State-of-Ascension-Report-11: “I have built my Personal Portal”

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-11, October 22, 2011


October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I was overwhelmed by a wave of joy and relief after reading your last article. I found your website a few weeks ago, i have difficulties to tell how much time has passed actually, I read all posts, have read your book “Neue Gnosis: Evolutionssprung der Menschheit” in one evening, have followed the “enjoyable drama by Georgi and Steve Beckow”, have written to Steve on his discussion group trying to clear a bit of his confusion, as he got some things “in the wrong gut” (how the Germans say).  I love when you use these “Sprichwörter”, sayings, as I am also a person from a former Communist Country (Romania), living in Germany, and many of my ancestors were bravely opposing that suppressive system and have risked their lives in doing so.

I went through a lot of cleansing and letting go from Monday 17th to Tuesday 18th, really like life-review, after reading the Arcturian report of how to proceed within the portal. After that a bit of my anxiety about the coming days was gone, but also I feel quite exhausted!

What has changed is a happiness about the coming transformation, because finally the “End” is in sight. Especially the last two years have been so challenging that I wouldn’t have been too sad to leave somehow, but the word came to me: ” Just hold on, like you’ve done before, it will not be too long till you enter the promised land!”. When i drive through Berlin, where I live to work for example, I often think that it is really no pity to leave this sad place behind and that I am willing to support only what has a home in the 5th dimension.

I want to tell you about this clock-thing. That happened to me a few moths ago: I heard a strange hum in the small room between my two rooms, where I live under the roof of a recently inherited house and then I saw the minute-showing hand of the clock turning round and round so fast! I am used to technical devices malfunctioning, while I am around, but this, being a clock, had a clear symbolic message. I could not fix that and finally, having to laugh about that, I had to take out the battery!

Dear Georgi, for today I want to stop here and say once more how happy I am that I found you, us, we connected the dots and we have made it finally!

in much love and light,
Dear Joana,

Thank you very much for your very kind email and for your support of my work. I highly appreciate it. Obviously you are a regular reader of my website and I am happy that you have enjoyed the trifle drama, I deliberately staged on the New Age scene to open the eyes of these old, dumbed down New Age veterans, but my success in opening their eyes was less than modest.

However, it worked out well as a catalyst for many observers and many of them have made their final choice. Ultimately, the effort was not in vain. If you come from Romania and are now living in Berlin, you have the advantage of knowing the two worlds and this helps one to clarify his view of the world significantly. We have the experience, which the Americans are bound to make very soon.

If you have read the first German book on Gnosis, then you must also read the last one “Gedanken”, which is a further elaboration and gives a lot of information on the new earth in popular terms. Although the concept of mass ascension is not considered in this book, all the other forecasts have proven to be fairly correct. For instance, I have predicted and explained the current connecting of the dots between the PAT members around me 4 year ago. I could not see the details at that time. e.g. doing it through an Internet website, but the underlying idea has been realized as presented in this book.

How old are you, by the  way, if it is not a secret? I just want to know if you have lived as an adult under communism.

Wish you all the best
In love and light
October 20, 2011

Hi George,

Just wanted to check in and say that I have had a similar experience with energies in my room these past 2 weeks. Today as I was laying down, I looked up at the ceiling and there was a glowing white light (today here was very dark and cloudy), so this really caught my eyes.  As I stared at it, the whole room filled with white light and I was filled with a peaceful and healing vibration. When I got up, I asked who it was and got that it was an angel in the 8th dimension who was helping to raise my vibration and light body. I also got that she and 4 others would be assisting me to make the shift in the portal. There is a portal here at my home, as all of my animals are coming with me too.

I also was instructed in 2002 to build a portal for downtown Philadelphia in my store that would be used for people coming through! So glad to get confirmation from you and all the others here that this is indeed happening now!
Much Love and many thanks to you!
October 20, 2011

Dear George,

You asked about experiences in the last 24 hours. Yesterday evening I completed Opening Portals part 2″, and during this I really felt and learned a lot of new things. I felt like I needed some time to process it so I went to bed and fell asleep.

After some time, I woke up to a sound. The first moment I thought it was a car (strange at 2/3am), but then I realized it was nothing like a car. It was a sound that sounds a bit like the “aummm”, a very deep and loud sound and it seemed to come from within. It also had a lot of energy and it was attracting me in some way. I totally didn’t expect to wake up because of a sound like this, and my heart started beating very fast. Quickly I tried to calm down and that worked, except for my body, which was still very excited. The fast heartbeat feeling was much like a similar thing I experienced during my first attempts at projection, but it was much much stronger and more energetic. I tried to allow it to attract me, but my heart was still going crazy and I really thought I needed to slow down a bit, the sound faded away and my heart calmed down.

I continued sleeping and woke up to the sound again. This time I was able to keep my body and heart calmer and I followed the sound more, until for a short moment I saw the “color above green” or “the color that was once green”. After seeing the color, my heart quickly calmed down and I continued sleeping again.

I had many, many dreams. More than ever before. In fact, it didn’t feel like I was asleep, after waking up I didn’t have the feeling that I had been sleeping, it was more like just my body sleeping. Because of the big amount of dreams it was like everything just continued with no single blank spot. Also, all of those dreams were special, some seemed to be related to clearing up some last issues/karma, and others were about the ascension, for example in one I gave someone a hand and together we walked to some place. It wasn’t really about the place, but more about the person who I identified as someone who I know on physical earth as well, but I identified her based on energy, on holding her hand and not on looks.

Dear Daniel,

thank you very much for this report on your experience. From your description I gather that you have experienced a massive opening of your 4th heart chakra, which is associated with heart palpitations. You have managed it well.

In love and light
October 20, 2011

Georgi, I am responding to your “Hilarious Future” article, in which you mentioned the high vibration and bliss state you experienced.  I have experienced that state twice within the past day, and once a week ago. The past day consisted of that very high vibrational state and feeling good all over, followed by a feeling of physical sensations impressed upon me, such as the kind a medical intuitive feels, with dialogue of leaving the body and going into the next dimension.

This part of the experience felt a little uncomfortable, as I was taking on others’ fears. After that, a celebratory “hallelujah, you’ve ascended” from the Ascended Masters. The physical portion (energetic storm of some negative feelings) was similar to two others I had this month which lasted several hours and were quite trying. This experience was described as an ascension trigger (I don’t know if for me or others or both). This evening, a joyous bliss state came with the lovely high vibration.  It brought me to another state, in which I was not permitted to remember what happened.  I was informed the 22nd of this month was an important date for me.

I’ve also been informed that I was leaving the body soon (permanently), then I wasn’t, then I was, then I wasn’t. I assume it’s dependent upon the immediate energy coming in (?). I was told told several weeks ago, “The White Brotherhood has eliminated the need for your services,” and assumed it was time for me to move on.  I’m not sure about the mixed messages.  I’m beginning to feel now that I will not be leaving any time soon, as I am anchoring in a certain frequency.

I was very reluctant to share my experiences, since I was made aware of my difficult and unusual path and felt it wouldn’t benefit anybody.  However, when you inquired of the bliss state, I wanted to chime in as I feel things heightening for the ascension. I omitted the details in the interest of brevity.
Dear AJ,

It is very good that you shared this experience with me. From what you have told me, you must be rather advanced in your LBP and thus a sure candidate for Ascension. The mixed messages which you have heard in the last days come from the Orion dark entities from the 4th dimension who try to attack all members of PAT.  I have published some emails with similar experiences on the Ascension Reports. Make the meditation I have recommended before going to bed and stay confident. Do not let yourself be confused by such messages – they are just messages and have no effect. The White Brotherhood never sends such messages – their influence is much more subtle and infinitely more positive.

In love and light
October 20, 2011

YES, I am ready to ascend.. I can think of nothing else that is as important as this now.. It feels that I already have..
October 20, 2011

I absolutely agree with all that you have said about 11:11. Everything resonates in my heart and my whole being is in an awaiting state. Even though I am just an average human, I have felt, heard, seen in the last three years quite different things from what I was used to. I believe and feel in the energy of absolutely unconditional love beginning from the heart chakra and emitting it outwards. That is our purpose… to be LOVE… I also feel that this is a BIG test and I have felt and seen myself in this hologram from a distance… Have seen myself in another dimension, where everything is in a different frame technologically, more advanced with a mission to accomplish… Have given every single purpose of my existence to our Father God!!
Bless you Georgi Stankov for all that you are, here, there and everywhere….

Love and Light
October 20, 2011

Dear George,

You said: “I felt a kind of lightness and easiness, I have never experienced before. My body was like a feather flying in the breeze and I felt how tons of heavy weight have been taken away from my shoulders. Then I heard my inner voice: “This is just an anticipation of what you will experience after ascension,””

About 2 months ago I asked that I wanted to feel how is like to be on the 5th dimension. That night I had a dream or lucid dream. It was all dark but not frightening. It was just my conscious… no body and I felt what you just described. It was sooooo beautiful…I felt so light…everything was possible…I could do anything no limitations. I knew that’s how 5th dimension feels like. Then who ever was with me (maybe my angels or my higher self) switched me to 3D and I felt so dense, heavy, I felt trapped. Then I was switch again to 5D reality and again the beautiful freedom and lightness. During this “dream” I always had in front of me some kind of symbol similar to the Leo astrological sign and the color was a very bright almost neon bluish-violet.

I’m so HAPPY you experienced that!!

I haven’t gotten in contact with you via e-mail before, because all the answers to my questions have been responded either by you on your previous reports or by my higher self. Now I’m going to finish reading the “Your Hilarious Future Is Knocking on the Door” report.

I can’t thank You, Sue, Callista and everybody enough for sharing your wisdom.

Love you!

PS: I was thinking that it would be a great idea to create an Ascension Glossary for people that is just awakening. That would help a lot.
Dear Monica,

Thank you very much for your very kind and reaffirming email and for sharing your experience with me. I highly appreciate it. Yes, these experience will culminate in the coming days in preparation for Ascension. Your idea about an Ascension Glossary is very good, but I hope that we will not have the time to realize it, as Ascension is looming on the horizon.

In love and light
October 20, 2011


For the first time after reading so much all around, I find your information through a friend.  I vibrate very much with all you give and find myself in tears each time I read your incredible infos. I admire so much such knowledge and can only thank you for the gift you are and you pass along. I find myself in Greece for this month and just began to read you as soon as I can go on Internet. As I was very drawn to go to Delphi, I will go there in 2 days.

I don’t know why I found myself asking you to help me be prepared to ascend. These days was a lot of confusion around me… Anyway, thanks again a lot and Love to you

How to be a member of PAT?
Dear Claudia,

Thank you very much for your very kind letter and for your appreciation of my work. You are now on the hottest spot in Europe and probably worldwide. Much of the coming collapse will be triggered from Greece – and it is good this way. You, and only you can decide, whether you are a member of the PAT or a first ascension candidate. If you believe it, so it will be!

In love and light
October 20, 2011

Dear George,

I would like to respond to your latest article and your question about experiencing changes these last 24 hours. Since yesterday afternoon I experienced a great lightness and feeling of joy in my body and mind. Early this morning I felt a great sensuality and radiance all over my body. As if I was shining very strongly. Energy was flowing from my head to my toes and back and it made me feel like I experienced my first and so far only kundalini experience on 20/07/2007 all over again. (And this time with no partner in sight.) I was lying in my bed with a big smile on my face and knew that this huge boost of energy that I then experienced is announcing its come-back. I stayed in bed for another hour to enjoy this moment. Afterwards the feeling slowly faded but the smile is still on my face.

Lots of love
Dear Anne-Marie,

Thank you for sharing with me this beautiful experience. This is just a glimpse of what we should expect very soon in the 5th dimension.

In love and light
Dear George,

I am going back to Senegal for my fifth time now from 14/11 till 14/12. I bought a plane-ticket because I felt that I had to be there at that particular period. I have made no plans for my stay yet and hope my spiritual guides will lead me to the right places. On my last trip to the country, January this year, I got the message to write a book about my experiences with past lives and my connection with Africa on this matter. After a “life-between-lives-regression” session last week, it was clear to me that this trip means purification for me. So maybe the 11.11.11 portal will have something to do with me being there at that time.

I also feel there is a great knowledge still unseen or unheard in Africa, which seems not to have found its way to the world. All over the world ‘wisdom keepers’ are coming foreword, but I miss the African voice. It feels to me that this is a crucial piece of information that we need. Maybe I am wrong or have not been reading the right websites, so I would like to hear your vision on this matter. Are there any messages from the Arcturians or others about this continent?

Many thanks and lots of love
Dear Anne-Marie,

Your premonition seems to be correct to me. I have written in my article on the magnetic pole shift that after the stargate 11.11.11 is opened and the shift has taken place, Africa will emerge as the new jewel on this planet. But I cannot tell you anymore than that, except that I have a vision since long time that the Sahara desert will disappear and the land will be very rich.

In love and light

October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi:

I am slowly reading into your vast topics of your website. May I use what I find compatible for our working group, for translation into Spanish and copy it on paper and share it with them?  Is that the way we readers may respond or comment to your Blogs or any of the comments from other people in them?

Love & Light: Dorina.
Dear Dorina,

I welcome your proposal with great delight and I am happy that you make it possible to disseminate my ideas in this lovely country of yours.

In love and light
October 20, 2011


I’m currently in study hall in my school and am on your site through my phone. I have just read your latest publication entitled “Your Hilarious Future Is Knocking on the Door” and when I read the events that have taken place within the last 24 hours, I felt an immediate sense of love and joy as I can relate. Within the last 48 hours very similar and joyful experiences happened to me as well.

Two nights ago I was following one of Sue’s guided meditations and all of a sudden my mind fell completely silent. I felt extremely high vibrations and love and light flowing through my body. Positive energy was flowing in me from my crown, feet, hands arms legs etc. It is hard to explain, but I knew as soon as I read your experience we had gone through almost the same thing. After that I went downstairs and both of my patents gave me a hug, I could feel love flowing throughput the room and sent love and light to my parents as they are going through a hard time. I could also see ethereal fields of objects all around me and 4th dimensional auras around my parents.

All in all it was a positive and joyful experience, and I am extremely excited for ascension. I would like to write more, but I have to go to my next class and will probably do so once at home.

Love and light,
Dear Georgi,

I deeply appreciate every single message and confirmation by the other pioneers. There are a few people, with whom I fortunately had the opportunity of sharing everything throughout my “awakening phase”. We pretty much evolved at the same pace. During the last time though, I feel like they are falling behind. Everything is accelerating. They can barely comprehend my emotion evoked by all the information provided by you and the others.

One week before I found your site, I actually dreamed of meeting a “doctor from Bulgaria”. I wrote it down, because it was so remarkable and seemingly random. I had a gut feeling telling me: Something is happening. Yet I didn’t know what. Stumbling across all of this made me say “what a coincidence!” I know now that there are no coincidences.

The other night I had the most shaking meditation. In this meditation I was guided by my spirit guide (who usually just says: stop whining and shine your light) showed me all the people I cared for in this incarnation. I went to every one of them, gave and asked for forgiveness and gave them all the love I had. Finally I did the same with Gaia. Doing so, released something huge inside. Never in my life have I felt so much love. My heart was throbbing, the body tingling and I felt like bursting into pieces from all the light. It was hard to contain it. A minute later, a helicopter came hovering above my house, which doesn’t make any sense. Yet, I read multiple reports of “high-frequency” people, who talked about the same phenomenon. Do you know anything about it?

Last night, the same happened. Just to try it, I called clearly “I am the light” multiple times, while imagining a growing light in the heart region. Waves of heat and energy flooded my body. It was almost too much. I had to stop and the energy was so intense, I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night.

Surprisingly many people are changing, too. People, who I considered to be the most narrow minded, speak about consciousness. Just today, one of them came up to me saying: “Hey the days are getting shorter and shorter, don’t you think?” I just smiled and said “If you knew”…

All the time, I have an inner inquietude. It is hard to not think about ascension. Still, I don’t know if I can let go of my family in time. I feel way too connected to them. Especially because I feel like they’re not gonna make it. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s pretty much the only thing that would keep me here a little while longer.

Thanks for your work and patience
Dear Erik,

What you describe in your email becomes a common experience for more and more people. If this fact is not a proof for the upcoming ascension and radical change of humanity, I know not of what else one should still need as a confirmation. There may be some sporadic attempts to hinder us, the star seeds, from our mission such as helicopters flying over our heads, but they have no power anymore as this event has already happened in the higher realms and it is only a matter of linear time when it will manifest on earth.

In love and light
October 20, 2011

I recommend my readers to read very carefully this psychedelic experience of J.L and his partner. They were inspired to experiment with psychedelic drugs after they read my article on this issue. To all my readers, who may have rest doubts in Ascension or would like to establish a direct contact to the higher self and with All-That-Is, I would strongly advise you to find a possibility to acquire DMT (Ayahuasca) or psylocibin from mushrooms and have a psychedelic trip before ascension. Be sure that your soul will guide you and will give a glimpse into the splendid dimensions of the higher realms and the unity of All-That-Is. Enjoy this report

Hi Georgi!

I’ve been reading your latest article: “Your Hilarious Future Is Knocking on the Door”. You told us you had a significant experience in the middle of the night. Well, me and my partner also had! I was in some kind of weird dream, where I felt that I was imploding, or almost like I was being turned inside out. Really hard to describe. The energies where very very strong! My feeling tells me that all the noise of the 3th dimensional reality were being sucked out of my being. My partner experienced as if she was going into complete darkness, almost like dying… Everything was being detached. From there she told me that she experienced/observed the forces of the source…  Both experiences are in my observation a preview of how we will go through our portals.

Last Saturday we also took again a trip with our respected friends the magic Mexican mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis). This time the voyage that these shrooms took us on was incredible! The trip I took showed me that we are the creators of our own universe. There are many layers in our consciousness that we don’t consciously experience in our daily reality. When I was on these shrooms I was piercing through a lot of these sub-conscious layers and entered a state of ‘nothingness’, the place where all things are possible to manifest. I could see 360 degrees around me.. i felt one with everything I saw.

At that moment it was so perfectly clear that everything you perceive with your senses is just inside of your ‘head’. It was quite a confrontation to see how big I really was as a creator being… It almost scared me a bit (at that point i didn’t had a clue what to do with this power). The shrooms took me further and further to the source of my being, till there was a point that I thought I died. My senses where all melting and morphing…  my body didn’t feel physical anymore. From here I could understand how we create our physical forms when we incarnate in this world. We create our forms through thought and keeping our intention on it so it will manifest…

From here we go lower and lower, denser and denser until we get our physical dense form. Somewhere in our subconsciousness we store the thought of our physical form as a symbol (i guess this symbol is implanted in our DNA?). I experienced a voyage from the 3d reality to a very high dimension, from where we create the seed of the human being and from there down again to my human form.

When I was descending from this highest dimension I could see that we as humanity use a lot of symbols and reference points in our subconsciousness to create the human reality; it is one collective agreement, where we live in altogether. I also understood that all the beings in the 3th dimension are really powerful beings, but are ‘lost’. Lost in darkness/death… but with a reason. The reason is to experience lack of light. From there we will be catapulted back into the light to understand in a new way what the light (also) really is/can be. I don’t think it is possible to fully understand the source/light, because it is infinite. The source will always be a mystery in my opinion.

In this 3th dimension we totally forgot how magnificent and powerful we really are (for a purpose of course). It is also amazing how we do keep our physical form this dense and static in this 3d realm. In the higher realms everything is so fluid like water or gaseous.. 3d is like ice.

At some point when I was descending from these higher dimensions I felt I was at some point in the higher 4th dimension… This is the dimension, where most of humanity will experience themselves in a short period of time (like you told us so many times). I made a connection with humanity in this realm and said as a statement that this is where we are going and beyond. It’s magnificent! It’s a very telepathic realm.. You just have to focus on someone and you understand this being. You also understand who your soul family is… and wow that was a beautiful experience! A lot of people I know in this realm that I really like or have some kind of familiar ‘personal traits’ (if it were friends, people you saw on the streets or maybe actors from movies), were in most cases my soul family. There is also no fear in the higher realms because you understand that it is YOU, who creates your universe.. nobody else can do this for you. Our creative force can only be manipulated by the dark ones when we don’t know this fact of us being the creators of our own perceived reality.

This time me and my partner went really, really far with the shrooms (we took about 6 grams dried). At some point I reached a point that was on the edge of ‘insanity’. It was the point, where you detach totally from your human form in every aspects. When your human-identity is confronted with this scenario it gets pretty, pretty insane. This experience is not like most light workers talk about.. losing the ego. I think most light workers that talk about the ego, they talk about (bad) personality traits.. But that is not what I’m talking about now. I felt I could totally emerge with the ‘nothingness/everthing’..  but I didn’t dare it yet. I felt it wasn’t time yet, but almost.

I think this is what the Arcturians are talking about when they say that you will ‘die’ (lose all attachments) when you go through the portal. That is really what you have to understand when you are entering the portal. NO ATTACHMENTS! If you carry just one attachment you can’t go through. You have to go totally ‘naked’ and alone. You cannot carry your ‘baggage’ with you on this journey.

Anyway, when I was confronted with this experience of total detachment of the human reality, I chose to come back to the 3d earth. For that I needed a reference point from our daily reality. It’s funny, but our cats were this reference point. I just kept thinking about them and slowly I could descend back to the human realm. Also when i was descending (coming back to the human realm) I understood me and my partner were certainly wayshowers…   In all, an amazing experience!

For anyone who wants to go on a voyage with shrooms, I only have a few advices.  Firstly, have deep respect for these magic teachers (shrooms) and secondly be steady! Keep a steady perspective (balance). It is very easy to get lost in fear when you are on shrooms, don’t let yourself fall for this trap. Understand that it is you, who creates the experience of love or fear. And lastly have a clear intention of why you want to go on this journey and what you want to learn/enlighten.

Georgi, I’m ready for this adventure. It is no coincidence that I bumped into your site last August. Thank you for the steady information that you share. And yes the future is indeed HILARIOUS! We’re a crazy bunch of beings!

With lots of gratitude,
October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I’m very happy reading your latest message – very uplifting and encouraging! You have received some profound messages and signs. It is true that some of us are nervous of the predictions you have disclosed, it would be so hard to retain any faith in future, if nothing came to pass. On the one hand I want so much to achieve this and 100% believe in it, yet I also find going to work each day doing a 3D job is so far removed from what we discuss on the website of what is to come that it hardly seems possible. Which one is the fairytale?

Well living in two worlds is hard, always has been. So many of us I have lived in the world, but never of it, never feeling at home and I always felt I had an important mission, yet never sure I did anything that special (though I can now acknowledge struggling thru the LBP for over 2 decades and clearing for Gaia was a massive job). I did ask my guides/higher self for a sign to confirm if I am about to leave but have not noticed anything in response. Well, we’ll see soon enough if the first wave does happen in November, I pray it will and that I will be a part of it. Keep up the great work.

Blessed Be

Dear Ishvar,The last days will be very hard, but the finish is in sight and you should just hold on as you have done in the past. All will happen as predicted. There are million proofs for it. Compare it with the situation only a couple of months ago and you will see the difference.

In love and light
October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for your wisdom and counsel on these matters.  Much has shifted in five days. When I wrote the former email, I was magically hoping that perhaps I could place my brother and I in a powerful ascension chamber, and he could come along for the ride, so to speak. I now understand the folly of my naivety of these matters.  Susanne’s video and websites have assisted me greatly, although many questions still abound in my mind.Step by step, much has unfolded.  In brief, I entered the Corridor, and then became a bit fearful that once I went more deeply into it there would be no path of return.

The increased frequencies took some days to ground, as there were about two days of fear gripping my heart.  It seems, it was the last vestiges of fear of death in some lifetimes of witnessing human sacrifice.  Very graphic images arose when I stayed with the sensation of fear gripping me without attaching to it, which I was able to clear last night through my personal work with a light machine, that I use in my work as a psychotherapist.

Today I realized that I can lovingly extricate myself from my caregiver role, as I have given fully to this endeavor, and it is ready for me to move on. I am preparing myself on all levels – there is much to attend to.There is much I learn from your email posts in your conversations with others. Although I realized this several days ago, it wasn’t until today I was able to take action – prompted by one of your conversations regarding waiting for Greg to introduce you to David.

With this prompting, I went ahead and initiated this invitation, as my close friend has been the organizer of a transcription team for David for several years.  I am certain he can get David’s attention.  He is a trusted friend of his.  As well, it occurred to me to mention that David lives in the Santa Monica area.  It could be possible for him to meet in person with Sue, if this seemed to be an organic unfolding of this connection.

I am curious about many things regarding ascension, but for now will leave this subject quiet, as it is not moving in me to ask anything.  Rather, I mostly wanted to inform you of the invitation in progress for you to have a personal audience with David Wilcock.  What is your preferred method of communication?

I am forwarding a string of emails between my friend Seth and I, where I inform him about the possibility of ascension and request his assistance in informing David of your desire to speak to him. The string begins from the bottom up – it isn’t for publication – more for your personal entertainment on the way and the how of the unfolding web of our violet planet.Much will be accomplished, as there are many wise and love centered, intelligent beings on this planet ready to create our heart’s desire.  In gratitude to your bold and intelligent presence,Catheryn
Dear Catheryn,

First of all, I am happy to hear how much you have progressed in the last few days with respect to your attitude towards your brother and all your human bonds. The release of fears is a vital part of this process and it may stipulate in the last remaining days. But be optimistic – all will go well.

I highly appreciate your efforts to establish contact between me and Wilcock, but please do not override this issue. What I meant was actually that Greg should make Wilcock aware of my writings. At this moment I do not see much sense in establishing direct contact with him for one simple reason – he is not that much evolved as a soul and will not participate in the first wave of Ascension, as I already wrote a day ago to a Croatian woman, who asked me why Wilcock is not talking about Ascension at all in these days when this is the most crucial event for humanity in the End Times. A very important question, isn’t it?

He may not even understand my whole action with the PAT, which is carefully orchestrated from the highest realms of Cosmic Providence for this planet – how could you otherwise explain this burst of positive reactions the world over within less than two weeks with respect to Ascension? –  but he is well advised to scrutinize my website as you and many other wayshowers are doing because he can only profit from it and will not send so many confusing messages as he is doing these days.

That’s all.In love and light
October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I have just finished reading Your Hilarious Future and wanted to say thank you once again for confirming my actions over these past few weeks. I worked it out with my higher self that to have had the opportunity to see and touch those that have meant the most to me and say good-bye (silently of course).

Thank you also for helping me to “let myself off the hook” in terms of trying to help others change at such a time in our evolution.  I am holding space for whatever may come and, with your comments, have let go off the idea that I must do anything differently in these last days other than what I have been doing. I’m trying to stay clear, open and relaxed knowing that I live in grace. I know that laughter is going to be BIG part of our next  life! And soon! yipeeeee!

Ciao, Loren

October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

What an excellent message! Thank You. I feel that something has definitely shifted within the last 24 hours. I had been releasing the last residue of pain, attachments, etc. and this afternoon, I felt completely emptied. I feel like I am now transparent with everyone and neutral towards their opinions of me. I had a few last tests the past week, one of which included my friend projecting stuff onto me, very loudly in a restaurant Monday night.  I did not doubt my position for a second, but just listened to her intently and recognized how deep she still is in the illusion. When she was through, I put an arm around her shoulder and said, “I do not agree. I love you. Thank You for expressing to me.” She said, “well, I love you too!” and we both just laughed!! It was hysterical to me because it seemed like when I didn’t acknowledge her ego, her higher self came in at the last second almost as if to say, “just checkin’ to see if you’re ready! Well done!”

Today I feel like I am celebrating and going to enjoy the last few weeks of this reality. Each day truly feels like years now…and I am happy about it.  I am proud to live out this time, fully awake and knowing I am about to ascend. It feels like others see it in me too, even if they don’t consciously know. I am going on a trip to Sedona for the 11/11/11, and I have already had two people want to give me a money gift, just because. It’s like they are sending me off in style!

Also, I was babysitting a little girl today and she came flying into my arms about 3 times with the most joyful hug imaginable, like she could feel the excitement. Then, her mother offered me a glass of champagne, while on the job…just to celebrate a hard day of work she said! Haha! (she has no idea;) So, much of my anxiety has eased and I plan to relax and stay present and joyful from here on out. I will be reuniting with my star sister in Sedona next month. We knew each other right away from pictures online and we have journeyed together many times.

She is currently preparing for ascension as well, and the other night she had a dream, that we were in Sedona, near some water, both wearing white, communicating telepathically… and at one point, she said “Are you ready?” and I said “let’s do it!” and we held hands and disappeared in a burst of light! Let it BE! I can’t wait to see you all!!

Dear Kari,

Your email is as hilarious as my last article and I thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. The message has been received. Your last vision of collective ascension in Sedona came to me as absolutely realistic. I have no doubt that it will be so.

See you in the 5th dimension!
October 20, 2011

Hello George,

Just wanted to add to the reports… I feel that I have not built a Portal in terms of a kind of device such as a pyramid, etc., so I was interested in the reports that say some of us will use other portals. To me, portals seem to be like vortexes that open up, and you just step through them and go, but that’s just my view/feeling about them.

This week I had a day when I experienced a light headache all day, and I have related to the writings about releasing things and experiences we are holding onto. This has helped me release experiences and be able to move forward.

To the readers who apologize for their English, it is fine to me, your messages are coming through and I thank you for them!
Dear Mike,

Thank you for your email. You are absolutely right – portals are vortexes and they open and close and one should not worry at all if he has built one or not. All, who are ready to ascend, will ascend and the show master is always the soul, who arranges the circumstances. Why bother then!

In love and light
October 20, 2011

Hi Georgi,

Thanks for such an uplifting hilarious post!! It resonates so much, the feeling separate from society, whilst cleansing for so many years and now a physical separation from all that is going on “Outside”

Last week, about the 12th Oct, I was woken during the night, as always, about 3.00 am.  My energies were revving and revving, super charged turbo, twin engined preparation for take-off!! just like an aeroplane engine has to super boost before take off!!  I thought I was going to buzz off the bed there and then!! Strangely weird.  yet quite exciting!!

My family in spirit has told me, not to be worried about the portal and that I will be taken through in my sleep, and they will be there to assist.. Another airport analogy, they described it as leaving your keys, and belongings to walk through the body scanner, and then collecting them when you have passed through. Think of your body, being the keys, being put down and the consciousness walking through the scanner.

I was told that I was coming back!!Going through the scanner to connect?, access my multidimensional selves and then returning to Earth to just BE THE LIGHT, for those remaining on planet Earth.  However, it will be like no other experience on Earth and the fears and negativity will no longer affect me.

Thanks for your info
See you in the next world
Dear Jan,

Thank you for your great report and excellent analogies. You have confirmed what I am repeatedly saying that most of the ascensions will take place at night during sleep, so that there is no reason to worry as the soul is the sole master of the show called “Ascension”. It is a great privilege to know that you will come back on earth after Ascension. In this case we will work together.

In love and light
October 20, 2011

Dear Callista,

I have been reluctant to e-mail you earlier, but now I know I should have. Lots of correspondence from other members of the team covered my open issues, however, some are still hold. I am in the middle of the move from one town (capital) to second largest city here in Serbia, for the reason of reorganization and being closer to my family.

I have had enormously strong sensation of expansion in the area of my heart and throat chakra the other night, and it was overwhelming and uplifting, but I stopped it consciously  because of the feeling of loosing control and because of still unfinished business here on earth (the move).

Most importantly I am very attached to my daughter of 6 years old and she has been very caring and loving in these past days, so like Suzanne has wrote on her blog it is a challenge for the parents with little children. Somehow I am convinced that I am here to help people, like I have been doing all my life and sometimes it wasn’t at all pleasant, since it would take a lot of nerve and game playing which would make me steam and be aggressive at times, instead of loving and accepting. This will be the same after the ascension, I need to share the love and light with those who are still in process of awakening, I feel this very strong.

Lately I have been participating in different groups and socially engaged work and it has been tremendous satisfaction and progress, being in different communities religious or non religious, however, every group of people would have some spiritual component or sharing love and support, which was great and I have this profound feeling of saying goodbye, whenever I met somebody I haven’t seen a long time ago.

At last, but not least, please, dear Callista say a few words about my portal, as I have not been seeing it quite kaleidoscopic, but more like a door and always have visions of higher realms and incredible light in my half dream half awake state, or as soon as I close my eyes, in a park or wherever.

Thank you so mush for your engagement and patience. I envy You on possibility to live like a recluse, for it is such advantage comparing to life in the city, it has been my idea for some time, but I always felt the responsibility for my wife (who is very confused about whole thing and not yet open for the idea of such changes) and my 6 year old kid as a priority.

In love and light,
From: <>

Dear Mio,

Thank you for your email. Please do not hesitate to email because there is no time for hesitation. The description of your experience of expansion in the heart and throat area shows me that you also have been experiencing states of bliss, similar to George’s experiences which he outlines in his latest report “Your Hilarious Future is Knocking on the Door”.

You are preparing yourself for ascension and there is no need to be worried about the formation of your portal. It is already there and it is just as you describe. Remember your portal is a representation of yourself, your own unique energy field.

It is indeed wonderful to live as a recluse, but you must remember that I am also a mother and grandmother and I have lived through the years of raising a family, just like you. And I sometimes think that it was easier in those days, compared to the past 15 years of living through the Light Body Process!! However, I do not complain, because all my experiences have brought me to where I am today, and I am very grateful to have the opportunity to assist other Lightworkers in their quest.

Be patient and loving with your wife and child because they are naturally anxious at this time – it is almost impossible not to be anxious because so many people on this planet are concerned about their security for various reasons. It is important to have peace and tranquillity in your home as much as possible, with compassion and understanding and appreciation. And also be kind to yourself.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 20, 2011

Dear Callista,

Thank you for the information. It was very useful for me.  I would like to share with you my experience. I like to walk and to look the sky and clouds in the nearly park where I live. We were there with a friend Violeta to look the sun set on Sunday. The sky was very nice blue and a few minutes later came dark clouds very fast from south. We never seen before similar mysterious weather.  I was wondering
when I see the similar photos on George website.

There was hail and we were wet through. We enjoyed it. After 20 minutes I  felt that my gum had inflammation. Immediately I knew that this experience opened some past life fear about my death. My friend treated me Reiki, but the next 2 days my gum became worse. You sent me the and I found an Arcturus message. I printed  it and while I read it, I felt they healed me. I did a meditation with my Higher Self on evening about to release and to cancel the fear of death from my memory and this new clear mental imprint I copied and saved to my High Heart. I felt better myself today. Have a nice day.

Love & Light
Dear Margit,

Thank you for your interesting email. I am glad you found Sue’s website helpful. I was intrigued to hear of your mouth inflammation – I have been experiencing mouth ulcers and inflammation for the past few days and I have never had these problems before. I tend to think that it is caused by the shifting of energies around our head region. I will see, if George will post this on the website to see if anyone else has had similar experiences and if anyone can shed more light upon it.


George’s comments:

There are certain high frequency waves, which penetrate more deeply the human body and are more transformative than other LBP waves. We are now in such a period. Even I have inflammation of the mouth with laryngitis and pharyngitis and mild broncho-pneumonitis since yesterday as described in my article on clinical symptoms during the LBP. Regard these powerful energies as your final transmutation before Ascension. Normally, they do not occur more often than 2-3 times per year, and you do not have that much time as to have a second episode. This last massive increase in the frequencies of your biological body is meant to prepare it for entering the portal and being transmuted into crystalline light body. See the positive aspect of this last cosmic sprint before the finish.
October 20, 2011

Hi,  Dear Callista,

I have been following attentively George’s messages since September and I am very happy to have found this information and be part of the team.  I want to share with you my portal experience.

The portal surrounds my home/property area. I see it as a column of light with 4 sides extending from the ground all the way up into the sky. The walls looks like a malleable, sparking, multi-coloured, crystalline substance that is alive and emanates pure love vibration. Imagine a waterfall wall. but flowing upwards.

Every day in meditation, I feel its vibrating frequency and speed are accelerating. I know that by 11-11-11 it’ll be ready to transport us to the higher realms. Everything that gets in touch and enters its boundaries will immediately be transported upwards and inwards. It feels like it has a cleansing and purifying effect, a prerequisite to ascend and enter 5D.

At the same time, I have created a mini version of this portal to surrounds body and aura. A holographic replica of the larger one. This one assists my Lightbody to continue its acceleration process and cleansing of any remaining unbalanced energies in my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

The powerhouse of my Lightbody is the heart center. In there converge all energies from the 3 lower chakras and the top 3 ones. They all merge in the heart and create a very refined and pure light beam that is in charge sustaining and fueling its activation process.
To me, it feels like the best thing to do to maintain a healthy Lightbody is to live with an open heart, as to permit the energies from your soul to reach it.

Blessings to you and all with much love,
Carlos Rubio, Canada

George’s Comments: Carlos describes very precisely the building of a Unified Chakra as I have discussed it in my article on LBP. The 4th heart chakra expands and encompasses the three lower chakras and the three upper chakra. In this way a new unified chakra is created which is more powerful and can resonates with the frequencies of the higher realms. It is this chakra, around which your personal portals are built.
Dear Carlos

Thank you for your email. You describe a beautiful portal and your explanation of the workings of it is wonderful. You are obviously very skilled at visualising and Dreaming.

Having an open heart and living in the NOW moment is what is required and also be sure you get plenty of rest. Thank you for sharing and be sure to read the posts on George’s website every day to keep up with the latest news!

kindest regards from Callista
October 20, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Having just read your article regarding ‘the future is knocking on the door’, I have to say that I’ve been waiting those words for what seems like an eternity. I cried as I read the whole article and am still in an emotional state. Your words hit every thought, doubt, belief and emotional upheaval and elation that I’ve been dealing with for such a long time.

I am so tired that sometimes I don’t know how I will make it through the day, but I do always visualize beautiful white light for Gaia and her inhabitants, no matter who and what they are. I feel as though I am going to explode and am barely hanging on. But reading your warm, loving article has given me the information I’ve been waiting to hear. I know it is truth because I feel it and know that it is true. Thank you, In love and in the most beautiful of lights…

warmest regards, Artie

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