On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-40, December 13, 2011
Observations on Sun and Moon
December 12, 2011
Hi George
The full moon lunar eclipse was pretty amazing to watch. For the first time in ages we had a cloudless night, so had a perfect view of the eclipse. And being in the countryside we have very little light pollution which made it even better to see.
During the eclipse the moon had the blood red appearance as was predicted, but to my vision the skull that I can see in the moon was very dark, but I could see the details of the skull quite well. Glancing at the moon it looked like there was a dark hole in it, then looking at it intently I could see the dark image of the skull.
Before the eclipse we went to the beach to watch the sunset. Right at sunset we could see our beautiful sun with another violet pink sun just behind it and slightly to the left. It certainly looked to me like the sun is splitting or giving birth to a new sun. This may have been an optical illusion, but i have been doing sungazing long enough to know what our sun looks like, and I can certainly say the sun is changing especially in the last few months.
From what I have been seeing on the Internet, more people are reporting changes or anomalies with the sun so its not just me. So hopefully these are the signs we are looking for and our ascension is linked to the sun. With so many postponements and cancellations to do with ascension I can’t help losing hope. I feel like we are running out of time and something big has to happen. It feels like we are shouldering so much and the majority really couldn’t care less. One part of me wants to give up and let the whole place burn, while the other wants to keep going. I’m done with this reality and can’t wait to get off of this Prison Planet, but because of the sleeping masses our job is not done.
Do you think that because so many are still asleep even with all the new energies that the actual number of Humans who will ascend will be much less? Keep up the good work with your reports.
Love and Light
Dear Brett,
Thank you for this valuable report on your observation of the moon and the sun. The sun is of primary importance for our ascension and the moon changes are only indicative of this process. Your vision of the two suns has been also confirmed by Bonnie (USA) today:
“But today I was looking at the sun around setting time and a little before and I saw an image of two suns after a time of looking at it and they just kind a sat there next to each other and then it went back to one sun and I saw the prettiest pink color ever just appear around it vivid and bright again I thought wow, how cool does that look and then it must have moved lower as to it, got the usual shades of orange and yellow under it….”
Just like you, Brett, Bonnie is consistently reporting to have seen the new sun in pink colour (you describe it as “violet pink”) which is a remarkable serendipity.
I fully agree with your assessment on the current unfavourable situation. I read somewhere recently that from the planned 144 000 star seeds that were supposed to have fully awakened and developed their light bodies to help Gaia ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions at 11.11.11, only about 65 000 had achieved this goal. This was the reason for the postponement of our ascension and for conducting only the light version of earth’s shift. We have stayed on earth to activate electro-magnetically the other sleeping half of the star seeds by beaming them with the powerful 11.11.11 energies that are emanated from our heart chakra, as intensively felt by most of us in the aftermath of the opening of the portal 11.11.11.
Now my guess is that the pending ascension and the ultimate split of the two earths will happen as soon as the new sun is completely created and ready for this shift. The shift that will come as a compensation for the cancelled one at 11.11.11 will be more powerful than originally planned and will bring about much of the changes that were scheduled to happen after Dec 2012, in case humanity would have awakened much earlier and would have already changed the course of its collective evolution on the ground in this ending year of 2011.
But it has not, and now a neat split is in the making, as there is no need to keep the two human fractions together any longer – the clones and the very unripe souls, who will stay on the catastrophic earth and the ascension candidates (40%), who will move to the new earth after the split which will bring with it completely new technologies and energetic possibilities. This presupposes that the ascending candidates have finished with their karma. The powerful 11.11.11 energies and the newly 12.12 Christ energies are actually performing this function by cleansing their rest dross, and we are the primary sources that emanate these highly transformative energies onto all humans. This is the reason why we still stay on earth.
We will of course ascend during this shift, as we will be of much greater help to these humans in ascended form in order to implement the new technologies and build the new enlightened society from scratch. This vision is emerging in the last days in my mind and I am beginning to find numerous confirmations.
But it is the creation of the new sun that is the pacemaker of this process. When the sun is ready, there can be no halts and delays anymore, and all events will happen in the blink of an eye – the magnetic poles shift, the collapse of the old world order, which will be experienced only by the remaining fraction of humanity, and the ascension of Gaia and part of humanity to the 4th and 5th dimensions. This must happen to my estimation in the first half of 2012 as to have enough time to prepare earth and humanity for the final ascension in Dec 2012, which may not be as dramatic as initially planned and discussed.
In love and light
Hi George
Thank you for your quick response, your explanation of the current situation has made me feel a lot better. I have been experiencing some heavy energies the last few days and had the feeling of “enough is enough!”, I guess some sort of a spiritual tantrum.
Bonnie’s description of the sun is perfect, Britte and I saw exactly the same thing. We are lucky living on the south coast of Western Australia where there is very little pollution and some of the most spectacular beaches to watch the sunset. So the sunsets we get to see are not tainted with smog and chem trails as so many other places are. Also we have noticed the suns rays are incredibly strong and have more intensity than in the past. I should know this as I have worked in the outdoors all of my life and am very conditioned to the most extreme conditions. The sun is definitely changing, I can feel it.
Look forward to reading your next report.
Love and Light
Dear Brett,
I can confirm that there was a very powerful energy surge, beginning December 8 with very nasty, transformative waves, going deep into the cells and the DNA and associated with some very negative human patterns coming high. These were collective patterns which we cleanse on behalf of humanity. As we are the wayshowers, we usually enter the month portal, in this case the portal 12.12 of today, three to four days earlier than the rest as to prepare the ground for the others to follow. That is why they keep us still on earth. It is a complex energetic loop with feedback mechanisms.
The sun is indeed very powerful, even in the winter in Germany, and I prefer to avoid it now as it is too much energy for me to bear. We are receiving the high frequency energies from the sun independently of whether we are exposed to it or not. But it is better to keep somewhat protected. At least this is what my Intuition tells me and I follow it.
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Hello George,
Thank you for your speedy replies to our emails,… Thank you also for the 12/12 notice, will look for it as I can definitely feel all these energies…
But today I was looking at the sun around setting time and a little before and I saw an image of two suns after a time of looking at it, and they just kind a sat there next to each other and then it went back to one sun and I saw the prettiest pink color ever just appear around it vivid and bright again.
I thought, wow, how cool does that look and then it must have moved lower as it got the usual shades of orange and yellow under it. So then I stop looking and about 20 minutes later I am sitting and I close my eyes for a minute and just sit still and I saw plain as day in my mind a blue (gorgeous blue) crystal and was moving very slowly around in my minds eye and actually looked like it wanted to make me follow it out like it was pulling me mentally out into the space in my mind, Then it came back and had a wide red whole outer circle around it and just kind of floated in my view until I finally opened my eyes…
Love and Light always,
Bonnie (USA)
December 12, 2011
Hello Captain,
I saw a bright moon shining with a rim of blue around it. On the left side a 3/4 shape of another moon was bulging out off of the left hand side. A spaceship was stationary much lower in the sky, below and off to the side it’s alternating lights flashing different colors. Which is not unusual anymore, but I do take note when they appear. But still I shrugged this off as I expected to see a hole in the moon. I set my alarm to view the eclipse but missed it somehow.
I would have remained silent but for a very visual dream in which I saw 2 red moons in the sky just before dawn. The sky was so bright. I looked straight on to view the full red moon and was shocked when I turned my head to see yet another full red moon in the adjacent sky. People in their pajama walked out of their homes, mostly silent to view the sky with acceptance, as though it was not unexpected. A feeling of imminent change was anticipated, yet once viewed all returned to bed. I do not understand. As the moon is a satellite. Perhaps it is a personal message.
Anita in Missouri
Dear Anita,
Thank you for this update on the moon. The moon is a satellite indeed, but on the other hand it plays such a great role in human life on earth that it is a great symbol for us. When you dream of two moons, this is symbolic for the splitting of the two earths.
Especially the ascending earth may, or may not, have a moon or a small sun for the night as humans will no longer need to sleep that long in the 5th dimension. But it may be also that the Galactics have created a holographic buddy of the moon and have replaced the real satellite already. We will know it at the latest when we have ascended. But there is no doubt that there is a lot of hectic repair work in the skies in our solar system.
In love and light
December 11, 2011
Abbraccio, Alberto
Dear Alberto,
This is very interesting supportive scientific information presented by a trustworthy scientist, who essentially proves that we are at the peak of solar activity and that very soon something big must occur. By the way, I do not need these technical data as I feel the energy bursts from the sun very precisely in my body, as was the case in the last two days.
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Dear George,
“During the time of the moon eclipse on December 10, humanity will obviously receive some additional confirmation for the birthing of the new sun, which will ultimately cause the separation of the two earths and the accompanying magnetic pole reversal. This cosmic event will be associated with our ascension.”I was outside during the moon eclipse (but I did not see it, because I am in Europe). However, I did see something else. A ball of light, strong and vibrant orange, a little bit above the moon. A bit smaller than the moon, but brighter and bigger than any visible star. It stayed for about 10 minutes and then disappeared. I tried to make a picture, but my mobile phone doesn’t have a good camera, so the picture is very blurry.
I did find pictures of it after using google. This one:
Looks a lot like what I saw. I found it on this website: http://www .shareintl.org/maitreya/Ma_starsign.htm
What do you think? It really looks like confirmation of the new sun. Also, the other pictures on that site are really interesting.
December 12, 2011
Hello Georgi,my name is Margarita, I am a Colombian living in Montreal Canada, I am following your site since 2 months ago. I went to bed at 1 a.m. December 10. I dreamed watching the sun and counting dawn (5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ) and suddenly a little sun grew from the center of our sun and many people and me were clapping very happily. When I woke up I remembered the dream immediately.
Dear Margarita,
Thank you very much for sharing this dream with me. It is a prophetic confirmation for the birthing of a new sun, which we have been discussing in the last days in our reports. Now we must wait and see when this new sun will be officially recognized, and, more important, when its impact will be felt on earth in terms of a huge shift to a higher dimension.
In love and light
December 11, 2011
Hi Georgi!
You probably already saw this yesterday, the video is very interesting but the article on spaceweather.com is fascinating… this may be why all my visions and dreams the past few days are related to our Sun.
My best,
Dear Marco,
There is no doubt that the sun is changing rapidly since 11.11.11 when it became a portal for the energies from the Arcturus sun. Since then its activities are unparalleled and they are preparing the shift of the earth. The sun is not an object, but a huge energetic portal, which actually creates the 3d-space-time of the solar system and consequently of all planets. If earth is bound to ascend, the energy for this shift can only come from the sun. This is basic knowledge to me.
The pictures and information we see in Internet are however restricted to the visible electromagnetic spectrum, while the more important higher frequency energies that trigger the actual changes cannot be measured with material devices. Therefore, no matter how spectacular some pictures from the sun may be, they only give us an incomplete and indirect picture of what is actually occurring with our whole solar system and in particular with earth.
The question that is relevant for us is when this huge build up, coming from the sun, will reach the threshold to heave Gaia to a higher dimension.
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Dear George,
As you have suggested, and I agree, the Cosmic Awareness 2012 Forecast, which was presented by the organization that calls itself Cosmic Awareness Communications (CAC), fell short of being very informative or enlightening. Rather than asking tough questions, only very general or “polite” questions were asked by CAC, which was a huge disservice to us all.
From that, it is easy to suspect that CAC is either controlled by the PTB (no stretch of the imagination with that possibility) or that CAC lives in fear of the PTB by not posing tough questions to Cosmic Awareness, or by choosing not to post any tough answers they receive.
Thankfully, we will not have to deal with these issues of truth being withheld from us after Ascension.
So, the point of this email is simply to state my dissatisfaction and disappointment with CAC for failing to perform as we would expect such an organization (supposedly of the Light) to perform.
Dear Bill,
Thank you for this evaluation on CAC. It is going like this for years and that is why I am so dissappointed with this group, as they have the unique chance to learn more from this reliable source. I am in close contact with CA and get a lot of information from this source telepathically, but it would have been of great advantage to have something in a written form. But it is as it is, and we should not lament over spoiled milk. Very soon we will not need it any more.
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Dear George
I just realised that this Report is number 39 – did you ever think that you would be posting this many reports when you first began?
Thank you for your enlightening reply to Olinda about free will. It is indeed a difficult concept but your advice on applying the concept of primary energetic conditions simplifies it somewhat. Sometimes I question whether we really have free will – but that is when I am fed-up and want to go to the next level. This selfish escapism is futile because I know that if I am still here, then I have a function to perform. Ascension is never a reason to relinquish responsibilities. I am trying to enjoy and make use of the present situation I find myself in and trust that all will soon be resolved. What else can we do?
love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,
There is free will, but not in the way it is perceived by the limited human mind. You can change some things only in a long-term way from the higher realms and then you need a lot of patience and perseverance and, above all, faith, but it works. I have experimented on numerous occasions.
But humans as biological species are based on the principle of immediate gratification and when this correlation does not work, they are desperate and lose hope. This tendency has been exploited by the PTB in an insidious manner to seduce the humans in Atlantis and cause its Fall and since then have dumbed down this humanity with this practice. This is a huge topic.
When I established “Breaking Astral News” I asked myself somewhat sceptical what kind of news should I publish online to live up to this title. But I never believed that it will take that much time, otherwise I might have decided against such publishing activity.
Now I see my function more as a soul solicitor. I never imagined that shortly before I leave earth, I will take the role of an Internet-Freud….
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Hello George,
How are you? I have been following your site, but we did not ascend at all did we? I am afraid we are just stuck in this worst place in the universe.
I need your help to make it better. I do not know if you have heard but the free energy circles are hopping up and down over Andrea Rossi’s invention called E-Cat. (You can find a lot of information on it over the Internet one of the best sources is www.peswiki.com just search for rossi in there)
The thing is, we wanted to get Turkish distributorship, but we can not verify if it is real or not.
Mr. Rossi’s last email response to my asking if he can prove the excess energy when we meet was that there were 3rd party tests and that I should look “Find all of them on google:
sven kullander-hanno essen e-cat test report
nyteknik mats lewan october 6 e-cat report
nyteknik mats lewan e-cat october 28 report
See also www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com the Focardi Rossi paper and the patent”
This in my opinion is necessary if we are to turn this planet into somewhere livable. We need to start with energy.
I hope you can help me as I know that you are an outstanding physicist to find out if there is really a minimum COP of 6 in this machine.
Best regards,
Devrim Ogun
Dear Devrim,
Thank you for this email. I did receive some information from a reader of my website regarding the cold fusion of Andrea Rossi, who also asked for investments in this invention to promote it. The information was very scanty and I could not make up my mind. By the way, I am not a physicist by profession, but by devotion. Officially, I am a physician – a medical doctor – and I am not experienced in technical applications.
I cannot make any final conclusion on Rossi’s invention, but I found the information he gives on his website remarkably deficient and inconclusive, so that I am sceptical if this method really works. I have also heard of similar technical breakthroughs in my native country Bulgaria, but when I ask for the details, I do not get them.
So I leave you to make up your own mind. Ultimately the proof is in the pudding. If this new device, based on cold fusion, can warm sufficient water to replace the current aggregates of combustion than it is a good thing. I wonder why Rossi has not installed it yet in an experimental house to prove its effectiveness to everybody.
And do not worry, ascension will come – delayed is not deleted.
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Gestalt patterns for emotional fulfilment? Your comments welcomed!!
love and light from Callista
From: www.Earth-Keeper.com <tyberonn@hotmail.com>
To: callista.summerfield@bigpond.com;
Subject: The Metatronic Perspective on UFO Phenomena
Dear Callista,
I remember to have read this message from Metatron (Tyberon) on UFO sighting and have found it to be one of the best descriptions of the actual situation as I also see it from a physical perspective. That is why I do not care much about UFO sightings. Was this the comment you expected from me?
Dear George
Since the time I first managed to “see” portals, I wondered how this could happen. I see from this article:
“A hologramic insert is formed for entities as gestalt patterns for emotional fulfillment and lessons on various levels. Humans often discount the great importance and validity of emotion and imagination. Both are critical in mental science. In a real sense, emotional states and what you term imaginative dreams are dimensional planes. In fact, the comparative analogy of a dimensional plane with an emotional state is much more congruous and valid than that between a plane and a specific vector location or what you would term a place, because in truth neither emotional states nor dimensional planes occupy space as you define it.”
That I saw the portals because I WANTED to see them. They are a part of my creative imagination and they are as real as anything in the material world. In accepting the presence of the portals, I then developed the understanding of vortexes or pathways into another dimension. Then I realised that I WAS the portal – and so on.
I am sure this is very obvious to you, but I am just coming to terms with it cerebrally. I can also see how you could re-interpret scientific knowledge because you allowed free reign to your imagination and listened to your self in the dream state. People see UFOs because they WANT to see them. Its like those particles (are they quarks?) which only reveal themselves when a consciousness is directed at them. But to have a UFO on film is a different scenario – maybe the incident was one of the 5% that happen in this paradigm.
love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,
It is exactly as you see it now and I have always seen it this way with the portals. In fact you were helped a lot from the higher realms to see these portals and to tell the other PAT members as to motivate them to see and accept this transcendental reality. This was important for the opening of the stargate 11.11.11.
When you are deeply convinced that such gestalts exist, as I do from a scientific point of view, I do not need optical confirmation and I do not see them. In fact, I have never seen an UFO. This is the same as seeing spirits (Geister) – the more simple the mind of the person, the more probable it is that he will see such gestalts. They never appear in front of analytically thinking persons.
In love and light
December 10-12, 2011
Dear George,
I’m appreciative and respectful that in spite of all you have to attend to you find time to respond to emails.
As I understand it from other sites, by way of example, David Wilcock and his Fulford interview, 23Aug11 was the original date when the twin initial destructions occurred for the underground bases each terminating the large East-West US tunnel system. Apparently, the end of September saw an undisclosed large number of additional bases destroyed.
Looking for internal and external consistency, it appears this information is consistent with what you are saying. My questions relate to the balance of the interview, including the matter of the Pentagon, CIA, and NSA actually working against the Elite, the whole mechanics of how and why the financial crisis is developing behind the scenes, the issue of a “good” China, a “good” Russia under Putin, etc? Is this all disinformation in the interview, and if so, how much in your estimation?
Thanks again George.
For Light and Worthiness
Dear Richard,
This is a very long document. Most of it seems probable to me and many of the facts are confirmed by other sources. The underground bases of the Orion Empire and their human minions, where they intended to hide after the shift, have indeed been destroyed in the last three months. I follow closely the destruction of their central bases at the Canary Islands, where many volcanoes have erupted in the last days. I was attacked by the dark ones from these islands in the last three months on numerous occasions and now they have stopped doing it, after I warned them that their bases will be destroyed, as it eventually happened.
My personal opinion: Both Wilcock and Fulford are too much engaged in the earthly machinations of the dark ones and unduly overvalue their importance. I do not say that their information is wrong, it is surely only a small part of the insidious deeds of the dark ones, which make the whole picture much more complicated than presented by the two.
I understand that humanity needs such investigative journalists to expose these facts, but from my higher vantage point of view this is a “Nebenschauplatz” (an insignificant neighbour theatre of battle), which has no major role in the overall outcome with respect to the destiny of mankind and earth. These are negligible imponderables on earth and I wonder why Wilcock is involved in these matters, except that his book is a bestseller and he has discovered an new revenue to earn money.
Fulford is not an enlightened person at all and I have had some email exchange with him that confirms this impression. I have great doubts what role he exactly plays in these revelations and I personally do not like his articles and approach. He has no idea of economics and as a dilettante he puts undue importance on negligible facts. He has also no idea of world politics. He is an amateur and in many area a complete ignorant. I consider such people to be as dangerous as the real dark ones as they create a confusion with their erratic revelations that is just as intolerable as the current one created by the dark ones on power.
We will witness very soon that none of these topics will be relevant, when the real economic crash begins. Very soon the only major topic will be human survival. And the only solution will be ascension, where the members of the PAT are the forerunners.
I hope that I have given you some glimpses into my personal stance with respect to Wilcock, Fulford and other similar investigative journalists as Alfred Webre.
In love and light
Thank you for a comprehensive survey of the subject material. The document and related ones on Wilcock’s site are indeed voluminous…
I would have liked to have delved deeper with you in the reported Wilcock facts of the “good” Chinese, Russians (Putin), NSA, CIA, Pentagon, the Japanese mega ambush of Fukishima as punishment, the alleged summit meeting of “non-aligned countries” aboard ship off of Monaco to combat the Elites. I understand this is all probably at a level below the much more encompassing, broader level you operate. However, these speak to active ET involvement behind the scenes, as the bases destruction, and suggest an elevation to “upping the ante” of greater enlightened beings working with us. It helps me make sense out of the noise of possible disinformation and the misinformation you mention regarding Fulford. I am grateful for your analysis of his positions. It certainly appears like he is “all over the map”.BTW, I don’t know if you are aware of your place on this site, http://theevolutionmovement.com/, third post down. You can view my comment regarding the statements made about you. I felt it necessary to clarify the record.
I understand your points and would like to suggest that perhaps souls like Fulford and Wilcock are genuinely operating within the bandwidth of their understanding/awakening. It is however entirely possible Wilcock is pushing a marketing effort for increasing his book’s revenue stream, at least partially. I just don’t know enough. Perhaps you can get a “fix” on this in your next jump on the ether. As an FYI, I don’t know if you knew he is supposed to be Edgar Casey’s reincarnation, something he long resisted and still doesn’t seem to tout or leverage….
Dear Richard,
There is one good source, which I can recommend: “global research” with a lot of professional articles at a much higher level than the ones written by Fulford and Wilcock:
Thank you for this information on Loren’s comments. The history is as follows. When he wrote this comment, he was in a spiritual crisis and did not believe that he will ascend. He even wrote a letter to me expressing this low mood. Later on, he had a remarkable dream, where he met with me in the higher realms and I initiated him and this changed his attitude profoundly. I published his letter in one of my previous reports. You may check this easily by using the search function on my website.
It is quite normal to have doubts and to project them on an alleged spiritual leader, although I have always said that this has never been my intention and that I understand myself only as a coordinator and moderator within the PAT team. I have always stressed that I do not want or intend to convince anybody with my esoteric writings, which are only a by-product of my scientific research activities.
In fact I accepted the role of the PAT coordinator more or less reluctantly, after I was asked by the Arcturians at the beginning of September on several occasions to do so. This was not my initial intention. It all evolved out of an inner order and there was a powerful divine coordination from the higher realms. The members of the PAT were directed to my website without my deliberate contribution and I was rather surprised by this chain reaction withig several days. This was not my achievement, but the collective will of the members of the PAT to connect. My only asset was to recognize this trend and to immediately respond to this collective will, as I realized its importance for Gaia and humanity.
But my main focus is still in the field of science and I have not yet started being active in this area as the time is not yet ripe for this move. When it comes, it will be as swift as the connecting of the dots of the PAT members and will have global repercussions for current science and the political establishment.
This is the main reason why I am somewhat impatient now that nothing substantial happens in these days. But one must wait for the right moment, The true revelations of the new Theory of the Universal Law will have more destructive power on the current old world order than all revelations of all Wilcocks and Fulfords put together. But to envisage this effect one has to comprehend the theory first in its full depth. This is my next coup. But as I guess, I have to ascend first before initiating it. The stakes are very high.
Yes sir!
In the meantime, I’ve had a chance to go through the Global Research site a bit and can appreciate the quality, depth, and apparent unbiased material. It appears to be quite a treasure trove. I’ve already sent it out to similarly inquiring minds in my net. Thank you.
I probably should leave this question to another time since you already have so much on your plate, but my better self was overruled. Your feelings on the Billy Meier material? Is it credible and worth spending time on it? In the event you don’t have a handy link here are some:
The latter link has “The Goblet of Truth” (Kelch der Wahrheit), and seems to be particularly poignant. It makes the point that to get the full, encoded message, it has to be read in German, apparently due to a more direct link to the involved ETs, from whose language German seems to be produced, participating in our ascension. I’ve always had the feeling the German language conveys far more than casual communication found in other languages. Thoughts?
And finally, here is a site that my interest you:
Dear Richard,
I know Billy Maier and his writings and I remember to have read them first in German as given in the last link. I do agree that the German language is more adequate to express certain transcendental issues and have mentioned this on numerous occasions. This was the reason why I wrote my five books on Human Gnosis in German language.
There are many good ideas in his writings and most of these ideas are part of many other gnostic teachings, including mine, which is normal as they build the core of all human truth. But there are also many trivial ideas in Maier’s writings which water down somewhat his messages. But they are good altogether, no doubt about it.
My approach is however completely different. While Maier talks about universal truth and its role in human life, but gives no clues as to how to achieve it through human thinking, I am furnishing the universal mental method how to achieve this truth through logical axiomatic thinking.
So I am playing in a different league and have now only descended to the lower esoteric league as to reach some readers which would have been otherwise left completely in the dark. But none of my readers have already started to scrutinize my axiomatic method of thinking, which is in the core of the new Theory of the Universal Law and all my books. We are now only scratching on the surface.
In love and light
December 12, 2011
Dear Georgi,
I have pondered over certain matters for some time now and as have not been able to find answers decided to turn to you in case you are able to help. I am an avid reader of your website and very much enjoy the clear and succinct manner in which you present information.
As I understand it, esoteric literature describes humans as creator beings. This also ties in with the law of attraction and our supposed ability to attract and manifest our desires. If we are indeed creator beings, what then are the boundaries (if any) on our ability to manifest? From personal experience I know that I may be able to manifest minor and somewhat trivial thing but am not for example able to influence the direction of the stock exchange or establish world peace. Is this because in order to manifest certain “bigger” things larger numbers of people are required to want the same thing collectively? Is this one function of the collective consciousness advocated by Jung? How do I then know if something is within scope of my individual ability to manifest – through trial and error? Also, why should manifesting a parking space ultimately be any different to manifesting a specific share price or ending bad weather?
My second question is regarding kundalini. As I understand it, the awakening of kundalini energy leads to enlightenment. If so, is the awakening of kundalini a pre-requisite for the completion of the light body process as you describe it? In short, how does kundalini fit into the process of becoming a multidimensional being?
Many thanks in advance for taking time to read this letter.
Kind regards
Dear Henriikka,
You have raised a number of difficult and important questions. The first one is what limits the scope of our creative abilities. On earth, it is the inertia of the 3d-space-time that limits our creative power. Second, we exist in a collective matrix which is determined by the majority of the collective beliefs and if you want to create something outside this matrix, normally you will not be able to do it.
Now when I speak of us as powerful creative beings, I mean in the first place our higher selves, which realize our core ideas and beliefs in the 3d-reality with some lag-time as usual. If you want to influence the equity markets or establish a world piece, first you must bear in mind that these are wishes of your ego and not of your higher self. Your higher self has nothing to do with equity markets and it is definitely not interested in establishing world peace on its own, as it knows very well how the 3d-matrix model works and that it takes the agreement of all participants and major angels’ forces to realize this end. One must be ignorant on how All-That-Is functions to utter such wishes in the first place. This is not meant personally, but as a valid esoteric generalization.
The role of kundalini is grossly misinterpreted in the esoteric literature. I do not know personally what kundalini is and I have never experienced it and I have never found a proper presentation in the esoteric literature in the New Age. The LBP goes from the higher chakras and these energies must be integrated in the lower chakras. This happens by opening the 4th heart chakra as described in my two articles on the LBP. I have described some energy qualities there, which lead to certain symptoms. This is real experience as confirmed by many of my readers – that is why they appreciate these articles – because this is what I have experienced. I have never experienced kundalini and I doubt the existence of this particular energy. It maybe that some people misinterpret sexual orgasm with kundalini.
There are many myths in the New Age and kundalini is one of them. If something is repeated x-times, it becomes reality at certain point in time. But maybe you are more lucky than me and can find somebody who can describe you exactly how kundalini feels and how it arises in the body and what role it plays in the LBP. I have not found this credible source yet and I do not personally need it as I have finished my LBP without kundalini.
In love and light
December 10-11, 2011
Further Discussion with Brewster on the End Time Scenario:
“In the past few years the Starseeds, through their own choosing prior to arrival on Earth, have been exposed to every theory under the Sun, an apt expression here, in order to finally winnow out for themselves what is truth in form and what is truth in spirit. The combining of those two into a cleansed and rejuvenated vessel is the goal. This requires the cooperation and input of the ego. Again, a theory abounds that ego must be killed in order to participate in this adventure of rebirth. That theory is not only misleading, it is dangerous. Ego must be tamed, we will suggest, but not killed.”
“Ukuchina is a very powerful spirit. He shows you the secrets of the underworld and the secrets which people hide in their own underworld. Call upon him. He shall come.”
“…whatever is necessary for people to learn about the truth of what’s been going on behind the scenes – globally, galactically and personally at subconscious levels – will be implanted in their memories for conscious awareness …”
Shinzhi also gets the same message given to me, that there is nothing left to do as far as what’s required of us PAT members before ascension.
I personally experience these last days a growing reluctance to convey my thoughts in words as I feel poignantly their limitation. I am now watching more closely the global shifts in mood and thinking patterns.
As not to make it too long, I would just give you a suggestion for you to brood on:
“Could it be that the coming shift of Gaia, and us ascending, will be bigger than planned and will actually accomplish more or less what was initially planned for Dec 2012, but much earlier?”
The reason for this impertinent idea in my mind is that mankind is still sleeping and those 40-50% that should be awakened to ascend can only do so if they are neatly separated from the rest dark ones, which will go along further degradation and separation on planet B.
What I feel is that the coming shift will be bigger than initially planned, bigger than planned for 11.11.11, but then postponed. Now it will come later than 11.11.11, but will introduce much of the anticipated change planned for Dec 21. In this case, Dec 2011 may be a non-event from a human point of view, similar to the actual 11.11.11. Its impact will be felt slowly as most of it will be already existing.
What is your take on this scenario? Indeed, I underlined the most important statements in the last report from my point of view.
In love and light
Ah, what you asked me to brood on…. yes! As a matter of fact, right after 11/11/11, I got the message that with just a wee bit more work and patience – on the part of the PAT – we’ll get an even better result. Way more payoff than work.
They (the dark ones) too will face their deeds, but from a different perspective, in a different light. This not only gives them a chance to also turn around, since they too are just playing roles here as surely as the rest of us, but this will make for a potential onslaught of whistle-blowers from within the ranks of government, religions, even secret societies. People who finally get a conscience, but were on the scene of the crimes who have first-hand, eye-witness information.
Dear Brewster,
This is a very detailed account on the coming events with a special interest on the revelations and finishing the lessons of karma for most humans in an accelerated fashion.
You essentially discard the possibility of a major split of the two timelines for the potential ascension candidates on the one part and the “no-chance” entities, as you define them, dominated by the PTB on the other. This is a major difference between mine and your perception. If this alternative comes true, then we must indeed ascend pretty soon and appear as powerful catalysts for the transforming mass events you describe. The masses will not make it on their own, no matter how they will be reprogrammed´/ re-wired.
By the way, I have some difficulties to understand how this reprogramming/ re-wiring will actually work. I somehow do not see this part of your forecast. I do know that with the intensification of the 11.11.11 energies, which I feel daily in my body, many more people will begin to open and see the broader reality with the current Controllers on earth, but I do not see it as a quick process and as an immediate success.
This is one of the main reasons why I do think that there will be a distinct separation of the two timelines and that humanity will experience in 2012 different sets of history and events, which will be a clear indication that the two populations have energetically separated.
I will even go that far as to say that when we will ascend and appear in front of the people, many of them will not even realize that there are ascended masters and that there is such a possibility as they will stay in their old matrix of thinking and perception. They may not even experience most of the revelations and subsequent social changes, but only see and bear the accompanying destruction of the old world order, which will determine their destiny on the catastrophic planet B.
It is difficult to imagine how this splitting will actually unfold as it will be a dimensional shift within the seemingly same planet, but I do not see any other solution. Those, who will ascend in Dec 2012, will not participate in the legal persecution and awakening of the elite, as they will have other, more important issues to deal with.
The elite and their minions may begin to expose themselves within their ranks, but this will have no impact on the ascending fraction of humanity as it will be irrelevant. The time is too short for this kind of social cleansing activities.
It maybe that some new technologies will be introduced for the awakening part of the population to get better informed on the PTB and their heinous acts in the past. But this part of the information will not be made available to those, who believe in the current judicial system and will begin to persecute each other within this old framework of punishment and retribution or will even begin to forgive each other in case they are more enlightened than the others.
The truly enlightened fraction of ascending human candidates will have already rejected the current legal system of punishment in toto, and will have developed beyond it. It cannot allow itself to stay stuck in old social patterns and legal solutions. They will not even bother forgiving these dark ones for their heinous acts, as it will be irrelevant for them from the soul level. They will have moved beyond this level of earthly retributions.
As you see, while you put the timelines in one stream of history, I prefer to separate the two timelines in terms of individual subjective experience and in terms of energetic interactions.
Therefore, I believe that the coming magnetic pole reversal and planetary shift that were postponed at 11.11.11 will cause a palpable split in the dimensions, so that humanity will also split along these timelines.
I do not say that this split will accomplish everything that is planned for Dec 2012, but from the individual perspective it may be that many people will wake up in the morning of, say, Dec 22 and go to work and will only slowly begin to realize that the conditions of life have changed somewhat and that some people are no longer there and that the overall situation and even nature is quite different at second glance. The reason for this gradual awakening will be that these changes will begin to unfold in early 2012 with a greater speed and depth than originally planned, after the second and more powerful dimensional shift will have taken place.
With love and light
Are you proposing that a timeline split STARTS at the magnetic pole shift? If so, who goes on the path to ascension and who doesn’t? You’ve gone on about a world full of sleepy people (I don’t disagree on that one), so who is destined for ascension? Only PAT members? If there are others allowed on that path, how is it determined / who determines who of the sleepy masses gets to go on to ascension and who will be left to the lizards?
Dear Brewster,
I will only answer your last question as to avoid additional confusion. If you have read my statements in the last months, which are strictly based on my model of soul age as presented in my English book “The cosmic laws..” and in my five books on Gnosis in German, I have always said the same thing again and again:
“Those incarnated souls, who come from the 5th and higher dimensions will go back to the 5th dimension through early ascension (the few of us as the members of the PAT), through mass ascension on Dec 2012 or through death experience. All these souls are known and their higher selves will take due diligence that they will go with the ascending earth, no matter how deep they may sleep now.
The others, the clones and the very unripe dark souls, will stay on the catastrophic earth B as they have chosen this experience prior to incarnation. There will be no harvest of souls at all and everything is predetermined.
The only thing that has to be settled yet, is whether the last karma acts will take place in close interaction between the two fractions or some of the karma will be deleted from the soul contracts and the entities clearly separated. This is the actual discussion at the higher realms now. Depending on how it will be solved, all other contingency plans, including the magnetic pole shift, will be implemented accordingly.
In love and light
O, very truly no such thing as free-will. All is predetermined. Then why do all that we have? Why concern ourselves that others are sleeping? Let them sleep. We too may as well sleep.
Again. Good night.
Dear Brewster,
We have never been in disagreement. We are only discussing the details. Yes, there is no such thing as free will if you please read my discussion with Olinda in my latest report. And nobody is responsible for other souls, especially in these auspicious times. This is a leitmotif not only in my statements, but in most channelings, no matter how stupid they are. But if your soul has decided to sacrifice you for the common good, you can do nothing else, but follow this altruistic line and believe that you are responsible for other souls.
This is also my last comment.