State-of-Ascension-Report-36: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-36, December 2, 2011

“Egyptian Whale Song” from Callista Summerfield

November 30, 2011

Dear Callista,

while overviewing the channeling messages during the last days – I can’t really read them as they are very boring – I came to the idea that we are now living in a kind of a quarantine bubble or a vacuum place, where we are cut off from all vital impulses and only old trash is allowed to come in. It strikes me that there is a purpose in introducing this mentally void space. Obviously a great shift is in the making and as long  as it has not taken place. nothing exciting will happen and all events are occurring out of inertia. It is really surreal.

There is a deliberate cover up of any news about upcoming cataclysmic events such as magnetic pole shift that might trigger collective fears. We are the only ones that discuss this issue. All other channels, including U. and S. seem to be mired in a kind of a foggy mental emptiness. This may be on purpose to let the new energies do their job on human psyche and mind undisturbed for a while, before the events begin to stipulate, a kind of an anaesthesia before the surgical cut comes. It is the famous stillness before the storm. But it does not feel good to me.

What is your take on the current situation?

In love and light
Dear George

I know exactly what you mean – I have been patrolling in vain – with only glimpses here and there. What I found interesting today was the fact that Blossom Goodchild

is just realising that she has been taken for a ride for many years. She is a British woman living in Australia and has been channelling, amongst other things, the Federation of Light – I have not resonated with her at all.

I get the impression that the so-called light workers are the first to wake up to the realisation that the only voice you can trust is your own – and then only some of the time. This is why your website and leadership is so vital at this time of so many false prophets – it gives like-minded people somewhere to go and get their truth verified – and between us we can discern the sheep from the goats. I get the picture that there are ships from all over the cosmos gathering for the harvest of human DNA – and they don’t care how many lies they have to tell in order to inveigle Humans into their spiderweb. And Steve B. and Webre and the Galactic Free Press are full of it.

The current situation, where channels like S. and U. position themselves, is like the head of Medusa – on the one hand they want to serve Humanity – on another they want people to support their website with donations – so then they find that if they don’t please the people, they can’t afford to keep up their website – but if they don’t keep up their website, they lose face because, after all they are seers and hold a position of power – so they feed the people with easily digested sweet mush and keep them sedated for a while longer – all the while they are also deluding themselves.

Then they find themselves being questioned and then they resort to censoring their website and this is continuously increasing the duality that they are preaching against. Then the last straw is, they use the channelling to promote their own views and then no-one is happy and they have the stamp of the false prophet over their head. Oh! I have wanted to express this opinion for so long! Thank you for giving me the opportunity.

Also, I found that I could receive nothing from the other realms after 11.11.11.  I have interpreted this to be as a result of my causal body burning up and my withdrawal in to the monadic state. I feel we are at a point of null, where the information that we are asking will not come forth because we are in a paradigm that does not yet support the information we are requesting. And the paradigm cannot support it until the paradigm shifts and the paradigm cannot shift until humanity shifts, and humanity will not shift until there is a catastrophe.

So I suppose we are all waiting for the catastrophe and we are impatient because we don’t know when, because it is really up to Gaia. I have always felt that we are like fleas on the back of a dog – we have to go along for the ride when the dog is ready to stir. My feeling is that everything is in such a fine balance that there is a juggling going on and you well may be correct in your assumption that collective anaesthesia is the requirement for the moment.  “Comfortably numb” to quote Pink Floyd.  But it doesn’t suit me and I am always suspicious of anaesthesia, especially collective.

All I can be sure of at the  moment is that I personally am doing a hell of a lot of transmutation and its not my stuff. It started in earnest last Friday (solar eclipse whatever that may mean) and it has let up a bit today, but its hanging around.

Over to you
love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,

Thank you very much for this cunning analysis. In fact it was Blossom Goodchild’s official declaration of spiritual bankruptcy that prompted my decision to write this email to you. I expected this revelation for some time, following her stupid conversations with this obscure source.

In this situation one should stay by the facts. We, the members of the PAT, opened the stargate 11.11.11 after we connected and opened our portals before that in a collective effort that is unprecedented in the history of this planet and galaxy. We then went through the birthing pains of this ascension process (light version) and almost ascended, but decided to stay on earth and help the slumbering mankind awaken.

For most of the light workers, gathered in Sedona or in other places around the globe, this event was an external happening, an outer event with a symbolic character, but with no personal energetic involvement whatsoever, no matter what they will tell you afterwards. After our disappointment due to the cancelling of our full ascension, our chakras were hugely opened and we became powerful antennae for these new energies for humanity, as many of the PAT members have reported in their emails.

Then, we had the initiation process in the higher dimensions on Nov 22, which many of us experienced in the lucid dream state as extremely powerful  energetic transformation of our bodies.

None of these experiences can be found in the channeled messages during this time. As if they have not taken place, although these were the most pivotal energetic events on earth that made the flooding of these energies possible on earth in the first place, about which these obscure channels are talking all the time as if they were the source of them.

These channelers have no idea what is going on energetically on earth. They only get some oral information without any personal experience whatsoever, which is the most diluted form of higher frequency energies from the higher dimensions.  No wonder, why they now begin to get disappointed one after the other as you have described in your email because they have neglected the direct contact to their inner voice or have not developed it yet.

Indeed, we have now entered a new paradigm, where oral channeling will soon disappear as I predicted it one year ago to the members of the CAC.

Most of the light workers have not even realized what actually happened on earth at 11.11.11, and who was responsible for this achievement. Their channelling sources give them no information because in this case they must admit what a negligible role they play in the whole process and this fact does not fit into their authoritative stile of channeling.

In other words, the whole esoteric vanity fair of channelling gurus is now in a deep crisis and it will stipulate in the coming days, before this form of communication will disappear forever.

There is another very dangerous tendency in these circles – their over-evaluation of their heart at the expense of their critical, analytical and logical mind. This is their “Fall from Grace”.

The outstanding characteristic of our website is its critical and analytical approach to all events, although we all express our emotions to the full extent. All other channeling sources completely neglect and even deliberately suppress the intellectual dimension, as they consider it opposite to their heart or right brain, or to whatever other physical organ of theirs they give their preference. At the same time, they put  a rigid censorship on their feelings because they have eliminated their major tool of controlling their emotions, namely, their mind and their Logos.

They are trapped in a double dilemma – they have amputated voluntarily their mind and they have simultaneously crippled their psyche. You can detect this tendency in most channeling websites and I do not see how they will come out of this deadlock, but to stop channeling and begin to develop their rudimentary intellectual abilities, which they have now buried under their channeling rubbish and rubble.

Now back to the actual situation on earth. Considering some very acute reactions on the part of some of my readers against the idea of an imminent magnetic pole shift and massive changes on earth, I came to the conclusion that their subconsciousness knows very well about the inevitability of these events and this hidden knowledge  forges their fears. Or as somebody put it recently. ” you cannot make an omelet without cracking the eggs first”.

The advantage of the members of the PAT is that they have distanced themselves as much as possible from the 3d-reality, so that it does not make any importance to them any more what will happen in this reality, be it a catastrophe or a financial crash, as it will not affect them.

Maybe, this dissociation of us, the members of the PAT, from this waning reality is the actual splitting of the two earths and dimensional realities. I will not be surprised at all, if we begin to see how some people simply disappear from our sight, as they vibrate with much lower frequencies or vice verse – we will begin to disappear from their sight, while still dwelling on this ascending version of Gaia. This may begin to happen very soon. Probably we are now exactly in this embryonic phase, before the mitosis of the two earths begins to accelerate with great velocity and the two versions split visibly.

In love and light
November 30, 2011

Dear George,

Quoting this from your latest article;

“Some of you may have commenced to see these fluctuations of higher frequency energies around your body when you have evolved sufficiently with your LBP. I see these fluctuating energies flowing to and fro from all surrounding objects all the time for the last ten years. At the beginning this was rather irritating as I had the sensation as if am losing the firm ground under my feet and felt like a drunken sailor.”

I have been seeing something like for some years on different occasions, but since last week it seems to show itself more frequent. I call it the morph. I tried to find out its behavior and the funny thing is that I can see these frequencies with open and with closed eyes, which of course shows that my eyes are not playing tricks with my consciousness. The phenomenon starts small like the outline of half a circle of this shimmering white/crystal light somewhere in front of my head (in the beginning left) and from there getting broader and larger until it encapsulates an important part of the body (as far as I can see it). Lately it not only starts left, but after awhile starts anew on the right side of the head and broadens out. Does this fit in the same category as what you express above?

On another occasion it showed like crystalline balls of light, floating balls of crystalline light, starting small and getting bigger and through which one can easily see in depth.

I think that this could possibly be how we will finally fade out and awaken into this new reality with our bodies within this frequency. Of course carried by building the Light Body (LBP) we prepare for this and only need the final kick start at the appointed time. In such a way Ascension could happen at an instance or gradually during a short period of time and without really having to leave this earth and where we will still experience different realities (by will) during the course of the coming year in need to prepare humanity’s Ascension.

Thank you again for your work!
Love and Light,
Dear Rob,

Absolutely! Your description of the higher frequency waves around our bodies is very precise and it fully coalesces with my experience. I can see the fluctuations both with open and closed eyes, as they are no longer limited to the narrow spectrum of the visible light.

Depending on the light conditions, I could see these fluctuations up to 100 meters around me. Another regular effect that I observe is to see these fluctuations coming from the upper chakra of the higher self which is approximately 1-2 meters at the crossing point of your vision and the imagined tangential line on top of your head. This point is the centre of concentric astral waves that are actually our vis vitalis. This point functions as a black and while hole, by transforming the zero-point energies of the higher self into 3d-space-time electromagnetic energy. I have not yet spoken about this phenomenon as  not too many people are aware of it. You can see this point at best after meditation in bed and then open your eyes and watch the white ceiling, where this point is projected and from where the concentric waves stream downwards.

The waves that stream from this point flow like a cone that encompasses your whole body. I can also feel their vibrations in my body and can change their pattern willingly. But I seldom do this exercise in the last years as it does not matter anymore. Within this field our transformation to a higher dimension will take place, called Ascension.

In love and light
Dear George,

In your article you mentioned the word ‘Stasis’. I can’t remember you mentioned this on earlier occasions. Very interesting this is. Stasis could be a very realistic way of initializing the whole change. My take on the word is ‘pausing’ of linear time with a divine activated slumber of life on Earth, based on one’s level of preparations. Those like the PAT-members will then ascend. This can give huge possibilities:

– pausing of time
– deep slumber of the masses
– ascension for those that are ready, their training, briefing and returning
– changing of the frequency on Earth (4th / 5th D)
– removing of the dark power
– sorting out the masses on their appropriate frequency levels
– kick starting everything again
– mentorship and change
– ascension Dec 2012

I am not sure how the final moment will work out but decisions could be made from higher hierarchies to combine a time of Stasis with the Polar Shift. In such way  panic and angst will be at a minimum because of the slumber everyone is in and other level legions can do what needs to be done on Earth to support this change.

Just a possible contemplation on all of this.
Light and Love,
Dear Rob,

you are absolutely right. The word “Stasis” was first introduced with the mass ascension around Dec 21, 2012, but I have now used this term also for the coming magnetic pole shift/reversal, which will mark the first stage of this event.

It becomes more and more evident that those that have decided to stay dark and remain on the catastrophic earth cannot be awakened, and they only hinder the awakening of the rest of humanity, which are potential candidates for mass ascension. From this I conclude that the magnetic pole shift/reversal and the simultaneous shift of Gaia and humanity to the 4th and 5th dimensions, and us ascending to the 5th dimension, will  mark the definite split of the two earths.

The portion of humanity that will ascend, will enjoy the new technologies that are about to come very soon and the rest of humanity that has decided to stay on a catastrophic earth will not even realize that there is such a new development. The two fractions of mankind will begin to drift apart  energetically, so that the low vibrating human entities will no longer see us and we, the higher vibrating human beings, will leave them in peace and will no longer bother about them, knowing that have chosen a different timeline. This phenomenon will be much more pronounced at the final Stasis in Dec 2012, but it must begin with the magnetic pole shift.

Otherwise, everything you have said about the “First Stasis” which must come very soon, or has already started, is correct and valid.

In love and light
November 30, 2011

George,I just finished reading your last post regarding CLE (Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization). In practical terms, it makes a great deal of sense to me. I have found very few individuals who are even interested in talking about ascension. They look at me with glazed, uninterested eyes, as if they are “stuck” in a emotional comfort zone. Are you saying that we can not rouse them unless their Higher Self is working towards that end? Once their LBP has begun they, like us, will begin that emotional roller coaster and in order to amplify that process, Gaia must sustain a particular level of energy build up before that can take place. Once the monetary system collapses, it will be closely followed by the pole shift and that will be the dramatic push that Gaia/humanity needs to make the shift.In the interim, PAT is transmuting negative energy and transducing loving energy to mankind. In other words, PAT is recycling negative energy, in addition to pouring out loving energy just by being present at this time. Am I understanding you correctly?

Thank you.

Dear Sheryl,

Your succinct interpretation of my core thoughts in this article is absolutely correct and there is nothing more to add.

In love and light
November 30, 2011

Dear George,

Thank your for your article on the Cosmic Law of Optimisation again your analysis in relation to the current situation is razor sharp.

There was a coronal mass ejection from the Sun which hit the Earth’s Magnetic field on the 28th of November, producing some amazing images of the Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere (a glimpse of what to expect in 5D??):

When I look at the images, in my heart it reminds me of ‘home’. Hopefully you can share this with your readers, nature truly is beautiful!

Blessings of love and light,


November 30 , 2011

Dear George,

Just wanted to send you thanks and blessings for your beautiful article on Energy Optimization & Ascension.  It is highly meaningful to me in many ways.
Also you wrote in Report #32: “…All of us, the so called star seeds, are the Trojan horses of the forces of light on Earth…”
This statement hit a bullseye in my heart; my soul screamed, “YES!”  A simple metaphor, yet profoundly precise.
With love, light, and so much gratitude for all your work,

November 30, 2011

Dear George,

Wanted to let you know that I totally agree with your recent post on The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization. I believe that this is what makes sense both in my personal life and in the trajectory for the planet! Thank you for explaining so much in this report. I so appreciate the care and attention that you devote to all of this information and to us.

I have strongly felt that the financial structures had to collapse before the pole shift would occur and you have also confirmed this and stated the reason why.


November 30, 2011

Hi Georgi,

First, I’d like to thank you for your website. I have been pretty clear about the what and the why’s of ascension. It’s nice to now know the how’s and the when. Also, I give thanks to finally connect with others who satisfy my intellectual appetite. It’s a rarity in the New Age Vanity Fair, as you’ve coined it.
In your latest post, “How The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization Determines the Time of Our Ascension?” you offer us a timeline for the upcoming shift, which I’ve copied below:

1. A total financial crash and the end of all banks, stock exchanges and financial transactions, which will lead to a financial infarct and an economic still stand [stand still].

2. The occurrence of the magnetic and physical pole shifts (reversal of the magnetic poles and rectification of the tilted physical axis) and Ascension of Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions.

3. First wave of individual Ascensions can begin with the financial crash and will end up with the magnetic pole shift and ascension of Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions,

4, Appearance of the first Ascended Human Masters as multidimensional personalities in front of humanity shortly after the shift. They will immediately substitute the present corrupt politicians and will lead mankind out of its state of total emotional and mental paralysis by proving to their human fellows the immortality of the human soul and its infinite power. They will demonstrate in a concrete manner the bliss of the New Earth, which many of them will begin to enjoy after mass ascension at the end of 2012.

5. Introduction of the GF and the Agarthans from the Inner Earth to humanity by the Ascended Human Masters.

6. Swift and quick introduction and implementation of numerous new technologies which will relieve immediately the situation of the remaining human beings after the huge material destruction, which will be triggered by the magnetic and physical pole shifts. This will also include the rapid cleansing of earth’s pollution. The new high frequency technologies will include free energy for all people, mini-portals for individual travel around the globe in minutes-time as a substitute for the current transport, based on the combustion of organic fuels. There will be new holographic means of communication based on the Akasha chronics for earth, new agricultural methods to produce effectively clean food and eliminate the worldwide hunger and poverty, etc.

My question is why couldn’t we rearrange events, such that:

1. A total financial crash and the end of all banks, stock exchanges and financial transactions, which will lead to a financial infarct and an economic still stand [stand still].

2. First wave of individual Ascensions can begin with the financial crash.

3. Appearance of the first Ascended Human Masters as multidimensional personalities in front of humanity shortly after the shift. They will immediately substitute the present corrupt politicians and will lead mankind out of its state of total emotional and mental paralysis by proving to their human fellows the immortality of the human soul and its infinite power. They will demonstrate in a concrete manner the bliss of the New Earth, which many of them will begin to enjoy after mass ascension at the end of 2012.

4. Introduction of the GF and the Agarthans from the Inner Earth to humanity by the Ascended Human Masters.

5. The occurrence of the magnetic and physical pole shifts (reversal of the magnetic poles and rectification of the tilted physical axis) and Ascension of Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions.

6. Swift and quick introduction and implementation of numerous new technologies which will relieve immediately the situation of the remaining human beings after the huge material destruction, which will be triggered by the magnetic and physical pole shifts. This will also include the rapid cleansing of earth’s pollution. The new high frequency technologies will include free energy for all people, mini-portals for individual travel around the globe in minutes-time as a substitute for the current transport, based on the combustion of organic fuels. There will be new holographic means of communication based on the Akasha chronics for earth, new agricultural methods to produce effectively clean food and eliminate the worldwide hunger and poverty, etc.

Then there could be an evacuation of the planet for those who choose to continue on into the higher dimensions, either through the portals we’ve created, or via our Galactic Family’s spacecraft. Is it even possible to survive a pole shift above ground? Wouldn’t all memories be erased in such an event for those who haven’t completed the LBP?

It seems to me that a financial meltdown, and our subsequent ascension is enough to shake the masses of their slumber. But, to additionally survive a pole shift would most likely destroy the psyche of even the hardiest souls. Instead of waking them up, they would go comatose. In my estimation, the pole shift would be the literal separation of the worlds Planet A and Planet B, as described by CA, and that there would be nothing left to return to.
It also seems to me that since we’re all family anyway, our Galactic Family would have an interest in sparing their literal younger Brothers and Sisters the trauma of surviving a pole shift.
Or, have I got it all wrong? Is it that the pole shift and individual ascension go hand in hand, such that the one precipitates the other?
Much love,
Lincoln City, Oregon

Dear Leonard,

Thank you very much for this alternative scenario which you have suggested. Essentially you put the magnetic pole shift behind all the other changes and events concerning humanity because of the expected huge catastrophes. In addition, you suggest massive saving actions of humans by the Galactics.

Let me first clear one basic issue that is most of the time forgotten by most incarnated human entities. If it is in your individual soul contract to survive a calamity, you will survive it no matter what will happen to your neighbours. During WW2 there were numerous miraculous stories of soldiers being saved, while others died in the same situation. The same is known from numerous massive catastrophes.

Let me assure you that your soul can protect you from any bullets if you are supposed to live, by changing their trajectory without you or anybody noticing it. Now you can extrapolate this universal rule to our collective souls and you will easily see that there will be absolutely no need for a visible appearance of our galactic brothers to save us, if they can do it in a clandestine manner, while carrying out through “natural occurrence” some necessary physical events and changes, such as the magnetic pole shift. A direct appearance would be tantamount to a massive violation of all karma rules that have reigned in this incarnation experiment on earth. This will also infringe upon the Law of Energy Optimization.

If one assumes in an apriori manner that all incarnated entities who are supposed to survive the magnetic pole shift will be Christ protected and will survive it amidst mayhem, then the pole shift can be carried out as soon as the energetic conditions are optimal and without taking such precautions as suggested by you from a human point of view.

Now all these arguments on my part are of course of theoretical nature, and it may as well happen that the pole shift may occur even before the financial crash and then trigger it. This is another very probable alternative. I have only argued that this will not be very pedagogical as the people must be always confronted with the results of their past deeds in a concrete manner, as this is the case in their personal destinies. I have observed this invariant pattern on numerous human destinies and I am pretty confident to have discovered a universal rule of karma on this planet.

Now, there are further arguments on behalf of the early occurrence of the magnetic pole shift. Mankind is sharply split into two groups of about 40% awakened people and the rest will either finish with their current incarnation within the next year as planned by their souls (through physical death) or will survive the catastrophic events and will proceed with their lives on Planet B as future slaves of the Orion system.

About 1/3 will leave earth in the course of the next year simply because this is in their soul contracts for the End Times. Some of them will ascend to the 5th dimension and may immediately reincarnate in crystallines bodies in the New Earth in the lower second level of the 5th dimension, while others will stay in Celestria (upper 5th dimension) in excarnated state and reincarnate at a later date.

As a rule, those souls that come from the 5th and higher dimensions will return back to these dimensions. Those souls who have separated from the Source and dwell in the 4th dimension or are clones of the Orion empire (estimated about 15-20% of all human population currently on earth) will stay on the catastrophic earth or will die and go back to the 4th dimension. The separation of these two soul populations must take place, and the sooner, the better, as no party – the dark ones or the forces of light – have won a victory.

Each party has preserved her own army, whereas the danger of the forces of light to lose some of their soldiers if the events remain unchanged, as is the case now, will only increase exponentially in the coming days. Therefore, there must be a split (magnetic pole shift) of the energies – dark versus light –  very soon, otherwise the whole project is in great jeopardy. The decision for the appropriate time of occurrence will not be taken with respect to saving some human lives, as they have never been in danger in the first place, but will be made only by counting the numbers of saved souls for Ascension. This will be the bottom line.

In love and light
Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your reply. My apologies if it appears that I’m beating a dead horse, as you’ve already given this explanation to the bleeding hearts among us in your prior reports. Thank you, though, for helping to clarify matters for me.

My original confusion stemmed from trying to understand the nature of a pole shift. I was under the impression that a pole shift meant the near complete extinction of plant, animal and human life on the planet. Which, by the way, I’m not as concerned so much for the loss of human life, as much as I’m confused about who would remain for a mass ascension at the end of 2012.

A quick search on the internet led me to conclude humanity has experienced already many pole shifts, and has survived to tell about them.

One thing that surprised me in your reply was your claim that 40% of humanity is awakened. Really? By what measure? That would suggest that 40% of the people I know, or with whom I interact question reality. I can only think of a handful. And, I live on the West Coast where the supposedly more enlightened among us live in the U.S.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my prior email.

In love and gratitude,


Dear Leonard,

Thank you for your additional comments. Indeed, I almost expected that you will ask me where do I get this number of 40% awakened human beings.

In the first place it stems from my soul age model which I developed in 2000 and have presented in my first book on Gnosis “Evolution Leap of Mankind”. From this model it becomes evident that currently there are about 30% adult souls on earth which will enter in the End Time the soul age of old souls and will automatically qualify for ascension as part of their incarnation cycle. At that time there were about 4-5% old souls on earth and their number has rapidly grown since then. And of course there are very few star seeds among them, souls who have long time ago finished with their incarnation cycle and have incarnated on earth in the End Times as birthing helpers of Gaia and humanity, as ascension helpers, as is the case with the members of the PAT.

If you apply your criteria for a awakened human entity, I do agree with you  that you can find only a handful of them. But I am now talking from the higher perspective, where the incarnated souls are evaluated according to their overall motivation in their daily life. And you must agree with my assessment that, while many of them are still unaware of the real situation on earth and exhibit no inclination for transcendental issues, this silent majority does behave most the time in a compassionate manner based on the principle of “service to community “” instead of on the dark principle “service to self”. There are many people worldwide who are eager to do something for other people and the evidence is growing by the hour.

These people will be the target of our awakening programme in the coming year until the end of 2012. I know that there is a lot to do and that they must go a long away, and this is actually my main argument on behalf of my purported scenario that the events must stipulate very soon and must be sweeping.

Now, the magnetic pole shift will be anything, but a catastrophic event for the majority of the human population as it will catapult Gaia and humanity to a higher dimension, where earth will be totally cleansed within one year prior to mass ascension and will acquire its pristine character. This shift will allow the implementation of many new technologies, so that earth will be rejuvenated in the blink of an eye and humanity will begin to live for the first time in spiritual and physical abundance.

However as there will be a splitting of the earth in two versions, those that will stay on the catastrophic earth will experience the magnetic pole reversal and the shift to a higher dimension as a catastrophic event according to their level of soul evolution and point of view. But this has been extensively discussed by many channels and CA has given a lot of information in the last 20 years on the splitting of the two earths in Dec 21, 2012. I have also discussed this scenario in my last book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction”

For me, the magnetic pole shift/reversal will be an ecstatic event and it will mark the beginning of the end of human enslavement for more than 13 000 years, and the definite move of humanity to a new collective destiny of being a transgalactic, multidimensional enlightened civilisation, based on the principle of unconditional love as an inextricable part of the Source.

Most of the animals will survive the shift, but some species will disappear as they will not make it to the 5th dimension. But this is part of the normal evolution process. Most of the pets and domesticated animals will be available in the 5th dimension to my information.

In love and light
November 30, 2011

Dear George

I should be used to it by now, but it constantly amazes me how you are able to put into words just how things really are. Your latest offering so aptly describes the very process we have all been going through and provides me with a panacea for my constantly enquiring mind. Through my many years of LBP I have had no choice but to “follow the line of least resistance” like a tired old river trying to reach the ocean. It has often been a source of frustration to me, but every time I tried force, my body would react and render helplessness. Consequently, for many years I have lived as a recluse, quietly getting on with the job, not forcing the issues.

This article amply describes the causings and meanings of the emotional swings we have had and the frustration of having to wait for the “right time” before manifestation is accomplished.

It also explains the significance of the “Occupy” movements all around the world, which previously I couldn’t understand, because, to me, the ascension process was the answer. And, of course, ascension IS the answer, its just that, as you say “We are now amidst this process of rapid mental and emotional alteration of Homo Sapiens and its projected gestalt patterns in the outer space.” The Occupy movement is the outward manifestation of an inward shift.

The chronology of coming events is invaluable for marshalling our thoughts and intentions in the coming weeks. And thank you for further validating our role as transducers and transmuters – nothing else can warrant the pain we have willingly (most of the time!) endured.

love and light from Callista

November 30, 2011

Hi George,

Between 4:45 AM and 5:30 AM this morning I experienced an initiation by you.  Could that be at this later date? I believe this was the result of my willingness to finally say my vows/decrees aloud.

The experience was so potent, beyond anything I have yet experienced in my life. I am not a stranger to ayahuasca or other ceremonial substances.  Further, at age 19 I received a potent Kriya  initiation that left my spiritual eye open for 24 hours.  I mention this to again testify to the potency of this morning’s experience as beyond anything of my past.

It is difficult to find the words to share this.  Anyway, this began as a dream but finished in an awakened state behind closed eyes. The dream began with a conversation about the significance of the color yellow. I do not remember specifics about this conversation other than the color yellow seemed to be an kinesthetic experience as well as a conversation taking place.  Can you help me on any significance here?

I awoke and laid in bed with my eyes closed.  I witnessed your presence and heard you speak telepathically. Your presence carried an unmistakable energy signature. There was no doubt it was you.  I saw, against a velvet black background, a golden geometrical grid that connected several circles – each of a different color.

At this point I turned my attention to my body.  I was in awe as I lifted my arms, looked down, and witnessed my own white light body gyrating in joy and sparkling.  Next came a deep electrical full body organism. This lasted until 5:30 AM.

I drifted back to sleep and had another dream.  This dream took place in a beautiful beach house with friends I do not know in my 3D life. We were gathered to celebrate and enjoy life – art, good food, creativity, even marajuana was being sold.  Although there was mention of rent not being able to be met for this lovely beach house, no one in this group felt any fear or concern. At one point we all huddled in a circle, arms around each other, bending down to table top height.  With our right ears against this common listening point we were clearly experiencing a unified claraudio experience.

Wow! The power of post 11/11/11, your initiation, our PAT member association, and stating our decrees,right? I went from being grey in the face yesterday and guessing perhaps I had walking pneumonia to experiencing christed initiation in your presence Dear Captain!

I believe my soul sat hard on me because I procrastinated in saying my vows/decrees. I procrastinated because I was hoping to caretake a banking issue for family member!  Well… I was energetically stuck and becoming more lifeless each day as a result of this procrastination to announce my decree with passion and commitment.

With Joy and Gratitude,

Dear Marilyn,
I am very impressed by your experience and it is crystal clear to me. In fact I saw it coming as soon as you fully disentangle from your past material and financial obligations on behalf of your family. This explains why you were initiated at this late date. As I have written on many occasions after 11.11.11, we are now only responsible for our individual ascension and have only a duty towards humanity. We are no longer connected to Gaia as this has been the case before this event due to our vow at the soul level.

Our decision to end this vow is respected at the higher realms and when one says it firmly, he gets initiated as was the case with you last night. Therefore, I recommend all members of the PAT to make a deliberate and decisive choice to ascend now, if they do not want to stay much longer on this planet. But if they decide to postpone this decision, there is nothing wrong about it. Then they will ascend a little bit later. It is all within the range of the Ascension plan for earth and humanity.

From now on your energy will flow much more powerfully in your body and you will begin to experience the bliss of the higher dimensions much more intensively.

In love and light


November 30, 2011

Dear George,

Just wanted to reach out and salute you on what I feel is a very adequate and well-written article on the law of least resistance, broadening of the emotional amplitudes during LBP and how it all relates to the timing of ascension on Earth.

You also made me realize something  I haven’t consciously connected yet, and I will ask you for a possible confirmation as well. You gave an example where during the LBP people can have very drastic emotions and “all of a sudden” become agitated, irritated and frustrated. Also become very angry, even hatred filled at some point, mostly towards what the person says or does or the way he thinks,

I have had those experiences many time, mostly with my parents, where it has made me so angry and irritated, that I yelled at them, because it was infuriating me, how can they even “think this way” about many things, including spiritual matters, but also just social matters, survival instincts, fear of death etc. It amazed me..

Just wanted to ask you Georgi, if this is literally connected to the LBP, when ti comes to the emotional body, because for the last 5-6 years at least I have had very strong outbursts, many of very positive, loving energies, through tears and uncontrollable compassion, whether watching a film or listening to a song, or seeing a video of children, suffering and dying etc.., but also have had very many outbursts of hatred and anger towards my parents in particular, for it irritated me very much how they can ever be so “closed” for some things.

I realize that maybe it wasn’t so much me, not being ready for ascension, but just releasing these energies. The soul felt very strongly about them, so I chose to release them in this way, unfortunately hurting my parents in the process, which I am sorry of course, but now I see a good side to it. It would have been worse to keep it all in and make me suffer within.

Just wanted to ask you how the LBP may or may not affect a 22-year old, I was born in summer 1989, so maybe those born in the late 80s and 90s have lesser physical symptoms compared to the previous generations, who go through the LBP,  if so, then my emotional body has been going through very intense times for the last 10 years for sure, and much more intense in the last 5 years especially.

So maybe the lack of physical symptoms is understandable for someone of 22 years of age? Or are physical illnesses and aches mandatory for the LBP? I can’t say I’ve had any serious illnesses at all, besides a lymph tie removed surgically some 9 years ago,and light headaches many times during the last years, when it comes to negative energy from people.

Thank you for the article and response…


Dear Valeri,

Reading you letter I am very pleased to confirm that this article has addressed the main issues of the LBP at the individual level and in association with other people at the social level. First of all, let me assure you that these emotional outbursts are independent of age and that we, the older ones, are not spared by them.

A second and most important aspect is that one has to express a loving attitude towards his emotional outbursts and should not have any bad consciousness, as you are doing God’s job throughout your body, introducing light to this dark planet and human society, thus paving the way for other people to follow you.

But one should have a good idea of the Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization in order to protect himself in the first place and then to create a kind of a secure bubble that will help him slide in the society without much friction. This must be learned step by step and I would lie if I say that I knew this at the beginning of the LBP. But with the time being, one gets ever more experienced in canalizing his energies without wasting them for his own benefit and thus ultimately for humanity.

In love and light
November 30, 2011

To Dr Stankov –

I have been following your site for months now and believe you are the source of mankind’s salvation. I am not an avid meditator or such but consider myself a truth seeker and thus was impressed by your knowledge. I am a 52 yr old American who sees his country for the evil it is and have been trying to change it for awhile,

In fact I’m one of the Wisconsin protesters looking to take our state back from the corporate tools that are in power now, I’d like to think we started the OWS movement with our actions back in Feb.

Anyway – I just wanted to say, please keep posting, teaching and preparing us and I’ll be here when you appear to help mankind if I can. I copy your postings and put them together in binders which I’ve given to family, friends and whoever else is interested.

So please know for you and all the team your efforts are being watched and conveyed to many you are not aware of,I hope to be one of your “partners” in freeing mankind. Thanks to you all again in

Love light and learning
– another Brewster.
Dear Robert,

I am calling you Robert  not to confuse you with our Brewster. First of all I am very happy that my website has inspired you and other people in your just struggle for true democracy and liberation. For me, being an old dissident all my life, who has fought many a battle with all kinds of dictatorships this is the most valuable confirmation telling me that I have not lost my rebellious vigor in my old days. Otherwise, one is emotionally dead on this planet. I very much appreciate your effort to popularize my ideas in the USA, which has many dark sides, but also great light gestalts.

I would love to appear in my full mission, for what I have come on this planet, in the USA and help the American people liberate themselves from the insidious shackles imposed on them by the dark financial and political Elite. I cannot tell you how impatient I sometimes be to commence with this mission, notwithstanding my comparatively long incarnation on earth, throughout which I have also learned to be patient and wait for the proper moment in time to arrive. But this moment must now come very soon.

Wish you a lot of success in the meantime with your just struggle on the ground. This is a great contribution to the awakening of humanity.

In love and light
December 1, 2011

Hey George,I’ve been an long time reader of your website. I just wondered what you thought about a few videos and if you liked to share them with the rest of the PAT because the information seems simply amazing. I am leaving the links.The Holographic Univierse cam in Antartica showing a huge black spot in front of the sun for the last 2 weeks. probably the veil, we are to go through into the fourth dimensional shift.

Dear Jay,

This is an excellent recommendation. This video dedicated on how human senses create our holographic universe gives us a very accurate explanation for all human illusions in the three-dimensional world of space-time.

The restriction of our senses and perceptions is a major topic in all my scientific books. Just as this video shows, not only our vision and the other external senses are essentially a processing of electromagnetic signals – action potentials of the neurons – by the brain and the CNS (central nervous system), but also our biological bodies are based exclusively on electromagnetic signals. The physical human body is a biological electromagnetic wave system.

I am the first scientist to have proved in an irrevocable manner that all food energy, which we consume and degrade in our bodies, is ultimately transformed into electromagnetic energy that is stored in the cell membranes of the human body as membrane potentials. This energy is released upon stimulation as action potentials, which are electric waves or signals, just  as the retina cells – cones and rods – process the external light from the objects and transmit it further to the vision centre in the back brain as shown in this video.

However, what this video does not explain is that the actual holographic images are not created by the human brain, which is only an electromagnetic transducer for the regulation/coordination  of the physical body, but in our mental body (mind), which is a high frequency astral software programme around the brain and cannot be detected with material instruments.

Insofar this presentation stops short of  full explanation of human holographic perception, which must inevitably involve the high frequency dimensions which are part of our physical vessels – they actually create and regulate the physical vessel,

But notwithstanding this shortcoming of the scientific approach in this video, this is an important step in the right direction and I recommend all my readers to watch this video very carefully as to deepen their understanding of the illusory holographic reality, in which we dwell as incarnated souls.

The second video as of Nov 30 on the sun changes is indeed amazing and it proves that something very special is happening with it. My personal opinion is that the commentator is most of the time completely wrong with his explanations and mixes all kinds of things together, but the visual images speak for themselves.

My higher self told me that this is the rising of the new 5th dimensional reality of earth, which is now created by the 11.11.11. energies  from the Arcturus sun. These energies enter our solar system through our sun, before they reach earth. What this pictures show is the birth of the new 5th dimension for earth, which is now visible as a holographic picture around the sun and is about to encompass our planet very soon. But this is my personal interpretation and I do not want to influence anybody in this respect. This video brings another very important astronomic information to our ongoing discussion on the End Time scenario.

In love and light

Please find below a link to a channeled message that recommends a survival strategy for light workers which we have already implemented among the members of the PAT (George):

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