I am confidant he is not wrong and that they do exist. Just because we cannot see them out in the open now does not mean that nothing is happening behind the scenes. Are we not supposed to create the future we wish to happen?

There are people out there who really want the military industrial complex to end their murderous ways and turn their guns to peaceful implements and this too is what I wish to see.

With love and blessings

Dear Sophie,

Where is the real revolution in the USA? I am waiting for it since 2010? I have lived through several real revolutions in my life as a former dissident and politically active person and I can discern a true revolution immediately that has the potential to turn around the events. It is you, the Americans, who have absolutely no experience in this respect and now you look for cheap substitutes for a true revolution as to excuse your lack of civil courage to stand up and oust once and for all all the dark Cabal in Washington and throughout your enslaved country.

Come on, you do not need me to confirm your false expectations. The change will come, and it will be a huge one, but it will not come this way – through anonymous “good guys”, about whom nobody has heard anything so far. It is the same old story you, the stupid Americans, have been hooked again and again. First they sold you Obama as  the “clean man”  which has never been anything else but a cheap puppet on a string of the dark Cabal in Washington, and now they continue the same fraud and you all fall into this simple trap because you have no political expedience whatsoever.

If you are a discernible person, let me ask you one obvious question: ” Why do all these 130 countries that want to change the world currency system and build a powerful block, including Russia. China, India, Brasilia and many more independent countries, go to an obscure US-radio and let this important step be announced by it. They all have their own national stations with more than 4 Billion listeners who will be affected in the first place by this reform. If the governments of these countries have decided to accomplish this huge step, they will announce it first to their citizens and not to a fourth-rang US-radio, which nobody listens.

One must be an idiot to believe such fraudulent news and I really begin to question the intelligence of some of my readers – I am  really honest now, as I am desperate to be perennially confronted with so much stupidity.

If you have read the announcements of this alleged financial reform, what do they actually offer?  – They do not say that they will explicitly abolish the current banks or eliminate all fraudulent debts, which is one and the same, but only relieve them somewhat as to save the system.The system cannot be saved – if you have not grasped this simple truth, you have no idea what is currently ongoing on this planet. If your hear such a statement, you should immediately know where it comes from – from the same dark Cabal.

Any true monetary reform can only be accomplished when all banks go bust and a completely new barter system is established on the ground. I have envisaged and theoretically founded this scenario since 1995 and have extensively elaborated it in my books on this website, which you should really start reading. Instead, you come to me now with some stupid news, written by people who have no idea of economics and want to convince me…. Come on! This is “more stupid than the police allows.” Again my German saying, which becomes inflationary as the dollar these days.

In love and light


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